“ Large-leaf Grass of Parnassus - Parnassia grandifolia
Despite its common name, Parnassia grandifolia (Celastrales - Celastraceae) is not a grass, but a perennial herb, forming clusters of slightly succulent, shiny leaves. Its large, white...


Large-leaf Grass of Parnassus - Parnassia grandifolia

Despite its common name, Parnassia grandifolia (Celastrales - Celastraceae) is not a grass, but a perennial herb, forming clusters of slightly succulent, shiny leaves. Its large, white flowers with green veins and bright orange anthers are really beautiful.

Parnassia grandifolia is native to central and south eastern US. It grows in alkaline seeps and is an indicator of rich, old forest. 

References: [1]

Photo credit: ©Alan Cressler | Locality: Ocala National Forest, Marion Co., Florida, US (2010)

(via pastpurple)

“ ‘Mari Ambassadors’, 1962 - Antonio López García (b. 1936)


‘Mari Ambassadors’, 1962 - Antonio López García (b. 1936)

(via portermoto-deactivated20180125)

Elisabeth Couloigner - 20x20 cm - Autres Lieux 60 - L'ivre de matières

Elisabeth Couloigner - 20x20 cm - Autres Lieux 60 - L'ivre de matières

Autres Lieux 59 - Elisabeth Couloigner - L'ivre de matières

Autres Lieux 59 - Elisabeth Couloigner - L'ivre de matières

Autres Lieux 58 - 25x25 cm - Elisabeth Couloigner - L'ivre de matières

Autres Lieux 58 - 25x25 cm - Elisabeth Couloigner - L'ivre de matières

flavou-r asked: No worries, I scrolled down all the way though your archive and I got it! hiihi sorry!

Good Luck. :)

“ Sorte courge en porcelaine


Sorte courge en porcelaine

(via francskbllo)

(Source: salbazaar, via francskbllo)

“ Hokusai Katsushika / Bullfinch and Weeping Cherry Blossoms / 1834
葛飾北斎 / 鶯 垂桜


Hokusai Katsushika / Bullfinch and Weeping Cherry Blossoms / 1834

葛飾北斎 / 鶯 垂桜

(via francskbllo)


Katsushika Hokusai

36 Views of Mount Fuji

(via francskbllo)