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Name: Malfroid

Surname: Jean-luc

Nickname: Kahuna Suisse où Tonton

Homebase: Chene-bourg

City: Geneve

Country: Suisse - France


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Your favorite quote:Be the best of yourself ; every next level of your life will demand a different you; everyone has his own quest and level; best regards.

In which country(s):Everywhere in the world.

Where’s your favourite spot(s): Pacifik ocean - India ocean - Atlantic ocean - Lemanus lake

Your craziest, best, funniest, or most adventurous ride ever:In the winter in tahiti open ocean training and races with big big waves!

Other hobbies than riding a board on liquid water:Schwiming & body schwiming / Sup / Outrigger & Vaa-V3-V6 polynesian / Surfing / Prone paddle board / Kayak / Diving / Water-polo

Your goal 2019:All the best coaching season club & independant ; Good races swiss ; (Isa prone 019)

Tell us about a personal achievement:I have two business in physiotherapy and osteopathy. I have a child who is ten. Now i want to enjoy my wife and my wing.

Your best contest results so far: Swiss master: & chP swiss all dist 2011 to 2016 ; isa world 2012 sup ld&tr ; tahiti races: sup/prone/ vaa class master ld 2014-2017 ; world vaa marathon & aito vaa ld & heiva ld tahiti 2017 ; 2014-2018 Swiss marathon paddle cup (sup/V1)

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