Amphimedon sp.
Haplosclerida, Niphatidae

Common names: Spiky rod sponge
Growth form: Erect cylindrical to flattened rod, sometimes projecting horizontally.
Surface: Smooth, porous, with conules at and near the tip.
Color: Tan, pale brown in and out; may appear pale greenish in situ.
Consistency: Compressible.
Oscules: On one side of body; <1 cm across; raised 1-3 mm; flush in some small specimens.
Skeletal components (Spicules, fibers): Almost straight to gently bent, double-ended needles (oxea) with tapered ends, ~120-150 μm long, 4-5 μm wide. Fibers are clear, of two diameters, and cored by spicules.
Skeletal Architecture: Exterior an incomplete fiber reticulation with more abundant spicules in fibers than in interior. Interior a well-developed fiber reticulation moderately cored by spicules; mesh diameter 100-150 (min.) to 150-230 μm (max.); fibers 30-100 μm across.
Ecology: Common on reefs.
Distribution: Southeastern Florida and Florida Keys, 9-24 m.
Notes: Coincides with A. compressa sensu van Soest (1980) in the irregularity of the ectosomal skleleton, spicule size range and conules towards the tip, but does not coincide with color, shape (flattened rods) and oscule distribution. Should be compared with other Niphatidae to evaluate species status.
References(s): van Soest (1980), Zea (1987).
Similar species:

Amphimedon compressa