
Pro Lege VZW

Adres: Natieplein, 1000 Brussel, België
Telefoonnummer: +32 2 502 31 90
The meaning of PRO REGE, LEGE, ET GREGE is for the king, the law, and the people.
From mōs (“custom, habit”) + the preposition prō (“for”) + lēge, the ablative of lēx (“law”). Meaning "custom for law".
Pro Lege van www.amazon.com
US$ 27,31
General Books publication date: 2009 Original publication date: 1879 Notes: This is a black and white OCR reprint of the original.
With a Wish to Command, and Ability to Execute, Conquest is inevitable.—The Thirst of Rule renders the Plan of Empire obvious to the Aspirer; a Determination to ...
Pro Lege van en.wikipedia.org
De Imperio Cn. Pompei also known as Pro Lege Manilia was a speech delivered by Cicero in 66 BC before the Roman popular assembly. It was in support of the ...
The present speech was intended by Cicero to be the best that his utmost endeavour could make it. The occasion on which it was delivered marked a turning-point.