Middle English Dictionary Entry

prophē̆t(e n.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) One who speaks or prognosticates by divine inspiration; one who speaks, or claims to speak, in the name of God or another deity; a prophet, seer; an inspired teacher or expositor of holy mysteries; ?also, one of the privileged insane believed to possess divine inspiration [quot.: PPl.C]; (b) applied to Christ; (c) applied to Mohammed; (d) fals (pseudo) ~, a person who prophesies without divine inspiration or commission, or by inspiration of evil spirits; a person claiming divine authority for false or heretical pronouncements; the Antichrist; (e) an interpreter, a spokesman.
(a) One of the prophets of the Old Testament; one of the inspired foretellers of Christ; (b) sones of prophetes, the sons of the prophets; a prophetic order, or its members, under Elijah and Elisha; sone of ~, one of this order; patriarkes and prophetes, patriarkes prophetes and apostles, patriarchs, prophets (and apostles); (c) as an epithet in apposition to proper nouns: the ~, the prophet (Elijah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, etc.), (Elijah, etc.) the prophet; (d) a psalmist, esp. David; (e) a source to which is attributed various scriptural, exegetical, or proverbial writings; (f) pl. the Old Testament prophetical writings; (g) a representation of one of the Old Testament prophets.
(a) One who foretells the future, a prognosticator; (b) an inspired bard, secular ~.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • c1500 Progn.Weather (Dgb 88)295 : Edras’ the profute sayth.
  • Note: New spelling