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betonica macrantha superba van
... Betonica macrantha K. Koch var . superba Boom et Ruys 2 Dracocephalum prattii Hand . - Mazz . 2 Hyssopus officinalis L. 2 subsp . pilifer Murb . 2 Lamium garganicum L. 2 - maculatum L. var . variegatum Bail . 2 Lavandula latifolia L. 2 ...
betonica macrantha superba van
... Betonica macrantha ' Superba ' Brunnera macrophylla ( Anchusa myosotidiflora ) Buphthalmum salicifolium A Campanula barbeyi ( garganica ) mei - juli mei - juli blauwe Vergeet - mij - niet juni - okt juni - sep goudgeel violet - blauw Δ ...
betonica macrantha superba van
... Betonica macrantha Koch superba B & R Blechnum spicant Roth Dubbelloof * Bouteloua oligostachya . * Boykinia jamesii Engl .. • Brittonastrum mexicanum Briq Brunnera macrophylla Johnst . Buphthalmum salicifolium L Koeienoog z Febr ...
betonica macrantha superba van
betonica Benth ; Stachys officinalis ; Le- pechinia caulescen . ESPAÑOL : Betónica , Bretónica . Betônica - Betonica grandiflora Betônica - Stachys lanata Betônica - Stachys macrantha Superba Betônica - Betonica officinalis BICARBONATO ...
betonica macrantha superba van
Margery Fish. Bellis ' The Pearl ' Mahonia aquifolium Stachys macrantha ' Superba ' Campanula ' Burghaltii ... Betonica grandiflora superba Campanula burghaltii Campanula glomerata alba Campanula ' Highcliffe ' Campanula planiflora ...
betonica macrantha superba van
... ( Betonica ) macrantha , Caucasian in origin and variable in colour . ' Superba ' , a deep and rich violet - purple , is a very fine clone , easily grown and forming large clumps covered with stout foot - high flower spikes in June and ...
betonica macrantha superba van
... superba ( virgata nemerosa ) 2 : 9 , 3 : 6 , 3:13 , 19 , 42 lubeca ( compacta ) 2 : 9 uliginosa 3 : 6 Sanguisorba ... macrantha ( Betonica grandiflora ) 43 superba 42 Statice incana 19 latifolia 19 Stenanthum robustum 1:19 , 17 ...