In order to underpromise, you have to know what you can promise, and then intentional set expectations lower than that. In our example, even though you know you can deliver at 3pm, you tell your client to expect 5pm so that you can deliver at 3pm and “exceed expectations.”
Aug 2, 2024
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What does underdeliver overpromise mean?
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Should you underpromise and overdeliver?
Why do I overpromise and underdeliver?
For example, let's say you tell you clients there'll be an eight-week turnaround. You intend to deliver within two weeks, but you get the flu and just can't ...
Dec 28, 2019 · For example, tell customers “the way we work is by overcommitting so we deliver the most value and this means we won't always be on time”.
For example, if a business states a product will be dispatched in five working days and it is dispatched in three working days it has performed better than it ...
Jun 9, 2015 · CVS Pharmacy and their Minute Clinics. Pharmacy have radically evolved from a small storefront where you get your prescription filled, purchase over-the- ...
Dec 23, 2021 · Under-promising can make your product or service look less appealing than that offered by your competitors, and it may cost you business as a result.
... over deliver. One great example of this analogy is the idea of a kids' allowance. If the kid normally gets $10.00 per week and then all of a sudden, one ...
Aug 12, 2016 · 1.) Realize that under-promising and over-delivering is not an attempt to be dishonest, it can actually be more honest, giving you a buffer in ...
Jul 4, 2022 · I'm constantly trying to please clients that I'll say yes to almost any deadline. I tried doing an estimate of doubling how long I think it'll take, but even ...
Underpromise, overdeliver means setting reasonable expectations and knock them out of the park. The saying has become something of a mantra when it comes to ...