International Alliance for Women in Music

New Membership Signup

Please fill in the form below to begin your IAWM journey.

Why Join IAWM

IAWM membership includes a subscription to the Journal of the IAWM, published quarterly and access to past issues; opportunities for awards in 10 categories of composition, as well as music scholarship, and programming; an education grant, opportunities for  annual concerts, and the ability to present in IAWM Conferences; increased visibility through IAWM’s social media platforms, website and optional IAWM Listserv; eligibility to run for and hold board and officer positions within IAWM; and connections with a vibrant community made up of people in 30 countries on 5 continents, sharing, celebrating,  and supporting women in music globally.


Membership Types

Once you have registered over on the right, you’ll be able to select your membership type (see list below). All types except lifetime memberships are valid for 1 year from date of signup/renewal.

  • Individual: $75
  • Institutional: $75 (Journal only)
  • Student: $30.00
  • Senior (65 and over): $50.00
  • Supporting: $125
  • Lifetime: $1000 (may be paid in installments over 5 years)