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  • Sachakong


    La première heure du film est exceptionnelle à mes yeux (mention spéciale pour la séquence en noir et blanc et la partie avec l'orange du marchand), c'est du grand art, mais la deuxième heure et demi est en peu en dessous car elle paraît plus longue. Ce qui Dommage parce-que le film aurait pu être parfait mais il en reste pas moins incroyable, j'ai adoré ce film.
    Du grand Lelouch qui déçoit rarement.
    Il n'a que 300 vues sur le site !? Il mérite tellement plus c'est très triste

  • Carlos


    Sobresale por una idea (Y quizás no guion) bastante original que desglosa varios períodos del tiempo de los personajes de la película. Más florituras en puesta en escena y fondo que esencia.

  • FCH


    oh sa mère à la fin lelouch s'est pris pour jodorowsky

  • Dave Louis


    And Now My Love is a mess of disparate ideas and themes carelessly jumbled together. Despite being overlong to the point of tedium, individual scenes are rushed and incomplete, rarely getting any proper context or lead-in. The film lurches from scene to scene like an airplane navigating turblence; every time you get a few minutes to settle in the film jumps without warning to another setting, another decade, another storyline. This is clearly a substantial production, with on-location shooting around…

  • Alex


    My second Claude Lelouch viewing. His work doesn’t seem to be the most polished but he makes up for it with passion — filmmaking is clearly very personal for him. In this film he again tackles romance (and all the baggage that comes with it). He also crams in philosophy, history, science fiction, economics, politics, pornography, and chickens doing parlor tricks. It’s a massive movie brimming with ideas and experiences. Can’t believe I never heard of it before today!

  • The Letterboxd Academy

    1 Nomination

    ● ● ●

    Claude Lelouch, Pierre Uytterhoeven

  • washington


    Took nine tries, but finally can claim to have greatly enjoyed a Lelouch. I still have a sense of reservation, but can’t put my finger on why so I’ll throw the negativity out.

    That opening steals the show and everything that comes afterward no matter how good can’t help but feel like a step down. The bifurcated storyline is very nice with a lot of investment being built into even the possibility of meeting. That chance really hit me in…

  • Nathan Phillips


    Both the on- and offscreen summaries of this are: middlebrow filmmaker tries to make sense of a century of tumult with a story that encompasses the entirety of the history of cinema through the lens of two individuals and their family histories. There's something sort of touching about the result. Lelouch is so much not Godard but he's seen Godard's movies. Even though A Man and a Woman was the very definition of staid lifestyle-porn arthouse -- perhaps even the…

  • karan gupta


    explores so so much in such little time. unfortunately it just got a little too bloated

  • ReginaFV1111

    One of my fave films, it made me get deeper into film and into french cinema...
    Also gave me a little bitvof hope for love and life perspective💖

  • oscartracker


    Best Original Screenplay

  • crkkos


    Claude Lelouch directs and co-writes the romantic epic, And Now My Love. In the silent era of film making a small-time cinematographer falls in love with a woman passing by. The two fall in love and have a child which begins a generation of love in the making. Ancestors of these two have their own lives, tragedies and loves until the film centers. It centers around Sarah (Marthe Keller) and Simon (Andre Dussollier). Sarah is a spoiled rich kid who…