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Rhaphidophora tetrasperma | "Monstera" Ginny

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Rarer in nature but becoming trendy indoors, the Rhaphidophora tetrasperma (Monstera Ginny) is an easy-to-care-for houseplant that loves all things in moderation. The unique split leaves resemble the Monstera deliciosa (hence the name Mini Monstera), but this smaller plant isn’t actually of the Monstera (or Philodendron) genus. This showy plant grows quickly when provided the right conditions. 

Size: 6" (pot diameter)

Processing time: 3-5 business days (more details)

Scientific Name: Rhaphidophora tetrasperma

Common Names: Monstera Ginny, Mini Monstera, Philodendron Ginnie

Appearance: Small, thin, flexible leaves with splits. Upwards vining compact plant.

Origin: Southern Thailand and Malaysia 

Enjoys: Climbing. With a fast growth rate, this leggy plant enjoys climbing, so it’s helpful to provide it with a moss pole or trellis to run up.

Care: Moderate. Water once a week or less (allowing the top inch of soil to dry out before watering again). For light, indirect sun is preferred (so somewhere with filtered/shaded light).

Growth: Indoors, can reach 8+ feet

Level of Simplicity: Easy, good for beginners

Toxicity: Considered toxic upon ingestion (to cats, dogs, humans)

Being that each live plant is completely unique, the plant you receive may vary slightly in size, shape, appearance. 

Shipped as shown, in nursery growing container. ‘Care Cards’ with detailed information will be sent electronically!