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Nectriopsis septofusidiae Samuels 1988

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Nectriopsis septofusidiae Samuels 1988
Nectriopsis septofusidiae Samuels 1988

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
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Nectriopsis septofusidiae Samuels 1988
Honshu, Japan
Nectriopsis septofusidiae

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Nectriopsis septofusidiae Samuels 1988

Additional Specimens Examined. NEW ZEALAND. AUCKLAND: Waitemata City, Waitakere Ranges, Piha Road, Cowan Track, on immersed pyrenomycete on Ripogonum scandens J.R. & G. Forst., Samuels & Rossman, 4 Jun 1983 (NY, PDD 46301); Waitakere Ranges, Kitakiki Stream, Marguerite Track, on bark of Coprosma australis (A. Rich.) Robinson, Dingley, Samuels & Haydon, 30 May 1973 (NY, PDD 31790). TARANAKI: Mt. Egmont National Park, vic. North Egmont Chalet, along track to Waiwhakaiho River, on Diaporthe sp. on Coprosma australis, Samuels, 1 Oct 1973 (NY, PDD 32669).
Anamorph. Septofusidium cf. elegantulum (Pidlop.) W. Gams, Cephalosporium-artige Schimmelpilze (Hyphomycetes) 147. 1971.
Mycelium white to pale pink, ± radiating from a central point and spreading over the substrate, conidiogenous. Conidiophores 20-30 µm long x 2-3 µm wide at base, colorless, smooth, macronematous, mononematous and unbranched, or irregularly branched and each branch terminating in a single phialide or phialides crowded along the length of the conidiophore branch; phialides 10-20 µm long x 2-3 µm wide at base, sometimes polyblastic with two conidiogenous loci or acropleurogenous with a short phiaidc spur subtending the delimiting septum of the terminal phialide. Conidia (6-)5.5-7.2(-9.5) x 2-2.5(-3) µm, ellipsoidal to fusiform to clavate, with or without a minute, flat basal abscission scar, unicellular, colorless, produced in basipetal succession and held in dry chains.
Perithecia gregarious, superficial, seated in mycelium, nonstromatic, globose, (95-)115-155(-170) µm diam., nonpapillate, smooth, collapsing by lateral pinching when dry or not collapsing; yellow, not changing color in 3% KOH. Cells at the surface of the perithecial wall often obscured by hyphae, textura epidermoidea with unevenly thickened walls, lumina of adjacent cells joined by minute pores. Perithecial wall ca. 15 µm wide, comprising a single region of indistinct cells; perithecial apex not anatomically distinct from the wall below, ostiolar canal periphysate. Asc clavate, (33-)38-46(-53) x (7-)7.5-9.5 (-10) µm, apex simple; 8-spored, ascospores partially to completely biseriate, completely filling each ascus. Ascospores ellipsoidal, (7-)8.5-10.5 (-12) x 2.7-3.5(-4) µm, equally 2-celled, not constricted at the septum, smooth, colorless.
Characteristics in Culture. Colonies grown one month at 20°C, 12 hours darkness/ 12 hours near ultraviolet + cool white fluorescent light on CMD and PDA restricted to the original inoculum; on OA 2-3 mm diam.; aerial mycelium pale pink, with abundant coniddal production. Conidiophores and phialides as found in nature.
Known Distribution. Japan, New Zealand.
Habitat. On ascomycetes immersed in woody tissue.
Perithecia in mycelio albo immersa, globosa, (95-)115-155(-170) µm diam., non papillata, laevia, flavida. Asci clavati, (33-)38-46(-53) x (7-)7.5-9.5(-10) µm, apice simplices. Ascosporae ellipsoideae, (7-)8.5-10.5(-12) x 2.7-3.5 (-4) µm, laeves, hyalinae.
Status anamorphicus Septofusidium cf. elegantulum (Pidlop.) W. Gams.
Holotypus. Japan (TNS: Samuels 83-293).
Etymology of the Specific Epithet. Refers to the Septofusidium anamorph.
Notes. The anamorph of N. septofusidiae agrees reasonably well in morphology with the descriptions of Septofusidium elegantulum provided by Gams (1971) and Kirk (1983). The growth rate recorded by Gams (1971) for S. elegantulum is much faster than I found for the ascospore isolates of two collections (83-293 from Japan, PDD 46301 from New Zealand) of N. septofusidiae. Gams (1971) found conidia with 2-4 cells in cultures of S. elegantulum; I have seen only unicellular conidia and Kirk (1983) reported only unicellular conidia for S. elegantulum.
Septofusidium elegantulum is known to be hyperparasitic on leaf inhabiting fungi (Gams, 1971; Kirk, 1983). It has not previously been linked to a teleomorph, nor has either of the two additional species included in the genus (Samson, 1974).
Nectriopsis septofusidiae differs from N. epimyces in having smaller ascospores.
Holotype. Japan. Honshu: Gumma Pref., Katashima-mura, Tone-gun, Jugo Seishi Co. forest, on Diaporthe sp., Samuels 83-293, 26 Aug 1983 (TNS; isotypes NY, PDD 46478).

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Nectriopsis septofusidiae Samuels 1988
Nectriopsis septofusidiae Samuels (1988)
Nectriopsis septofusidiae Samuels 1988
Nectriopsis septofusidiae Samuels (1988)
Nectriopsis septofusidiae Samuels 1988
Nectriopsis septofusidiae Samuels (1988)
Septofusidium elegantulum (Pidopl.) W. Gams (1971)

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Nectriopsis septofusidiae Samuels 1988
Nectriopsis septofusidiae Samuels 1988
New Zealand
Nectriopsis septofusidiae Samuels 1988
New Zealand

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scientific name
12 November 1999
12 November 1999
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