Bangladeshi Chitoi Pitha Recipe for Delicious Festive Delights

4 min readDec 25, 2023

About Chitoi Pitha Recipe

Chitoi pitha Recipe is traditionally thin and slightly crispy at the edges. Adjust the thickness of the pancake according to your preference. You can experiment with variations by adding flavors like cardamom powder or coconut milk to the batter for a different taste. Enjoy making and savoring this delightful Bangladeshi Chitoi Pitha Recipe.

Pictures Of Chitoi Pitha


Chitoi Pitha (Rice Flour Pancakes)


  • 2 cups rice flour
  • 1 cup water (approximately)
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 2 tablespoons sugar (optional)
  • Oil for frying


Prepare the Batter

  • In a mixing bowl, combine the rice flour, salt, and sugar (if using).
  • Gradually add water while stirring to make a smooth, lump-free batter. The consistency should be thicker than a regular pancake batter but pourable. Let the batter rest for about 15–20 minutes.

Cooking the Pitha

  • Heat a non-stick skillet or frying pan over medium heat. Lightly grease the pan with oil.
  • Pour a ladleful of batter onto the center of the pan and quickly spread it out into a thin, round shape (like a crepe or pancake) using the back of the ladle. You can also use a circular motion of the pan to spread the batter thinly.
  • Cook for a couple of minutes until the edges start to lift and the bottom turns lightly golden. You can cover the pan with a lid for cooking if needed.
  • Carefully flip the pitha using a spatula and cook the other side for another minute or so until it’s cooked through and lightly golden.
  • Repeat the process with the remaining batter, greasing the pan lightly each time before pouring the batter.


  • Once cooked, stack the Chitoi Pithas on a plate and cover them with a clean kitchen towel to keep them warm and soft.
  • Serve the pithas warm with your choice of accompaniments like jaggery, grated coconut, or a savory side such as spicy chutney or curry.

Tips and Tricks for Preparing Bangladeshi Pitha Recipes


Tips for Making Pitha

Consistency of Batter or Dough: Ensure the batter or dough consistency is right. For various Pitha types, adjust the consistency some require thicker dough while others need a thinner batter.

Temperature Control: Maintain the right temperature when cooking or frying. For instance, when frying Pitha, oil should be hot enough to cook but not burn the Pitha.

Filling Distribution: When stuffing Pithas, ensure even distribution of the filling to avoid leakage or unbalanced flavors.

Use of Banana Leaves: If using banana leaves for steaming, briefly heat them over a flame to make them pliable before wrapping the Pitha.

Steaming Techniques: While steaming, avoid overcrowding the steamer to ensure even cooking. Steam Pitha until they’re fully cooked, checking periodically.

Creative Fillings: Experiment with various fillings — sweet or savory — to personalize your Pitha recipes. Traditional fillings often include coconut, jaggery, and spices.

Preparation Time: Some Pithas require resting time for the batter or dough. Allow adequate time for resting to achieve the desired texture and taste.

Careful Flipping: When cooking Pitha on a skillet, flip them gently to prevent breakage, especially if they’re thin or delicate.

Oil Draining: After frying, let excess oil drain on paper towels to avoid a greasy texture.

Storage: Store leftover Pitha in airtight containers once they cool down. They can remain good for a day or two but are best enjoyed fresh.

Presentation: Garnish or serve Pitha with grated coconut, syrup, or toppings for an appealing presentation and enhanced flavor.

Practice and Patience: Making Pithas might take practice to perfect.

Nutrition Facts

The nutritional information for Bangladeshi Pitha recipes can vary based on the specific ingredients used and the preparation method. Here are some general nutritional facts for traditional Pitha recipes.

Chitoi Pitha (Rice Flour Pancakes): Serving size: 1 piece (Approx. 50g)

  • Calories: Around 90–100 calories
  • Total Fat: 1–2g
  • Carbohydrates: 18–20g
  • Protein: 1–2g

Vapa Pitha (Steamed Rice Cake): Serving size: 1 piece (approx. 50g)

  • Calories: Around 80–90 calories
  • Total Fat: 1–2g
  • Carbohydrates: 16–18g
  • Protein: 1–2g

Puli Pitha (Sweet Dumplings): Serving size: 1 piece (approx. 50g)

  • Calories: Around 90–100 calories
  • Total Fat: 1–2g
  • Carbohydrates: 18–20g
  • Protein: 1–2g

Please note: These nutritional values are approximate and can vary based on the specific ingredients used, portion sizes, and variations in recipes.

For accurate nutritional information, it’s recommended to calculate based on the specific ingredients and quantities used in your homemade Pitha recipes or refer to nutrition labels if using packaged ingredients.




I am a passionate foodies, on an ongoing mission to explore and share the best of fusion food recipes. Insta @foodfusionjourney or