The World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure. PIANC unites international experts to write leading-edge technical reports. Our four technical ...
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PIANC (Permanent International Commission for Navigation Congresses) is een internationale, non-politieke technische organisatie op het gebied van ...
De huidige organisatie van de International Navigation Association PIANC is als volgt:. AGA COUNCIL ExCom ---EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE InCom - INLAND NAVIGATION ...
De International Navigation Association PIANC is ten tijde van koning Leopold II van België opgericht in 1885 en is daarmee waarschijnlijk de oudste, nog ...
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De naam van de organisatie werd nu formeel Permanent International Association for Navigation Congresses (PIANC) en de commissie kreeg de aanduiding Permanent ...
The World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure (PIANC) is an international professional organisation founded in 1885. PIANC's mission today ...
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As a non-political and non-profit organisation established in 1885, PIANC's mission is to bring together international experts to issue high-ranking ...
Bevat niet: belgische afdeling
PIANC, the World Association of Waterborne Transport Infrastructure, is the forum where professionals around the world join forces to provide expert advice ...
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PIANC is the World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure. PIANC provides expert guidance and technical advice by bringing together the best ...
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Founded in 1885, PIANC originally stood for the Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses, but changed its name to the current in 2009. PIANC ...
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