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Tom Murray | profile | all galleries >> Arthropods - Arthropoda >> Arachnids - Arachnida >> Wolf Spiders - Lycosidae tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Wolf Spiders - Lycosidae

One of the key characteristics of Wolf Spiders is the eye arrangement. Most spiders have 8 eyes, and Wolf Spiders have 2 large eyes out front, just like headlights.
Wolf Spiders - Genus Allocosa
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Wolf Spiders - Genus Arctosa
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Burrowing Wolf Spiders - Genus Geolycosa
:: Burrowing Wolf Spiders - Genus Geolycosa ::
Wolf Spiders - Genus Gladicosa
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Wolf Spiders - Genus Hogna
:: Wolf Spiders - Genus Hogna ::
Wolf Spiders - Genus Pardosa
:: Wolf Spiders - Genus Pardosa ::
Wolf Spiders - Genus Pirata
:: Wolf Spiders - Genus Pirata ::
Wolf Spiders - Genus Rabidosa
:: Wolf Spiders - Genus Rabidosa ::
Wolf Spiders - Genus Schizocosa
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Wolf Spiders - Genus Tigrosa
:: Wolf Spiders - Genus Tigrosa ::
Wolf Spiders - Genus Trabeops
:: Wolf Spiders - Genus Trabeops ::
Wolf Spiders - Genus Trebacosa
:: Wolf Spiders - Genus Trebacosa ::
Wolf Spiders - Genus Trochosa
:: Wolf Spiders - Genus Trochosa ::
female Wolf Spider with young on her back
female Wolf Spider with young on her back
Wolf Spider (carrying young on her back)
Wolf Spider (carrying young on her back)
Wolf Spider (carrying young on her back)
Wolf Spider (carrying young on her back)