Hi, I'm Andrew and I’m just a simple zoology student and crustacean researcher from Ohio. This blog centers around animal IDs so feel free to send me any unknown species (and its location) that you have and I will take my best shot at IDing it! I also occasionally post random zoology/animal factoid things.

Disclamer: none of the pictures are mine unless stated


Toxonerva superba
….is a species of Flutter Fly (Pallopteridae) which occurs throughout the Eastern United States and Canada. Like other species of flutter flies adult Toxonerva superba will feed occur on flowers and low-hanging branches, while...

Toxonerva superba

….is a species of Flutter Fly (Pallopteridae) which occurs throughout the Eastern United States and Canada. Like other species of flutter flies adult Toxonerva superba will feed occur on flowers and low-hanging branches, while larvae are either phytophagous or predaceous on longhorn (Ceambycidae) and bark beetle (Scolytinae) larvae.


Animalia-Arthropoda-Insecta-Diptera-“Acalyptratae”-Tephritoidea-Pallopteridae-Toxonevra-T. superba

Image: ©Marie L. Schmidt

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