The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) is the primary global standard setter for the prudential regulation of banks.
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The committee agrees on standards for bank capital, liquidity and funding. Those standards are non-binding high-level principles. Members are expected but not ...

Basel Committee on Banking Supervision

Het Basel Committee on Banking Supervision is een internationaal comité voor toezichthouders op banken. Het is gevestigd in Bazel in het kantoor van de Bank for International Settlements, maar is een afzonderlijke entiteit met zijn eigen bestuur,... Wikipedia
Opgericht: 1974
The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision is an international committee of central bankers from 27 countries and EU formed to regulate banking.
Basel Committee. BCBS image The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision aims to enhance understanding of the key supervisory issues and improve the quality of ...
The Basel Committee aims to strengthen financial stability by improving the regulation and supervision of internationally active banks and their practices ...
The BCBS enhances financial stability through the improvement of the quality of the supervision of banks worldwide.
The main objective of the BCBS is to strengthen banking regulation, supervision and practices worldwide, in order to improve banks' solvency, liquidity, ...