AIEGAttorneys Information Exchange Group
AIEGAeroporto Internacional Eduardo Gomes (Portuguese: Eduardo Gomes International Airport; Infraero; Brazil)
AIEGAutomotive and Industrial Electronics Group (Motorola business unit)
AIEGAssociation Intercommunale d'Etude et d'Exploitation d'Electricité et de Gaz (French: Intercommunal Association for the Study and Exploitation of Gas and Electricity; Belgium)
AIEGAbnormally Increased Excitation Generator
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Founded in 1980, the AIEG began as an informal network of plaintiffs' attorneys with Ford Pinto cases.
The AIEG has a Byzantine set of rules "to ensure that the contents of its library remain secret and protected by attorney-client privilege.
Concretamente, los resultados de los ANOVAs indicaron la existencia de diferencias estadisticamente significativas en todas las escalas de la BAS-3, observandose que los estudiantes del Grupo AIEG puntuaron mas alto en las escalas facilitadoras de la socializacion (Consideracion con los demas, Autocontrol en las relaciones sociales y Liderazgo) y mas bajo en las escalas inhibidoras de la socializacion (Retraimiento social y Ansiedad social/Timidez) que los grupos BIEG y APBR (tabla 2), oscilando los tamanos del efecto entre bajos (d = 0,27) y altos (d = 0,88).
De este modo, los contrastes indicaron que los adolescentes pertenecientes al grupo BIEG puntuaron mas bajo en esta dimension que el resto de grupos, oscilando el tamano del efecto de estas diferencias entre alto (AIEG: d = 0,80) y moderado (APBR: d = 0,52; ARBP: d = 0,65).
(22.) The Attorneys' Information Exchange Group (AIEG) has an extensive library of relevant depositions and trial transcripts, including testimony of experts who typically testify for the safety seat industry.
The Attorneys' Information Exchange Group (AIEG), formed in 1980 and based in Birmingham, Alabama, is a highly secretive arm of ATLA.
The court noted that the materials were obtained from the Attorneys Information Exchange Group (AIEG), an organization of plaintiff attorneys that is based in Birmingham, Alabama, which assists members in the preparation and trial of products liability cases.
The court reviewed the affidavit of AIEG's chief legal officer, which detailed how the group stored documents and disseminated them to members for specific cases.; and Attorneys Information Exchange Group (AIEG) (members only), 402 Office Park Dr., #200, Birmingham, AL 35223, (205) 803-4000, fax (205) 803-4008,
Among the most important sources is the Attorneys Information Exchange Group (AIEG).
He found these through the Attorney Information Exchange Group (AIEG) in Birmingham, Alabama.
By far the best source for crashworthiness information is the Attorneys Information Exchange Group (AIEG).(15) AIEG maintains a collection of documents relating to crashworthiness defects and manufacturers as well as up-to-date lists of attorneys handling similar cases.