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15 September 2010

Intercultural Education Strategy, 2010- 2015


This Intercultural Education Strategy (“IES”/ “Strategy”) aims to ensure that:

1. All students experience an education that “respects the diversity of values, beliefs, languages and traditions in Irish society and is conducted in a spirit of partnership” (Education Act, 1998).
2. All education providers are assisted with ensuring that inclusion and integration within an intercultural learning environment become the norm.

The origin of the IES lies in a Government commitment at the World Conference against Racism in Durban (2001) to develop and implement a National Action Plan Against Racism (“NPAR”) (See Appendix 1 for the glossary).

One of NPAR’s ten outcomes for the education sector was the development of an intercultural education strategy. An extensive consultation process was undertaken by the Minister for Education and Skills and the Minister of State for Equality, Integration and Human Rights, involving:

1. An initial conference in October 2008, to which key stakeholders were invited;
2. Seven sectoral consultation meetings, at which over 200 delegates attended;
3. The consideration of over 50 written submissions received;
4. The consideration of national and international research findings, such as those from the ESRI23 and OECD.

The IES is being developed in recognition of the recent significant demographic changes in Irish society, which are reflected in the education system. The Strategy builds on existing work in this area and seeks to be of relevance for all sectors of education, in line with the high level goal of the Department of Education and Skills (“DES”) to “support and improve the quality, relevance and inclusiveness of education for every learner in our schools”.

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Department of Education and Skills and the Office of the Minister for Integration
Geographic area
Contributor type
National governmental actor
Original source
Posted by
Katy Kefferputz

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