How can I create a pattern same like this?

Hi there.
I’m trying to make a same pattern for mattress cover texture but I didn’t handle it.
Is there any idea, help please.

To make that texture, you want to remap the texture coordinates with a sine-function (to get the first “waviness”), but add in a phaseOffset to that first sine, where the phaseOffset is also a sine-function.

x' = f(x,y) = x + amplitude * sin( 2 * pi * y / period + phaseOffset(x));

phaseOffset(x) = phaseAmplitude * sin( 2 * pi * x / phasePeriod );

Here follows my implementation of the above. Note that this currently only works in the XY plane… but once you see the idea, you just need to add in duplicate logic remapped to the YZ and ZX planes for full 3d.

sinsin.blend (829.8 KB)


You are life saver :slight_smile: thank you.

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