Training Supplies

Finding appropriate supplies depends on the time and effort you are willing to put into the search. If you are at all lost in this effort, feel free to ask peers and seniors for assistance.

Keiko-Gi and Hakama

One or several sets of keiko-gi (practice clothes) are recommended and required after the third class. These should be laundered often and mended or replaced when torn or frayed. A judo-gi or karate-gi can be chosen:

  • Judo-gi
    This gi is made of a heavier fabric and lasts longer when tugging, rolling and falling. Some brands come in two types, either a single weave – light or double weave – heavy.
  • Karate-gi
    Not required but can be used instead of a judo-gi. This gi is usually thinner, but some are made of canvas! Some students prefer the karate-gi’s breath-ability over the judo-gi’s “water” retention.
  • Hakama
    A hakama is a set of wide trousers used in traditional Japanese society and remains in use today. This is required after the 6th Kyu test in this dojo. Check with peers and seniors for proper types, fitting, tying and care.

Training Weapons

The weapons most often used in the dojo and required for ASU Summer Camps are:

  • Jo
  • Bokken
    wooden sword
  • Shoto
    short sword
  • Tanto
  • Yagyu-Ryu Shinai
    split bamboo sword with leather cover
  • Kashima-Shin Bokken
    a heavier bokken with heavy tsuba
    Not required, but a great benefit.

Optional Weapons and Items

  • Suburi-To
    This is a special training weapon that is two to four times the weight of a standard wooden sword. It can greatly benefit individual practice called “Suburi”.
  • Weapons Bag or Case
    Not required, but it helps to put the above investments in one easy to carry container. These can be handmade or purchased, the Bujin weapons cases seem to be the most popular.

Weapons Care

  • A properly cared for weapon will last for years, whereas an uncared for weapon will dry out, become brittle and be prone to splinter upon contact with another weapon.
  • Oil and/or condition weapons regularly with wood oils and conditioners such as lemon oil, tongue oil, boiled linseed oil, and bee’s wax.
  • Sand down dents and gouges to a smooth finish to prevent splinters.
  • Retire cracked, extremely brittle or otherwise damaged weapons to avoid injury to yourself and your training partners.