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Crepidium diploceras

Crepidium diploceras

Crepidium diploceras (Schltr.) Szlach., Fragm. Florist. Geobot. Suppl. 3 (1995) 126

Type: Type: Schlechter 17228 (holo B, lost)


  • Microstylis diploceras Schltr., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 1 (1911) 118
  • Pseudoliparis diploceras (Schltr.) Szlach. & Marg., Adansonia 21 (1999) 276
  • Malaxis diploceras (Schltr.) P.F.Hunt, Kew Bull. 24 (1970) 79

Plant 8-12 cm tall, erect. Rhizome very short. Leafy stem ovate, covered by leaf petioles and sheaths, 1—1.8 by 0.7—1 cm. Leaves c. 6; petiole widening towards the base into a sheath, erect; leaf blade oblanceolate-elliptic, attenuate, 4—8 by 0.8—1.4cm; basally narrow to nearly cuneate; top apiculate; 3-nerved. Inflorescence 7—10 cm long; raceme 4—8-flowered, rather lax. Sterile bract ovate-lanceolate, c. 0.05 cm long; apex acuminate; 1-nerved; Floral bracts ovate-lanceolate, 0.03—0.05 cm long; apex acuminate; 1-nerved. Ovary and pedicel c. 0.05 cm long. Flowers 0.8—1 cm diam.. Median sepal nearly elliptic, c. 0.5 by 0.36 cm; apex obtuse to subacute; main nerve more distinct. Lateral sepals oblique, broadly elliptic, c. 0.4 by 0.26—0.27 cm; apex subapiculate; main nerve more prominent. Petals linear, c. 0.5 by 0.06—0.07 cm; apex obtuse; usually bent backwards. Lip sagittate, widest slightly above of its base, c. 0.45 by c. 025 cm; lamina c. 0.3 cm long; mid-lobe separated from lateral lobes by a shallow indentation, oblong, semi- orbicular at distal part, with a subapiculate tip; lamellae lyriforme, c. 0.16 by 0.02—0.03 cm, 0.01—0.03 cm high; lateral lobes elongate, falcate, nearly linear, c. 0.15 by 0.09—0.12 cm base; apex obtuse and touching at apices. Gynostemium erect, 0.13—0.15 cm long; dorsal surface about halfway its length with 2 median, horn-like appendages; staminodes oblong, strongly folded back from anther, c. 0.06 by the apex obliquely truncate. Anther ovate to slightly obcordate, 0.025—0.03 cm long.
(after Margonska, 2005)

Flowers yellowish, lip orange-yellow, column dark greenish blue.

Epiphyte in lower montane forest, growing in shaded positions; 1100 m.

Malesia (New Guinea, endemic).

Papua New Guinea. Madang Province; see map

distribution in New Guinea

Intermediate growing epiphyte, requires shaded position.


  • Margońska, H. B., Materials towards a revision of the genus Pseudoliparis (Orchidaceae, Malaxidinae). 3. Section Pseudoliparis (2005) Ann. Bot. Fennici 42: 267—291, fig. 1-17, as Pseudoliparis diploceras (Schltr.) Szlach. & Marg.
  • Family Orchidaceae
  • Subfamily Epidendroideae
  • Tribe Malaxideae
  • Section Pseudoliparis
  • Genus Crepidium
  • Species Crepidium diploceras

Crepidium diploceras is characterised by the habit, lip lamellae and particularly the 2-horned gynostemium appendage. It differs from Crepidium epiphytica in the elliptic sepals, and the elongate lateral lobes which touch at the apices.

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Crepidium diploceras

Crepidium diploceras (Schltr.) Szlach. (as Pseudoliparis diploceras (Schltr.) Szlach. & Marg.). Drawing by Szlachetko in Adansonia 21 (1999) 276.

Crepidium diploceras

Crepidium diploceras (Schltr.) Szlach. (as Microstylis diploceras Schltr.), drawing R. Schlechter in Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 21 (1923) t. 46, fig. 158