Museum tour of Petit Palais and Jacquemart Andre

We invite you to vis­it a unique tour of Petit Palais and Jacque­mart Andre, the French art muse­ums. Muse­ums are not far from each oth­er and are per­fect­ly com­bined with­in one excursion.

Museum of Petit Palais

Your tour starts at Petit Palais Muse­um. Petit Palais Muse­um, or the Small Palace, was the main exhi­bi­tion pavil­ion in Paris dur­ing the World Exhi­bi­tion in 1900. The build­ing of the muse­um, cre­at­ed by Charles Giraud, reflects the French archi­tec­tur­al tra­di­tions of the late XVII — ear­ly XVIII cen­turies. Here you can ful­ly enjoy the chic dec­o­ra­tion of the inte­ri­ors: the floors are tiled with mosaics, the walls are lined with mar­ble slabs, and the arch­es are paint­ed with frescoes.

Such a lux­u­ry of fur­ni­ture is no coin­ci­dence. The palace was planned to demon­strate the works of art, which could not affect its appear­ance from the inside. As for the col­lec­tions of Petit Palais Muse­um, here you will find paint­ings by O. Frag­o­nard, E. Delacroix, P. Cezanne, P. Rubens, H. Rem­brandt, sculp­tures by O. Roden, O. Renoir and oth­er valu­able works of art.

Museum of Jacquemart Andre

After explor­ing Petit Pale Muse­um, you will enjoy a short guid­ed walk along the Alexan­der III bridge. Here you can also take incred­i­bly beau­ti­ful pho­tos. After, there will be a vis­it to Jacque­mart Andre Muse­um, which is right­ful­ly con­sid­ered to be one of the most beau­ti­ful muse­ums in Paris.

Jacque­mart Andre is a unique muse­um held the works of art by Edouard Andre. As the heir to the bank­ing fam­i­ly, he spent his for­tune on stun­ning col­lec­tions of sculp­tures, paint­ings and oth­er works of art. He first began his col­lec­tion in 1860. Lat­er he got mar­ried and, togeth­er with his wife, trav­el­ing a lot in Europe, they gath­ered valu­able exhibits for their col­lec­tion. The entire col­lec­tion was bequeathed to the Insti­tute of France, and in 1913 a muse­um was opened.

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