Nodestone Builder

By AethericSky of GMS Kronos
Select Job:
OpenCV is Loading

Select Skills

Select Skills
Skill 1 2 3 Skill 1 2 3 Skill 1 2 3 Skill 1 2 3 Skill 1 2 3
Current Selection Preview

Trinode Skills Node Score Add Delete

Trinode Skills Delete
Trinode Builder Options
Number of Copies per Skill
Node Combination Statistics
Total Skills Selected
# of Slots(If All Perfect Trios)
Node Slots Used
Node Efficiency
Skill Selected Occupied Slots

How to use

1. Select the job you want to build your tri-nodes

Click the dropdown box and select your class.

Select your class
2. Select the skills you need to build your tri-nodes around

Click on the skills you want to select. Those highlighted in blue are currently selected.

Select your desired skills
3. Create the tri-nodes you currently have.

Create your tri-nodes by clicking the corresponding column beside the skill icon based on its location in your trinode (1 being the leading skill). Upon clicking "Add Nodestone", the created nodestone will be added to the list below.

Recreate the tri-nodes you own
Created Nodestone Collection Legend
Nodestone Collection UI
  1. Shows the skills enhanced by the tri-node
  2. Shows the tri-node skill image
  3. Shows the Node Score
  4. Adds the tri-node to the "equipped" tri-nodes list
  5. Deletes the tri-node from the list (Available only when there are no tri-nodes equipped)
Node Score

To facilitate the user in building their tri-node set, Each tri-node is given a score that updates based on the current nodestones equipped.

Score Meaning
6 A Perfect Tri-Node
1-5 The Tri-Node will not fully contribute to your desired tri-node set (Some skills may not be part of your desired list of skills or two copies of some of the skill are already present in your currently equipped tri-nodes)
0 The Tri-Node contains no skill that is part of your desired skills to enhance
-1 (In Use) The Tri-Node Is Currently Equipped
-1 (Leading Skill) The Tri-Node's Leading Skill is already present in your currently equipped tri-nodes

Tip: You can click the header (Trinode Skills, and Node Score) to sort the nodes in alphabetical order (A->Z or Z->A) or to sort the nodes based on their current node score (ascending or descending)

4. Equipped Nodes and Building your perfect trinode set

You may unequip nodes by clicking the "Remove" button beside the currently equipped nodes

Check and Unequip your tri-nodes
Trinode Builder Options

While manually equipping and unequipping trinodes is possible, you may want to try letting the program build the set of perfect trinodes for you.

Trinode Builder Options
  1. Automatically builds perfect trinode set for you.
  2. Automatically builds perfect trinode set for you. Same as Auto Build [Sync] but this delegates the building task to a web worker which should avoid browsers to Not Respond if there are too many nodes to build from.
  3. Removes all equipped trinodes.
  4. You may customize how many copies of each skill you would want in your trinode set (2-6)

Tip: If you have perfect trinodes you want to incorporate in the build, equip them first before clicking Auto Build. Just press Ok to the alerts saying that the trinode is already equipped.

Node Statistics
Node Statistics UI
  1. Shows how many skills were selected.
  2. Gives an estimate of how many nodes it would take to most efficiently get 2 copies of each skill selected
  3. Shows how many node slots are currently used
  4. Shows how many node "skill slots"(3 per node) is used efficiently (i.e. The skill is selected the total copies of that skill in the equipped node slots do not exceed the number you specified)[Note: Only jobs that need "multiples of 3" amounts of boosted skills expect a 100% Node efficiency]
  5. Gives a breakdown of each skill and how many times it has already appeared in the equipped nodes.

Tip: You can click the header (Skill, Selected, Occupied Slots) to sort them in order

5. Saving and Loading
Save and Load Nodelist

By clicking the "Generate Nodelist" button, you can generate a list of the nodestones you currently have. Be sure to save it somewhere.

By pasting the generated text and clicking the "Load List" button, your nodes will automatically be loaded in.

6. Loading Nodestones via images or snips
Load Nodes from Save String

You may now also load trinodes you have using in-game snips or images.

Just use the snipping tool or screenshot the nodestone inventory from in-game. Ideally make sure to not include any skill nodes in the snip (this might, in rare cases, lead to false trinode creation). The program processes the images from top left to bottom right so if any skill node results in a false trinode, they should either be up top or at the very end of the nodelist. Do note that duplicate trinodes (where A = A, B = B, and C = C) would only appear once.

Make sure that no filters are applied or that the image is scaled as this would affect the detection of trinodes in a photo.

You may paste multiple images before clicking "Load via Photos" and the program will process them one after the other.

If you want to remove a photo you uploaded, just click the photo you want to remove.

Locked Trinodes should not pose a problem. If you do notice some issues, please try unlocking the trinodes and snap another photo.

A sample uploaded snip is shown below.

Load Nodes from Photos

Snip or Copy the photo containing your ingame trinode and then click here and use Ctrl-V to paste your snips or image file. You can load multiple photos.

Ideally ensure that only trinode photos are present and not skill nodes as they may trigger false matches. Ensure that the photo is not scaled or filtered in any way.

Click the photo to remove them.

Last Updated: 2024-05-01