Scopalina ruetzleri (Wiedenmayer, 1977)
Halichondrida, Dictyonellidae

Common Name(s): Orange lumpy encrusting sponge
Growth Form: Thickly encrusting. Small specimens may form thick lumps.
Surface: Porous; a transparent membrane rests over erect skeletal pillars that form pointed cones (=conules). Membrane with a whitish apparently fibrillar network.
Color: Milky orange; sometimes yellow.
Consistency: Soft.
Exudate: None.
Oscules: Round, scattered, 3-15 mm across, with a transparent or pale orange collar that may be 3-10 mm tall. Openings of 2-4 canals occupy the entire space within each oscule.
Skeletal Components (Spicules, Fibers): Slightly curved rods with 1 gently tapering pointed end and 1 blunt or rounded end (style), and rods with two pointed ends, but one end gently tapering, the other stepped (asymmetric oxea).
Skeletal Architecture: Ascending and branching tracts of spicules that end in surface conules. Many free spicules in the tissue.
Ecology: On coral reefs and hard bottoms.
Distribution: Bermuda, Bahamas, South Florida and throughout the Caribbean.
References: Wiedenmayer (1977), Zea (1987).