


Hand Painted Owl and the Pussycat Wood Nursery Lamp Night Light - $34 (Upper Montclair)

Hand Painted Owl and the Pussycat Wood Nursery Lamp Night Light 1 thumbnailHand Painted Owl and the Pussycat Wood Nursery Lamp Night Light 2 thumbnailHand Painted Owl and the Pussycat Wood Nursery Lamp Night Light 3 thumbnailHand Painted Owl and the Pussycat Wood Nursery Lamp Night Light 4 thumbnailHand Painted Owl and the Pussycat Wood Nursery Lamp Night Light 5 thumbnailHand Painted Owl and the Pussycat Wood Nursery Lamp Night Light 6 thumbnailHand Painted Owl and the Pussycat Wood Nursery Lamp Night Light 7 thumbnailHand Painted Owl and the Pussycat Wood Nursery Lamp Night Light 8 thumbnail
condition: good
make / manufacturer: Nursery Plastics
model name / number: N/A
size / dimensions: See description

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Hand Painted Owl and the Pussycat Wood Nursery Lamp Night Light 14"

Charming hand painted vintage wooden nursery lamp features The Owl and the Pussycat from the children's nursery rhyme/ poem.

The blue Owl with a red hat is perched upon the "S.S. Owl" holding a guitar and the pink Pussycat is perched at the opposite end wearing a blue hat and carrying a red purse.

On the round "deck" is a blue piling (for tying up the boat) and two yellow honey bees (one has one wing), as they "took some honey" as per the nursery rhyme:

The Owl and the Pussy-Cat went to sea
In a beautiful pea-green boat,
They took some honey, and plenty of money,
Wrapped up in a five pound-note.

Has the original shade - pale ivory /white perforated shade with pink grosgrain ribbon trim, has a bit of wear appropriate for its age & can be easily changed out for blue, etc.

The paint still looks pretty good as this lamp is about 70 years old. (see pics). The cord and plug look to be original.

Bottom Reads / Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Portable lamp Issue No. 97,258 Nursery Plastics, Inc. 137 E.25th St.,N.Y.C. NOTE: Company was originally "Nursery Plastics" but changed its name to Nursery Originals later on.


Base - Approx. 6" in diameter
Height - Approx. 14"

ABOUT Edward Lear

The Owl and the Pussycat was first published during 1871 as part of his book Nonsense Songs, Stories, Botany, and Alphabets. Lear wrote the poem for a three-year-old girl, Janet Symonds, the daughter of Lear's friend and fellow poet John Addington Symonds and his wife Catherine Symonds. The term "runcible", used for the phrase "runcible spoon", was invented for the poem.

POEM The Owl and the Pussy-Cat by Edward Lear (1812-1888)

The Owl and the Pussy-Cat went to sea
In a beautiful pea-green boat,
They took some honey, and plenty of money,
Wrapped up in a five pound-note.

The Owl looked up to the stars above,
And sang to a small guitar,
'O lovely Pussy! O Pussy, my love,
What a beautiful Pussy you are,
You are,
You are!

What a beautiful Pussy you are.'
Pussy said to the Owl, 'You elegant fowl,
How charmingly sweet you sing.
O let us be married, too long have we tarried,
But what shall we do for a ring?'

They sailed away for a year and a day,
To the land where the Bong-tree grows,
And there in the wood a Piggy-wig stood,
With a ring in the end of his nose,
His nose,
His nose!

With a ring in the end of his nose.
'Dear Pig, are you willing, to sell for one shilling
Your ring?' Said the Piggy, 'I will.'
So they took it away, and were married next day,
By the Turkey who lives on the hill.

They dined on mince, and slices of quince,
Which they ate with a runcible spoon;
And hand in hand, on the edge of the sand,
They danced by the light of the moon,
The moon,
The moon,
They danced by the light of the moon.

Pickup in Montclair or buyer pays shipping

post id: 7726922032



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