HomeMy WebLinkAbout2560 ORION WAY; ; 85-65-1; Permit__ -· ...... -• ·--......... -• , ... ...,. • •-•• ww1, 111,,. ...,, 1na.,a:.;..., r1nc.l"I 1"'11-.u UC\..rLl4.MN.I IVl"ti>. \fal . r .. . . "'\AY UV 'tJ I h,er!'J:!Y. affirm !~at_ I /l!Jl llceflsed \Jnder \ ~ ~[/ ~ovlslons of Chapter 9 {c,ommencing with 1-" _Section 7000) of Dlvlslo_n 3 of the Business ~ i and Professions Code, and my license is In 15 · .tulf iorce and effect. _ z , Lie. No ______ Class _ 0 ' (.), I _ CARLS·BAD BUILDING D_EP~RTMENT 1200 Elm, Carlsbad, California 92008-1~89 (!)19) 438-5525 .... APPLICATION & PERMIT --~,:-; ~ ~ "' " '•, ' 0 c \ (I) z 0 ~ a: c( ..J (J w 0 ·a: w 0 ..J' -~ ii:. w ·Z ~ 0 · I hefeby afllr,;, that I am exempt from the Contrac· tor's License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031 5 'Business1and-Professlons.Code: Any city or county which re-quire's~a perffiit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its iss~uarice also requires !heap-plicant (or such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of .the, Gontractor's License Law (Chapter 9 .commencing with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business ahd Professions Code) or that is ex-.empt therefrom and the 'basis-f,or the aJlegeil exemption. Any ·VIOiation of Sectmn 7031.5 by an appllcant:for·a'permil sub· jects the applicant to a c1vII penally of not more,lhan fJve liun· dre_d ijollar& .(S(iOO). · 0 I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their·sole compensation, will do the work,' and the slruc-· . ture,is not, intende.d or;offered for sale.(Sec. 7044, Business .and Professions Code;. The Contractor's License Law does not apply· to an owner•of property who b'mlds or il)lproves thereon ancf Wfio~ does such Work himself Or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intend· •eil or offered foJ sale. If, however, the tiuilding or ,inprove'. , ment-ls sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will'have the burden' of -proving that he did not build or im· prove ,for the p~rpose of .sslej. • ·cEf'lSUS TRACT P.ARKING SPACE RES UNITS y,0 N 0 F.lEDEVE LOPMENT A.RE;.,. · vO NO y C E ~ I 'C c C: D I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct th_e projecl (Sec. 7044, • ,Business iand ffofessions Co~ef T~e-CdnJraclor's/_License Law does not apply to an owner.of.property who bmlifs or,im· ...-,,;-J .--\C"'-·-,-, ·-1 ! ,,..ci_· ,._· Y_,t----,--P-L_U_M...,.B_I_N_G-_P_.E_R_M_-1_T_-_1s_s_u __ E---,,-------7_.7_ ... -c-1!-_Q_T~_ y~·--__ M_~,.....c_H~A,-N_1_c_A_L_P_E_R_,M_I_T_·_ls_s~U-,E---t-~-3---1t-=--;:-;-;-==:-:-:-:::s-u_M_M_A_R_Y_IA_c_c~o~u-=-N'C"T-C--:N=U=-M"TB~-~ER_·,;""''~:=--;?·,..----~--4 -· ,-,1;~' • · -~6~~~!cl~~aj9I,:~ie wp~s~0,~fafist~': ~~g~rfft~;,~\\~~nst;. _, EACH FIXTURE TRAP ,INSTALLfUR.N. oui::TS UPJQ 100,00Q BTU BUILDING PERMIT OH0·00-8220 '--s::-: .. -.. ~-". a, 1---4-E-_A_C_H_B_U_I_L_p_lN_G_S_E_W_E_R _______ '------1-------11--_-_-;--~t:~\-.---'----_~'.-Q_V_E~R-1-00~,o-_o~o-B-T-.U-, -------'----ii---S-1-GN-·-PE-R~M-JT-------~-1--0-0·~0-0·-82-,2--1--+------~~~-,~ .. ~~:~~~.~------~ Law). -·: • ,p fl,s ~ !Jo_me9w~er I a(!) imp1ovmg my home, and.t~e foJlo_w· mg cona1tmns, ex1si: ._ ,\ ., , -.• • 1. The work 1s-tje!ng-pe,rformed pr\or. to sale. EACH WATER-HEATER AND/OR VENr° BplLER/C,OMPRESSOR l!P TO 3 HP PLAN CHECK 01·00-00°8896 I ·1 F-'---+---''-----------,--------1--,----~--11---'---t.,--";--~--~-~--------:=Ar-l-:--::-::---c:---lt---'-----:--:--:------:-;--,,-----::--'----'--t--'-;--------,--1 j,1---+-' Ec...A~, C_H_G_A_S_-S_Y._SJ'-' E_M_,1_T_·0_4~:,...0_U~T_L_5_':r-_s-_-,--'-----'t-----'----i-----t-B.-O_I L--'-E_R'/-'' Cc..,O_M_P'R_'E_S_s_o_R_3_-1 _5 :~H_P. ---=~'*"r¥''-,,!------tt--TO_T_A_L _P~~-li_M_B_IN_G ______ 01_·0_0_·0_0·_8_22_2-;----,--:-------i -.z,. I have lived m, my home ,for ·twelve months pnof 10 completiori bf this work. · · 3. _ 11_ htatvfie_ ~ot _plaim~if this e~~mpt\on 'during the_ as ree years. ,] 1,:.-_---1-·_E--'-A_C:....H_G:._/!._S_S._YS_T~E_M_·s_o:._,R_M._;....IJ_RE ___ -=-.::___~,-,.__....:..:..__..;:__---4-'--,.---l-"f\1+-'E_TA_L_F...;IR.,_\:P_L--'-,t,,C_E:____:..___;=--...:;.;i;_:::;a;,,p,w,.:;..:.......:,__--+----''-'-~.:_c.-'ll----E-L..,.EC_T_BI_CA_L ___ -,---__ -'-. c...0.1'-sOc.:0...:·0_;;;_0·..:;8.ccc22=3-+---....-~---'---J ll-----'-+:E-,;;'ll.:.::;~:.:.H.;:.IN..:S:....TA...:~::;---_A..:l:T:....E:.:.R.::..,•...;;R,E:.:.~::::f:..::....18:....'f'i:....''A:....T.:.:.E:.:.R_P:.:.IP.:.E __ -+----"'---+--+-;--------!\:11:r:~:......-~m+-----;t---Mc.:E;..:.C_;_;;HA..:..N,;...IC:c.A:.::L ___ -,----~-o::.,;1c..:·O:.:O...:·Oc;:_0·..::8.:::22:..:4--:t'--:-:--:-":"-'"'"!!!-.---;':-::I D .1 am exempt under·Sec. --'-----''---, B & P.C. ,IQ( !~is reason~-~-,,---------'--EACH VACUUM ~REAKER M08ILEHOME 01·00-00-8225 rf I hereb; arnrm that I h~ve a Certificate of consen1 td s"elf:insure, or a certif1'cate of Workers· Compensation lnsurance,.Or a cer1!11ed copy !hereof 1 (Sec. 3800. labor Code). · . ·· · STRONG MOTION FIRE SPRINKLERS . z _ . POLICY-NO. . SOLA. R . ISSUEt'"/~"'-•. ~":.'1:,, ·PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE o QTY ELECTRi'cii PERMIT. IssUE , · •• QTY. t== ,' • COMPAN,Y · [ _ . -~,;J'. BRIOGE:FEE" · c(--• 01-00·00·8227 32·00-00-89ll ~ D Copy ,shied w,tj\llhe city J NEW CONST EA AMP/SWT 1BK R C~LLECTORS ·, SCHOOL FEE· DISTRICT a..w ~ 0-Cert,hed copy is_ hereby furn,shed I t---,1'--,-, -------,-----3-P-H-----:----::-+----~------t-S-Tt-,O-R_A_G_E~.T_A_N_K_,..S ________ 7"'_-,---=-=-t--------n----,,-,-,--~-------------+----,----1-~------1 ~ 1!-'---rl;:s~1,~P_H _____ ---------+-----+--'-H'--------------~+-----~~--'-C~ar_ls_ba~d---~~----=8c;:,0·..:;9~2-~2~1-~05~1"'-9-l----1-----~ 8 CERTIFICATEc OF EXEMPTIO('l·fl'ioM I EX 1ST BLOG EA AMP/SWT /BK R RqCK STORAGE Encinitas 80·92·22-0519 W08KERS'.COMPENSI\TION INSUlll\NCE 1---,f-------------------,=-+----------11---1-,.;.-,------------------+--------l!--------------...c.c....:..=-::=-.::.:..:.c_4-__________ -l ~ f (This sect<on need not be completed ,1 the perm,1 • · 1 PH 3 PH P~MP San Dieguito 80·92-23-0519. ~ w -1s f~r-.o~'e hun~ri:d dollars ($100) or Jess) I , -i,.-· ~-,. d;-.1 c~i;t,!Y jhat·,~-the performance of the work lor REMOOE ti At TE R PER Cl R CUIT , -'-·P~AN:CHECK FEE. San Marpos 80·92·24-0519 g_ .' wh,ch this ~rm,t ,IS issued, 1 shall not employ any 1,, --......:1--T_E_M_P_·P,..O_L_· E_,_2_0_0+,A_-_M_P_s ________ __;;c._+----------,i'--f-!-.;........;___ _ •. --· _ . ~~-.. ,\ ';; }¼, \ t.\ C!,<to."..:,-~ -, • , P.f!!SOn ,n any manner so as to become subJecl to ,.. t .. "¾ ·.-x -:,l ~ r;-- the Worke_rs' ~mpe_~~t,o_n ~:,,s _of Callforiua I OVER.200 AMPS ! ___ r. , :~ -·?, ' 'l::I9~f'!::;E TAX 01-00-0()-8162 ~ ,\., \,;\ ·:,: ~~,. ·-\'l. < . .l'f(':"""' - ·NOTl<;E TO._!\PPLICANT 'IJ,i'altei mak,n~ th-,s .. Ce<:11 , f 1=----'1--T-,-E-M-P~O-C_C_U_P_A_N_C.,__Y_·_l3-_0_0_A_Y,.., S_) ___ _, __ _;,,-1-------+-----+~-----~---------~--'--~.-\"--~'I----~..,._.,._~~-' __ --_-. _-._-_,-.,~1-,--M-F:...:,Fc.._,8-'--, Q~-~-9-~-,,~-'l-;-._9_5_19 __ °"'"' .. -.. -"$-.._-z_:-:--,t-'"',i-._ ~--'--_,-'~""'-"_"','-_"'_'-1".~e--\-_ ..: .. .c •• ---,-,.r---· -..,.-'--.--,:,,--.-~-'-_-.-:'". ,_;"",..·.---t f1ca"te of Exemption. you sfioufd.become subJect l'J i-1----!--'--------~---~~...,..----+-----------,1--------'---------------,-,e,.+--"~.,....---'--'i2,'""""--,i~-----:'-"'-.::...---"--'-.--"-...,_,.+ ___ _,_..:µ,=..u......::._---""~~~..L:'----l .the Workers· Compensation provisions ol lhe caber I ._ •. I '-',; ·-x 9_REDl'T'~_b_,_,EPOS_, IT · •· '0_ ·eode. ydu must ·1onhw1th comply w,tti such .~ ~QJ, · ··prpv1s16n~_o,·1h1s p~r'm,1 shall ti'eaeeiiied ;evo~ed·-:-i TOTAL E.LECTRICAL . ; .-., t.'t,~f?:'.'"l~""*"',. •, f"""""' ·,-..... -.,. • · ·,w· -. '•'f,"'¾.···c · '~J( ', -i. ":,- Cl) rn Q) (J, 0 -a: .:9 • <ll 0 E Q) (J C <ll C ii: C Q) ~ (!) 0 0 ~· ... ffir· ·l TOJALSO~AR .'\ \1 "'. -TdfALFE'ESPAYABLE,,_JJ..--~ ',,, 1li-----------~~~~ ...... ~~~~~~~~~'""!""~"'!""!!,;...,...~~-_,j.~..._~._.~~....-ioi!<-""-"!!"!~"""!"'~ ............ ~.;.....~....:~...;:;;_~~""!"!"I 1; l:i~,;~--©A:A~~~~~;, f~,A~~~t;t~-.,CCilM~~~~B: 1·~PP;tCA'.lil0°i'; ~-~~-~~~M~-i:, ;~-5:-B~ H~Ri;~,/ ':' : E lion. _E~a,ry,per_mit 1s;~_ed bftne Bu,ilding ©fficiat ~l).der the'tifc,lvi~ions,ofll_iis * · AN OSHA· P-E~IT JS,REOOIRED F.©R·EXCAVAlilONS ©VER' Q) 0. rn C o· 'z w ...I 0 I hereby affirm that' there 1s a construcllon leridmg aQeiiC:y Jor the performance 01 !he work fo, __ Which this Permit 1s issued -tSeC 3097, c,v,vCode1 Lender"SName ___________ _ Lender's Addre'ss ~---'-----~= -CERJIF¥· UI\J0Ei'( l?ENiLTY' OF PERLlUR'ii ttnf>/T ALL INF0'1'1viAT<IONI'lilEAEC.l'N, 'INCLUDING, IHE ' Cqd all ext:Urf! bY, 11."'!1'!1I!'n,.and pecpm_e n'!II ana,yo,d_. ti t_he·burldmg1or wor~, · ! ', 5' 0'' ·DEEP ANtf,0EM0t:.tl:JON•0R'CONSTRU<::;noN Of , .. , ,.: .. , · ---~ ,. .., · , .. · , -, -· .. --,. : t · , ,--· -.-, --·· -· ---• ... aut y.such,pe,m1t,>1s notscommencea wrtbm 180,days,from the date,of,sucn·-" • , • ., . , . , • , ,,.D_5~LA~i:ITIIDNp··ARE TR~~E:·A11;'P fi_:tDR_REC;F_AN_0 I' F.l'J_RJ~E~·.Gl;A'f..lF¥' ~Nfil'.i'-_qf.lfE 'IF Afl=;RM!~ 1$ ; -~~rmiti _df ft: c!he• -b~ildlrig' or _work• a'!iti_Qriz'!~::~¥-S!Jch ·p'er'f!il i$',_sl{spended' oj ; · , '$TRQCTURES \')VtR-3'STORIES IN• HEIGH'!' ~ ; ;ISSUED, J,0 <i;O~Pl;.~V\[IJH:·Al,.I,. Q_tl'c''t, CO.l:JN_H :f..,.,1.f? ST-1\'j'E ).AW~ C,OV!=f.lNING BlJJl,.I?lN~--e0N; _ aba!)<fonei:t-at,an ,11me,alter: .. ,ne-worR.1s,c_ommJ1nced.-lo"•a eriod).ol, 180,da s ... ,. _ ----------------~ ------. -... _,_ .. , ,., ~,:.e-......... : ... --.. • .c .. $fF,lUGT10N\ WtaE(fH!;R-SPliQIFll::P H\:AE~N OA1 N0J. ), A~SO, fl;GREE.T,0 SAli~ IN_l:)E~NlfV. ,AND . , C1'N:T:•S ... I : ; -·,'ii,, , ·, · .. ·,Ill!"'. · ... ·• ·::,, .-•._ ·, ii,;ii,, · ,l(p)>R'O ,B'i . •• J., S: .'K~·ER' !j\11:RMtE:$_$, 1:l;j~ dJ;t-v:;©i= CA'Rll§,~Al;l' ,AG'P.dNS:Ji ,,t•il'.,~ lll~Bliclif:I1::S;:J°W9G,K.1~NiP~',·(:l0S;r,sJANI:l: ,,,rPt_,I, -': .. -.§NNWRE · ' · OW~E;f.l·..,.,. C0NTRAC:F_~R;""-'': \ -\ . · I / : -~~t~7~~ ~~~~~~M[l~~~~~ AN~.::: A~C~,U0~ /fG~:N~~ ~~~~-~CJXY' IN: CQN§I;OVENGE ~f __ mE ,..~ v..-,...,.,.,....... ., : : .'.· :;;/_, , ' ,'.> _ -· c ~¥-,Pcf!ON~ Q, '. , :-;::::j ~~-~ 1,!._A; ... :.~,.1--Q ~ i,,4(s:..t; ~ .. t,.__:;',:'_'~~:_, __ ,.,._1 __ -____ ~-·'-~-__ ,_,_ ___ ,,__ ~:,' __ .!, ____ ..'.~, , --r.f,,_~......_·,, •. ------· ~~ ·~-, -~---· ___ ,.. ·--~----'· I ~ TYPE f .. M •• , t_ ... ,'_~-: 'DATE BUILDING l :' ' FOUNDATION ... ; .... . . .. -·· . REINFORCED STEEL ; . 'I. MASONRY i GUNITE OR <3ROUT I .J FLOOR & CEILING SUB FRAME , SHEATHING 0 ROOF o· SHE;AR . L . FRAME l EXTERIOR LATH l INSULATION i ... INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL .. i ' [. ~- PLUMBING I· SEWER AND BL/CO DIPUCO 1 .. U!'JDERGROUND. D WAST/= D WATER .. ' TOP OUT D WASTE o WAl"ER TUB AND SHOWER _PAN ' L .. GAS TEST '1 D WATER HEATER :0 ~O!-,,AR W ~fl;R I. ELECTRICAL 1 D ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND D ~FFER. '. ROUGH ELECTRIC ) D ELECTRIC SERVICE Q TEMPOP.tARY . . . -~ . . .. D BONDING 0 POOi-'•', .. 'MECHANICA'L I 0 DUCT & P~EM,, p RE_F . .PIPING HEAT -AIR COND. SYSTEMS 11 • ~ I ,., VENTILATIN.G SYSTEMS I ::v1 I " ,, \:. - t . INSPECTOR .,. •.:· '. ·1--• ~ -r.. ,, : \ . '-~ .i :-\ : . I FIELD :INSPECTION RECORD: j REQUIRED SPECIAt INSPECTIONS . •. . ., ,., . INSPECTION SOILS COMPLIANCE PRIOR, TO FOUNDATION INSP STRUCTURAtCONCRETE OVER 2000 PSI PRESTRESSED CONCRETE POST TENSIONED CONCRETE FIELD WELDING HIGH STRENGTH BOLTS SPECIAL MASONRY PILES CAISSONS REQ, IF INSPECTOR'S CHECKED APPROVAL . . . "! 'j ·! I • I I -!, -'• • , . "" . . INS,P.EGTOR'S NOTES • •, t . • ', -~-1.,, I",' ' ·•. DATE '• ,•,, ...... -~ fJi ..._..''"'il(s~. •; . ' .· ... . :'· ,,:'.1J''' 1', • .,.__ ~. --··· ••• -'<.' \et;... ••• --•• _,.., ·' - I·: _,;:t:. ) ; .. ,,,. ':'.~·{ . <J r" --' .j,; 1---'------"-----+--~·,-i -'-t------+----1~ ... :11-•. +: -"-----,-----;--.,-'----::---:----c-,c=-:----:--,,-,,,.-''-,---''--":-,-------:---;---; :· l ,, . "•I I .. ·-. . -,, \ . \., ·•. ' ... , .... , , I .·, .... --; 1,···:.1. \ ... 1~ :t. . ,,. . ..,, ....... 1-'---,,,---:-,-:-,----:---+---+--t------:-. -+'--,,-.,-, -I 1-...... .,,.,.-.,---,~----:'. -=-:....· .......... ~_..;;·-:-· ---,----------'...,,----------:9 r: ,;•_.\\"1:\' v· J ,., I •\' \ ~ • •" • ' . ., 1'' l .. '• ,-' "•tt: ,~\J•.,r .-.i \,: ~ 'I, -, .\'l,I .f -;. ·.' ~ . jt\: '~: \ .. \, :: (f • ..r·· ... 1 .;,:_ ,.-.... l(j-,·~ r.'~ ' :,-. -: :,. ~ ••• ,, ' '··' ~ :,.,.... ~-"·.· .',.. ....... ; . . '. CALL FOR FINAL INSPECT/Obi· WHEN ALL ·APPROPRIATE J .. • ·, · ' · 1;. r·· \ (··· : :,, t-'. ,_. .. , { • ~.,, .... •,. .:"~ • .' ·. •f-:-:.:!:.J·.:.l,'I;._,:'.;_,'...,.;;_;,;,•.._,'_.:.;'-=..• 0..;:_'.;.:_•• _ __;•:_·--:,i">......:,.'·..:..'_,....l-' ....:__.:__. _______ • -'..,;,•,...-....,__'._...,:_,<f·.1c_~-'.:...·'---J ITEMS ABOVE HAVE BEEN AP.R.R.O'V,EDr· ,. , -., : ", ... ·:I'\,.. ~-,.r· •' ... '"·i ;:~ PLUMBING ELl;CJ'RIQA·L MECHAN,CAI:. GAS- FINAL BUILDING . . _..!._ . !. i \l ·-; .. , \ \ • •• 1 ·. ••1 ·.-i \I, '. . '-:,!) +--~-~----'-+-~;+1.-+.--"7""""'-,---+-...,.,.--,...., d~~ . ..: 1r-'• td t. ~ :) . ·,. '"~. J: ... ;, ...... ....... :,( ~-- \.' \• 1o'J ~... \ \.' • I ~ '• . i ..... ::,i-•• ' ·::. ' .•• /' , '. ..• '• ,. . ~/ ' . ,. _,, , .. 85-65 IS THE PLAN CHECK FOR: 2560 ORION WAY . (POLICE & FIRE BLD) 2480 IMPALA DR (FLEET SERVICE BLD) 2530 ORION WY (CAR WASH BLDG) 2550 ORION WAY (MECH BLDG) . . . \ \ . . \ . . POOR . · .. ·. \ . . , I .·. . I ' ! QUALIT . \~ . i. a I • . · ORIGIN .l ·. . . . . ..,. M.ISCELl-ANEOlJ.S. Fl;E REC.EIPT 0Wnep ' .· i C: IT''r t,.F CA-lt L..S BA-ll ·. D 1-M..,.a~il,....in-g--------'-'-'-~.--. ""',-• .;.,;,.,.,,,,...-,-C. :....,,,,---. --------'---I .Address I l..PO·. a.,-tA<,:/·\·l/£ .--c'. · · '[] I----'--'-'---=-<~~--'---,-.-="'"----~-',--'"--~~- ' City C..fd\J.,SBA'b ··GA.'. q~oo a ·11~s ... ~t,,,7o 0 • PLAN CHECK FEE.....,.~_0_1·-~·~""o~-+oo~:a',"B-"'Q6-"-',-c=c==-cc..,..+4",~'--'-,-~!""'-'.b""-~-I VALUA:f.lON. '," ' " .;.,· ..-'-,-~~"--o-"~i'i-,--'-',,--,--=-,."----~1'--+f-,-'~----,--;1 .Contractor Addrefss · · ,City , ·. · · Te),, · I'.~ D · J.!;·a~·Y!·'4l..~t:'.::.· . ..,~1. r..~JA~~ 4-.-~c..-~A'...'.... _-1...:~lllflJL:-J·L.2...,..~'e'.:: ... ....:-r=-q:::.:~,-G~ .. _ _.,. ··o. PA:BKS, ANP '.~EOREATION i=E~;,e;"'·-;.·-.,..~~,---'---+-_:__:_,, __ ,---1 PU,Bt.lC FAG! LITIES F~.E-' -.-'----~~-;.....c.-~+--.,.;.-~c.,,..,.:._-,-1 ' . . ' ~ ·, State ,l;ic. • . cltY "·" S. ·c1assif. ~ ~ 'ft\ ; Lie. No. · · ,SC,HOQL FEE· Dl$JRt¢t-½-~+....c'--'--""--"-..,_,_~-+---..c;a-,--~ ~--------~~---""""""-..... --...... -----,... D ' ..• GOMP!l;~t,1; :FOR' PLAN C~_ECK· OHL y ·t:J ' , .. LEC3'Af[:J.i;:$9'RIPJ;lQti! .o.tt'1"4tN . AF ;t1i:/'~'' or 0 0 ,,_.:<-·.,. t. Sari Dieg~ cc.'·"'·"=_'·.,,-',;....' ~-,,--..,-c',-,.--+'--~'-"';c-,,....,a;....4,,-f'i''--..,.a-~-,...~-"I s r,,, , ;~, , , ' > ,:-; , , ~~n Marcos·,.,....,.a....,,-,_,-,;.e.-':-+-':---"r--"--,-.,.....,o:,,.-='----':16'-,,. ~·""·;-;,'·'--+'-'~, """1 -,'a,,---,-1 D I;/~;::;·, : ' ", ,.,:,~~' ,, t' .~· t,' ' ; -~: ,AssiissbRS PARCEL NQ. j.O',,;... oS\~!::2, 4 · > i> 'CERTIFICATE OF bocWPANCf,,'-:·;.,;·,..· _,,.·_..,,-";--.~,-+..,.....,+-i!i-,-......... -' .. "+'-'. ·,,..· _;. ',;,,....c-,,-1 ' : ,, ~ • -. • • ,• ,, { : J ' ' •• ,. ' , • ' .:: /,' . ~ ~·-~ \ ''._, ..;:,;:., .-' -' .. ~· " ; [)~SQR!f'TION QF WOR ' ', ,.,,: ~ . ; 'i' Whit~ -··Applicant '' ·, : ';01'-,,:_....,...., ___ .,__~;...,._,,,___,_,.~.,,.,.....,.,'-,,,;-.,--:..""--,,'--h,,..-~-;::,,'0' ;.,. .. ·~· -"-' --1 <·:· ;,, ·,:' ,,",. ·. ._;; ' ',,, . " D· -----.,,~.:,+l;"'-,.-,;"-"..J~),'g-~:!,_,....;,.;'--i,...,/.,.-,--\--'------..... ,t3--:,-;----'--~c--'--=--'til~~-*~~.,....'-",~~-1~i'-'--~~..,___,---.:1 tJ ' f---=----, , .. , "WAR}ll~G: P,LAN CH,i;t~};_~~: :;Hi;ENd X1bt10~ IS TAKE~ BY t~E .,: . APP.Li<;;ANif; tN' .180 ,DAY.S,.AN0 sNO 'BUl'LDINd PEEl'MEr. 1s· ISSUED. ARE . ·F.O}{F.~l:t~_q.~,<;'),ThiE:Cj~f.i/ · .. ~>--.: .•. ,,:'' .· ··.·,·;: ... -.. ,'·. :' : ·: •' -.• ·-~--!:::'. ---' -. ''. '. ·.· i .. I Yellow·'"""'; ~: ' ) ' ' ,, .,... -I '·: : ' ' ' . . ' '\, , ' ... -·, ... • ' ·, ·,: P.lnk -(1) Finance. (2) Dat~. P,ro:ces( • GQld ..;.,. Assesior . ' , ... _ ' .. ·:,.\,· -~ • ' ', •I'~ '-. ,, ,\ ! I 1 ~ UA/AGC TRAINING-TRUST FU~m JOURNEYMAN TRAINING Saf ~ ~[M_ w~~ -_ . --, A & J TRAlNlNG 1·RUST FUND APPRENTICE & JOURNEYMAN TRAINING I 3909 CENTRE SJ,, ROOM 206, SAN DIEGO, CA 92103 . RECORD OF WELDING QUALIFICATION TEST Job No. WELD TEST SHOP Welder HERBERT D. BUSBY· Form of Test PERFORMANCE Location ?225 .FEDERAL BLVD., SAN DIEGO, CA Soc. Sec. No. 552 -72 -7674 Stamp No. HDB -------- Welding Pro c·edure No. 1-A ----------- Method of Welding· _ _..;;;S..;..M_A-'W_.;.U_P_H_I_L ___ L ______ -_--·_·,._-'--__ Position __ 6_G _____ _ Material CARBON STEEL P-.Number 1 Pipe Size ----------6" Fil 1 er Metal (SA No~) -----------SFA 5.1 A53B Material Specificati-0ns ------------'-- Thickness Schedule 40.. -. 280 Root i/B" -, AWS No.-E6010 F-No. 3-4 Filler ·1/811 E7018 A-No. 1 ---- Fill er Metal (Mfr.&Type) LINCOLN 5P E6010 & E7918 Is Backing Strip Used -----NO Preheat N/A Test co·n-d-uc_t_e_d_& _ ..... rr;:...,---/["'\---~---..--- Certified By:-jol,'N, ~ Stress Relief or Heat Treatment Date N/A 6/6/85 RESULTS OF TESTS Reduc~d-Section Tensile Test '. - Specimen -Dimensions Ultimate total· Ultimate unit stress Character of Number Width Thickness Area load, 1 b. 1 b. per sq. in. failure & location - Guided-Bend Tests I Specimen Type of I Results -describe location, nature and size of any Number Send I crack .or tearinq of specimen I I I i I I i I I 6G-l Root ! PASSED 180'-' 6G-2 Root I PASSED 180u 6G-l Face i _PASSED 180u . 6G-2 Face I PASSED J.,80u .. I I i l I This is to certify that the statements made in this _record are correct and the test v1e!ds were prepared, welded, and tested in full accordance with the current requirements of: Date:_ . 6;:~:~:=~=-~X--_certified By: -,:&~ '-~:,-.-. ::·_-_-_______ . ""' . -, Testing Engineers-San Diego ·1-,:,,,, 346/::~;s~'., u;'.';; a~: ;~;;;5~s;~"b/;~o, Ca. 92138 (619) 225-9641 -· . 2948 Industry Street, Suite B, Oceanside, Ca. 92054 (619) 757-0248 November 14, 1985 j. Koll Construction Company 2337 Faraday Avenue, Suite C Carlsbad CA 92008 Attention: Project: Subject: Mr. Steve· Mahoney Project Manager Carlsbad Safety and Service Center. Shop Inspection of Precast Panel Ticon Pacific Fabrication; Sacramen , Dear Mr. Mahoney: Enclosed for your review are copies of· inspection reports submitted by Capitol Engineering Laboratories, on fabricafion of precast panels for th~ above men- tioned project. Capitol Engineering has indicated that Ticon Pacific's construction schedule wi 11 increase to a peak of nine (9) paneH per. day and run for approximately forty five· (45) ·days from the latter part of October, 1985. As we discussed on Friday, November 8, 1985, the followtng inspection schedule will be imple- ment the fabricator's plant: wo day's per week, four (4) hours per day. To include visual inspection of steel frame and connector welds,. and concr_ete sarripl i ng and testing. This is _approximately 40% inspection. Please advi.se if you desire a more ex- panded or reduced inspectton schedule for the remainder of the precast concrete fabrtcation~ . · · · Please contact me at your· earliest convenience·, should you have any questions. Sincerely, RECEIVED Kenneth M. Rowe NOV 191985 ~orth County Branch Manager CITY OF CARLSBAD KMR/j1c Building Department cc: File . City of Carlsbad./ B.randow and Johnson A.ssoci ates Ruhnau-McGavin-Ruhnau . .. . . Capitol·fngineering Laboratories ARCH-ITECT'S FIELD ORDER PROJECT: Carlsbad Safety Center ,_.5~0 . O/l-ltnJ w~ OWNER: City of Carlsbad TO: Koll Company OWNER ARCHITECT CONSULTANTS CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR OTHER tz;1 City of Carlsbad/M. Brooks/G. Suttle ~ ~uhnau McGavin Ruhnau/Associates CJ ~ Carlsbad·~uilding Dept. ~ lxl Construction Mgr./S. Mahoney FIELD ORDER NO: 1 DATE: 2/6/86 PROJECT NO: 2-12-01 You are hereby directed to execute promptly this Field Order which Interprets the Contract Documents or orders minor.changes In the Work without change In Contract Sum or Contract Time. · If you consider that a change In Contract Sum or Contract Time Is required, please submit your itemized proposal to the Architect Immediately and before proceeding with this Work. If your proposal Is found to be satisfactory and in proper order, this Field Order wll I in that event be superseded by a Change Order. DESCRIPTION: At Room #120 Women I s Lockers and at Room #125 · Men I s Lockers delete i.nterior wfodows .at wall common·: to Room #105 Atrium and replace-with steel stud/ gypsum board to match adjacent wall construction. ATTACHMENTS: R£C£IV£o FEB271986 CITY OF CA Build' RLSBAD ,ng Department BY: Barry Marukelli, Ruhnau McGavin Ruhnau/Associates Architects Plann~rs RUHNAU McGAVIN RUHNAUIASSOC/ATES 3775 Tenth Street Riverside, CA 92501•3669 714/6B4·4664 5751 Palmer Way, Suite C Carlsbad. CA 9200B· 1995 619/438•5B99 }R CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES MA TE RIALS TESTING ANO INSPECTION 1828 TRIBUTE RO SACRAMENTO CA 95815 Plant: ' 5)1~ w1 /-, -,-;a~~ N 'Ri e,/ P, 1,,. -e r- == I MEMBER MARK NUMBER ~/1. RWI?-w J;J.. F< J:L F"J:l_ i V') ...J -< I- Lu 0 0.. ~ i I- Lu V') ·t!l z: -I- V') < u I-u :::, 0 0 -0:: 0.. 0 . w· . ::: V') -z: -u... -.. 11-VSD, t',115-,., I FORM -CONDIT I ON S & CLEAN /i,/ 'P. ' /J.150 iN~I>. l/P~ Vt-< . I . Ve S' \I {P\ ! SEAMS SEALED .. Ve<; FORM COATING I 1ves . 've< 've.f . Iv t°S I , ,, es I J' 1 I/ '/q , /, ', ;)'/4 , I I '/ / / i'~ ., ;('II~., I DESIGN LENGTH /t'1 II/,/' . DESIGN WIDTH g' /~ ½. ff I~ 1;;_' i, 10 ~L" 9., ~ ,, 3, /o"f ' I TH I CKN ESS I 2'' :2 ,, j_ ., .2 .. 2 ,, BLOCK OUTS I --~ .......... -~-! OPENINGS -..... ... I..?' .__ END & EDGE DETAILS /;ooc./ 0tJod h t:'od G~~~/ &tJeu:/· REINFORCING FABRIC SIZE trl G ?Kt 6Kt 6 "/. ~ m X t, .. ,4 s i=7 ,:::,_.,e_ ,l)RUJ11 REINFORCING PLACEMENT <" -REGLET'S J RUST-I CA TI ONS ----'-"" ~ '--t.-- '--"" .._ L-. . CHAMFERS ----- HAUNCHES (CORBEL) .......-.__ ..... _., c--- PLATES & INSERTS ----'--.._.. L - ,·NS P. , ,·tu s/J. _ · I /,vs P / "' t; p WELDED ITEMS I A)~JJ LI FT ING LOOPS , , /4 ,IJ ;:; tUf!. rit ,:/lo.ct:. /AJ 1/fe:ue I iN n I'< I'~ 1'1(..;/,,r,. , VIBRATION INTERNAL 1v·~t1-e... -I --- VIBRATION EXTERNAL I \It#' s. . ve..s yes I Vt°r ve ~ WORKABILITY/SLUMP 15',~,I f?~d ht?t:>d -~J~d' ~It'~/ COLOR .__.. t..-L--'--·. .j TROWEL FIN I SH ,__. --I c.-. -._.. I tJ I< OK. OK I t) ;::_ . 6/<.. SURFACES CRACKS & SPALLS '/'/~Ne. NPNP. A/tJ 1ue. l'fotve NtJNe.. EXPOSED FABRIC ,lt/~Aft._ 'Noti./e· A/otJe I /VoNe, NOA/f? INSERTS/LOOPS //IJf~?r / l{-/-19-cf /1'1 f19e r /M f11-cf-t#fArT- EDGE OUAi.. !TY -o )<... /) I(_ t)K c)J,:::._ oJC... I l--OPENINGS l.,-----' <-----------! i /II" fie /Y"tJe.. AltJ:1ve /vtJAlt:.-AltJ/t/e PATCHING I DATE APPROVAL STAMPED I /I) -11) /0-30 I 0--:--=?l'i I G)-3CJ /t? -30· CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: We hereby certify that the abo~e 11sted assemblies were pr~fabricated under our quality control system and that each such assembly has peen inspected and bears our identifying mark, complying with Se~tion 5006 (b) of the Uniform Building Code. · REMARKS: "THINSHELL" panels Copies_: CAPHOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES ! I I ! ! I I I ),4-~-i. -- ,.,... ... f ,. -CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES MATERIALS TESTING ANO INSPECTION 1828 TRIBUTE AO SACRAMENTO. CA. 95815 =~~1 =ME=M=BE=R=M=A=RK=. N=u=MB=E=R ===L-1-tF==·!=.1 ..... 2.~===l'~R~w~1=A.==i~w=='=~=~~K=1 '-==t=~F·1~!l.===+=1 ======= FORM CONDITIONS & CLEAN /IJlJ;,. [ /Nso ift.l~D. /#SI:> ,'NSh I SEAMS SEALED \/ p (' 1./ ,o < Ve< V e <; \/ 'f?, DESIGN LENGTH /t'1 //;,/' 1/11l/ll/1 /J'J/'lt.1' 1/'l/l/f' 1/''I!'-+/.'' I a 'I I I '1 9 F / I/ t,, , /,o 1.:: I DESIGN WIDTH tf It'½ l'1 It 'lz_ 1i' I0 7L " o viz THICKNESS :2 11 ,;i_ 11 :J." .2 .. LI/ ! BLOCK OUTS --'--' ~ OPENINGS ..... i END & EDGE DETAILS u.J I 0 1------------l-----,......,.---1-------+-..-----+-:----c--,--+--'-~--::--__._ ___ _ ~ REINFORCING FABRIC SIZ I ~ REINFORCING PLACEMENT u.J V, REGLETS RUSTICATIONS CHAMFERS HAUNCHES (CORBEL) PLATES & INSERTS WELDED ITEMS LIFTING LOOPS VIBRATION INTERNAL ~ VIBRATION EXTERNAL ~ WORKABILITY/SLUMP V, ~ COLOR TROWEL FINISH SURFACES lrl~ tKt tc-Kt /:,Y.&, mXb 4 .s /:;) o ;f> .n ,(? u 1 ., < I ..... '--..._ ..... . ,·N .SP. , V e.s VPr f:;;,e>d ~Jt:1d' ..... t; CRACKS & SPALLS ,NtJAJe._ N pN(.) AIEJAJ(:. /r'tJtve N()l./e_ g r-E=X=P..:.0-=.;S E:.:D;........:F:..:AB=R::.I.:::::.C ___ +--...!,/V-=-;:~:.:.:AJ(_::.:::;.--+-!.-N::.....!:::.o!.!.::./1/e=+I-.......I..A/L'"'-/.J .!..:.A!-=e':::...../,.+-.!...!M~t>:...,:.N__::e.:;:._j,--.!.N.L't)~'f-Z-lAI' t?....,,..-+---- ~ i---=-.:I N=S..:.E.;.;..R T:..=S'""-/=L 0::..:0:..:...P.::.S ----+-1~·N;,::,,,..:....:1't'l.-;__:_t-i_-4-_!,l,_1 ..'....!){~f,..!...~t...::::!......j.......1/'_l..lll..z....;.7,u';o.,-~f_.,_,/~·N,::__:_t'.:..:.'if..:::..C-_f--+.!..</N~~"-·.,,a~r~· T--+------ 0 EDGE DUALITY OK-/} /( t)K cJ)c::.... o/t.... u.J ::c OPEN I NG S L---' t---L--~ ,-....=-=-~~----_J_-----+----,:;,-----+--M-,.,.,--.,,/,0-----+-----+---,-~IA_A_/:e.-+-----= PATCHING #~Ne /VIJIV,;;__ v/YC-NtiNe-/VV,Vi. ,.__... ..._ DATE APPROVAL STAMPED /1.J-~I /11-31 /~-31 1t1-5/ l'~~.3I CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: We hereby certify that the above listed assembltes were prefabricated under our quality control system and that each such assembly has been inspected and bears our identifying mark, complying with Section 5006 (b) of the Uniform Building Code. REMARKS: "THINSHELL" panels Copies: CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES ./, I CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABOR.A TORIES MATE RIALS TESTING AN[) INSPECTION 182b TRIBUTE A[) SACRAMENTO CA 95!!1~ f i IP No. Project: Date: n pe I s cto r: .t1.5SI~ , Wes/ Plant: /{°;';.A I{ Hi' e,,'P, , ... - :: I MEMBER. MARK NUMBER 1 _Fl:L Lfil/__l~ w ,~ I(,,_ -lLLd-:· ' CLEAN! 1°1/ 3 D. i /Nso iM~D. //\ISD. ; FORM CONDITIONS & ,NS"h I \/ f'> ., ' I ve'>' v ~r SEAMS SEALED ti p ~ I \/(!!"-<" ! I 1ves 'v t°( ! 'veJ Iv /1" 5 FORM COATING \I e. S I I DESIGN LENGTH 1/t'' II /cl ,, I I/ I I I/ It/ ' -/, '//'ltJ'' I I'/// /q, ll/1 //~·, ' ' I I I I I I ci' /~ ½ iJi I" ~z. , 1i, I ;, 9,' ,, 3 /"'tf'! DESIGN WIDTH 10"/1,. I THICKNfSS I ::; 1, ;2. ,, :i. ., 2 .. I .2_ ,, ; ! BLOCK OUTS -I -........ ~ ! ..... '.'.:: I OPENINGS i -L.. ' ._.,. ,__ ; -1 ; Acoc-1 ICoc"7 ~~od hdil?~/ c;. "~e:-/ :: l END & EDGE DETAILS w! Cl' ; ~; REINFORCING FABRIC SIZE (rf G i t Kt. f Kt, G y: ~ lo X b ~ : REINFORCING PLACEMENT i ,4 .s i /::,t:::, ft2_ ./'J RUJ ', <: w -VI REGLETS I / RUSTICATIONS ----I .__.. '--.__ '--" I i ~ '-~ CHAMFERS ----I - HAUNCHES (CORBEL) i ......-! ..... ..... ! --- PLATES & INSERTS I -i .__ ._ I L. -I ,· IJ s P. f /1.J~n ,'tJ stJ. I ,','ISP . WELDEil ITEMS I ,.,,p LIFTING LOOPS I ,~ /4 I • '/4 ;:, r«:e. ! ,I/ ,:J ace. ,'AJ 0 1'6re ! iN r>l,r rt!. l 0No£,r,._ .. VIBRATION I NTERNAl ! JV'-~Ne.. I ---I --I q VIBRATION EXTERNAL ' . Vt°~ I 11e ..s I Yes \/ f'r I ve~ z -WORKABILITY/SLUMP i 'G'"',/ i~~d j f;;, ,tt:I 1Gie1/ ~e,e,/ .... .l?t:> VI i i I < COLOR .__. t--..__. (.... -u I ! ! ..... I c.-i i ..... I TROWEL FINISH ; ......... i I - ! SURFACES \ ! tJJ< i OK I CK I ot::.. t:)/<. t; I CRACKS & SPALLS N~Ne.. ' NpNP ! Af/)AJ(:_ h'otr1e Nl)}le. i ! :::; I i . ,11/~lv(__ ., Nol\le.. A/1JA1e · i /VON e. Nt?AJP Cl EXPOSED FABRIC I I o. ,',J ft\.~ t r / Nf/rcf //'II -1/.h: f /N f-t1e-f /11 f A t"T . ~! INSERTS/LOOPS : ciEDGE QUALITY l OK-i /} /( t)K vK OK.... w ~i OPENINGS L---! c..--(__ ------, JI/~ Ne i /YONL AltJ/1/e. Nt1Ne A1~1t1e z PATCHING : -'-'-' DATE AH~O'/AL STAMPED //-/ I 11-I //-/ II-I I/-I CERTI~ICA7E OF COMPLIANCE: We hereby certify that the above listed assemblies were prefa:ricated under our quality control system and ~hat each such assembly ha~ been i~s~ected and bears our identifying mark, complying with Section 5006 (b.) of the Uniform Building Code. REMARKS: "Ti-iINSHELL" _::)anels Copies: CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES ! ! r I I I I i I ; i I ' I )A I' /4. -··-- " CAPtTOL ENGINEERING LABORAT9RIES MATERIALS TESTING ANO ·INSPECTION 1828 TRIBUTE AO SACRAMENTO. CA. 95815 ~ [MEMBER MJ,l.RK NUMBER I< 1/JJ/Z IA{ I 2-- V) ...J ...... ct I-w Cl 0... :::, l I-w V) (.!) z: ...... I-V) ct u I-u· :::, Cl 0 0:: 0... 0 w :I: vi ...... z:' ...... LJ... FORM CONDITIONS & CLEAN ,·NsD. \lei ' \IP5 SEAMS SEALED ·FORM COATING ll~S 11ves DESIGN LENGTH. 1 //1//'lt.1.' . I I/'/ I 1/1/-" : _, .x'!o ~z.. . ff' /0 '12, . DES LGN WIDTH THICKNESS ~ ,, _BLOCK OUTS ____,-· - -OPENINGS c.:------· END & EDGE DETAILS f'::o~,( ~/!./ -- FABRIC SIZE h Kl~ . b K__t:, :5 td l 1 REINFORCING , l I I~ _e_.. Me'.~ REINFORCING PLACEMENT et~ ,, €,,L. 1) 1 W4 ~; • I REGLETS - RUSTICATIO.NS ---.. CHAMFERS ~ -· HAUN C H E S ( t 0 RB EL ) L..--· __, -- PLATES & INSERTS <-------· I ' · WELDED ITEMS 1f\/5r.>. 1NSP. LIFTING LOOPS . I' I f,/ ,") a_ ~-e. I ,'..,/ IN . a.r.l VIBRATJDN INTERNAL .-#t'' ve_' VIBRATION EXTERNAL VP ~ l[P_ 5" WORKABILITY/ SL UMP 1Ce,A~I -I ti;., o/. COLOR -.__ TROWEL FINISH .......... -· ' SURFACES p tc df<-_ CRACKS & S PAL LS /IJCN e Ht>#~ EXPOS.ED FABRIC #~Ale. Nh,;e INSERTS/LOOPS 1Nm-c.f /Nf.f-cf- EDGE DUALITY-IJK-_ ~),::._ _OPENINGS ----..;..- PATCHING II oAle-Iv Pit/ e DATE APPROVAL STAMPED /()-Jo-~. /0.:.,~" -f"f ~£RTIFICAT£ OF COMPLIANCE: We hereby certify that ttie above listed assemblies were prefa~ricated under our ~~ality control system and that each such assembly has been inspected and bears o~r identifying mark, complying with Section 5006 (b) of the Uniform Building Code. REMARKS: "THINSHELL" panels Copies: CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES .~·--,....._ r /L,-,u I i I I i I I . CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES 1828 .TRIBUTE RD. SACRAMENTO, CA. 95815 (916) 929-8788 iNSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES 5050 COHASSET ROAD CHICO, CA 95926 (916) 342-3711 /) /_-q /) File No. ~ ,. u Paoe No. _ ____. ___ _ Date /t1-.:25 -b"-.S- DIARY:., .. -4..t:.=---.L~L.......~~~~z_t:je!J!..'_L_..c.=-.L:':::::..L.'L-........__i::..~::LLL.~~_LJ.tlL~C:....-- , 5 f-e c / r:Jl) ///-/ 2 \ ,l111f C. _. I ,.- ir1 ca/tJ)2¢=-S 1 "lf/J c/4 ,. __ ;2. .O c:r 111e/s tJ · i~ -IL'' I' I . I / -'f...S er~t 1 5 oro.Jue-71t'i/ I r · \ ' CAPITOL ENGINEERING . LABORATORIES li2iR:RJi¼~i.Rg~_ 95815 INSPECTOR'S . DAILY REPORT (916} 929-8788 ,,-;; '/ / ; / . I 1nspector_~-=.;::...;..jt;..J.,/__..~~-,:_,1/':.&...-.._L_,,..;._.r...._>_S;..:;./_.:r;:...::· '.A_;;~----'---- Weather . i.k ;' 6/.etfez.s /<Nflt. fr,/ I} V C &.. fJvCP-,,1aN~/ · /4,g_ · ·£:/4.? M . . Mg vt' 7 . / .· de. . ~ 'f/2 e C-/-r-. ., / CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES 5050 COHASSET ROAD CHICO, CA 95926 (916) 342-3711 File No. :2 S-7 C Pooe No. _____ / ___ _ Date I tJ -.? {-'-S--S - · ·international Con.ference of Building Officials TECHNICAL REPORT Filing Category: QUALITY CONTROL AGENCIES STRUCTURAL QUALITY CONTROL AND INSPECTION AGENCY FOR PREFABRICATED BUILDING COMPONENTS CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORJES 631 COMMERCE DRIVE ROSEVILLE, CALIFORNIA 95678 I. Subject: Structural Quality Control and Inspection Agency for Pre- fabricated Building Components. II. Description: Capitol Engineering Laboratories. Inc., Sacramento, California, provides quality control monitoring and certification of struc- tural requirements for prefabricated construction. Report No. AA-588 April, 1984 Ill. Evidence Submitted: Description of key personnel. plant layout, equipment and procedures of inspection for quality control are submitted. Findings IV. Findings: That Capitol Engineering Laboratories, Inc., Sacra- mento, California, is a recognized agency to provide quality control monitoring and certification of structural building components in pre- fal>ricated construction recognized in ICBO technical reports. This report is subject to re-examination in two years. . ICBO technical reports ar:.e issued solely to provide information to Class A members oj the organiZlltion utilizing the code upon which the report is based. Technical reports are not to be construed a.s representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specijically·addressed nor as an endorsement or recommendation for use of the subject report. This report is based upon information concerning organiz,ztion and procedures submitted by the applicant. The ICBO technical staff has rev.iewed the malerial, but does not, a.s a matter of routine, make a11 independent verification. There is no warranty by ICBO, expressed or implied, as to any ·«Finding_'' or other matter in the report or as to any-product covered 'by the report. This disclaimer includes, but is not limited to, merchantability. Page 1 of 1 ARCHITECT'S FIELD ORDER PROJECT: Carlsbad Safety Center OWNER: City of Carlsbad TO: Koll Company OWNER ARCHITECT CONSULTANTS CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR OTHER ~ City of Carlsbad/M.·Brooks/G. Suttl 1211 Ruhnau McGavin Ruhnau/Assoc. !XI Brandow & Johnston, M. Kanda ~ Carlsbad:Building Dept. cf?/° IXI Construction Mgr./ S. Mahoney FIELD ORDER NO: 2 DATE: 2/20/86 PROJECT NO: 2-12-01 You are hereby ·directed to execute promptly this Field Order which Interprets the Contract Documents or orders mlnor.~hanges in the Work without·change In Contract Sum or Contract Time. If you consider that a change In Contract Sum or Contract Time Is required, please submit your itemized proposal to the Architect immediately and before proceeding with this Work. If your proposal is found to be satisfactory and in proper order, this Field Order will in that event be superseded by a · Change Order. DESCRIPTION: Change skylights above Room #105 Atrium frorn.2 1011 x 61-011 to 61011 x 61 011 and relocate roof framing as shown on -the accompanying sketches, Sheet SR~l4 and Building Section A-A ( NOTE:· Addi ti ona l archi tectura 1 details for cei 1 i ng and roof revisions sha 11 be forthcoming.) ATTACHMENTS: Sheet SR-14, dated 2-20~86 Sketch Section-A-A, dated 2-20-86 \ BY! .Barry Marukel l i, Ruhnau McGevin Ruhnau/Associates Architects Plann~rs RUHNAU McGAVIN RUHNAUIASSCX::IATES 3775 Tenth Street Riverside, CA 92501•3669 714/684-4664 5 751 Palmer Way. Suite C Carlsbad, CA 92008· 1995 619/438·5899 1-R ~'-o' 1-e,,I ll I S~T "'· ~--i--,~----1'----f~ 11-ttf l!I r I .,· /.,U--f=l'ZAMI~-M~S-S"~ AIZa.. 1--><J:STING:.. • . C.C,~TfCf-1 Ct= IZ2J.Oc:Al'J!O • MeM!N!'f.ZS "'-T av..CH -·-ENE>· ~"-"··1!6. , (g.ol/TIZ~ op.ru:.1N) , ,, I ,· .. ,.-s ......... a. C::.ONN. AS: ~.,.TING: 'P'Et:Z lo/$-I · . ·2~ -~ Ls ··a;t~.;c. ~-w,m-· -z:.. ~·t P«-T'S SA.,._-.;. --~ ~ u · e.~ .. ~·I Wl?1'f ~-74-'~ tsc::>t.n: -re, W&& ·c:ip. tN1iAM · J"i""'-MOVIES>•. A.MD 4(Go-II Pl&.l.&T W1!!!tP "12:> ---WI!& OF'-.,.t\PII.IZ. -~- G BRANDOW a JOHNSTON ~SSOCIATES I PARTIAL RDDF FRAMING PLAN .................... _, ........ : .......... -. IHO ·.w. nc111a .ff .. LOa ANO~ CAUF011~tA eoo,:, I TCLIEPHOHC ......... AJl&A COOK a 18 City of Carlsbad '· · . Puolic Safety & Service Center Carlsbad, California . rev• on no. .2.l'201 sea•· Ve,~J~t:t. date 2-20-!YP Areh,t.eta Plan,,.,. Sheet no. ~~~=;,:._ ________ _, RUHNAU McGAVIN RUHNAUIASSOCIATES . ·"'" ,:,'"" ,. ___ SR-14 . r") ..... .J ... ·_; ---{ :~-I I I I · I l . I .-l ---@.-IN.,_. ___ _ :-.:: ~ .. .. '. ;- ' ~ --.!-=====--......_. · .. 11 ---. *' .. H· : . I. ---- !. . .. .:llllll-;-+' ·:~~-:t---~-\)0 I ' I . i. ~-,· I I. ! . Ir------ ' 1J ! -------""'-@- •' jl v RUHNAU McGAV/N RUHNAU/ASSOCIATES 3775 Tenth Street Riverside. CA 92501-3669 . 71416/54-46&4 . 5751 Palmer Way Carlsbad. CA 92008 679/438-5899 IR Herm.in O Ruhnau, F.A.I.A L .=J\·,.:· Put11,-:.1 A.I.A Ga1,. • /vkG,Am. A.I.A -· DAiE March 28, 1986 RE: Site meeting of 3/19/86 with. HVAC & Drywa 11 Reps. PRESENT: Steve Mahoney, Koll Co. Barry Marukelli, RMRA Kinney Air Co. representativ:e E.F. Brady Co. representative . 1. Fire rated shaft enclosure (1 hour)@ HVAC Ducts -1st Floor Terminations: a). Room 154 -Drywall enclosure shall be contiguous with shaft enclosure on 2nd fl-0or & shall extend to underside of ducts. Bottom of shaft shall be closed with same 1 hr. drywall enclosure. Fire dampers shall be installed at duct penetrations of west side of shaft wall (exten- sion) of corridor #151 east wall -above fire lid). b). Room 169 -shaft enclosure shall terminate as noted·on on Mechanical Drawing M-3. (3 ft. below ceiling) & shall be closed with same 1 hr·. drywa 11 construction @ bottom. Fire dampers shall be installed as noted on Drawing M-3 (@ air supply and return register openings). c). Room 129 -Shaft enclosure shall terminate at underside of d~cts a noted on Drawing M-3 similar to item a') above. 2. Clarification of location & extent of l--hour egress envelope: a). Lobby #101 -All interior perimiter walls (including 2 story walls), "Lid" at ceiling of 2 story space, anddlid~ above metal ceiling shall be of 1 hour drywall construc- ted as noted by partition legend on Drawings A-1 & A-4. It was noted that the "lid11 above t.he metal ceiling shall be located as high as physically possible to allow for mechanical duct clearance. Also, vertical transi- tions of this "lid" shall be made at the east side of the Lobby to align with the 2nd floor Lobby wall and at the west side of the Lobby to align with the 2 story walls. It was further noted that the 11 1-id" at the 2 story space shall occur at the-Architectural ceiling ap- proximatily 22' -611 above 1st floor. b). Reception #102 -only the south wall carries a 1 hour rating, as noted by the partition legend on drawing A-1. Reception #201 -is essentially a common free space with reception #102 and therefore there is no required fire, separation between th~m. ~\ -·----~-·-···--· ··-~-~--. . ...... ~ ~· ., .. ,--~-·.....---,--·--""' ., _ __.......,.t...,....;--,.·-· "7 -···-::~ •• ·-·· -.. • ~--,.....,.-.----< .... ,;;-491,,::;.io;:wra..;o.;;41.w.:11•m~1lft,,....,...,JJ=e:'8 wwwi&=., ... tPL-8A:e::g.ae.:e;..~"A"~~.J,,,li,IR~ . -... -~--. --~ ..... --..,~,,,_....,...... ___ ~ i,),\"LhXMM2.:r) :,.::;::p;~• RUHNAU McGAVIN RUHNAU/ASSOCIATES Page 2 b). Reception #201 (Continued) c). All of the perimeter walls of Reception 201 are noted to be l hour rated and the 1 hour 111id 11 is located at the underside of the roof structure in accordance with Drawings A-1,3,4, & 6. Atrium #105 -No rating· required for a 11 perimeter wa 11 s a 1 though part of an egress corridor (allowed under UBC code exception for 11corridors more than 30 feet in width"). The perimeter walls shall be constructed as noted -0n drawings A-1, & A-4. Corridor #214, Alcove 2.14A, Corridors #231, & 252 -All perimeter walls shall be of 1 hour drywall construction as noted on Drawings . A-1, & A-3. In addition, the perimeter walls shall conform to the 11 accoustical partition11 requirements as noted on Drawings A-4~& A-6. The entire combined ar~a, including 2 story space, is covered with a 1 hour rated ·cei.l ing/roof ·system as noted on Drawings A-6 & A-15. (Exception allowed under UBC Code· for elimination of top portion of required combination assembly ie: concrete topping @ steel roof deck. Noted, acoustic tile covering on gypsum wall board not part of rated ceiling/roof assembly.). d). Meeting Area Building -Lobby #175, and Corridors #176 & 181 -all · interior perimeter walls and the 11 lid11 above metal ceiltng shall shall be of 1 hour drywall construction as noted by partition legends on drawings A-l, 2, 4, & ·s. It was noted that the 11 lid11 a- bove:the.-metal ceiling shall .be located as high as possible ·to allow for mechanical duct· clearance. ft was further noted that · s i.ipp 1 y a i'r ducts which make penetrations of the II l i d~1 s ha 11 be fire dampered at .. ·those penetrati.ons and the 11 1id0 shall be held be1ow the mechanical 11 attic11 space. (this change· to be noted as a re··ision to Field Order No. 9). _ ... ------- 3. Cla:rificat.ion Continuity of .Fire Rated Construction -In order to maintai'n the required integrity of rating at ·a situation where rated walls at ··· first floor and second floor spac·es are aligned but are intern1pted by a structural member, that member will be encased by the rated wall· con~truction. .. BY: Barry Marukell_ , cc.: Ruhnau McGavin Ruhnau/Associates City of Carlsbad, Mike Brooks Building Department ... ;., • -.:, _,,,,,. __ _ . .. . ~ ... -: ... .. .,. -·..: . ~ .:. -.. -': . . -·. -.. ~-- ffe; ~~~~{',file,r:s Pfa_(!ry_e_~--_____________ .... ~....t '-~lJhtZ-tf~ /"'·"" --v o ~---~r~ ~ RUHNAU McGAVIN RUHNAU!ASSOCIATES lR .:2 :s(, C> 0/--!tJtJ UJ;..j x /)fl\. f;>~ > ~ MEMO TO: Steve Mahoney DATE March 28, 1986 3775 Tenth Street Rwerside, CA 92501-3669 714/684-4664 5751 Palmer Way Carlsbad, CA 92008 679/438-5899 RE.: Site meeting of 3/19/86 with HVAC & Drywall Reps. PRESENT: Steve Mahoney, Koll Co . . Barry Marukelli, RMRA Kinney Air Co. representative E.F. Brady Co. representative. 1. Fire rated shaft enclosure (1 hour}@ HVAC Ducts -1st Floor Terminations: a). Ro.om 1_54 -Drywa-11 enclosure -sball be contiguous with shaft enclosu~e on 2nd floor & .shall.extend to underside of ducts. Bottom of shaft shall be closed with-same 1 hr. -drywa 11-.--eric 1 osure. Fi re dampers sha 11 be ·i nsta 11 ed at d~c~ penetrations of west side of shaft wall (exten- sion} of corridor #151 east wall -abovj fire lid). b}. Room 169 -shaft enclosure shall terminate as noted on on Mechanical Drawing M-3 (l ft. below ceiling) & shall be closed with same 1 hr. drywall construction@ bottom. Fire dampers shall be installed as noted on.Drawing ·M-3 (@ air supply and return register ~penings). c). Room 129 -Shaft enclosure shall terminate :at underside of d~cts a noted on Drawing M-3 similar to item a) above. 2. · Clarification of location & extent .of l hour egr.ess envelope: a). Lobby #101 -All interior perimiter walls (including 2 story walls), "Lid" at ceiling of 2 story space, anddlid~ above, metal ceiling shall be of 1.hour drywall construc- ted as noted by partition legend on Drawings A-1 & A-4. It was noted that the "li~" ~hove the·metal ceiling shall be located as high as ~hysixal1y posstble to allow for m~chanical .duct .clearance. ---A.lso,·-vertical·-transi- tions of ·thi-s "i·id" ·s·hall be :made ~t .the -:-east si-de of . the Lobby to ali.gn.with the -2nd floor_.Lobby.wall -.and -_ -at ·the west ·side of the Lobby :to -al i·gn -with .the 2 story wa 11 s. .lt was furthe·r :-noted ·that .the ·11r; d" at ·the 2 .story ,space shall occur at the Ar.chi.tectural -ceiling :ap- _, . .-..proximately .22 1 -.611 above 1st floor.-· -: _ . __ ~ --:b).. _ Reception #1"02 -on J-y the south .wa 11 :·car-ri:es a ·l.·,hour :,_· .--___ r.at.i ng·, .as· .noted ·by th·~ ·parti:ti·on ] egend .on .drawing A-1 • Reception -#201 -·is essenti a 1 ly .a commori free.~spac~ with · receptfoli-#102 and therefore ~there. i:S no .. requi-red fire separation bet,ieen them. ,: ":~,,~t~,~;~f·'~' .-. Herman 0. Ruhnau, FA.I.A. David Ruhnau, A.I.A. Gary L McGavin, A.I.A. • ,_. ?-~ ., -,, '.." -. RUHNAU McGAVIN RUHNAU/ASSOCIATES Page 2 3. b). Reception #201 (Continued) All of the perimeter walls of Reception 201 are noted to be l hour rated and the l hour 11 lid11 is located at the .underside of the roof structure in accordance with Drawings A-1,3,4, & 6. c). Atrium #105 -No rating-required for all perimeter walls although part of an ~gress corridor (allowed under UBC code exception for 11 corridors more than 30 feet in width"). The perimeter walls shall be constructed. as noted on drawfogs A-1, & A-4. Corridor #214, Alcove :214A,. eort·i-dor.s #231, &. 252 -All perimeter walls shall be of l hour drYwall constr.uttion·-as ·noted on Drawings A-1, & A-3. In addition, ·th·e p.erimeter walls shall conform to the 11accoustical partition-" requirements as noted on Drawings A-4 ·.& A-6. The entire combinea ar~a;. includi-ng, 2 story space, ls covered with· a 1 hour rated·"ceil ing/roof·~sys.tem as .noted on Drawings A-6 & ''. A-15. (Exception ~llowed under. use· Cpde· for. elimi:nation of top· . portion of required combination a:ssemb ly i e: ·concrete ·topping: ·'. ~ @ steel roof deck • .-Noted:, acous~tjc ·tile :covering on gypsum wall ·'·' board not part of rated ceil ihg/roof assembly.). ,· · d). · Meeting Area Bui1ding -Lobby #T75., ·and Corri-dors #176. & 181 --all .::. · · interior perimeter·walls and the 11·lid11 above metal cei-ling shaTl-·. shall be. of 1 hour· dr_ywa 11 cons.tructi on as noted by ·parti ti·on -·. · ·_ legends on drawi-ngs A-l, 2, 4, & ·s.. I.t was noted that the 11 lid11 :a- bove. the:metal ceiling .shall.be lo·cated as high as possible-·to ~:··. allow for mechanical duct-clearance·. :i.t was·further.·.noted that . · - si.rpp lY ai-r. ducts ·whi·ch make. p.ene.tr.ati ons. of the· 11 li d!1 sha 11 be , fire dampered at .. · those penetrattcms ·and·. the II li d11, . sha·l 1 be held. - be-low the··'ffiechanical 11,rttfc11 ·space:. fthts ·change-.to be noted -as--:a- revision ·to Field Order No •. 9)·. -'------ Clarification Con.timii-ty",of Fire Rated Constru-cttorr: -In o·rder to maintad"n · the required-integri:ty of ra-.ti'ng-at: ... a·s:i'tuation, where -rated -wa-ll:s =a-t .,;.: first floor and ·second floor sp·aces· a.re--alighed but ·are interrup.ted- by :,a stru.ctural .member,, ·.that. member· wfll be-encased by the ·rated:'. - . .wall ~cons·truction.::-,: ·" ,,. ~ · · w:: -- . . BY: ·oarry Marukell", • • ' ':~ .;• ~ ~-~· .t;t~_ Ruhnau McGavin Ruhnau/Ass.oc..i:a:tes . --/·:~_"';c.c:~.-City -~f Carlsbad, . ;-_ .::, " Mike Brooks Buci.Jding, ·oepar-tment __ ::._.:, _ >-___ _ .-!.' _-.--.-:. • ~'!I'<:.. : .. 1' .... : -::. . - ·- , . .,· CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES Materia_ls Testing • Inspection 631 Commerce Drive_• Roseville, California 95678 (916) 786-2488 (816) 965,-8788 TO: * * * Testing Engineers 2948 Industry Street, Suit~ B Oceanside . Ca 92054 ATTN: Kenneth Rowe PROJECT: Carlsbad Safety Center PATE CAST: 10/31 DATE .RECEIVED Ar LAB: 11/01 THIS MATERIAL WAS: SAMPLED BY OTHERS: SAMPtED ONLY BY GEL: INSPECTED & SAMPLED BY CEL: DAL. SAMPLE SIZE: 6Xl2 SAMPLED FROM: F12, R12,Wl2, 9Wl2, F122 CONCRETE REP.ORT FILE NO: 52590 DATE: 11/07!85 MIX DESIGN NUMBER: 987A 6.7 CEMENT FACTOR: ADMIXTURE: MAX •. SIZE AGGREGATE: POZZ 300R & 400N 3/811 SLUMP: 6 1/211 AIR: SUPPLIER: TECON SPECIFIED f 'c 4000 psi @ 28 days ~-------------------------~----------------~-----------------------------------------------LAB SPECIMEN NUMBER: 1:0A llC 12C ----------------------------------------------~--------·------------------------------------CLIENT!S ID NUMBER: --------~------------------------------------~---~-----------------------------------------TEST DATE: · 11/07 11/28 11/28 ----------------------------~------~------~----------------~-------------------------------AGE AT TEST ~DAYS): -7 28 28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TOTAL LOAD: 128200 . --. ----------------------------------------------. -------------------------------------------· AREA: 28.3 28.3 . 28.3 ----·---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =~~~~::S:~:_:T~=~~~~: ________ 4530c'.... ______________ ----------------------------------------- iHESE TESTS WERE PERFORMED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE· UNDERSIGNED AND IN CONFORMANCE WITH ASTM-39. SPARE SPECIMENS WILL BE RETAINED ONLY ·IF THEY ARE BELOW SPECIFIED STRENGTH. REMARKS: ~OPIES: CLE INT TECON. ... ... ----· RESPECiFULLY SUBMITTED, CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES ,., .. ~-CAPITOLENGINEERl·NG LAB-ORATORIES ~ Materials Testing • Inspection 631 Commerce Drive • Roseville, California 95678 (916) 786-2488 (916) 965-8788 CONCRETE REPORT TO: * * * Testing Engineers 2948 Industry Street, Suite B Oceanside Ca 92054 ATTN: Kenneth Rowe PROJECT: Carlsbad Safety Center DATE CAST: 10/30, DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 10/31 THIS MATERIAL WAS: $AMPLED BY OTHERS: SAMPLED-ONLY BY CEL: INSPECTED & SAMPLED BY CEL: DAL SAMPLE SIZE: 6X12 SAMPLED FROM: W12, 9Wl2, F12, R12, F12 FILE NO: 52590 DATE: 11/06/85 I MIX DESIGN NUMBER: 987A 6. 7 -CEMENT FACTOR: ADMIXTURE: MAX. SIZE AGGREGATE: POZZ 300R & 400N 3/811 SLUMP: 711 AIR: SUPPLIER: TECON · SPECIFIED f 'c 4000 psi @ 28 days _______________________________________ ¥ ______________ -------------------------------------- · LAB SPECIMEN NUMBER: 7A_ 8C 9C --~-----~------------------------------------,~---~-----------------------------------------. lLIENT 1S ID NUMBER: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TEST DATE: · , 11/'06 11/27 11/27 ---------------------------------------------.. --------------------------------------. . AGE AT TEST (DAYS): 7 28 28 --------------------------------------------------------· -----------------------------------. . ' . ~ TOTAL LOAD: 125290 -----------------------------·-----------------.-------------------------------------------AREA: 28.3 28.3 28.3 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH: 4430e.._ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------. ----------THESE TESTS WERE PERFORMED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE UNDERSIGNED AND IN CONFORMANCE WITH ASTM-39. SPARE SPECIMENS WILL BE RETAINED ONLY IF THEY ARE BELOW SPECIFIED STRENGTH. REMARKS: COPIES: CLE INT TECON RESPECTFU~LY SUBMITTED, CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES OWNER IE ARCHITECT 129 City of Carlsbad-t-1. Brooks Ruhnau McGavin Ruhnau/Assoc.-Loyd Brandow & Johnston-J. Williams ARCHITECT'S FIELD ORDER CONSULTANTS IE CONTRACTOR D INSPECTOR ~ OTHER [XI City of Carlsbad Building Dept. Koll Co.-S. Mahoney PROJECT: Carlsbad Safety Center FIELD-ORDER NO: 10 OWNER: City of Carlsbad DATE: 3/20/86 TO: Koll Company PROJECT NO: 2-12-01 You are hereby directed to execute promptly this Field Order which Interprets the Contract Documents or orders minor changes in the Work without change in Contract Sum or Contract Time. If you consider that a change in Contract Sum or Contract Ttme is required, please submit your itemized proposal to the Architect immediately and before proceeding with this Work. If your proposal is found to be satisfactory and in proper order, this Field Order will in that event be superseded by a Change Order. DESCRIPTION: ATTACHMENTS: Provide masonry wall reinforcement for the Service Center .Building as shown on the accompanying memo. (Two #5 bars continuous at top-of masonry wall, typical throughout.) Brandow & Johnston memo, dated March 19, 1986, #84163 BY: Barry Marukelli, Ruhnau McGavin Ruhnau/Associates Architects Planners RUHNAU McGAVIN RUHNAUIASSOCIATES 3775 Tentn Street Rivers,ae. CA 92501·3669 714/684·4664 5 751 Palmer Way. Suite C Carlsbad. CA 92008·1995 619/438·5899 l-R BHAN DOW & JOHNSTON ASSOCIATES • T • u c: T u • • L r " c.," r r • • , •• D wca;.T 'JHlflD .,,u:C'J, LDa AHGl:LL~. CALlrOJIHIA •001?' • .... -1,111110 TO: ,.ROM: •UB.JECT: .Re: 1~:Bar-ry -Mar.ukalli Ruhnau, McGavin, Ruhnau Associates John Williams Carlsbad Public Safety and Service Center Carlsbad, CA o.-.n:, March 19, 1986 #84163 Masonry Wall Reinforcement for Service Center Building Provide two #5 bars continuous at top of masonry wall typical throughout. JW:mmt ----r-~G-----,--TOP CF WALL it -· 2-f;, CCJrr. SE=OTJON ' May 15, 1986 Mike Brooks Project Coordinator PUBLIC SAFETY CENTER -BP 85-65 This letter will confirm Inspector Camera's statement that the insulation in the return air plenum must be covered with an approved material. MARTIN ORENYAK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEN / OWNER ~ City of Carlsbad, Mike Brooks i ! . . l ARCHITECT @ Ruhnau McGavin Ruhnau, Lloyd Lambe CONSULTANTS @ DesignTech, Karen Lowe CONTRACTOR 0 ARCHITEOT':S FIELD OR.DE:R INSPECTOR ~ City of Carlsbad, Bui I ding Dept1f OTHER @ Kol I Company, Steye Mahoney PROJECT: Carlsbad Pub( ic Safety Center FIELD ORDER NO: 22 OWNER: City of Carlsbad DATE: May 27, 1986 TO: Ko I I Company 7330 Engineer Road San DieQO, CA 9~1 I I PROJECT NO: 2-12-01 You are hereby directed to execute promptly this Field Order which Interprets the Contract Documents or orders. m.i nor changes in. the Work w rthout change in. Contract Sum or Contract Trme·. If you consider that a change in Contract Sum or Contract TTme is required, please submit your itemized proposal to the Architect immediately and before p roce.ed i.ng with this Work. If your p roposa.l rs found· to be satisfactory and in proper order, th rs Fie 1-d O"rder. w-i U i'n. that event be superseded by a _Change Order. DESCRIPTION: ATTACHMENTS: Revrse wal I and· cei I ing detai Is at rol 1-up Door No. 148A as shQwn on the accompanyi'ng sketch. Sketch AR-2 t, dated -May 27 ,. 1986 By:· Barry Marukel Ii,, Ruhnau MaGavin Ruhnau/Associates · Architects Planners RUHNAU McGAVIN RUHNAUIASSCX:IATES ;J 775 Tenth Street Riverside. CA 92501·3669 714/684·4664 5 751 Palmer Way. Suite C Carlsbad. CA 92008· 1995 619/438·5899 1-R .. -:::1. • QI ·rn:·;*" •• . ' ' \· ,l: ·.-,1t'; ., ,. ' ,t~, _,. .: } ' ~ .· ,i _i 1 ' '"'~----~--"'"1"1.-------,,.-_,.,u~,.....-.... ._ L_ .,, .. ,a \ -· -----·, - ~-.. ~., ---------... t I OWNER ARCHITECT CONSULTANTS CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR OTHER t2ll City of Carlsbad-~L Drooks ARCHITECT'S FIELD ORDER t2ll Ruhnau McGavin Ruhnau Assoc~ ~ Brandow & Johnston-J. Hilli~ms 0 PROJECT: ~ Carlsbad Bldg. Dept. Isa Koll Co.-S. Mahoney FIELD ORDER NO: 7 OWNER: Carl s·bad Safety Center City of Carlsbad DATE: March 7, 1986 Koll Co. PROJECT NO: 2-12-01 You are hereby directed to execute promptly this .Field Order which Interprets the Contract Documents or orders minor changes in the Work without change In Contract Sum or Contract·Time. If you. consider that a change in Contract Sum or Contract Time is required, please submit your itemized proposal to the Architect immediately and before proceeding with this Work. If your proposal is found to be satisfactory and in proper order, this Field Order will in that event be superseded by a Change Order. DESCRIPTION: Please issue a change order to add a mechanical equipment support for Condenser AC-6 as shown on the accompanying sketch~s. ATTACHMENTS: Sheet AR 16, dtd. 3/7/86 Sheet SR 18, dtd. 3/7/86 RECEIVED· fl.AR 121986 • • CITY OF CARLS-. ·· .. : B 'Id' BAD UJ mg Departme~t··=· • • • • • •• •• Contempo Engineering Co. Dwg. ACC-6, dtd. 7/6/83 -~~~- Marukelii, Ruhnau McGavin Ruhnau/Associates Architects Plann~rs RUHNAU McGAVIN RUHNAU/ASSOCIATES 3775 Tenth Street Riverside, CA 92501·3669 714/684-4664 5751 Palmer Way. Suite C Carlsbact. CA 92008·1995 6"19/438·5899 lR •••••• • • • • • • • • • • ••• •••• • • • ••• • ••••• Ji ly of Carlsbad1 =-=;;:;;; -. ..;;; .;;;;. -;::::;::;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;.=;;:;;===~--====-rev.ls.Ion _____ ~,1~-:: 1!.."d' - 0 ublic. Safety,, & Service Center , . o no. •• at•-, • C?rlsbad. Californ,a· · 2.1· .o>~; : ·~:-ti2!,C.o Archllects Planners !":UHNAU McGAVIN RUHNAUIASSOCIATES .• -·-----. ' -···---·--·- . , ' 3775 Tenth Street Rl~rtlde. CA DZ5Of•:J0tJII 7f4/0SHOS'4 8 75 f Pelmet W•Y, Suite C Cerlatuad. CA 02008· f 905 (110/0ll-5800 -------------· ·----------- ·:: -~R 1a:: • • • • • • • • • • ••• . • • ! .. -,1.o" .t. ·~~ . . . . ! ------------------·--------. --•---'-·------------------.. -~- '' • • -. . . •••• • • •••••• • . ! i~---------,~ ~)!: ,_ · I I I I ~; \{11 t- .~ I I ~· I I ~ }ii {t ~ ••••••• • • • • • • • • • • •• • • ••• ~ .· <;:) •••• ~-·· ..... I I I I ~ ~ :, i I~ ~ I I I i 1_j '1 • --------· -· ---~-:-=_ '--' . . ~ I --------· ---~ --. . ' 'I BRANDOW a: JOHNSTON ASSOCIATES -111,. ~-II •llt.Tl•e •T•U•T•aA~,: •••I •,aaa• ,:J •••D w. THIIID ff. LO. ANCla..&a,, CAL.lf'Oll~IA •oo,:, ' Ta.SPHON&......... AIICA co01t asa . City of. CarJsbaq . ··. .. · . P·Liblic'. Safety &. Service Center_ ·Carlsbad. California ... · . . -· .· . . . . . . . .. .~ .. . ,· -~ .. -. . . Atehil.cta Pl•nn•ra RUHNAU McGAVIN RUHNAU/ASSOCIAT~S ,,~,, 7'c-ntti S111 ,., I:'<" (I,, t ,, n,._. rev S 0~ ·Job no.· ,ZI 2.01 , ("' I " . I , ' ~• ( , • • •. ,• ~ • r ~ .I date · . · , "?-·,~~- sheet no. · , SR--1r · cc"o FAHS NON• IIOOULATlllla SYSTEM MOD. SYSTEM HOT IAI IYALV£ REO'D BEL.ow zo•·,1 SUl-fLOOII * THII-IIITU / H11 SUIIIIEII I DIA. 1107011 f'LA SJI IIOTOII 'LA s,r+ur 10•, H"f :,o• F CHAIIGE H~ TOTAL -'UiOiES -ZOii V 2:,0 \I. 460V IOalt l30V. 450\t TD TD TD ** : 24 '1/2 1140 2.7 2.4 1.2 ••• ll.Z I.I 42 .. 3.1 2• 1/2 1140 z.i Z.4 I .2 --.. I.I •• 71 94 4.1 2< I/? . Z.4 1.2 'J.I ·-~ , .. 7Z 10 IDT 1,1 -~· 1/2 1140. S.3 4.8 2.4 ,.z s.1 Z.I " 124 149 ,.o . ~· 1/:Z. 1140 S.ll .... z.~ .:.:1.a'.. .:..a.I·, .... e.a,1. .IZI 1st ., .. _ .. ,,,.i... ... : 24 1/2 lt40 ~-S 4., 2.4 ,.z s.1 I.I 10 17t 115 I.I.I ; 1• 112 1140 1,0 T.Z 3.5 ••• 1.0 4.0 IJS 120 Ill 13.J ~. 1/2 '1140, 1.0 7.Z 3.6 ••• ,.o 4.0 ZIT 171 3ZS 17.3 '30 '1.Z.. '1140 160 14.4 7.2 IJ.ll IZ.0 1.0 2:14 zn 351 11.-1 ! . !O 11/Z i1':to.. 16.0 14.4 7.~ ill.3 12.0 1.0 217 354 401 17.S I · 30 11/Z 1,140 16.ll"o lo..l..4.4 7.2 IJ.ll IZ.O 1.0 JOZ llT7 453 17.1 I 30 11/Z 1140 1_6.0 14.4 ~ B.3 12.0 1,0 30 4H IH5 ZS.I ' 30 '1112 ' 1140 ZS.I 21.6 10.8 ~ 11.z ••• 403 504 105 25.1 I 30 11/Z 1140 ll.1 • z'1.s 10.a i1.l1 ·~ .... 4U 14Z •&SO 15.1 j. 30 11/2 1140 23.1 zu 10.a ~1.3 11.Z . ..... -.e• 124 741 ll4.ll I ~\l 11/Z 1140 lll.1 ~· 1_4.4 u,z Zl.4 IJ.Z 5lll ~ 107 54.2 l :lO 11/Z 1140 JI.S itu 14."4 ~u Zl.4 B.Z COi HZ ~ 34,.Z l 30 11/2 114p 31.9 i1.1 14.4 ~u: z~.4 13.-Z ·114 Ill 1041 4~ ,,.,;r D I II E II I I O· II I N'l'IIOX. ' s.:u. A • C 0 i F I ll WE~·· (LBS) • 32•11'4 H•IIK,, llS•ll'I Zl-•!3116 , 41 ~'-'4 .•. ' U•IA Jt-1111 3$•11'4 21 •lll/11 41 •l.14 H•IA m ,, ' I lZ-IH J!l-1/11 ,a. . ,., .. .....; 41•1.II H·~· ·zo ,. a•l/16 ll5•"'4 ,&a• IJ/11 41 •1/4 H•I"! llOO ~ i:) (5Mi'4 llS-1/11 ~ Sl•ISllfo. ~~~ o>• -41•1/~ 11•"4 {"Mo___; r.,.._ CZ•IA H•I/II ll5•11'1 &a-illlll --41•114 H•li'4 ,,o ' 17 9~ H-VII ll5•V. H•lll/1~ --4! •"4 H•l/4 ~ : 2.2 12•114 -)l,j/11 JS•l/4 6a•l3/II --41 •l/4 H•l/4 ISO ! ~ 111•3/I 44•1111~ ~ . ., .. IID --10 lll•l/4 1150 I 27 111-11• 44•1116 aa-ui.. IID . ' -ID ~1-1/4 MO I 10 111•1/I 44•1111 ,. . ., .. -'tl..... --IO ll•S/4 570 ):. 111•1/I '44•1111 ll•a/15 110 l"--IO JMl/4 1110 <0 16&•3/I 44•1/11 11•9111 Ill )10 ..... ,,__ 55 ID ll•J/4 140 ·~ 1"•111 44-1/11 ....... IH 1io il-,...._ 110 ll•l/4 ISO ~0 '"·118 44•1/11 lll•IIII 115 110 H ~ Jl•li4 110 I ~~ 221•1/1 44•1/11 lll•SIII zzo 110 110 10 l'll:-ll/4 \,IIO n 21.l•WI ..... ., .. 111111 120 IID 110 10 ll•S/4 N.._140 70 ZZl•3/1 .... ., .. 11•1111' 220 110 110 ,o Jl•S/4 1,110'-. ALL INLET ANII Gil LIT COl<hE er , ? IOh . ta O.D, ..,. .. : -t 11\Jlltm)IIIU1T'll ~ &~ ~EC ,., .. '4:".:l,:--~----· ·---·· .. ) .-~ * ON IIOOULATING SYSTEMS, ONLY# I FAN IS (/f' MOOUUTING SINGLE l'HASIE TYPE, 1075 IIPII ** TO llllTAIN COIIRECT IUIIIIEh CHARGE, HOVE IO"F PER CIRCUIT, DIVIDE TOTAL CIIAIIQ[ IY NUMll£R.OF CIRCUITS. CHAHE COIIIIECTION IIULTll'LIEII FOIi VARIOUS AMll!NT TElll'ERATUIIEI IASED ON CONDENSU SUMIIEII CHARO,. ., • ., • 10 1,11 10 I.II 10 I.TO q 4,04 40 z.10 -10 . 4.15 10 1.52 '' -zo · 4.14 10 l.'F4 -10, 4,lll 111,111mEUNT, LU/l00 ll DI' LIQUID AND DISCHAIIQE LINE. LINE LIOUIO DISCHAll&I' LIii! OJI. LINE i.lNE Ill .T.O Ill II.I .10 314 l.lD 111 1.11 l•l/1 1,11 - TITLE . e, AIR COOLED • • • • • • • • • • ••• • ••• -~ • • • .... c_,_ac_· _w_·JT_11_·_z_011_·_1_,._NS_-1"' * 1)15CQNNECT.IWITOt-l'\&S : 0f'1l0NAL ITDIS CU,C WITH 4, t Olt I ,ANS ·; S-PMA,11 '""· ... -__ , TYPICAL MAY HAVE I OIi MORE CIR~UITS. llfCOIIIIENDED 11E,111GUANT LINE IIZEI L\DUID LINE C:0111'11.EIIOII 15' 15' ~o· 100', w .. w . -· .. ,- II TOIi 1/Z i,z 1/Z Ill DIICHAIII&' LINE (HOT IAII -• TOIi 'I ,,.. I •"' I.II 7/1 ITANDAIID CONNECTION SIZE l'IIOYIOED OIi TH£ MODULE IS 1/1° DD POii LIDIIID AIIC • &II" POR HOT IAI FOIi I.Tl TON, AND l"4 ,OIi I TON. POii IIUNI !)YEii IOO IL, PLEAK CONSULT FACTOIIY, ~-9rr . l · f ~c---1 ~514-v . ., CONDENSER SYSTEMS NOTII fMIZ .:.\., ALTITUDI!: COIIRECTIOII 1,T.1 ,AtTOII 0 1.0 1100 1.011 1000 1.024 1500 I.DJS 1000 1.047 HOD I.OSI 3000 1.071 1500 1.012 4000 1.095 4~00 •• 107 1000 1.IZO 5500 I.IU 1000 1.141 _ 1,00 I.ISi. 7000 1,171 j.pkAII: JM I tAlf I fM 1 tM 4 tMI I JAN • ,011fU ICI .,..,,, IIOTll 1---,--------A IIIZH 15,H 170)-------. ...... -tl, , A, (SIUS 17,H,40·501----,--tll-i\ A (SIZES 10•11,ZI-HI /1 I I ·I. 'V~ I I \'v • / AIR I I: CHECK VALVE' Of'EIIATEI IN ALL POIITIONI • DIIAWO, av: J.A. F. t: CENTl!:II LEI II IIOT USED ON IIODELI 4 THIIU JI ,,i:-•70 IPVI "'NEIi LEG a,n11 z•• ··~ I -DATr 0111,WII! 10-1a-·, ll! • D" IS DIMENSION fOII OUTU UH POii ALL IIIODtU, 4: CONTIIOL IOX II LOCATED AT OPl'OSITI END. • DATt 11Ev.: ?-6-... 1; ON UNIT SIZES 4 THIIU ZZ LH HEIGHT 11 ti•, IIZU ZS-TO HEIGHT II II• 1/4. 11: FAN I 111ST IE. l'MI OJlSEST TO CONTIIDI. -• DIIWG, IIOf ACC--:~ r,n=. ( CCNPUh . • cow. 'ea\TZ.55·-t.:1. ~=.:.====ff rt=J2.@ • C : --~uF~7~-;;7J:?--....J "-~"DE. eM. SY, -1.::d~~-- • 'O'• • • . sec::.:r,OIJ / AL.<-Ar2.DUND I(. PIPE. oR-c:::°"'c~ty of CARLSBAD ,~ II ST'(Ro&WLDING DEPT. -·------Hh---r=·=-·-r----1--.----·:-:--:--:- ,'8 . i. I : \ L i .. '• ' ND"TE.: MAlf-JTAtkJ AU... ,· . s:. , .. !11'} ,,.,... · ,, ....,,:p ·'"_';;,,?:;;;, .:· ....,..__C.l-EA'f2Af.JCE. 'S l ~~;,~;TON AssoCJATES . ....c•••• .. T••• •T•v•T•••1.i ··~· •a.··~ B •••o w. THIRD sr ... LOa ANoa a ~POIINIA aoo17 " TG.U'HON& ......... ARICA COD~ asa I ' \) . . : I l 0 0 b ... T'LFICAL GTZADE BEAM PE.~E 172A T ION. rev I on sea e City of Carlsbad ·· . . · NONE Public ~afety & Service Center date . Carlsbad. California Gis 85-Co 5 10-G -es RUHNAU McGAVIN RUHNAUIASSOCIATES ·sR-9 . ,. ( "5·8, s-n,-., COL., -. -:,T OF CC>t...rm.Ac:..T i END-a:=- 'IZ'c!:. U>-.-tE--N rs I . &?-A.DE. ~. 4 II I Ar;r:;£0 ~ 7 i-4'' I I . I I I I i I I I ! I I l I - , I I I : ! ~~ I . I i I I j 1 I I .,,/· I ., ______ j I t I I l ). I 't' I l{_,(S (,le;:_ ! _..~ ' t .. - ! lli _,. I . ~ ~ CoL, I . --.[A . f''f$./,lF_. (._/ -- i=-L-E'-VAT!ON City of Carlsbad .. . Public Safety & Service Center Carlsbad. California END OF Gf2ADE BEAM DE.TA\L- rev• on no. ZIZOI ·} I - -~ ..... .- 1 I --- sea e . , NON·E... :_ - ::.:,Archit=::' .C;::,::tl~l',:::lan,~-,..::,:rs~--------•heet ftO. RUHNAU McGAVIN RUHNAU I ASSOCIATES 3775 r.,_, StrNf 1207 Elm AlleftlA SR-10 11,we,s.oe. CA 92501-J#S69 C.rtsbMI. CA 9200l-1H5 7fA,U,1.,I~ .,o 7H.7u_. ,. "°'f .. ----......:.:-----... -· ·--------- ( City~ .of :Carlsbad--. Put>-l'ic: -·safety·.-& '.Service c·arlsbact.. C.alif o·rnla ( . .. ·-·t-: *")(-~~ ;< 1/4-MJT: ~J.l.ee:pA/lATJON." -1--1----- 'f<S.V rSE..D· SECTIO"-l revlaJon, C.en·ter· . :~.no, -.. --. . 2120I . .Afclt,f9Cll~Mtltttl- -RUHNAU,.McGAVJN RUHNAU.i ASSOCINTES . .. J775·.T.,_ S-...,: · ,,,.,_.,_ CA ·~1S0t ~·-~ _ . 1101·flm A...,. t;~ ·CA·tZOOI· ttt5 ,cal•- :Nt:>NS:.;. date. I I -t;:, -: E!:6.- sheet no. I . SR-;1'·1~ I - . . I . . I ~. . -71c:;; ~ ·,t. w~ ·_,+· r.:,tUND ~- METAi.~ ~~N5 I( ( re ~-,,. ~)'z. _,s ~ y. o'-4• City of Carlsbad· Pu61ic Safety & .service Carlsbad. California . . • .. --. . . revision . Center .. . :i.no . ~ a.12.0l -. ---- · :A,eltifKII ~_,.,,.,. - _RUHNAU McGAVIN RUHNAUIASSOCIATES ,3775 , .. s • .., r 107 Elltt A"'""' """~ ~ ,,~, .• , . ~-CA 1,m,.1115 .· . ' ~ ) ... • ' ; ,~ ''t .. ~,.,, . ' ' ,,. ., .. .. ... ... _ scale ... , ..... _ ... ,;, • ~--.t ..... ··:j:=-.. 1 ~N e}::J:., •• , .... 1 O \ II ld•t• ·· ·· r ' ~ II-~-~-~ 1heet no. ~fit,,:-:'. ·:· .· . ,1,:~~ff~t~ .s·R 2?12 ·, ~ 7;~ .. -~ .. ~:·,~;;;;;~~~1~~ ) . ' ,, I . , . ,, ,. --- W 10"' 4 I_: .. I. 11..,..__..,_,.,......,...JI I nn • I I • I I : : .: : 11 -~-I . TUee. ~i::; -• I If--I I I · · . ' -: __ .,,--.. I I :=%-, -f-\--.~ 1,--4 ·.·-..--~~-·-, • .,,.,.:,i,-\·(:,1,~)!'i'f:ie -¥~··--~-·----......... ~-_____,....-.-· ... ------.................. · 1 . . . ~ .: . -. . -·. . . ----===:::::,...__ , •II : •• .-.· ~~~~;('1 -----L_~· I •• ~ ~~--~~--~---~': TIP->----tf--.V- -/.,/ .. \·.:.~.\· .,'/./ . . ..... ,._.~,, .. ':.,~-·,~I· ._.,. •• !',.,,,,.'1!: ~~ • ..-.,... ~Vl~l""-1 FO~ 6) Ill · •••• p.-w••;,-r.;>t:.0.1 ,...,-.• ~. ~ t • ~ ~ -n&Jl!,PHON.. ............ . • C. f"I-!. ,:F~ ,,,., . . . . .--;~~ ·,. ~ .' ~~-~ ..... .: ·. ,_ ...... ~-...... , ....... ~ .. ~. . -_,wHNAU M.da~v1N 8UH~A~1Ass~r~s ·-· · -__ .... ..... ...,.,. •••. ~ .. .,. .. .. • ... ,I.,.' ..:: ... ••• ,.,,.,. .. • •• , •• ~., ....... ,........ •• • .. • ••• (. ·no •. · . . . 2,201. - ,.,,,,.A11WW _: CidlOIICl CA li20l»•f• -· -, .:-. -·l • j': ~@ cy "· (_ I \ r -H n-f. -·· (_ er _H--·~! ~~ WEI• ;UN12~B -·~ ~Bq o,ff (CA~lL~ Bl£@ imua .,.lt»UNG ID) Pi. , .PARTIAL ROOF FRAMING PLAN City of Carlsbad .. . revision scale 1/eJ: 1t0 n Puf>lic S·afety & .Service Center Jo!no. date Carlsbad. California . '2.1 '2.0I ~-t.4-1!¼, Archit«:ta l'IMtMn sheet no. 1'UHNAU McGAVIN RUHNAU I ASSOCIATES . SR-15 ..... . . . \ . 3115 T.,,,,_ $trHi r 107 Elm A"'9t!Ut . . R,rverSldfl. CA 92501 3N9 C.r/Sbltd. CA 9200I 1995 . ,,,. ,, ' I -... TVP e,,1. 7/0 · FLAN VIEW ~1</> $,TD. PIPE ----11 ( e,,,,.J..V. ) ~-TOT"AL- ·-~ WlG ELEVATI~ ' ' \ ' =-~ \ '> if. v..-"I --ANiEN\-.l,.._ ueew TU6E. W 14 t-J.S, W 12. F.S, •••••~Tl•e 8TaUCT•aA~ ····~···· ' . . •••o w. TNIIID ff .. Laa ANGILE&, CAUl'0IINIA •0017 AN.TENNA _·supPORT ·FFlAME Tl:LKPHONII ......... AIIU coo11.a1a . . ' Cit_y of Carlsbad · · Pul:>Hc Safety & Service· Cen·ter Carlsbad. California scae NONE. date ~-24-~ _Arc,_h_itec_t1_P_1, ... rw_11t1 ___________ __.1heet ftO. \RUHNAU. McGAVIN RUHNA!J I ASSOCIATES \ 3775 T.,,,,, StrNI. 1'1Y9t~. CA.92501-~t SR--16 '" .J_. ' . , GUY -· wncJ~ C<JNNEC-(1 -;DIJ ----...l.( -------------------- Nore.·. GALYAN /Z~ Al..l_ 1;.)(·ft:>SE-0 $/l~UC..TV"½L 'SfE,I;(_ I 'E!)'c/> STD FIPE.. ,,-----i ----·-· ----··.--·· ·-___ , _...ll,--,+--- ~DOFPE:t::.1::-7 (--::--:,--,.--...... · -. ---:--t ...... ., ~ l ----------==-- c•••ULTI•• •T•UCTUaAL=•········ . . . . ta•O W. TMUID ff. LOa ANCla.&a. CAUP'OIINIA ltOOl'I TELIErHONll •a.a.a•N AJIICA CODIE :11:a City of Carlsbad . Public Safety & Service Center Carlsbad~ California $7L, BM revs on job no. '2.12.01 sea e ttj.e" date 'l ?I/ti>,~ ArcttitK:ts ;,,.,,,,.;,, sheet no • .:;;:,:;;.;;,;,:.::.;;;...~--------------t. RUHNAU McGAVIN RUHNAU/ASSOCIATES \ • 3775 T~tttf?·StrHI 1201 ElmA.,.,,.,_ lfrwHSIOe. CA 92501·'6af c.,~ CA 91006-1'95 114,684-4664 ,,,. 719-1144 ----4------------------------------ SR-17 ... r- f \ ( · .. \.-- ' 1'011 rz.. • ·A LOCATION C-"11. ITEM: I ff TCT"AC... HEtGllr ~F ;r:n</£1"-. t: -Z:, ·/e, A~e:. • .,.o'1 ! ~1-1>JA i,,11'"' Ar TO" e,F -,T)WFfZ-A .,. S.C) S, F:. ~e:.c-re.o Arl.E.A e>F ~I-IPt ft.fl. Fr. ~~ HE-f(I,!+,. « o.z.~ ,., ,:, /,3 /,f; ~-= -z..o . (- BRANDOW & JOHNSTO?I. ASSOCIATES CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEEIIS 'f"5>"' I~ ~ :I : /. 16 -Sf61.C WINP ~ ~ ~Ytf"fl T~ /,I~. -ZIN= UBS::..0 £S$ENT1Jt+L /:Ac.JL/,Y '231/ (h) U~/C r-= 1.-~)t. "Z.0 )< !"$ )C ,.,i;. -=-~ f"$f!" ( zo'-4o') r= r.i; >< ,.a >< ,~ )(" ,.,s-= 4-s f"SF C ~·-60') WIND F"~ -rt'J WWS1Z... r(;Aa£ z~11 FC>Crl.l(n. -4) w~ W" Pt~:. ~f'f"->t i:,.z~ s,t:, >t ,.~ .. '2o :Pc..F- ~N"' )( 0, '2~ ';ff. )t ,. 6 ::, '2.~ ?t..r 4?,-,r; }( ~.o s. F, :: "Z.:t.,J- G-z,'-'~ x (!,z_ >' ,u;) + (e'x Z' ",~~7~ f (J.~ >' ~·'-7) ~,:;I-# L I /IL I# WM&~ PU"/-L-E~ ~ ~"t. ~ /,S >< '/~'-,..,_ :--~~ I t!','5~1 I' l1. ~ ': t.>sE. "&1~ *1'l' PIPE ' S=-/,i~ ,JJ UPI-IA' ~ ,, . ~ ~ Ft/-1,F.f wr:A...I:' ~ ~ "- e,p.,p :: I 111" z..1i >'-1,!S.? -:. ~- SHEET NO. X-1 JOB NO. e4-i~?:-H ENGINEEII .:::Tp,.J • " , OWNER ARCHITECT CONSULT/'\NTS CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR OTHER IXl City of Carlsbad -Mike Brooks IX! Ruhnau McGavin Ruhnau -Loyd Lambeth llll Brandow & Johnston -John Williams ARCHITECT'S FIELD ORDER lxl 5'J 3) City of Carlsbad -Oldg. Dept. The Koll Company -Steve Mahoney PROJECT: Carlsbad Pu61 'ic s·afety Center ·Fl ELD ORDER NO: 18 .OWNER: Cfty of Carlsbad DATE: May 8, 1986 TO: Ko 11 Company PROJECT NO: 2-12-0l You are hereby directed to execute promptly this Field Order which Interprets the Contract Documents or orders minor changes in the Work without change i'n Contract Sum or Contract Time. If you consider that a change In Contract Sum o.r Contract Time is required, please submit your itemized proposal to the Architect immediately and before proceeding with this Work. If your proposal is found to be satisfactory and in proper order, this Field Order wll I in that event be superseded by a Change Order. DESCRI PT f'ON: Revise guardrail at corridors No. 214, 231 & 252 as shown on the accompanying Tulsa Steel Mfg. Company Inc. Drawing. ATTACHMENTS: ,_,. MAY 121986 CITY OF CARLSBAD Building oepar-tment Tulsa Steel Mfg. Co., Inc., Sheet No. HRl, a·s. reviewed. by· Ruhnau McGavin Ruhnau· 5/2/.8£ and' Brandow &· Jb:Hn·ston- 5/7/86. BY: Barry Maru.kel 1 i -Rufinau McGavfn RuHnau/Associ ates Archnects Planners RUHNAU McGAVIN RUHNAUIASSOCIATES 3775 Tenth Street Rivers,ae. CA 92501·3669 71'4/684-4664 ' \ 5 751 Palmer Way. Suite C Cartsoaa. CA'92008·1995 619/438•5899 }R ~- . \ ' 1 -t i l + I C. . '-..:.. BRANDOW & JOHNSTO.r+. ~Ul-.aA.a ~~ CONSULTING STRUCTURAL INOINIIRS IHO W. THIRD ST .• LOS ANGELES, CALll"ORNIA 90017 IT&M: TELEPHONE 484-89150 MINIMUM MM i; N r 'L ref~.f._ ~tJ TV~ :-/t>fi,::;, ,j!. AI-C...CW~ A"KtJt>.;_ ~L't/._ .,z rr r-= fT (. . ,~~ \ ,, .,~, I IL J J Pl!': .,.l_ ,, IL-yr e yt o,os( -:. ~. -· E::€-t-1 Pt NC. ,,· )( (v-r.I C,. -.: 0,S:, tAJ':!, "" (11 :!,' '2.f 00 ~ ', ~ ,, SQ :' . O,S !< f"oo ;o I' c.~.F· Df ~1,~· ~IU.. £T ... -·-•• • •-----H• ,.. ___ .... --_., AREA COD£ :U3 .... , ' "'I(~ ~i .... /,.,. .IOa NO. !?41C..'!:,, OINltlER _L.1 ~ \\ -· tf\ ----.-...------~----=----..., ..... _ ... _. ::·-:_-":'"" · .. ---~ . ' .. • ~ • .. 't., Testing Engineers-San Diego . 3467 Kurtz Streej, P.O. Box 80985, San Diego CA 92138 (619).225-9641 2948 Industry St., L!nit B; Ocearisiqe, CA 92054 (619) 7.58-3730 "OB NO: · 3_998 ;JOB-NA!iE: CARLSBAD SAFETY-~ SERVICE CNTR . JOR. ADDRESS: f486 IIIPA;.A ROAD CARLSMD CARLSBA01 CA :26Go 6J<.lOJ../J. uJAY CITY UF GARI...HB<-U) l:'.ll .. DG-. '.i:NBP Dl::.P 1~i~OO ELM A\}ENU.E . C?)f<L.8l:'.{r:'.\D ~ CA 9E0-08 t:.NGINEER: RofE, ifoor-e1 R,.C,E. ./ T,JLChapMan.;_R,C,E, / Willia!'I, L Patrick, R,C,E, ~tPORT NO: i 7145 DlSTR:IBUIED-Ti!.: TESTIUG ENGINEERS.,SAN-DIEGO , CITY OF CARLSBAD 'BLDG. INSP DEP · IiRANDOW & JOHNSTON ABSOG · RUHNAU MCGAVIN. RUHNAU. CiTY .OF :CARtSBAD . DATE: 03114/.86 trrRUCTURAL 8Tl:::EL FIELD {,JEL.D. INS:PJ::~Ctl'.ON RliPDffl~ P c0 r Mi t ~lM35···· 65 -~!>IU!./Bb . --. , t,fo:-):t.dinc;J 1,-H,1s <:<>Mph-1ted and a<:C<f!ptwld on ':Hif::f:(-:)1'\EH' platf:l!:I on ;~1nd floor beat", I in e "l O G~+I , t.} <·:H' t :l. e t:1 l t,tt.) Id$; 1,.1c1-)N0. r.:" OMpJ.e t ed .ii1nd ~1H::-c:;ep. t lf.'d - ·f·~roM shw!-i:H" p1;:lteis to IH~aM Wwll:,s at col-uMiY IOt:>~-1<,.:1····-11.,.J{,7 .. ,·U> l04 i-,u1d K15, In1:i-pr.1cted t .. 1eltling of" t-ubci~ i:~tef.-rl fr-i:1M:i.-ng .~t ent·ry. J.in<~!ii· · t"l~ H.S .. ··J,·5 i;Hld G.9-.. 10, also, 1trn!ld:i.n-<;J .. ·o,f N.:H? ht?.iHfr~r -to· c:o:LUMR'::;.lHO- and :BU~ 1r:;t flour. li')1:~p~ctt-?d W€ddirH:1 of· i,1.rn110~ b·i'~ac-:c~-s; .,at. --:l~:>'t r.1nd ~?.nd floor pc+i.rir-uiiier l:>e.aMi;; o-n t-'1,:d.n. b1J:i.ld:i.n.g. ,,,,b~?rc~i ho-le.s ·9r .c::l:Lpi:,. \,H?re l"l:LfH~ligrH:•d. :tn.sp.-et:tc:r-r.l weldjsHJ o,f 4X4 v-ci~rt-i!~i:d tub(;~ st<-:Hi-~1 iii-lH:H:ers froM ~i1td floo.r · to .r•oof l:inc:;! ·1::m· .. ·l--l .pcfi.r1 -M~~r~o di:\·t0;.d ~3'/il:VB(:;, ·Pro1"1 Mo 1{;:H1-da 1 al-so~ w;a!:;h,ers wt:~re b<;(•:t.n.<;J ir,d~er.1-:to .·ti,1.ci~ hc:•i'~i:t(Httal pr e··:·c.ast pant:}:i. ;,1<:l.j us-t·Men t b o 1 ts l~ t lon:tJ s1.o-t te.d ho :l.,;,:1~;, :r.nr~:..pc¾~c:-ted weldirHJ of p.ret···c:,:u,:-t· f.HllH:::l c;:o-1:r11e(::t:i,on!l:-at. all f:1 C)Of' litnd., r o Q f of M•':\ in b ui 1 ding 01 xc: ep 't ·for :i.nf'o-r M<:l t :.i. <ll'l . -1:i,r ei1:1 : ain cl M.eet :kn.g. tiu:i.lr.l:i.ng ii:.;t ·Ploor and roof exc::«i•1H fo.r J.:i .. p«~ 1.0 G.--L·,, ~3everi,l1 br<:1<::ket1i; (>n roof l:in0i G .lave.ling bolt1:i ~u-:•f:·t .at ed~Je of. tub-(~1:;t -,;;ho,N ._pac:l<s _are be:i..ng used i~t th·<~~se iH'«~a,i:"} ·for, ,;;n:IGiit:i.o.na:t sJ.lJl}!HH't', :i:ns.pec:tc~id welding o.f t,.IBX10 .skylight fr-1:fM:Ln~r-J.:i.ne1i;. 7 .... 9.l _l) ... ,r·. p0H' field order t2 and sheet 3R14 dated 2/2Q/B6~ · New tbnne<ting pLHes wi.ir•e r,,,.1c:~ld.0H:l-onJ.y tH:ie s:i.df?-dr.at,-Jin,q 81 .. <lO <::il111s for .:l/4 :i..nc:-h f:i.J.1.f:;,;t 1r,1eld hotb s:i.de·is., The i:i-truc·1.·u1·i-:1l. <~n<:rin·e,er t,,11:!-~; <:.{:l1Hn:l abo(Jt . th :i.·:\; ~ . ·lH~TES, , • , , , :11 :l :.:!/86 T f.1$1<:ll: •• , , , 3~:!:50 EMPi,, INSPECTOR'S-NAME .. E<"~r-1 Mathe!:;, wr HRS TA~:H<:ft:, , • , , OT HiH3 tr-,!:H<.;U:, -, , . • i>T HRB. IL 0 . ·-: __ .. ·:_~A'fr2{1986:. ', • • ~ f ._Cl~'t:o:p.:cAJ~·tssA.b-·- . -Bu1-ldrn-g .Dep~rtm·eri't •' .... OWNER 0 City of Carlsbad, M. Brooks ARCHITECT ~ Ruhnau McGavln Ruhnau/Assoc., Loyd ARCHITECT'S FIELD ORDER CONSULTANTS CJ CONTRACTOR tJ INSPECTOR ta OTHER C29 CI ty of Car I sbad Bui I di ng D.epf. The Kol I Co., S. Mahoney PROJECT: Carlsbad Public Safety Center FIELD ORDER NO: 19 OWNER: City of Carlsbad DATE: ·.'May 16, ·1986 TO: Ko I I Company PROJECT NO: 2-12-01 You are hereby dfrected.-to execute promptly this Field Order which interprets the Contract Documents or orders minor changes f.n the Work without change in Contract Sum or Contract Time~ If you consider that a change in Contract Sum or Contract· Ti me Is required,. please submit your itemlzec;f proposal to the Archrtect immediately and before proceeding with this Work.. If your proposal is found to be satls·factory and in proper order, this Fie Id Order w I I r in that event be superseded by a Change Order. DESCRIPTION: Revise cei I i ngs at ·Sa I I yport Room No. 138 and Evidence Vehicles Room .No. 136 to provide a raised soffit at rol I ing griJ le doors 131, 1.31A, 132, 135, 136 and 137 as shown on the accompanying sketches. REC .. EIVED MAY 191986 CITY OF CARLSBAD Building Department 'ATTACHMENTS: Sketch AR ·1 8 and AR 19, dated 5/ J 5/86 BY: Ruhnau·McGavin Ruhnau/Associates Archhds Planners RUHNAU McGAVIN RUHNAUIASSOCIATES 3775 Tenth Street Riverside, CA 92501•3669 714/684·4664 5 751 Palmer Way, Suite C Carlsbad. CA 92008· 1995 619/438·5899 l-R ! I ~ . ,. . .... ' ·-. ··-. -· City of Carlsbad · revlston Public Safety & Service Center · Job no. Carlsbad, California • '2.f '2.01 ArchitflCti Pt,nnH'I RUHNAU McGAVIN RUHNAUIASSOCIATES 31.1.5.. T ~nttt .SttHt, 12-01. EtmAwncA-R,.,.,sce. CA 92501 ·3661 c,,,Sbad. CA 9200,.1m ,,,,.a,4.4664 ,,,, 12'-1144 . ' . d:!:~::=!::~~~:!=I!~-+---, I &\-. ti :J t j t .. . . . ' . ;, ~· .• . •·. ! ) ~=t.~:::::;;_J_J_-i--iL ------.:t===zi===AfA~,~'-.... l c~o/\ _ I l '' i I tJ' 11' ';cffl-r ;f __ ,u.t..,..,.._--=----..J'"--..-.. ,..,;,.._.;::..--t-r.:t--r ' ~ 1t1 'I < Ir l scale AsN5It:P dat~ ll5/!¼;, sheet no. ' ' AR-19 ., '"lo~ (2';-(p'tz ' "" . I ,•,,• ARCHITECT'S FIELD ORDER OWNER ARCHITECT CONSULTANTS CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR OTHER PROJECT: CARLSBAD PUBLIC SAFETY CENTER OWNER: TO:. City: of Carlsbad The° Kol~: Company 733.0 Eng_ineer.· Ro.ad. San; o:;~go:,, CA, 92J:ll: · 0: City of Carlsbad -Mike Brooks 0: Ruhnau Mc Gavin Ruhnau -Loyd Lambe1 U: DesignTech -Karen lowe D 0: City of Carlsbad -Building DeptY Xl The Koll Company -Steve Mahoney FIELD ORDER NO: 26 DATE: June 6, 1986 PROJECT NO:. You. are here.by d.t rected to execute promptfy flHs Fle I'd' Order wh i'cH i'nterprets the: Contr.act Documents or orders mi nor chang~rs--rn, t:he. Work w.rt'liout· change l n · Contract-SJ.1m· or Contract Time ... If you cons.i der that a change J;n Cont;ract Si.Jm· on Cont:nact: TTme is. reqµfred.,. p.leas.ec submit' your itemized proposa1 to, the: Arch°'!:tecr i'mmedfa:te.ly· and: before p-.r:ocee.d:ing; w.ii·,h· th.is Work... f.f: your pr:oposa~I: i's: found" t.oa be:· s.at:rsfac:tory and, in proper o.r:der,. th":i.s Field Order· w.i:IT i:n that: event: be·. superseded by a- Ghang_e: Ohd.er· •. DESCRIPTION: Close-existing, open:ihg, i'h wa-JW common; to: r.o.oms· #16ff a·.v·. equipment. and #-l6l b.r.iefinR,,. u.til:i:Ze'. 3:-5/-81'' meta,r studs~ at: l611. o-.. a-. with: 5/8!.1· tyP.e: 'X I gypsum, bo.and1 finfsfi, eaan~ fa-ae·~ R-rov-itle-backing_ plates-ih· accordance:: wftH detail 1 8/D~g;.. A;..-l9_-tu_, s-wiit: mounting; reqµj-r.ements, of the chalkboarcy'6.roJectfon· screeni p.rmli.ded by o.wne.r. ATTACHMENTS: s:w Bar.ry.· Maruke·mlfi';, Ruhnau· McGav.1tr-RuHnau, A,chitects · Planners· RUHNAU. Mc.GAVIN· RUHNAUIASSOCiATES. 3775 Tenth Street Riverside. CA 92507•3669 714/684·4664- 5 751 Palmer Way. Suite C Carlsbad. CA 92008·1995 619/438·5899" IR J Y';{ J. ~- \ ' ARCHITECT'S FIELD ORDER OWNER ARCHITECT CONSULTANTS CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR OTHER PROJECT: Carlsbad Public Safety Center OWNER: City of Ca-rTsbad TO: The Koll Company ~ City of Carlsbad -Mike Brooks ~ Ruhnau NcGavin Ruhnau-Loyd Lambett ~ Designtech -Karen Lowe ~ City of Carlsbad -Bldg. Dept.,i/' tJ Koll Company -Steve Mahoney FIELD ORDER NO: 25 DATE:. June 4, 1986: PROJECT NO :: 2·-12-0l You are hereby drrected fo· execute promp,tty this Field O'rder· whi'crr Interprets the Contract Documents or or.de.rs. mfoor chang_es. i:n the-Work w i thou,t change in Contract Sum· or Contract Ti me·-., 1,f you cons i'der that a change rn Cbnftact· Sum or Contract· T1 me rs: required, pleas·e submi.t your rtemized proposaJ to the Architect immed·iatel'y and before proceeding with this Work •. 1,f your proposal-i·s found-to be sati·stactory and Erl proper order, this Fie·td: 0.rde.r w·HI rn that· event be' superseded: by a . Change Order. DESCRIPTION: ATTACHMENTS: Revfs.e ce,iTfng· at mo.va-b-Te partiti"0n tracks-in-meet.i.ng rooms . . No-.. 1,84-& l85 and'. emerger:icy oper.ati.ng_ center· r00m l83 a-s snown on ttre· accompany.fog: s-ketch. s:ketch AR-Zs, dat.ed· 5/ 4/B@, BY:· B'arry Ma.ruRe.l:Tf -Ruhnau MtGa·v.tr:t Runnau[.O:ssocfa-te·s, Architects"" P.lanners: RIJHNAU McGAVIN RUHNAUIASSOCIATfi 3.775 Tenth Street· Riverside. C'A 9250'1·3669 714/.684-4664 5 75.1· Palmer Way, S'wte C Carlsbad. CA.92008-1995· 61"9/438-5899 IR ARCHITECT'S FIELD ORDER OWNER 129 CITY OF CARLSBAD -MIKE BROOKS ARCHITECT c» RUHNAU MCGAVIN RUHNAU -LOYD LAMBETH CONSULTANTS ~ RANDALL LAMB -LARRY CHRISTIAN CONTRACTOR ..,a' INSPECTOR v~ CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPT. OTHER ~ KOLL COMPANY -STEVE Ml\HONEY PROJECT: CARLSBAD PUBLIC SAFETY CENTER FIELD ORDER NO: 20 OWNER: CITY OF CARLSBAD · DATE: Ml\Y 19, 1986 TO: THE KOLL CQ'v1PANY PROJECT NO: 2-12-01 You. ar.e. hereby. d.i rected to execute promptl.y, thJs: Fi:e:I d Order whkh, Lnterprets- the Contract Documents o·r orders m I nor changes In the Work w i'thout change In Contract· Sum or Contract Time. If y.ou conslder that a change i-n Contract Sum or Contract. Ti.me i·s required, please submit your itemized proposal to the Architect immedi.ately and before proceeding with.this Work. If your proposal is found to be satisfactory and in proper· order, this Fi e·I d. Order wn I in that event be superseded by a Chang~ o·rder. DESCRIPTION.: THE ADDITION OF A COMBINATION· SMO.KI:! DETECTOR/DOOR: CLOSER' A:r DOOR #275. REQUIRES THAT A POWER CIRCUIT BE BROUGHT TO. THAT LOCATION. BRANCr.1-ClRCUIT 11EP2A-1711 · Is· .AVAI'l.ABLE IN: THE ROQ'it SERVED., RY THIS DOOR AND· SH.At.L BE UTFLIZED AS' FOLLOWS·: EXTEND. 2 t--121 1/211 C. .FROM THE NEAREST EMERGENCY SYSTEM· OUTLET TO WHERE THAT CIRCUIT rs· AVAILABLE AND-EXtEND, IT TO THE LOCATION.OF THE DOOR CLOSER. ·RECEIVED MAY 231986 CITY OF CA·RLSBAD ATTACHMENTS: Building Department . I--RUJ-t.JAU.~ MCGAVIN-RUHNAU/J.\S-SOC1ATE5 ArchitKts Plann~rs RUHNAU McGAVIN RUHNAUIASSOCIATE5 3775 Tenth Street Riverside. CA 92501·3669 714/684-4664 5 751 Palmer Way. Suite C Carlsbad. CA 92008·1995 619/438·5899 lR / .. Testing Engineers-San Diego 3467 Kurtz Street, P.O. Box 80985, San Diego CA 92138 (619) 225-9541 2948 Industry St., Unit !31 Oceanside, CA 92054 (619) 758-~730 5 3 Bl...l)G-:1'.NSP -· DEP JJ:ISTRlBUTED TO:-·_ JCiB HO: 3998 - .JOB NAtf1 -CARLSBAD SAFETY !_SERVICE CNTR '. JQB-ADDIESS~ 2480· IMPALA ROAJ> CARLSBAD CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 EtM AVENUE CARLSitAD, ·CA 920 Otl . · TESTING ENGINEERS-SAN DlE~O · ---. -·: _ :,. · C-IfY OF ,CARLSBAD -BLDG -I-NSP DEP . : · . _ · CARLSSA01 CA BRANDOW i JOHIISTOH ASSOC: . -. ·_ENGINEER-:· · Rey E. Moere; R,C,E, / T.H,Cllap11aa, R.C,E, : REPORT N01 ·-6524 REPORT OF.MASONRY GROUT COHPRESSION TESTS- • SAMPLE' · -AGE@ »IMENS HEIGHT AREA HAX LilAD TEST DESlGN HIX -DESlGH NO / DR NO· 1111S RllHNAIJ MCGAVI~ ,RUHNAO .. CITY ·OF "CARLSBAI> · ·DATE{ 0-1/0:9/Bit _· -' ~ . . ---I NUMiEi ·-T(ST --WU·-· HN,) SQ·l# ClBS) · PSI -PSI :.OateMade--. P-ROPORlIONS----~--SEl/HARK-:-MADf..¥'f--Sl.UM,Df--,-. ..,..__ -~~---· -'--: H ' ======· == =~==--=========; ======-'===== =====•== ·==== ====== ====·==== =======~=====i==';::;== ======= .==::;:::;::.:., :::;:::;; . ' . .. !.-23459 ,-23460- ;-2'3461 1 l ~ i· .3x3 ·28 3x3 60 JxJ : 23546 *· · 7 3x3 j 23547 • -,28 -3x3 '. · -23548 . &O 3x3 • 9,12 fl 9,12 6,5 9 6,375 9 . 6.375 9 ·9 9 9 9 9 9 2001 12/iS/85 5730001 · ---· 3/0d 1-250 .. , . ~fiieJtJ :['fl/J L-OCATION: 2ND STORY 1 1ST LIFT IF MECHANICAL J~OOM ., -- ~!J'/fP i5:j.().COHPLIAHCEt 28 DAY TEST COMPLIES WITH SrECifICAHONt,. I Q .. . 2000 12/.21185 5730001 _ :a,oo _ ;ooo---_ .10 , 13110 1440 LOCf\TIOth 81 iii!SONR¥ WALL LINE 3:IA,5-2ND UFJ. : · 1 24511 2720 COMPLIANCE: 28 DAY TEST COMP-LIES WITH· SRECIFIC{fFIONS, 0 0 . 2080 f.2/19/85 ~7lODOl 3/00 · 12~0 :· . 15108 1680 LOCATION: 2ND STORY 2ND HFT l!ECH iH ·WALLS, ----, ------. 211H · 2228 COltPLIANCE: 28 DAY TES1' COMPLIES ~ITH--SPECIFIGATIONS. . 0 ., . .. .._,, !· ' ! I :-··· I ' . -:-... · . .-' ~ ,· I , .. 1· ·: ·: R-E-c E·-,1-vE D:.:--_.--·-----~ ·-_-_-.. -· __ -·----,. ·,-::< ·-< • ;"' " ,:·· ':"• .,;• ... : .. '••••,_.,. • •. ;-: . .-_-0: •" H O "••• i _·---JArfi-~·;995-· -·:_-: -· ':··:··-·--' -.. _ .. · .. · --:·-· .:. • • • • ' • ~ : • ;, • , .. :"' •' ~ ' •• • .... ' ,"l-. .r • • • •; ' --· .. • -. ' • • ~· •' ,. -': ... --:, :-.. , . I CITY ·OE CARLS:sA·o:. -. Bui~ding-,Departmenf ~-. ' , :.. ·· .. : . . / . :~-, ' • ,j ' . ' • ; • • • r !! ,, ~ • .... • ,i -. ,,,,, ·. '. -, .. '.:-:-,. . -.... ' ' , • : • •, , ·, • • ~ ,, ,'Iv' ~ •• • •• ~ .,. . . ~; . ·. ' . . -' ' • , • • ... ' • , .. ' .,f' • • • ' • : -· -.. • ~ ' , •, ::.• I i .·, . . ' .l ~ ·'. ' :-.. ~ --.. ..· . ._, ... _ .......... , . ·, 'I i 1,' . .. ,.· . . : · .. -.-:. . . .. ~. : .. .. . . , ~ . : .. •. ~ .• -::·· : -.. ..... : '.,_ ' : . • '• . :-. • . ., ·-,. . • . •. ·~: • ;.,_ • . . ! ' ,1 • ; , . ~-. ' . . .. , . ,. . .... : -. ' . . ,,• . \ .. "I', ••• • < ·-· :, .· ·:::: . ·.---P-AGE,-tlO·:.<·.·:f_·. ---·· ··; . . ' . " .:, • ~ '" " • I • CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES Materials Testing • Inspection 631 Commerce Drive. Roseville, California 95678 (916) 786-2488 TO: * * * Testing Engineers 2948 Industry Street, Suite B Oceanside Ca 92054 ATTN: Kenneth Rowe PROJECT: Carlsbad Sa·fety Center DATE CAST: 11/12 DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 11/13 -· -· (916) 965-8788 CONCRETE REPORT F1LE NO: 52590 DATE: 11/19/85 12/10/85 MIX DESIGN NUMBER:- CEME~T FACTOR: 987A THIS MATERIAL WAS: ADMIXTURE: · 6. 7 · POZZ 300R 3/811 & 400N SAMPLED BY OTHERS: SAMPLED ONLY BY CEL: INSPECTED & SAMPLED BY CEL: DAL SAMPLE. SIZE: · 6Xl2 SAMPLED FROM: W12, Wl2, Rl3L, ~12, F12E4, Fl2, MAX. SIZE AGGREGATE: SLUMP: AIR: SUPPLIER: SPECIFIED f 1 c 11Fl29D 5 1/411 TECON 4000 psi @ 28 days ----------------------------------------------· ---·----------------------------------------LAB SPECIMEN NUMBER: 31A 312 33C . . w ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. ---. . CLIENT'S ID NUMBER: -. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TEST DATE: 11/19 12/10 12/10 -------------·-----. ·------------·--.. · ----------. ______ . __ ------------------------------·------. . AGE AT TEST (DAYS): . 7 28 28 -------------------------· ----------·----· ---------------------. -------------------------TOTAL LOAD: 133000 : 173150 170340 -------------------------------.------------·----------------------------------------------A'REA: · 28.3 : 28.3 28.3 ~~~~~~:: :~~-=-~~~ ~~~~ ~ ________ 4 7 oee. ... _____ ~ !:~-_____ ~~!~ ____________________________________ _ THESE TESTS WERE PERFORMED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE UNDERSIGNED AND IN CONFORMANCE WITH ASTM-j9. SPARE SPECIMENS WILL BE RETAINEb.ONLY I~ THEY. ARE BELOW SPECIFIED STRENGTH. REMARKS: COPIES: CLEINT · TECON RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, _ ..CAJ.ITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES --~--~~------~------- , " '•' .· ~ . , .• . . ~.' ·. . . •, ;.·:.·-· .. . '' . ' . . . . ~ . . . ',. i : ! ' '.' •• • • ;, •• ' ' • •. ,: . ·. ·. ~~ :.~.-·,,,:: ~ .~.: .' ~· :'_, ·. ·.,···.~., ~-.·· . . .. .. -~:: ,. . .... -. ~" ' ..... ' .. ., . -. ' . . -: ... : . .~ ~ ' . ,, ' •. . '',·< .·: -.: ' ' ,•.: : .. · •" ... ' ' . .-: i .. / 1, .. .......... 1·· · .... , '·· , .. CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES Materials Testing • Inspection 631 Commerce Drive • Roseville, California 95678 (916) 786-2488 (916} 965-8788 CONCRETE REPORT TO: Testing Engineers FILE NO: 52590 * * * 2948 lnqustry Street, Suite B Oceanside DATE: 11/21/85 Ca 92054 ATTN: Kenneth Rowe PROJECT: Carlsbad Safety Center DATE CAST: 11/14 DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 11/15 THIS MATERIAL WAS:· SAMPLED BY OTHERS: SAMPLED ONLY BY CEL: INSPECTED & SAMPLED BY CEL: DAL SAMPLE SIZE: 6Xl2 SAMPLED FROM: Wl2El~ 9Wl2CD, 8129L, R12~ F12E4, MIX DESIGN NUMBER: CEMENT FACTOR: ADMIXTURE: MAX. SIZE AGGREGATE: SLUMP: AIR: SUPPLIER: 12/12/85 987A 6.7 POZZ 300R 3/811 5 1/211 TECON & 400N SPECIFIED f IC F12E4, 11F122L 4000 psi·@ 28 days < < -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LAB SPECIMEN 'NUMBER: 34A 352 · 36C • < • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CLIENT 1 S ID NUMBER: ------------------------------------------------------.------------------------------------TEST DATE: 11/21 l2/12 12/12 AGE AT TE.ST (~AYS):~ . 7 .: . . 28 ... . · '28 -. . . . . . -----------------------------· --------· --------__ ,_ . ··-----~ ---------------------------------- TOTAL LOAD: 117940 159520 161760 ----------------~--------------------------------------------------------------------------AREA: 28.3 28.3 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH: 4170<=: . 5640 5720 ------·------------------------·-----------------------------------------------------------THESE TESTS WtRE PERFORMED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE UNDERSIGNED AND IN CONFORMANCE WITH ASTM-C39. SPARE SPECIMENS WILL BE RETAINED ONLY IF THEY ARE BELOW SPECIFIED STRENGTH. REMARKS: COPIES: CLEINT TECON .......... -.... ' . . ··, , ~ I ' RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES ~----r_-1-~---------------- ·,, '·, . '' . ... . . ' ·:· _:;: •' .· ... ;· .. '·7 •. '·•! i { .. •' ·.· .. , •• '. : • • ,. ,· ·, h~ .. . . Rf"",'·.·-11·,n Dr"' ,-V t: \j ... 1 ' ' 1-L r; .~. -.~ >_.~_.. •v-,, t. ,; ~fl~:"'/ ~ ,; \.,.< ,• CAPITOL ENGIN·EERING LABORATORIES · Materials Testing • Inspection 631 Commerce Drive • Roseville, California 95678 (916) 786-2488 (916) 965-8788 CONCRETE REPORT :0: * * * · Testing Engineers 2948 Industry Street, Suite B Oceanside Ca 92054 ATTN: Kenneth Rowe PROJECT: Carlsbad Safety Center DATE CAST: lii19 DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 11/20 JHIS MATERIAL WAS: · SAMPLED BY OTHERS: SAMPLED ONLY BY CEL: · rNSPECTED & SAMPLED BY CEL: DAL SAMPLE SIZE': 6X12 SA~PLED FROM: W122R, Fl3R, Fl19LDE, F12E, R-12, FILE NO: 52590 · DATE: 11/26/85 12/17 /85 MIX DESIGN NUMBER: 987A 6.7 CEMENT FACTOR: ADMIXTUR!i:: MAX. SIZE AGGREGATE: POZZ 300R & 400N 3/811 SLUMP: AIR: SUPPLIER: SPECIFIED f'c F123E; 9W113DC . 6" TECON 4000 psi @ 28 days -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LAB SPECIMEN NUMBER: 37A 38C · 39G -------------------------------------------------------J---------------------------------CLIENT'S ID NUMBER: -----------------------------.----------------: ------------·------·-----------------------:ES: DATE: 11/26. 12/17 12/17 -------------------------.----------~----. ---·--. -··-----------------------------------AGE AT TEST (DAYS): 7 . 28 28 --· -·------------·-------------------------------------------'-----·-------------------· ----- TOTAL LOAD: 110580 · 159940 156400 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AREA: 28.3 28.3 28.3 COMPRESS I VE STRENGTH: 3910 5650 5530 · ------------------------------;,I+----·--------------------·---------------------------------- THESE TESTS WERE PERFORMED UN6f~ THE DIRECTION OF i~E UNDERSIGNED AND IN CONFORMANCE WITH AS:M-C39. SPARE.SPECIMENS WILL RE RETAINED ONLY IF THEY ARE-BELOW SPECIFIED STRENGTH. REMARKS: COPIES: \: CLEINT TECON RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES ---__ c·g~ ___ · __________ . -.,· .,_'--_,-' _,,. \_j -CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES Materials. Testing • Inspection 631 Commerce Drive. ·Roseville, California 95678 (916) 786-2488 TO: Testing Engineers * * *' 2948 Industry Street, Suite B Oceanside Ca 92054 ATTN: Kenneth Rowe PROJEC1: Carlsbad Safety Center DATE CAST: · DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: THIS.MATERIAL WAS: SAMPLED BY OTHERS: SAMPLED ONLY BY CEL: INSPECTED & SAMPLED BY CEL: SAMPLE SIZE: 11/20 11/21 DAL 6X12 (916) 965-8788 CONCRETE REPORT FILE NO: 52590 11/27 /85 12/18/85 DATE: ' ..... •,,. MIX DESIGN NUMBER: CEMENT FACTOR: ADMIXTURE: MAX. SIZE AGGREGATE: SLUMP: AIR: SUPPLIER: -TECON SAMPLED FROM: SPECIFIED f'c Wl22R,9WllRD, Rl22L, Fl3LE, Fll8LD, Fl22, Rl2 4000 psi @ 28 days .. . .. ·-:. ·.~:.-:~: :, . : . ..:, .. ,;,;,I.!.._·,-:: ... ··,,:-·· . ·\ ·.:>~. . -~ :· ·\ ~ ... ---:.:_ ---------------------------~------------~--------------------------------------------------LAB SPECIMEN NUMBER: 40A 41C 42C -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CLIENT'S ID NUMBER: . ' -. . . ----------~------------------~------~---~---~----------------------------------------------TEST DATE: 11/27 . 12/18 . . 12/18 --~-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------~----AGE AT TEST (DAYS): .· 7-' ·28 .. . 28 --------~----------~----~----~----------~--------~------------------------------------~----TOTAL LOAD: AREA: 102753 · 144550 28.3 28.3 149260 28.3 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH: #-5110 · 5270 · · ------------------------------------------------------------------------· --------------THESE TESTS WERE PERFORMED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE .UNDtRSIGNED AND IN CONFORMANCE WITH ASTM-C39. SPARE SPECIMENS WILL BE RETAINED ONLY IF THEY ARE BELOW SPECIFIED STRENGTH. REMARKS: COPIES;· CLEINT TECON RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTE~, CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES e:11~ • •z • • '. ., . . . ~ -· '\-'< -••• • ... ,---~-• -•• CAPITOL ENGi.NEERiNG LABORATORIES Materials Testing • Inspection 631 Commerce prive. Roseville, California 95678 (916) 786-2488 (916) 965-8788 CONCRETE REPORT TO: Testing Engineers FILE NO: 52590 * * * 2948 Industry Street, Suite B Oceanside DATE: 12/02/85 12/23/85 Ca 92054 · ATTN: Kenneth Rowe PROJECT: _Carlsbad Safety Center DATE CAST: 11/25 MIX DESIGN NUMBER: 987A DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 11/26 CEMENT FACTOR: 6.7 THIS MATERIAL WAS: ADMIXTURE: POZZ 300R & 400N SAMPLED BY OTHERS: MAX. SIZE AGGREGATE: 3/.811 SAMPLED ONLY· BY CEL: SLUMP: 511 INSPECTED & SAMPLED BY CEL: DAL AIR: SAMPLE SIZE: 6Xl2 SUPPLIER: TECON SPECIFIED f 1c 4000 psi @ 28 days SAMPLED FROM:· R122R, F12El, F118E, F12E2, Wl2E2, 11F80, 95W38, 95W32 . . --------·-------· --------------------------------------------------------------------------. . · LAB SPECIMEN NUMBER: 43A 44C 45C CLIENT 1S ID NUMBER: ----·---------·------.----------.--------· ---------~------·----~-r ----. -----------------TEST DATE:. AGE AT TEST (DAYS): 12/02 7· 12/23 28 · 12/23 . ·28 . . ------------------------------------------------------· -------~--------------------------TOTAL LOAD: · 124980 164390 164190 . . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AREA: 28.3 28.3 28.3 ----------------------------------------------------.------------------COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH: 4420 5810 5800 THESE TESTS WERE PERFORMED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE UNDERSIGNED AND IN CONFORMANCE WITH ASTM-C39. SPARE SPECIMENS WtLL BE RETAINED ONLY IF THEY ARE BELOW SPECIFIED STRENGTH. REMARKS: COPIES: CLEINT TECON ,. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES . e1!.~ ------------~------------------- ~-_; . :· . : '• . -: '• .... : l"r"( ,-1,·co j" t· '; ;:r·.i-. ,.,, r . r~ I, ii,{ r... t~·~ .... l \.,.,.,. ... -........ i \1.~ CAPITOL ENGi NEE.RiNG LABORATORIES , Materials Testing • Inspection 631 Commerce Drive. Roseville, California: 95678 (916) 786-2488 (916) 965-8788 CONCRETE REPORT TO: FILE NO.: 52590 * * * Testing Engineers 2948 Industry Street, Suite B Oceanside DATE: 12/03/85 Ca 92054 ATTN~ Kenneth Rowe PROJECT: Carlsbad Safety Center : DATE CAST: 11/26 DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 11/27 THIS MATERIAL WAS: SAMPLED BY OTHERS: SAMPLED ONLY BY CEL: INSPECTED & SAMPLED BY CEL: DAL SAMPLE SIZE: 6X12 SAMPLED FROM: 9W89R, R122RE, Fll8,F12E2~11F84CD, " -. 12/24/85 M-IX DESIGN NUMBER: CEMENT FACTOR: ADM"IXTURE: MAX. SIZE AGGREGATE: SLUMP: · AIR: 987A 6.7 POZZ 300R 3/811 6 1/211 SUPPLIER: TECON SPECIFIED f'c 4000 psi @ 28 R12E2, W11LD,9WS38, 95W32 & 400N days ------------------------------------------------------.------------------------------------LAB SPECIMEN NUMBER: 46A 47C 48C --------------. ------------------------------------. -.----------------------. --------------- CLIENT'S ID NUMBER: .---------------.--.-----. -------,------------------------------------------------------TEST DAT°E: ·. . . 12/03 · 12/24 12/24 ---------------------------.-----------------------------.-----.---------------------------· AGE AT TEST (DAYS): 7 28 28 --------------.--------------------------------------. --------------------------------TOTAL LOAD: 1074-10 133870 149340 -----------------------------------------------------------~------------------------------AREA: 28.3 . 28.3 28.3 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------~-------COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH: 3800 · 4730 5280 . ----------------------------------------------------------------------.-------------------THESE TESTS WERE. PERFORMED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE UNDERSIGNED AND IN CONFORMANCE WITH ASTM-C39. SPARE SPECIMENS WI~L'~[ RETAINED ONLY IF THEY ARE BELOW SPECIFIED STRENGTH. REMARKS: COPIES: CLEINT TECON RE-SPECTFULL Y SUBMITTED, CAPITOL ;· . ~ . I · I;.· ··;' ,... .... CONCRETE REPORT TO: * * * ATTN: Testing Engineers 2948 Industry Street, Suite B Oceanside Ca 92054 Kenneth Rowe PROJECT: Carlsbad Safety Center DATE CAST: 12/03 DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 12/04 THIS MATERIAL WAS: SAMPLED BY OTHERS: SAMPLED ONLY BY CEL: INSPECTED & SAMPLED BY CEL: DAL SAMPLE SIZE: 6Xl2 SAMPLED FROM: FllRD, R124LD, 9W7.9CD, F12El, FILE NO: DATE: ·MIX DESIGN NUMBER: CEMENT FACTOR: ADMIXTURE: MAX. ·SIZE AGGREGATE: SLUMP: AIR:· . I 52590 C '• 12/10/85 12/31/85 987A 6. 7 . POZZ 300R & 400N 3/811 6 II SUPPLIER: TECON . SPECIFIED f 1c . 4000 psi @ 28 days R12E3, Wll7, 11F122RE, 9W538, AND 9WS32 ----------------~-------------------------~---------------~---------------------------------LAB SPECIMEN NUMBER: 49A . soc 51C . . . . -' ' ~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CLIENT'S ID NUMBER: ' . -----~--------------------~-------·-------------------------------------------------~-------TEST DATE: 12/10 12/31 · 12/31 . . ----------------------.--------------------------------------------------------------------AGE AT TEST (DAYS): · TOTAL LOAD: 7 123350 28 167830 28 164390 ;-,· ,• .•. -··, .· .. · .... : .. , .;,, .-.. .. ~ 1· ~ ~~-?,~(-\-.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. . AREA: 28.3 28.3 28.3 ------------------------------------------------------~------~---------------------------COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH: 4360<:.. 5930 · 5800 THESE TESTS WERE P~RFORMED UNDER-THE DIRECTION OF THE UNDERSIGNED AND IN CONFORMANCE WITH ASTM-C39. SPARE SPECIMENS WI[L BE RETAINED ONLY IF THEY ARE BELOW.SPECIFIED STRENGTH. REMARKS: COPIES: CLEINT TECON RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES c: 1r>~£;_ ______________ ./..:~~-~----------- --.. ··~~·!''-. ,.,... ..:-.. \ ' r\c:.....c.i1ic.u JAt" 6 198~~ .. ;,,::,:·;: .. ·: :-h-... ~-' i u '}•y·:.,i.·.~. ·~~- -~ CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES _·,_ ·.' :... .)lif/:?J.. ~ Materi~ls'Testing • Inspection·: · ·· · ·· · ... ,. :: ,r /: _ · _· YWtrft4~~t-,_ . :531 Commerce Drive. Roseville, California 95678 (916) 786-2488 ·_ ·: ·. (916) ~788 _-.·. • • • • ,· _,\ _1,· •• ! .. .'(~ CONCRETE REPORT TO: Testing Engineers FILE NO: 52590 12/11/85 01/02/86 . ~· -: · -. : '~ ~ ; __ _.. * * * 2948 Industry Street, Suite B Oceanside Ca 92054 ATTN: Kenneth Rowe PROJECT: Carlsbad Safety Center · DATE CAST: DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: THIS MATERIAL WAS: SAMPLED BY OTHERS: SAMPLED ONLY BY CEL: 12/04 12/05 INSPECTED & SAMPLED BY CEL: · DAL SAMPLE SIZE: 6X12 D~TE: . MIX DESIGN NUMBER: CEMENT FACTOR: ADMIXTURE: MAX. SIZE AGGREGATE: SLUMP: AIR: SUPPLIER: 987A 6.7 POZZ 300R & 400N 3/811 6 II TECON SPECIFIED f'c SAMPLED FROM: . 9W6~9, 9WS32, 9WS38, R12E3, · R12CD, W42, 11Fl2, Fll, 4000 psi @ 28 days F12E3 LAB SPECIMEN NUMBER: 52A 53C · 54C . : ,--' ,: ... _ ------------------------------·-------------------------------------------------------------CLIENT'S ID NUMBER: '. . -------·-----' , --------.------. -------------------------------------------------------------- TEST DATE: 12/11 01/02 01/02 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. . . AGE AT TEST ( DA_YS): · 7 29 29 ---------------------------------------. ------------------------------------------------~-TOTAL LOAD: 117970 149640 156660 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------28.3 28.3 · ·28.3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH: 411oe 52~0 5540 THESE TESTS WERE PERFORMED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE UNDERSIGNED AND IN CONFORMANCE WITH ASTM-C39. SPARE-SPECIMENS WILL BE RETAINED ONLY IF THEY ARE BELOW SPECIFIED STRENGTH. REMARKS: COPIES: CLIENT TECON RESP~CTFULLY SUBMITTED, CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES ______ c ~/ui?::_ ----------- ' . ,, . ~--'·' ~-~::;- -CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES Materials Testing • Inspection 631 Commerce Drive • Roseville, California 95678 (916) 786-2488 Testing Engineers TO: * * 2948 Industry .Street, Suite -B Oceanside * Ca. 92054 ATTN: . Kenneth Rowe PROJECT: Carlsbad Safety Center DAT~ CAST: DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: THIS MATERIAL WAS: SAMPLED BY OTHERS: SAMPLED ONLY BY CEL: INSPECTED & SAMPLED BY CEL: SAMPLE SIZE: 12/11 12/12 DAL 6X12 (916) 965-8788 CONCRETE REPORT FILE NO: 52590 DATE: 12/18/85 MIX DESibN NUMBER: CEMENT FACTOR: ADMIXTURE: MAX. SIZE AGGREGATE: SLUMP: AIR: 01/08/86 987A 6.7 POZZ 300R & 400N 3/ 8" 6 1/2 11 SUPPLIER: TECON SPECIFIED f 1c 4000 psi @ 28 days SAMPLED FROM: 9W129DC, R101Fll.7, Rl2E7, Wl2E3, 11F56D. 9SW34,11SF32 AND F4 -----------.---·---------------------------------------------------------------------------LAB SPECIMEN NUMBER: 55A 56C . 57C --------------·-------------------------------------------------------------·------------CLIENi 1$ ID NUMBER: ' ' .. ---· ------·----·---------------·---. ··---· ----.----' ---------· ----. ------------------------- TEST DATE: 12/18 01/08 01/08 ' ' ------------~---------------------------------------------------------------------------AGE AT. TESl (DAYS): 7 28 28 ---------·---------------------------------------~----------------------------------------TOTAL LOAD: 98224 133800 .· 129230 ' ' ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AREA: 28.3 28.3 ,' -2-8.3 ---------·---------------------------------------------------------------------------------COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH: 3470e.. 4730 · 4570· ------------·-------------·-----------------------------------------------------------------THESE TESTS WERE PERFORMED UNDER fHE DIRECTION OF THE UNDERSIGNED AND IN CONFORMANCE WITH ASTM-C~9. SPAR.E SPECIMENS WILL BE RETAINED ONLY IF TH_EY ARE BELOW SPECIFIED STRENGTH. REMARKS: COPIES: . ·~. CLIENT TECON RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, CAPITOwfoI~ LABORATORIES ffi ~ -~--------------~---------- /-/3-~-,' .. ' .:• . ' :.. ~ . .. ..... ~-.. . \ ':·):i/\\\.,._ .. _' . ?,'.' ' t• File No. .) '·::;'</"c-1 REC EiVE[J ) fiJi 't .j CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES Project: G;r:; /:i" 4:i_·c( ·s> r; !'/ {j;t,/e,.c_ MATERIALS TESTING AND INS'PECTION Date; /")_ -.J -S"':, / 1828 TRIBUTE RD . I t ;) • / / I :/1 SACRAMENTO CA 95815 n S pe C Or: .ytl F / C .?-it-:;; .5· / c-'~, f Pl t -:-·, 1£• ;,--C-I an : /Pr r:, Al /~,..-/ . , r -/,1_,rJ5 ,_X,,VT,, :: 1 MEMBER MARK NUMBER _;:.;; ;.? 1') R /;JL/LC 9 h/ 1.?c, F11 t-=·1 I? 12 1:? I //ii 111 ====-:::=::::::::::::=::::::::=::::::::::::::::===:::r=======i=-=.t=i:;=====::::.:t=====;===:t=~i==~=::=;;::;;:.:t====;.::;;:::;;:==+=~;=:::::::~=== i t)' ,; ,"I / /\I ~/ /J, I Jt1 5 p , / ft/ S ).J I f/,' S° /:J ! / /1) <, £7 FORM CONDITIONS~ CLEAN SEAMS SEALED I I I I. L I ... if;.:r._; 1/f·';, vr·s 1/;:.-:3· 1/r-;·s· v .. Y.-< FORM COATING DESIGN LENGTH I /i .... I -:--;> / / / ---/ i DESIGN WIDTH THICKNESS i H · ... .> /\ ~-,r.~ // /J ~ £_ I t? (',/) /l) I Wf~i,Ci~ S I J. " ' ) 1 'rf· . :l '' / --.J.. ·"~ I . -J ,r + BLOCK OUTS '.'.:: OPENINGS ~. END & EDGE DETAILS I -:,.:--,,..... I./:.~,~.,...,./ i;;,-(. ::-?/ r.::. ... ,/ (:;: .. -~ ,, / u.1 l I i 0 1-------------1-------+-' -----+--,------'-----~-------------- L / V q. REINFORCING FABRIC SIZt; :.),: !.·· /T s· ./::. .-: .,-. ~' ::> f-'-'-=-=..;-'-'--':C.:.:..::C.::..:.:..::;.__..;._.;.;...:;.__:;_=;::-"-'---'--''--'-'-~...!-:....-"""--___;.;:...::::..._-::,,.;._...:...:, ____ --+ __________ _ ~ REINFORCING PLACEMENT I , I .-I -_,( u.J 1.11 REGLETS RUSTICATIONS CHAMFERS. HAUNCHES (CORBEL) PLATES & INSERTS WELDED ITEMS LI.FT.ING LOOPS VIBRATION INTERN.AL ~ VI&RATION EXTERNAL ;: WORKABILITY/SLUMP 1./l ~ COLOR TROWEL FIN I SH SURFACES t; .CRACKS & SPALLS ::, g EXPOSED FABRIC ~ .INSERTS/LOOPS 0 Lu EDGE QUALITY ::: OPENINGS 1./l .... z PATCHING -' LI,, DATE APPRO.VAL STAMPED I ·--.1 ---· f I ·-! -I (, , I ' ; (•.-/' I -=---,. .! I / . , /1•' I••/[. ' // ,, '/'._/~ ... l /. ' ~-I· I / ":) ·-r./ --:: I -• : :: •• l/ . .,_. '//~./ /4 ~ . •. •// ~; $' / (.,.., .... ·' C i • f 1 ; /, , , • /l :. I~ '- ! - y· -(/ J. I / 'C ,""'/.',· • C -- / -- /'1/ •,'//r~. ' l Ii• I <·.,,., ,,. . .,,...;"' .. .,. r t { • //. /·.' /!,:/, ... / ": --</ .., . il .<..? >. . //,_,.,.,,:../' .. / ~ CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: We hereby certify that the above listed assemblies wer~ prefabricated u~der our quality control system and that each such assembly has been inspected and bears our identifying mark, complying with Section 5006 (b) of the Uniform Building Code. REMARKS: 11THINSJIELL 11_ panels . / / 1/ f • I • I . l ' 7 , ... ( .., .·· . I / ... ,. ,• .... ,/. /.·y ,'. , I I:(. _, /-' ,. ,• t/ I ,( Copie-s: CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES ,·.:,· I- I -, // (-;,~ 5 '4',,-,.y/ /._ v/1'/~·1 ~ 'r..:-· IL'c.·1/-'c~· q,:--,,·t/ d I ~'7 .. ,. .. ~ • ", • ~ I .et~ .. ,. . . . . . . . . . . \ . . . \ POOR --__ --·\ . . . . . . . \ ' ' --_ ·QUALIT i-·. l ~ . I , I • -_ -_ ORIGIN L -_ ,if. .. .. ·-.,..-:. .. ·, ~ ~~ -. CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES MA TE AJA LS TESTING AND INSPECTION 1828 TRIBUTE RD SACRAMENTO. CA. 95815 F • 1 N •.. _,., /' / 1 ·e o . .,,.c: '> 1-L ,i . Project: c.:.: 12 Is j ci·cl-.S:, /c.;7/4· a //~;e_ Qate: i.? -_y-.9·_5- . Inspector· 7) L :,.c_. • --. t·· < • ..,.t;/ f· tf i ~--f ~ S~r-h! Plant: Tr:'< · t7 Ai ~ o :.t;,,, ::· I MEMBER MARK NUMBER llFr;,.i KL-t/SIA/:3:Y 'iSIAI 3.:2, Vl ...J -< I- LL.I 0 c.. => I I- LL.I Vl t!J z: -· I-Vl < u I-u => 0 0 0:: c.. 0 LL.I :c: V') -z: -LL. '· FORM CONDITIONS & CLEAN / ;1/ .s,.') I I/ S,CI / Al->£! SEAMS SEALED ,/,-.<."I y c-'ilf Vr"'Y FORM COATING .I t/ ·-ef l/t'f / Y, ~ __ r . c-· DESIGN LENGTH //J ,,,,-/j '·'l' DESIGN WIDTH lt ) /(,__£ ?)_ l rr v .'\ TH I CKNESS J' ,·r ,,,. ·t,-d,;-.,:~~A .7. ... ,; , -_.,.!_ I/ Li,..,,_ ~1·· J .;1. ") BLOCK OUTS .-- OPENINGS ---.. END & EDGE DETAILS -;re-c·c:/ ,·. / /",-•, .C·,·-,_,,./ ,, I/ V I / ' /Xtc /4:., ~:..--:c-1 REINFORCING rABRIC SIZ~ . /,;_d,.-- REINFORCING -· (1 -PLACEMENT --· REGLETS .,· ------RUSTICATIONS ----CHAMFERS ~--- -HAUNCHES (CORBEL) ----- PLATES. & INSERTS ---· ~ WELDED ITEMS / r~-=1-.I I t'l.. .:::c, / //, ;.-/7 , LHTiNG LOOPS !_ _/ / -I VIBRATION INTERNAL A/,"°· fl.~ f..1 _ A/[;?,/(;;, /}/··t/f-·: ,. 1' {, . . V.I BRA TI ON EXTERNAL vi"""'-5 1/~..S V F • .5 WORKABILITY/SLUMP 1a Ct:,:/· (½.:,I' . / <,c.· ("';-/. / ...-· ./ I/ ,__, COLOR -----TROWEL FINISH -- SURFACES ,,.,,./' . I ,.,.,,,-.-fr .,,. • G·/,.·,/ f~~:f/ CRACKS & SPALLS : ,1//., /4 /,,v /,/·/[/~ / ./Vl//'e' EXPOSED .FABRIC //c, /)//' 11/·, 1f-f' f//J /I i//' /, l t-.,C < .INSERTS/LOOPS '--· -·· -· EDGE QUALITY ,t:::/ / 1;·/ ~~>:/: ,,./ ---,; /'('',,./ / ... ,;. / /I.-/ )f''/_; . _/ 11/r);./f , A 11J If!<:: OPENINGS PATCHING /) /1//i/ t"' , I ., • ,1 1c1 ;j.1(1_ /t/c" ;Ve DATE APPROVAL STAMPED i,?-lf I 7._ I/ ' ·;z f ·I -- CE R TI FI CA TE OF COMP LI AN CE : We hereby cert i f y that the above l i s t e d ass em b l i es were _prefabri-cated under our quality aontr0l -sy·stem and that each such assembly has been ins~ected and bears our identifying mark, complying with Section 5006 (b) of the Uniform Building Code. REMARKS: "THJ;NSHELL" _panels Copies': .. ......... -.. . . . . . ~ . CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES i i I ' CAPITOL ENGINEERING LA BORA TORIES MA TE RIALS TESTING AND INSPECTION 1828 TRIBUTE RD SACRAMENTO. CA 95815 F . l N .·, : . . / / 1 e o. /. , . ,._ , 1 ,I .... -. 1' Project:,-·,?,·/-; j;,-,.; :_;;,, .•. ~·;Y. -, ... ·/ Date: I) -'( ·· '.1: ',.-1 · I n s p e c t o r : j), . ,. , ·rf .[ , , : ~ .1 -r "A-. __ .. r J I • Plant:;, c·( \/ /-t·,, -,c /1 -/ ' . .L. l l' /.., .· /7:I'--.. . , (" I :: I MEMBER q /,, /· 1e /)(' I j7 I'}._ ,:::· '.l, ;:. / .·,1 J-· ,ry r-I I IA/ -~ 2 MARK NUMBER r, ' .' J ,_ • ../ ) I' Vl ~ -<: I- UJ 0 c.. ::::, I I- UJ Vl t!) z .... ' I-Vl <: u I I I-u ::::, 0 0 ~ c.. ,0 UJ ::c:· V') --z ~, - :' ',1 ; -~/~; I I fi. ·.: i) / ,·i ' ./' I: r-1; / /4 :....•/}I ! ,·,°\, -_,"/' FORM CON DH IONS & CLEAN I (. __ ., ,, . .. r. ;/{"-:!;: {· ,_, ,,.J ;, . ,J , . I SEAMS SEALED ' . -r:".~ .,,, ,.,.-s· V(-'/ f- / / }/ l·· /1/r· f / .. I / !./', .. ,I I ' (,/_-·:' FORM COATING {/ l ·' :,; ~ ; _,~ ; ; -2· I ;; ,I--;--' .. ., ' / / . DESIGN LENGTH ., I _.,..~ / / • I , ., \ . : ,, .. ··- i /1 / /·/C. I ( / /I. i ·/ :-:/"/ t l . ·' r . DESIGN WIDTH .,, .' f :· ';., _) I I ' THICKNESS .. --. - BLOCK OUTS I OPENINGS I -----I -I / / .,. •. , .-( / C// .. 7/' END &" EDGE DETA.ILS .:-' .--· ( -.t •• .. ... ,.;_,.,., ,: : ., -./ ""· .. /' / __ ,/ /' -/ i/ ,• REINFORCING FABRIC ' /-7.· ,!I /,)"(,., 6x/ ,lx? f-)" t:, ;<',,.r-{., SIZE I , ·-I i REINFORCING PLACEMENT ,_ -I RE.GUTS I ~-j. -· I -I ---- RUSTICATIONS i !.,.. I ---I -! --- CH.AM FE RS l-l .... i i ---· ---·-I I (CORBEL) ... l i -I ---! HAUNCHES -... -··. i ._ I -i -i -· PLATES & INSERTS - WELDED ITEMS . ,-,,., I MS-/1: i·r·'/)1 1 ';v s /' I /. fl· r:;-.r-' I NS-t:7-,· /l,·_..,,/',, { ) I _, . ,, / ! ._____I ! I I ,___. I { ' / -, LlFTING LOOPS < i I ~ -' ' .-'' --' -- VIBRATION INTERNAL I /Vl~ IP 1.;;-! Alli/v't'. :/j//!/(/f /VtNUf' . /1/1]/f./t'. IV 1J I II -c__ ' V -"' C l VIBRATION EXTERNAL l ( ·---' /1 I"·· ) : Vf7 .> i r/,,::.:;, r .i (/ ~.? J j' t/P(, •WORKABILHY /S.lUM.P I l,,y -· . ./! -. I' r' r -~ q I'{'/.,{ . / 4 c/ .-:,c;/j_ /o·, .. ,-,,·I ! · / ef''/,"' c/ 1-h,.-,,":/ ., / l / I / j/-· 1/-'/ COLOR -I· .--,--. -I ·-. ! ' I I iROWEl FINISH ~ I ·-----'· i, .. , I , ' SURFACES ' I t,/',,-./! -a/ :7,-,l i c/d/tf I 'c->• ,.,..,,,..-:/ q /"r·d (J; /Jcf" CRACKS & SPALLS ; / //' .. ,; /F/_,;! I 'I' I · . ; /;11,, ;Lle ! / i. '1,_/ p I /II• ~/ Afc~/J/f'' I/ Jl/c)/Jlf? / M_-i /{,:'t:_ EXPOSED FABRIC I l)f /J,,'(:-1 '/(/l7//..ff j II TJfilP I /1/,-11Vc I l/1//tl p Al tJ /1/'f"' .. ' ,. I l _\,l_i.:1• , :l ., INSERTS/LOOPS -------., EDGE ·OUALI TY I <'··/,··,/] ;, I CJ' .. ~ r r"/ cf {'y·, ·:t I --1· I',: cf DI,·' ,:·I ,!/ ,.t.,,-" ,,,.-./ : .,..,. /P''/ r~ /,1, ' • /''f.... / /}1/;t( I/ /i/t.d'( / A//A·"c OPENINGS j I 11,. '/11,::::_ . rt., I. I . '. i' j, , /. V _,, PATCHJNG 1/li • It /: t:· l C. I ';j. (' ;Vt.. ///)F( I . ll' i1 Ir ( 11.rl 1v:.e it/it'<:_ DATE APPROVAL STAMPED ' /;2-,.-;:--J //_.,:;.: I J--:t·;"-I i-7-s-j,:). -<;- CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: We hereby certify that the above listed assemblies were prefabricated u-rider our quality control system an_d that each such assembly has been inspected and bears our identifying mark, complying with Section 5006 ( b) of the Un.; form B u i 1 d i n g Code . · / / 1 · _ _ _ j-, /-_ . .. REMARKS: "THINSHELL" panels //_-·i /'c,:.::/ (;{ ~/>,,j (/,_. __ · .. r>t1J/ ,7 ;·110 t/(/ . •' Copies: CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES -;·, . . . ' . ' ., --· ,.,..._.,;17·~,'r.trt'~ ... ~.....,,.. .......... ,-----·-·~""--:',.Y'.:-·.:--~~"';•,', ~-:-~· .... •'t"',' .,. __ ·:~ •• _:-,;_-,_· :::-. "':. -. ~ ;;2.. -s·- File No. 'J... __ ) I (J . CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES-Project:_ ,q-:-Is.£,: tl ~~ JP Iv Ci..._ l:-1 MA TE RIALS TESTING ANO INSPECTION Oa te: / l... : Y:> ( I 1828 TRIBUTE Ro ·Inspector· /' Lu 5Slt/Z. SACRAMENTO. CA. 95815 f ), f f Pl ant: 7e (~-IV hi ('I·((',,, ti" r f ~A-,< m ------------~--'"=""-,--~...-=+,-""""",--r-~ e I MEMBER MARK NUMBER //;:::I J.. r,c::; it/'1:J.. C/Si1f;f /f --'=::....L..:.:.::~.::.!.!.....:..:.:.:.:.=..:..:.....:.:c.::.:..:..::.:.'-'-----+ FORM CONDITIONS & CLEAN I 1Ys/J ·SEAMS SEALED FORM COATING DESIGN LENGTH /L ( DESIGN .WIDTH ./ I _,) THICKNESS BLOCK OUTS ~ OPENINGS ;'.:: END & EDGE DETAILS r / _..,• ./ //1/5/J i N> JJ, f \/ f-' f 1 ,1-t? 5° -I;-I t"'l ,,_ / ~c {IV// ~fit , \.. , I ,,. •I .,,,, +-•/ .,I-· , j I I • /1 ././ /, ·" -· r ·--------~ ~-, .... .. / I ? ( /• J ~ ~----------1-j' ._-' __ ~__,_+-'---+~/--,---1.-.,i----f-----.....J..' ____ _ (· \-: t'. .·, .-I _,. ,. .. / a. RE IN.FORCING FABRIC SIZE => I PLACEMENT I. ..... RE I NfO.RC I NG I IJ.J I V) REGLETS ! RUSTICATIONS CHAMFERS HAUNCHES (CORBEL) PLATES & INSERTS WELDED ITEMS ' I I . -./ '/ ( I _,.. ,' .. LI FT I NG LOOPS ! ,.' ! ,. VIBRATION INTERNAL ~ VIBRATION EXTERNAL ;: WORKABILITY/SLUMP V') ~ COLOR TROWEL FINISH SURFACES v',. 1/ f-: > //,~-_; I,'_;( .• ,• , .. _/. ---;..· / I, I /I • · • ·· / I • -1 / . (.' t·I I,-' ,~ .• -:,· • \,.,, • .,. 1_ i-'L _.,. (. / j --· I ·,. "1., /. -./ ,,-·1,.,., ,/ ii , r_ I[, ;_ l-. '1··· •• ,-/ 1' •.:.. -~ !~ l..- t; CRACKS & S PALLS .. /, C ·;, , · · / //'c. 1/i/(../ .. ·/ti'//( g EXPOSED FABRIC 1 Ii / /i, t:· /{:t. 'ft/( ,.f ,:Jji(! I 0 i-=.!!.!..=~-=~=:.::::....---+-..!.....l.__.!:...~--+~..:...;....:'....l~-+'--~..::..:...:....:.:;-+-------f------+-----· ~ i-=-I :.:..N S::.;E::.:R"--T'-'S'-"/-=L=-=0-=0-'-P.::.S ____ _._l __ -_-_,__-+-------·--_-~---------,.-l------+-------i----- o EDGE OU A LIT Y I // ,.-· / c ;· /, , ·/ .(// -~' / L&.J I.,.~· .J.t~-~ i-=-0 ... P E=Ncc..I;:..;N~G:..:S;..._ ________ -:-.;..I· ___ . .1.:...J.::.·c--'· ''--:lie..., .... 1. -+-'--..,_'l..,.·:...l ... 1;.,_f··+-··_.--,.;../-'-''t,.,_/ .... /.;...11·· _·'t=·:·+------+-------i----- § PATCHING I ·'j//i. t ;i,·,·k--r Ii{:,{. t:> u.... DATE APP RO\/ AL ST AMPED. i /.';.' :· -- CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: We hefeby certify that the above listed assemblies were pref~bric~ted under our quality control system and that each such assembly ~as been inspected and bears our ide~tifying mark, complying with Section 5006 (b) of the Uniform Building Code. REMARKS: "THINSHELL" panels .-; I Cop.i es_: CAPITOL ENGJNEERING LABORATORIES ., .~ . ' . 'i • ~ ) CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES MATERIALS TESTING AND INSPECTION 1828 TRIBUTE RO SACRAMENTO. CA. 95815 Plant: I e( ,w· i!'( ,· / j I C -/t, R<. #l c.: '"(} :: I MEMBER MARK NUMBER q uJ ,t'iC" ~ ft' i Fll,7 R tJ.c. -7 /.1! i,:i. /;: -. 5 i/F 5t,I] V') _J -cc I- LI.I 0 0. :::) I I-LI.I V') tJ:I z: ........ "I- V) < u I-u :::) 0 ·o 0: C. 0 LI.I :r: V') -z: -LJ.. FORM CONDITIONS & CLEAN i NS-JJ. 1'1V 5 11, 11V5#, 11Vf~, /l'/,5/.)., I IV 5" P~ l/ ~·'f : \} e-· Jc, 1/~_f V~r v~ ~-ve1· SEAMS SEALED v~.J IV r'{ I y ~ 5 /v~~-/ 1/c'' ( ,, FORM COATING V-€-' s , /) I -/ / -, DESIGN LENGTH /'i f, . --- If \ JV /' . DESIGN WIDTH ----,·, •·Y • THICKNESS fl ._,,, I l\v 'X .,, ---- ;_ -,. -----· BLOCK OUTS --- OPENINGS. -'------ END & EDGE DETAILS CJ C("'t'/ 4 /7 /.'// cj /-'l'·'/7 C; c' /1// uv·c.,id 6·1":'Jorf / 7 ·/ I/ r7 j/ REINFORCIN.G :FABRIC SIZ~ {, t Cr·, /KC· /-,K /~ t )( £: {-r,K~ it:;X(. RE I-N FOR C I NG ,_ ----I PLACEMENT ·-'---' I .REGLETS ----'-· --• . -..__._ -RUSTICATIONS ----· ---CHAMFERS --· ---· HAUNCHES (CORBEL) '------- PLATES & INSERTS. -----. ,- WELDED ITEMS I ·/N:$0 / 1~· _,._; /), 1/\15/:i 1{\l-;'£7 I /V .> £,~ I .N 5 I>, LIFTING LI ' _/ -I / -I LOOPS .__ -· ,. VIBRATION INTERNAL. ;J f) l1/ P__. N111'/t:. Nt>N-f _ 1VO~t' IVOtVe lllOIVe V.IBRATlON EXTERNAL u-es· .. ·uc->. I/,,,.~ c; ii t 7 f ve~ ve1 -~&iKABillT~/SLU~~ f ·-~: t'? (.l <: . · ·/ q cc4/· I l'/l1',,,,,~/ /d',.•,1d ~: I ClOr· -c· :~ ·-,,,·(!,;~ / / / / -.,_ ~ COLOR -~ -------TRO·WEL FINISH -.. SURFACES ~-C1C; L"/ c;' Cl,:',' e' / . ·-<-(' -"',,,.-/ t.: (',·ett/ ;;,-~,,,,../ '9'c~--/ / /l..t// /1/C-/· CRACKS & SPALLS .11,·i/Y f ~/.;l/l}~ //Vc: iYP / Al,') llf P /Alo 1Vt' EXPOSED FABRIC Ii.I,~ tY t'-1fcYJ r! Al t--'tt/P Alt) lVf--~ II.I ti Al~ /IJC,Ve· INSERTS/LOOPS ,_ ------ EDGE QUALITY Cl t"1 f'J c/ ~/CV"/ -t)c cc/ c'./ /:,':' ,../ ,t; /; ,._-:d 4 ,-;> ~,/ OPENINGS //b//1/[ / 1//t-:Jlt-' . / #['/!)(~ / A~;Ale / ;Vt,#-P / A/ 6-Vr' ,PATCHING A/'/ ,--i_-(":_ lr"t>Nf }i<)/l,t: 11.fti # t: /l/ t,fi/ E. 1fclff-'_ DATE APPROVAL STAMPEO j'). '/ 2 r :P -17--:--,;;~/2-I,).. -I 7.--J :1--I Z-. J :z._-lz_ CERTIFI~ATE OF COMPLIANCE: We hereby certify that the •bove listed assemblies were prefab·ricated under our quality control system and that each such asse-mbly has been inspected and bears our iden·tifyjng mark, complying with Section 5006 (b) of the Uniform Building Code. /" . ._ . , ... ..., RE MARKS ' "':'INSIIELL" panels 1-11:.· I~' c',l ),1 h-/, rl ..f J /11 /;: /,¥ f /? /4 " :v7 ' f- ( C 11,' {. f<.. f. 4-. . . . , '. ·, Copie.s: CAPITOL_ ENG I.NEERING 'LABORATORIES •,,• -.... .. •, ... . ;, ' .. -· _.. .. .. Fil: No. ~ ')·cj:t1 • • ~ C,./u . , CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES ProJect: {,r.e_/_,,~~(~/.5,,.,c"'/(:e/vft7..CL. _ MATEAiALSTESTINGANDINSPECTION Date: ,,_.,, -5'"~ ' 1a2aTAIBUTEAD. -·Inspector::--., L,,,.5·5/'-r,"'/4.-. · ' SACRAMENTO, CA. 95815 ..!) 1 / / Plant· ·J; Ii)~ f~' 1t/ /_:;~ ft. r<· ,1 /7. e·1. /£ -, {''5 t "· J :: I MEMBER MARK NUMBER ti 5 UJ.7i_'I II <; J:' 3 :5< FL./- V, ...J -"' I-UJ 0 c.. :;:, I I- UJ V, C!I ,Z: -I- V, ' < u . I-u :;:, 0 0 Cl:: c.. 0 Lil ::i:: V') -:z -u. FORM CONDITIONS & CLEAN /NS'n /!'{ )/') i/../~t) SEAMS SEALED v~· r V ,_:; f \/ p 5 FORM COATING iv r.:5' ;;/,...., J 1/r' S DESIGN LENGTH '·1 ,,,,., ri' .r ,"") -I DESIGN WIDTH I' ? t (:"' /<.._: I t: c (') /// tHICKNESS JJ ;._ f'l j (,,I ,. I IY t:;· S'" BLOCK OUTS -'-I -· OPENINGS -.,__ - END & EDGE DETAILS ,,,,,._. ~·· .c._··.-.:·I t'} C C-; I ( . .f"l"C'>! .. / / / / REINFORCING FABRIC srzg: t-X ( t-K {-, h;f {- REINFORCING PLACEMENT .___ -----REGLETS - RUST I CATIONS ----'. CHAMFERS --.-. HAUNCHES (CORBEL) ---- PLATES & INSERTS -'---- ' N :;·v ,·,v 5P /fl/);? WELDED .ITEMS ' I I ' -~ LIFTING LOOPS -- . ' . ' N'c'N( ;ya Ne. .1\/{1,Y f' VIBRATION INTERNAL Vi B.RAT I.ON EXTERNAL · ti c-= 5 ii<: > Y,-" S WORKABILITY /SLUMP :::1 C /~,,./ / 9'c-c,·I :·?'/'Ci/ / ·, '-/ I -COLOR - TROWEL FINISH ~-I '--. ' SURFACES . t.; CC</ c1 t""'r,rl d/lcd CRACKS & SPALLS / 1)1,. V '·e, I ( / 1)/t·Alt:' / N,·111e EXPOSED FABRIC . /{C1N~ /II c, Ne Af ctVe INSERTS/LOOPS --.- C,/,,:),..-:-/ ..-::-Cr,/ '' EDGE QUALITY ,·Tr, ·/ ,&. ; / c.: ~ OPENINGS ,7 Alt11Vt= / I\/ t Ne. /f\10 ,ve PATCHING A./C/V r: Alnllle_ .. M~1ve DATE APPROVAL STAMPEU L2 ·,) I -/ .,_ IZ -IL 12 -/2_ CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIAN£E: We hereby certify that the above listed assemblies were prefabricated under our quality control system·and that each such assembly has been inspected and bears our identifying mark, complying with Section 5006 (b) of the Uniform Building Code. REMARKS: "THI?-1SHELL" panels' Copi,es: CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES .:-·' ~ ... '. 1"'..;.· ,•it' r'~ ,, . ,,. ' . tt~hI:/., $,,.... ,, ~.-... ~ .... ~ 1-:/3~~~--:, .. ! I - . .. ,• .. ' .. File No. J..S1Ci /4. C1vk; . .., I I ( c-· J-'l -. CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES Project:(~:/.!. u L'l:::,_t :..u.l It' 'f -7~ y.:_, MATERIALS TESTING AND INSPECTION Date: /;}.. -/;)_ -5"S 1828 TRIBUTE AD · I t J} I --..,-//_, /1 SACRAMENTO CA 95815 nspe·c or: . t-,;,( 5..;,, "C,1"'--j, f, I Plant: .-. 9.: ·,f", /11.• 5· );;//t} 7 ,v r ,,, l'v1 I ,! c , ,, , c ~ I MEMBER MARK NUMBER qrJ i."J l.L R~lR. Fl/·1~ 1= tf-2--R /;le ,f' 51-3? ~ ....J -~ I- LL.I 0 -0.. :::) I I- LL.I v:, c., z: --. I- V) -~ u I-u. :::) 0 0 er: 0.. 0 LL.I :i:: V) -z: -u.. ., /iv-S"P IN f'J7 tr/> I/ I ¥5'P I /'ifS t:J I r /J FORM CONDITIONS & CLEAN / /If SEAMS SEALED iJ (:/ 5· y ~'J' v e'~· Vt" 5· i/,pf 1Jf71) FORM COATING 1/ ,a_$ 'Ve'S I Yt-·s 1 Vf;;> 7y~·s ly r-:' .5 '/J ,,.-, ·-+-7 ,_ I -DESIGN LENGTH ·-y /,I/) ·-' . / DESIGN /IJ I ( -'\.. I t" ( t IY ---· WIDTH .J) R r-tAJ/ /L, q _) ----THICKNESS BLOCK OUTS -·--·-I ---~ .. -' OPENINGS -· --··-----·-,. . END & EDGE DETAILS ~-,.; c-ct" 5·· ~; c.··cf 9-: C-· c·,,--/ 9 ,:·c5c/ L'i C-c:-c·-/ f' [,>c'7 / . , , . , / I/ / SIZ8 ;; K t.~ /. ,>:,,. l-('.A , , 1;'? I: ></.. i lc·K {, REINFORCING FABRIC (• (,; . - REINFORCLNG ------I -PLACEMENT '-·-(. . l REGLETS ---·-' ----- RUSTICATIONS '-· -------- CHAMFERS ------------ HAUNCHES (CORBEL) ------------- PLATES & INSERTS -... -~ .. -----.. -. WELDED I°TEMS ,· N,1/ I /-I-'>/). I N f1';, I !y .:-/:-:> ./ H > 1.1. / N r: rJ I ._!__ ~ .. !. t.f ' LIFTING LOOPS -· "--·-- VIBRATION INTERNAL 1\/~1 Ne' · _Nt !If-' !\I (-,\/ ~· ;V c-A~:--N l IV ,,C· NtiJ./e Vet> J_ ., 1/r' .. f Yc'f Yt·_.5 VIBRATION EXTERNAL ~ ,:;· ' ~ ,: r· ... -· .. WORKABILITY /:SL UMP. 7 .. ,,,/ C"J C, (') ,iy·t_(,'fl -lt'Jr{ t 1 ;, .. ··r/ J' I'• C. I .·t"; r C r/ L'j; C,' (:; t' / 7 1/ ·I ,:... / / I/ COLOR ---·---I --· ----. TROWEL HNJSH ' ..... --(. ~-. ---- SURFACES c;·c·c1c/ ,:;• -. , / c'cr:-7 "_, I 5, (,.'_,;. { .. _/ Lj ,!· {.'7 /'l ?°C;<(/ y'c1r ,f /_NON t' , ,,(/iA.'f 1t.:d11.e //)1(,J..ff . 111 (1 1-i," e.. '//tJ /1: '(-~ CRACKS & SP ALLS EXPOSED FABRIC !II c) tV c: /l l/A.'r iVtiA-0) /\lt.,~ ,{.·('-: /f/C ,,-V~ /f/t /z,e ~ INSERTS/LOOPS -----.. - r.'/C'f)c/ .. ,;·_::·_. 1' '<~./ / ,ff ,,.,;· r· ~~-~/ /. t;:,c;~r/ .EDGE DUAL nv cf,: ('-,,;=" ,:;,>, {.r r--:" OPENINGS v/l/01VC:-.. , _,-J t.-_.1Vf. r\· ( // C 'Jut1A.1 ( , /I/Ctl1t , ,Vt•/i/f , I PATCHING /Vt-1/Vf> /\ . .ti/(' . J{. ,'J' I~. >" /,/~-!\/ (i/l-'-f .. -')/ c; ;r/r"-~-· /7:"L'/l( DATE APPROVAL STAMPED 1J. -r I (2 -1 l I , :~ I ·,--,' 12 -17 l~.' -17 12 . i ;· CERT~FICATE OF COMPLIANCE: We hereby certify that the abo~e listed assemblies were prefabricated under our quality control lYStem and that each such assembly has been inspect~d an~ bears our identifying mark, complying with Section 5006 (b) 6f the Uniform B.uilding Code. ,' .•-· .. ,' :. · I ff_ . . • . _,.. /,' I . l ,, C .·.·f (·"'1.·,111,.;,, """-' .. IIT II -' •• 1;. ,;!1, .' 1·· ,J,; .1 /. ;.· • ,•), ,;· l /11 t VI ,/v 1; / ),'-1/:'t.,; C / /~, t..,~ _ v C. -f '-REMARKS: HINSHELL panels t..,,., 7 ,~r .,.,,. ... ,~ · ,-" /. /·' 1 Copies: . . . ," CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES I _ ),,,t. ·. 4· '/.,:.,; '(J ,,f.; .. •.•',,f ' :. ·: .. :: { "' .. ·_.·. - . ; '-. ;_: .. ~~ . :. ··"-· "<.. • : CAPITOL ENGINEERING LADORA TORIES MATERIALS TESTING AND INSPECTION 1828 TRIBUTE RD SACRAMENTO CA 95815 , .:-c;·('i Fi l e No . .,-,:_ .-:> ·· I / /c-.. , / .. ../. Project : ~;j /...'.. -~· l.,,:c? t' _,,;-#/-t' -J () ,1,-;,--c--,,C.. Date: /:J.-1:) .. -jj · Inspector: J), [,'.{ != > /t'¼:... ;?.,,'£ tt.~'i,f s~c Plant: -/c."C.E1N :: I MEMBER MARK NUMBER ii 5' t: 3:i.l-! I Fl/,~"I h-' /.'J..1::-J FORM COND-ITIONS & CLEAN / 71/ ) / -, I lV >1·7 r.(-v .. '>,/; SEAMS SEALED V ( .. 6" Vr· !J'. v~..:. -.r COATING \/ -r--~j I 1,r-.( _1_y"t: > ' FORM )' . DESIGN LENGTH I ,. -/;? c-; 1.--1 /7 -~) ~: "?, ' DESIGN WIDTH ,,· / -·r _/ -· ,,, 1--· -Ir-' ( ( Z· .(//1~-J ,; TH I CKNESS l t~ . ,_ I. - BLOCK OUTS ·-· ,. -·· Vl OPENINGS ...J ...... I". c• ,-,./-~;:'"_.:·.:_-,,;.,,, ct END & EDGE DEJA.I LS ~-t· ! ... ;. I--., uJ -0 Q.. REINFORCING FABRIC SIZ~ ,.;:' .Y(..-/. ).'" {-c .r,r :::, ... I REI.NFORCING --· -·--I-PLACEMENT -uJ .. Vl REGLETS ... . . RUS:rI CAT IONS .,.-·-... .. - CHAMFERS --... .... -HAUNCHES (CORBEL} .. - PLATES & INSERTS ~ELDED ITEMS , !:,l -sj: /'I (',·, -.. I /,r 5' (:. .. .. ,. • I .. I LI FT ING LOOPS VIBRATION ·:ii C .\' I' . .'1/ ( ,1! f /}" (_' /l.' (---INTERNAL t!:I"' V-I B.RA HON EXTERNAL (,/~--f. l/ ,..-: '":;.' . :v ,--_ _f z: .... I- Vl <. u r ·U :::> C o· a: C. 0 uJ :i: ·V, ... z: -LL. ~~:;, / ,:;· ,.,,, .. ~:' / ., ·WORKABILITY/SLUMP (' .,.· -~·r,··c· /.7_ --· , COLOR .. .. .... . ---~ . .._ ___ TROWEL FIN !SH . / .-:;-,-· (' £'~· ,. ,..:· ,. SURFACES ; . ,'·(·C _ .: ~-, .. ,· ,.~ CRACKS SPALL$· .'),/ A ( ·' -·1 r"'/1 i' . .• ,1,1/';::.-J--· & EXPOSED. FABRIC .··\ (.ik(: /!-'·-· / ('' · l· (.;; . /1./'/i. ,;:_;: t (, {, I ·-. INSERTS/LOOPS· ... ---.. .. -/ / .. .,.· :: ('·.,;/ EDGCOUALITY :./ ,:; [ I .. •'/":~ ,. OPENINGS ,Ii('.. ,,f/ /" .-/1 -(:/r,.· /i. {?/J' (-'' PATCHING ,·t e.' /4 ( ·1 , " ,r/ . ,: // !. -/';_.. --~-'}/(-- · DATE AP-PROVAL STAMPE.D / -:o .., ·I_-:,,· ., J. // /·--. // / ,_ CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: We her~by certify that the above listed assemblies were prefab~icate~ under our quality_ control system and that each such assembly has been inspected and bears our iderrtifying mark, complying with Section 5006 (b) of the Uniform Building Code. REMARKS: "THINSHELL" panels '.~; .. ;~""' .- ·'· ·' ., ·~· ~ . ~ i i I I ~ - / CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES MA TE RIALS TESTING AND INSPECTION Fi 1 e No. -~ _,:,.··,;:(; _____ ·· I ,,-, · Project: _(~/r ~~-/.,< f <'~c/ -~· j, ,;· {47 ll·'r;;./j_ Date: /;l. -/ y-,S----~) , · 1828 TRIBUTE RD -SACRAMENTO. CA. 95815 Inspector: 7) l-;c:r"/i··,1.2 ·---,7 -. -f,:- ~ . -{. .;•:,; ..__ ..Ir, P 1 a n t : ./ (j (" c J ,.V /-tr < 1 /, c .. t,ilr:;J 5 1 -.,_Jc,',-· 'J -;: I MEMBER MARK NUMBER I ;::::.1c .:: / 1· ,::::-, ·, l··K Cf ;,,tJ -'-l,f' C/ J,;//JE2 c/111 ::2.. /l , ._._ ' '·-· ,, .... FORM CONDITIONS & CLEAN I N~l) I I N5/J /Ns/7 ;' IV <it:> i J,{<;jJ <./ V t·f v~'s I ;/ r-~ (-SE.AMS SEALED 1/C -. i v~= ~ FORM COATING I t.1Ps· I ,v~.5 I v(·5 &£.s / t/P f I ~-I I // 7.,., .DESIGN LENGTH I / // .r-'7 ' . ' -/-t, / DESIGN WIDTH ! H· _ _.J I 1\ et; I( I I! f-·-, ,,-, I , .. /--;z:_ /1 I I )) /~f (1 I ',/!, /\, tj --THICKNESS I ( I / /' ) . ---· I /-.. --· BLOCK OUTS ···-· --j -- V) I --I --" OPEN I NG5 i ·-.... c.· / c· ,/ I </ t'. c·,,,/ <;'t''r,('/ c/c ('":('/ c?t:'.<"C7 < END & EDGE DETAILS I-, . ' LJ.J / •./· / / / b ' / I 5 I .REINFORCING SIZE I ~.: /-i I-.'( (· f,K(,. /-: Y ii· (,,-;1 y 1::, FABRIC I• '/ ,.'.. I w V) c..:, z .... I- V) c:( u I-u :=, 0 0 0:: 0.. oi I LJ.J Vl. ;/ ;:;: I I REINFORCING PLACEMENT I i ·-.. ---.. ' REG LETS " .. I RUSTICATIONS '---i -.. ..._ ___ . ~-. I I CHAMFERS i C .. ! ---· C ---._ . (CORBEL) I c..,_ ___ • i i -I HAUNCHES ! .. -I I PLATES & INSERTS ·1 ··--! ~ ... I : . I ' N ~/:J i rN s /.7 1 :1{ S/.7 WELDED 'ITEMS I /\t 5 I) ' I IV~/!} / I __ ./.. ! ~4···. I ~---' ! I ,. LIFTING LOOPS ---- VIBRATION INTERNAL I /6: ll.c: ! II/(! t.fe I l\f(.';i_J(-~ 1\1(1 !I11_; IVCll-'r ! /C ves ' y' e 1/P s-ii P.s-VIBRATION EXTERNAL ') ) I I . w·oRKABILITY /-SLUMP I/ cJ : -I . ~-·C·~ Z} ,:-·· t. ·-·c/ . / 0,:-c·.--/· 7,:;., ,'•(.''/7 00c"</ I / --. / ;/. / / COLOR· ! . -----I ---. ---.. , TROWEL Fi N.I SH f -I ------·. l ---- l 7 SURFACES ! 9,,.,,, c-c/ j (:}/~-;-{/ .. q c-'(··cl ti,,-:'/°'t'.r ~-;,~y'/ CRACKS & SP ALLS . i / IL f.~i/l ~-j/ /l'[i!ffl ///'. /t:!/f f/ :7 /l-'t:-/Ye' 7 /1/tJ/f/{:'_ I Ex-POSED FABRIC i /J'.'Yl/·,.;;.-1 {· '---I 17/ {lli/f . 1;1 ·e /J/1. ,,., -7r,, l1lit:; Jl7A/f::_ ' INS.E°RTS/LOOPS _.,-L -l .c------/, ... EDGE OUA.LITY ! c;·/·C</ j ,.,_,,. /-( r'/ r,;, r:·,,/ t:',; ,· c-rf ~ c'c·c·/· l ~-1('/i'. OPEN-IN GS .... · / {/( )' /4 ,,:-.tf.r-I/ ·/f /Jf:.'' v A-/.'/'}'t;c.: I/ ///(i/lt I 'L (/ -/1,, ' ., -. -. ' . PATCHING /i1/)/l:i--'. ! . j/ ''JJ1. if) 'i{· . /ti~//(. A.,{)/'(/ /l,t/1/(::__. DATE f,PPROVAL STAMPED I 1 -/., • ·~ ""· ! I ,. :." ,_/ .1 i_..2-//~ /; ... 7 _/I' .. /} :,·_;_7 -/'! CERTifICATE OF COMPLIANCE: We hereby certify that the above listed assemblies were prefabricated under our quality control system and that each.such assembly has been inspecte~ and bears o~r identifying mark, complying with Section 5006 (b) of the Uniform Building Code. , , • / / ,/ ./ // I .. I'• / . •; _i ~j : . . REMARKS: "THINSHELL" panels / :· /. / :r ( (··r· / /):1 fr;~ 1 l'l· '):J .-1, .I ,-t , l~///./Y</ i,~y / Copies: CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES /<. fl-.J-R._ i tV5/) i/~5" i;,c 5"'. i---J - :·cc? /I/ ·- - .-: c··,--:,/, / -l.. , ;/ i If, y (. .. : -· . .. ·- -.. •" .. i 'NS ;J, " -- /V<-)lt/C l/ ~ (" 4,,-J,,-~I 1/ . ---- c?c:/r-cr· ~ ./ ///{. 1!/'f:'. /llV/'~ -.,.•: /i t't" ./· ··1 { / //,'(///("' /}'(7//'~ /_-,) -/,',.' CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABO RA TORIES MA TE RIALS T~STING ANO INSPECTION 1828 TRIBUTE RD SACRAMENTO. CA 95815 . ,~ I i'• {'. File No. ~-: · ; J ,. .<· -, I /~·, I Project : ;. · t; /4'/<-(.;~:-le:_ / '..Jo ; t • fy' {/ /V 7 r"_k!. Date : I . ./ I , ; 0 ') ' Inspector: 1) [ <, ,:;· <;: 1 {'/: Plant: IC<'{. (V • ) I ' /1?cr/-,c -/,j/,:, r; ··c:-c,.)Ar~· :: I MEMBER MARK NUMBER <," "/ .' • '.I ~:; ~ C 5F3:jl=-7 ·;_2F!.3L ·g F/r~> V, . ..J ..... < I-w 0 a. :::, I I-w V, t!l z .... I- V, < u ...... u :::, C 0 c:: a. Cl 1.1.J ~ V, ..... z .... L.:.. FORM CONDITIONS & CLEAN /N·,·o I /1.,:, p I N51) //ti<; /JJ I ' V-f··: '.5' 11 e 1, j / i:;:1-:;-SEAMS SEALED ur:: < FORM· COAT I NG -~ . f-". ~-. I. ..., i/ (-· r· -) ! y~,;· 1 Vt-·s I ( ' j , .. 7 I '1} ,(, • I • DESIGN LENGTH r ' /.:• I 1).'// < -_.., -. ' ~/ . . . I t··' {j lj ( /1 I ·!' 1 · ,_.,,_ '· ' I • DESIGN WIDTH ., ,../· \ ·~· THICKNESS. I A·j /: /-, \ ·. l ,. r· ./( /f,/ I '.--!. I .. ' I -· l I B.LOCK outs J .. ·--' ! . ·- I I . '· I OPENINGS . --· ~ I ·-! I -I' -~ ,·----.,,, I 4 Cc(/ i .v' c· • (-/ ! oc:c<I END & EDGE DETAILS ... ; f. ( ! : . / . (. ! . i ./ ~/ I ' I . . . 1·. SIZE (--.r (· t-e y (:· ! / ,/ .• i (,:>,,(C:--RE I N FO RC ·I N G FABRIC (--··:~ {,<' I . ,. '-l RE IN FORCING PLACEMENT . I .. I I.... I ., I j ' REGLETS ; ··--.. ; I I -I RUSTICATIONS .i I I I CHAMFERS i . ! i ~. I HAUNCHES i I (CORBEL) I · PLATES & INSERTS I - WELDED ITEMS i ;\/§p I ··/'(_<-;• >,;) /j ! I /1/5-/) I . ..--' ,;-' ' LIFTING LOOPS .j_ . ,/ / .... /. r VI BRAT I-ON INTERNAL ! ·v·,::'/re. '}/ ,:f}I ~ .I. i 11/ t.:i;v r-"' /1/(},A/(? VIBRATION EXTERNAL r V ~~· ..... ;·. '/~5 I :-1/P r-! Z/r5 WORKABILITY/SLUMP ,-·,/ r ./ J () ,1r.-l I .. ''a>.-,,;r / . I b·I ·./. ·( ,(, . I / f.'.r',I('. I , / I / I _, / COLOR -· -,.__ ___ .. .._ __ , !/ I ·'t TR0:W-EL FINISH I L'---· .. f ' ,;._~ ..... , __ --.,_.....,, , I ~-., ·'0r -~/ . / ,·, t"i r :I I /2'/~',r' /,/ 1 · 0/71{".7 .SURFACES I /./' . ,: .. . <; , I CRACKS & SPALLS I / /J/t'°/l'~ ,/ Ai¼'IPI./ Nt;'a,f -//l,?1J't .! /1/f.1 /l/t· /JJ?/Al,; · !Vt?IL~ I /j/(//1/f?._ EXPOSED FABRIC -I . INSERTS/LOOPS i 1....------· --; ,,. EDGE QUALITY. I r),,. .,. // . c;-1 .,,--..,.-, ,r;/ ~,t"'c-¼=I q ~9-r<:.I. OPENINGS I .,, 1.·' /f,;t,/f,,f'. ,/ /1.i!A,( / Alt1Vf1 / /l,,z1;t/f ' iv/,1,t4 AIOl1rt l//011(~ /li!/lt't.' PATCMING I DATE APP R·0VAL STAMPED ' J : 7 ·-/5' /.2 -19 / ;_;; -,/CJ !;2 -11' CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: We hereby certify that the above listed assemblies were prefabricated under our qu-ality control ,system and that each such assembly has been inspected and bears o~r identifying mark, complying with Section 5006 (b) of the Uniform Building Code: . REMARKS: "THINSHELL" panels Copies: CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES C-6-~-- ... I I I I I l i ! ·1 . . .. ' .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.. m CA"PITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES MATERIALS TESTING AND INSPECTION 1828 TRIBUTE RD SACRAMENTO. CA. 95815 File No. 2 ~·-y-o . Project: Ul /< /f .6c1c-/ .5:1 /; '7 LP A-/c;,tl.. D a t e : / ,;I. -/ f-'-5:--_s·- I nspector: J>. l(t 5 s 1 ~/<-M Plant: ??ccl/V flt c·1 he -'&Is;, C ;{; I =: I MEMBER MARK NUMBER. t11---R12 F//J J--:;l C/11/4 Ul~PRA _(? ;:f"j i: :::-; 5FZ5~. ~ ...J -< f- u.J Cl 0. ::) I f- u.J ~ <.!) z: ..... f- V, <( .·U• I-u ::, 0 0 c:: 0. 0 UJ :c ~ -z: -LI.. , FORM CONDIT IONS & CLEAN /A/50, ,tY5/J' i ti/ S;:; i/'-15" D ;71/ So, i/ c.1 s : V ./ 'i' V f:;f ~;,) VP 15'" SEAMS SEALED FORM COATING ~1 -e ,f . lv . .,o .r v~s v~ ,r /v r-'5 DESIGN LENGTH _Ir) I -~ / I 7 ·-I - DESIGN WIDTH re1e,,,. '· / e I. {,//1/ I --I I .!) i<. ·1. 1\./tJ s I ..•.. --TH I CKN ESS -. ,'t ( ;) I -- I ._ .... --I-· --i ~----BLOCK_ OUTS i '-· '-· ----·-OPENINGS ----· I I t.'/ ;"· /".· ..,../ <:?ctc·-t'/ ,,:,:,,. /',;-( ;,;.·c:c-c/ cft:1tJcf' END & EDGE DETAILS i i / I / / 7 7 - REINFORCING FABRIC ' t-v/. t~xt t· .k r:,_: / t{ l:.)(? SIZE t.. . \ : It'.' REINFORCING 'PLACEMENT I ._ i -~---. ·--------·-··· i I REGlETS ' --·--· --. -------I RUST! CAT IONS ----j ------·--.. '-· CHAMFERS ------- .HAUNCHES (CORBEL) --' ,.. ... _ -' Pl.ATES & INSERTS. ~-.. ---I -·--. i -----·-I - WELDED ITEMS //.IS/:7(-(' /c-'·r·/. I • I I A,-' ii-/1 , ·/Ii)£' ;';y.? /J I A/ J"/_2 I .. !/ --/; /_~ ·7 __ LIFTING LOOPS L-I -.,,;. ' VIBRATION INTERNAL I -'\ C· II f:'_ /v t 1.v'f I -/Yt1AI f' . N t1 A/~· /1/olv'P VIBRAt!-ON EXTERNAL ! I/P5 i 1/-~f I c/Pf . f/-r' J \/ -~ .s I ' I WORKABILITY/SLUMP I~?,-:,,,,:,,.--/ -l / ..:-/C!~':'e" I •7 7i7.-· 7 •. CJ(_:,,.. I t.f t.-L-'I!' ~ {. 1 ,/ i. _./ --/ / -, .-/ COLOR ~~ <-. ,_. I --I .--TROWEL. FINISH -· I -·---:-~ I -----: ' I ---I ·' , , SURFACES. c'f ~·c.:·,<-/ c?:. ,-/.) . ,/ ,:. ·,.: C ;, . ci.-'Ctc"/ j /,?~;,-;# c.? /'77-z#"' ·' /1,{1/ 1-f/ f' //J,_·:.4~p ,, ii? '.C ] / A//JJ1/P / /fl/J//.P CRACKS & SPALLS / / £-ti ·. ;,,,,,,. /f',;; . ., ,/ . /,I'-! .' .. ·, EXPOSED FABRIC ,11/(.i/J/t' /ll?'A.:"fJ _ A-?%/<' i /1/dll;v A..,.c A;f-7 INSERTS/LOOPS ! --'---'---------,, EDGE QUALITY I r./ /,:,/1 01 c '7'c>/ c."..-,vc./ I o.-.--:?. -".'' ,;.::i'-:r." c=-,IP I ! //1.'t.'. /1.,'(' ':',,-t/t1".i ~ / . 7 ~ ,--=:: Al ~A/f!. OPENINGS . · "At;,~ J _.,,-/Z,?f ,t!<?. ! .If.: l ;1/l,'c.· It· c~·:/f/f-' A¢. A/Y.-:-I //;tJ/1.,,P PATCHING I ,1,-f/l A',: 1f' DATE APPROVAL STAMPED I / ;;J. --) t_:, 1J-u· /;J.-2{_:· I 1;2 -:/-O /;2-.2-C, I ' . ) I CERT I F I CA TE OF C 0-M P LI AN CE : We he re by c e ~ t i f y th a t the above l i s t e d a s s em b l i es were prefabricated under our quality control system ~nd that each such assembly has beeQ inspected and bears our identifying mark, complying with Section 5006 I I NS£> I V~'.5" 1 1 ve5 7 -- I -- ! ·-·- --··. ---· t-'"t:·'d , . . i./ i t, / ,':( -. ! -- ·--- - --·· --.. I I !VS" /7 L-- /Jld/1/C V.eJ ·- lq c,lc., c.-/ / ----· -- 0.A.-'!-tf/'' .. .. / )U1//,AP , A0'///P - ~,/C'c-?' V A~" Aff ...- /1(~-A-P /_;;;'-...2 C (b) of the Uniform Building Code. · · . -- . -· / ,---: 7--/ · ·· : r / ' ./ REMARKS: "THINSHELL" panels [./1J/'.-.>1 ·-,-,,.-· /J;1 1c·.,(,1~--/ //,l'./'/li..f//;/r~cr/2):'r·.-c·c·/i, ,··fc'/t_" / I • • Copies: CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES /·· CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES MA TE RIALS TESTING AN,D INSPECTION 1828 TRIBUTE RD SACRAMENTO CA 95815 p~ ant: &c:tJI/ \f, /1, v. CI 7t C -'< ~c-* !:: I MEMBER MARK NUMBER .5;?__3:.i.£ I/Fl .t. L • t}'/y;;_-2£ l<LfC1) ll//5i) I I 11'15 /? FORM CONDITIONS & CLEAN tlf 50 1N>D vr 1>' ' t· I I SEAMS SEALED ve 1.../ e r Vi°> FORM COATING 'Vr'.f. I V~5-~/ e I I II~ _f DESIGN LENGTH ,Pr7,e I f?r.,;· ,2 1 Pe11 rprr,1,1 F~c.c11V -· '",\ DESIGN WIDTH I < < c.' ,,f ·. -I Dr ~v, 5 r) ;· ~ V }. •,J .!Jr,1 (.( 1;/llf) THICKNESS I I BLOCK OUTS i '--I ---1 --- Vl -·· ---! -...J OPENINGS .... c; cc,:/ "7 c.'c;c-f t:J c·<· r,/ j <ced c::: END & EDGE DETAI'LS I- LJ.J I I I / / / ~' ~' ,· FABRIC SIZE /4 X/,,-::, /. )( 1,; {XI~ I 6 'Kr:-, 5 i REINFORCING I I I I I ----1-1 REINFORCING PLACEMENT !. ;:.-._. ..._ ..___ I LJ.J : ' Vl REGLETS -------·· ! - RU.ST I CAT IONS j -~---i ... I CHAM.FERS i -----·--. i I ... . .. -- HAUNCHES (CORBEL) --··· -·-I ..... ! -- 1· ' PLATES & INSERTS -,_ __ ' -· I --- WHDED ITEMS ;°(r .5 0 . i ('( 'J ;:; · I I N :;-j) ! t'N ,;-;:::> LIFTING LOOPS _l.-· . _ _f_ ._ _I i .__!_. ! ' VIBRATION INTERNAL ! . It/ [1 lilt' /]/~~'#?·! 1\/4.?I[/-' /1/t)/)IF ' I;{"" Vt° 5 ' ve s. i (.!:) ·VIBRATION.EXTERNAL <'.' 1/P ~ I ') z: I CJ /Cc/ ! tJ' ,t:',!'1,C/ . /o ·./I /o,,~_,.1,,.-/ "" RORKABitITY/SLOMP . ' r I-i ... I,.,.;/;·,': . I Vl -I / i·/. .. / i./ c::: . COLOR '-<--. I <. , __ u TR()WEL I ,:.....--·. I c:,_--:-· I, . -~··· FIN I SH· I /I - SURFA'CES I /: . 'l , C· l')C C/Cc-tY. ~->ct/ /.l/-c-C'Y I-& i / //··/:It' (c. /Il·-21/ff <A '·!11 't. / /i.,'/,/1/,::; u CRACKS SPALLS V (. . ::::, I . /lri/tk' 1Vt/11t ..,1...-t) /1/ ~ I /J/t"'/Vr-7 0 EXPOSED FABRIC o·· r 0:: INSERTS/LOOPS -;,_ ... I _ .. ·-a. .. , .. 0 EDGE QUALITY I t'J.•/r ,/ ::r/-c, c</ /7•ce:, ;, ' . ,,,.,. c?rt--;/' uJ , . /• ~,: ·:l c·: :::: OPENINGS ' //X,r1it-//Jlli-·t· ---->t-i'/l f,. //[/'/I, ·f· Vl -IL.A·( . .f I ';1 Y" If.ti/ t /1-1'/lt: z: PATCHING I , .. ·t, , ~! DATE APPROVAL STAMPED /.2-;~ C /;; -;J-Ci . _ /.,)-.2 (.·,1 / .7 -· .;,2.cJ I ' CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: We hereby certify that the above listed as~emblies we re . pre fa b r i ca t e d under o u r q u a l j t y con t r o l s y s t em a n d th a t ea c h s u c h a s S ·em b l y has been inspected and bears our identifying mark, compiying with Section 5006 (b) of the_ Un_iform Building Code. REMARKS: "THINSHELL''. panels Copies: CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES I ! I I i I I I i ! I. . .... ._ .... " /-/.f" r f . ! . I CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES MATERIALS TEST)NG AND INSPECTION 1828 TRIBUTE RD SACRAMENTO. CA 95815 0 MEMBER MARK NUMBER FORM CONDITIONS & CLEAN SEAMS SEALED FORM COATING DESIGN LENGTH DESIGN WIDTH THICKNESS I r B.LOCK OUTS ,__ ~ OPENINGS ~ i END & EDGE DETAILS File No. J....5</ U Project: GA./ 5 hod .:;;/e (I/ (;.,v/4~ Date:JJ.-~3-gs-/ Inspector: :Di W55l't'£ Plant: __ Te ' I . n /' I ( '1 I, ,, I <--· .,_. ,.__ --· u.J a ------------4---'-------'-~----i-------1------+-------------~ REINFORCING FAB~IC SIZE ~ REINFORCING PLACEMtNT u.J Vl REGl:.ETS RUSTICATIONS CHAMFERS HAUNCHES CORBEL . PLATES & INStRTS WELDED ITEMS UFTING LOOPS VIBRATION INTERNAL ~ VI~RATION EXTERNAL ;: ·, WORKABI·UTY ·SLUt!IP Vl . ~ 'COL_OR · . · ..-:-:r.ROWE!: FINISH .. SURFACES I-CRACKS & SPALLS u :::i Q 0 EXPOSED FABRIC er: INSERTS LOOPS .c_ a u.J EDGE UALITY ::i: OPEN-IN GS v> -z PATCHING .... Li.. DATE APPROVAL STAMPED <--· l------ . 'N ~:;, I I -> • - CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: We hereby certify that the above listed assembli~s were prefabricated -under our quality contfo1 system and that -each such assembly has been inspected and bears our identifying mark, complying with Section 5006 (b) of the ·uniform Building Cdde·. . top i e·s-i. CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES -, ,I. .._ * ~ CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES MATERIALS TESTING AND INSPECTION 1828 TRIBUTE RO File No. ::L.'CJ1p , . SACRAMENTO. CA. 95815 Project: a/<./$ a a/ dA f-~--4.i Date: 1a-~3-~~-/ Inspector: J), Lu ?-r/~ Pl ant: TectJ-N Pa CI ' LJ,,, <:I_-<;;, C ' ,e 0 MEMBER MARK NUMBER Y:.~·RY:J, Cf'W /J.EI !ti.. F /{).._ . 'I w :J.:L ROIL I) - FORM CONDITIONS & CLEAN / A/ S 0, //,..(5/':f .:..., Al <:n ., A/S/7 //1./ S-p . SEAMS SEALED ,1 f' ,.., t/Pf 1/.P.5' (/pf-// '°7 ,:-· FORM COATING l\f~S ' I '//.Pf' j~..s 3/P.5 // v,-c:,s I DESIGN LENGTH _IA_.:, r-t7,eo I? -r 1ceJ.. P /V / J) V"-/7 , / 7: ',1/11 ~ DESIGN WIDTH-' , I, , , ,, . , I I 1 THICKNESS ' . I I• I I t I• ! i BLOCK OUTS -~------~-- '.'.3 i. b PEN ING S t----· ----I '-,--L-.. I , ;:..--- ~ I J;ND & EDGE DETAILS dl//Jd I a /7/Jd at? ;z-11 4 /Jt:Jd Cl /'//7 d ,;.. I - w' / I/ / 17 _I/ I O' : 5: REINFORCING FABRIC SIZE ?,K/., ~ .K. (p 6.V& ! ixt:> -u;X-6 I ; , · 1 i --- ,. i -->-· REINFORCING PLACEMENT ---I \.,J L--"" . ' :/') REGLETS I -' ----------I RU S T'IC AT I O.N S c_ I -"-' I ---- CHAMFERS ------i ---I HAUNCHES (CORBEL) ,_.,,,. I ._. ~ I --i· -------~ I -I I ----PLATES & INSERTS ! ------ WELDED ITEMS /N:s_p ,(($Pl I I I /'(<;;,n I /N ~ r.J 1./Y >/.J ~ _, ! -I I ., I .LI FT ING LOOPS I -C....- ' VIBRATWN INTERNAL I Nt?#P. NOMr7I No Nr> ,v~,,,yp JVCJ!Vt° ~ VIBRATION EXTERNAL I 1/~5 ,· (/~·<;, I VI'°< t/P5." l/p5 z -WOR:KAB I LIT.Y /SLUMP , /4/2~ _'. _ / 4A;,,/ 1-/ /2Yh, ,,./ _I / . / . ~At::7/. ;-/ ,,,,,.,,,/.)~- V') / . ' / v" / I 7_ -7 < COLOR -· ' ---I u . -, / --I I ROWEL FINISH I -,.r ! I -· I -----! : -, .. -I SURFACES ·4 cJ/)4' a,1;,,d a,,v,rl · f . _a A,..,,.,./ ,/7-Ad t; I CRACKS & SPALLS / N&~. . IN i)M,J /A; '/?A)t? I /IJ,1//J~ ~ Tti1i!P :::, I Ni "° Wt>NP /1/~JVf I Nt1JVP /UoNP· g I EXPO.SEO FABRIC · -c?M~ ;':/ INSERTS/LOOPS --, --__:_ / l ---; ~ I . 0 t7Ad &J d()i:/_ Cl a/JA 0§dd -1~~0.d =; I EDGE QUALITY ~I OPENINGS . / NI-?~ A/t',N(-'· I A/tJJVr° I/ A/d~-/ v #oNe -· I /'Jo ,ue _ /V()IV(__ /JlcJAlt ,f/dNe Jtlt'#e_ ,::-PATCHING I ~ ! DATE APPROVAL STAMPED /,:l._ '-_jl-i5" /,l-,J£~k I ..1-Jt.-rS7 J ,.2-;:).t·,K /.; -.i-£ -R:r CERTIFICATI OF COMP~IANCE: We hereby ~ertify that th~ above listed assemblies were prefabr-icated under our quality ·control system and that each such assembly ·nas been inspected and bears ou~ jdent1fying mark, complying with Section 5006 (b) of th~ Uniform Bu-'ilding C'qde:. . ' ....... REMARKS: "THINSHELL" panels Copies: CAPITOL ENGINEERING ~ABORATORIES ' /j ' Fi 1 e ·No· )._5'9" 0 . · MATERIALS TESTING ANO INSPECTION Date: 1;z.-.:2--'-(-p~- • -CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES Project: (_~/5f;~d.":;uz/e.fr a____~ ' ..• ·.,·~.' 0 MEMBE-R MARK N~U12MgBR~EtRl~~~~-RgA 95815 Inspector: fl C:,t.-<..> ~ ;e...c/ JR. Plant: Teco Iv f?.~ ,'.{.: ·c -W f7 s-f-£-r>--1' 1 W!J.J::: 3 : ~ St)J9 R} 4 X L I i/X R 1 .,2. F" J:Z 1.:: s-F3 '?t.='4 ..17 --~------FORM CONDITI~NS & CLEAN r-C"". . l ! r--'-1 r SEAMS SEALED i:-i...---' FORM COATING ,.,....,.__ . DE.SIGN LENGTH DESIGN WIDTH I '. THICKNESS i BLOCK OUTS -L--.. --,.,,. 1---· -s------I ----- '.'.3 ! OPENINGS r 1------------\,,--·· ,,..-L--·· --- ~ END &.EDGE DETAILS !,r:1-~ ,:;1>J.~ ...,__=,,. ~ ~ tr'/-~,-r:: <f $-~<:'.-,., S _I "";: I ·w1 ,.' I ' ; 0 _, -------'------l-~---_;,..---------l-----+-----+--:----l------:----::---5; RE1NFORCING FABRIC srzt ~ '><'.'._ G::,. f ~..__, ~ l::.x:b ' G::, >< (_ bXb : bX b ~; REINFORCING PLACEMENT /3/-5 ?dJ--~c.~,:,.. ~ ,£. ·,c. 'S, _--4--____ __.;·•---:::--~/ ~ ! RE GLE TS ~ -I I RUSTICATIONS ! ~ I ~ . ..---~ CHAMFERS V----l v~---J ~- HAUNCHES (CORBEL) V---i V---i-~---..1 PLATES & INSERTS WELDED ITEMS LIFTING LOOPS VIBRATION INTERNAL ~ VIBRATION EXTERNAL , , ·· · ~~=--W.OR-KAB.I.OTYiSLUMP · ·. V') '• ;5 COLOR "TROWEL FINISH 'I. SURFACES t; CRACKS & SPALLS ;::) . o EXPOSED FABRIC q ~ I I-NSERTS/LOOPS o i EDGE QUALITY w. c;; j OPEN IN.GS §i P·ATCHING ~, DATE APPROVAL STAMPED ::r:;.,_,// .LL,.."' / :r--... 71 ,-=/-;;;,.,..-_, u, I . ! -~- iVCc'S Ve.-S r . () i · • , C--, . ,-,c:rc./ . . . !. ,,.-_ . , ..., -'---_ j I ·,.,:._ __ _ I ~-t----· ' , . f I --· , I 90'6"6'/ i dA7~ ,_ . . ' ,,,/rtlne..1/ A/ltJtlp_ : IJ/ tJ /!/'t:-NMJe.. ' I ;L-;J:6 :;~_-;1.£, Ve..<.. V ,-< ',,-. ---Q l _;. J.,. .,_J) I -· · 1 ~1 ;.----· ~-); --.. -· /. L...,-;--~ A ./ _ ::-s,,'A v·~A~ /T~:; -Yl_P i)~ JIJ'f'__; /j/~ J;]..-2-h 1:2-u. , ... ~s & ' \ l ~ ,:,&,.y ~ r. ~ - qcfn4 / A/ 0 J"V'le_ -/fl~ I;;_. -_2fo, ~--- . ~ ;.::.---- -· .,,,,-;~*?} ~ /AJd~ . /lltJtle /2-2.b CERTIFICATE ·oF COMPLIANCE: We hereby certify that.the above listed assemblies were prefabricated under our quality contr61 Jystem and that each such assembly ~as been inspected and bears our identifying mark, complying with Section 5006 {b) of the Uniform Building Code. REMARKS: "THINSHELL" panels y:,. l /) //)) . ,/ / '. Al/ ' ..f / . ; -/. o;:./vrr-,e/ ,c1a.,,-fe'// /rt1,-1/~(/ /t-~~j' ½'--c~?1.e4:J. Copies: .. C~PITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES ./ ... _ . ./' ... .· ~ff·.·. CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES MA TERl!<LS TESTING AND INSPECTION 1828 TRIBUTE RD SACRAMENTO. CA 95815 FORM CONDITIONS & i SEAMS SEALED I FORM COATIN'G DESIGN LENGTH ! DES I GN W!DiH : THICKNESS i BLOCK OUTS ~ ! OPENINGS -;:: i END & EDGE DETAILS u:.I ! v----- s O' -----~-------'-' -''------~~------i-----,------=-------+--------------5 REINFORCING -FABRIC SIZE I ' . ~ REINFORCING PLACEMENT w V'l ! REG·LETS i RUSTICATIONS I CHAMFERS HAUNCHES CORBEL PLATES & INSERTS - . WELDED 'ITEMS I LIFTING LOOPS · I VIBRATI'ON INTERNAL ~ VIBRATION EXTERNAL ;::· I WORKABILITY SL UMP ~ I COLOR I TROWEL FINISH ·: SURFACES ~l CRACKS & SPALLS ::::> • g I EXPOSED : FABRIC 2 ! INSERTS LOOPS ' ·l I i.------,. j L----i : ~ . ...----. : ol E'DGE UALITY w r. ------"'-----'--"'-"-'-------:-=. ,,-:-. -"'-~;=;t:;;-:;;_;-r-~+-'.::...L.-=a.--!-"'lf'--"'-"C...::...:...--1--~..-.:;~-+.~------1-----c; ! OPENINGS ;' :; : PA TC !--l ING ~1 DATE APPROVAL STAMPED CER1IFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: We hereby certify that the above listed assemblies were prefabricat·ed unde·r our quality co.ntrol system and that each such assembly 11 a s been i n s p e ct e d a n d be a rs o u r i den t i f.y i n g ma r k , comp 1 y i n g w it h S ,e c t i on 5 O O 6 (bi of the Uniform ~ui1ding·Code. REMARKS: "THI~SHELL" panels Copies: CAPITOL ENGfNEERING LABORATORIES 't .,. -'=. •: ' p.4 -l.'. ,_,;,-~ <,J.t'i~, 2\,~ : > > i -·-_ _ _ h-"'~, ....... r--·--;i1;--r ... M•a r'- :. \ ~ I"-'" i i '{ t-l J !. : , . " , / ~ J -J -'-a } !~,. •.I -.,_f . ~-CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES ~ Materials Testing• Inspection 631 Commerce Drive. Roseville, California 95678 (916) 786-2488 TO: '* * * Testing Engineers 2948 Indust~y Street, Suite B ·Oceanside Ca 92054 ATTN: Kenneth Rowe PROJECT: Carlsbad.Safety Center DATE CAST: 12/31 DATE RECEI'VED AT LAB: 0.1/02 (916) 965-8788 CONCRETE REPORT FILE. NO: 52590 DATE: 01/07/86 01/28/86 MIX DESIGN NUMBER: 987A 6.7 CEMENT FACTOR: ::·, .. ,.: :'"':· .. it,; THIS MATERIAL WAS: ADMIXTURE: POZZ 300R & 400N SAMPLED BY OTHERS: SAMPLED ONLY BY. CEL: INSPEtTED & SAMPLED BY CE(i DAL SAMPLE SIZE: 6Xl2 MAX.'SIZE AGGREGATE:. SLUMP: AI.R: SUPPLIER: 3/811 . 7 1/2". TECON SPECIFIED f 1c 4000 psi @ 28 days SAMPLED FROM: PANEL #SW38 -----------------------------------------·---------·--------------------------------------. LAB SPECIMEN NUMBER: 76A nc 78C --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CLIENT'.S I~ NU~BER~ -' -------~--------------------------------------. ----------------------------------------TEST DATE: 01/07 . · 01/28 . ·01/28 ._. -'·' ---~--------------------------. ----------.-----------------------------------------------AGf AT TEST (DAYS)i 7 28 28 . : . ------.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------TOTAL LOAD: 107950 148690 1487.30 -----·-------------------------------------------:--------------------,.--------------------AREA: 28.3 28.3 28.3 . . ---------------------------------------------·-----------·----------------------------------COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH: 3810 "it:. . 5250 . 5260 --------------------------------~-------------------------------------------------.-----THESE TESTS WERE PERFORMED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE UNDERSIGNED AND IN CONFORMANCE WITH ASTM-C39. SPARE SPECu-iENS ·WILL BE RETAINED ONLY IF THEY ARE BELOW ,SPECIFIED STR!:NGTH. REMARKS: COPIES: CLIENT TEGON· RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, .:~;:_~::::::::~:: ,,,.. f'")~ ,~.},..,. .. · .... -. rv,::. l.., c./ V C !..i [ : . ;--; . -~., ... , J ', I''.,~ ,., ,~;.:.;ri :v·..,,i- CAPITOL ENGINEERING LAB·ORATORI-ES Materials Testing • Inspection 631 Commerce Drive. Roseville, California 95678 (916) 786-2488 (916) 965-8788 CONCRETE REPORT TO: * * * Te~ting tngineers 2948 Industry Street, Suite B Oceanside · Ca 92054 ATTN: Kenneth Rowe PROJECT: Carlsbad Safety Center DATE CAST: 01/06 DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 01/07 THIS MATERIAL WAS: SAMPLED BY OTHERS: · SAMPLED ONLY BY CEL: INSPECTED & SAMPLED BY CEL: DAL SAMPLE SIZE: 6X12 · SAMPLED FROM: ·sw38 FILE NO: 52590 DATE: 01/13/86 MIX DESIGN NUMBER: CEMENT FACTOR: . ADMIXTURE: MAX. SIZE-AGGREGATE: SLUMP: AIR: 02/03/86 987A 6.7 POZZ 300R & 400N 3/811 5 1/411 SUPPLIER: TECON SPECIFIED f 'c . 4000 psi @ 28 days --------. --------.-----.----------«---------------.--. ---------------------.· -----------LAB ,SPECIMEN NUMBER: 79A BOC C SiC ---------~----------------------------------:-------------------------------------------CLIENT'S ID NUMBER: ---------------------------v ------------·. --·--------------------------· -----------TESi DATE: · 01/13 02/Qj · 02/03 ----~----------------------~--·----------------~------------·-·-----~-----~--~~------·-----AGE AT TEST {DAYS): 7 28 28 -------------------------·------------·v -----. ·~ ---~. -·------------------------------· TOTAL LOAD: 132,290 171130 172590 ----~---------------------------------------------~----------------------------------------AREA: 28.3 28 .• 3 28.3, -----~--------------------------------~-------~----------~-----------------------------~---COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH: 4670c:__ 6Q50. 6100 ---~---~--------------------~--------·-----~---------------~-~--~---~----------------------THEsg TESTS WERE PERFORMED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE. UNDERSIGNED AND IN CONFORMANCE-WITH ASTM-C39. SPARE SPECIMENS WILL BE RETAINED ONLY IF THEY ARE BELOW SPECIFIED STRENGTH. REMARKS: COPIES: CLIENT TECON RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, tAPlfOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES e1-~~ it CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES Materi~ls Testing • Inspection 631 Commerce Drive • Roseville, California 95678 (916) 786-2488 (916) 965-8788 CONCRETE REPORT. TO: * * * ·Testing Engineers 2948 Industry Street, Suite B Oceanside Ca 92054 ATTN: Kenneth Rowe PROJECT: Carlsbad Safety Center DATE CAST: 01/07 DArE RECEIVED AT LAB: 01/0~ THIS MATERIAL WAS: SAMPLED BY OTHERS: SAMPLED ONLY BY CEL: INSPECTED & SAMPLED BY CEL: DAL SAMPLE SIZE: 6Xl2 SAMPLED FROM: SW38 . . FILE NO: 52590 DATE: 01/14/86 MIX DESIGN NUMBER: CEMENT FACTOR: ADMIXTURE: MAX. SIZE AGGREGATE: SLUMP: AIR: 02/04/86 987A 6.7 POZZ 300R & 400N 3/811 6 1/211 SUPPLIER: TECON . SPECIFIED f 1c ·4000 psi @ 28 days --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. . - LAB SPECIMEN NUMBER: 82A 83C 84C ---------------------------------------------------------------------·-----------------------CLIENT'S ID NUMBER: ----------------------------------v. --~-------------------------------------------------. TEST DATE: . ·.·Ol/1.4 . -0?/04 _·.. . 02/04 ~~-~------~-------~~---------~-~----------~------------~------------------~-----~~---~--~-~---AGE AT TEST (DAYS): .. 7 . 28 '28 --~---------------------·--------------------------------.-----------------------------·--TOTAL LOAD: 117260 173480 155840 . --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AREA.: 28.3 28.3 28.3 .------------------------------------.--------------------------------------------------COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH: 4140~--6130 -· . 5510 -------------------------------------------------.------------------------------------------THESE TESTS WERE PERFORMED UNDER THE DIRECTJ:ON OF THE UNDERSIGNED AND IN CONFORMANCE WITH ASTM-C39. SPARE SP~CIMENS WILL B-E RETAINED ONLY IF THEY ARE BELOW SPECIFIED STRENGTH. . . . . REMARKS:. COPIES: CLIENT TECON RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES ------~c_LJ:1'~---------- File No. ~570 \·;:_.;_.i·.:•J,:. .•• : 1 ···· 1 • .:. 1~.;;,i, CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES Project: & ~Is l,a d ,.S,:J./t_ly e_.,y/4,G.. MATERIALS TESTING ANO INSPECTION . Date: / ~ -8 O -&--S 1828 TRIBUTE AO SACRAMENTO CA %8'15 ~ I MEMBER MARK NUMBER FORM CONDITIONS & CLEAN /N5n SEAMS SEALED ,,-es FORM .COAT.IN.G DESIGN LENGTH DESIGN WIDTH I I THICKNESS I ' · BLOCK OUTS '.'.:: OPENINGS __ Inspector: .J) l. (.,£ s S /~1€...,. Pl ant: rec ;N 1-=&c, '.P, L -Wes I" <v:tr.:k, _q hi~ L <'!Al 2,F. ·g F /2 l 1 u Y.11 P s .• "1Yl"". ~ . ' .. f'5 \ I I I /, '. I ' I I ~ E°ND & EbGE DETAILS C,P/J/./ ~IPA~/ -,,,,,,,_/ ,:::;-A/).,,/ I.I / / / -/ c~----"------------+---,-----~-+.a...-,:----,-.,,---+-~~~-+-~.a...-=--+-----~----~ REI.NFORCING FABRIC SIZ~ /4Y /4 £, y·t, &,A"~ . /4,k'/- ~ REfNFORCiffG, PLACE~ENJ ,..__. I.I Vi -REGLETS __ .... RUSTICATIONS ..__ CHAMFERS '---· . HAUNCHES (CORBEL) -- PLATES & INSERTS WELDED ITEMS 1 '1+1 ~.O LI FT ING LOOPS J.. r I ~-.'- VIBRATI~N INTERNAL. ~ VIBRAJfON .EXTERNAL ' z ve<, -WORKABILITY /SLUMP ..... V') < COLOR u /.-· / - TROWEL FI.NISH -· ---·. . , .. i-;S=-:U:.:.:.R.:..:FA..:.:C:.::.E:..S ------+---1---i-~":..1/J~d-+-~4 (j t:J:f t; CRACK-S. & SPALLS / AI/J/1/'17 / ///J/ll'f7 A.M/ /#~/Vt AitJJYt7 . t:7,1¥ / ffe#'f g EXPOSED FABRIC AJ/Jff ./Y"AI:(' 0 /J//JYf g: INSERTS/LOOPS C EDGE QUALITY I.I- ~: OPENINGS -:z:· ·PATCH I-NG -~ DATE APPROVAL STAMPED '1" ,I""/:,/ /,-//~JIit' /1//JM I~ -!,J~y{" . . &...--' - -;; 4"'6 ~ q~ 4_.-.d"' /1/~/Yr' /A/11/Ye V AJt>/Vr' /V~1Y€. . Jl/i)./Jie ...Vt:'ht° /)..-J/-:f~~-/~-] I-ff _/:;J. -'!,l-tfr CERTIFICATE OF -COMPLIANCE: We hereby certify that .the above 1 i sted assemblies were prefabricated under our quality Contro1 ·$YStem and that each such assembly has been ihspe~ted and bears our identifying mark, complying with Section 5006 lb) of the Uniform Building Code. REMARKS , "THlNSHELL" panels /,,r/./\,. / J.,,.,-i., L.:j 1 1 "'=:-/ 1 ,t,,,,) 7 · 1 C4,vc4e. co·pi es: CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES File No. :)...S-1 CJ CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES Project: a R. /:Shad :£4_.j.'.elr a.Al~ MATERIALS TESTiNG AND INSPECTION Oa te: / ;i,. -~ / -g S-- 1 828 TRIBUTE RO ]) 'e,e__ I nspe.ctor: , ;-'pf S' / _ SACRAMENTO. CA. 958,1,S. · Plant: 1 ec" JJ · ,,.A'i~ \. -..,J e<J;/ r:::.:'-,_Jo EI MEMBER MARi< NUMBER .<ilA/ ~ -- FORM . COND-ITIONS & CLEAN 1Nso SEAMS SEALED \IP 1 S /v,t:'_S . · FORM COAlING. . . I DESIGN LENGTH /J.-<.I !<ea\ V DESIGN WIDTH I I' I I /) THIC.f<NEss· I I. I I BLOCK OUTS -. V, . OPENINGS ----...,l -· t:f 01u.l < END & EDGE DETAILS I-' 'Li.I' / C .. ' 0... REINFORCING :, FABRIC SIZ ~ /,., y IA I REINFORCING I-. PLACEMENT '--'"' l,jJ V, REGLETS , -· RUST I.CAT IONS. 1.--~ CHAMFERS G-,. HAUNCHES {CORBEL) t-:· PLATES & INSERTS '---.. WELDE'O ITEMS 11/!ih -LIFTING LOOPS '-· VI-BRAT I ON INTERNAL AloNe. .. .ves,, ·, tD VIBRATION' EXTERNAL z: ~.m'Jd -.WORKABUITY /SLUMP I-V, .. '.t7--< COLOR .. . ' u. TROWEL FI'NISH ~· SURFACES .If t?Od I-. CRACKS & S.PALLS / /1/t}Ne,. .. u :, . EXPOSED /J//JNe .. C FABRIC .. 0 cc 0.. I NS.ERTS/LOOPS c...- C EDGE QUALITY ///~/ LI.I / A/"N/P ., :r:: · OPENINGS V, .... AJIJNf'_ .. z: · PATCHI·NG -J-o2.-Ri, .... DATE APPRO.VAL STAMPED •. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: We he·reby certify that the above listed assemblies were prefabricated under our quality con.trol system and that each such assembly has been inspected and bears oar identifying mark, tomplying with Section 5006 l i ! I ; ! ' (b) of the Uniform Building Code. . r REMARKS: "TllINSmiLL" panels j/e,-, {) d' ba /4.Lj j ;If/; I 1 / r1,,_~ ' Copies: CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABOR·ATORIES MA TEf:ilALS TESTING AND INSPECTION 1828 TRIBUTE AD E TO C 9S8,l SACRAM N A, ,5 File No. :J-~'1_0 fECE!\JED f<:.l) -·j 3 1:Ji;H Project: ~ S/4-Jf':-t1-Jt, Date: ;r.-~.:_tf(. -r7 I.nspector: J) Lu_ $$"/'e/2_ • . 7?.,,;;~ ~(',LL~• Pl ant: .fer-. ~ I MEMBER MARK .<iJll~f? / ! NUMBER V, ...I ·-< I- ~- 0. ::, I I-.... ill t!I :z -I- ·V, < ·u. I-u. ::, C 0 er:: 0. C .... ::c V, -:z -u. - FORM CONDHIONS & CLEAN ,'/{St,• . - SEAMS SEALED vfIPf ; FORM COATING 11/.P r· DESIGN LEN.G.TH A-~ ·e,-6:, V' DESIGN WIDTH 1., d,, ·1HICKNESS t.~ . , BLOCK O.UTS -· OPENINGS - END & EDGE DETAILS ·111~ -/ .. REINFORCING FABRIC SIZ" ,K& REINFORCING PLACEMENT - REGLETS '-- RUSTICATIONS -----· .. . CHAMFERS --,._ HAUNCHES (CORBEL) --.PLA.TES & INSERTS - WELDED ITEMS /HJ P. LIFTING. LOOPS '--=- VIBRATION INTERNAL NDA.C VIBRATION tXTERNAL y,, ~ - .WORKABILITY/SLUMP I 4 ,l'Y"./ COLOR / - TROWEL FINISH. -.. SURFACES e;-~/. CRACKS & SPALLS / IVPA.}/J . ' A//JA/e EXPOSED FABRIC INSERTS/LOOPS ---- EDGE DUALITY 4/hl# OPENINGS. V A/~/IK. PATCHING A/IJA/e .. DATE APPROVAL. STAMPED /-7-J:i . CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: We hereby certify that the above listed assemblies were prefabricated under our quaiity control sy~tem and that each such assembly has been inspected. and burs our identifying mark, complying with Section 5006· (b) of the Un·iform Building Code_./ ;;1 // / ... £ R\MARKS: "TllINiiHELL" panels t/ e-wh b : h--f /47 ~7 / r-.:_/ C-opfes: CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES I I ! i ! - ·,, . ,. t' CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES t.fA-TERIALS TESTING AND INSPECTION 1828 TRIBUTE AO. SACRAMENTO. CA .. 9~&l-5 ED r C ~. ' . ."'J c?J/1 F~ECE\V r 1..tl· ·I F11,e No. ,.;r-J I'<._,. Project: a~,lf-kc/ \7 •... -J. (>J / • ~ I (:/'p"•(c,t/fa:. -.Date: /-?-8"6 / ···· Inspector· :!) /.. p~ ,· -t;.I >.>/ 111.c:TS:v· Pl ant: ~("'/1 A/ ;a·c / .'.4). !: I MEMBER 5i1J~R' / MARK NUMBER . . /JV~ /J .. FORM CON DH IONS & CLEAN SEAMS SEALED v~1s .FORM COATING I Vf'> / -. DESIGN LENGTH If '5 /:.€<')t)1 DESIGN WIDTH r I / 11 THICKNESS I I l1 . BLOCK OUTS --- V, OPENINGS I ..,J ...... -·4 ~tel· < .END & EDGE DETAILS I- L&J. ,/ ' C . C. REINFORCING FABRIC SIZ ~ t· k"? :::,_ I REINFORCING PLA-CEMENT l.... ' I-L&J V). ~EGLET.S. - . RUSTICATIONS i,,-·-·· CHAMFERS· '---~-· i I I HAUNCHES. (CORBEL) i.-.----I i I PLATES & INSERTS , __ ... I , I_ WELDED ITEMS //), Jr/ LI FT.I NG LOOP.S J,-· I ' . A./t' /r/C~~ VI BRAT ION· INTERNAL . (!I VIS.RATION E'XTERNAL (/ t'-; 1· ,; . ·:z:-·/~I (l"()("f. -WORKABILITY/SLUMP I-V, / < COLOR u TROWEL FINISH. . ·' SURFACES q,.~i7d I-CRACKS &. SPALLS V /J!t1/;/e" u :::, EXPO.SEO /jl/i/J/(' C FABRIC. .. 0 i o:::. INSERTS/LOOPS ·-·· C. ,, .. .. e':./>/J// C . EDGE DUALITY i.:,. :c V, -z -LI.. OPEN IN.GS I/ A,:1r/n .. " - PATCHING /tli-7 A-'f:; DATE APPROVAL STAMPED ·,. j--J~-, -• CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE~ We hereby certify that the above listed ~ssemblies were prefabricated under our quality contror s-n-tem and that each such assembly nas peen inspected and bears our identifying -mark, complying with Section 5006 · (b) of the Unif~rm Building Code. ' REMARKS: "THINSijELL" P.anels :: . • ,.· / . . -/' ·- /• ,• • ' • I 1· { ..,(. .-~/.'/(/ ,1f1 / r I /I, ;·, l /., I 1~ t·c-/.1· ( /c, / • {, ·c·t/rl:'1rr /.e-c <,, _71 /·1 .··' . / /,., ... I , ... , .. \,,.. .:.·,· l ' [ ' ; .. ,,. .. / Copies: CAPITOL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES . ~ ,.,,PT tM tl--o ARCHITECT'S FIELD ORDER OWNER ARCHITECT CONSULTANTS CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR OTHER ID City of Carlsbad -M. Brooks D Ruhnau McGavin Ruhnau -Loud L. J:JRandall/Lamb -Larry Christian 0 D --Carls-bad: But] di r:lg '.O~pt.. tJ Kolf .. Company -Steve Mahoney PROJECT: Carlsbad Safety Center FIELD ORDER NO: 8 OWNER: City of Carlsbad DATE: March 12, 1986 TO: Koll Company PROJECT NO: 2-12-01 You are hereby directed to execute promptly this Field Order which Interprets the Contract Documents or orders minor changes in the Work without change In Contract Sum or Contract Time. If you consider that a change in Contract Sum or Contract Time is required, please submit your itemized proposal to the Architect immediately and before proceeding with this Work. If your proposal is found to be satisfactory and in proper order, this Field Order will in that event be superseded by a Change Order. DESCRIPTION: Please issue a Change Order for revised electrical work as follows: ~ The electrical facilities required for the Air Link Corporation pne_umatic tube system submittal for the subject .project are different from-what is shown on t-he electrical drawings. The drawings show one 20 amp circuit ·(:_EPIA:-24) connected to a single master control .-unit via a hard connection •. According to.the submittal data, these units require ·a total of four 20 amp circuits each connected to a receptacle to accommodate a. cord connected control unit. Consequently, we need to add three 20 amp, l pole circuit-breakers to Panel "EPlA(spaces 26, 28, ·and 30 are available). Each of the four circuits should be extended.to a 20 amp, l25·volt receptacle located in the ceiling space ·above Room 167. ATTACHMENTS: RECEIVED \. MAR 171986 CITY OF CARLSBAD BY: · Building Department LLI,.Ruhnau McGavin·Ruhnau/Associates Architects Plannt1rs RUHNAU McGAVIN RUHNAUIASSOCIATES lR 3175 Tenth Street Riverside, CA 92501·3669 . 714/684-4664 5751 Palmer Way, Suite C Carlsbad. CA 92008· 1995 619/438-5899 ---~Mt\.,. ~TECT f2Q City of Carl sbad-M. Brooks CONSULTANTS l!'9 Ruhnau McGavi n Rulmau/ Assoc. -Loyd ~ Nack & Sunderland-B. Goldmann ARCHITECT'S ·FIELD ORDER CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR OTHER D D1 [X) City of Carlsbad Bldg. Dept~ Koll Co.-S. Mahoney PROJECT: Carlsbad Safety Center FIELD ORDER NO: 13 OWNER: City of Carlsbad DATE: April 11, 1986 TO: Koll Company PROJECT NO: 2-12-01 You are hereby directed to execute promptly th:is Field Order which interprets the Contract Documents or orders mi.nor changes in the Work without change in Contract Sum or Contract Ti.me. If you consider that a change in Contract Sum or Contract Time is required, please submit your itemized proposal to the Architect immediately ·and before proceeding with this Work. If your proposal is found to be satisfactory and in proper order, this Field Order wi I I in that event be superseded by a Change Order. DESCRIPTION: Revise the plumbing work as follows: 1. At Lounge Room #002, Lounge Roam !111, Qoffee Room #161A, and Audio Visual Room #186, provide an 11Inst·ant Flow Water Heater and Di spenser11 at each sink. (In accordance with Specification Section 15400, Paragraph .2.17 .9). --· "'··· 2.. At Women's Room #119 and Men's Room #124, furnish one of the type L-3 lavatories with "4-inch wrist blade· handles and offset tailpiece per handicapped requirements." (See drawi.ng A-17 for iavatory location). 3. At Workroom #210, change the sink type from· Sk-3 to· Sk-L . ----- 4. At Women's Locker Room #008, Men's R:oofTl_#lZ.3,~Women'.s Room #174, Men's Room #261 and Women I s Room #263, change· the lavatory' type from L-1 to L-2 (handicapped). (~~tEIVED ATTACHMENTS: APRlC 1986 CITY OF CARLSBAD Building Department BY: Barry Marukelli, Ruhnau Mc~avin Ruhnau/Associates Architects Planners RUHNAU McGAVIN.RUHNAUIASSCX:IATES 3775 Tenth Street Riverside. CA 925,0,1·3669 714/684·4664 5751 Pa1mer Way. Suite C Car1soaa. CA 92008·1995 619/438·5899 Page 1 of 2 1-R . .,, .... i,.· OWNER ARCHITECT CONSULTANTS CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR OTHER ro City of Carl sbad-M. Brooks ~ Ruhnau ·McGavin Ruhnau/Assoc.-Loyd ~ Nack & Sunderland-B. Goldmann ARCHITECT'S FIELD ORDER D ~ !XI City of Carlsbad Bldg. Dept. Koll Co.-S . .Mahoney PROJECT: Carlsbad Safety Center FIELD ORDER NO: 13 (cont.) OWNER: 'City of Carlsbad DATE: April 11, 1986 TO: Koll Company PROJECT NO: 2-12-01 You a re nereby directed to execute prompt I y this· Fie· Id Order which interprets the Contract Documents or orders mi nor changes in the Work without change in Contract Sum or Contract Time. If you ton$ i der that a change in Contract Sum or Con:tract Ti me is required, please submit your itemized proposal to the Architect immediately and before proceeding with this Work. If your proposal is found to be satisfactory and in proper order, this Fie Id Order w i 11 in that event be superseded by a Change Order. DESCRIPTION: --· ,.._ .: .. 5. At Vestibule Room #003 fixture type· ws.:-1 shall be specified as follows: --'., .:. ... 11 Barri.er-Free11 wash fountain sha4-i be Br~dley· Corporation CHC-554 5411 ·semi-circular vandal-resistant prec.ast terrazzo bowl and pedestal with bowl anchor brackets and 16 gauge stai-nless steel access panels. Water saving stainless steel spray head with restraining bracket controlled by two 11 Handi-tap11 pushbutton valves .mounted in .backsplas.h, remote actuated metering valve with connecti:ng· tubing. Two vandal-resistant pump type valves, back-splash mount~d, suppli_ed from two-gallon soap tank i.n pedestal. Hot and cold water . .supp.ltes connect insid·e pedestal to Bradley combination stop strainer aha cheei< valves, a No.-·222 11Vernatherm11 thermostatic mixing valve and flow control. Spud with strainer and locknut. All exposed. fasteners tamper-re-si st ant. 6. At Men's Shower Room #005 and Women's Shower #010, provide a handicap- ped shower as located on Drawi.ng A-57. and as described by Note 39 on Drawing P-2. 7. At Men 1 s Toilet Room #006, change one of the uri"nals from Type UR-1 to UR-2 (handicapped) as located on Drawing· A-57. -~.~- BY: ·Ba.rry Marukelli, Ruhnau McGavi·r:i Ruhnau/Associates Page 2 of 2 Archftect:s Planners RUHNAU McGAVIN RUHNAU!ASSCXIATES. 3775 .Tenth Street R,vers,de. CA 92501·3669 71'4/684·4664 5 75 7 Pa,mer Way. Su,te C Carlsbad. CA 92008· 1995 619/438-5899 1-R I Rabert E. Randall, P .E. San Oteg0 John R. Lamb, P .E. San Franclleo ICult R. Kolllel, P.E. Ovlatqnr W. ua,,d. P.E. JoNpll P. Oberlo. P.E. uwrwra 0ir1s1ian FI ELD REPORT DATE: Aprjl 14, 1986 SUB·JECT: . Carl shad Puhl ic_ Safety Center . JOB NO.: 1133 The following items were noted: 1. The raceway system 1s complete ex~ept that for .much of the building, the raceways have not been 1.nstal 1 ed ·in the ceiling space. In some porti·ons· of the building, the raceway system 'is complete and the walls and cefl ings have been covered. · · 2. In many 1 ocat1 ons in the first fl oar, the Contractor has used-..,flexlb-le~ conduit to-extend the condu.:tt stubs coming out of the. gro~n.d to the outlet boxes. The specifications do not allow flexible conduit to be used for this application. Since the underground conduit wi-11 -have a ground wire installed in it, we .have no objection to this arrangement. However, in some locations on the first floor (for example, on the south wall of records and in the fingerprinting room), the Contractor has used flexible conduit for horizontal runs. )These·· may remaHt· provided that the- ContTactor inst.alls a ground .wi.re in each of these condufts. ' ~~--i• ¼½..,..., ...... 3. On the second floor, there are many conduits turning up out of the slab which are connected to outlet boxes by flexible conduit in the same manner as on the first floor. The conduit stubs appear to be-metallic. 'ln.._these cases, ground wire should bL1.ost.a1le.4.J !!__ the entire con.duj_t_.r:un_t!!ven tl:roug·h-1-t··appeirsttiat the raceway systein is-inetalTic. . · ---.,, . ---~ -. --··-______ ...., __ ., ....... __ -... ---... -,,. .. .. ,of,···---... -·- 4. Iu.en.e.r:ql, th~_ G.Qntractor MS,_1:tQ.t .. _complte_d. with tb.~_sp_e_cj..fj.ca.t,.i on .r.equi.-rements: for ,stfppartcir condui·ts. · He has used wire almost exclusively ~s a means of fastening the·con~uit--irt place. T,,h.is means is not accep- table_. __ Also, it ap·p-ears-·th·at-tn-rnan_y'-cii'!fes the conduit run· in'flie-cei-l~i·ng isnot supported as the code requires. As an example of improper conduit supports, there are conduits running through the lobby ceiling which are supported ·by a trapeze. The conduits are not fastened to the trapeze but are merely resting on it. The Contractor should be instructe4 to install all conduit so that each one is securely fastened in place at least every 3323 Carmel Mo1.:mta1n Road• Suite ,po• San Diego. CA 92121 • (619) 481-6113 .. ~ Page 2 Aprfl 14, 1986 Field Report Carlsbad Public Safety Center 10' and within 3' of each outlet box or junction box, zy-sr;_requ-fred by code.· "The means ofsupport shoulcrbe-a·s speci ff ed in the contr·act· documents. 5. The specifications require th~t communications syst~m junction boxes be f dentified wfttr a. brass ·ta-gs-. · Although the raceway system is-not complete., lt appears-tnaf' the Contractor has made no provisi'on for meeting this requirement. 1 BY:· Larry Christi a~ DISTRIBUTION: File .. Barry Marukellf, Ruhnau, McGavin, Ruhnau ·-t- --~ .. ·-. r ~ o·+ G<.Jo6G-d '--~.' TO C/o ~e> LL Co. FROM GEGCON I N C O R P O B .A T E D · Ai.J..n..MrlorvtS·bndV"L 9530 DOWDY DRIVE SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92126 (619) 695-2880 susJECT: CGA Lslac;:d Se,._.k~ Ce-nkc D --2.751-J D 3 0 bs-e tO; e d £o t) nda~ ..£4..la.µLL..~""-'---'-·-~__,_4 ~.......,,,.,_.-=..;,,._ Bu L~ l{ 9fl'\ d Ll v-.J cx.s b,, ~ sl:D. ru.s e_ Bu L. \ ~~ 4 __ DATE: -.-. .... ,--~------~----. .... ...,, ___ ......,_, ~----.,_,...,.,,..,~ .......... __ .. ,...,, ....... .,.,,-..,,..,_,_~:., • .,,., , ............ ,...,J, ~I ' "• • .. . . ,, . . .................. --..,.. ... i .. , ..... ,i.., ....... , ........ --. ............... -..... ""'--·----...... --~---- ... • .. ------~--... ; . Testing Engineers-San Diego 34.67 Kurtz Street, P.O. Box 80985, San Diego CA 92138 (619) 225-9641 2948 Industry St., Unit B, Oceanside, CA 92054 (619) 758-3730 .XOB NIW 39935~ ,JOBNAIIE: CAR~SBAli SAfETY & SERVICE tNTR . JOB. ADDRESS1 . 2480 IMPALA ROAD CARLSBAD . CARLSBAD 1 Cfi · . ·N-oV 71985: . Ro.y E, iiure, R,C,E, I T,K.ChapMal1 R1C,E, CITY OF'CARLS'BAb .. :·_· . .. . .. ;-REP.Orr NO: 16261 f Building Department · · ,. . ~flitE:.:: Hi/25/85 STRUCTURAL fffE£L t=':CEU) W!:"::LO :tNf;PE.C:.TIDN. REemrr . .Per Mi t -,~:t;~~..,·b.o:-·'.l .,. 10/21/85 . . . ,, .... _. Vi~ual inspection wa~ parf~rMad of joint prep~ratio~. i':tnd w.ehUng by cert:i.f:i.ed ope-H'i':1-tor-!;, u.s:,:Lng Al.4.M. ..·.,. el<~~ctrad·<~s E.7018, E8(}.18·-B2 ;,x E'70T·-7, " , . . . . W<~ldei'!ll-and ce.r-t:t.f'it:ate nu.r,1:Hw': .·Patr:L<;:I~ Fe-~t:~l<(ry Jl:;~;::.i4?I> '.(:fr.adl<(-ry . ;to-h1'\j50n ilf::.?.14-> Ed H-:lwidns, . ' . ~·,· . :1:n 1:tpected fit u,p i:H'l-d .·f'll 11 p (-:ma tr iH i o 1·1 ·wcf~ l.dr:t> f (),r r~:i.cJ:Lcl .c: m:rr.u~.c:;.t :i, tfrltl\. 11t-the in.ter·s.ec:t:i.on of g.r-id 1:i..n<;~s~ 3,l c1n(:l. ff, 13;. :o,·.F>. ~. ~':it. t!1Jf~ , I I . !:H~H::ond f:l.o-or level. r.1Lso;, .;:\t 3,'l·.IAnd A, B> J!J.;-F.;, G ?:t:l' 'fh(-:1 r.<>-Pf ._ .. ·,_. 1-.'. l l 1-- 1 I l l, tevf;.)l , '.tnspac:t e.d wt~ J. d :Lng of· gr rlcl {,~ .l:) 1~~1:t11, r«r:i:.nf<i r c:.in.~1 J!J. t.e:~1J, . {~t :t!'H? · .b<":1me of c::oluM:n at tb.e :i.ntf.H·1se<::t:i.on of'. ~Jr:Ld .:t:i..i:u-:HH 6 -~ ft; 07 JSi Pi, . nn:~ ar.:.c.<~ss for weldin.g 'these r~ir1f'Qr>:<::i .. ng b;.1crs ;L~. l:i.Mll.t~cl-·1;q bO:~:. ,JH',. . 7 0 ~t; of . the c: :i. r c II M fer <-:·H·1 c.e o f t hf:! b .i:H' b (;.) c:l~ u r:tc-:~ tl:tci~ A' (,:r• ft'i :ln.<;J f <it . t h:f? cj'r-acl.e bear\ is. ,i :I.ready r.: ()Mp li:ne, whi.c:h · :i..;,.,-Pn:~ .. y<~·fr·y .. 1:i.:tt1~ r ptWf :P tH' e:t.c-:~t:tro.cl<-l. p;;:111:Lpul.;:vtion, .· n\.(,: Btr\u::tui"<'ill Er1:g:lnf.H·~r 1 _.:f,(J:hi:t W.;t.ll:L<:i~::,i,. i:1ppr o vt-~d i1n :i. ncrear.;.r.~ in. we :I.cl s:i,.t. f:~ .. f'J)r th :i. s;. r·,<-:~r.ll.H:f-:i: on.. · · . :r. .. 1:11i>pect<i~d in weld :Length:, Fi.llt~t w<-:-,,lci st:i.i:-€·l. -:i~:t l:Ul.W .. ~~./f.l.0 ~ ·.<:\:~i:rn.,-, .. th:bi~ or.:c:urs i.-lt ea.ch tt)lorm on. thf:) pijr:l.Metr.H:· with t.h~r:i-{:·),_ . .1.-.<~~.:j,.1:l:f~t,t-t::1,ng;· -t.H:1.rs. Hlis work.Was <~<:1-rr:t<*<:I out.w:i,th c3o·od :p,r•ocf:~d.ure ;:rt,r.l (::o.nfQf'f'1!\i.., .. , to .. AWS IH , 1 -83 c:Wd AW8 D1 .A.. . ·. . .. ~l~· . , . DA.Tfi:!;, •. , • • EMP:l:, • :tNSPE:CTt1R 'S Nr::iME ~~ '-\ ..... 1\/:('J'··· . . 1 0/~1 /f.}'5 158r5 ~He-~phfi1m. Ihbt~ y. ._·_· . -: .. ~ . ,_ \"1· . . . -.. · · · · \\ · I .. · ·. "l'At->Kt. .• • • • RT HRS TA.s1<:a. •••••. en HR$ ·Tt-1r.i~J<.;1; .·.·:~-~ •• ·, DT.·:1-ni~:i:_· . . · ;5720 8, 0 STRUCTURAL sT:1::-1:SL. F :r. E'.1:..D W~i:i..n ·_ -:r.N.s1it:.:r;r:r.tJh! .Jtti~oa:i' UL1RA$()NIC :tt:!HPE:{~TJ:Prt BE;FiQRl ... , .. , P<-.'H.'M.it · :ft:{3~, .. ;,(:)~}-'A --·. ,., '-~. I I . .. I .· I 'I ·.I , ... .-: I ; I . I /I .. : I I. 1012~~1es, . . . .·· .-.-.. . .. . · ,· -·· · · : I V:i.iliUal it:-ispec:t:i.on w,u; p.<1>r-ftir1 M<1~C'J of jo~i .. n.t·.p-r_<f>.i:1./;\:r:i:1:tiii.o:n ...... ·· .. ·._ . .".'·;·.· .. ·. i ··.: _. .... ; a .. 1-. ~· .. "'el di~~ ~ y. c.er ~if'~ w~rJ o P,,!·~r~:t.~~r-.r~ u si,.:i,.11-g .. :_f~W~> . . . ,_ .. .. : : ... ,, .. · · . ~ . . . .. : .. ,. . . .... . ,-:: I e,L.f:.< ... tro<:tefa F.1618~ E..9018 & Ei'O.r·-.1, ....... .-. . ...•.. ,; ...... ;:.,-.... ,, ... .-; .... , .. ;.;.,:.; ... ,. .: c~.r ·ti f" i eel wtei l d.er m. sa.r,H:~ .Et 5-~n· <~iJ :i, <> u 1~i.Y. .. r. t:1.p:o, r...:·t <-:H;l .. l:i,J.r:~ Q .• ;M i.,l~-~. J ... 1·~ 1):.Cft· ..... ·. : :, ..•. ' . ·. . · ... ·.,; !Sl),;?.tu·-727. ,:l.nd FH.U Jac::1<11u1.n: ~5'726.i . . _. , .... · .. · .. -·.· .. · ... ·.:,,, .. , ..... , .. _ .. , .... :., .. ·., .. __ , .. · .. : • • , , . • • •.• I ' l. : .... In 1:lf.) ec; ted ful..l. p en;<-i~'t'i' & t ion W·(-:>ld . .:i.,tu.i. ~;. t M.():M(~~n-:;t _' :~:;,,.;i:it\:~H:::t:f(Ml~i: .··JU'.\ ·.i.r.i·<r·:· •.; . ·_. .. _:; ·_. :· ._'.,: f'lp,1).r, t:oluMr.i ,~.6., Abt. A?, ;.1:l.s.o r.t).Ql·.i;~.()lu;.1~1t ... A~ .•.. , ...... : .. ·. , .. ,,:·· .. · .. ··, ... ,.; .. : .... ; i ln 1s.p ec: t t:>d ~u! :1. din 9 of' .N.o. , 1 'l . r v, :i .. n f' o.r.• <: :L:1:t.g •. s.1..:t: q:!.f1}:.I., -t.(1 .. c: .!) .:1 •. i~-Wl 11f .. <ft. t . . . . . " .. · ·. .. ... : , ,., ·.) foot:i.ng11~ o.n ~~ol.nMr.1s. A3,:1,, l~3.t, A5, &· /:r6~.-··. ,.: •... ::,· ..... ·:···,··::-........ : .. , .-..__-:· ...... ·· .: ; ,·. ' ... ·.·. _,_ ..... , -.. ··. : ........ -, . l._JJ. t r.-a 1!i n 11 ic «·~ x.aM:l..r.1.<1 ti <>·11·-by Am NT qui:\ :1. :i.:f. :i .. (·iltl. .. .-ft1:nfH~.;;\ :~ o.r1: m .. w.,,\.m. M-<~.(;l.(,i} .. . o.n f'u'.U ar,ct./ol" .p.ar-ti1~J. pen.et,rati.01:,. t"1~,l.d.1s .:~,!l> .!l~h;-o:w.i·t . .-~m ... ; .. :_.<;. .. :--.. ·<· . .-·: ........ ,. ! ~-at·t·<:H:h(¾>d shf.H+>ts, .. · . , ....... ·.: ·: .. ,. , .... · .,.··., ., ... ·.· .. :., .• ·! ' . . ·-. .. . ... ' ~ -.. .... -. . . ... . . .. !' .·, ":-.,. · . m: x !:\ M·:l.rte<i l, l tr c':l m 0.11 :L<:: a.J. :I. y f V l. l j,. ! i· I I. t l - I ,. ' I .- I :·· I l, I I' r: ·: '-,_ Testing Engineers-San Diego . t •' 3467 Kurtz Street, P.O. Box 80985, San Diego CA 92138 (619) 225-9641. '!: . , 2948 Industry St., Unit B, Oceanside, CA 92054 (619) 758-3730 ·--.. ... . :'.13 • 1 D3 •. 1 t.i< F3 .. -:t • 10/::~3/85 . . . .v :i. r:; ual ;i.r1 !,;pee ti on w~·:, s pfl~r f or:Mc:~d. of j (> :~I'.\ 'l' .: p~' ~~l'.>l:H' f:1.t :i .. Q_n i-mt:I welding by i::er•t:i.f'i~:-~d ope.rator-1; U$.:1.ng $tW~~ , · elE-n::.tro.d.f:H!; F.'7018l E'.90t8 .. .& E:·7uT-7. CfH''tified welders f:H~M<~ .a$ prev:i.civ;isly re-por'.t0~ci._. lnm!l (-;;(: ted ASTM t'l325 high 1:.; tr~e.r.ic;J t'l'l bo·J. t :i.n c;r {ri r.::t-u~;lj.n(~ . , .. . . l:)t)J.t h0:J.es. .and fay.irHJ !,rnrfac:,~,!,~ .Por 2nd f'.LQt)r ,:1nr,t ·rn<~f ;t;t1·1(fi: c;li3 .• 'J.-A7; G3,1··"G7 an.d r,:3,t .... G3.1.. · · ., .,. · . ' '~ 1::01 ·t t<~flsi o·n ver if ier.l h y <:: i:\:i. ibr ;~t<-;d t c:,_r.cpi,~t ~r.«-m<:;i't., :tnspec t (f~d p (IH'U.nt·<'il ti() l'l W(·:~ld :i.ri c;J at M (lMi.·~l'it. ,:; onrtf.1J; i.:to h ':Ji_ Ml. {tj'ic!. f :fr Q oi·i ,I " 1 1''4 t"r.'' 'P'(: i''? t"'" ·t f'''t') . . i:1.f.lCt .rota i:l'\' c:O UMnS 1:r ,-.1:,,:1, i:il,1-1:1 i 1:il'J ~-:i·l.•... .. .....•. :1:.n~:;pected \iH:~:l.<:ling of No, 11 r•t-:dnf m··c:tn(J. ~:it~J:~'.l. t(j ~:~>:i,l1Mrp:1. <:l't fuo·t:i.1'Hl c:oluMnm D:5,1,. F3.,1., G:?> .. 1 & It3, 1_ .. · lJ1 tr-<":\ s.on i l: <*XAM :i. nat :i. on by ASNT q u <":tl if ;le.ti qp;:l.:r.,~ ~t o'.i··s wi~ 1,1 .. f.'l1id·(~ on foll. and./o:r p.;:1r•tii:'1l pt?t,<·~tr~;l .t1,on. w~tld~1; •RS.. 1E.\;1o~rL .<Fl. at t~thed sh.e*~'t$, Ex1:\Mined, u:ttr;:11li<>n.ical:Ly full p<-~1Jf:ltr<":1t;Lsm w<~;Lc_4{:i _<n;i.f?.ttt:( -1-'1<>.Pr·. Mfft'H*i1t r.:on,nec·t:i.<>ns iat col~Mns> l:i'J, .(}3,1 1 G4,. (~~!!,. (J6,· fJ'i'f.,: ·G.f~.~-t?, 1.0./::?4/85 V:i.sual in'!iip.ec:tion WiH:. ptirf.<H'Mf.H:l of Jo:i.nt 1:H,'<·~Pi:H'{,\'\'-fq:r1 i:)nd . welding by c:er ti f· if.-~d op <~~N) t <>r5i-om:Lng Al..JS el<-~<::tr.odes1 E'7<it8, 1£9018 & t:.70T·.,.7-, , . . Certifj.ecl welders saMe t:ls prf.:•vioi,sJ:y r+?p<H~:t~~~;L.> . :r. i:u:.;.p.ec: tf~d f u 11 p ~m <~tr~~ t:i.(U1 W('a :I. d :i. n t;J ~lt. M,O i"i«m·t: ~~.d r:i;i'; f:H;.t fQJl':;~: .<>ii ,';;rid · t'lcnn• and roof' at r.:olu.Mns f.~.$, A9>. A:tO, A:l)~L~ ij:.t~.-... :Ci11i.pei::t.ed we,ldin·t' of Nu, 11 r.<-:dnfo,rc::i.ru:1.1~'):~:,el tJ~ .. <;;o.l-VMi'Ua. 4\:t'. f'o()ting on r~oJ:urms G3, 'l, G:f¾; .. 1";5 & (}~p •... ,.. . . ... _; .: .. · , · .. In~i;pec t~id de<: k ,p u dd h~ wq,~ :l..d in~J.. on· 2nd . :Flo .<tr. :Ln.(i:1iir ,~ .. "(t,,., .~1., f~·ti." , . ,. i.Jl'\'rasonic: e~aMination by f.:1BNT 1;pta,l:i.i_i~1:I ,i;:per1:):t9~s~: w;;s .f,;·,irl(f) :·: ·. on full and/or P<H·ttal p(-:rnetratio.n w1:.~:Cd1;; .,;':U:i ~i.l'.i!u/21.n. i1.1:1· · · ,;_~ ~1tta-r.:J1ed s·he.e't$. . ... .. i_ ,. , ' • -,:!: ~ • :--- .. li.x.;:\.Mined. ultr.aE;on.ic:,~1ly full p~H1-<*.tr.,:1t:i;o:n, wc41J..d~11:. ~1' 1v.ro~.<i*:t:t.'!:. ·".,, ... ,::o.mH?ct:i.ons ().n 2rH:l fltHH' r.:olul'IIJ'ls /.\8 tx A9. {:'lr\d r.qp:P, .. c:<qUi'-'.'11}!:~ A~?bl, .. · I .l,3 .• 'J.~ ··Ali> A'/,, f\8,. A9,. f~tO &. At2.~ .. -.. , .. ·. ._., ... ; .. : .. , .... · .. ·:.: .. . · .. '· . ·: ~ l ' . . . . . ' .... , ,. -.~ .. :' .... '· ··-·-·-~~--. .-·i .. 1 i)/.25/'$5. . , , , , '. ·. , , , ... , .. ,,,..,., ... . . •• . , ,,,. , V:i.1i~u.al iruspec:tior.1 w-aiu: pfH':fur...,<+>cl _(>,f . .io_:lnt'.·pr<\~i:.H·rrw·t:.L<w.· .. , ..... ·, .· .. , . , ..... i· . and walcli,ng by .c:ertif"it:H~ <iri~:i.ra1.u·r$ u1:>:i,.n_g ... (.)WJ;)_. ... · · el<N:::troc:l<wjii E7018.>. E:'9018 .,!., E7(rf,·:?,.. . . ., ·: -=·'--·, ·· · ,, ..... ·· · .. : Cert :t f"ied . w_sl. dt:H' i!L sa.a.v.~ a.a. p.r-~~ 1J i .<H,> !it.l y ..,i~,<:~~,P o.rj f~·!f ~-: ;. _'. ·: : : · :; _ :. :--:.,. :. ·,:·-·;:. ·. ·.· · -~ · .· ... _:: ;'._ ·: ": · ... : .lrt 1iq:u1t: 1.e,ci ASTN A32~:i hi(i.h _1; t r~.n'~':r-1:i t,n; :t ·.t-.:i.i:\Jl : .. iLrt 1:;.;t ii d),·r,1:~~ ·: ... _' ·. , : :·:. ·=-.· :_:: ;.: .. · .. :_· .. .'_' ~-·:-. . , ... :. :: .. ~ i b 1 t... 1 d " li • .J:, ,, '') cl ,, .. , J' ·• . 1"'"' 1 ,:, ·A3 •I' ~ , !Lt ,,i<) es an 'l'~.,.1n.g 11PJr':T1':\1::es>-· .. t9J' .. ~:si .. "···:~uir .• ;~1:.n~-tii-. i:i/:-:;~,\!·,, .. i:'!~-:cL.~,. ... :.-........ ,,: 7-H.L . . . , ·, : ·:· .. -~-----;, .. •1,---:~-. -_. ····'-/··: .•.. ;.-.~-_.,: ~;:.~.,,,.' ·~· • • • • --~ -• .: ·-. .. :, • .... • .··--. • • •• .1.' • •• ' ,-t. ' It<>.:l.t te,n1!,:i • .o.n .v.f:,~rifj.0Hj b.,y c:.{:1.:.1.~J:tr,c';l't.<+H;l t.<n~q .. tt~~ wr·f1H1:c::t1_.,._ ... ·· .. _: ... , .. :.. ......... . • '. : • ._ • • .: • : • ·' . ·-' •. -··.. ,. ~;. ,:; .: •• _ ... · . ~ ..... __ : . • t • • • / ·--· • :_. :_· ' • :t· • ' J:n.sp+:-H:: t +:·)·d f'u :t. 3. p«t.1·11Hr iii ti or1. wel cl·:i. n.,J.. iO.'~ :.1.1J_):s,1i·tJft,. ; c:,<tnrtw~.~1;,· kOJ)Ji> ·_ ».n, ~-P:.cl. , . . .. Jl::.ST:t:'N'G~ .. E~(;,:r~N_El:::t~B-·~1:iiJ,f· ~.:l~·E:G.CL.: .. 1J.i, .. r _ .. : .... :.-.. : ......... -... . i ' , i ,· ' '. 1 .•. ;r ! I t • ! -.• .-.. , ~ ·, . . . : ,, ... ·, Testing Engineers-San Diego . 3467 Kurtz Street, P.O. Box 80985, San Diego CA 921.38 (619) 225-9641 2948 Industry St., Unit B, Oceanside, CA 92054 (619)-758-3730 · .(''·1 ':; G·t" "' "'m· :1 1 ... > 1. •JC r·1.;;;, , In5pected welding of No. 11 r•inforcinO steal_t~ ~~luMfl$'.A1 f'n c,t.ing col Orms G.7 1 GB t.ic G1. . .. . . Ir\'l!tp-ectf.H1 d,ecl< pu.ddl.e waldi11g <HI .2nd floo.r l.:Lrte f.\-Gr {:1""(3~.- !nsp,ec:ted shear stud weld:i.n~j o-n ;,:rncl f":l.001·•. l;i.n·r~!:t l)·'."\;, ;3, f:·;·tL U l tra.soia ic <-?xa.,,;:t na t :i. on by AS-NT q1.rn :t :i.f if:-Jd .o:pf~.r~1.t<H'.m W.i~-i:i .M,{:rd.~) <Hi .Pull. and/or partial p.f..metra.ti<to 1-}eJ.d1s ~s lt~l-:,own Qfl .. · : "· .. · at tachf?C:l shEets, .Ex i:\M.:ine.d ~, l tra1i;on :i. ca 11 y f' u 11 p<-ime-:tr {:t:t):1Hi. wc-;,i":ldr:; ?l'.t .. 1':iOM,0)1'i t . c:,onn£H:.titms 2nd floor t:.oJ.uMn!:~ D1.z', A;U),.j~:·.Ht.;. ft'.'1.2.,, Gl1t,. G'l:ti .. -~ rnt,! . The work in~i;pectf.~d <'~O.MpU.t:s w:Lth tl'.H:). ~ir.t1:1r\o.v.<;1<:l jji~1J1~i(,i,1:6:d~ ·t:h{~(.,. · . Un:if'(H'r\ :Et~ilda.ng Codeh · · · · · 1>AT1~:s • • • • • • EMf> :fl: • • :r NSP ECTOR "El ~fr;ril:~ 1.0/2;~ . .,.~::.~3/S~i 500 o. E:.ar l R, M.attt<f)!l~ l :-""· ___________ __;r . , ... - RT. l-lRS TAfi·KI'. I •• t'.)T HRS T?lf;:j(:}I:.; II • ' Dt .HR$ '15.,n 5.720 17.00 . ,. . ' .. -•' ~ . . . : . ,.,. i·. . '' ..... ,1'' ':: . ; ·. ' . : . . ~' ; ' ........ -•, · ... , ._ . ~ ........ ,_ I I ., I .. I .. .. I . -I . :: j I j ·. · I I I I , I ; I : I :·I : • : :' i . ; I ; I . ~ ·r I • I ' • . ~ -· -.• i ·,,· • .i . ,. . . . .. . . . . . . . . •. : . : -. .-. .. . ·-. '.. ~ . . .. . . ,.,. . ... . . -·. .. .. . . .,,. .. , .... -.. :.·.,:: ,,. . -· ~ --· ~ ... : ~.: --... · . . . . . -; ., . . .. . . .,. .. '= ..... -.. --::-....... , ....... • •• ';'\·I<.•"·.; •. ; ;• :-:.• _._· - •: ~ .. . , . . ., ....... ,. . , ... :. -·· .. ' ~ ,, . . , . • • , -.. -••• ' ' • • ~ '. -•• -:... ... ' ~ • : _; , .. ~ -• • ¥ ·; • • • •. ,-t ~ : ' •. I • • •' • •' • •• • 06 .: ,; • ' . .,. ;•• -. -· :·, .. ·: • •• • ••• , : • ' ~ ' .-.... ~ ' • • ··; •• • •• ··-~--¥ • .::• . .. • ·,·· ,; :" ,;,·• •'·'• ... , ..... .,. .• ,•,,•,,, ·, ·~·--·.· ... • .. ·,•J·.o •.• • .:. ~ . -, ., '• . ~ . :-;. . . . ; ··-.... -. " ),: ~. '. ,: '•' . ·. . ., . rr Testing Engineers-San Diego "-· 1-346/ k~;;;~;~, ~~i;; ~~: ~~~';f 5~o;;~nb/~~o, Ca, 92138 (619) 225-9641 ,,.., 2948 Industry Street, Suite B, Oceanside, Ca. 92054 (619) 757-0248 LABORATORY NO. 16261 NONDESTRUCTIVE TEST REPORT DATE 10/23/85 FILE: 3998-50 TYPE OF TESTING: Ultrasonic JOB: FABRICATOR OR ERECTOR: Boel Carlsbad Safety and Service Cntr CONTRACTOR: Koll ADDRESS: SHOP FIELD X . Page of MATERIAL: ASTM A36 & A572 METHOD: Contact .INSTRUMENT: Sonic TRANSDUCERS: 2.25 MHZ INSPECTION STANDARD: AWS Dl. 1-85 CALIBRATION: DSC > 70° RATE OF INSPECTION: 100% & 25% . SHEAR WAVE·ANGLE: DESCRIPTION OF TESTING/ITEM(S) DATE HOURS TECHNICIAN Ultrasonic testing of full penetration welds at moment connections 10-?2 ':\. I) E. M<=>t.ht=>(:: 10-21 l,. () E M<>rhoa 10-24 5.0 E. Mathes 10-25 1.0 E. Mathes PART NO./ LOCATION NO. I TYPE WELDS TESTED ACC. .REJ. REMARKS Col A5-2nd floor 2 moment connections 2 0 Conforms to specifications .Col A6-2nd floor 4 moment connections 4 0 Conforms to specifications Col A3.l-2nd floor 2 .moment connections 2 0 Conforms to specifications Col B3.l-2nd floor 4 moment connections 4 0 Conforms to specifications Col D3. l-2nd floor 4 moment connection 4 0 Conforms to specifications Col F3.1-2nd floor 4 moment connect:i..on 4 0 Conforms to specifications 10-23 ... ss Col .A7-2nd floor 4 moment connectio~s 4 0 Conforms to specifications Co.l G3.1-2nd floor 2 moment connectionl=? 2 0 Conforms to specifications REJECTION RATE RETESTS OF REPAIRED WELDS . HOURS REPORTED TO: J, . .:, LABORATORY NO 16261 NONDESTRUCTIVE TEST REPORT DATE 10-23-85 Fl!-E: 3998-50 TYPE OF TESTING: Ultrasonic JOB: Carlsbad Safety and Service Cntr FABRICATOR OR ERECTOR: Boel CONTRACTOR: Koll ADDRESS: SHOP FIELD X Page _.2._ of _,3_ I REJ~-. PART NO./ LOCATION NO. I TYPE WELDS TESTED ACC. ' REMARKS I 1n-?~-Rc; r'nn+- Col G4,-2nd floor 2 ,;;, rnnnont-.; ..,,..,,. ? n (',...,f,.~-,. to c:nPf"ifi f"::it-i nnc, Col cc;_?nr! f1;.,n..-!J. mnma..,t-r---,.,-~.; --,. I. " Conforms to snecific.at-.; nn.:, V Col G6-2nci floor 4 moment connections 4 0 Conforms to snecifications Col G7..;.2nd f:J_oor 4 moment connect:iorts 4 0 Conforms to snecifications Col GS-2nd floor 4 moment connections 4 d Conforms to snecifications Col G9-2nd floor 2 moment connections 2 ! 0 Conforms to specifications 10-24-85 Col AS-2nd floor 4 moment connections 4 0 Conforms to sp~cifications Col A9-2nd floor 4 moment connections 4· 0 Conforms to specif~cations Golun;in A6-roof 4 moment connections 4 0 -Conforms to specifications .. Col A7-Roof 4 moment connections 4 0 Conforms to specifications Col A3.l-roof 2 moment connections 2 0 Conforms to specifications col B3.l-roof 4 moment connections 4 0 Conforms to specifications Col AS-roof 4 moment connections 4 0 Conforms to· specifications Col A9-roof 4 moment connections 4 0 Conforms to specifications Col Al0-roof 2 moment connections 2 0 Conforms to specifications C.ol Al2-roof 2 m0ment connections 2 0 Conforms to snecification"' Rl:Jj:CTION RATE RETESTS OF REPAIRED WELDS HOURS REPORTED TO: LABORATORY NO. 16261 NONDESTRUCTIVE TEST REP 0 T R DATE 10-? c;_Q c; FILE: 3998-50 TYPE OF TESTING: Ultrasonic JOB: Carlsbad Safety and Servive Cntr FABRICATOR OR ERECTOR: Boel CONTRACTOR: Koll . ADDRESS: SHOP _____ FIELD X Page 3 of 3 -. - PART NO./ LOCATION NO. I TYPE WELDS TESTED ACC. i REJ7 -__ REMARKS I 10-25-85 i Col D12-21).d floor 4 moment connections 4 0 Conforms to snecifications Col A10-2nd floor 2 moI1J.ent connections 2 0 Conforms to snecifications Col A12-2nd floor 2 mom~nt connections 2 0 Conforms to snecifications . Col Fl2-2nd floor 4 moment connections 4 0 Conforms to specifications Col G12-2nd · floor 4 moment connections 4 0 Conforms to specifications Col Gl0-2nci floor 4 moment connections 4 ' 0 Conforms to specifications Col GU-2nd floor 4 moment conne~tions 4 0 Conforms to specifications i I • . I - " - RE.JECTION RATE RETESTS OF REPAIRED WELDS HOURS REPORTED TO:- ( 1) City of Carlsbad (1) Ruhnau McGavin Ruhnau Testing Engineers-San Diego (1) Brandow & Johnston Assocl (1) City of Carlsbad Bldg Insp Dept Reviewed by THC:ia ' . Testing Engineers-San Diego · . 3467 Kurtz Street, P.O. Box 80985, San Diego CA 92138 (619) 225-9641 2948 Industry St., Unit B, Oceanside, CA 92054 (619) 758-3730 ; "•' , I .1on Mn: ~99aso .. , .. TY ( .. , .• -.~R'! ra:,,\V\ -f ··:('' ··1···d{"'-:) ...... j••;> Disr·o~-u-r-i·, TO L.t .k l,·M .... ov1··1u. Jh .. J;/ :i, ... 1_-;~;~1 .. J,J,1::;J . · _:;d.f! lc..v, .,, L • . JO ft .NAHE t CARLSBAil SAf ETY &: .SEP.VICE CNTR ·12 o o ELMIZf)Et~ r-.1. v I!! .0 .. ci\Y OF £.ARLS~f.fl CARl...!!>Br~Dr·1:;; . 'iif.{-. liiiii. .. . . . .'Rll;iNAU }lCGAVIlt RUHUAU . · • JOB ADlliESS: 2486 IMPALA ROA» CARLSBAD CARLSBAn, CA . Bi!.AN.D. ·nw l JO. HtiS. JO.N.'. ASSu. c.· .. . . · · NOV 71985 · :· . crtx 1F _cA8t;aBA~ BL11s ~NsP »EP ·· Roy E, noore, R,C.£, I T.H.Chap!an 1 R.C.E. IE,SiING .ENtlUEERs~sAn Di.EGO CITY OF ·CARLSBA:o .. ·: .REPOII NO: )6305 Building Department »AT~t 1u1~ua;t 8TRUCTURr::it.,. BTEEL FIELl) Wi~'.L.P INSP.l~GTJ:t:m. R.J:.:1:>Qi=(j . l i ' !\, - I i• i i - P~H'M;i. t . 1J(:H5·"t.)S"·i . 1. 0/2E~iS5 V:L ~iPJ al .. in Spf~C: t ion . wa tii p erf () r Med·. o 1:· .Jci :Ln t Pi''(~;:l~i:\J':i~i' :LOfl:. iHHI' v,tel d in.g b. y .t:;(;'r t.:i, t'ied o.p r-H' ,:tt M·· £&. u~;_:i .. \7i.!l J~W.$. · f.t'.lc-:-~ctror.h~s £7018 & E'.9018,. · , Certified welders BaMe as praviou•ly,rap~rtad~ . . :r.nspect(~d c~STM A.32;:i h:i.gh '!~treng:l'.h. i:H)l .. t:i,l'.l(j' :i,.n(;:i.ui.U.:i:1~1. bt)lt huJ.t~llt f.:Hld f,:1y:i.ng !.;urf~c:~1:; f'Qr r'$;•Pf.~OJUl%'C:1";i.Qn§ :i:.:i,:i.;·~$jti75.,j _(ilnd G1 7·-'10. . no:tt tens:i.<>n V<-:~rif:i.ed by. c~aJ:i,IH'i:ltf~d t<H'r.fiH'.-:..,~reru::h,, Ini::-pec:ted WfddirHJ of tfo, i 'l l"f~:i.niori::~li1g _'1:t~te.((tl:i, tQ. r.:!}:i.Uff1n1i; 'i:lf. f (~ () t iTHJ (; 01 u Mn% G '12' F H! , .. Iii~ 1!>1 F,¾ 1:~' :r. 11 f;if:) r,;c: t<fi~:I d ~~(; !{ . ~Cf~ i~tj,n 9 iEl'\{l f 1 n o ~ :um~ s ;; ~-G , B-'l O • 1: n sp «·H: t <rH:i sl"q,:-~ ~=fr;_ ~; ·ngl .w f.·~ l r.i :i .. n <;J. :?ri. ci .f lo qr · '. . l:Lne1:i f':1-(~, ~:i-$, . . . .. . . . . , . . .. :cn~,1P(~cted welc:l:i.ng of .a IH:~W 1:;he<'H' j:>:ttH0t t() _l>i27X5'4: .b<~i~f'!l .t.n_:p:1,~tc u1L W'l 6X26 be1:1M 2nd fJ. o.n.r-J.:tne Gf.L 7. Sb.Q . .p f a1,.r :i..!:J:tJr:i{:l tH:t<~t :l:<UJ t. o·ff .· lr.11iipec tf~d w<-:ild:i'.n~~ uf an(::h or b o :i; tra to b<:H:i0f· .. pl<':\'l'f.-Viii_ ..i:1.t ·c::o :Lu.MI'.l'!lJ . .ct!. O .... · & F13 ii'IS l)nr.:hor bolts WE-H'!-? tno l<HI, tu. g<~t r.i :f't;;i.:J,. nv.'t: o,n, · I::: X C ep t :i. () 11 SJ St r UC t tH' <':I J.. I:'. I;\ (.l :i. l'l f.H-:lf' :r O h 1:i · W ;[ ;1J~:i, . ./:\.M i:i . ~':l.p. pf' (! v:c~ d l.,.f (\~ :I. ~:l :t n q i';lnc:nor QQlts to t.>a~~e pl;;1t&l;";. wt1<ii•1'<r~ bo:l.'t!:i-i4i''.:'<f ·il>htH''t,. H.<iL{~hHJ .. ~p.pr-.c>v«~d splicing 8 :i.ru::t~f.Hii on. tc1. -~\Jb<~t .(:.(iJ.tiMn. i:\t. l.:i.:ric~~-Jf, ~i,:-:?; J. :. · 1ncluding full penetration weld .w1th UtT, . . :i 0/,!!9/fd5. . . . ., . , ..... --~ f" ~-._, .. V :l ill u a 1. :1..11 m.p ec: t :i. on t..J <:1 s p .«~ r for.-M.f~d. of :i <L:\;X.\ :r: :·I? i~f.·:P .Z:l r {~ t ~;1 . ~\·1' , . ,, : . _ ~. an (j Wf.ll gin g by c~·i' t j, f it:H:l Oj)l;'H' 1:L1'Pi'' 'ii~ , Pi;~ :J,:H(l f.ft,~$ . . . : •, . ·. ~ > '. ' • " ~l~~.t: tr.ocle!a £·7Q 18, & E901f:L . . . .. .. . . ... \\. .. . . •' t~e•rt;i.f:laci welder!J~ sai,u~ ,:is p1·<:~i..i:Lous~.ly. r<;<p,or-·tc~d/ · · · 1-, I : • :1: l'Hii.P ec.: t G?.d· w~ :~<an(~ · of ·No , '.11 r «~.:i. n .. f' <t.r: <;: :i.r;'~/ !i~ /~Hi~ :C · ·t ~; -~:::o ftr~i:1;;( .~i) .ti r: ~ii.i/~i! .. ·,;: · : .l:H~i:lM O.·O. C:O:I.\JMrlli, ?1B, .. l:i9> /%10 & t!.\l;,:t, · ···.·. .· ... ; ..... · .. ·..... . .... · .. -:: .... ,· :tnti•f.lti::t~lcl _d(-;!t::k .po(idJ.<w w~»ld~,n~J <H1.·.~~nd f '.i.Ji .. OJ?., :L:!.n._(iHii. :f::1·"·{1i>-. 1..ct:-i.;:~,' · .: . : · . :tmr~p~!t:. t f.¾d . shear m.t u.d W<i·~ ltl:i. n1;J, .m·1 . ~:tnr;l f :t. i> o I'': .;LirJ¥~tii. A·:· l~,, .. ~·'.· ?·. :fi\-nd l;i.~"f 1. . :. ' I ... 9-13, ;-.. , · ~ ...... , .·· . , .. , ·. . . ·l . ,... ' ', .. :trHi!j:HiCted retnior,::.~~M.elH -r'Qi" .p:l.,f,l~::~·~M!~fl:i ~\}'!'.)~i.·g.;~:~:<:t:~a· ()·i.·~~tiir:~~j .. ~l\.1;;;1.: ·: ... ,_,_.;, ... i'." ... ,.:: . p'.t.(;}(;'i._n~J Qf (::on<::rt:ne J:\'t 1;Jrr.1d<i-! b<w,i\:1"1. J..in£1•.1:L A:·-.:G.~?, . .i':)p,d .. .G~~·:9 .. , ............... ·; ... · ......... ,·. · • • '• • '" ' : • • I ' • • ... • : '•• '. • -. • • ~.-.' • • ,_. • • :. ~: ' .' • ' • ., ,, • t ~ ' • •.?5,.0 Cu.bi.<;: y.ar(:ls. of .M.:J.x Nu·, ~l>D'l.7.1 P.ita.<;:~d., .. · . Thr•ee :i·ast ·ispe.c: :i.M;v.m1:;. MiUl.e,. . ... . ' · .... , •. , .. ,.. • ..... < ,: -. . -·- J)ATl::.:i~ ~, • , • • EMP:11:, , '.t:NSPl::;(:~'f.QR 'f.1 . N,,,ME; ..... ·,; . Ul /~t8 ... ·.f.1.9 ,s~:; i:i O o O. . E .it r J. Mi:)· ·t \1e .. 1;,. . . ~ .. '-·· : ·r-.. •: -: ... ..::. .,..-.. . .... :-"'"' ::, .. . .;') . i . . : .. ·-·: .· ' I . . :. ' ... ,J . T•!:H(:il:,,, I ,RT -iRS TAS"':1 ,.,,,.(JT Hl~S.TA!31(:U:,:,,., DT HRt~ . • .. ·. i i' r i' I f' •.•• \' ' . \ Testing Engineers-San Diego 3467 Kurtz Street, P.O. Box 80985, San Diego CA 92138 (619) 225-9641 2948 Industry St., Unit B, Oceanside, CA 92054 (619) 758-3730 14. 0 CONCRETE '.f.NSPl:tCTION .Rl:i:PCl,RT-. 10131 /8~; 1..ru:,pected Na:lli·f'ot'<::eMemt f(lr pl4'H::<-,lMCiHlt i~tH;l -~F'{:'lt;lt* J}f 1;;t~:Ifi;l _i:\'t. upp.<-?i" half of 9r~th~ heat1s; ,:1ltmg J.in~s> t,:i-/~-12 µl')d t2/A ... ·G, . . ·-·,-· T.h_<-:i work :Lnspec::ted c;oMp:t:i .. fiH,; .w;i,th ti"}'<-:~ l,lJ)-f.)i''OVfH;l.·.i:J.liiU'\'.i:J, . . 1:r • . .. .., •• i:· , ,.,, •1 • r. cl 1-l ·1 ,.. -. -~ I ;, .. n 11 1, · , >; .11 . :. • · •. -~-.. ·I • _., .. P.O ,1 ·,, '1 c, n i .. Xc.ep1.1.on~>• tLi.i:11,) . OWl\ ... ;:) Mw:.i:IS.Ul"<-:.C ,51> ,,)}I. tf.;, :,. J • .l.t$1fai:t!. t,J -~ l~ \,.• t:H.\'i" p 1.<:HI , N-0 t :i. f :i. f:~d <::on tr <':\Ct o i.' wh n 1foH~ id (-;H:t I'.\() t . t_ o .f:t :L<-u: Ci~ c:: or r <-;~t: t str.H.'-:rl. Ccin<id.da•r'<-?d :i.t soff:i.d.li(•n't\i:md_ el0H::t~d ,tQ pl.iiW:~i~d i;:-0ncr~fte,. . . i '.!1/1/85 • I I '.( rH:i.p ec t ed the pl.ax: :i. ng ci ;F c: o nr,: r (~~ t ei-f:\t ,i:i-i:l.M«·t-. <;Uif .,::1.i:rn V·<·:l :I.'<) c;:~1q· ii. o i;'m ,. 100 '0 Cub:l.r.:. yar,ds o·F M:i. X N.o; C5:t".tCli.H}4 J1~.1·:1C;<-::td·~· .· TIH'<-:~e t<-~st spc-:¾c:iMc-irns Mi:1de, l)ATl:::S •• i I • t EMP:li, I • INSPECTOR·' H ~MME: . , 10/31··11/1/t:15 AOOO l:i(~·~rr-y H:i.ratI:l- TA~:H<:11:,., , • 5720 RT HRS Tf\Sl<:ft,, • , , , OT Hl~H TBi~K:ll:, , , , _, X)t Hitfi. 9,0 : ..... , .: , , . .' .. ' ,. ·.. . ~ . ' ' ·. .. . . •, . ' /: : . . -; . . . '· ~· '' . _.· . . ; ·, . . •. i-. '. •. , ·-.·,-- • .. :,1 -,·::,'':. .. ~ I .: I .. ', --· ·-· . .. ., i I l • ; • • ..·:' - .. ~ -... . . . ·. ·. . -, I • _. : ' ' • • -::: • ~ :.·"· ' • I ' . ·.. -. ~ ... -··-. -.. -··:: . -·--; ! I :· .. . ... -: .... ,,."' .. ··-... ··:.. , ... ': \ . . . ~-. . .· . " . :' . : '. . -;-"'. -. ~ . . ~ . -{ . . . ' .· .. . . -~ ,-.. ·-:. ' • • '• • 'I> •, • •• ; • -~~--, ,'" <; • ..,, ".v , 4 ' ' -;.-. ·--:·· .-.. -:.· . :· ... ;:" , ... : 1 . • < ., -· . , -~· . , ~ • :,. .,1, ' . . . ,;:--. -.. ;:, : . ···,··. '. ~ ' ::-.• ' . ~ -~ . . -... ,, : ·~ - I I I I I I I g Testing Engineers-San Diego · 3467 Kurtz Street, P.O. Box 80985, San Diego CA 92138 (619) 225-9641 2948 Industry St., Unit B, Oceanside, CA 92054 (619) 758-3730 . & 0 .3 , JOB till: 499S5u . Ll t'Y DF Cl•1RL.SBiH} Bl..JH; 1NS.P_ J.:tf.::t=>_ DlSTRIBUTE.O T.Oi · .JO& .NAnt1 CARLSBAD SAFETi & SEtVICE CNTR · .. JOB ADDRESS_: 2480 IMPALA ROAD CARLSBAij CARLSBAD, Ci\ 'if: O O ELM ,~V1::'.l\!UE _ __ .. C)i:Y .Of 1:~\Zl,.SBAD _ CARU~E<f)D, Ct'.li 9~~·(i_i.Hi JHilJijf\U riCGcWlii_ RUiqNa[J BRANbOiU JORaSJOrL A~-St!C . .. ' .. . .. . ., .CI'i:Y OF . CAALS~AD. BLDG, ms~ .DEP . TESTING ENGlHEE.RS·Sflrt liIEGQ EN~ItiEt.Ri Ro, E. iioore, R,C,E, / T.H,thijpaan, i, C.E, --. ,CONRO~K . , REPORT NOl 5!53 ,'~ COIICRETf CIIIIPIESSIOI! Tm .•. JAT;:.:1111.i;a; • ,~·tt~---~llN-wJ AG.Eli S.i~NGlH PSl tD'4TE OF HIX iiESIGN SlUhP iii\DE il~t Ut·lli.ifor CYL:JH-18-, TSHP.-:_-tO®;<~iAN;i--.bi:~ft:- i ,!~~ }f!-, ~}! ~;; ~7;; ;~;I;:~ . ,~¼5 ;~, ~:; ;~ !-/~ ~~/!? . 22784 7 Rt 2794 r~~TlON IN SlRUCJl.!RE: ADHIN BUlU)iNG FGOTIN.GS litE 1 Tu. 2 Iif.HEEU t'~ E_, -· _ _ ; . 22785 -28 f 3643 CO!iPlIANCE1 23 .li/0: i£ST COMPLIES wrrn seECIFICATIONS. --. . -. . . ,, . 2278J1 60 t il COhP\IANCE: .. 221,e1 22788. 22789 l 7. \R 2;:99 28 R 3714 60 ~ O · 2500 09/30)85 C517C.ll04-771 5 . 8iji5 . -~ . 11.:50 .. 3100. ,· '. .. li 3 . 13 6 Uit!\tIIJN 1N S1RUC1i.iRE1 SLAR OM GRhilE S1llt:t.PORT t. MECit, BlJltD1NC' COnPtlANCE1 28 ,Ni T~ST COliPLIES WlTH SrEClFICATIONS. COMtlIMi:~ 1 I -, • 306-0 1 u~it/85 C517C.W04-:771 .5,5 387::t ·t JV~ 3/00 _ ti · . 1 .. , 13 . L I 22865. .2~o8J6 228il1. 7 ~OCATIOH IN SlRDClbREt FOOTING LIM: .G :&E1~E~N 9+5' ts CClWhij G-16. rn11l!IN w1Li11NG}. 28 R\3':l 1 /tONPLIANCE: 28 DAY tf:ST COH?llE'.S WlTri SPECIFICATIONS, ~O R~~-/· CfilIMC~: . ·· 1· .. I. {-- l .--·.-• !. i l·"·., ' : . ~ l !.: .. ·•· . I • 1· -~ ,-:L . ---, f\~" cl . ,~~\~ < \_ . . \ .. ,\ ... ·. --. I ·. i ... . . ~ "; l . . . . -~ '"": . . ' ... ~ •• •• • ., ·, ' • • ~ • • • • • l • I .--~ ' ' : .. . .. •; . ... . ': .. . . . . • -. . -\. _. ' ·. . : . . l '. • ~ • : • -i; , ~ ~ • : i-~ • : • • • • • •• ·' ·-• ~ ' ' . . . . ... ..,.. . •;• . --: .. -. . ; . ' ·:::· : ~ . ~ .. _ . . .. . : .. ,) . . . . ·. . . . . . . ' ; . ~ '-: .. ' ' .. ' \.' • ' • ., • . • ... . • • •• ·i .. : ·p~Q£.tl0:1· .•.. '!_ ...... ! • , I < \ ~\ . f Yiu. . T~si/pg Engineers-San Diego . a'QLJ \4 DivYsion of United States Testing Company, Inc. 34671J:urtz St., P.O. Box 80985, San Diego, Ca. 92138 (619) 225-9641 '[ J) 2948 1-Qdu~try Street, Suite B, Oceanside, Ca. 92054 (619) 757-0248 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF SOILS & AGGREGATES Job No. 399850 Lab No. SD85-1878 Client City 0£ Carlsbad 2237 Faraday Avehue Carlsbad, CA 92008 ATTN: Ste hen G. Mahoney OCTO 81985 CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DE?ARTM~]T Date of Report 10/04/85 & Service Location--~----------------Sampled by M._Barella __ Type of Material CL II (Medium) MID #5 Submitted by M. Barella Date 09 26/85 Date 09/26/85 Source of Material Southcoast, Carlsbad Location Sampled __ J_o_b_s_i_t_e __________ _ Sieve Analvsis. ASTM Cl36-Test Standards are ASTM unless otherwise noted Sieve ) '-Passing )•specification Size Accumulative Test Result •specificaticiri TEST STD 4" Fineness Modulus Cl25- 3" I Organic Impurities C40- 2" 1 ! '-Wear, rev. Cl3 l- 1¾11 I Re.sistance % Wear, 500 rev. I Grading I" I To '1. Wear, rev. C535- 3/4" I 100 90-100 Abrasion '1. Wear. 1000 rev. Grading ?stl I 96 Fractured Faces ,. b'y wt/cnt / / I 3/B" 86 Liquid Limit/Plasticity Index / / jo1124- No. 4 50 35-53 Cleanness Value I Calif 227·- B I 38 Sand Equivaleni:-¥alo~ I Calif 217- I 6 28 Resistance ••Ru Value lcalif 301- i 30 20 10-30 I 50 15 Moisture Max Dry Density,pcf. 140.0 0 D698-0 D1557- 100 11 Density Optimum Moisture. ,:,. 7.5 Q AASHTD T99- I 200 8.0 2-9 Relations Metnod Dl557C Q AASHTD Tl BO - Absorption, ,. Specific Bulk !Dry) 0 Cl 27- Gravity Bulk !SSOJ 0 Cl2B- * Specific?tion Data/Comments Apparent Refers 'tto APWA Green Book (19.82) Specifications. Sec. 200-2.2.2., for Crushed Aggregate Base Material. , .,,•1 (2) City of Carlsbad, Attn: S.G. Mahoney (1) Ruhnau McGavin Ruhnau (1) Brandow and Johnson Assoc. (1) City of Carlsbad CS:jcc Testing Engineers--San Diego Reviewed by: \ I . Au Testing Engineers-San Diego a LJ A Division of United States resting Company, Inc. 'Q 3467 Kurtz St., P.O. Box 80985, San Diego, Ca. 92138 (619) 225-9641 r J 2948 Industry Street, Suite B, Oceanside, Ca. 92054 (619) 757-0248 LABORATORY NUMBER SD85-1879 Job No. 399850 . DATE October 4, 1:985 City of Carlsbad ATTN: Stephen G. Mahoney 2237 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Project: Public Safety & Service Center Subject: Material sampled by Testing Engineers-San Diego personnel and submitted to the laboratory on 09/23/85, identified as: M/D No. 1 -Native light brown sandy silt with clay, secured from "C" St., west of police and fire "H.Q." Procedure: Moisture density relations of soil, tested in accordance with ASTM-D 1557, Method A. Results: M/D No. 1 Dry weight per cubic foot Percent Moisture Maximum dry density, lbs./cu. Optimum moisture content, % #1 fl2 125.8 124.8 9.2 10.3 ft.---------------------------126.0 ----------------------------9.5 TESTING ENGINEERS-SAN DIEGO Reviewed by: Crai~~ (2) City of Carlsbad, Attn: S.-G. Mahoney .( 1) Ruhnau McGavin Ruhnau (1) Brandow and Johnson Assoc. (1) City of Carlsbad CS:jcc 113 118.0 13.2 r,. .... , '-' ... f )f}rJ Testing Engineers-San Diego [10, A Division of United States Testing Company, Inc. 3467 Kurtz St., P.O. Box 80f}85, San Diego, Ca:92138 (619) 225-9641 '{ J 2948 Industry Street, Suite B, Oceanside, Ca. 92054 (619) 757-0248 LABORATORY NUMBER SDSS-1880 Job No. 399850 · DATE October 4, 1985 City of Carlsbad ATTN: Stephen G. Mahoney 223 7 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Project: Public Safety & Service Center Subject: Material sampled by Testing Engineers-San Diego personnel and submitted to the laboratory on 09/23/85, identified as: M/D No. 2 -Native light brown medium sandy silt, secured from in:tersection of "C" Street, south end. Procedure: Moisture density relations of soil, tested in accordance with ASTM-D 1557, Method A. Results: M/D No. 2 Dry weight per cubic foot Percent Moisture Maximum dry density, lbs./cu. Optimum moisture content, % ill 112 126.2 127.7 7.5 9.6 ft.---------------------------128.5 ---------------------------9.0 TESTING ENGINEERS-SAN DIEGO Reviewed by: CraigSobka, Lab Manager (2) City of Carlsbad, Attn: S.G. Mahoney (1) Ruhnau McGavin Ruhnau (1) Brandow and Johnson Assoc. (1) City of Carlsbad CS:jcc 113 122.5 11.5 roi2r,.i.., ;ri f . Jiu Testing Engineers-San Diego a A Division of United States Testing Company, Inc. 'O, 3467 Kurtz St., P.O. Box 80985, San Diego, Ca. 92138(619)225-9641 if JJ 2948 Industry Street, Suite £;3, Oceanside, Ca. 92054 (619) 757-0248 LABORATORY NUMBER SD85-1881 Job No. 399850 City of Carlsbad ATTN: Stephen G. Mahoney 2237 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 DATE October 4, 1985 Project: Public Safety & Service Center Subject: Material sampled by Testing Engineers-San Diego personnel and submitted to the laboratory on 09/23/85, identified as: M/D No. 3 -Native medium brown sandy clay, secured from "A" St. and "C 11 St. intersection, north end.· Procedure: Moisture density relations of soil, tested in accordance with ASTM-D 1557, Method A. Results: M/D No. 3 Dry weight per cubic foot Percent Moisture Maximum dry density, lbs./cu. Optimum moisture content, % 111 f/2 125.4 123.9 9.4 11.0 ft.-~---------------------125.5 ---------------------10.0 113 117 .3 13.3 TESTING ENGINEERS-SAN DIEGO Reviewed by: Manager (2) City of CarlsbaQ., Attn: S. G. Mahoney (1) Ruhnau McGavin Ruhnau (1) Brandow and Johnson Assoc. (1) City of Carlsbad CS:jcc (C . Juv Testing Engineers-San Diego aa A Division of United States Testing Company, Inc. . 3467 Kurtz St., P.O. Box 80~85, San Diego, Ca:92138(619) 225-9641 'f Jj 2948 Industry Stree.t, Suite B, Oceanside, Ca. 92054 (619) 757-0248 LABORATORY NUMBER SD85-1882 Job No. 399850 DATE October 4, 1985 City qf Carlsbad ATTN: Stephen G. Mahoney 2237 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Project: Public Safety & Service Center Su'bject: Material sampled by Testing Engineers-San Diego personnel and submitted to the laboratory on 09/30/85, identified as: M/D No. 4 -CL II -Southcoast, Carlsbad, secured from jobsite. Procedure: Moisture density relations of soil, tested in accordance with ASTM-D 1557., Method A. Results: M/D No. 4 Dry weight per cubic foot Percent Moisture Maximum dry density, lbs./cu. Optimum moisture content, % /11 112 134.7 140.2 4.6 6.4 ft.---------------------------140.0 ---------------------------6.5 TESTING ENGINEERS-SAN DIEGO Reviewed by: (2) City of Carlsbad~ Attn: S.G. Mahoney (1) Ruhnau McGavin Ruhnau (1) Brandow and Johnson Assoc. (1) City of Carlsbad CS: jcc 113 135.1 8.7 f0?-~i Jr" f J[}'fi Testing Engineers-San Diego a LJ A Division of United States Testing Company, Inc. 'D, 3467 Kurtz St., p.a. Box 80f}85, San Diego, Ca. 92138 (619) 225-9641 'f J) 2948 Industry Street, Suite B, Oceanside, Ca. 92054 (619) 757-0248 LIBORA.TORY NUMBER SD85-1883 Job No. 399850 City of Carlsbad ATTN: Stephen G. Mahoney 2237 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 DA.TE October 4, 1985 Project: Public Safety & Service Center Subject: Material sampled by Testing Engineers-San Diego person~e1 and submitted to the laboratory on 09/26/8_5, identified ·.as: M/D No. 5 -CL II -Southcoast, Carlsbad, secured from jobsite. Procedure: Moisture density relations of soil, tested in accordance with ASTM-D 1557, Method A. Results: M/D No. 5 Dry weight per cubic foot Percent Moisture Maximum dry density, lb~./~u. Optimum moisture content, % Ill 112 133.0 139.4 4.4 6.0 i/3 137.4 8.0 ft.----------------------------140.0 -----------------------------7.5 TESTING ENGINEERS-SAN DIEGO Reviewed by: (2) City of Carlsbad, Attn: S.G. Mahoney (1) Ruhnau McG~vin Ruhnau (1) Brandow and Johnson Assoc. (1) City of Carlsbad CS :jcc ,, GEOCON I N C O R p O R A T E D ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS • CONSULTANTS IN THE APPLIED EARTH SCIENCES File No. D-2751-J03 October 11, 1985 City of Carlsbad c/o The Koll Company 7330 Engineer Road San Diego, California 92111 Attention: Mr. Steven Mahoney RECEIVED OCT 1G 1985 CITY OF CARLSBAD Building Department Subject: CARLSBAD PUBLIC SAFETY AND SERVICE CENTER CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Gentlemen-: TESTING AND OBSERVATION SERVICES DURING BACKFILL PLACEMENT In accordance with your request, we have provided testing and observation services during placement of trench backfill. The scope of our services included performing in-place density tests (ASTM Dl556) in the placed and compacted backfill fpr sewerlines, waterlines, storm drain lines and joint trench installations. In addition, laboratory tests were performed on representative samples of material used for fill to aid in evaluating their compaction and expansion characteristics. Field observations and the results of the in-place density tests indicate that the backfill has generally been compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction. The results of the in-place density tests, as referenced by station number, are summarized in Table II. In-place density tests indicated as moisture tests only on Table II indicate areas containing a sufficiently high percentage of rock so as to make in-place density test results unreliable. Observations of the excavations indicated that sufficient moisture was present and that no voids or nesting of rocks was observed. Laboratory tests were performed on ·samples of material used for fill to evaluate moisture-density relationships, optimum moisture content and maximum dry density (ASTM Dl557-70, Hethod C). The results of the laboratory tests are summarized in Table I. • 9580 DOWDY DRIVE • SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92126 • PHONE (619) 695-2880 File No. D-2751-JO3 October 11, 1985 LIMITATIONS The conclusions and recommendations contained herein apply only to our work with respect to compaction operations,_ and represent conditions at the date of our final testing. Any subsequent work should be done under our observation and testing. As used herein, the term "observation" implies only that we observed the progress of the work with which we agreed to be involved. Our,conclusions and opinion as to whether the work essentially complies with the job specifications are based on our observations, experience and testing. Subsurface conditions and the accuracy of tests used to measure such conditions can vary greatly at any time. We make no warranty, expres~ed or implied, except that our services were performed in accordance with engi~eering principles generally accepted at this time and location. - We will accept no responsibility for any subsequent changes made to the site by others, by the uncontrolled action of water or by the failure of others to properly repair damages caused by the uncontrolled action of water. If there are any questions regarding our recommendations or if we can be of further service, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, GEOCON, MRR:lm (4) addressee GEOCON INCORPORATED File No. D-2751-J03 October 11, 1985 Sample No. F-1 F-2 F-3 F-4 F-5 F-6 F-7 F-8 F-9 F..,.10 F-11 F-12 TABLE I Summary of Laboratory Compaction Test Results ASTM Dl557-70 Maximum Dry Density Description pc£ Topsoil Mix, medium brown, 111.0 poorly graded, slightly Clayey AND Topsoil Mix, medium brown, 113.3 Silty, fine to medium SAND with trace of clay Medium yellow-brown, fine 128.7 to very coarse Silty SAND and D.G. chunks Yellow-brown, fine to medium, 116.3 Clayey Silty SAND with rocks Dark brown, fine to coarse, 128.0 Silty Clayey SAND Yellowish-brown, well graded 126.3 Silty D.G. SAND Very fat, green to brown CLAY 113.2 Tan, Silty fine SAND 110.0 Tan, Silty CLAY with fines 88.3 and gravel Dark brown with yellow, fine 113.0 Silty Sandy CLAY with rocks Very fine to medium, clean 107.6 SAND Brown to orange ROCK with 109.8 so.il and fossils Optimum Moisture % Dry Wt. 17 .o 16.3 8.8 14.2 9.2 10 .2 14.9 15.6 30.2 14.8 18.3 15.8 GEOCON INCORPORATED ~i ~8 ~a ~2! File No. D-2751-J03 July 23, 1985 Date Test 1985 No. Location 5/22 lSM A Street Sta. 2+55 5/23 2SM A Street Sta. 5+46 3SM A Street Sta. 2+00 4SM A Street Sta. 7+93 5SM A Street Sta. 4+50 5/24 6SM A Street Sta. 3+30 7SM Retest of ll6SM 8SM C Street Sta. 12+00 9SM A Street Sta. 2+20 lOSM A Street Sta. 7+32 5/29 llSM Impala Drive Sta. 24+00 12SM Impala Drive Sta. 24+70 5/30 13SM C Street Sta. 11+12 14SM A Street Sta. 3+55 15SM A Street Sta. 5+95 16SM C Street Sta, 13+05 17SM A Street Sta. 8+40 18SM C Street Sta. 12+03 5/31 19SM Impala Drive Sta, 24+65 6/3 20SM C Street Sta. 9+80 SM = SEWER MAIN TABLE II Elevation Dry Dens. Moisture Rel Comp Soil Type Feet pcf. % Dry Wt % of Max & Remarks 357 106 •. 2 9.3 99 11 346 111.9 10.8 100 11 357 120.2 9. 8-94 ·5 338 104.7 8.8 97 H 359 122.4 10.2 96 .5 355 113.9 8·. 9-88 5Ck. 7SM 355 117.0 9.0 91 5 344 115.5 8.9 91 6 360 118.7 9.1 92 3 343 121.4 10.3 94 3 361 118.3 11.2 92 3 364 117.3 10.0 93 6 348 118.6 11.4 94 6 357 116.5 8.8 91 3 347 113.5 8.3 90 6 342 110. 7 6.2 88 6Ck. 340 115. 8 8.0 90 3 346 118. 7 9.5 92 3 365 120.4 9.2 94 3 350 110. 7 12.1 100 11 File No. D-2751-J03 July 23, 1985 TABLE II (Con~inued) Date Test Elevation Dry Dens. Moisture Re~l Comp Soil Type 1985 No. Location Feet ECf. % Dry Wt % of Max & Remarks 6/3 21SM C Street Sta. 9+05 355 118.1 11.4 92 3 6/5 22SL C Street Sta. 6+68 363 119.3 10.2 95 6 I 365 115.3 11.3 91 6 23SL C Street Sta. 6+68 6/6 24SL C Street Sta. 6+68 367 113. 7 . 9. 8 90 6 8/12 25S B Street Sta. 15+15 Main " 331 113:7 9.3 90 6 ... 26S B Street Sta. 14+00 Main 339 120.8 9.3 94 3 8/29 27S Retest of /116SM 342 116.3 10.5 92 6 ~~ ~8 ~a ~z File No. D-2751-303 July 23, 1985 Date Test 1985 No. Location 5/31 lSD Impala Drive Sta. 2SD Impala Drive Sta. 3SD w. of Future City 1+00 0+30 Vehicle 4SD Police & Fire Vehicle Pk. TABLE II Pk. Sta. 16+40 6/13 5SD N. of Police & Fire Headquarters 6SD Retest of 114SD 6/17 7SD N. Central Pk. Area Structures BSD N. Central Pk. Area Structures 6/18 9SD N. Central Pk. Area Structures lOSD N. Central Pk. Area Structures llSD N. Cent!l'.'al Pk. Area Main 12SD N. Cent!ral Pk. Area Main 13SD N. Centl:'al Pk. Area Main 14SD N. Centa;al Pk. Area Main 6/20 15SD N. of Police Headquarters 16SD N. of Police Headquarters 17SD Retest of f/16SD 6/21 18SD N. of Police Headquarters 19SD C Street Sta. 7+00 20SD C Street Sta. 7+25 6/24 21SD C Street Sta. 8+10 SD = STORM DRAIN *Moisture Tests Only (Continued). Elevation · Dry Dens. Moisture Rel Comp Soil Type Feet ECf. % Dry Wt % of Max & Remarks 363 116.5 9.9 91 3 363 116. 8 11.0 91 3 364 116. 9 10.6 91 3 359 108.3 11. 1 86 6Ck.6SD 358 114.3 9.0 90 6 359 117 .4 11.3 93 6 361 115.6 8.7 92 5 360 116.1 14.3 90 3 362 115.5 8.1 92 6 361 115.0 10.5 91 6 11. 7 6* ,, 361 ---s 363 11.1 6* ~~ 361 13.0 6* '-I': 363 12.4 6* 360 118. 7 9.3 92 3 362 109.3 8.7 85 3Ck.17SD 362 119.2 10.5 93-3 364 124.3 11.7 97 3 357 118.5 12.4 92 3 354 116.2 7.0 91 3 359 119.5 9.3 93 3 --------- File No. D-2751-J03 July 23, 1985 Date Test 1985 No. Location 6/24 22SD C Street Sta. 7+50 23SD .Parking S. of Police Headquarters 6/25 24SD Parking s. of Police Headquarters 25SD Parking s. of Police Headquarters 6/26 26SD Eastern Parking Area 27SD Eastern Parking Area 28SD C Street Sta. 6+50 29SD C Street Sta. 6+20 30SD E. of C Street 31SD B Street Sta. 15+60 32SD Faraday Extent ion 33SD Faraday Ext en ti on TABLE II (Continued) Elevation Dry Dens. Moistur~ Rel Comp Soil Type Feet pcf. % Dry Wt % of Max & Remarks 362 116. 7 7.5 91 3 355 120.3 12.4 94 3 352 118.1 13.6 92 3 350 121.9 9.9 95 3 358 119.3 9.3 93 3 361 10.5 6 362 119.0 8.1 93 3 364 117 .3 7.5 91 3 361 119.8 8.7 93 3 330 114.3 ·a.1 91 3 333 117 .4 11·.1· 91 3 332 122.7 12.4 95 3 File No. D-2751-J03 Date 1985 8/28 8/29 Test No. lJT 2JT 3JT 4JT 5JT C Street C Street A Street Impala Ave. s. w. Retest of 112JT TABLE II ·(Continued) Summary of Field Density Test Results Location Vehicle Maint. Elevation Feet -½ -½ -½ -½ -½ Dry Dens. pcf. 117 .1 105. 9 114. 2 108.6 113.5 6JT West of Police Headquarters -½ 115.8 7JT North of Future Bldg. -½ 115.2 8/30 8JT Retest of 1/4JT 1 -"2 115.1 Moisture % Dry Wt_ 14.3 15.6 12!7 10.5 9-3 9.3 17. O 12.4 Rel Comp % of Max 93 83 90 84 90 92 90 90 Soil Type & Remarks F-6 F-5Ck.JT5 F-6 F-3Ck.8JT F-,6 F-6 F-5 F-5 TABLE II (Continued) Date Test Elevation Dry Dens. Moisture Rel Comp Soil Type --~ Location feet pcf % dry wt % of max & Remarks 7 /29 Wl Impala Drive; Sta 12+00 -.5 106.7 7.5 83 F-3, Ck W7 W2 Impala Drive, Sta 14+50 -1 121.4 9.3 94 p:...3 W3 North of future Bldgs, Sta 17+50 -1 115.7 8.1 90 F-3 7/30 W4 Police Headquarters -1 121. 7 13.0 95 F-3 W5 "C." Street, Sta 6+40 -1 102.6 5.8 80 F-3, Ck W8 W6 "C" Street, Sta 10+80 -1.5 117.2 11.1 91 F-3 8/29 W7 Retest No. Wl -.5 108.0 8.7 84 F-3,. Ck @9 W8 Retest No. W5 -1 118.9 9.9 92 F-3 8/30 W9 Retest No. W7 -.5 116.8 8.7 91 F-3 W = WATER MAiN l Testing Engineers-San Diego . 3467 Kurtz Street, P.O. Box 80985, San Diego CA 92138 (619) 225-.9641 2948 Industry St., Unit B, Oceanside, CA 92054 (619} 758-3730 E it 4 JOB ·Nil:. 3991350 CITY ClF Cr:1,RLHBf.1,D X~LDG IWHP 1.}·EP : lf,tST,RIBllif:~ 'fOf. . , JOB tl~ttEl CARLSMTI SAF£TY & SERVICE CtHR :l20 t'.1 El .. J'i f.:iVENiJE CIH ''OF CARLSMD :· .-' . ···. .. JOB tiDDREBSJ 2480 IMPALA ROAD CARLSBAD CARLSjjf\'.fi, CA CAR L.H );!,(.:i D l C ,:t 9 ;?. 01H:5 · 'R UHN1m: tiC'~AvIN RUHNAU · BMmiul}) l JiJ~r1s i@ A::i1iuG ·wr.r<nr c~RtsaMi'~i.os tNsP ot? ENGIM:E.R: Roy E. ifaore, R,C.E. I T.H,thapi;an, R.C,L TESTlNS ~lti'.HEER~-SA'ff if:1f.~jj REPf.iRi NG: 5312 . CYL , . UM ITT . AGE@ STREtiGtH PSI NctBR FCF TE:S.T 1£ST DESIGN 2252~ 2252il I 2~527 ;· 22528. 22529 r 225:Sit. 2:2532 2:;53;3 ,2~~3.4· ~;2535 ·22:izt 3060 31ifi.ft 7 23- M i ·w ·ta 7 2a -b~ COriCRE iE COXPRESSI@ T£ST :\;\'fl:.~ i . ·1· iU ir'ij O=' · Ut'f.J _ -t , ,U! lU yJ DA1t tlF iiiX DtSIGr~ S'dJi'!P ii~DE Tii'iE iN. HffF.: OF' J:;°1.l rnn i~ttP t.Gf1D '.Pl/iNT. Di(.fri POUR DESIGNAT!mr INCH: . , BY · MIXtR' -c-7 fiAY·. SHlflARX . "t· --Ni'iBR·~ tuDE.' " HlCH ----... :-·-a..."'7 __ _ o91101as so-oG.@ -t25 ·n a )1'5 ·3100-'Ii · 4 LGC~TIGH :m S1R~CTLRt I l11ECP.NIC?\L. tUilDING fOOiING. rii\SD; mntit~~ COiiPLIANCE1 23 DAY TtST CONP~iES liJIJff SPECIHCflTIONS, . tDMPUANCE: . 69/10/85 ~O--li1l08 · J. S . . 4fffru O 1 u :I/GO • LGCiHIGM rn SlRliC1l.rRE: ftiUiING Lir4E 1.5~. CQM~LIANCE: 2a DAY TEST COMPLIES ~ITH. SPEClFIC'~TIUNs.· .COMPUArlCE: fr'9/to/85 50-filioa · 4 · 46iiu ii ·rn LGC1Wii.m IliSTRLlCTliREi FfJOTII\G UM: 4/A,2 · . . COH1LIANCE: 2a DAY TfST Ci1nPLIES liHWSPECIHCi.YHONti. · COl1PlIAfil:El 091101as 50-0008 4 ;5 4Glm : · o :.o · LGCATi.ON IN SJRliCTLRl!i FGDH!'itH:t~E 3. 51Al5 . COMPLU!NCE: ia Dai TEST COMPLIES :~rn1·sm::IFitATIONS~ i:GMPUANC~: · 3/0ll 3h10' ~ ~. ' ! ... -.:. I ,-. -, I . I I I I I • I I .::. -: I ... '., I < .. :: I ; I : I i. R,,, __ E,··: '·c.·-·-·E· ··1,v· ___ ; .... ·."-. :.~: .. ,'.II · -·,._-.,;·· ··E:D-·-·········· .. · ~ -.-' , ·.' . -- , " · .· :-OG T 111985 Cl-TY.OF CARLSBAD · · · ·· Bulldirr· o·e· aitme ? ·. · : . .. . .&. P .. -·· nt , . : ,,_-:,. ;,· :. '...! ·1 / ' ~ _I .,· ·.-.,•, -.,-,,..) i I ·I I i . -i I ',,; !, ' ' ,. ' Testing Engineers-San Diego 3467 Kurtz Street, P.O. Box 80985, San Diego CA 92138 (619) 225-9641 2948 Industry St., l,Jnit B, Oceanside, CA 92054 (619) 758-3730 .JQR NQ: 399850 . JQD Nr~MEt CARLSBI\Il SAFETY ~ SERVICE CNTR .. JOB.ADDRESS: 2486 IM?A~A ROAD CARLS8AD CARLSBAl) i CA 9 /2:5/15~.:; -~ ' ,, ' • 11·\TE 1 ·i1r.y1r .• :lit:! ~J.~I! .u,. ,;'.t :1: n i:ip ec: :1: ~~d r c-:-i-:i. n f (>r c:: r.+:M0lft ·t _for _ p 1 i,\ c: f,lJ<::H,-i~n :t ~';H]J;{ _g r:~,trki oJ ·. Jii."f 0;~;. 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Iruapec:·t.c;-Hj r(;::i.nfor<::et'r(·:rnt ·hn• p1,:1c<01'1~:rn'l;' i:\l'.t<f q,r./~d(;f .{lf 1a.;t~::-~:'.i._ <':ti mli,)b on gr;:Hlw-1 td)urnlc-:~d by l:i.n<-:·H:i :l _imc1.r:~;·t;\ -;~n~:l .F, .. ~ ."t' .Tl·itt work iniiq:lect·<-,id c:01"1pl;r.f:)~1i r,..J:i.'th tbc~i .;,;tppr.t).v(-)H;r tH,:tt1m:; · J)(.,tfE*3 ••• , •. 9 l~:!.~;'>"·27 JB:.':i i~:hPi,, J:NfaPECTOR'~3 NAJ°'ik':: 4000 G~rry Hirata ,. ·-Tt-iSi(-U!,,,,, . RT hRi:i TM3l<,1L •• ,. OT 1·:lRS,. ·r:tr,$K.:!!:. , , , ....... DT HHS. 57;1::.n 4 .• o ' ~ ' • I I . I ' -' ~ ~ ;,:. --' ·. I , '.(tH:iJ:lecH-H;i ,thf,} 1:1'.l<"H:::l.n~J of (::onc::r(!.-1J(-;'.1--i:lt ;,tt:i't1t;Ln:L1ij-·t,~{:1·t:i,i1.n: l:r.t~.:L:Cd,:i.r\g., . .,. . • -.~,; .. ~H_i:1 r.~ u n tJ r t:H:i }7~ ,:\ t !3;-:1 l l. }, p 1,1' "t i,Wf.H,t > fr-0.1"1 1,i,ri <,~ f), A. ·,t. <) .:L:i. n,c·:~ ei.1 .. b ~thtffH:~n... . .. 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CA 92138 (619) ~25-964.1 2948 Industry St., Unit B, Oceanside, CA 92054 (619) 758-3730 _ <1+5-' to c:o1ui"m foc>tina G-10 (-i:\dM:i.r1:i.str.,:1tior1 btdld:i.nt:i>.. · · J; n 1:i:p-<(~ c: t <f~ d r 1~, :1. n f (J-l"' t:: (-;lr1 t·m t f o r p J.: 1:,1 t:: <~-~«-1 n :i: --_ and _ 1;J r ,a_·ct;c::~: rd:' i 't £-) i;-.l . <';H;~,!_:! _ .. placing ()f concri~tt-~ iz\t foo't_ing f.l't·_ r'f~ta;f.11;i.ng:~4'11!-i -~.&:?:t~~_r-td __ of__·M~~~=~·i. l~ u i :t. t:i :j. l'H.:.t I .-, • • ' • • l1 .5 Cub:i.(: Y•H·ds <lf M:i.x No, CS1i"Cl,J.64 51)77.1: 1:>:L.;u::(f)~-~ 0 n-!-;! l;Hl~ 'I; . (} f' i' ~H~ f:H7~ t (\·~ 1:> 't $ p f.-H:; :i .. M(~~ l'l !:~ I''/ i:\. d ii~ , . . l)t1Tl~:{:L , , , , , l 0/1./t35 T (.11!31{ :JI; ' ' • ' I ' 57 ;~_i) EMP:JI:, • JN·!SPE:CTOR "S Nr':iMI:-: 8875 TOM Zsffirp ... . ---. ---' . RT Hi~f.) TAi:ti<:iL, ... err Hi~B Ti:isr<:111.,.ir •.• -· irr J·Mf;} 1a,a 57a1 a.i ··-. . - £nr~LJCTURAL ·_t,'fi::'£1 ... _-r.::'ft~in w,:~J .. 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IH:H:lf-1 !HU.:-:. :i.t:i. i1:i.li>Ed11g w~ld at ~t:H-i'ner, 1h(~!Jl,e l:H~l:¾!ilf:i; W<i\·t~ .'·i"!:irrr.l(~d1 ._r.-t~~i{~t:t~:H:l,. itnd welci:i.ng -t()reMi:\l'l Wi:\fa n<lt:i..·P:i.<;~<_:l, .· 'H,~Si(,111, • , • , !:i720. . :; • 'f--'+ ,•.-! .. ' , • RT bRs T{-1f:H<·it. , , • .q:r HRS :ri·lSF(tr-,_-J_ ~ ; ,, .. )n __ 1;11~~~ ·_ 4,0 ' . ' -..... -~ -":. - , .:., -.. .... - ·.,••, .. -~. ' •, ... _ -·::-,·-.-., . -:. .- • I••,•' ,• ", ;:, '•.,., ;,'"., .. · .. ""·· ~ -·.-' ..... --;:. ,. ::,'.,_' .. _ .. .::_ .:.-·, . . . ... . .. . -, -... ~· •:-. • • • •••• •. •• •• • • ' -•.,.• I ! -· . -· -, .. -. ., t: ·-.. -·,---.... I,"'):" •• ----. ';. .. . . ; ... .: .. _-'. .. ', --•• ' -• -,: -• • • ' ..... -• ~-.,,· • -:, • : "-'!\ ·, ~, ,-; ... -~ • . · .... :: --.-. ·~ -~· ---.. -.·--~ ! . ' ~ ' .. . : , ~ . ':; . . ;: ' .-··,.::.•. . . -.-! • I:' ,' -:.~ >t • _---.-: . ·-.--.. -·--. : -.. : :-... ·--: ;· -~'-.· --,_ --~ . ., \ -. · .... _-.' . - ::-• --·-;;---.· -2 • . ~ ~ ~ < -: : _. ..... • -· \ • - ' . ' ' • : -•• ,--,. • : "'""I :;. •• ~ •• •• -,-• • • •• • • • -... .;-. T1:.HTtN.G i~'.N(;.i;J;,r-t1~r;:1~~~ .. ~s,(.~N J);tt:::G'CL }iI ... · ~ • • • ' R • • " ' 0 • • -' .• • .. j @tcro'iJ ----rresting Engineers-San Diego A Division of United States Testing Company, Inc. 3467 Kurtz St., P.O. Box 80985, SanDiego, Ca. 92138 (619) 225-9641 2948 Industry Street, Suite B, Oceanside, Ca. 92054 (619) 757-0248 FORJ,A 6 LABORATORY NUMBER SD85-1809 REPORT OF SOIL TESTS DATE September 24, 1985 .IF Joe DATA: Job No. 399850 SAMPLE DATA:Ma terial submitted to PROJECT: Carlsbad Safety Center CLIENT: City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 R·VALUE DATA A B C D =OMPACTOR PRESS· P.:5.1. 350 350 350 '101ST @ COMPAOTION · % 9.5 10.3 11.2 DENSITY· 11/Cu. FT. 1-26 .1 122.6 125.6 . R·VALUE • STABILOMETER 80 64 27 EXUD. PRESSURE. P.S.I. 790 360 200 STAB. THICK • FE.ET • 29 .51 1.04 EXPAN. PRESS. THICK·FEET .33 .17 .03 T. I. (ASSUMED) = -- Ill BY STAB. @ 300 P.S.I. EXUD. = 59 . :, ' .., . ?.~ BY J::XPANSION PRESSURE " ~-. a:: -- AT EQUILIBRIUM. c 59 I •AND EQUIVALENT : (2) City of Carlsbad (1) Ruhnau McGavin Ruhnau (l) Brandow and Johnson Associa,tes (1) City of Carlsbad, Bldg. Inspection ~ept. CS:jcc the laboratory on 09/18/85, identified as S/N 1, "B" Street, Station 13+97, at ele. 337.0 (Tan clayey sand.) BEARING VALUE ( SAN DIEGO CITY METHOD) COMPACTED AND SOAKED FOUR DAYS PENETRATION STANDARD % OF INCHES P.S.I. P.S.I. STANDARD 0.1 1000 0.2 1!500 0.3 1990 0.4 2300 0.5, 2600 MOISTURE AFTER SOAKING ..•..........•............•... EXPANSION ............................................... MOISTURE AT COMPACTION ...........•.................. DRY UNIT WT. OF SAMPLE .............................. COMPACTION TEST: METHOD -~ALIFORNIA BEARING OPTIMUM MOISTURE (APPARENT) .............. OPTIMUM DRY DENSITY, LBS.ICU. FT. (APPARENT) .. _l PLASTIC CHARACTERISTICS: "LIQUID LIMIT PLASTIC LIMIT PLASTICITY INDEX ,... .. _____ •·•-v1..1vc.u SEP3 C 1385 CITY OF CARLSBAD Buildin1 Department TESTING ENGINEERS· SAN DIEGO .REVIEWED BY Craig Sobotka, Lab Manager % ; .. FORM 6 JP s Testing Engineers-San Diego A Division of United States Testing Company, Inc. 3467 Kurtz St., P.O. Box 80985, San Diego, Ca. 92138 (619) 225-9641 2948 Industry Street, Suite B, Oceanside, Ca. 92054 (619) 757-0248 . LABORATORY NUMBER SD85-1810 REPORT OF SOIL TESTS DATE September 24, 1985 !OB DATA: Joh No. 399850 SAMPLE DATA: Material submitted the laboratory on 09/13/85, to ,ROJECT: Carlsbad Safety Center identified as S/N 2, "C" Street, Station· 11+20, Ele. 348.0. :LIENT: City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue (Tan clayey sand.) Carlsbad, CA 92008 R·VALUE DATA BEARING VALUE (SAN DIEGO CITY METHOD) COMPACTED AND SOAKED FOUR DAYS A B C 0 =oMPACTOR PRESS· P.S.I. PENETRATION STANDARD %OF 155 100 70 INCHES P.S.I. P.S.I. STANDARD ,,.,OIST @ COMPACTION • % 0.1 1000 12.7 13.6 14.5 0.2 1500 0.3 1900 ::>ENSITY • #/CU. FT. 120.6 118.5 116.2 0.4 2300 0.5 2600 R·VALUE • STABILOMETER 32 17 14 MOISTURE AFTER SOAKING •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• EXPANSION •••..•••••••..••.•••••••••.••••••••••• , ••••••. C:XUD. PRESSURE • P.S.I. 490 350 22d MOISTURE AT COMPACTION •••••••••••••••.•••••••.•••••• DRY UNIT WT. OF SAMPLE •..•••.••••••••••••••••.•..••• STAB. THICK· FEET .98 1.19 1.23 C.OMPACTION TEST: EXPAN. PRESS. THICK·FEET .13 0 0 METHOD -CALIFORNIA BEARING OPTIMUM MOISTURE (APPARENT) .............. % T. I. (ASSUMED) z --OPTIMUM DRY DENSITY. LBS./CU. FT. (APPARENT) .. . w BY STAB. f!> 300 P.S.I. Exuo. z 15 ii 3 PLASTIC CHARACTERISTICS: .1 ~ BY EXPANSION PRESSURE z 'a: --LIQUID LIMIT AT EQUILIBRIUM 15 PLASTIC LIMIT z PLASTICITY INDEX ,ANO EQUIVALENT : ...__..._ ... , .... ~ ~ .. " ..... -- SEP3 01985 CITY OF CARLSBAD Buildln1 Department . (2) City of Carlsbad (1) Ruhnau McGavin Ruhnau (1)-Brandow and Johnson Associates TESTING ENGINEERS· SAN DIEGO· {l) City of Car;l.sbad-, Bldg. Inspection Dept. REVIEWED BY Crfa:~nager I CS:jcc - FORM e JP iii Testing Engineers-San Diego A Division of United States Testing Company, Inc. 3467 Kurtz St., P.O. Box 80985, San Diego, Ca. 92138 (619) 225-9641 2948 Industry Street, Suite B, Oceanside, Ca. 92054 (619) 757-0248 LABORATORY NUMBER SD85-181 l REPORT OF SOIL TESTS DATE September 24, 1985 "'lB DATA: Job No. 399850 SAMPLE DATA: Material submitted the laboratory on 09/13/85, to ROJECT: Carlsbad Safety Center identified as S/N 3, II C" Street, Station 7+65, at elev. 359.0. L.IENT: City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue (Tan clayey sand.) Carlsbad, CA 92008 R·VALUE DATA BEARING VALUE (SAN DIEGO CITY METHOD) COMPACTED AND SOAKED FOUR DAYS A B C D OMPACTOR PRESS· P.S.I. 130 75 50 PENE:r'RATION STANDARD %OF INCHES P.5.1. P •. 5.1. STANDARD 0.1 1000 101ST @·COMPACTION·% 13.9 14.7 16.1 1!100 0.2 0.3 1900 •ENSITY -1/Cu. FT. 117.3 115.4 113.2 2300 0.4 ·VALUE • STABILOMETER 0.5 2600 19 15 7 MOISTURE AFTER SOAKING ••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ,, XUD. PRESSURE· P.5.1. 380 300 EXPANSION ..•..•......••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , •••..•• 170 MOISTURE AT COMPACTION .............................. DRY UNIT WT. OF SAMPLE ••••••. , .••••• , •••.•••••.••••. ,TAB. THICK • FEET 1.16 1.21 1.33 COMPACTION TEST: 'aXPAN. PRESS. THICK-FEET 0 0 0 METHOD -CALIFORNIA BEARING .. OPTIMUM MOISTURE (APPARENT) .............. % T. I. (ASSUMED) = --OPTIMUM DRY DENSITY. LBS./CU. FT. (APPARENT) .. 111 BY STAB. 0 300 P.5.1. ExuD. ,. 15 ::l PLASTIC CHARACTERISTICS: _, ~-BY EXPANSION PRESSURE s --a:: LIQUID LIMIT AT ·EQUILIBRIUM 15 PLASTIC LIMIT z PLASTICITY INDEX ,ND EQUIVALENT : ~ .. ,,,. r:i-,,,c-n. ··----SEP3 u 1985 -CITY OF CARLSBAD Buildlnl Department . (2) City of Carlsbad (1) Ruhnau McGavin Ruhnau TESTING ENGINEERS • SAN DIEGO (1) Brandow and Johnson Associates REVIEWED BY (1) City of Carlsbad, Bldg. Inspec-tion Dept. rb'~ ~~ •• .,_ r.c. Craig Sobotka, Lab Manager .. FORM e JP •II "I' 11J Testing Engineers-$an Diego A Division of United States Testing Company, Inc. 3467 Kurtz St., P.O. Box 80985, San Diego, Ca. 92138 (619) 225-9641 2948 Industry Street, Suite B, Oceanside, Ca. 92054 (619) 757-0248 LABORATORY NUMBER SD85-1812 REPORT OF SOIL TESTS DATE September 24, 1985 Joe DATA: Job No. 399850 SAMPLE DATA: Material submitted the laboratory on 09/13/85, to PROJECT: Carlsbad Safety Center identified as S/N 4, "C" Street, CLIENT: City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 R·VALUE DATA, A B C D ::oMPACTOR PRESS • P.S.I. 110 80 50 MOIST @ COMPACTION • % 14.1 15.0 15.9 DENSITY· #/Cu. FT. 116.6 115.0 112.6 :t·VALUE • STABILOMETER 22 15 7 EXUD. PRESSURE • P.S.I. 380 260 190 STAB. THICK· FEET 1.12 1.21 1.33 EXPAN. PRESS. THICK·FJ::ET .30 .10 0 T. I. !ASSUMED) ., -- . Ill BY STAB. ~ 300 P.S.l: ExuD. " 18 :I , ..I ~ ~ BY EXPANSION PRESSURE = J a: -- AT EQUILIBRIUM . 18 ,AND EQUIVALENT : (2) City of Carlsbad (1) Ruhnau McGavin Ruhnau (1) Brandow and Johnson Associates (1) City of Carlsbad, Bldg. Inspection Dept. CS:jcc Station 4+00, Ele. 360.0 (Tan clayey sand.) BEARING VALUE ( SAN DIEGO CITY METHOD) COMPACTED AND SOAKED FOUR DAYS PENETRATION STANDARD '% OF INCHES P.S.I. P.S.I. STANDARD 0.1 1000 0.2 1!500 0.3 15100 0~4 2300 0.!5 21500 MO!$TURE AFTER SOAKING .............................. EXPANSION ....•.•.•.•.•••••.•.••••••••.••••••••• , •••••..• MOISTURE AT COMPACTION ........ · •.•••.•..•••..•••••••.•. ORY UNIT WT. OF SAMPLE .............................. . COMPACTION TEST: METHOD -CALIFORNIA BEARING OPTIMUM MOISTURE (APPARENT) .............. OPTIMUM DRY DENSITY. LBS./CU. FT. (APPARENT) .. PLASTIC CHARACTERISTICS: LIQUID LIMIT PLASTIC LIMIT PLASTICITY INDEX 11'9' P ,.,. r:-I \I C-n ··--_ .. SEP3 01985 CITY OF CARLSBAD Building Department TESTING ENGINEERS · SAN DIEGO REVIEWED BY % .. . 'i & Testing Engineers-San Diego A Division of United States Testing Company, Inc. 3467 Kurtz St., P.O. Box 80985, San Diego, Ca. 92138 (619) 225-9641 2948 Industry Street, Suite B, Oceanside, Ca. 92054 (619) 757-0248 FOR"' 6 JP LABORATORY NUMBER SD85-1814 REPORT OF S-OIL TESTS DATE September 24, 1985 IOB DATA: Job No. 399850 SAMPLE DATA:Material submitted to the laboratory on 09/13/85, ,ROJECT: Carlsbad Safety Center identified as S/N 6, Impala Street, Station 20+90, Ele. 364.5. ::LIENT: City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue (Tan silty clayey sand.) Carlsbad, CA 92008 R·VALUE DATA BEARING VALUE ( SAN DIEGO CITY METHOD) COMPACTED ANO SOAKED FOUR DAYS A B C D ' .::oMPACTOR PRESS • P.S.I. 230 135 80 PENETRATION STANDARD %OF INC\'IES. P.S.I. P.S.L STANDARD '101ST @> COMPACTION · % 0.1 1000 11.9 12.8 14~1 0.2 1500 0.3 1!~00 )ENSITY · # /CU. FT. 122.2 120.4 116. g 0.4 2300 0.5 2600 ~-VALUE · STABILOMETER 29 20 11 MOISTURE AFTER SOAKING ..........................•... EXPANSION .......... .' ............................ , ....... i::XUD PRESSURE • P.S.I. 3.20 170 100 MOISTURE AT COMPACTION ...... ; ....................... DRY UNIT WT. OF SAMPLE .............................. STAB. THICK • FEET 1.01 1.15 i.28 COMPACTION TEST: EXPAN. PRESS. THICK·FEET .30 .27 .03 ' METHOD -CALIFORNIA BEARING .OPTIMUM MOISTURE (APPARENT) .............. % T. I. !ASSUMED) = OPTIMUM DRY DENSIT·Y. LBS.ICU. FT. (APPARENT) .. -- • ill BY STAB. O 300 P.S.I. ExuD. = 28 ~ 3 PLASTI.C CHARACTERISTICS: 1 t BY EXPANSION PRESSURE = I 0: --LIQUID LIMIT AT EQ_UILIBRIUM PLASTIC LIMIT = 28 .. PLASTICITY INDEX .. AND EQUIVALENT : ., --···-P\,. n l:.v liia I w ........ SEP3 01985 CITY OF CARLSBAD Building Department (2) City of Carlsbad (1) Ruhnau McGavin Ruhnau TESTING ENGINEERS -SAN DIEGO (1) Brandow and John Associates REVIEWED BY (1) City of Carlsbad, Bldg. Inspection Dept. c,~ CS:jcc Cra~obotka, Lab Manager FORM e JP • Testing Engineers-San Diego A Division of United States Testing Company, Inc. 3467 Kurtz St., P.O. Box 80985, San Diego, Ca. 92138 (619) 225-9641 2948 Industry Street, Suite B, Oceanside, Ca. 92054 (619) 757-0248 LABORATORY NUMBER SD85-1809 REPORT OF SOIL TESTS DATE September 24, 1985 Joa DATA: Job No. 399850 SAMPLE DATA:Material submitted the laboratory on 09/18/85, to PROJECT: Carlsbad Safety Center identified as S/N 1, "B" Street, C1.1ENT: City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 R·VALUE DATA A El C D =o·MPACTOR PRESS· P.5.1. 350 350 350 MOIST @ COMPACTION · % 9.5 10.3 11.2 DENSITY· #/Cu. FT. 126.1 122.6 125.6 R·VALUE • STABILOMETER 80 64 27 EXUD. PRESSURE • P.S.I. 790 360 200 STAB. l')'ll~K • FEET . .29 • 51 1.04 EXPAN. PRESS. THICK-FEET .33 .17 .03 T.. I. (ASSUMED) : -- BY STAB. @ 30(? P.S.I. ExuD. 2 -~ "' 59 :, .J. ~ ~ BY EXPANSION PRESSURE "' la:: -- AT EQUILIBRIUM. = 59 iAN0 EQUIVALENT ::: (2) City of Carlsbad ( 1) Ruhnau Mc Gavin Ruhnau (1) Brandow and Johnson Associates (1) City of Carlsbad, Bldg. Inspection Dept. CS:jcc Station 13+97, at ele. 337.0 (Tan clayey sand.) BEARING VALUE (SAN.DIEGO CITY METHOD) COMPACTED AND SOAKED FOUR DAY§ PENETRATION STANDARD %OF INCHES P.S.l. P.S.I. STANDARD 0.1 1000 0.2 1500 0.3 1900 0.4 2300 0.5 2600 MOISTURE AFTER SOAKING .............................. EXPANSION .... , ................................. •, ....... MOISTURE AT COMPACTION .............................. DRY UNIT WT. OF SAMPLE .............................. COMPACTION TEST: METHOD -CALIFORNIA BEARING OPTIMUM MOISTURE (APPARENT) .............. OPTIMUM DRY DENSITY, LBS.ICU. FT. (APPARENT) .. PLASTIC CHARACTERISTICS: LIQUID LIMIT PLASTIC LIMIT PLASTICITY INDEX RECEIVED SEP3 C1985 c·1TY OF CARLSBAD Buildin1 Department . TESTING ENGINEERS • SAN DIEGO REVIEWED BY Craig Sobotka, Lab Manager % & Testing Engineers-San Diego A Division of-United St~tes Testing Company, Inc. 3467 Kurtz St., P.O. Box 80985, San Diego, Ca. 92138(619)225-9641 2948 Industry Street, Suite B, Oceanside, Ca._ 92054 (619) 757-0248 FORM !I JP LABORATORY NUMBER SD85-1810· REPORT OF SOIL TESTS DATE September 24, 1985 Joe DATA: Job No. 399850 SAMPLE DATA: Material submitted to - PROJECT: 'Carlsbad Safety Center . CLIENT: City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 R·VALUE DATA A B C D COMPACTOR PRESS· P.S.I. 155 100 70 MOIST ~ COMPACTION • % 12.7 13.6 14.5 DENSITY· #/Cu. FT. 120.6 118.5 116.2 R·VALUE' • STABILOMETER 32 17 14 EXUD. PRESSURE • P.S.I. 490 350 220 STAB. THICK • FEET .98 1.19 1.23 EXPAN. PRESS. THICK·FEET .13 . 0 0 T. I. IAssUMED) = -- . LIi BY STAB. • 300 P.S.I. ExuD. "' 15 ::> • .j ~ ~ BY EXPANSION PRESSURE .. ' a: --.. AT EQUILIBRIUM "' 15 ,AND EQUIVALENT :: (2) City of Carlsbad (1) Ruhnau McGavin Ruhnau (1) Brandow and Johnson Associates (1) City of Carlsbad, Bldg. Inspect~on Dept. CS:jcc the laboratory on 09/13/85, identified as S/N 2, "C" Street, Station 11+20, Ele. 348.0. (Tan clayey sand.) BEARING VALUE (SAN DIEGO CITY METHOD) -COMPACTED AND SOAKED FOUR DAYS PENETRATION STANDARD %OF 'INCHES P.S.I. P.S.I. STANDARD 0.1 1000 0.2 1!500 0.3 1900 0.4 2300 o.s 2600 MOISTURE AFTER SOAKING •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• EXPANSION •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , •••••••• MOISTURE AT COMPACTION •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0R:Y UNIT WT. OF SAMPLE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••. COMPACTION TEST: METHOD -CALIFORNIA BEARING OPTIMUM MOISTURE (APPARENT) .............. OPTIMUM DRY DENSITY. LBS./CU. FT. (APPARENT) .. PLASTIC CHARACTERISTICS: LIQUID LIMIT PLASTIC LIMIT PLASTICITY INDEX REC EIVED SEP3 01985 CITY OF CARLSBAD Buildinl Department TESTING ENGINEERS · SAN DIEGO REVIEWED BY % . ·- FORM ~ JP p, -- Testing Engineers-San Diego A Division of United States Testing Company, Inc. 3467 Kurtz St., P.O. Box 80985, San Diego, Ca. 92138 (619) 225-9641 2948 Industry Street, Suite B, Oceanside, Ca. 92054 (619) 757-0248 LABORATORY NUMBER SD85-1811 REPORT OF SOIL TESTS DATE September 24, 1985 Joe DATA: Job No. 399850 SAMPLE DATA: Material submitted the laboratory on 09/13/85, to PROJECT: Carlsbad Safety Center identified as S/N 3, II C" Street, CLIENT: City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 R·VALUE DATA A B C D ::oMPACTOR PRESS • P.5.1. 130 75 50 "10IST @COMPACTION·% 13.9 14.7 16.1 DENSITY • #/Cu. FT. 117.3 115.4 113. 2 R·VALU.E • STABILOMETER 19 15 7 Exuq. PRESSURE • P.S.I. 380 300 PO STAB. THICK• FEET 1.16 1.21 1.33 EXPAN. PRESS, THICK·FEET 0 0 0 T. I. (ASSUMED) = -- Ill BY STAB. 4!> 300 P.S.I. Exuo. = 15 ::> ' ..J 1 ~ BY EXPANSION PRESSURE = l a: -- AT EQUILIBRIUM = 15 AND EQUIVALENT = .(2) City of Carlsbad (1) Ruhnau McGavin Ruhnau (1) Brandow and Johnson Associates (1) City of Carlsbad, Bldg. Inspection Dept. CS:jcc Station 7+65, at elev. 359.0. (Tan clayey sand.) BEARING VALUE (SAN DIEGO CITY METHOD·) COMPA!=TEO ANO SOAKED FOUR DAY~ PENETRATION STANDARD %OF INCHES P.S.I. P.S.I. STANDARD 0.1 1000 0.2 1500 0.3 1900 o .• 2300 0.5 2600 MOISTURE AFTER SOAKING ••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••• EXPANSION ....•.••••••..•••••••••••••••••••••••• , •••••••• MOISTURE AT COMPACTION ••••••• · •••••.....••.•• ; •..•.•• DRY UNIT WT. OF SAMPLE •••••••••.•••••.••••.••••••••. COMPACTION TEST: METHOD -CALIFORNIA BEARING OPTIMUM MOISTURE (APPARENT) .............. OPTIMUM DRY DENSITY. LBS.ICU. FT. (APPARENT) .. PLASTIC CHARACTERISTICS: -LIQUID LIMIT PLASTIC LIMIT PLASTICITY INDEX RECEIVED SEP8 01985 CITY OF CARLSBAD Buildin1 Department TESTING ENGINEERS • SAN DIEGO REVIEWED BY Craig Sobotka, Lab Manager % - FORM e, JP p, - Testing Engineers-San Diego A Division of United States Testing Company, Inc. 3467 Kurtz St., P.O. Box 80985, San Diego, Ca. 92138 (619) 225-9641 2948 Industry Street, Suite B, Oceanside, Ca. 92054 (619) 757-0248 LABORATORY NUMBER SD85-1812 REPORT OF SOIL TESTS DATE September 24, 1985 Jo·B DATA: Job No. 399850 SAMPLE DATA: Material submitted to the laboratory on 09/13/85, PROJECT: Carlsbad Safety Center identified as S/N 4, II C" Street, Station 4+00, Ele. 360.0 CLIENT: City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue (Tan clayey sand.) Carlsbad, CA 92008 R·VALUE DATA BEARING VALUE ( SAN DIEGO CITY METHOD) COMPACTED ANO SOAKED FOUR DAYS A B C D :::oMPACTOR PRESS· P.5.1. 110 80 50 PENETRATION STANDARD %OF . INCHES P.5.1. P.S.I. STANDARD 0.1 1000 Mc:>IST ~ COMPACTION • "' 14. 1 . 15.0 15.9 0.2· 1!500 0.3 15100 DENSITY· #/Cu. FT. li6.6 115.0 112.6 2300 0.4 0.5 2600 R·VALUE • STABILOMETER 22 15 1 MOISTURE AFTER SOAKING .............................. EXPANSION •••.....•.....••..•.••••.••••••••••••• , •••••••. ~xuo. PRESSURE • P.S.I. 380 260 190 MOISTURE AT COMPACTION •••.•.•.•••••••••••••••••••••. DRY UNIT WT. OF SAMPLE .............................. STAB. THICK • FEET 1.12 1.21 1.33 COMPACTION TEST: EXPAN. PRESS. THICK-FEET .30 .10 0 METHOD ..,. CALIFORNIA BEARING OPTIMUM °MOISTURE (APPARENT) .............. "' T. I. (ASSUMED) = -OPTIMUM ORY DENSITY. LBS.ICU. FT. (APPARENT) .. J l&I BY STAB. CP 300 P.S.I. Exuo. a 18 • :::i r PLASTIC CHARACTERISTICS: ., -' }~ BY EXPANSION PRESSURE • --l • LIQUID LIMIT a: AT EQUILIBRIUM 18 PLASTIC LIMIT = , PLASTICITY INDEX iANC EOL/IVALENT : RECEIVED SEPS·0198S CITY OF CARLSBAD . . Buildinl Department (2) City c:;f Carlsbad (1) Ruhnau McGavin Ruhnau TESTING ENGINEERS· SAN DIEGO (1) Brandow and Johnson Associates REVIEWED BY (1) City of Carlsbad, Bldg. Inspection Dept. ·. (k-~ CS:jcc Craigobotka, Lab Manager !l ;; & Testing Engineers-San Diego A Division of United States Testing Company, Inc. 3467 Kurtz St., P.O. Box 80985, San Diego, Ca. 92138 (619) 225-9641 2948 Industry Street, Suite B, Oceanside, Ca. 92054 (619) 757-0248 FORM 6 JP LABORATORY NUMBER SD85-l 8 l 3 REPORT OF SOIL TESTS DATE September 24, 1985 - Joe DATA: Job No. 399850 SAMPLE DATA: Material submitted to PROJECT: Carlsbad Safety Center CLIENT: City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 R·VALUE DATA A 8 C D i:OMPACTOR PRESS· P.S.l. 185 135 80 - MOIST @ COMPACTION • % 13.2 13.8 14.6 PENSl1'Y • II/Cu, FT. 118.1 117. 7 115.9 R·VALUE • STABILOMETER 33 19 13 ;EXUD. PRESSURE -P.S.I. 420 350 210 StAB. THICK· FEET .97 1.16 1.25 EXPAI'!. PRESS. THICK-FEET .17 0 0 . T. I. (ASSUMED) " ul BY STAB. @I 300 P.5.1. ExuD. = 16 ' ::i .J ..I ' j~ 8:Y EXPANSION PRESSURE " .! 0: -- AT EQUILIBRIUM. = 16 iAND EQUIVALENT : (2) City of Carlsbad (1) Ruhnau McGavin Ruhna~ (1) Brandow and Johnson Associates (1) City of Carlsbad, Bldg. Inspection Dept. CS: jcc the laboratory on 09/13/85, identified as S/N !>' "A" Street, Station 3+25, ele. 358.0. (Tan clayey sand.) SEARING VALUE ( SAN DIEGO CITY METHOD) COMPACTED AND SOAKED FOUR DAYS PENETRATION STANDARD %OF INCHES P.S.l. P.S.I. STANDARD 0.1 1000 0.2 1!500 0.3 1990 0.4 2300 0.5 2600 MOISTURE AFTER SOAKING ............................... EXPANSION ............................................... MOISTURE AT COMPACTION •..••• : •••••.•...•...••••.•... ORY UNIT WT. OF SAMPLE ..••••••••.•.•..••..•••••••.• ; COMPACTION TEST: METHOD -CALIFORNIA BEARING OPTIMUM MOISTURE (APPARENT) .............. OPTIMUM ORY DENSITY. LBS.ICU. FT. ( APPARENT) .. PLASTIC CHARACTERISTICS: LIQUID LIMIT PLASTIC LIMIT ' PLASTICITY INDEX REC EIV~~ SEP3 C19BS CITY OF CARLSBAD Buildinl Department TESTING ENGINEERS · SAN DIEGO REVIEWED BY Craig Sobotka, Lab Manager % .. y, FORM 6 JP ;:, -- Testing Engineers-San Diego A Division of United States Testing Company, Inc. 3467 Kurtz St., P.O. Box 80985, SanDiego, Ca. 92138 (619) 225-9641 2948 Industry Street, Suite B, Oceanside, Ca. 92054 (619) 757-0248 LABOR-'TORY NUMBER SD8'5-1814 REPORT OF SOIL TESTS DATE September 24, 1985 Joe OAT-': Jo.b No. 399850 SAMPL.E DATA:Material submitted the laboratory on 09/13/85, to PROJECT: Carlsbad Safety Center . identified as S/N 6, Impala Street, Station 2o+90, Ele. 364.5. CL.JENT: City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue (Tan silty clayey sand.) Carlsbad, CA 92008 R·V-'L.UE DATA BEARING VALUE ( SAN DIEGO CITY METHOD) COMPACTED AND SOAKED FOUR DAYS A B C 0 =oMPACTOR PRESS· P.S.I. 230 135 80 PENETRATION STANDARD %OF INCHES P.S.I. P.S.I. STANDARD 0.1 1000 MOIST @> COMPACTION · % 11.9 12.8 14~1 0.2 1500 0.3 1900 O~NSITY -;;/Cu. FT. 122.2 1.20.4 116.9 0.4 2300 0.5 2600 R·VALUE • STABILOMETER 29 20 11 MOISTURE AFTER SOAKING .................. , ........... EXPANSION .............................................. EXUD. PRESSURE -P.S.I. 320 170 100 MOISTURE AT COMPACTION ....... · .............. ,', ....... DRY UNIT WT. OF SAMPLE .............................. STAB. THICK • FEET 1.01 1.15 1.28 COMPACTION TEST: EXPAN. PRESS. THICK·FEET .30 .27 .03 . METHOD -CAL.IFORNIA BEARING OPTIMUM MOISTURE (APPARENT) .............. % T. I. (ASSUMED) • OPTIMUM DRY DENSITY. LBS.ICU. FT. (APPARENT) .. -- Ill BY STAB. @ 300 P.5.1. ExuD. • 28 F ::J PLASTIC CHARACTERISTICS: ., .J ;1 ~ BY EXPANSION PRE.SSURE • ·, a: --LIQUID LIMIT AT EQUILIBRIUM z 28 PL.ASTIC LIMIT PLASTICITY INDEX AND EQUIVALENT : RECEIVED SEP3 01985 CITY OF CAR·LSBAD Buildina Department . (2.) City of Carlsbad (1) Ruhnau McGavin Ruhnau TESTING ENGINEERS • SAN DIEGO (1) Brandow and John Associa-tes REVIEWED BY (1) City of Carlsbad, Bldg. Inspection Dept. c,JJfv CS:jcc Cra~ob.otka, Lab Manager '~- JOB NO: • Testing Engineers-San Diego 3467 Kurtz Street, P.O. Box 80985, San Diego CA 92138 (619) 225-9641 2948 Industry St., Unit B, Oceanside, CA 92054 (619) 758-3730 DISiP.iBUTED Tu: jQB NA .,.-~ LSBAD SAFETY~ S~UICE CNT CITY OF Ct-1RU3B1:110 BLDG H·H,P l)l:.P 120 ti i::.1._M (.:,1.,tf.Nd1:: CITY Or CARLSBAD jQB ADDiE ·; t. 0 IMPALA ROAD CARLSBAD CARLSBAD, CA 92Gt8 CARLSBAD i CA ENGI~EER: Ro9 E, noore, R,C,E, / T,H,Chap~aa, R,C,E. REPORT NO: 16016 9/10/85 CONCRETI::. INSPECTION REf>ORT Per Mi t .:t,85-65-4 RIMJNAU ttCGAVIN RUHNAU BRANDOiii ~ jQHiiSTiJN i=tSSQC CITY OF CARLSBAI) BLDG rnsP DEP TESTING Et~GiliEER 5-SAN D It.GO DAT£: fi9/2Q/83 :r.n~:;pec ted rein·ror c:eMf.m t -f <>r p lac:er-ien t ,rnd l;fi',Hle of !S t~?«~l and placing of concrete at footing for 8" Masonry walls bounded by 1:i.nes 1 to 2 i~nd A t() F per 16/81~5, 1'7/f.,15 ,Hld q,p:lc:alwr..-sx<*i'-1 v· ED· S-·1. MC.\., 1:. ;5-5, 0 Cubic: yards; of M:ix No. 5G-G008 plfH:ed, Sii test ~peciMens Macie, SEP3 01985 TIH:! work :i.nspec::ted c:oMp1:i.e1:i w:i.-th th&! approved plans, CITY Pr CARLSBA[ E,;,::+:.'!:)tj_ons: Conr.:r<He batr.:h t:i.t::i<eH:. did l""i()t ht:'1\lf.-~ a c:e.rtH·'lli:khn1 Department weigh Masters· signattre, PerMit :ll-!3~5-65-l 9 / "1 0/E:.:-:; Inspected rein¥orce~ent for placeMPnt and grade of sieeI and, placing of concrete at footings for su Masonry wall bounded by lines 3,2 to 4,3 and A to 9,4 per 19/87, 22/68 and sheet S-t. :56. 5 Cubic: ;i,:H"cis of ii:i.,: No, :>D-·(HlOB plat::(~~t:i, Three test speciMens Made, lhe wor~ in~pected coMplies with the appro~eci plans, fxteptions: Batch tickets did not have certified weigh Masters si i;put ore. One load i7 over allowable sluMp, Contractor notified prior to p lac: eMen t. DATE:B., ••• , .EMP:ll:, , INSPECTOR'S N;:~ME 9/10/65 4000 Gerr, H~rata 'f'ASi<t.,... RT HRS TASt<111:, ••• , or 1-1;~s Tfl,SK,11= ••••• r,r H,~s 3230 t>, 0 9/'l '7/85 Inspected the placing of conct~te at AdMinistration Building, !:>lab on <Jr,:11:l~_ f"rol'\ l:l.ne A+7,.. tc) H·n.e :O+'.i' .. betw«·~~n 1:ll'Hl 5 t'i1nd '.U.ne 1;2, .... 7,, U~pproxil'tl-\'tely Uj',OGG sqliu•ed f1wc~t) v~;~.5 Cob:i.t:: yar-r.i!l> of· Mix ifo, C~i'l7CW.P-4 8D-'?71 plac:<{~d. Two sets of three temt speciM~ns Made, l)l;1'1:::i:;,, , , , , J:..MPi, , 9 / ! 7 /8!5 B.;375 INSPECTOR'S NAME ToM Zef'firo \. TASi(.ji:, I. I, RT hRS T/:d::,i{:I=, I I I I OT HRS Tft,,SK~I: I,., I I DT HRS ~~;;1:.:.; () 6 , 0 ... ~\ Er Testing Engineers-San Diego 3467 Kurtz Street, P.O. Box 8098q, San Diego CA 92138 (619) 225-9641 .., 2948 Industry St., Unit B, Oceanside, CA 92054 (619) 758-3730 r,---'-------......_------:-::-::--::-::--=-:--:-::--:--:-:::-:---:-:::--:-:-:::-:-::=-:::--::-:--:-:'.'.""'.:"'::::-::-:::-::--::-:-7"""":-=-:::-'::".:::-::-------........... ----.., REI~FORCING STEEL CONCRETE INSPECTION REPORT P«H' Mi t :ff:85·-65-1 9/17 /85 :Cn spec ted re:i.n f'orc «Hi-ten ·t for p laceMen 't ancl <F{:lde of istec;il <'H slab on gr a.de adMin i '-3t r·a t :i. ,,<~~ r1r<{·~,:1 b tJ :i.1ciin g fr-o M co 1 uMn 1 :i. ne ~.:i ·to coluMn line 10+17 between A+7 and D+7, The ~or~ in•pecteci coMplies with the approved plans. Exceptions: Detail 2a1s-7 show the slab on grade reinforcing steel in the coMMunications area froM B to D between 6,5 and 8,3 as #4 bars, 12 inches on center both ways_. Tne reinforcing steel placed was 13 bars at 18 inches DD center Jboth ways. Notified superintendent not to pour concrete on this area until the plan~ were followed, He celled the StrdcTural Engineer Jo~n WilliaMs, John ~·:nithori~-:ed the :U,::"5 bars. at 18 :inc:h~'S CiW centf?r, He s..;1:i.d h<~~ wcrnld iiH:·:-r1d ·i.n a chanq(;{• ord«~r-to ~trbi:;tantti:)te ·trd.1!;, I ;;,1:;k&~d hiM to 5end us a copy, Copy receiv•d on 9/18/85, Attached h-re to\ :(Hfl'ES •• I ' • ' Ei ... ;p,11:.. J:NEPECTGR I~;; NAhE 9/17/85 3875 Jack Hanssed 'fl:,i;;t=::li:,.,,. RT HRS Ti:-,Si(,11:,. , •• OT hRS Tr":,Si(:fi:,,, •• DT hRS 3;;~~·50 2, 0 · 9;1s/mr, Shaw~up charged, reinforcing not ready far ins~ection, 9/'l (J/*35 Inmpected re:i.nforcf:-~Ment -For p1i:H::c-?r--rent and gr{:1de of steeil <':\nd placing of con~rete at slab on gra~e and footings bounded by lines 3-13/D-G and 3-4/A-D per sheets S-1, 8-7 and S-16, 142,a Cubic ;ards of Mix No. C517C~P-04 placed. Three test speciMens Made, lhe wor~ inspected coMplies with the approved plans, liAfr.::S ..•... 9/18-·'19/fi~!j TASl<t. i I'. ~?.:2:,rn · 9 ;;2, () /85 EHPI,, INSPECTOR'S NAME 4000 Gerry ~irata RT HRS TASKI, .... OT H~S TASKI,,.,, DT H~S 7,0 SUBGRADE INSPECTION REPO~T As, reque1:ited by Jo<-:~ Freclric:o, City of CiH'1Sb<':\d :J.n1Sp<*c:tor., v:i.s;tu~lly r.:r1f.~r.:1<vici strr.)et !:>ul:)1Jri:1d1?. -fen' r.1r«~0:1m ·th<i,t M,:\y bF.-~ unm.tab'i.e due-:-:• to over optiMUM Moist~re cdnlitions or areas of ~ncoMpacted fill, Gbser~ect areas at the intersection o~ B stre&t/C Street at AHN, 4 that appeared to have uncoMpacteci Material around the Manhole extr.mr.iinq apprtL<:i.M,He1 1 '.l5f nor,h on C S-1'.r:-:-iet and i:lpprox:i.Mat<0ly 20' South on B Street, Suggested to Joe Frecirico that all ~alues and Manholes in str~et areas be recoMpacted, Dc~Tt::'.B ..... , 9/?i)/85 EMP :JI: , , I N~:lP EC; TOR'S Nr:i1i'ii:i'. 1::,4;.:.~5 Ken Row«·l TASKt,,,,, RT H~S TAS~I. ,, .. OT HRS TASKi.,.,. DT H~S TESTING ENGINEE~S-SAN DIEGO 2 &' Testing Engineers-San Diego 3467 Kurtz Street, P.O. Box 80985, San Diego CA 92138 (619) 225-9641 -,. 2948 Industry St., Unit B, Oceanside, CA 92054 (619) 758-3730 iOB MO: 399851 JO~ NAi1£: CARLSBA~ SAFETY&. SERVICE CNTR 4 ii 2 CITY D.F CARL.SB1~:0 BLDG INSP DEP 1200 [1_M Al.)ENUi:. DISTRIBUTED TO: cm' Or CARLSBAD iOi ADDRESS: 2480 ItiPALA ROAD CARL9AD CARLSBAD, CA CARLSBAD, CA 92008 RllHNAU MCGAVIN RUH~AU BRANDOW & JOHNSTON ASSOC E~GINEER: Roy E, Hotre, R.C,E. / T,K,CllapKan, R,C,E. CITY OF CARLSBAD BLDG INSP DEP TtSTI!lG tNGrnEEiS-SAII DIEGO PRE-MIXED CDltRE.iE COMPANY iEPORT NO: 5041 CONCRETE COM?RESSION TEST CYL UN wr AGE@ STRENGTH PSI DAlE OF ltlX DF.SIGN SLUMP MADE TIME IN TIME OF CYL THIS TEif NMBi PCF TEST TEST DESIGN poua DESIGNATION INCH BY MIXER DAY SET/MARK F ~::::: ==== === = ~=:= ===--= r.:==-==== =--------------==== ::::::: ===:=:= ====-= === 22318 22319 22320 3060 08/20/85 5000008 3,75 8875 : 10:00 3/00 0 LOCATION IN STRUCluRE: WALL TO ELEVATOR PIT Ai>JAC1ENT TO COLUMN F-10, COMPLIANCE: 28 DAY TEST COM?LIES WITH SPECIFICATIONS. CllfLIANlI: DATE:: 09/24/85 LO .. POOi DIAii NliBR CODE It.CH ==:; -----·- 2 64 b 3600 08/21/85' 50-0008 3 8875 7 :40 3/00 0 3 64 6 22347 22348 ~2349 LOCATION IN S1RtiC1URE: GRADE BEAttS Ut•ES 3 & A, rnomm LINE 13, COMPLIANCE: 28 DAY TEST COMPLIES WITH 5PECirICATIONS, COMPLIANCE: RECEIVED SEPS·G1S85 CITY OF CARLSBAD Bulldln1 Department '. PAGE NO: 1 Testing Engineers-San Diego . 3467 Kurtz Street, P.O. Box 80985, San Diego CA 92138 (619) 225-9641 2948 Industry S~ Unit B, Oceanside, CA 92054 (619) 758'.3730 . JOB .NOi . . 399850 JOB NAHEi CARLSBAD SAFETY & SERVICE CNTR CI TY OF C{~!U .. $l;hq_X) m.:.1)(\; :nrnHJ Dl:::i:> 1 t.~ n O ELM ,~\t.)l~:NUE DISi'ltf~UTED. TO: . tin of CARLSBAD. .; JO{ ADilRESS: 2480 IMPALA ROAD CARLSBAii . . . . . CARi~SBA°"t CA C.ARL~rBf'l\1,) t c,::1 . ?;£~()OB . RUHNAli ttCGAVtN RUHtlAU BRANDOW .\ JOAaSJOii ASSOC · . , C!TY OF CARLSBAi> JiLp~ INSP D(P ·. TESfiliG hH}INi!t~S-·S~N nrn:GU: . ; R.EP0R1 NO: 15904 l: i I •• I I, _, ' ' ' I ' I i--l l. ' I •· Rl:::'.l:NF"OR GING STt:'.:J::'.L. :C N~:1-P!::'.C'f :tf.:)N . f<l!~P-(lf~ ~( P<(-H'M:i. ·(· :IJ!f;~=5--65 .. ~'J. {:)/;?.6/f:l~5 . . . :I'. J'.l.'::ipec 't'f:ld r-e :i. n ,(,' ore: 0lM<?.I'\ ·t .. f () r . -_;;,__ -~----""'"4,.,..:-+ .,~-~ -, .-:·;..,---< •• --,. p 1 ,:l c &)Mf,m t !.:frl (:i qri:ld(·l! .·. 6 f. iii t l:iH:i1. ,i:l. t 'I '·1· ,., t~\ t!l ,:;, A' . . .f:-. {.;I,_ ·,1• p . • l:, /., : .. •::) •::) i::j . . 6, I.'), : ... :·,,t ','Z,') · (~ o l u Pin ;;, n d w;,, 11 i" o o t J n 9 ~::-n n +'roM4 to 6,- •••• 1~l •• y••' _1··1_M )' l .. f!"_ _., .... I I' i:1 ........ r,,. •• _] J'irJ •-! DATES, ; , • , • ENP:Jl:. • :rnHPE'.C"fDl'< 1 ~:f NJtME e;;f!.b/8S :Jt~'7~5 .T,:1c:I< f .. f.r::lni5i:if~l. · ·'r 1"'1ti1rn •• ' •• ~3::.~:30 . RT Hl~E. ·u:i8K:JL I ••• OT HR~:?. °fABJ<:r,· ,·l. :·, tn· HIU3 · ;;!. • 0 Ihspected the placing~, conciata at elj~~fof fif and: ~oiu~n foot :i. n g l':'1 t c oJ O·M r1 1 :l. n <-:-:• A ..... 4 • ·· · 1E,·'7~:S Cub:i.e yl:1rd11, o-f· M:i.x No, e;o-... HOOH j;>l~:n::Jt.·:~·d. 0 l"t(·:: !:, (~: ·t o .r:, th r ((•: e ·t (i~ );; t li~ p f.·H: i IV/ (w l'U:l, J•H:I de , DAtES, ... , . EMPi.: INSPECTOR'S NAME 9/3/&5 5625 MasaMi K. M~fao . . . -R··· ; ... -, · ... · .. · .-_ · :J.:.CEtVED· . - · ··: :.:s;EP1:2.1ass•,· · ' ·errt :Pf •CARLS BA.I) · · . · Bu,,~mg -Oepartm~qt -. · !J .L :..i.:JU I I . I I I j ; -· l --~ --! i l!llllllli' Testing Engineers-San Diego •• 3467 Kurtz Street, P.O. Box 80985, San Diego CA 92138 (619) 225-9641 .... 2948 Industry St., Unit B, Oceanside, CA 92054 (619) 758-3730 [ e·: :f ~\::\ /:-~,;:::ii ~h}~1;~-::}~ ~ · /·(.-. 7~ ·.·; ~ :\;~ .. :~~>,~~~:{7: ;:_;:::-: -:: -'~.~, ,::·:r ~1:i;'}!-i.: : /2~~~:_:.~~<~:::~<-;._~~ ~~~~I~iL:·(·-·-~\;.~t :7B\:; <= _ ;~_: ::·. ? ~-. __ ., . __ .. ~OB Nll; >~;:·. _39985t_:::":i:.-.1/;·:;;:=,-~'::··<·-·<·.< ._ ·,.;...,._:::;'·.~ CXTY Of. CA~L.SBAD_-:S~DG, ~NS~.-DEP.~-' DISTRIBUTEQ TO: )~_:,._ .·.· .· ·: .'.:.: .. ·: JOB NA!Ei -~. · ·. CHTR. :. " · 120 0· ELM AVEtWE .. -,._ .. --~ :~0 .-:. ->.:-. . CITY Or CARLSBAD . ·:. · 108 ADDIE t 2480 ItlPAlA ROAD CARLS '-'· ; .. _. ·_:.,_; CAR~SBAD i· CA ... 920 os· /'. ·C:::.~ . :.. :.-·:.~ .. Rlllt~All ~+)VII RUHNAU _.: .. · ·\'. · .. : _ i I:: ;: ~-; 1¥};t,JXt'; '!.\ii .~-b??~}) {{{:J?&JiJ1;}{5ljf ~:. ~7i l=~1~ ~1. ·, ·.• -E~GINEER~ Raj E, ii111re,_R.C,E, I 'i:H.Chapttaa, R.t.E. _ ··'.:·~-·: ._, ·. :-~--.-.: ·:·· '.: __ ·· · =· ·-; ·.·,·,: ·· ··-'·. --~. :-: . -. · _ · · .' i:,.,. --~ _,., . ;:1::::::--.:~'4 .. _·:, ·. :·. ·,.· .. _'; ... ·._~ . ...:-~ -· ...... :-'r·-.• ---.~·--:..· .. ::.·:~: .. "!-;;t..-\~.-~·.:;-:_· ---~-....... ; ...... ·,.._.·:(·:~~::~:~~:-~~·=.!~:·;.1.~·:,.:_· . ~~: ,,,··, ,·, .. :·:. ,.:,., l!El'ORT Ho:· 486("·.:c:,::;. =-. ·.:· :, "·:~ ·-.·,_:· CONCRETE COHPRESSIOtf TES(:).·:.\ .. ~--,_:;~'':.-:.:·-,·~ :·: ::.;:>c-:::,;.~:--. IATE, 09/ii/85. ' /.' . : :· F. _·-._:._ .:-;_:-:_--'.:~ _.--_--·._,··_· ::-_. :_:_·->_ .. ,;~~-· .. .-.-·:_-.• ·-·. r~._-::'-~~-~-~--:~:.-:,,~_ ._\.'::·--,·~-_.·-:>-~·_:·_.--,--_.·.,,.-~:.-·.--~ .... -··--·. -. : CYL .. Uif 111° AGE@'( . STRENGTH PSI Dl\1E or: itIX l[SIGH · . SLU~ MADE TikE lH TiflE {if CYL THIS TaiP · 10Air PLANT DIAii : NMffi PCF. TESl.' _ T£Sl DESIGN . POUi' DESIGNATION. INCH ... BY tiIX£R '-l!AY ·. SFT/iiARK f _ NliBR CODE INCH . · : • • h-• ----------------·---==== ::::::::::: =======; :::.:: . =· ===== ===== =-==== === :.== === =--=..:: 22255 . 22256 : 22257 I -. -. i' .. " • ... -,· . ,. l t -.. -', . ·- 3060 68/89/85 50-06&8 5,5. G · :. · 11:15 3/GG 8 2 32 6 LOCllillltl IH $1RUCTljRE: tOLliltl FOOTWGS ·· COl,'PLIAMCE: 28 DAY T£ST COMPLIES WITH SPECIFICATIONS •. '.:"'· -~ . .. --:;: ; . , ---~i-_-:;:-::~i':-.\,.:~ \ _::~: •• •• .i_:-· ', .·-t • - --··--.: __ ------:--·:--· .... _ .. ____ -·_.~-------· ... -----:·-·· -----.. : :.:.:..: .. -~-:--,--·-·_:_ __ - : R.ECE,vEo·::;: -SEP161985 ciTY OF CARLSBAD . Building Department . ' -·--''. ,:.· ', j .• :,., . ~ -,'~ ' . •, PAGE HO}_·. · t,_. . ,, 22264 . 222&5_ '. 222fi6 ... , Testing Engineers-San Diego •• 3467 Kurtz Street, P.O. Box 80985, San Diego CA 92138 (619) 225-9641 .... 2948 Industry St., Unit B, Oceanside, CA 92054 (619) 758-3730 3000 oa1141as, · 5u'"uoos · .. 4 aa1s · u: &5 . 3100 · '0-2 · .· b4 ir - 7 c:b-"' ._. ·. LOCAJiOH IN SlRliC1i.iREr ¼RADE })fASriS iJll Li~E G ti 12 1z ELtVAiDR PIT iii tOWiiN F-10 .. 23 396c COMPLIANCE: 28 DAY·T£ST COnPLIES wITri SPECIFICATION$, 6D _ a ·-· , -. ·< :-: -\: ,.. , __ .,,.; _.\ -•. --= ,:. •A • -• • : ·' \. .. BRANDOW & JOHNSTON ASSOCIATES STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 16«50 WEST THIRD STREET, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90017 • '48'4·89!50 #84087A PROJECT MEETING NOTES SUBJECT: AUG 2 8 1985 PROJECT: Job Site Visit #1, Thursday, August 22, 1985 CARLSBAD PUBLIC SAFETY & SERVICE CENTER Carlsbad, Ca. PRESENT: Tom Shannon, Job Superintendent, Koll Co. Steve Mahoney, Projec~ Manager, Koll Co. Pat Riley, Proj. Archit., Ruhnau McGavin Ruhnau Assoc. John Williams, Civil Eng., Brandow & Johnston Assoc. STATUS: Administration Building: Grade beams and column pads excavated, concrete placed to top of pad elevation at moment frame lines. Remaining perimeter footings excavated, elevator pit floor_and walls placed, drilling for e~evator shaft commencing. Meeting Building: Grade beams and column pads excavated. Concrete placed for grade beams and pads on lines 10 and 11, remaining bar placement .commencing. ITEMS DISCUSSED: 1. Electrical Conduit Lines. 4-6"4' P.V.C. electrical conduits will sweep beneath column pads on grids 1 and 2, 8 feet east of grid E. Excavate 8"-10" below bottom of conduit and provide additional mat of rein£. (6-#4 each way) 2. Bottom of Base Plate Elevation. Bottom of base plate elevation ·. for structural columns is indicated as -8" below finished first floor except at grids 1-A and 2-A adjacent to elevator pit. Shannon has requested that these base plates be set at -8" also. This modification is structurally acceptable; Shannon will be responsible for·coordination with Tulsa Steel. A similar request was made for base plates of · glass block supports on lines 1 and A. Explained to Shannon that if these base plates are cast below slab level there will be no adjustment capability later to align glass block with precast panels. Shannon will set these base plates at finished floor as detailed. ACTION ITEMS: Review modified panel connection to floor slab submitted by Tecon. OW & JOHNSTON ASSOCIATES v. t<)~ RECEIVED I / John D. Williams OCT 91985 Arr: 1:40 pm 3:10 pm 10 I ., CITY OF CAR.LSBA6ke1d Buildin1 Department Dep: Photo: ., TELEPHONE CONVERSATION RECORD BRANDOW & JOHNSTON ASSOCIATES • T • " CT " • AL ii •• I ••••• AUG 2 8 1985 THF 1,ft't j en--½' ,:_J, 1-:.:,,,i, '"J-,: •••o waaT '.fHIIID aTIIIEIET. "l.Oa ANGIEL.IEa. CAL.tFOIINIA •oon • ····•••o PROJECT: CARLSBAD PUBLIC SAFETY & SERVICE CENTER 84163 JOB. NO. FROM: OF: PHONE: TO: OF: PHONE: ---- Tom Shannon Koll Company DATE: TIME: DISTRIBUTION LIST: 8-23-85 [3 Koll Co. , Tom Sahnnon V £] FILE: John Williams Ruhnau McaGB.3li1·u~YRuhnau, fl ARCHITECT: Kssoc. ! p t K .L~ ----------- a· coNTRAcToR = Brandow & Johnston Associates -------- 213/484-8950 0 OWNER: 1. Detail 27C/S.9 Sl_iannon: Guide rail support tube-s from elevator pit floor to underside. of µ.orizontal TS 8x6 is less ·than· 3 '-011 long. Can horizontal tube be eliminated and guide rail be continuous from pit floor to hor.izontal TS 8x6 at second floor? Response: Allright structurally. Shannon is responsible for coordination with Tulsa Steel. 2. Detail 27 /S-9 Shannon: What is attachment of guide rail to horizontal tubes? Response: Provide 3/16 fillet weld each side of guide rail cap/base plate. ' ,. .. ···--·----·· ·:· ·-, a_ TELEPHONE CONVERSATK>N RECORD BRANDOW " JOHN&roN ASSOCIATES • " • ., C " ., •• L ••• I • 11 •• •••• waaT TNt•D .T.llllT, "I.Oa ANeKLll8, CALIPO .. UA •oo,, • ····•••o PROJECT: FROM: OF: PHONE: TO: OF: PHONE: CARLSBAD PUBLIC SAFETY & SERVICE CENTER JOB. NO. 84163 Steve Mahoney Koll Company l>ATE: TIME: DISTRIBUTION LIST: 8/28/85 2;QOPM :e l(oll Company (St eye Nabaney ._.-- 8 FILE: :S AR~HITECT: R)fRA/Pat Ril~1 John Williams Brandow & Johnston Associates ( 0 CONTRACTOR: _./0,(,1 s;. ) DOWNER:. ~ 1. ~echanical Equipment Over Lobby of Meeting Building: • Mahoney: Maximum operating wieght is specified as 600 pounds. The unit ordered has a total weight of 785 pounds 'including curb. Is present framing system adequate? Responf!_e: Yes, _785 pounds is ~till within the anticipated design loads. 2. Minor Deck Opening,' 3/S-l: Mahoney: Mechanical drawings indicate numerous 12½"-square openings. Can these openings be made without tube reinforcing of metai deck. Response: OK for 12½"-square openings • . ~ _,_. TE1.EPHOtE CONVERSATION RECORD BRANDOW " JOHNSTON ASSOCIATES • T • ., CT., •• L .... I ...... • .. ".I!. .. •••o wa•T TNIIID eT11•1n. a.oa .... u.aa. CALIFOIINIA •ooe, • ····•••o ,oa. No. e4t~ "!> DATE: f::/~ /es TIME: DISTRIBUTION LIST: ·OF: IC:::.O t...L. CO • CJ ___________ ..;_ n:('FILE: ________ _ To: '1~ w,u.,~s cg/ARCHITECT: f?UM+.IA.cJ' MEfaHl<CI /ZtJUV4(,l ~-; ; PAT tt.11..E-'( ' . OF: e>. {J. S'CONTRACTOR: -~u.. -t::.tt>, . 'Te>M SttAN/..101J PHONE: 0 OWNER:. ---------- I. 0/U"Alt.. ? - f..Jo. S::,,Wt-,( C,F e,..s~ Pc.ATE e.f..EYAT/6,-/ .SNt,(,JL.p 12.SM.AIN CdNSTAt-lT ANC> 'PE:t:'E.Sr/.!\L t.z.E.IN~SNr ",//L.I... 'E:tr~I-/P Tc FOOTING. PAD·. '2. ~f..l~ 1 t:>EiAtL lb /~-ltc , Pei?E.sTA.'-CANNo, "SE.. 'PT2.ov,oe.o. S,. 2-EPL'f : ' '(E.S. tz.ev,:se.p r;;:,(2AW1J.l6S WIL.L 1ZE.t=L.EC..i THIS ~DJru,t,..J. . RS.PL.'( : '{E.S,, BE. ~·AL.or-/~ Wt;lf· F:...t...£ l/ Aile> ,-J 7 ' . ~1.m::e.o TftAT SAJ.ID~gJ"/NG f'rZ.oVtS/t::!T1o/S OF THE. SPSct.F(C,\r(C"M.S Arz.s. ME., A 1,./i::> TH1+r st.Je.S~Ul:NT 'Pt-ACEM5,NT /.S A6A11vsr ci£AN Su~~ACes. ' .. TELEPHONE CONVERSATION RECORD BRANDOW a JOHNSTON ASSOCIATES • " • ., c., ., • ,. .. • •• , ••••• 1••0 wsaT TNIIID aTIISST. "1.0e AN.SLsa. CALIPOIINIA •oot7 • ····•••o PROJECT: FROM: OF: PHONE: TO; OF: PHONE: Carlsbad Public Safety& Service Center JOB. NO. 84163 Tom S_hannon 9/17/85 DATE: TIME: 10:30 AM Koll Co. DISTRIBUTION LIST: er-: Koll Co. Tom Shannon cg/FILE: John Williams (9"ARCHITECT: Ruhanu McGav'in Ruhna1,1 Pat Riley Brandow & Johnston Associates· 0 CONTRACTOR: _______ __ C OWNER: 0INSPECTOR: Jack Hansel Depressed slab areas for Dispatch Center and Radio Computer Equipment Rooms. Reinforcing #3@ 18 o.c. is adequate, #4@ 12' o.c. in the depressed slab, as indic~ted in Detail 28/S-7 is not required for this condition. ~ ---..z~---__ .,. ... Jj' -~ ,, I .,, . ,. -'\, ·-~ ~- d)· @ t~· ;'.ii ( .i, , ._),,JAtt•··N :=-.£:. 2031 IJ . BRANnOWaJOHNSTOl'f ASSOCIATES •· R.EV15ED eAGE .ff. DETAIL 1g !!if ...... u, ............ --~·--··~--co~,JE-4 1--d1 Mo~:ri--r ·~ LIi-ii:: . 11 , .. ow. TH1110 ff .. a.oa ANana. ~u,011N1A •001·i 2:f~ WE=GT OF 1..-IJ,..IE H \ Tl:LEMtOHS •aL••M AIIKA CODS &18 · · ·· --revlsfon City of Carlsbad * 10~ fft;l:fJr scalp_ 1 cJ --. Public Safety & Service· Center ~ ~1 J -1- Carlsbad. California Job no. date . 2.12.01 .9-17-85 . ,. Archilecta p,.,,,,.,. sheet no~ / . i· RUHNAU McGAVIN RUHNAU/ ASSOCIATES 3775 T_,,,,. SlrHI r201ElmA~ SR~ 1r RrverSlde. CA·gmr-~, Cattsoad. CA g;o,oa.1995 J l ( • " ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR., SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (619) 560-1468 o ATE : Ma.cc.b o?~ / 9 BS , · · ~-~~e,L,I.C ... A.N,l'--.._ , .. ~(.g JURISDICTION} JuRrsorcTION: __ C~a-c~ls~h=a=d_, ______ _ El"'1'"C"A"N ..... C'tl'E'C'ffi [] FILE COPY PLAN CHECK NO:_·_e,~s~-~w~2-·_7C_,__ _______ _ 0 UPS 0 DESIGNER PROJECT ADDRESS: I.moalo.. /)c-l D D ·D • D • D • The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes, when minor deficien- cies identified____________ are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have major deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck~ The check list transmitted herewith is the jurisdiction's copy for your information. The ~lans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected plan~ are submitted for recheck. The applicants copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact petson . The applican~s copy of the check list has been sent to: &1Jm4µ. nk. Gsvin lsu.b ncu, A~m:.. Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed • Esgil staff did advise applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted:__;.~ .... 4 ... +..__ _________ _ Date contacted : _3 __ / .... -'-....-S .... b.-~ .... 5------------T e 1 e phone # 7..;J '1-71 'I'{ REMARKS: The.. a;lfac,hed //sf carrtatn< Cla.o'f1q,.,.n'on cPQJI001'4 rr,1:1 the_ 0c~1'na.( chu./<, /,'st: ac 1ftu::sfz@fl ~4cd,'ttj ±be.-de..s~ner~ ces,acnS<:c io $amro -cc.; C,Jy of Carl$bad..; tL~,·aee.ct'nj Dept- ,~eo E;.lrn Ave:, Dads..b,uL ce 1-<Q;?B Ati:o: . M t't:-ba,e.l Broo/t..s. I . BY: /luACuwer ESGIL CORPORATION ENCL: ------- • Form 31584 Plan Check No. 85-65II City of Carlsbad March 25, 1985 The following numbers refer to correction numbers from the correction list dated February 28, 1985. Following each number is a clarification of the correction or a question regarding the designer's response to the correction. 7. All sheets, including the plumbing and mechanical sheets, must be signed by the licensed individual reponsible for the design. 86. Provide evidence (test data, etc.) that the fabric wall material complies with Chapter 42. 146. Those doors shown as 45-minute assemblies should be changed to 20-minute smoke and draft control assemblies. 175. Provide a note on the plans that such system must be approved by the Building Official prior to its installation~ 183. The designer's response to this correction was that the Building Director would approve an exemption to-the sprinkler requirement. 186: Referring to the referenced handicapped list, show curbs at planters per item B-1; show signs per item C-6-b; show signs per item D-1-1; show specs per items E,F:~G,H and I (show the call outs); show marking per item K-3; show call outs per items M-4 and M-5; show phones per item O. 189. 192. 212. -215. 216. Submit the required letter. Show the required note. Carlsbad Building Department to ~pprove a limited portion of the building being Type II-F.R. construction. Show panic hardware at.the referenced rooms. Additionally, two exits are required from the fitness room per Table 33-A. Show one-hour construction for the referenced corridor and limit its dead end length to 20 feet, per Section 3304(e)~ 218. See correction 175 a-bove. 223. Show lever-type hardware in the specs. 225. The Fire M~rshall is to approve the amounts of ammunitions stored. 236. ·See correction 175 above. -238. Item 25, page 14 of the soils report requires that the soils engineer comment on surcharge loading. Provide an addendum from the soils engineer approving the use of.an additional Sp.c.f. E.F.P. for the 4:1 slope at the retaining wall referenced. ·239_ Show the width of the referenced footing and reinforcing. Show drainage per Figure 5, page 21 of the soils report. 264. 45 KVA transformers must have #6 Cu ground. Ground wires must be bonded to CW and UFER. All transformer secondary must have CW and UFER ground. 266. Provide justification for overcurrent protection of elvator circuits. 269. Provide secondary overcurrent protection for XFMR TA in the service center (125% of rating). 271. Provide the calculations referenced in the designer's response to this correction. 272. _Show trap primers at: temporary holding facil-ity, evidence vehicle room, crime lab, film process and print rooms. 277. Provide energy calcuiations for the service center building~ If you have· any. question, please contact Kurt Culver of Esgil Corporation at (619) 560-1468. Thank you. ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR .• SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (619) 560-1468 DA t E : Ee/,ruarv d< Z, 19$ 5 r ~ O.)t'E>PLICANT (ll"JURISDICTION 0 PLAN CHECKER 0 FILE COPY JUR I SD r cr-r oN· =~C~a-cL..1./~sb=a~d"'--------- P LAN CHECK NO:__..s~s.-..::t,~s ........ _____________ _ 0 UPS 0 DESIGNER 'PROJECT ADDREss:_I-.:.mp~4~J.~a..-D~o~------- D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. 0 D • D II D • The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes, when minor deficien- cies identified on the enclosed check list ar~ resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have major deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck • The check list transmitted herewith is the jurisdiction's copy for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corp.•until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicants co~y of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact pe rs'on. The applican~s copy of the check list has been sent to~ Ru,baqq M,dwuin Ruhn@ fbsoc. /plo7g&, eve.-&rtsba¢ Cf/ 'zrxooe,-1qq5 A-fin r D~via Rv..hria.'-<- Es g i l staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed • Esgil staff did advise applicant· that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Dau,'d Ru l,nq u Date contacted: __ z_/2~?~~~i~tz~6c;_ _____ Telephone # 7€9-7/YY REMARK,s: cc.: c;+y of Ccu-1.sbqd_, Enjt'oeedz1 Dep±-/gOO Elm Ave,. Ca.r-lsba.d 1 CA 9.;2q,a A:t+n; Mic;bae I Brooks 8 Y = l:<w:t Cu I vet · ESGIL CORPORATION Form 31584 ENCL: -------- v. ro?'Ruhnau, McGavin, Ruhnau Assoc. 1207 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-1995 Attn: David Ruhnau CITY OF CARLSBAD 0 APPLICANT COPY OCITY COPY 0 PLAN CHECKER COPY OFILE COPY COMMERCIAL PLAN CORRECTION SHEET A. Plan Check Number 85-65 ------------------ B. Site Address ___________ I_m_.p_a,...l~a-'--~D=r=i;,.;;.v...;;e _________________ _ C. Owner _________ C_i_t_.y_o_f_C_a_r ___ l __ s=b ... a=d ________________ _ D. Building Code Applicable 1979, but 1982 UBC provisions. are cited E.· Occupant Load See Attachment 'A' Stories One and Two Police.headquarters, Cells, Assembly, .Use. Vehicle Maintenance. Equjpmeot EocJosme F. Occupancy I-3/A-3/B-2 G. Type of Construction See Analysis Sprinkiers: Yes No _______ ....;;;..;. ___ __;;.;..,;.. __ H. Allowable Floor Area See Analysis •,, Actual See Apalys is I. Basis for Area Increase ------------------------- i Remarks Holding cells classified as I-3 per State Fire Marshal Date Plan Submitted ________ Pate Plans to Plan Checker 2/4/85 Date Initial Plan Check Completed 2/27 /85 Applicant Contact Person David Ruhnau FOREWORD: PLEASE READ By Kurt Cu.Iver Tel. 729-7144 1. This plan check is limited to technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and State l_aws regulating noise attenua~ion and access for the handicc3:pped. The plan ~heck is based on regulations enforced by the Building Inspection Division. 2. You may have other corrections. based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Departn:ent, Engineering Department or other departments. For information regarding those departments, please contact those departments. 3. The items listed below require. plan clarification, modification or change. All items ' have to be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Section 303(c), 1982 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans docs not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. 4. · Plea!)e !lubrnit two sets of corrected plahS and enclose a copy of this list with your notes indicating where corrections were made i.e. sheet, detail, etc •• Return corrected plans and documents to Esgil Corporation at 9320 Chesapeake Dr., /1208, San Diego, ··CA 92123,(Tel. (619) .560-1468) or to the City Building Permit Counter. V. } ,.· /. f. ;. ® // GENERAL Provide the site address and a vicinity sketch on the Title Sheet. Provide the names, addresses and telephone numbers of the owner and the i'esponsibl·e design professionals on the Title Sheet. All sheets of the plans and the first sheet o{ the calculations are required to be signed by the California licensed Architect or Engineer responsible for the design. Please include the California license number and the date the plans are signed. Indicate on the Title Sheet whether or not a grading permit is required for this project. Show on the Title Sheet all buildings, structures, walls, etc. included under this application. Any portion of the project shown on the site plan that is not included with the building permit application filed should be clearly identified as "not included" on the site plan or Title Sheet. Provide a Building Code Data Legend on the Title Sheet. Include the fol- ~owing code information for each building proposed: · Occupancy Group Description of Use Type of Construction Sprinklers: Yes or No Stories Height Floor Area Justification to exceed allowable area in Table s-c Justification to exceed allowable height or stories in Table 5-D SITE PLAN @ Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. Show: North arrow, property lines, easements, streets, existing and proposed buildings and structures, location of yards used for allowable increase of building area and dimensioned setbacks. 1p.. 1'· 1/7· ® ip. Provide a statement on the site plan . stating: "All property lines, easements. and buildings, both existing and proposed, are shown on this site plan". Clearly designate on the site plan existing buildings to remain, existing buildings to be demolished, buildings to be constructed under this permit and any proposed future buildings. Show on the site plan all proposed walls, retaining walls and fences. Specify their heights on the plans. Clearly dimension building setbacks from prope~ty lines, street center- lines, and from all adjacent buildings and structures on the site plan. · Show and dimension on the site plan all building projections including eaves, balconies, cornices and similar appendages extending beyond the exterior walls. Show on the site plan, or provide the grading plans, showing finish floor elevations, elevations of finish grade adjacent to buildings, drainage patterns and locations and gradients of cut or fill slopes. Show dimensioned parking layout including any required handicap access spaces. Show the location of any designated flood plains, open space easements, or other development restricted areas on the site plan. Tl,,,. <.,'+,.. n/11n (<./,,.--+ Ar I) , inc::: 1'1,.,,J.. c:-./, hl'V'\1-1-f--e,..J. ' ---- V. LOCATION ON PROPERTY 20. When two or more buildings are on the same property, the buildings shall have an assumed property line between the• for the purpose of determining the required wall and opening protection and roof cover requirements, per Section S04(c). An exception is provided if the combined area of the buildings is within the limits specified in Section 505 for a single building. If this exception is used, show how the building(s) will comply with Section SOS. 21. Buildings over one story and containing courts shall have an assumed property line for the purpose of determining required wall and opening protection of court walls, per Section 504(c). See possible exception. Please show how the court walls will be made to comply with Section 504(c). 22. The exterior walls less than feet 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. to a property line or an assu~ property line, shall be fire- rated construction. Section _03(a) Exterior walls shall have a 30 inch parapet when less than feet to a property line or anassumed property line. (see exception, Section 1709) The exterior wall shall have protected openings (3/4 houri when closer than feet to a property line or an assumed property line. Section __ 03(b) The exterior walls shall have no openings when closer than feet to a property line or an assumed property line. Openings include windows, doors, scuppers, vents, etc. Section __ 03(bl Eaves over required windows shall be not less than 30 inches from side and rear property lines. Section 504(a) Combustible projections iocated where openings are required to be protected shall be heavy timber or one-hour construction. Section 1710 Projections may not extend more than 12 inches into areas where openings are not allowed. Section 1710 29. Projections over public property must comply with Chapter 45. L~c.A.,, ~Al DI\) Pt.:,,., pr= 12.T'-r .T'>rn1J1°<. ,'on<- I ...._ '+-e J", I(]"' i <; <..1 Lh YY11° +f-.p,.-1 ' I ' 30. Projections may not extend more than one-third the distance from the exterior wall to the property line or one-third the distance from an assumed vertical plane located where fire-resistive protection of openings is first required, whichever is least restrictive. Section 504(b) 31. Fire-resistive exterior wall construction shall be maintained through attic areas. Section 4304(cl 32. When openings are required t~ be protected due to location on property;· the sum of openings shall not exceed SO percent of the total area of the wall in each story. Section S04Cb) 33. A covered passageway connecting separate buildings must comply with the requirements for an arcade. Section 509 · 34. Exterior exit balconies cannot be located in an area where openings are required to be protected. Section 3305(i) JS. ~xterior stairways shall not project into yards where protection of openings is required. Section 3306(n) 36. Yards or courts serving as required exits for 10 or more occupants must be at least 10 feet wide or have walls of one-hour constrµction for a height of 10 feet above the court or yard grade. Openings shall be protected by fire- assemblies having a rating 0£ not less than three-f-0urths-hour. Section 3302 definition and Section 33ll(dl 37. Structural elements exposed in walls required to be fire-resistive construction due to location on property must have the same fire- resistive rated protection as the.wall, or as required for the structural frame for the type of construction, whichever is greater. Table 17-A footnote 1, and Section 1702 38. Openings for scuppers, mechanical equipment vents, foundation vents and similar openings are not permitted in walls located where openings are prohibited and would have to be protected where openings are required to be protected. Table 5-A I '' ,· 11 h.o n, ll I. p I '"' ,.J u..'.)l,,.p n th ... 1/ BUILDING AREA, HEIGHT AND STORIES TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION/ALLOWABLE AREA ANALYSIS Building Des_ignation Sa..+e-hi Se'...f"Vl'r-"' 'vVr.""-.1... I=.-., ,o. Type Construction Shown -rr:::-1\1 ,..,.,.,.r. 7r -A/ 'J-N '7'-N' Number of Stories and Heiqht 2. __, "'"--' .L .... 25, 1 . ---,~, 1 -10 1 Basic.Allowable Area I Z 000 ( /2..2.J 7,5oofH4) 8 coo {&2.) P.,,-,,:v:, CEZ-'> Increases For Multi-Stories 12.,000 - For Yards ~ Feet On;/( Sides \ \ ojf'J 7-;--Z, oJo For Sorinklers )(2.. - Total Allowable Area c::.1 Cfoo \r1 ?&:;·P, Actual Area Total 51 q/'Y') Io. ":2. i::: fl> . inn c:::c::o A~ea Separation Walls Yes (Nc;) Yes (No) Yes mo\ Yes lfro) Yes No Over Area Yes rno'l y·es !No) Yes {No) Yes 6io) Yes No Over Height Yes (No\ Yes tWo) Yes (No) Yes ~ Yes No Over Stories Yes (No\ Yes ~ Yes mo'\ Yes mo\ Yes No L.f7 I 5'1 Q l:p (e:.z.2 + 41310 (P..3J \. I\ [\t\ u..\ ti-s+ory (~f \)€,<I'\$} 1z., 000 )( Z. 'l< 2. c:i,100 ,,c Z '>< 2. (mLL!+;) l'.srr) (1Y>u.H-i) C-sf'l'J Z.(q, $'10 (e:.2-2 t ~. '310 lA'3) :: O."{O $i~le-s+ory • 121 ooe, ;< 3 C{J 10<.? ~3 ,~pl"') Cspr) ~ ya.rd!:. reruired.: J.L yo...<d..s ~ zq' ?.3 :: I zo 1'" 1-2.:, '.:: 2,, 20 1" T.zs 2. yMrJ..~ (2... LI 7 z.o+ -f.s :: 3 yo.l"'d.S e 2$' 2. C> t-l!s = °3> ya.rGt !> (!_. _3 4 I l..Ot "]; = q yo.ro..,e. C!.-z.3' Zo-r ~ := L{ y a.rd5 (!. z_ 7 I ~ 5"-~c..lr-1 ® 4fi. BUILDING AREA Provide on the Title Sheet of the plans the code justification for exceeding the basic allowable area in Table 5-C. Section 506 When a building has more than one occupancy, the area shall be such that the sum of 'the ratios of the actual area divided by the allowable area for each occupancy shall not exceed one. Section 503 As ~hown, the building(sl is/are over area for the Type of Construction shown. Table 5-C The total floor area of a multi-story building cannot exceed twice the basic area allowed by Table s-c after increasing the basic area, per Section 506 No single story can exceed the basic area allowed by Table 5-C plus the increases allowed by Section 506. Unless considered a separate story, the floor area of a mezzanine shall be included in calculating the area of the story in which it is located. A basement need not be included in the total allowable area, provided such a basement does not qualify as a story nor exceed the area permitted for ~.one story building. AREA SEPARATION WALLS Area separation walls may separate portions of a building and allow each portion to be considered a separate building, however, the area separation wall must be four-hour in Type I, II-F.R., III and IV buildings; and two-hour in Type II-one- hour, Type II-N and Type V buildings. Section 505 (ell Openings in four-hour area separation walls are required to be protected with three-hour fire-resistive assemblies, and 1-1/2 hour fire- resistive assemblies in two-hour area separation wal~s. Section SOS(el Openings in area separation walls. are limited to 25 percent of the length of the wall in each story. Section SOS(e) Sf· If area separation walls do not extend to the outer edge of horizontal pro- jections, (balconies, roof overhangs, canopies, marquees and architectural projections) and the projecting elements contain concealed spaces, the wall shall extend through the concealed space to the outer edges of the projecting el'ements. The exterior walls, and projecting elements above, must be of one-hour con- struction on each side of the area separation waTT'fo~distance equal to the depth of the projecting elements. Openings in the.one-hour walls must be protected with three-fourth-hour assem- blies. Section 505(el2 All area separation walls must extend in a continuous straight vertical plane from 'the foundation to a point 30 inches above the roof, but may terminate at the underside of the roof sheathing if the roof/ceillng is two-hour construction. Two-hour area separation walls may ter- minate at the roof sheathing.provided that: A. Where the roof/ceiling framing elements are parallel to the walls, such framing and elements supporting such framing shall be of not less than one- hour fire-resistive construction for a width of· not less than B. c. 5 feet on each side of the wall. Where roof/ceiling framing elements are perpendicula'r to the wall, the entire span of such framing and elements supporting such framing shall be of not less than one-hour fire-resistive construction. Openings in the roof shall not be located within 5 feet of the ar~a separation wall. Section 505(3) No openings in the roof are permitted within 5 feet of a two-hour area separation wall if parapets are not provided. Section SOS(e)3 N ----+----------·--·------------------------- _Area separation walls, which separate portions of buildings having different heights, may terminate 30 inches above the lower roof level, provided the exterior wall for· a height of 10 feet above the lower roof is of one-hour fire-resistive construc- tion with openings protected by three- fourths-hour assemblies. As an alternate, the wall may terminate at the sheathing of the l~~er roof, provided roof/ceiling elements, if parallel to the wall, are one-hour construction for a 10 foot width along the wall at the lower roof; where the lower roof/ceiling elements are perpendicular to the wall, the roof/ceiling elements shall be one- hour for the entire span. Section SOS (e)5. No openings in the lower roof are permitted within 10 feet of the area separation wall if parapet~ are not provided. Section SOS(el5 sf,. Show the basis for the approved fire- resistive construction elements for sfr. 5;. the area separation wall, parapet, and ceiling assembly if used in lieu of parapet. i.e. Item number in Table 43-A, B, C or U.L. Directory, etc. (Note that trusses require two layers of 5/8 inch Type 'X', 'per Gypsum Fire Resistance Design Manual, Item FC 5406) See the attached article, ·Area Separation Walls Revisited", and incorporate appropriate data and details on your plans. · Provide complete details of the area separation wall(s) to show compliance with Section 50S(e)l-S. Provide a note on the plans stating: •plumbing and conduit penetrations of the area separation wall shall be of copper or ferrous. No plastic pipe may penetrate the area separation wall.". BUILDING HEIGHT/STORIES Clearly show the maximum building height based on the definition in Section 409. Clearly show if the lower level is a basement or story, based on the . definitions in Section 403 and 420. Plot the finish grade (adjacent ground level) on the elevations and dimension the distance to the floor above for story determination. See definition of grade, Section 408. The height and number of stories cannot exceed that shown in Table 5-D. Show the code basis for the height/ , number of stories as shown. ,;. . ff'. ,ft. One additional story would be permitted beyond that shown in Table 5-D if the building is sprinklered throughout and the sprinkler system is not other- wise required by Section 506 (area) or Section 508 (substitute for one-hour). Section 507 Towers, spires and steeples shall comply with Section 507, exceptioo 1. FIRE-RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION Where one-hour fire-resistive con- struction is required, an approved automatic sprinkler system, when not otherwise required, may be substituted· for the one-hour construction. However, the fire sprinkler system shall not waive or reduce fire-resistive require- ments for: occupancy separations, exterior walls due to location on property, area separation wahs, shaft enclosures, corridor protection, stair enclosures, exit passageways, type of construction separation per Section 1701 and atriums constructed in accord- ance with.Section 1715. Section 508 Provide details of the one-hour fire- resistive construction. Include rooficeiling assemblies, floor/ceiling assemblies, wall assemblies, post and beam assemblies, etc. Maintain one-hour fire-resistive wall construction at built in wall fixtures and behind mailboxes, fire- exitinguisher cabinets, electric panels exceeding 16 square inches in area, etc. Section 4304(el Detail arid reference ICBC number or other approval for horizontal fire assembly using trusses. Section 4303(bl8 Detail how fire-resistive wall and ceiling protection will be maintained at all duct penetrations such as at bathroom and kitchen hood fans, laundry room fans and dryer vents. Also detail recessed light fixtures. Section 4303(b)6 Roof/ceiling and floor/ceiling assemblies must be of, one-hour construction, detail fire assemblies on plans along with their ICBC number or other I.D. number from the Fire-Resistive Design Manual published by the Gypsum Assoc. or U.L. number or item number from Table 43-C. UBC Detail water heater vents located inside fire-resistive wall con- struction or within fire-resistive shafts. Detail pre-fabricated fireplace flues within individual fire-resistive shafts and specify fire-stopping around fireplace.box opening. Section 4304(el I i } i ! I 1 { 1 l ® C~early ~de~tify l~cation and hourJy fire-resistive rating of vertical shafts on the plans. Provide construction details showing location of fire dampers and how fire resistivity will be maintained at floors and roofs Section 1706 • ® Note on the .. plans that elevator doors must be constructed and installed a). in the same manner as a one hour fire as~embly, even though elevator doors are not identified with fire labels. Detail column fire protection per Table 43-A in the UBC and specify column impact protection in garage areas per SEction 4303(b)S. As a minimum, show a 22 ga. steel jacket around each column to a height of · 3 feet above the ground for impact • protection. Structural members such as beams supporting more than one floor or roof must 'be individually fire protected. (Section 4303(bl6) Detail required protection. Clearly specify minimum thickness of walls and slabs to provide -hour fire-resistive rating per __ _ Table 43-B and c. Clearly specify minimum cover for bonded reinforcing at _____ fire-rated floors, _ fire-rated columns, _____ fire- rated beams. Clearly specify minimum cover for prestressed concrete tendons per Section 4303(c)J. Detail all plumbing and electricai penetration at occupancy, area, corridor or other fire separation walls as specified in Section 4304(e). Detail all furred ceilings as required in Section 4203. Show fire-retardant treated wood where necessary. Clearly label and identify on the plans the fire-resistive corridors, area separation walls, shafts, occupancy separation walls and floors, exit courts less than 10 feet wide and exit enclosures, along with their hourly ratings. Section 302(c) eft. ~3. ® s/. sp. INTERIOR WALL AND CEILING FINISH Foam plastics shall not be used as interior finish except as provided in section 1712. When walls and ceilin,g are require!l to be fire-resistive or non-combustible, the finish-material shall be applied directly against the fire-resistive construction or to furring strips not exceeding 1-3/4 inches. The furred space shall be filled with inorganic or Class I material or fire stopped and hot to exceed 8 feet in any direction. When finish materials are set out or 'dropped more than 1-3/4 inches from fire-rated walls or ceilings the finish material shall be Class I or sprinklered on both sides or attached to non-combustible backing or furring strips. Hangers and assembly members of dropped ceilings below a one-hour ceiling assembly shall be non-combustible materials except in Types III and v construction. Where fire-retardant treated wood may be used. All interior wall or ceiling finishes less than 1/4 inch thick shall be applied directly against a non-combustible backing unless it is· in accordance with an approved tested assembly. Provide a note on the plans with the finish schedule that, "Wall and ceiling materials shall not exceed the flame spread class- ifications in UBC Tabl_e 42-B." OCCUPANCY SEPARATION A ______ -hour occupancy ~eparation is required'between. occupancy and th~e----------- occupancy. Table 5-B, Section 503(dl, Tables 43-A, B, C and Chapter 43 Administrative and clerical offices and similar rooms need not be separated for other occupancies provided they are less than 750 sq.ft., less than 25 percent of the floor area of the major use and not related to an H-1 or H-2 Occupancy. Section 503(d) 9f· Provide -hour fire-resistive door assemblies in the __ -hour occupancy separation. Section S0J(c) The required three-hour rated occupancy separation between B-2 and B-1 occupancies may be reduced to a two-hour rating when the B-1 is limited to the storage of passenger vehicles, and the provisions of Section 702 are not applicable. Table 5-B The two-hour·occupancy separation may be further reduced to one-hour, if the aggregate area of B-1 occupancy within the building does not exceed J,000 sq.ft. Section S0J(d) A B-1 occupancy in the basement or first story of a building housing a group B, Division 2 occupancy may be classed as a separate building. The building above may also be considered a separate and distinct building for the purpose of area limitation, lim-itation of number of stories and type of construction ONLY if the following conditions are met: a. B-1 is Type I construction b. B-l/B-2 is separated by a three-hour occupancy separation c. B-1 is restricted to passenger vehicle storage, laundry rooms and mechanical equipment rooms (No storage, recreation room, etc.) d. The maximum building height does not exceed the limits in Table 5-D for the least type of construction The Type I Constru~tion is required to have protected exterior wall openings when located within 20 feet from a property line. Section 1803(b) All openings in floors forming a three-hour separation shall be protected by vertical enclosures above and below the opening. The walls of such enclosures shall be- not less than two-hour fire-resis,tive construction, and openings therein shall be protected by a one and one- half-hour assembly. Section 503(cl, Tables 43 -A, B, c. and Chapter 43 Structural members.supporting an occupancy separation must have the same fire-resistive rating as the separation. Table 5-B, Section S0J(d), Tables 43 -A, B, C and Chapter 43 No openings are allowed in a four- hour fire-resistive occupancy separation wall. Section 503(c) Openings in a three-hour fire- resistive separation shall be protected by a three-hour assembly, and openings may not exceed 25 percent-of the length of wall in the story and ·no single opening shall exceed 120 sq.ft. Section 503(dl, Tables 43-A, B, C and Chapter 43 A two-hour fire-resistive separation shall be not less than two-hour fire- resistive construction. Openings shall be protected by a one and one- half-hour assembly. Section 503(c), Tables 43-A, B, C and Chapter 43 A one-hour fire-resistive separation shall be not less than one-hour fire-reslstive construction. Openings shall be protected by a one-hour assembly. Section 503(c), Tables 43- A, B, C and Chapter 43 Occupancy separation wall penetrations ·must be either ferrous or copper and fire-stopped. Steel electrical outlet boxes, not exceeding 16 square inches per 100 square feet of wall, may be installed and shall be separated by a horizontal distance of 24 inches when on opposi-te sides of a wall. S~ction 4304(e). Fire-resistive floors used for occupancy separation shall have openings for mechanical and elec-trical equipment enclosed in shafts per Section 1706. Clarify that wiring within concealed spaces complies with Section 430S(e). Ducts penetrating one or two-hour occupancy separation walls must have fire dampers. A fire door is required for three-hour separations. Section 4306(j) 1cp. Usable space·under the first story, when constructed of metal or wood, 1ifs. 1rf,. .ir/s. u/o. shall be separated from the non-usable space, and the story above, as required for one-hour fire-resistive construction and the aoor to the usable space shall be sel £'-closing, of non-combustible construction or solid wood core, not less than 1-3/4 inches in thickness. Section 1703 Show the basis for the rating of the occupancy separation you propose, i.e., Item number in Table 43-A, 8, C: Gypsum Fire-Resistive Design Manual; U.L., etc. EXITS In all occupancies, floors above the first story having 10 or more occu- pants, shall have not less than two exits. Section 3303(a) Exits should have a minimum separation of one-half the maximum overall diagonal dimension of the building or area served. Section 3303(c) The maximum number of required exits and their required separation must be maintained until egress is provided from the structure. Section 3303(a) Where a required exit enters a yard, the yard must lead to a public way. Section 3301 Where required exits enter an exit court <·s.ee definition, Section 404 and 3301), the exit court must discharge into a public way or exit passageway. The exits from the exit court shall· comply with Section 3311 requirements for width, number, and protection of walls and openings. Basements require two exits. Section 3303(a) lf3. 1if;. u/,. Total width of exits in feet shall be not less than total-occupant load served divided by SO. Tributary occupant load from basements an~ stories above shall be per Section · 3303(b)· and the maximum width required fo~ any story shall be maintained. No point in the building shall be more than 150 feet (200 if sprinklered) from an exterior exit, horizontal exit, enclosed stairway or exit passageway, meai;ured along the path o·f travel. This may be increased 100 feet if_last 150 feet is in a corridor. Section 3303(dl (See exceptions) Double acting doors are not allowed when serving a tributary occupant load of more than 100, or when part of a fire assembly, or part of smoke and draft control or when equipped with panic hardware. Section 3304(b) Ex-it doors should swing in the direction of egress when serving occupant load of SO or more. Section 3303(d) See doors 2. 4(p; '2-1../ 7 , Exit doors should be openable from the inside without the use of a key, special knowledge, or ef~ort. Section 3304(c) [Note that exit doors serving 10 or less occupants may have a night latch, dead bolt, or security chain per Title 24 2-3303(c).J Exit doors should be a minimum size of 3 feet by 6 feet 8 inches with a minimum door swing of 90 degrees. Maximum leaf width is 4 feet. Section 3304(e) The net dimension (clear width) at door- ways should be used in determining exit widths required by Section 3302(bl. Section 3304(el. In consideration of door thicknesses, panic hardware, door swing etc., the required exit widths have not been furnished. See door __ 115 £/ea,rk, ,'rid il"~fe wh i'cJi dnnr'5 uJ ,' fl CQbJ_Qfu L..J.1'+-h ttii'~ _oron'-s,·nrJ. I I I ' ' -- ' ' i ) 1 ; ifs. 119 Regardless of occupant load, a floor or landing not more than 1/2 inch below the threshold is required on each side of an exit door. Section 3304(h) Doors should not project more than 7 inches into the required corridor width when fully opened, nor more than one~half of the required corridor width -when in any position. Section 3305(dl Revolving, sliding and overhead doors are not permitted as exit doors. Section 3304(gl A door may open over a stairway landing provided the door, in any position, does not reduce the clear area of the -landing, in the direction of travel, to less than one-half the required width of the stair- way. Section 3306(g) Minimum exit court width is 44 inches. Section 33ll(bl Change in width in an exit court shall be effected gradually by a guardrail at least 36 inches high and making an angle of not more than 30 degrees with the axis of the court. Section 33ll(bl Walls of exit passageways shall be without openings except exits and , shall have walls, floors and ceilings of the same fire-resistance required for the building, with a minimum one-hour fire-resistive construction. Exit openings in the walls shall be protected by a three-fourths-hour assembly. Section 3312(a) Ramps required by Table 33-A shall not exceed 1:12; other exit ramps 1:8. Ramps steeper than 1:15 shall have handrails as required for stair- ways. Minimum size landings and landing clearances must be provided. Section 3307 , Llnn,<. 11 Pi 2:2 ,L/ I _.,...--·-" '. Stairway width must be at least 44 inches when serving more than 50 occupants; 36 inches when less than 50; 30 inches when used as a private stairway serving less than 10 occupants. Section 3306(b) Section 330l(bl Seventy ~ight inch m~n~mum headroom clearance for stairways should be indicated on the plans. Section 3306(p). Note that this is from a. plane tangent to the stairway tread nosings. Stairway handrails should not pro- ject more than 3-1/2 inches into the required width. Trim may not project more than 1-1/2 inches. Section 3306(b) Enclosed usable space under interior or exterior stairways should be protected on the enclosed side as required for one-hour fire-resistive construction. 2 x@ 16" o.c. nailers. Section 33061ml (nl Landings should not be reduced in width more than 7 inches by a door when fully open. Where doors open over landings, the landing shall have a length of not'less than 5 feet., Section 3306(gl and Section 3304(hl $,uif" -;t:;' l Stairways from upper levels which extend below the level from which eqress from the building is provided, shall have an approved barrier to preclude exiting into such lower levels. Section 3306(hl, 3309(el Vertical distances between stairway landings are limited to 12 feet.· Section 3306(il All interior stairways and ramps shall be enclosed. An enclosure is not required if serving only one adjacent floor and not con- nected to stairs or corridors serving other floors. Section 3309(a) Stairway riser must be 4 inches minimum and 7-1/2 inches maximum and minimum run shall be 10 inches except in winding, circular or spiral stairways. Section 33061-c) r I i ! ! )' \ Winding and spiral stairways are permitted only in residential occupancies. Section 3306(dl ~tairways should be enclosed as specified in Section 3309: a. Two-hour fire-resistive walls are required in buildings of Type I and It-F.R. Construction, and in all buildings over four stories, and one-hour elsewhere. b. Only exit doors are allowed to open into exit e~closu~~~- c. Doors should be labeled one an one-half-hours or one-hour fire assemblies. d. Exit enclosures should include a corridor on the ground floor extending to the exterior. Fire-resistive construction should be as required for the exit enclosure, including protected openings. Only exit doors are permitted to open into the corridor. e. An approved barrier is required at the ground floor to prevent people from accidentally con- tinuing to the lower level. f. Usable space is not allowed under the stairs. Occupied floors more than 75 feet above the highest grade should have all exits from the building in smoke-proof enclosures. Section 3310(b) In buildings four or more stories, one stairway must extend to the roof. Section 3306(0). It must be in a smoke-proof enclosure in buildings over 75 feet in height. A first story as allowed by Section 702 shall be included in determining the number of stories when deter- mining if a stairway to the roof is required. Section 3306(0) l'fl- Handrails· are required on each side of stairways. Stairways required to be more than 88 inches wide shall have intermediate handrails. Stairways not over 44 inches wide may have one handrail if not open on both sides. Private stairways (l tenant), 30 inches or less in height, may have one hand-· rail'. Handrails shall be 30 inches to 34 inches above nosing of treads and be continuous and, except for private stairways, at least one rail shall extend 6 inches beyond top and bottom risers. Handrail ends shall be returned or shall terminate in a newel post or safety terminal. Section 3306(j) The handgrip portion of all handrails shall be not less than 1-1/4 inches nor more than 2 inches in cross-sectional dimension. Handrails projecting Jrom walls shall have at least 1-1/2 inches between the wall and the handrail. Section 3306(j) Every stairway landing shall have a dimension, measured in the direction of travel, at least equal to the required stairway width. Section 3306(g) Openings in the exterior wall below or __ within 10 feet horizontally of an exterior exit stairway in buildings over two stories shall be protected by a self-closing assembly having a three-fourths-hour rating, unless two separate exterior stairways serve an exterior exit balcony. Section 3306(1) CORRIDORS Corridors, and exterior exit balconies, serving 10 or more occupants must be a minimum 44 inches wide and 7 feet high to the lowest projection. Section 3305(b) . . ., When a corridor or exterior exit balcony is accessible to the handicapped, changes in elevation shall be made by means of a ramp. Section 3305(fl 1¢. Corridors serving 30 or 110re occupants shall have walls and ceilings of one- hour construction except: a. Corridors greater than 30 feet wide when the occupants or areas served by the corridor have an exit independent from the cor- ridor. b. Exterior sides of exterior exit 'balconies. Section 330S(gl One~hour fire-rated corridors shall have door openings protected by tight-fitting smoke and draft control assemblies rated 20 minutes, except openings in interior walls of exterior exit balconies. Doors shall be maintained self-closing or be automatic-closing by action of a smoke detector per Section 43061b), doors shall be gasketed to provide a smoke and-draft seal where the door meets the stop on sides and top. Section 330S(h) Total area of all openings, except doors, in any portion of an interior corridor, shall not exceed 25 percent of the area ot the corridor wall of the room which it is separating from the corridor. Such openings shall be pro- tected by fixed, approved l/4 inch thick wire~ glass installed in steel frames. Section 33051h) Duct penetrations of fire-rated corridor walls and ceilings shall have fire dampers per Section 4306(j). Viewports in 20 minute rated corridor doors cannot exceed l inch i:n diameter and must have 1/4 inch thick glass and meta; holder that will not melt at l700°F. Section 330S(h) Provide a complete architectural section of t~e corrid~r, and.ex~erior exit balcony, show7ng all fire-resistive materials and details of construction for all floors, wall~, roof and all penetrations. · Section 3305(g) Ceilings of combustible materials cannot be_s?spended below the one-hour corridor ceiling. Section 3305(9) Corri~or walls may terminate at the ceiling only if the ceiling is an element of a one- hour.fire-resistive floor or roof system. Section 330S(g) 1~. See attached details for approved methods of providing one-hour corridor construction. ® When two exits are required, dead end corridors and exit balconies are limited to 20 feet. Section 330S(el Exterior exit balconies cannot be located in areas where protected openings are required. Sectio~ 330S!il EXIT SIGNS Exit signs are required for exits serving an occupant load exceeding SO-. Show all required exit sign locations. Section 3314(al Show that exits are lighted with at least one foot candle at floor level. Section 3313(al Show that the power supply for exit illumination and exit signs is provided by two separate circuits. (Occupant load exceeds 50 in I occupancies, 100 in H occupancies and 300 in all others). Section 3313(b)l Show separate sources of power for exit illumination and exit signs. (Occupant load exceeds 999 in A-1, 500 in A-2/2.l, 150 in churches, 100 in I's, 500 in B-2 occupancies). Section 3313(bl2 The exit sign locations as shown are not adequate. ELEVATORS Provide notes and details to show the elevator will comply with Sections 5101 through 5105. GLASS ANO GLAZING Specify on the window schedule the glass type and thickness to show compliance with Table 54-A and B. Glass in doors or within 12 inches of doors is required to be safety glazing. Section 5406(d) Glass in excess of 9 sq.ft. with the lowest edge less than 18 inches above a walking surface shall be safety glazing or shall have a horizontal member not less than 1-1/2 inches in width and located between 24 and 36 inches above the walking surface. 11fo. A fire-retardant roof covering is required. See exceptions under Section 3202(bl Specify roof pitch, Roof pitch is not adequate for roof covering specified. Specify minimum pitch of ____________ _ Specify roof material and application. Specify ICBO, UL or other recognized listing approval number for roof mater- ials not covered in uac. Specify roof slope for drainage or design to support accumulated water. Section 3207(a) Show roof drains and overflows. Size drains per Appendix D of UPC. Section 3207 (al Show the legal basis to allow roof drainage to flow on to the adjacent property. Draft stop roof/ceiling area, attics, mansards, overhangs, false fronts and similar to limit area to 3,000 sq. ft. or 60 LF (9,000 sq.ft. and 100 LF, if sprinklered), Section 2516(f) B-2 and B-4 occupancies with over 50,000 sq. ft. of undivided area and H occupancies over 15,000 sq.ft. of single floor area shall have smoke and heat vents per Section 3206. Provide skylight details to show com- pliance with Section 3401 and 5207 or provide ICBO or other recognized approval listing. Provide plastic ~oof panel details to show compliance with Section 5206 or provide ICBO or other recognized approval listing. Show attic ventilation. Minimum vent area is l/150 of attic area or 1/300 of attic area if a least 50 percent of the required vent is at least 3 feet above eave or cornice vents. Section 3205(c) Provide a minimum 22• x Jo• (or 30" x 30" if equipment is in attic) attic access opening. Section 3205(c) FIRE EXTINGUISHING Fire sprinklers are required on any story or basement when the floor area exceeds 1,500 sq.ft, and.there is not·provided at least 20 sq.ft. of opening entirely above the adjoining ground in each SO lineal feet or fraction thereof of exterior wall on at least one side, or when openings are provided on only one ·side and the opposite side is more than 75 feet away. Section 3802(b) Fire sprinklers are required.in a basement if any portion of a basement is more than 75 feet from openings.~~ an·e~terio:i; wall. Section 3802(b) · Fire sprinklers are required at the top of rubbish and linen chutes'and in their terminal rooms. Chutes extending through three or~more floors shall have additional sprinkler' heads installed within such chutes at alternate floors. Sprinkler heads shall be accessible for servicing, Section 3802(bl Fire sprinklers are required in retail sales rooms where the floor area exceeds 12,000 sq.ft. on any floor or 24,000 sq.ft, on all floors. Section 3802 Prov~df. fire sprinkle':i;s.....,i.J.n..!--'-'-'..._-"-'"'-"~~ Mo...1Y\~ e.1\0,,Y\C. \A-\ It Secti·on 506, 507, 508 or 02. See also Jurisdiction Ordinance. When serving more than 100 sprinkler heads, automatic sprinkler systems shall be super- vised by an approved central, proprietary or remote, station service, or shall be provided with a local alarm which will give an audible signal at a constantly attended location. No-1-e or\ pla..1'\S Provide class standpipes per Section 3807. A first story as allowed by Section 702 shall be included in •determining the number of stories when determining if standpipes are required. Section 3806 TITLE 24 HANDICAPPED ACCESS AND ENERGY CONSERVATION Provide notes and details on the plans to show compliance with the enclosoed Handicapped Access and Energy Conser- vation check lists. Ta.ble.. .; 1'13. 1-ja. FOUNDATION Provide a copy of the project soil report prepared by a California licensed ~ivil Engineer. The report shall include foundation design recommendations based on the engineer's findings and shall comply with UBC Section.2905. Specify c,,_n the foundation plan or structural specifications sheet the soil classification, the soil expansion index·and the design bearing capacity of the foundation. Provide a letter from the soils engineer confirminq that the foundation plan·, grading plan and specifications have been reviewed and that it has been determined that the reconvnen- dations in the soil report are properly incorpor- ated into the plans.(When-required by the soil report) The foundation plan does not comply with the following soil report reconvnendation(s) for this project: ____________ _ Provide notes on the foundation plan listing the soils repor.t recommendations for foundation slab and buiiding pad preparation. Note on the foundation plan that:MPrior to the contractor requesting a Building Department foundation inspection, the soils engineer shall advise the Building Official in writing that: a. the building pad was prepared in accordance with the soils report: b. the utility trenches have been properly backfilled and compacted, and: c. the foundation excavations, forming and reinforcement comply with the soils report and approved plan•. Provide spread footings for concentrated loads designed for 1,000 psf soil bear- ing or per bearing value as determined by an engineer or architect. Chapter 29 Show height of all foundation walls. Chapter 23 Show height of retained earth on all foundation walls. Chapter 23 Show distance from foundation to edge of cut_or fill slopes and show slope and heights of cuts and fills. Chapter 29 Note on the plans that wood shall be 6 inches above finish grade. Section 2516(c)7 Note on plans that surface water will drain away from building and show drain- age pattern and key elevations. Section. 2905(fl · rf 11'. Dimension foundations per Table 29-A •. -l"Of' T>tCKNIUOf' DU1>1HI.OW ---u. l'\DOM. WIOT>f(# lHICl!Ht:SS IM()tST\.11181.D -D ,_, l"00nOO O,l'OOn,Q QIIOONO aYTl<C UMT -· _, -..Cl l'OUMIATlOIO' c:0HCl!ffl ....._.. -· I ' 6 12 ,. 12 l I I u 7 1' 3 10 10 II I 24 Show foundation sills to be pressure treated, or equal. Section 25l6(c)3 Show foundation bolt size and spacing. Section 2907(e). Specify size, ICBO number and manufac- turer of power driven pins. Show edge and end distance and spacing. Section 306(f) Show size, embedment and location of hold down anchors on foundation plan. Section 2303(bl4 Note on the plan that hold down anchors must be tied in place prior to founda- tion inspection. Show adequate footings under all bearing walls and shear walls. Section 29071dl Show stepped footings for slopes steeper than 1:10. Section 2907(cl Show minimum 18 inch clearance from grade to bottom of floor joists and minimum 12 inch clearance to bottom of girders. Section 2516(cl2 Show pier size, spacing and depth into undisturbed soil. Table 29-A Show minimum under floor access of 18 inches by 24 inches. Section 2516(cl2 Show minimum 'under floor ventilation equal to 1 sq.ft. for each 150 sq.ft. of under floor area. Openings shall be as close to corners as practicable and shall provide cross ventilation on at least two approximately opposite sides. Section 2516(c)6 Specify that posts embedded in concrete shall be pressure treated per UBC Standard No. 25-12. Section 2516(cll ADDITIONAL CORRECTIONS City of Carlsbad Plan Check No. 85-65 212. The fire Marshall has determined that the prisoner cell portion of the Safety Building is an I-3 occupancy. Accordingly, Section 1002(b) requires the building to be of Type I or II-F.R. construction. Per a telephone conversation with Brian Watson, Carlsbad Fire Marshall only the prisoner cell portion of the structure is required to be of Type I or II-F~R. construction. Verify this with the Fire-Department. Section 1009 requires a fire alarm. 213. Specify the use of the room that door 116 opens into at the Safety Building. 214. For the 4-hour wall construction at the cells of the Safety Building, show that the walls will be solidly grouted. 215. Provide panic hardware at the exits from the meeting rooms and the fitness room, per Section 3316. 216. Conference room 262 at the Sa'fety Building has an occupant load greater than 30 (per Table 33-A). Section 3304 requires a one-hour coiridor for exits from this area. The corridor must also meet the pro- visions of Section 3304(e). 217. Show on the wall schedule on Sheet A-1 (and at 2/A-5, 4/A-5) that the gypsum wallboard will be "Type X." 218. Provide structural calculations and plans for the store front system and the canopies at the Safety Building, or note that these will be ~pproved by the Building Official prior to installation. 219. Detail the connection at the bottom of the guardrail at 4/A-12 to show compliance with Table 23-B. Carlsbad· Plan Check No. 85-65 February 28, 1985 220.--The plans are generally incomplete in that many sec- tions are without call outs. The plans should be resubmitted when complete. 221. Provide 1706(d). elevato:i:-shaft ventilation per Section 222. Provide the specifications for this project. 223. Specify the hardware to be used on the doors. Corn- 224. 225. I.,: 226. pliance with Chapter 33 of the UBC and with Title 24, Part 2 must be verified. Complete and jamb Clarify .Is this Clarify Section the door schedule by specifying all the head details. the amount of ammunition stored in the armory, an H occupancy? . the reference to a raised floor on Sheet A-27. 2-1752 of Title 24 requires the floors to be of a common level throughout. It appears that handi- cap acc·ess is not provided in these a1=e-a:s. 227. Specify the use of the mezzanine on Sheet A-51 (storage per the calculations). The following corrections refer to_page numbers used in the calculations: 228. Detail 6/S-l seems to show concrete fill in ·the flutes of the metal deck. If so, page 2 should be revised to reflect this additional dead load. 229. Show a W21 x 57 on line 11 per page 14 (FB-6). 230. Please clarify the remark on pages 24, 27, etc. that the section is not adequate for shored (unshored?) construction. 231. Provide calculations justifying the· size and spacing of the reinforcement in the pad footings. Carlsbad Plan Check No. 85-65 February 28, 1985 232.-The City of Carlsbad is located in Seismic Zone 4 .. The lateral analysis calculations must be revised for a "Z" factor of 1.0 (not 0.75) to be used in equation 12-1 of Section 2312(d). Because of the anticipated revisions to the calculations (the lateral loads will increase by over 30%), pages 55 through 117 and 133 through 146 were not reviewed. 233. Show on the plans a 3-inch, 18 gauge deck per page 56. Justify that this system has an allowable shear capacity of 990 p.l.f. Refer to the ICBO approval for the deck. 234. Even though the calbulations on page 57 show an allow- able diaphragm value which exceeds the actual value, the ICBO approval for the deck lists an allowable diaphragm value (deck plus concrete) which is less than the actual. 235. Provide calculations for the connections at the braced frames (welds, plates, etc.) Design per Section 2312 (j) 1.G. · 236. When investigating the precast panels on page 118, con- sider the provisions of Section 2312(j) 3.C and Section 2312(j)l.E. 237. If applicable, necessary equipment must be designed in accordance with Section 2312 (k). 238. Provide an addendum report from the soils engineer supporting 'the additional 5 p.c.f. E.F.P. for a 4:1 slope (per page 119). 239. Check sliding of the wall on page 119. Design the rein- forcing in the wall and footing •. Show the location of this wall on the plans. Show a drainage system behind this wall(and all other retaining walls) as recommended in the soils report. Carlsbad Plan Check No. 85-65 February 28, 1985 240. -show a 3-inch deck at the mezzanine of the maintenance· building per page 123. 241. For those panels on page 128 that do not meet the 1/25 · provision of Section 2614(c), provide a rational analysis considering P-delta, eccntricity, etc. Refer to Appendix 22A 0£ ACI 318 for a discussion on this subject. 242. Page 128 shows 2.8 kip reaction (horizontal) at the pilaster. Justify that detail 6/S-10 can resist this load (for loads acting either into or away from the structure). The detail shows slotted holes. 243. Page 130 designs a non-bearing masonry wall. Provide calculations for the masonry bearing walls below the mezzanine. 244. Revise page 130 for a "Z" factor of 1.0 (Seismic Zone 4 ) . 245. Justify that the epoxy connection at 18/S-10 can resist the moment calculated on page 130. 246. The soils report does not state that the passive soil pressure can be increased by one-third, as was done on page 130. 247. Show on the plans a 2-foot deep footing, per page 130. 248. Show on the plans a 3-inch deck per page 147. 249. The horizontal force on page 148 {680#) is greater than the resisting passive-plus-friction force {175# + 412#). 250. Show on the plans a 3-inch, 18 gauge deck per page 157. 251. Fill in the dimensions left blank on Sheets S-3 (line 6), S-11 (line 6) and S-12 {line 13). Carlsbad Plan Check No. 85-65 February 28, 1985 252. ··clarify the lateral restraint for the top of the masonry wall at 5/S-7. 253. Justify the adequacy of the t~be connection at l/S-7 to support the exterior wall. 254. Detail 4/S-10 references detail 10/S-10, yet 10/S-10 is not applicable to 4/S-10. 255. Specify the tie spacing at ll/S-13. 256. Provice a tie between the steel beam and the concrete wall at 10/S-14 for chord forces. 257. Specify the wall height at 17/S-16. ELECTRICAL 258. Specify the wiring methods you intend to use in each building. Special consideration $hould be given to the maintenance building. See Article 511 NEC regarding Class 1 locations. 259. Specify the type of wire and insulation proposed i.e. Cu-THW. POLICE & FIRE HEADQUARTERS. 260. Provide ground-fault protection on the main circuit breaker NEC 230-95. 261. The main circuit breaker must be rated 42000 AIC. Provide manufacturers specifications on the 1600 A circuit ·breaker with 42K AIC capability. 262. Show a 3/0 Cu or 250 MCM Al ground at the main panel. Ground to both cold water and "UFER11 is required. 263. Provide two exits from the main electrical room NEC 110-16(c). 264. Specify secondary ground sizes for all transformers. Ground wires must be connected to cold water pipe & "UFER." Carlsbad Plan CHeck No. 65-85 FEbruary 28, 2985 265: Provide ground wire for distribution board EDBA. This board becomes the main panel when switched to emergency power. Again, the ground.wire must bond to the cold water piping and UFER. Size this and all other ground wires according to Table 250-94 NEC. 266. Conductors must be protected against overcurrent in accordance with their ampacities as specified in Tables 310-16 through 310-19. Wire sizing provided in the feeder schedule on E-3 does not correspond to the overcurrent protection. Note: That wires serving equipment rated 100 amps or less must be sized using the 60°C range. Equipment rated 100 amps or less is U.L. tested and approved in the 60° range only. 267. Specify the types of transformers proposed and in- dicate how you intend to comply with Articles 450-3 (b) 1 & 2 overcurrent protection, 450-8 ventilation, 450-21 clearances to combustible walls. 268. Emergency exit signs shall be supplied by two circuits one of which is separate from all other circuits UBC 3312(c) SERVICE CENTER BUILDING 269. Complete the single line diagram, feeder schedule and panel schedules. See E-18, 19 of the plans. CAR WASH 270. How do you intend to provide electric service to the Car Wash building? PLUMBING 271. Provide plumbing sizing calculations for gas and water piping. Show pipe runs pressure fixture counts (or sizes). Section 306 of UPC 272. Provide trap primers for f1oor drains and sump. Section 707 of UPC. Carlsbad Plan Check No. 65-85 February 28, 1985 273. "Provide P & T value drain to outside (not floor sink). Section 1007te) of UPC. Note: No floor sinks provided at water heaters. 274. Provide a schedule of fixture symbols. 275. Clearly show type of materials used in piping. 276. Show slope on drain waste and vent systems. Section 407 of UPC. 277. Provide complete energy design calculations. All forms (1 through 7). (5, 6 & 7 not provided for main building only) No energy design provided for service center. 278. Provide a mechanically operated ventilation system for service center repair garage per Section 905 of UBC. 279. Provide conditioned air under positive pressure in offices connecting to garage. Section 905 of UBC. If you have any questions, please contact Kurt Culver of Esgil Corporation at (619) 560-1468. Thank you. USE Cells Sallyport Mech/Storage Fitness Recept. ~ub.Rel. Meeting Lobby Office/Misc Subtotal Lounge Mech/Storage Library Office/Misc. Terrace Subtotal TOTAL Repair Parts Office/Misc. Subtotal Storage Subtotal TOTAL Equip./Stor. Equip./Stor. ·FLOOR AREA 700 1,870 3,000 950 1,000 450 3,360 480 19,090 30,900 550 1,000 500 18,950 1,300 21,000 51,900 7,500 1,200 1,158 9,858 500 500 10,358 700 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLAN CHECK NO. 85-65 OCC.LD. OCCUPANT Fl\CTOR LOAD REMARKS PUBLIC SAFETY CENTER FIRST FLOOR 100 7 200 9 300 10 15 63 30, 33 15 30 15 224 is 32 100 190 598 SECOND FLOOR 15 36 300 3 50 10 100 189 15 86 Not included in floor 324 922 PUBLIC SERVICE CENTER FIRST FLOOR 300 25 300 4, 100 11 40 MEZZANINE 300 1 Assumed storage 1 41 VEHICLE WASH BUILDING 300· 2 EQUIPMENT ENCLOSURE BUILDING 550 300 . 1 ATTACHMENT 'A' area _. J I I l I ·1 • C TITLE 24: DISABLED ACCESS REGULATIONS AT EACH CIRCLED ITEM, NOTE THE PLAN SHEET THAT SHOWS THE CORRECTION. /"7\WALKS AND SIDEWALKS (SEC. 2·3323) \.::JI 1. Walks and sidewalks shall have a continuoua com• mon surface, not interrupted by steps or by abrupt changes in le\'cl exceeding ~ inch, and shall be a minimum of -48 inches in width. 2. Surfaces _.with a slope of less than 6 percent.gradient shall \)c at least as slip-resistant as that described as a medium salted finish. 3, Surfacrs with a slope of 6 percent gradient or greater shall be slip-resistant. . -4. Surface cross slopes shall not exceed 1,4 inch per foot. 5. Walks, sidewalks and pedestrian ways shall be ,free of gratings whenever possible •. For grati.ngs loc~tcd in the surface of any of these areas, grid openings in gratings shall be limited to ~ inch in the direction of traffic flow. 6. When the slope in the direction of travel of any walk exceeds I vertical to 20 horizontal it shall comply with the provisions for Pedc:strian Ramps. 7. Abrupt changes in lc\'el along any accessible route shall not exceed ~ inch, When changes in level do: occur they shall be beveled with a slope no greater than '1 :2 except that level changes not exceeding 1,4 inch mav be vertical. When changes in levels greater than'~ inch arc necessary they shall comply with the requirements for curb ramps. 8, Walks shall be provided with a level area not less than 60 inches by 60 inches at a door or gate that swings toward the walk, and not less than 48 inches wide by 44 inches deep at a door or gate that swings away from the walk. Such walks shall extend 24 inches· to the side of the strike edge of a door or gate · that swings toward the walk. 9. All walks with continuous gradients shall have level areas at least 5 feet in length at intervals of at least every 400 feet. 0 HAZARDS (SEC. 2-3324) 1. Warning curbs. Abrupt changes in level, except bctwce·n a walk or sidewalk and an adjacent street or dri\'cway, exceeding 4 inches in a vertical di_!Ilcn- sion; such as at planters or fountains located m or adjacent to walks, sidewalks, or .other pedestrian ways, shall be identified by curbs projecting at least 6 inches in height above the walk or sidewalk surface • · to warn the blind of a potential drop off. When a guardrail or handrail is provided, no curb is required· when a guiderail is provided centered 3 inches (plus or minus one inch) above the surface of the walk pr sidewalk; the walk is 5 percent or less gradient or no adjacent hazard exists. 2. Overhanging Obstructions: Any obstructions that overhangs a pedestrian's way shall be a minimum of 80 inches above the walking surface as measured from the bottom of the obstruction. (c.')PARKING (SEC. 2-7102) '-@ The following table establishes the number of handi• capped parking spaces required: Total Number of Parking Spa,es Number of Handicapped Parking Spaces Required 1 • 40 .•••••• 1 41 • 80 ••••••• 2 81·120., •• ,., 3 121-160 ••••••• 4 161--300 ••••••• 5 301 ·400 •••••• , 6 401 • 500 ••• , ••• 7 over 500 ••• , •• , 1 for each 200 additional spaces provided When less than 5 parkin11 spaces arc provided, one shall be 14 feet wide and lined 10 provide a 9 foot parkinc aru and a 5 foot loadin11 and unloading &area, Physic.illy handk:appcd parkin11 spaces shall be lo- c:atcd as nnr as pr:.u:tical to a primary entrance. If uni)' one sp,11:e is provided, it shall be 14 feet wide and lined to proYidc: a 9 fool parking area and a ~ Coot loading and unloo1ding area. When more than one spa" is provided in lieu of proYiding a 14 foot widc: space for each parking space, two spaces can be provided within a 23 root wide area lined 10 proYidc a 9 ruot piukin11 area on each side or a 5 f~ot luadini and unloading area in the ccntcr. The mm• imum leniith of each parkin111p11ce shall be 18 feet, .• /';'\ In each parking area, a 'bumpc:r or curb shall be pro- \..::;) \•ided and located to prevent encroachment of cars over the required width of walkways. Also, the space sh:all be so located that a handicapped person is not compc:lled to wheel or walk behind parked cars other than their own • Pedestrian ways which arc accessible to the physi• cally handicapped shall be provided from each such parking space to rcaltcd facilities, incluc!jng curb cuts or r~mps as needed. Ramps shall not encroach into an_y parking space. EXCEPTIONS: 1. Ramps located at the front of physically handicapped parking spaces may encroach into the length of such spaces when such i:ncroachment docs not limit a handicapped person's capability to leave or enter their vehicle thus providing equivalent facilitation. r"i't Surface slopes of parking spaces for the physically \.:;> handicapped shall not exceed ¼ inch per foot in any direction, · /. Entrances to and vertical clearances within parking structures shall have a minimum vertical clearance of 8 feet 2 inches where required for accessibility to handicapped parking spaces, 0 Handicap parking identification signs shall be provided as required by Section 2-7102(e) in the following locations: a, On the pavefflent within each required park- ing space b. At the entrance to the parking facility, • @SANITARY FACILITIES (SEC. 2-1711) . j. Where separate facilities arc provided for non-handi- capped persons of each sex, separate facilities shall be provided for handicapped persons of each sex also. Where unisex facilities arc provided for non. handicapped persons, such unisex facilities shall be provided for the handicapped. /'"';"\ Where sanitary facilities arc located on accessible i.....:::,; floors of a building, they shall be madc,accc~iblc to the physically handicapped. At ::e,Vfce bldci. j. Passageways leading to sanitary facilities shall ha;.;cla clear access width as specified in Chapter 33. All doorways leading to such sanitary facilities shall have: a) A clear unobstructed opening width of 32 inches. b) A level and clear area for a minimum depth of 60 inches in the direction of the door swin11 as measured at right angles to the plane of the 1nor in its closed position, and 44 inches where :he door swings away from the level and clear area. l"'l--. Multiple accommodation toilet facilities shaft have V the following: a) A clear space measured from the floor to a height of 27 inches above the floor, within the sanitary facility room, of sufficient size to inscribe a circle with a diameter not less than 60 inches, or a clear space 56 inches by 63 inches in size. Doors other than the door to the handicapped toilet compartment in any position may encroach into this space by not more: than 12 inches, b) A water closet fixture located in a compartment shall provide a 28 inch wide clear space from a fixture or a 32-inch wide clear space from a wall at one side of the water closet and a 48 inch long clear space in front of the water closet if the compartment has an end opening door ( facing the water closet), A 60 inch minimum length , clear space shall be provided in a compartment with the door located at the side. Grab bars shall not project· more than 3 inches into the clear spaces as specified above, c) A water closet compartment shall be equipped with a door that has an automatic cl_osing device, and shall have a clear unobstructed opening width of 32 inches when located at the end and M inches when located at the side with the door positioned at an an~lc or 90 dellJ'ces from it, closed position. Except for door opening widths and door swings, a clear unobstructed acccu not iess than 44 inches shall be proYided to water ,closet compartments designed for use by the handicapped and the space immediately in front 11/84 j. of a _,er doact compartment shall be not le• that -18 inches u measured at right anglea to com• partmcnt door in its doacd position. Single ~tion toilet rec:Uith• ah•ll hell• the following, There lhall be sufficient space in the toilet r00111 for a wheelchair 111eae• uring )0 inches wide by 48 inchce long to enter the r0011 and perooit the door to cloae. The water closet shall be located in• 1pac11 which provides a 28 inch wide clear space fr0111 a fix- ture or a J2 inch wida clear space rr0111 a wall at one side or the water clo~at and 48 inch•• or clear space in front or the water cloHt. /. In :an existing building a single accommodation toilet facility may have the water closet fixture located in a compartment which provides a dear spaoc of not less than 36 inches wide by •H inches long in front of the water closet. (i)crab b:us located on -each side, or one side of the back of the physically handicapped toilet stall or compartment shall be securely :ittachcd 3S inches above and p:uallcl' to the floor. Gr:a.b bars at the side , shall be at least 42 inches long with the front end positioned 24 inches in front of the water closet stool and gr:a.b bars at the back shall be not less than 36 inche~ long. The diameter or width of the gripping surfaces of a grab bar shall be l !4 inch to 1 ½ inch or the shape shall provide an equivalent gripping surface. If grab bars arc mounted adjacent to a wall, the space be· tween the wall and the grab bars shall be 1 ½ inches. /. A dear floor space 30 inches by 48 inches shall be provided in front of a lavatory to allow a forward approach. Such dear floor space shall adjoin or overlap an acccsiblc route and shall extend into knee 0 and toe space underneath the lavatory. Where urinals arc provided, at least one shall have a clear floor spaoc 30 inches by 48 inches in front of the lll'inal to allow forward approach. ~ lllere racilitiea for bathing are provided ror the public, clients or eiiployees, including showers, bathtubs or loclcars, at lea,t one such facility shall comply with the handi-. c~p access standards in Section 2-171l(j).Se(V!Ce-ESldq • ® 1/4 inch thick identification aymbols shell 0 be provided on doors to sanitary facilities. A lZ inch triangle far ...n and 12 inch dia- •ter circle for women ia required. /;) WATER CLOSETS. (SEC. P-1502) V 1, The height of accessible water closets shall be a min• imum of 17 inches and a maximum of 19 inches measured to the top of the toilet scat. Flush controls shall be operable by an oscillating handle with a maximum opera.ting force of 3 lb or by a remote low voltage button. The handle or button shall be located so they are operable without requiring r-\ excessive body movement. "-!.;,/ URINALS (SEC. P-1503) 1. Where urinals arc provided at least one elongated ' rim at a maximum of 1 7 inches above the floor is required. 2. Flush controls shall be hand operated, and shall be mounted no more than 44 inches above the floor. @LAVATORIES (SEC. P-1504) ' 1. Lavatories shall be mounted with a clearance of at least 29 inches from the floor to the bottom of the apron with knee clearance under the front lip ex• tending a minimum of 30 inches in width with 8 inches minimum depth at the top. Toe clearance shall be the same width and shall be a minimum of 17 inches deep from-the front of the lavatory. 2. Hot water and drain pipes under lavatories shall be insulated or otherwise a,vcrcd. There shall be no sharp or abrasive surfaces under lavatories. 3, Faucet controls and operating mechanisms shall be operable with one hand and shall not require tight Rraspin11r, pinching or twisting of the wrist. The force rr'luircd tn activate controls shall be no greater than 5 lb. Lever-operated, push-type and electronically controlled mechanisms arc examples of acceptable deshrns. Sclf•closing valves are allowed if the faucet rcmai11s open for at least 10 tcconds. ,, "1i:'-DRINKINC FOUNTAINS (SEC. P-1507) \....::) 1. The drinkin1 fountain shall be a minimum of 11 inches in depth and there shall be clear and unob• structcd spaces under the drinking fowllain not less than 27 inches in height and 18 inches in· depth, the depth measurements being taken from the front edge of the fountain. A side approach drinking fowitain is not acceptable. 2. The bubbler shall be activated by a control which is easily operated by a handicapped person such as a hand-operated lever type control located within 6 inches of the front of the fountain, a push bar control along the front of the drinking fountain, etc. The bubbler outlet orifice shall be located within 6 inches of the front of the drinking fountain and shall be within 36 inches of the floor. The water stream from the bubbler shall be substantially parallel to the front edge of the drinking fountain. 3. Where water fountains arc provided, they shall be 1'>.:~1cd completely within alcoves, or otherwise positioned so as not to encroach into pedestrian ways. · ©ooRS &: HARDWARE (SEC. 2-3301, 3303, ~306) 1. All primary entrances to buildings shall be made accessible to the handicapped. 2. Hand activated door opening hardware shall be centered between 30 inches and 44 inches above the floor. Latching and locking doors that are hand acti• vated and which arc in a path of travel, shall be aper• able with a single effort by lever type hardware, by panic bars, push-pull activating bars, or other hard• ware designed to provide passage without requiring the ability to grasp the opening .hardware. Locked exit doors shall operate as above in egress direction. Doors to individual hotel or motel wiits shall aper· ate similarly, except that when bolt and unlatching operation is key operated from corridor or exterior side of unit door, large bow keys (2 inch) full bow or l "4 inch (half bow) shall be provided in lieu of lever type hardware on the corridor side. Separate dead lock activation on room side of corridor doors in hotels or motels shall have lever, handle or large thumb tum in an easily reached location. 3. Width :and Heights. 1. Every required exit doorway shall be of a size as to permit the installation of a door not less than 3 feet in width and not less than 6 feet, 8 inches in height. When installed in exit dgorways, exit doors shall be capable of opening at least 90 degrees and shall be so mounted that the clear width of the exitway is not less than 32 inches. 4. For hinged doors, the opening width shall be mca• sured with the door positioned at an angle of 90 degrees from its closed position. At least one of a pair of doors shall meet this opening width require• ment. Revolving doors shall not be used as a required entrance for the physically handicapped. 5. Maximum effort to operate doors shall not exceed 8.5 pounds for exterior doors and 5 pounds for interior doors, such pull or push effort being applied at right .angles to hinged doors and at the center plane of sliding or folding doors. Compensating devices or automatic door operators may be utilized to meet the above standards. When fire doors are required, the maximum effort to operate the door may be increased not to exceed 15 pounds. 6. Construction. 'The bottom 10 inches of all doon except automatic and sliding shall have a smooth uninterrupted surface to allow the door to be · opened by a wheelchair footrest without creating a trap or hiizardous condition. Where oarTow frame doors arc used, a 10 inch high smooth panel shall be installed on the push side of the door, which will allow the door to be opened by a wheelchair footrest without creating a trap or hazardous condition, 7. Thresholds shall not exceed½ inch in height. 8. Where turnstiles arc used a door or gate that is accessible to the handicapped shall be provided within 50 fret. ,. fhere shall be• level clear area an each side or ., edt or pHHge door. Provide 60 inches elHr in the direction or the door ning and •• inches on the side oppoeite the door swing direction. ,._,eur-t, are ta be at right angles to the cloHd door. 11/84 10. The width or the required level area on the sid9 into which the door swings shall extend 24 inchea past the strike edge for exterior doors and 18 inches past the strike edge for interior doors. 11. The space between two consecutive door openings in a vestibule serving other than a required exit stairway shell provide a Mini...,. of 48 inches of clear space fra. any door opening into the vestibul~ when the door is open 90°. Doors into a vestibule shall swing in the same.direc- tion or they both shall swing away fra. the vestibule. /. CORRIDORS AKJ EXIT IIAI.CONIES (SEC. Z-J»-) 1. Corridor-s that sxcesd 200 feat in length shall: a. Have a •ini-clear width of 60 inches; b. Have at a central location, a 60 inch x 60 inch Mini-wheelchair turning/passing space; or c. Have at a central location, an intervening cross corridor (mini-44"); or · d. Have at a central location, an openable door which provides C011plying access to an area adjacent to the corridor. @ STAIRWAYS (SEC. Z-JJOS) 1 •. Handrails shall extend a mini-of 12 inches beyond the top nosing and lZ inches plus the tread width beyond the bottoa nosing. 2. The handgrip portion of handrails shall be not less than-1-1/4 inches nor 110re than Z inches . in cross-sectional dimension or the shape shall provide an equivalent gripping surface and shall have a S11100th surface with no sharp corners~ J. The upper approach and the lower tread of each interior stair and every tread or exterior stairs shall be marked by a strip or clearly con- trasting color, at least Z inches wide, placed parallel to, and not more than l inch from the nose of the step or landing to alert the visually impaired. (Applies to stairs with 2 or more risers). - 4. Open stairways are not per111itted.· Risers shall be sufriciently solid to prevent the passage of objects larger than 1/4 inch. 5. Tread surfaces shall be slip-reaistant and shall have SfflOOth, rounded or ct,.,fered exposed edges, The lower front edge shall be beveled or rounded. ,. Nosing shall not project 110re than 1-1/2 inch past the face of the riser below. J-RAMPS (SEC. 2·3306) 1. The slope of a ramp shall not exceed 1 in 12. 2. The top landings on a ramp must be at lc:ast 60 inches in depth. 3. If a door swings onto a top landing the landing depth shall be not less than 42 inches plus the width of the door. 4. The top landing shall have a width not less than its depth. 5. The top landing shall extend not lc:ss than 24 inches beyond the strike side of the door at exterior ramps and 18 inches at interior ramps. , 6. The bottom landing shall be not less than 72 inches deep. 7. Intermediate landings shall be provided at turns and whenever the change in level exceeds !0 inches. 8. Intermediate landings on straight ramps shall have a depth of not less than 5 '·O". Intermediate landings on ramps that turn greater than 30 degrees shall be not less than 6 feet in depth. 9. ~mps shall be riot less than 4 feet wide. 10. Ramps serving a primary entrance for an occupant load of 300 or more shall be not less than 6 feet wide •. 11. Handrails shall be placed on each side of each ramp and shall extend 12 inches beyond the top and bottom of the ramp • . U. Surfaces of rampa Jhall be slip re1i1tant. © nEVATORS (SEC. Z-510J) j. At least one elevator shall have• aini-in- aide car pietror111 of 6 fnt a inc:he• wid9 by 4 feet) inches deep with a -ini-cles~ opening width of 42 inches in buildings 1110re than three stories in height and in all buildings where elevators are required. Passenger elevators in buildings other than those required in No. 1 above and serving an occupant load or more than 50 shall haves Mini-inside car platforM or S feet 8 inches wide by 4 feet J inches deep. Doors shell be J feet clear •ide slide-type. /• Passenger elevators in buildings other than tho•• required in No. 1 above and serving an occupant load or less than 50 shall have a mini1111.111 inside car platfom of 4 feet 6 inches wide by 4 feet 6 inches deep. The door opening shall be at least C9 2 feet 8 inches clear width. All passenger elevators shall have handrail lo- cated Z feet 6 inches to Z feet 10 inches above the car platform. G Elevator car operation buttons need to be with• in reach of wheelchair users and of a type that blind or partially sighted persons can identify as required by Section Z-SlOJ(e) z.o. and E. ' fl. Wieelchair lifts, shall comply with Sec. Z-5104. f. REf1JCE AR~AS (SEC. 2-JJ02(g)) (f'IRE MARSHAL REGULATED OCCUPANCIES) 1. Every multi-story building where access is pro- vided for the physically handicapped shall have designated (signed) r00111s or areas on each floor to provide safe refuge ror the handicapped. Refuge areas are not required on stories opening to grade or with ramps to grade or in stories used only as service basements or only for park- ing. 0 TELEP~S (SEC. 2-171)) l. General. If public telephones are provided, they shall comply with Section 2-171J(a) through (g). f. ELECTRICAL 1. Electrical receptacles (lS, 20 and JO amps) shall be at least 12 inches above the floor. Section J-210-25 2. Switches and controls for lights, appliances, cooling, heating and ventilating equii:-ent shall be not less than ) feet nor more than 4 reet above the floor. Section J-JB0-8 J. l'ire slal'III initiating devices shall be 48 inches above the floor, ground or sidewalk. Section J-760-B.l Q. SPECiric OCCUPANCY REQUIREl'ENTS Chapters 2-6 through 2-14 have specific occupancy requirements for access in addition to the general requirements listed above. Provide notes and de• tails to comply with ____________ _ Re..:s±r=ms ct.)½\ :Sk.,cv,:x7 c.. +-::,uv14,... 1,2,u.;\d in_j ,:nu..:st comply w,·th 11/84 Date id/;Jz[f!5 Prepared by, Ku.ct: Cu..l.uer Jurisdiction G rbbad VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE o Bldg·. Dept. a Esgil PLAN CHECK NO. 8S-w5 BUILDING ADDRESS Im~ {a.. Qr. ( Rd:)l i's;, Sc .. £e,±y Ce f:)+er) . APPLICANT/CONTACT Dav,'cl R.uhriau. PHONE NO. 7,il. Cf-7 /1--llf BUILDING OCCUPANCY X-3/A-,;;),B--;;2 DESIGNER PHONE " '' ------ TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 7I--N spr: CONTRACTOR PHONE ____ _ BUILDING PORTION BUILDING AREA -VALUATION VALUE MULTIPLIER n+P1>.,,, ,,_, k Sr, I'") "::I:.,.,.,. 45.oo z Z51 35n J , Sa...\ \".-...-.r-\-I S70 \q,on 35 630 { I : .. , . 4 ' Air Conditionine Commercial r:::;n 030 @ z. S:Sr, IL/(), 081-/ I ; Residential @ - Res. or Comm. Fire Snrinklers 5\ qoo @ I. SO 77, f3:,Sa .I Total Value .:l. 50'-I 9,/J../ . . Fee Adjusted To Reflect 0 Eriergy Re9ulations (Fee x 1~1) OHandicapped Re~ulations (Fee x 1.065) Buildin'g Permit Fee.$ ________________ __.$.___...,c,_,-;-i. Y ~ ..... so~-- Plan Che ck F ee__:S::..._ ______ _,,.. __________________ $~_.4~) _,_I .:::2>;...Cf_._.5:::...13-- COMMENTS._•------------------------------- 8/4/82 Date s .ipz/85 Prepared by, I Kud-Cu&ec Jurisdiction Carbbad VALUATION AND.PLAN CHECK FEE o Bldg. Dept. a Esgil PLAN CHECK NO. 65-b5 BUILDING ADDRESS Xmoala.. /)r,. Cf>ubli'c. Serv1'ce.. Cenfer) ; APPLICANT/CONTACT ,Dcw,'d Ru bna.u Bur101Na occuPANcY H-4 IB-cx TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 77r--N . BUILDING PORTION BUILDING AREA \/~hi e,\e_, 1\/\n ~ VI +ll tl"\("cY'i£'.'.i" _ In '.<.S~ : -- Air· Conditionin~ Commercial ~ 3:30 Residential Res. or Comm. Fire Snrinklers Total Value PHONE N0.7q)9-7/'fL/ DESIGNER PHONE 11 " ------ CONTRACTOR PHONE ------- VALUATION VALUE MULTIPLIER L{L..j rn 4~c:; -, 5 d, - .@ 2,80. · r,., 5,Bn , ca - @ L{(o;z. 3 ~ ;;:i_ , fee Adjusted To Reflect 0 Energy Regulations (fee x 1.1) OHandicapped Re~ula~ions (fee x 1.065) B uildin' g Perm it fee. $ ·----------~----,-------*----'-+-'3 :f..Q. • 5 0 Plan Che ck f ee-"$'-------------.-----------------$-_ _..fi._7......._/ ._3....,_3,____ COM MEN rs_·------------------------------- 8/4/82 -I Date i.:?m /es Prepared bys l<ucf Culvec Jurisdictionwr/shad' VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE CJ Bldg. Dept. 11 Esgil PLAN CHECK NO. BS--(p S . BUILDING ADDRESS Im,2a.la. [)r. ( \)e.,hic\t . , APPLICANT/CONTACT l)q1Jid R½ k)Y)ctµ Wct56 b~-J .PHONE NO ._7.;..;~_,_fzj..i..-_ 7~/ 1/,._'-{..__ __ BUILDING OCCUPANCY __ is...:...-.;,:,e?-~----DESIGNER PHONE_11 __ ,, ___ _ TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION _Y, ...... ~N ___ _ CONTRACTOR PHONE. ____ _ BUILDING PORTION v ... J\,\'c.,\c Wa...c..~ S.-, u.i D, r I .. Air Conditionin~ Commercial Residential Res. or Comm. Fire SnrinkleI'.'S Total Value ree Adjusted To Reflect Building Permit ree. $ BUILDING AREA . VALUATION VALUE MULTIPLIER 700 ~on,~ Ji./ 010n . @ (cl - @ IL/ non . D Energy Regulations (fee x 1.1) .OHandicapped Re~ulations (ree x 1.065) $ Jo'L/.50 Plan Che ck r ee._~$ _______________________ ..:::,S_____:(o~7.:..• 9'-1,5""'---- C OM MEN TS'-•----------------------------- 8/4/82 ·:, .,. Dates z/zzlB$ Prepared by, ,¼Jr+ Cv_.l V e,r Jurisdiction Cad~ had VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE CJ Bldg. Dept. a Esgil PLAN CHECK NO. 85-~5 BUILDING ADDRESS Impala. L)r, (Medi. ~ Eke. E1 Llipme-Y\± Endosttre__ t:,I~.) APPLICANT/CONTACT WWO Ruhnau.· PHONE NO. 7o?9-7/L/L/ BUILDING OCCUPANCY f3.-,i), DESIGNER PHONE " '' ------TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION --Y.,.N 'CONTRACTOR PHONE ----- BUILDING PORTION E.n u __ in. En(" \r,<-.,\ I r'P r I Air Conditionine: Commercial Residential Res. or Comm. Fire Surinklers Total Value fee Adjusted To Reflect BUILDING AREA VALUATION VALUE MULTIPLIER c;i:::;n 25.CC) /-:Z., 75n @ ca - @ /.~ 750 D Eri~rgy Regulations (fee x 1.1) OHandicapped R~~ula~ions (fee x 1.065) . . B·uildin'g Permit fee. $ ____________ ......... _____ _,,.,_._..._,,_i../, '50 __ _ Plan Che ck f ee_S:__ ______ ...,...-,:-__ ..:...-__________ __.$__.(.._q7"'""-. q.,_5..__ __ _ COMM EN rs ____________________________ _ 8/4/82 -~. :- May 3, 1985 ~/1 ,0 ~~~ 4-i . CHECK ITEMS 183, 212, AND 225 Plan Check_ Item #183 The total area of the building (10,358.square feet) includes a partial mezzanine or loft. In this case, we would not require thi~.t the bdlding be sprinklered. We would, however, strongly recommend it. · Plan Check Item #212 It is acceptable to limit the area of Type II fire resistive construction to the holding cell area. Plan Check Item #225 Storage of small arms ammunition in excessof 5,000 rounds shall be within an approved Class II ma~ine. ~ BRIAN WATSON Battalion Chief fg . I _..,. •' /' ...!../ :L-'1 tR u U tu. ·u IV PLAN CHECK NUMBER f S--£;~ AD~RESS : . __ , . -~,k_D~e· ,.,_ • _ . e~ --: J:Ii '-ezveo PLANNIN~ TVP'E OF STRU~ ~± ~ , _ ZONE: . _ ) . , d: SCHOOL FEES: SAN DIEGU;;~ ----::rn!TAS ffB 4 • l9BS CARLSBAD ~\ ~ SAN MARCO-S --c-lt""""'Y._0_6_C_AR_L_S_BA0 ,I ·r I l ----\-,.:.,. .. ---- ·% COVERAGE BUILDING HE-IG_H_T ______ f) ..... -~---------- ---------------- FENC~S/WALLS ___ ~-~-~C)~"T"""'-or __ -___ _ ·-· TWO CAR GARAGE __ _ er.: ---~---It-.,.._ ___ _ Ll..J REQU·I RED SETBACKS _______ :_ FRONT ---..~-...,____,... __ ____ SIDE --i--j------;-....;-.,,'---- REAR......,...;1c-----,~+.;;:""-o:::::--..,........·- ~ UJ -UJ > 1- UJ < IX c;:l COMMENTS: .... _________ ,,..,.. ___________________ _ ·• -·-------------------------- \, •• ~P~Q [] REDEVELOPMENT APPROVA~ REQUIRED: .... ~"""""'~---------,,__----~- u~ . i.-i.u [] . UJ-. . -------~----·---------~~ --s~· o LANDSCAPE PLAN cOMMENrs; __ ~_-----;,.---------------------- .......... ..,_,... ___ ....,...... __________ , _________ _ ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIRED:-~~ . ~.,,----------........ ·------------ ;{)(_I ~ ~'4f-= OS -. PUBLIC ~!ORK$ INSPECTOR:_·-------·-----------·-- FI'NAL OK: _______ ....,_ __ _ DATE: ___________ _ * IF TH-IS HEM IS NOT CHECKED, BUH.DING DEPARTMENT WILL MAKE ALL INSPECTIONS (DRIVEWAYS, CURB CUT, DRAINAGE', ETC.') \j\ ._. ..Ji \J \_1 •. ~ ~, -{J) j~vt6i3" ~~ ~65 .. ~- ~-. ' \--. ~··. d-~A~. ~S,_, . A-~ ~q() I \ ... ' . ' i • '. ' .. J !: ' :. l ·. . . ' -' ~ ,,. . I "'1 t ~' .. ~. 1 } \ j \ \ \_ - I '! 1 - 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1989 TELEPHONE (619) 438-5523 PROJECT ••• Citp of Carl.tt&ab FIRE DEPARTMENT PLAN CH ECK REPORT PAGEJ OF_;_ ~, APPROVED )< DISAPPROVED PLAN CHECK# ,-,.-, -I; , '7 ARCHITECT-----------,-----ADDRESS _________ PHONE _____ _ OWNER · --·1 't'I' / (_-.. ,0'---1 _ __..C4 /.,. _(_ ADDRESS _________ PHONE _____ _ OCCUPANCY V ·:.;;.,._,, CONST. --.,.---TOTAL SQ. FT. ?TORIES -z._ __ _ ft(sPRINKLERED O TENAN~__._p_~ _27+1/_;:;_----'-?_. /-;!,/'----"-I--'-3=-----------,---------- APPROVAL OF PLANS IS PREDICATED ON CONFORMING TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AND/OR MAKING THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: . . -·'i PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND PERMITS __ 1. Provide one copy of: floor plan(s); site plan; sheets ___________________ _ __ 2. Provide two site plans showing the location of all existing fire hydrants within 200 feet of the project. __ 3. Provide specifications for the following: __ 4. Permits are required for the Installation of all fire protection systems (sprinklers, stand pipes, dry chemical, halon, CO2, alarms, hydrants). Plan must be approved by the fire department prior to installation. __ 5. The business owner shall complete a building information letter and return it to the fire department. FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT __ 6. The following fire protection systems are required: .@ Automatic fire sprinklers (Design Criteria: ~---"',,t,.....,'---'-,1'"""'~./ ___ .,.._/_:,,,__ '---·~·{1 ______________ ) D Dry Chemical, Halon, CO2 (Location: ) D Stand Pipes (Type: ) ,,.,.car Fire Alarm (Type/Location: . .::...,,,.,.,-:;;b-~,.._·t:::oc.,._-f _ ) __ 7. Fire Extinguisher Requirements: o One 2A rated ABC extinguisher for each ___ sq.ft. or portion thereof with a travel distance to the nearest extinguisher not to exceed 75 feet of travel. D An extinguisher with a minimum rating of to be located: D Other=----------------------~------------ --8. Additional fire hydrant(s) shall be provided----------------------- EXITS __ 9. Exit doors shall be openable from the Inside without the use of a key or any special knowledge or effort. __ 10. A sign stating, " This door to remain unlocked during business hours" shall be placed above-the main exit and doors----------------------------------- __ 11. EXIT signs (6" x ¾" letters) shall be placed over all required exists and directional signs located as necessary to clearly Indicate the location of exit doors. GENERAL __ 12. Storage, dispensing or use of any flammable or combustible llqulds, flammable liquids, flammable gases and hazardous chemicals shall comply with Uniform Fire Code. _13. Bulldlng(s) not approved for high plled combustible stock. Storage In closely packe'd piles shall not exceed 15 feet In height, 12 feet on pallets or In racks and 6 feet for tires, plastics and some flammable liquids. If high stock pil- ing Is to be done, comply with Uniform Fire Code, Article 81. ' .:J-14. Additional Requirements. ----------------------------- /)__ /) I I I ,I, ,,-.,..,, ' "' ~· 1-/ .J' V ./ l (t ' ,, ., y,, / •; , • ...-f ·' 'ti ' / "".;· . ., . ... .. / ')( -:{ .-·· L,.r.1. /.Jt'~ ,r/1.,... ., I:' ~ ,-;~ I}. r ,' 1/1 __ 15. Comply with regulatlo~~-~~ ~tt~ch~d 'ee~(s). ,._:: · 1/' / _/_ .. Plan Examiner --• I,,,,,!'-,. < Date _________ _ Report malled to architect ___ Met with ________________ _ __ Attach to Phms ' .l / • 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1989 Citp of Carl.~bab PURCHASING DEPARTMENT () March 8, 1985 ADDENDUM NO. 1 PROJECT: PUBLIC SAFETY AND SERVICE CENTER _ • BID PACKAGE NO. 2 -STRUCTURAL STEEL AND M?r/f/f!" This addendum, receipt acknowledged, must be attached to proposal form when bid is submitted. I acknowledge receipt of Addendum No. J Bidder's Signature TELEPHONE (619) 438-560 ,_,_ .. ,., > • --. Architects Planners RUHNAU McGAVIN RUHNAU/ASSOC/ATES 3775 Tenth Street Riverside, CA 92501-3669 7141684-4664 March 7, 1985 1207 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-1995 6191729-7144 : ADDENDUM NO. l (Bid Package No. 2) To the Contract Documents for THE CITY OF CARLSBAD PUBLIC SAFETY AND SERVICE CENTER Contract No. 3006 Bid Packa·ge--No. 2 for Structural Steel and Metal Deck for CITY OF ·CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Notice to Bidders All work affected by the following provisions shall conform to the plans and specifications for the City of Carlsbad Public Safety and Service Center and Bid Package No. 2 for Structural Steel & Metal Deck. Delete; or modify each of the following items wherever appearing on drawings, and/or· in any section of the specifications. Acknowledge. receipt of Addendum No. l in the space provided on the Contractor's Proposal. Failure to do so may subject bidder to disqualification. DRAWINGS: Item No. 1 : Sheet S-1: Incorporate attached Sheet No. 101, dated 3/6/85, into drawings. Item No. 2: Sheet S-1: Incorporate attached Sheet No. 102, dated 3/6/85, into drawings. Item No. 3: Sheet S-2: Incorporate attached Sheet No. 103, dated 3/6/85, into drawings. Item No. 4: Shee.t S-3: Incorporate attached dated 3/6/85, into drawings. Sheet No. 104, Item No. 5: Sheet S-3: Incorporate attached Sheet No. 105, " dated 3/6/85, ·;nto drawings. Item No. 6: Sheet S-6: Incorporate attached Sheet No. 106, dated 36/85, into drawings .. lR J Herman 0. Ruhnau, F.A.l.7. / David Ruhnau, Al.A. .,'\. Gary L McGavm, A.I.A. . · "1 I' . t..,.\ *q --r\ RUHNAU McGAVIN RUHNAU!ASSCXIATES l ADDENDUM No. l ·' Page 2 ........ ~,, .... .•. ·v~ _,. DRAWINGS (Conttnued} Item No. 7: Sheet S-7: Incorporate attached Sheet No. 107, dated 3/6/85, into drawings. Item No. 8: Sheet S-7: Incorporate attach~d Sheet No. 108, dated .3/6/85, into drawings. Item No. 9: Sheet S-7: Incorporate attached dated 3/6/85, into drawings. Sheet No. 109, Item No. 10: Sheet S-7: Incorporate attached Sheet No. 110, dated 3/6/85, into drawings. Item No. 11: Sheet S-7: Incorporate attached Sheet .No. 111, dated 3/6/85, into drawings. Item No. 12: Sheet S-7: Incorporate attached Sheet No. 112, dated 3/6/85, into drawings. Item No. 13: Sheet S-8: Incorporate attached .Sheet No. 113, dated 3/6/85, into drawings. Item No. 14: Sheet S-8: Incorporate at_tached Sheet No. 114, dated 3/6/85, into drawings Item No. 15: Sheet S-8: Incorporate attached Sheet No. 115, dated 3/6/85, into drawings Item No. 16: Sheet S-8: Incorporate attached Sheet No. 116, dated 3/6/85, into drawings Item No. 17: Sheet S-8: Incorporate attached Sheet No. 117, dated 3/6/85, into drawings. Item No. 18: Sheet S-8: Incorporate attached Sheet No. 118, dated 3/6/85, into drawings. Item No. 19: Sheet S-8: Incorporate attached Sheet No. 119, dated 3/6/85, into drawings. ,.. Item No. 20: Sheet S-9 :· Incorporate attached Sheet No. 120, dated 3/6/85, into drawings. Item No. 21: Sheet S-12: Incorporate attached Sheet No. 121", dated 3/6/85, into drawings. END OF ADDENDUM ~j\~ Ruhnau McGavin Ruhnau/Associates DR/ca 2-12-01 ADDENDUM #1, STRUCTURAL STEEL & METAL DECKING ONLY 1. SHEET REFERENCE: S-2 LOWER BOTTOM OF BASE PLATE TO ELEVATION (-)2 1 -6!" BELOW DATUM ELEVATION 0'-0" FOR COLUMNS 8-7, 8-8, D-7 & D-8. 2. SHEET REFERENCE: S-8 OMIT DETAIL 15 ~-.. ~-_,/ A' /~G.?f~~ -. S-95G. '-11 BR~NDOW a: JOBft-STON ASSOCIATES · co•aULTl•e •T•UC'f""'"L: CS3GIN&CCQ BID PACKAGE: NO. '2. • J!J te•o w. THIRD n. L08 ANasu.a. CALtl'o,.;..,A eoo,; · T&Lau-HONC ........ q, AIIIEA coo• aw:a &,AWSNC'UM -*P1, ~T~TU~~'lt:S'-,it ME.T>J... OECIC-ING O,.._,L.Y . · ,•t of Carlsbad revision acate .ii y t,.k?.e;c::AJ,...e. >ublic Safe_ty ~ Service Center Job no. date '2.I "2..0 t 6-6-SS Arch,tecta Pl•nne,a sheet no. RUHNAU McGAVIN RUHNAU/ASSOCIATES 101 . 3775 r,n11t Strffl · 1101ElmAv.~ R1-vt11s,ae, CA 92501 ·3~9 Carls~Jd CA 92006-1995 ,,, ""'' ,,,~, 1519 ~:q.nu MATERIAL s·PECIFICATIONS CONCRETE: ASTM C ~3 • SLAB ON GRADE EXCEPT SERVICE BLDG. & VEHICLE WASH fc•2000P.S.I. • ALL 0TH~R -fc•3000P.S.I. REINFORCING STEEL: ASTM A 615, GRADE 40 #6 AND SMALLER GRADE 60 ALL OTHERS STRUCTURAL STEEL: .. ASTM A 36 ASTM A 500, . ~STM _A 307 E')(CePTloN : MOMef.tr ~= COUJM""1S A-STM A':>7~. M, c::::es1c&NATeD * GRADE B ~ ~E~T 9 ·C#. STRUCTURAL TUBE: STEEL FASTENERS: & • .. HIGH STRENGTH BOLTS: .. ASTH A 325F . -CONCRETE BLOCK: . ,ASTM C 90, GRADE N-1 MEDIUM WEIGHT UNITS f'm = 1500 · :P~S-.f. x 0.5 (NO SPECIAL INSPt:CTION RE.Qµ IRED) METAL DECK; . . ,•• . .ASTM A 445 & A 525 . . . . . . . . . .. . TILT-UP. PANEL.. E:Ra::-110N rc:e°C?tJl~Met..JT: .. PORTION CF SH-SET S-1 ~~~ .S-!I~ ((.Ilg· BRANDOW .a: ji,'tirisTON Assoc1ATES CONeltl.TINe •T•UCTlt8AI.." ......... . . taeo W. THIRD ff. LOa ANGELES. CALIP'OltNIA 90017 TELl:PHONIE ....... so AREA CODlt :IIS ~ity of Carlsbad . 1 ~:ubUc Saf e_ty _& Servi"ce .Center revision job no. .Z.1'2.01 scale N06CAl.G date e,-<o-SS ---------------------------------..---.:~----;;;Ar.:::,C:h;:.:,:it•:.::;· ct;:..;1.P;..;.;l•;.;..;.nn;.;;;•='s _________ _.Sheet no. RUHNAU McGAVIN RUHNAU/ASSOCIATES 3775 Tenth Street 1207 Elm Avenue 102 R,vers,de. CA 92501-3659 Carlsb3d CA 92008-1!}95 r,,,68-1-Jfi6J 619 7?9-7JU . l1 . ,te-,, 'tfi'iJ . i L •. .J I L_-' I __ _... ,,-z -,l -() I ~- a I • I. ..... ---• - =9 ' CB ~ .Q ... ~ PORTION CF s·HEET S-2 ~G.~~ . >~'?5t:. • L.· I . : l _. --. I ~ r - r llli -BRANDOW a: jo'lfNSTON ASSOCIATES C O N a U L T' I N a a T a U C T U a A L S N • I N II II a D sa•o w. TH1110 arr. LOS ANGELE.a. CAL1P'011;.., ... •0017 TIELE.-HONI: •a.&.ae80 AIIEA CODE Zl:I f:!>ID ~~ .. Ho.~ N & ADDEif..J r;;;u M # 1 J "?T~TUl'2.AL. ~la=L-,t METAL. OEC~ING 01-J L-Y ~ity of Carlsbad . 'ublic Safe_ty _& Service Center rev saon job no. :Zl201 scale NO~LE date 3~-9-S Architects Planne_rs Sheet no. ==~::.:.;;.;.:;;;.;::_ _________ __ RUHNA_U.McGAVIN RUHNAU!ASSOCIATES 3775 Tenrn Street Riverside. CA 92501,3659 7" 6BJ·.,55,1 1207 ElmA~nue Carlsbad CA 92008-1995 519 7?Q.7/J4 103 1 y I i = 0 -· "'t" ~ ~ t-J )( ® (l ~ -Z,Z)r't7J ® @ ~ ~ " X 0 0 ~ ~ t4 '9 'l( w ~ =·~ ·lll n.. . 0 ~ ~ ~ X. )( X )t 0 Q Q 0 -~-~ 3: ~ .. Mi I I I I 0 i I 1't I I ~ ~ ~ I ,~ I I 11; r \{) . @ • ~ 0 (() ~ )( 'Z-'Z->' -v I I I _, ~ <O @ ~ w ~ ti tJ ..,. ")( ,c. ~ ~ 0 ~ ~--;a, t'-'. ti/#. l I: ·o • -0 ~ _, _, -~ ~ ~ ---· - ~ I -... •=- PORTION OF SHEET S-3 ~ity of Carlsbad . =>ubl-ic Sa.f e_ty _&. Service Center rev s1on Job no. ,zt~ol (\J \(} I ~- · f I )C.~ v " 11 ~ ~ ~ (9 1 I ~ ' ~ 'I( 'I( cO d.) 3: ~ N scale ND s::AL.e' Architects. Planners sheet no. ~=,;,:;,;,.,;==------------ RUH NAU McGAVIN RUHNAU I ASSOCIATES 104 377S Tenth Street . , 207 Elm Avenue Riverside. CA 92501,3659 Carlsbad CA 92008-199S 71',68!.·'66-' _ _. __ s,_9_??;2.·7.L4~-----.-,------, Q 'I. d) ~ II " 'l :t(\ ~ ---- @) @ Z~ "IZ M :" -: ~ -· f' Y. s: ~ ~ ·-. @) ·-'--... @vv )( rz. M . @) 1 -. t. S! tot -=d N :z:. . ~ ~ \9 ~ t .. ---·· @Q -· ® ~ -.( X @z-z; _,-: -vi M G\ ~ (..--·. (\ ~ ., ~ ti Al PORTION OF SHEET S-3 h~c4,e'c.. . . >-!15(;. lib B·RANDOW cl jo8NSTON ASSOCIATES CONava.TINe •T•UCTVa&1.: a11a111&&•• lllil 1e10 w. TN1110 rr .. LO& ANGELES. CAu.-011~uA •0017 =::!I TICLIEl"HONIC ····••ao AREA CODIE :a ,a ;ity of Carlsbad . lublic Saf e_ty _& Service Center rev s1on Job no. ~-Z.O\ .o-,~ . ® :z: IJ L ~ 0 .N scale No SC.AL..6 date a-~-es. Architect$ Pl•nn•rs sheet no. ~=~:;;.;.;.;,;;.;.;;._ ________ __ RUHNAU McGAVIN RUHNAU/ASSOCIATES 3775 Tenth Street R,vers,de CA 9250'1 ,3669 71 ,(. f,P,J .Jr.f:J 1207 Elm Avenue Carlsba.:J CA 92008-1995 li19 ~:iQ.7/JJ 105 t L c:," ~~~ZJ.. .~"' iii . _-4r1-'r--+--,-+- : DETAIL -..... PCRTID·N OF SHEET S-7 ~~~ . ~-,sc. BRANDOW a: JOSNSTON ASSOCIATES CONaVLTINe 8TaUCTlllla&L' SNalN&&aa . . . 1aeo W. THlftD ff,. LOe ANGELES. CALIP'OftNIA •0017 TELIEl"HONII: ....... so ,.IJtt:A CODE :11S V4 W~I -~,, 13 :)ity of Carlsbad . =>u:blic Saf ~_ty _& s.ervice rev1s10n scale ASN01et, Center jo~~OI d•J.:.~e!S Archit..:11 P/1nners •· Sheet no. :;;:.::.:::=;:.;..;.:=~----------- RUHNAU McGAVIN RUHNAU/ASSOCIATES 377S Tenth Street R,vei:s,de CA 92501-3$69 714 6fl.-1 .Jfi{i,I 1207 Elm Avenue Carls0ad CA 92008· 1995 619 729.71.14 . 1D7 ' .. ~. fi, etf\, 1'-c," . Efe,11 ft. >< ~._. ~ G!:NN ~ PLAN DETAIL ,-_J Y:z. # ~I f-F. fe. lOPef;eot PORTION OF SHEET S•7 ~~~-~A .··. s-~<;. BRANDOW • JO.lffiSTON ASSOCIATES '. c•••ul.TI•• •TaUCTlla.&,: a111alN&&ID• . . . 1eeo W. THIRD ff., LO& ANGELE.a. CALIP-OltNIA •0017 TltLIU'HONIC ........ ~ ARCA COOi: 21~ ;ity of Carlsbadl 1 ublic Safety & Service Center - Archit11et, Pl•nners RUHNAU McGAVIN RUHNAU/ASSOCIATES • 3775 Tenth Slreet 1207 Elm A l'l!lnue w~, revision job no. "Zl'ZOI Riverside, CA 92501 ·3669 Carlsbad CA 92008-1995 71 'i684-4664 619 729-llU -~ ... -i,:o ,..,.,,~ l "-~~......__,_, __ lr_,...,.. ... _ ,.,, ___ _._,,,,.. scale ASNDTeD date ;3.-b-i9S sheet no. 10B .. ' 'Zftt. ¼,-" co~ eem-,t ~~ ,:: .. ·-·.:·. .. SECTIO·N · ~, 15 PORTION CF S·HEE'T S-7 A._~~~/e. . S.-9.S-G.. BRANDOW A JO~TON ASSOCIATES e,1c, PAC~c=. ~-2- c-~--LTt•• •T•u•T•••~: ••••••••• . . •••o· w. THIRD ff .. LOa ANGELE.a. CAUP'0RNIA •0017 TELIEl"HOHlt •a4,8990 . ARIE.A CODIE &Ill ~ ,6..DD.S~t:'U~_-#1, ~T~TUrz.AL...~11:Et.. ,f METAL DECK.ING 0~ t...Y . ~1ity of Carlsbad . :>u.blic Safety & Service . -. . Center ·rev s10n job no. -z..rz..o, scale AS.NDTW date . '5-& -e,t; ArchitflCtS Planners Sheet no. ==~=,;;,;..,;;..----------- Rl,JHNAU McGAVIN RUHNA-U/AS$0CIATES ~09 3775 Tenth Str~I 1207 Elm A venve Riverside. CA 92501 -3669 CarlSbarJ CA 92008-1995 11,:68'·'66' 619 729-7144 1: T I 11, ,~-t;. s t=~~:::::;:;~==::::::--:--::~rrr~t-~~~::::;:;=t W~I ,-7 -·I· I 1· I I I I . f 11Cl-l'.,(1YP) :,,• : I DETAIL . --. PORTION DF. SHEET S-7 . --A~G.~ ht./, . s:-,&e. BRANDOW a JOSNSTON ~SSOCIATES =-alt?. P,AGl<,AGE= HO. 2. c••••LTINe aT•UCTV•AL:a•••••••• j IHO w. ·THIRD ff .. LO• ~Ql:LU, CALIP'OR~IA 80017 & ADOE:f..Jt'LJM .*1 J ?T~TUrzAL-~lc,E:L.. --+ METAL T1t1.EPHON1t •• , ... so · AHA cooa ass · DECfc:.fNG 0,-.JI-Y City of Carlsfuad revliion s~le S. r--JOre.O Public Safety & Service Center Job no. date ~ Zl'ZOI ~~-s ' . . . sheet no. Architects Ptann•rs . RUHNA U McGAV/N RUH NAU I ASSOCIATES 11D • 3775 Tenth Street '207 Elm Avenue Riverside CA 92501-3669 Carlsbad CA 92008-1995 71' pRJ ffifiJ 619 7:?9-71J4 ~= ~OTH~~lte, ~@t;4M, weea,L. &LOPIEPf'; +---;-~~- 'I+ It 11 + 11 + II + II .... 7 I I I I I DETAIL ~,, 17 PORTION OF SHEET S-7 A.~6.~~ -. 5~,54 lffljll BRANnow a io'iNsToN Assoc1ATEs · c·~·ULTIN• aTaUCTllaAL: ••-:•••••.• Heo w. THIIID ff .. LOa ANQICLE&, CALIP'OltNIA •0017 TELEPHONIC ......... o AJUtA CODE :ua of Carlsbad revision ~ity :1ublic Safe.ty & Service Center job no. ZJ'ZDI . Archit.cts Planners RUHNAU McGAVIN RUH NAU I ASSOCIATES ' 3775 Ttmtn S/rt,et . 1207 Elm Avenue R,verside. CA 92501 -3669 Carlsbaa CA 92008 · 1995 ll l-/684,1661 61~ 729-7111 ----------~, ... ·~~·-· ..... scale At;NOreD date g,-~·8'=- sheet no. 111 . ·, ' ~ f t,. X. oe-nt-f OF . . . CG'INN, It:. .. .... . . 1C) !;JM .. I "15 '!,)(~. ,-.e,~ ~M. ,. PLAN DETAJL · 1'' 18 PORTION OF SHEET S-7 . ~O~A° -S-!r5~ . ~l·D~HO.~-. i !II BRANDOW A JOHNSTON ASSOCIATES ce11a11LT111• eT•u•l'11••L: •••• •a&•• , . D 1uo w. TN••a ff. u,a ANO<LU. CAL,.o•~•A 000,:, · 'l'ltl:.EPHOHIC •aA.8890 AJltEA CODIC :US &_ AWE=Nt::i'UM .:#1 J ':5T~TUl'2AL-~11:.E:t.;;i i METAL. DECf'.ING 0/..JL.Y: ~ity o·f Carlsbad . »u-blic Safe_ty !'x Service Center revision Job no. zra.ol date -a-~-~ Arct,it.cti Planners Sheet no, ;;;.::.:.:.:=.::.;.:..;..;=;.;.;;_----------- RUHNAU M_cGAVIN RUHNAUIASSOCIATES ' 3775 Tenth Street Riverside. CA 92501 ·3669 71', 68.S ·'664 1207 Elm A v,M~ ·Carlsoad CA 92008-T 995 619 129.7144 _____________________ .. ___ ,... ____ .. _ ... _ ........... --·--··-. ~12 \ l I COL:· .. WEB . CONNECTION TO .. BEAM . .. . FILLET . CONN .. R... A325. -SIZE· . BOLTS WELD (min.")' THICKNESS ~;s11 . .:,~fe,'q,. .P/,(q II . . . Wice> J4 ll_ 7-Ya 11 cp .&/1G>. . Wf4 ·-. ----.. 1 n )& ~W~7 _ --~n -e, ~ 7/e/ 4' o/ia, ----- -. . . . MOMENT FRAME CONN.SCHEDULI; 1 -. . PORTION OF SHEET. s-a e,i t::, f,A,Cf<AG~ HO. 2 &{ AWSN t?L.J M _# 1 J -BT~TUfZAL S1E!: t.. .if; METAL DECKING OJ...IL-Y · ~ity of Carlsbad revision scale ' No S~L..1:::.. ~ublic Saf ~_ty & Service Center Job no. date . . 2./Zo/ s-C, •81:, Architect, Pl•nners sheet no. RUHNAU McGAVIN RUHNAU/ASSOCIATES --. - • 3775 Tenth Street· t 207 Elm Avenue 113 Riverside. CA 92501 ·3569 Carlsbad. CA 92008-1995 ... n,15a,1.,55, 619 729-71'' . w..a-- ' . Q '"T I -+ I ...., I I + I ~=~~~ +I I -t-I .MOMENT -FRAME CONN.-FLOOR ·:. PORTION OF SHEET s-a ~G~~ . S-5>$<: wlllil BRANDOW A: jo\msTON ASSOCIATES '.:\ .. :~· .. '._ C••••LT••• •T•u•T••~L:aa~!N&&OC . •••o w. THIRD ST~ LOa ANGl:.l.LS,, CALIP'O"NIA 90017 TELIU"HONlt •• , .•• ao ARCA CODI: a1s 010 PAC~AGe Ho.2- , ~ity of Carlsbad revis1on scale. =>ublic Safety & Service . . . Center job no. ZIZOI As ttlore:o date s-c:;;.-es Archit.cts Pl•nners sheet no. =.:::.,:.::=:::::::.;..:.:::.;:..:=.:.:,_ __ __,.. _____ ...... RUH NAU McGAVIN RUH NAU I ASSOCIATES 3775 Tenth Street · Riverside. CA 92.501-3669 11,, 68.f-4664 . 1207 Elm Avenue Carlsbad CA 9?008-1995 619 7?9-11',t 114 -, +1 +I +' I +1 +I +I __ j .. ) .. -.-M-OMENT :.,=RAM-E CONN.-FLOOR ____ _ NO ·11 SCAL.~ PORTION CF SHEET s-a ~C.~~ . s-,s~ BRANDOW A JO:misTON ASSOCIATES -. E510 ~C~l= Ho.:Z. . •TaUCT•aAL:aa•la&aaa . ' c••••L'l'a•• . . 1e•o W. THIRD ff,. LOS ANGELE&. c.tlLlr-0IIHIA 90017 TltLl[.pHONI: •a..a.a•N AREA CODI: JIIS L'.e;ADDSf.Jt:'UM *1 1 '8T~TUrzAL.~1a:L. 4+ ME-i~ _ : DECJc:.fNG 0~1-Y , City of Carlsbad _ . Pu-blic Saf~_ty ~ Service . Center rev s,on Job no .. ZIZot scale date a-h·es Archit•cts Pl•nners Sheet no. ;.;;.=;.=~;.;..;.;.;;...;._,----------- FfVHNAV McGAVIN RUHNAU I ASSOCIATES 377S Tenth Street R,ve1s1de CA 92501-3669 'Tr, nll.J .u;,~4 t 207 E Im A venue Carlsoaa CA 92008-1995 e;. r 9 -;,-;:9. 71 u 115 • ~JeeotJJJ· R-. NP.---+--.. ~~@ __ _ e0k-T5. sn... ~t-1., ~ PL.Af...l ---f-.,- • II+ II+ II + ·II 11+ II+ COJ...J)-.1. TH14:> 5101=--WHE.~f: occ:;:.u R.S BM/WF COL. WEB CONN.-F.LOOR PORTION_ CF SHE.ET S-B ~c~~ .. s-,5~ , · BRANDOW a JOih-tsToN ASSOCIATES -~o fAC~E=-r,o. 2. . . C •II• II LT IN e •Ta UC T II a.AL. SN• IN & & • 8 . . ·1a•o W, THIRD ff .. LOS ANGELE&. CALIP'OIIHIA eOOl7 TE_i..lEPHOHI: •••••• eo AREA cor;>~ a1s City of Carlsbad . Public Saf ~_ty ~ Service Center rev1s10n job no. 212.0f scale AS N.t;:'Tec date· e-a.-es A:::!.r~cll:itec::::,:t1~P:l•n:.:.:.::n•::.:.:rs:_ _______ __.1heet no. Rl.JHNAU McGAVIN RUHNAU/ASSOCIATES 3775 Tenth Street R,verstde. CA 92501 -3669 7r 4. 6RJ .1p;p;4. 1207 ~Im Avenue Cs1tsbad CA 92008, 1995 619 7-:?9-714.I 116 ' l . )· -" _, •. ; • I . .. : -.... __ -.......... .. .• -I PLAN 0) · $TI...COL.. PLAN© P_.LAN SECTIONS ~4." 16 PORTION CF SHEET s-a ' ~ • >-:;51,. BltANDOW & JO STON ASSOCIATES . t;?l t:? PACKA.~E /'-10. 2- ., . . 1eeo W. TMIRD ST-LO& ANGl:LE.a. CALlf'0"NIA •0017 Tl:Ll:l"HOHE ••-'·••.a ARU c001:·:ua & ADDi:iNPUM .°*1 J 6T~TUriAL..~1I:EL.. 4f METAL. I DEC~ING O~L-Y ::;ity of Ca1rlsbad :>ublic Saf e_ty !,. Service Center revision Job no. 'Zl"'20-I scale A$ ND-reD \ date : ~-a:,-as: Archit.cts Pl•nners sheet no. ~=~:.:;.;.:.;.::.:.=------------ RUHN AU McGAVIN RUH NAU I ASSOCIATES . 3775 Tenth Street . R,verside. CA 92501-3S¢9 71 'l684--t664 "207 Elm Avenue Carlsbad CA 92008· t 995 519 729-71'' ... -.---------·--------------------____ ,_ .. _,.,.,,,.-~ ------- 'I ,. r~ 6l.JfPT. ------=--_J 1uee:. 'NH~ a.c,u~ -~ MAN . ' . . . , f=OOTIJ--.JG f?f;:K ~) 5- I • .. q , • ca • • .. . (d. . . . .. m q . .. ~. . \J\ . . . . 311a..e ,-n~ se.e SCHSDUL.E= ·DETAIL PORTION D·F SHEET s-e ~~_i. -. .$-!)5(. e>I t::> ~~E Ho.a. llli B·RANnow a ,o-~TON ASSOCIATES CO N a U I.TI Ne e I' • UC I' W • AL', a N •. I N & & • 8 Hlil . •••ow. THIRD .-r_ 1.0• ANGELE&. CAL,,.o,.;,.,A eoo1~ ~ TELUHOHE •••·••IIO AR~ CODE :llll L'n.Ji..DOS...i~UM .#1 J ~TRU::TU~~1E.E:L-~ ME.TA!.. OEC,C..ING Ot-..lL-Y . ~ity of Carlsbad . )_ub-lic Saf e_ty _& Servi·ce Center rev s10n job no. 2.f'ZO( scale AS NDraD Archit.cts Pl•nners Sheet no. _,;:;;;=~=;.;;,_ __________ ___ RUHNAU McGAVIN RUHNAU/ASSOCIATES • 3775 Tenth Street . 1207 Elm AYenue 11B Riverside. CA 92501 ·3669 Carlsbad CA 92008· 1995 7"1684-4664 619 729-71" ~ . if\ • • -- ll: ~ I 1'I t1'1a/1 4> Ho[.ES . 10 PASS f(E:e,A~ TYP. -~- . .. . . 5YM. &APO~D· 1, 'OTI R ~WP=::, G' e,•o,c . .EA· _,.u.._ 51~0~ CC)L,., ENO~G~!5f1 J--f----+-+---i--WH~ o::ctlfi!:5- • • o· --, --,,.--t----...._-,n,::=-r.=:-----,----------,-~----.,.,..;..-r.-+,-~...,;;......;__ _ __, • ~ ' COT. OF <2,RADE eM. & Fla, Sf::c. FOUN~TION FLAN ELEVATION ... t'-«:,~ PLAN VIEW MOMENT FRAME COL.· FTG. Ho . :CALE 26 ~ -,~4 . /~ • ~r.tlllr.c.--. S-'5~ BRANDOW cl: J NSTON ASSOCIATES PORTION OF ' . SHEET s-e c•••v1.T1 ,.. •TaucT••AL: ..... , .. aa•• i • .. • t••o W, THllli> ff,. LOS ANGEL.Ea. CALll'"0IINIA •0017 TELIEl"H0NI: .&a,.a9S0 AREA C0Di: Zia . . &_A.WEil-,JP~M.-*1, ~T~TU!ZAL.~1E:E:L-i+ METAL. e,10 l°AC~E No.2. DE:Cf(:.ING 01-.Jt...Y ~ity of Carlsbad . 1 ubl.ic Safety & Service . . . Centet rev s1on scale Job no. ~'201 A'SNOTP-D date .a.~-es :;,:Ar.:::.:,Ch;,:.:;it•~ct:,:..S ;..;;Pl•;.;.;n;.;.;n•;.;.;rs ...... _________ .. sheet no. RUHNAU McGAVIN RUHNAUIASSOCIATES 377S Tenth Street Riverside. CA 92S01-3669 71',684,,664 1207 ElmA~nve Carlsbad CA 92008, 199S 619 729-7144 ---------------·· ------·-------... ,.., _______ .. 119 \ .. J ,,_ .. .. . i , f • i .. ?'. ''=' 1541'-4~-~~ fBM,WDet;\ . SECTION . .. . . .. . . . i.--· FU LL~DE:P'rH . STIFF/CO~N ft_ -@ _.·.· ¼" 23 -~6-r~ ... S-9-~PDRT_IDN. DF SHEET s-e BRANDOW &~J'6HNSTON ASSOCIATES ~_._ !3{D PACK.Aq-E NO. 2. c••·•1111.T1•• 8TaUCTYaA1.: ••• ,.·1111·•• -I t I r I IHO w. THIRD ff. LO• ANGELU. CALIP'Oft~IA :90017 Lh AWE:if.Jt:'UM # 1 ~T~TUl'lAL. ~11:.E:L-.; METAL. . TD.ltPHONE ........ o AREA co~a: ua ' DECJ'..ING O#,.JL.Y City of Carl.sbad ~ . Public Saf e_ty ~ Service Center rev1s1on -job no. '2.12.01 scale I\S J.1'7T"EO date ~. ti ·es ArchitKtl Pl•nners Sheet no. __,;,;==-=-------------- RUHNAU McGAVIN RUHNAUIASSOCIATES 3175 Tenth Strtte/" I 207 Etm A~nue Riverside. CA 92°501·3669 Carlroaa CA 92008·1995 120 · 71';584-1654 619 729-71'4 ... , ___ .. r ' t C I ,.,,~,1 co • ~ .-0 ·,c.1 ~ :I:) .. t '• j ~- rJ. .J ·t=· ··-··---ti II i ~ . .J i < i t ' 0 ~~ • .n l) I . i \ () ~ -· : 1' _, .i ·i~ ,.. ~ ~ ti i l ri~ \ =< ' @) ~ * ~~ • ~ 0 -· : II 1i !I) ® ~ t: @ • 00 . 0 ~ _, © N (\ od lJJ @) ~ LU ~ ~ ·o i JI z t- . " ~ ·< -· l • JI 't' 9 z C'6 ~ ~ i: .m J: ~ m ~ i ·--+-< . I LU \. ff . .:E I 0 <( -· ffi N (E ((\ . . JI :E 8 0 . ti 0 -· ::E :E 1; 1l ~ 0 ::E ~ -f. ·o . J\ ·o A -~ : l( -· ,~ .... Cl ,~ ~ I ' r·--~ .,, -.:. 11,-----.:---------------1-----L--~--........ ---____,;-------,---------_j___L Au~~~. s-,st; . \llln BRANDOW ,I: jQBNsTON ASSOCIATES . . c••••'-T••• •T•u•iru•aL: •••11t&1•• l!J , •• g w. THIIID. ff .. LO. ANatLDI. CALlrOIINlA eOOl7 Tl:LIU'HON& ........ eo AIIIA coca: u• City of· Carlsbad _· · -.· , . . _,s;;-----_ -· :::.;:.:.· :....:::::::.::::::::::·=::~:·::::l··-~ revision 1cal• Job no. 212.01 NOf:C.A.l£- date ~-(i:re,:E, i Public Safety_ & Service··center· . . . ,. Archit.ct, PlinMfl Shtel ftO, :.::.::.:,:::,::::.:..:;.:.::.:.;.:.::.:.----------- RUHNAU McGAVIN RUHNAU/ASSOCIATES 106 • ~, 1 j .,, 1• I .. Ill •} _, I I I I I :1 ·1 I .I I I I I I I I I I I ·> FINAL REPORT OF TESTING AND OBSERVATION SERVICES DURING MASS GRADING OPERATIONS FOR CARLSBAD SAFETY CENTER CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA For CITY OF CARLSBAD c/o KOLL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY San Diego, California By GEOCON, INCORPORATED San Diego, California June, 1985 j I IGEOCON I I I I ·1 .I. I I . I· 1· .I I I I I N C O R p O R A T E D ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS • CONSULTANTS IN THE APPLIED EARTH SCIENCES File No. D-2751-J03 June 17, 1985 City of Carlsbad c/o Koll Construction Company 7330 Engineer Road San Diego, California 92111 Attention: Subject: Gentlemen: Mr. Steve Mahoney CARLSBAD SAFETY CENTER CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA FINAL REPORT OF TESTING AND OBSERVATION SERVICES DURING MASS GRADING OPERATIONS In accordance with your request, we have provided testing and observation services during the mass grading of the subject project. Our services were performed during the period of March 28 through June 4, 1985. The scope of our services included the following: • Observing the grading operc1.tion, including the installation of subdrains and the removal and/or processing of loose topsoil and alluvial soil. • Performing in-place density tests in the placed and compacted fill. • Performing laboratory tests on samples of the prevailing soil conditions used for fill • • Preparing an As-Graded Geologic Map. • Preparing this final report of grading. General The grading contractor for the project was Templeton Grading. The project plans were prepared by Rick Engineering Company and are entitled "City of Carlsbad, Public Safety and Service Center," approved by the City Engineer on January 30, 1985. • 9530 DOWDY DRIVE • SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92126 • PHONE (619) 695-2880 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I File No. D-2751-J03 June 17, 1985 The project soils report is entitled "Updated Geotechnical Investigation for City of Carlsbad Safety Center, Carlsbad, California," prepared by Geocon, Incorporated dated September 12, 1984. References to elevations and locations herein were based on surveyor's or grade checker's stakes in the field and/or interpolation from the referenced Grading Plans. Grading Grading began with the· removal of brush and vegetation from the area to be graded and the material was then exported from the site. Loose topsoils and alluvial soils in areas to receive fill were removed to firm natural ground. Prior to placing fill, the exposed natural ground surface was scarified, moisture conditioned and compacted. Fill soils derived from onsite cutting operations were then placed and compacted in layers until the design elevations were attained. Excavated granitic rocks were placed in the deep fill area in the southeastern part of the site. The rocks were separated and compacted fill was placed around them. No "nesting" of rocks was permitted. The rocks were placed at least 5 feet below pad grade and 10 feet below street grade. 0ver~ize rocks were placed in a stockpile in the future ball field area. Near the close of grading the ball field area, including the large rocks, was covered with uncontrolled, nonstructural fill. Remedial grading will be required in this area prior to development. During the grading operation, compaction procedures were observed and in- place density tests (ASTM D1556) were performed to evaluate the relative compaction of the placed fill. Field observations and the results of the in-place density tests indicate that the fill has generally been compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction. The tests shown as "Moisture Tests" in Table II indicate fill areas containing a sufficiently high percentage of rock so as to make in-place density tests unreliable. A visual examination of these observation pit.s indicated that the fill material had been properly placed, that sufficient moisture was present and tha4 the rocks were completely surrounded by soil. The results of the in- place density tests are summarized in Table II. The approximate locations of the in-place density tests are shown on the Site Plan, Figure 1. Laboratory tests were performed on samples of material used for fill to evaluate moisture-density relationships, optimum moisture content and maximum dry density (ASTI1 D1557-70, Method C), expansion and shear strength cha.racteristics. In addition, preliminary R-Value tests were performed on samples anticipated to be at subgrade in the parking lots and streets. The results of the laboratory tests are summarized in Tables IA through ID. -2- GEOCON INCORPORATED I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I File No. D-2751-J03 June 17, 1985 Slopes Bo-th cut and fill slopes have inclinations of 2 .O to 1.0 (horizontal to vertical) with maximum heights on the order of 10 feet and 95 feet, respectively. The fill slopes were periodically backrolled with a sheeps- f6ot compactor during construction and were track-walked with a bulldozer upon completion. All slopes should be planted, drained and maintained to reduce erosion. Slope planting should consist of a drought-tolerant mixture of native plants and trees having a variable root depth. Large- leafed iceplant should not be used on slopes. Slope watering should be kept to a minimum to just support the vege-tative cover. Finish Grade Soil Conditions During the grading operation, building pads which encountered clayey soils at grade were undercut at least 3 feet and capped with granular soils. Similarly, our observations and test results indicate that granular soils were placed within at least the upper 3 feet of finish grade on fill lots. The laboratory test results indicate that the prevailing soil conditions within 3 feet of finished grade on each building pad have an Expansion Index of 30 or less and are classified as having a "very low" to "low" expansion potential as defined by UBC Standard Table 29-C. Table III presents a summary of the ind·icated Expansion Index of the prevailing soil condition of each.building area. In addition to capping building pads as described above, the cut portion of those pads which contained a cut-fill transition within the building area or contained hardrock at subgrade was undercut at least 2 feet and replaced with compacted fill soil. Subdrains Subdrains were installed at the general locations shown on the approved Grading Plans. The subdrains we-re "as-built" for location and elevation by the project Civil Engineer. Soil and Geologic Conditions The soil and geologic conditions encountered during grading were found to be similar to those described in the project geotechnical report. Point Loma Formation and Cretaceous-aged granitic rock materials were exposed in the cut areas. The enclosed copy· of the Grading Plans depict the as-graded geologic conditions observed. The approximate locations of subdrains andareas of rock placement and uncontrolled fill are also indicated. No soil or geologic conditions were observed during the grading which, in our opinion, would preclude the continued development of the property as planned. -3- GEOCON INCORPORATED I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I File No. D-2751-J03 June 17, 1985 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based upon laboratory test results and field observations, it is our opinion that the prevailing soil conditions within 3 feet of finish pad grade consist of "very low" to "low" expansive soils as classified by UBC Table 29C. We recommend the following foundation and slab design criteria for the proposed structures. Foundations 1. Conventional spread and/ or continuous footings founded at least 12 inches below lowest adjacent grade in properly compacted or dense undisturbed "very low" to "low" expansive soil may be designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure of 3,000 psf (dead plus live loads). Footings should have a minimum width of 12 inches. This bearing pressure may be increased by up to one-third for transient loads such as wind or seismic forces. 2. ,All continuous footings should be reinforced with at least two No. 4 reinforcing bars, one placed near the top of the footing and one near the bottom. 3. Concrete slabs-on-grade should have a nominal thickness of 4 inches and should be reinforced with 6x6-10/10 welded wire mesh. The slabs should be underlain wi.th 4 inches of clean sand and, where moisture sensitive floor coverings are planned, a visqueen moisture barrier protected by 1 inch of the sand cushion should be provided. Great care should be taken during the placement and curing of concrete flatwork to reduce the potential for shrinkage cracking. 4. Footings should not be placed within 7 feet of the top of slopes. Footings that must be located in this zone should be extended in depth S?ch that the outer bottom edge of the footing is at least 7 feet horizontally from the face of the slope. 5. No special subgrade presaturation is deemed necessary prior to placing concrete, however, the exposed foundation and slab subgrade soils should be sprinkled as necessary to maintain a moist condition as would be expected in any such concrete placement. Lateral Loads 6. The passive pressure exerted by an equivalent fluid weight of 350 pcf should be used to provide resistance to design lateral loads. This design value assumes that footings or shear keys are poured neat against properly -4- GEOCON INCORPORATED I I I I I I I I _I I I I I I I I I I I File No. D-2751-J03 June 17, 1985 compacted granular fill soils or undisturbed formational soils and that the soil mass extends at least 5 feet horizontally from the face of the footing or three times the height of the surface generating passive pressure, whichever is greater. The upper 12 inches of material not protected by floor slabs or pavement should not be included in design for passive resistance. 7. If friction is to be used to resist lateral loads, a coefficient of friction between soil and concrete of 0.4 may be utilized. Retaining Walls 8. Unrestrained retaining walls should be designed to resist the pressure exerted by an equivalent fluid weight of 35 pcf. This value assumes that granular onsite material will be used for backfill, that the backfill surface will be level, and that no surcharge loads will be acting on the wall. For walls with backfill surfaces inclined at no steeper than 4.0 to 1.0 and 3.0 to 1.0, active pressures exerted by equivalent fluid weights of 40 and 45 pc£, respectively, should be used. 9. For walls restrained from movement at the top, such as basement walls, an additional u~iform horizontal pressure of 7H psf (H equals the height of the wall in feet) should be applied in addition to the active lateral pressures given above. 10. All retaining walls should be provided with a backfill drainage system adequate to prevent the buildup of hydrostatic forces. 11. Adequate drainage provisions are imperative. Under no circumstances should water be allowed to pond adjacent to footings. The lots and building pads should be properly finish graded after buildings and other improvements are in place so that drainage water is directed away from foundations, concrete slabs and slope tops to controlled drainage devices. 12. Preliminary R-Value tests have been performed on a sample from the northern parking area and two samples from "C" Street (see Table ID). Additional R..,Value testing will be required when subgrade elevations are attained. Any additional grading performed at the site should be done under our observation and testing. All trench backfill material in excess of 12 inches in depth should be compacted to at least 90 percent relative compac- tion. This office should be notified at least 48 hours prior to commencing additional grading or backfill testing. -5- GEOCON INCORPORATED I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1· I I I 1· File No. D-2751-JO3 June 17, 1985 LIMITATIONS The conclusions and recommendations contained herein apply only to our work with respect to grading, and represent conditions at the date of our final inspection, June 4, 1985. Any subsequent grading should be done under our observation and testing. As _used herein, the term "observation" implies only that we observed the progress of the work with which we agreed to be involved. Our conclusions and opinions as to whether the work essentially complies with th~ job specifications are based on our observations, experience and testing. Subsurface conditions, and the accuracy of tests used to measure.such conditions, can vary greatly at any time. We make no warranty,·expressed or implied, except that our services were performed in accordance with engineering principles generally accepted at "this time and location. We will accept no responsibility for any subsequent changes m_ade to the site by others, by the uncontrolled ac-tion of water, or by the failure of others to properly repair damages caused by the uncontrolled action of water. If there are any questions regarding our recommendations or,if we may be of further service, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, N, INCORPORATED (6) addressee -6- GEOCON INCORPORATED I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1· File No. D-2751-J03 June 17, 1985 TABLE IA Summary of Laboratory Compaction Test Results ASTif Dl557-70 Maximum Dry Sample Density No. Description pcf F-1 Brown, Silty Clayey SAND 111.4 F-2 Dark brown, Clayey fine SAND 113.3 F-3 Yellow-bro_wn, Silty SAND 128.7 F-4 Yellow-brown, Silty to 116.3 Clayey SAND F-5 Dark brown, Silty to Clayey 128.0 SAND F-6 Yellow-brown, Silty SAND 126.3 F-7 Tan, Silty to Sandy CLAY 113.2 F-8 Tan, Silty CLAY 110.6 F-9 Tan, Silty CLAY 88.0 F-10 Dark brown, Silty to Sandy 113 .o CLAY F-11 · Gray-brown, Silty SAND 107.6 F-12 Brown, Silty SAND 109.8 Optimum Moisture % Dry Wt. 16.7 16.4 8.8 14.2 9.2 10.0 14.8 16.2 30.2 14.8 18.3 15.8 GEOCON INCORPORATED I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I File No. D-2751-J03 June 17, 1985 Summary Sample No. F-1 F-2 F-3 F-4 F-5 F-6 F-7 F-8 F-9 F-9 F-10 A B C D TABLE IB of L~boratory Expansion Index Test Moisture Content Before After Test Test Dry % %" Density pcf 14.0 27.2 96 .4 14-2 27.9 95.2 10.0 17.2 109 .8 13.7 24.7 95.9 9.6 17.2 111.5 10.4 18.1 108.2 13.9 36.4 96.1 14.1 29.9 96.1 30.4 68.5 79.0 23.5 59.5 73.6 14.2 32.1 94.8 27.0 70.5 68.2 10.1 17.7 109.3 10.2 16.4 109.9 9.9 16.1 110.8 Results Expansion Index 21 29 0 1 12 2 122 16 19.9% Swell (air dried) 149 76 189 0 0 1 GEOCON INCORPORATED I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ·1 I I File No. D-2751-J03 June 17, 1985 TABLE IC Summary of Direct Shear Test Results Dry Moisture Unit Sample Density Content Cohesion No. pcf % psf F-1 100.8 16.3 377 F-2 102.2 16.5 500 F-3 116.1 8.9 330 F-4 104.8 14.3 370 F-5 115.2 9.5 100 F-7 102.1 14.9 130 F-8 99.2 16.2 450 F-9 79.8 29.8 350 TABLE ID Summary of R,-Value Test Results Location "C" Street, Station 2+00 "C" Street, Station 5+00 North Parking Lot Angle of Shear Resistance Degrees 30 33 37 35 32 22 31 23 R-Value 24 25 66 GEOCON INCORPORATED -------------------- File No. D-2751-J03 TABLE II Sununari of Field Densit}: Test Results Date Test Elevation Dry Dens. Moisture Rel Comp Soil Type 1985 No. Location feet ECf % dr:t wt % of max & Remarks 3/29 1 South East End of Canyon 256 107.6 17.7 97 1 2 258 104.8 15.9 95 1 4/1 3 260 Moisture 18.1 Moisture 1 4 262 Moisture 18.9 Moisture 2 5 265 102.8 15.5 93 1 6' 267 97.1 21.1 88 1 Ck. ff 7 7 Retest of ff 6 267 Moisture 19.1 Moisture 1 4/3 8 South ·East End of Canon 284 117 .o 13.0 91 3 9 1 271 Moisture 18.8 Moisture 2 10 Slope Area South East End of Canyon 27.7 102.6 15.9 91 2 11 1 282 104.8 18. 7 94 , 1 4/4 12 South East End of Canyon 285 105.9 16.4 94 2 13 slth East 288 102. 7 17.() 91 2 14 Slope Area End of Canyon 286 101.7 17.1 90 2 15 South East End of Canyon 290 108.4 19.1 96 2 4/5 16 "A" Street Station 4 + 50 337 107.4 15.5 97 1 17 4 + 45 340 116.2 14.4 100 4 ~@ 18 5 + 60 336 114. 7 12.8 99 4 19 5 + 50 339 124.0 13.2 96 3 ~8 20 5 + 00 341 123.9 11.1 96 3 21 6 + 50 345 117 .o 9.9 91 3 ~~ ------------------- File No. n~2751-J03 TABLE II (Continued) Date Test Elevation Dry Dens. Moistur~ Rel Comp Soil Type 1985 ~ Location feet pcf % dry wt % of max & Remarks 4/5 22 South East End of Canyon: 393 116.3 8.9 90 3 23 South Canyon at Mid Section 298 105 .1 15. 4-93 2 24 1 313 109. 9 17 .4· 99 1 25 South East End of Canyon 303 114. 9 11.1 89 3 Ck. ff, 26 26 Retest of II 25 303 117. 2 11.5 91 3 4/8 27 "A" Street Station 4 + 51 344 121.5 11.2 94 3 28 "C" Street Station 1 + 00 343 113 •. 8 22.6 88 2 Ck. II 29 29 Retest of If 28 343 120.7 11.8 94 5 30 "A" Street Station 1 + 85 357 117 .o 10.0 91 3 31 1 4 + 91 343 129.0 12·.1 . 100 5 4/9 32 Slope Area South East End of Canyon 302. 106.9 16.l 92 4 33 South East of Canyon 296 108. 7 17.3 96 2 34 East of Employee Parking 349 121.4 10.1 92 5 35 "A" Street Station 2 + 01 356 117 .6 15.5 95 5 36 "C" Street Station 1 + 65 347 116. 9 11.7 91 5 37 "A" Street Station 3 + 00 352 105.9 15.8 93 2 38 Future Employee Parking Area 350 113.4 11.1 88 3 Ck. II 39 4/10 39 Retest of 11 38 .350 117 .5 10.0 91 3 ~@ 40 "A" Street Station 2 + 50 356 119.8 10.2 94 5 41 Employee Parking Area 357 117 .8 9.3 92 3 ~8 42 East of Future Employee Parking 352 118.8 12.4 93 5 43 "C' Street Station 1 + 60 352 118.7 10.l 92 3 ~a 44 Future Employee Parking 355 120·.o 12.8 93 3 ~2 ----· -------·-------- File No. D-2751-J03 Date Test 1985 ~ 4/10 4/11 Location East of Employee Parking Future Employee Parking "C" Street Station 2 + 00 "A" and "C" Street Intersection Retest of ti 47 TABLE II (Continued) Elevation feet Dry Deris. pcf 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 1 Street Bench South East Canyon Area 359 356 353 350 353 306 308 309 308 309 313 312 312 345 353 359 358 .354 359 122.1 118.6 113.9 122.9 115. 8 123.2 107.1 4/12 4/15 1 Retest of ti 51 Retest of ti 52 Southiast Canyon Area Retest of fl 56 "A" Street Station 5 + 30 North of "C" Street Station 2 + 45 East of Employee Parking East of "A" Street Station 1 + 80 "A" Street Area Station 3 + 45 Employee Parking Area Future Employee Parking Retest of ff 63 "A" Street Station 7 + 50 .t 5 + 00 355 359 342 348 Moisture 120.0 118.2 122.0 107.4 119. 9 126.9 116.1 124.5 127.8 123.2 115.1 122.9 119. 6 118.3 116.3 Moisture % dry wt 11.5 11. 9 16.8 10.2 12.4 11.1 6.3 18.8 8.5 11. 1 8.7 7.2 11.0 11.4 10.3 9.5 11.3 10.9 4.8 6.2 11.0 9.3 10.4 Rel Comp % of max 95 93 89 96 90 96 83 Moisture 93 92 95 83~ 93 99 91 97 100 96 89 96 93 92 91 Soil Type & Remarks 5 5 5 Ck. tf 49 5 5 5 3 Ck. ti 53 5 Ck. t/54 3 5 3 3 Ck. 57 3 5 5 5 5 5 3 Ck. ff 65 3 3 5 5 ------------------- File No. D-2751-J03 TABLE II (Continued) Date Test Elevation Dry Deris. Moisture Rel Comp Soil Type 1985 ---~ Location feet pcf % dry wt % of max & Remarks 4/15 68 Future Buildings 357 109.6 12.2 97 7 69 l 355 109.6 4·.1 86 5 Ck. ff 71 70 Future Employee Parking 359 119.8 10.8 94 5 71 Retest Of fl 6.~ 355 113.3 7.6 89 5 Ck. ff 72 72 Retest of 11 71 355 118.5 9.0 93 5 4/16 73 "C" Street Station 2 + 50 354 110.2 15.0 97 7 74 t .· 1 + 55 356 119. 9 10.2 94 5 75 "A" Styet Station 2 + 00 360 120.0 11.8 94 5 76 4 + 00 354 116.9 9.2 93 6 4/17 77 South of Service Center Building 364 118.0 13.3 93 6 78 ServiclCenter Building 366-116.6 11.8 92 6 79 369 112.0 10.0 89 ~ 6 Ck. fl 84 80 "A" Street Station 1 + 20 363 116.1 12.0 92 6 81 South East Canyon Area 311 117. 8 9.6 92 5 82 l 314 121.5 10.8 95 5 83 316 Moisture 12.1 Moisture 5 84 Retest of 11 79 369 119.d 10.5 94 6 85 South East Canyon Area .-315 112 .8 9.9 88 3 Ck. If 86 ;o. 86 Retest of 11 85 315 119.3 11.6 93 3 ~t?=.i 4/18 87 South 1st Canyon Area 320 113.4 9.8 90 6 ~8 88 316 123.8 . 9.0 96 3 89 Future Building Area 361 110.8 15.1 98 7 ~a 1 ·,. ~z ---------- ------------------- File No. D-2751-J03 TABLE II (Continued) Date Test Elevation Dry Deris. Moisture Rel Comp Soil Type 1985 J:!2-.!. Location feet pcf % dry wt % of mclX & Remarks 4/18 90 Future Building Area 359 108.2 17.0 96 7 91 Impala Dr. Station 2 + 80 364 121.8 11.3 95 5 92 Vehicle Parking-·Area 361 109.0 14.0 96 7 93 1 361 102.4 ~6.6 91 7 94 Future Employee Parking Area 360 104.6 16.3 92 7 4/19 95 South East Canyon Area 318. 109.4 15.5 97 7 ,· 96 321 126.6 10.6 99 5 97 353 104.4 16.1 92 7 98 323 Moisture 12.2 Moisture 6 99 325 Moisture 11.0 Moisture 3 100 323· 122.1 12.8 97 6 4/22 101 326 117. 9 11.1 93" 6 102 326 108.5 16.0 96 7 103 330 108.6 12.2 93 4 104 328 104.9 13.0 90 4 105 Fuel Cell Area North West 363 117 .4 9.2 93 6 106 "C" Street Station 2 + 00. 355 120.9 12.3 96 6 107 Service Center Building :365 120.4 8.1 94 3 \! 108 Vehicle Parking and Impala 363 109.4 17.1 97 7 109 "C" Street Station 3 + 05 356 108.7 15.6 96 7 110 t 4 + 10 360 115.2 11.0 90 5 ~a 4/23 111 Vehicle Parking North West 363 117 .1 8.9 91 3 ~z ------------------- File No. D-2751-J03 TABLE II (Continued) Date Test Elevation Dry Deris. Moisture Rel Comp Soil Type 19~.5 ~ Location feet pcf % dry wt % of max & Remarks 4/23 112 Future Buildings 362 102.2 14.5 90 7 113 "C" Street Station 1 + 30 357 110.2 16.1 97 7 114 South East Canyon Area 334 Moisture 12.2 Moisture 3 115 I 336 Moisture 18.9 Moisture 1 116 332 Moisture 13.3 Moisture 6 117 329 122.4 11.7 97 6 4/24 118 334 Moisture 14.9 Moisture 2 119 336 Moisture 13.9 Moisture 2 120 341 126.8 11.3 99 5 121 336 123.4 13.3 96 5 122 336. 109.2 18.8 97 7 123 '\V 333 109.0 9.9 85,. 3 Ck. fl 124 124 Retest of fl 123 333 123.4 10.1 96 3 4/25 125 Fuel Cell Area East of 362 116.1 6.6 90 3 126 Futurej;isitor Parking Area 360 109.7 8.8 87 6 Ck. fl 128 127 359 125.6 10.1 97 3 128 Retest of fl 126 360 114. 7· 12.1 91 6 129 Future Employee Parking Area 360 120.0 10.2 93 3 ~@/26 130 South East Canyon Area 338 107.6 17.1 95 2 \ 131 345 118.8 12.5 94 6 ~8 132 346 Moisture 16.4 Moisture 7 133 340 Moisture 10.3 Moisture 3 ~a 134 -...:.I 337 125.4 10.4 98 .3 ~z -. ------------------. File No. D-2751-J03 TABLE II (Continued) Date Test Elevation Dry Deris. Moisture Rel Comp Soil Type 1985 _.llih. ----Location feet pcf % dry wt % of max & Remarks 4/26 135 South East Canyon Area 347 107.3 13.1 92 4 136 342 117 .5 13 • .2 93 6 137 349 102.9 17.0 91 7 138 342 Moisture 15.5 Moisture 4 139 338 Moisture 9.4 Moisture 6 140 339 122.5 8.9 96 5 141 East of Service Center Building 365 94.0 25,0 100 9 142 Future Building Area 365 121.1 9.9 94 3 143 South East Canyon Area 339 113.5 15. 9 89 5 Ck. If 144 144 Retest of If 143 339 118. 9 11.8 93 5 145 Impala Dr. Station 20 + 90 354· 118.4 9.5 92 3 146 20 + 75 363 116.4 10.2 ·91 ~ 3 147 20 + 25 359 117 .6 8.3 91 3 148 20 + 78 357 117 .6 10.3 93 6 149 20 + 80 360 120.4 12.6 95 6 5/2 150 West of Assembly Area 347 116. 7 12.4 92 6 151 "c" Street Station 7 + 85 353 118.9 10.3 92 3 152 t 7 + 50 -3:59 107.5 13.0 92 4 ~@ 153 Impala Dr. itation 20 + 45 360 114.8 6.4 89 3 Ck. If 9 154 360 119.1 7.9 93 3 ~§5/3 155 "C" Street Station 8 + 20 355 118.6 9.3 94 6 ~ 5/4 156 Future Building Area 367 123.2 11.2 96 3 > >i 157 Future Visitor Parking 364 113. 9 11.4 90 6 ~2 ------------------- File No. D-2751-J1)3 TABLE II (Continued) Date Test Elevation Dry Deris. Moisture Rel Comp Soil Type 19~,5 ~ Location feet pcf % dry wt % of max & Remarks 5/6 158 "C" Street Station 8 + 50 356 115.8 9.5 90 t" _, 159 1 7 + 65 358 105.5 13.2 91 4 160 8 + 00 357 124.8 9.3 99 6 161 9 + 10 354 118.0 8.8 93 6 5/7 162 "B" Street Station 16 + 37 329 109.3 12.2 97 10 163 1 16 + 30 330 Moisture 9.1 Moisture 3 164 South EI·canyon Area 340 117 .6 11. 9 .93 6 5/8 165 . 337 118.2 9.0 94 6 166 338 101.0 5.0 80 6 Ck. fl 16, 5/9 167 Retest of fl 166 338 113. 4 10. 9 90 6 168 Future Building Area 365 126.4 7·.·9 98 3 169 South End of Wash Area 364 115.2 7.0 90 3 ~ 170 Mid Section of Fuel and Wash 364 112. 7 8.5 88 3 Ck. 181 171 Vehicle ~arking East of Service Center 367 121. 9 10.1 95 3 Building 172 South East Canyon Area 341 120.3 11.1 95 6 173. \ 345 103.8 15.5 92 7 174 349 Moisture 16.1 Moisture 4 175 ':343 Moisture 17.3 Moisture 8 ~@ 176 347 Moisture 16.5 Moisture 8 177 342 114. 7 . 11.6 91 6 ~8 178 345 Moisture 12.8 Moisture ', 6 .. ~a 179 347 Moisture 17.9 Moisture 8 :z ------------------- File No. D-2751-J03 TABLE II (Continued) Date Test Elevation Dry Deris. Moisture Rel Comp Soil Type 198_5 ~ Location feet pcf % dr:y: w.t % of max & Remarks 5/10 180 South East Canyon Area 350 Moisture 9.1 Moisture 6 181 Retest of fl 170 364 119. 7 8.8 93 3 182 South East Canyon Area 351 Moisture 13.3 Moisture 6 183 346 Moisture 12.4 Moisture 6 184 350 Moisture 11.4 Moisture 3 185 354 Moisture 11.7 Moisture 6 186 352 Moisture 13.8 Moisture 6 187 358 Moisture 10.6 Moisture 3 5/14 188 Assembly Area 357 120.7 8.9 94 5 189 1 356 116.4 \1.1 92 6 190 358. 107. 7 7.3 84 5 Ck. 191 191 Retest of :fl 190 358 116.8 9.2 91 tt 5 192 Assembly Area 358 104.9 15.5 9:3 7 193 1 361 122.2 10.1 95 5 194 359 116.2 17.0 100 4 195 362 124.9 11.3 99 6 5/15 196 Police and Fire Headquarters 362 127 .2· 12.2 99 3 197 l 363 121. 7 8.3 95 3 ~~ 198 365 112.5 4.0 87 3 Ck. 199 199 Retest of 11 198 365 122.7 9.9 95 3 ~8 200 Assembly Area 365 122.8 10.3 96 3 201 t 364 118.4 10.1 92 3 ~~ 5/16 202 Police and Ffre Headquarters 365 122:s 9.3 95 3 ------------------- File No. D-2751-J03 TABLE II '(Continued) Date Test Elevation Dry Deris. Moisture Rel Comp Soil Type 198.5 No. Location feet pc£ % dry wt % of max & Remarks 5/16 203 Police and Fire Headquarters -3366 119.2 10.6 93 3 204 t .:365 116. 7 8.0 91 3 205 South of Mechanical Building Boulder Area ::361 119. 7 8.3 93 3 206 Assembly Area. _: 364 115.6 9.3 90 3 207 1' ~ . 365 119. 9 9.8 93 3 208 Service Center Building F.G. 368.7 125.4 8.5 98 3 209 1~ F.G. 368.7 120.7 7.8 94 3 210 Wash and Storage Building F.G. 365.2 127.0 9.1 99 3 211 North East of Police Vehicle Parking F.G. 357.0 115.4 11.3 90 5 212 1 F.G. 359.8 124.7 11.6 98 5 213 F.G. 361.4 120.3 9.4 94 5 214 F.G. 364.l 117. 6 8.9 92 5 ~ 215 South of Mechanical Building Boulder F.G. 363.0 Moisture 11.4 Moisture 3 Area l 216 F.G. 364.8 Moisture 10.7 Moisture 3 5/20 217 North East of Police and Vehicle 364 117 .1 9.1 91 3 Parking 5/21 218 Futuref uildings F.G. 367.0 123.0 9.3 96 3 219 F.G.-·365.0 119.0 7.5 93 3 ;~ 220 F.Q. 364.5 119.5 8.4 93 3 l~S/22 ' 221 F.G. 364.0 119.5 8.8 93 3 222 Future Court F.G. 365.5 120.7 -9.0 94 3 223 South East Canyon Area . ·347 Moisture 13.0 Moisture 10 ~2! --------·----·------- File No. D-2751-J03 TABLE II (Continued) Date Test Elevation Dry Deris. Moisture Rel Comp Soil Type 198,5 No. Location feet pcf % drr wt % of.max & Remarks 5/22 224 South East Canyon Area 349 Moisture 7.3 Moistilt:e 3 225 1 353 Moisture 10.1 Moisture 3 226 Assembly Building F.G. 367.3 121.3 U.3 95 5 227 1 F.G. 367.3 128.9 10.8 100 3 228 F.G. 367.3 120.9 9.6 94 3 229 Police and Fire Headquarters F.G. 367.3 122.5 8.4 95 3 \ 230 F.G. 367.3 128.4 11.9 100 3 231 F.G. 367.3 126.9 11.2 99 3 232 F.G. 367.3 128.9 11.5 100 3 233 I F.G. 367.3 127.4 10.8 99 3 5/23 234 South East Canyon Area 354 Moisture 10.1 Moisture 3 235 l 356 Moisture 8.4 Moisture 3 ~ 236 348 117. 9 8.3 92 3 5/24 237 East of Police and Fire Headquarters 360 115.4 11.1 91 6 238 1 362 118.6 8.1 93 5 239 365 Moisture 8.5 Moisture 3 5/28 240 South East Canyon Area 350 Moisture 9.0 Moisture 3 241 1 351 122.6 9.3 95 3 ~i 242 355 Moisture 10.2 Moisture 5 243 East of Assembly Area 360 Moisture 8·.6· Moisture 5 i8 5/29 244 Slope Test West of "A" Street 349 99.4 15.9 90 1 245 t .. 355 104.7 14.9 92 ', 2 ~a :z . ------------------- File No. D-2751-J03 TABLE II (Continued) Date Test Elevation Dry Deris. Moisture Rel Comp Soil Type 19&,5 ~ Loca,tion feet pcf % dry wt % of max & Remarks 5/29 246 Slope Test West of "A" Street 360 114.8 8.3 91 6 5/30 247 Slope Test South of Impala Dr. 356 116. 7 9.3 91 3 248 1 359 116.8 10.6 91 3 249 Slope Test South East Canyon 340 108.5 8. 1 86 6 Ck. fl 25t 250 Exercise Fild 334· 103.9 16.3 82 6 Ck. fl 255 2'51 F.G.363 .• 5 126.0 9.6 9~ 3 252 Slope Test South East Canyon 356 123.3 13.0 96 5 6/3 253 343 104.9 13.2 90 4 254 351 124.2 12.6 97 3 255 345 119.3 10.3 94 6 256 349· 119.9 9.1 95 6 6/4 257 I 314 116.3 11.1 90" 3 258 Retest of :/I 249 340 114.1 10.2 90 6 259 1 250 334 114. 9 12.0 91 6 260 Slope Test South East Canyon 321 105.6 14.7 93 2 261 320 106.5 14.9 94 7 262 329 107.6 12.6 95 10 263 283 111.3 12.9 98 2 ~i 264 296 107.9 13.6 95 2 265 ~I 300 117 .4 10.3 92 5 ~8 ~a :2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I File No. D-2751-J03 June 17, 1985 TABLE III Summary of Expansion Index Tests By Building Sample No. at Expansion Building Pad Finish Grade Index Service Center Building F-3 0 Wash/Storage Building F-3 0 Police & Fire Hadquarters F-3 0 Assembly Building F-5 12 Mechanical Building F-3 0 "Future" Buildings F-3 0 GEOCON INCORPORATED City of Carlsbad 1200 ELM, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 • TEL. (619) 438-5525 rJob ;!. tf 8 O :IJJ,t IAL./q J)/2.1V£ Address Owner Ctn' C,4./<..L 5 &/!J-.0 OF Mailing A-vE:N~ Address / ').._O 0 /i;'Ln,.._ City CA-/ll.S 6Ao I Zip CA. . · ·9 'h.JoB r:; g . J -S'Sa8. Contractor C.rrl eJF eAAslJA-D Address . City. I Zip Tel. State Lie. City s. Classif, Lie. No. COMPLETE FOR PLAN CHECK ONLY -LEGAL DESCRIPTION /) ASSESSORS PARCEL NO. / ), , DESC_RIPTION OF WORK,~):§; f) J.s (!A{lLr 13AL> ~~ I-5'Fl<Jl1~ CE tvref.. .. - PLAN ID NO. f5'"'-t,,s-- DESIGNER ADDRESS ~s-1 /JtJUttEtl w,1-'-/ S'"'-tTE e,__ C....A-12-LS 13 AO, CA-, .,qi...00 g PHONE ....f 3 8--S' S~'J. CONTACT PERSON -OA-V(D R__u. Hw'A-v..... . Slgo,t,,. of Applloa"' ~ D,to ;1:,-?-lit ""- MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPT MISCELLANEOUS FEE RECEIPT :D ' * PLAN CHECK FEE oo 1-a 10,00-00-asoB D VALUATION - D DEMOLITION . . -. 0 HOUSE MOVING .D PARKS AND.RECREAHON FEE ,b PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE D SCHOOL·i=EE'-DISTRICT ,o Carlsbad D Encinitas . D San Diego D San Marcos .. D CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY n -. .....,. n n 17. n D . D D D D TQTAL FEE $ *WARNING: PLAN CHECK FEES, WHERE NO ACTION IS TAKEN BY THE APPLICANT IN 180 DAYS AND NO BUllDING PERMIT IS ISSUED, ARE FORFEITED TO THE CITY. COMMENTS: / ~cJ(_ CLJ~oA./..s r!t"--), . . /JJ A-A}. ( /,I /JE.'1'2 . 1,..../,~7, I, .. · White -Applicant Yellow -FIie Pink -(1) Finance (2) Data P.rocess Gold -Assessor " ~ --·_ I ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR .• SUITE 208 SAN Dll~GO, CA 92123 (619) 560-14()8 DATE: .J'une-9, I <lSle 0APPLICANT 'B~~RISDICTICJ'l!::> ~AN CHECKER JURISDICTION: C/-1-y of Grl6ba,,d OFILE COPY OUPS PLAN CHECK NO: 8,5-4, 5 REV 1.. TC .. D DESIGNER PROJECT ADDRESS : --=I~,.,..,P=s."""""'lg..""'-'.[J,._._..c-=----------'-- PROJECT NAME: f\ ... bl,'c:: Sg.fe.+y o..nd petv,'c,e. CeV\+et-- D • D D 0 0 0 II The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the j-urisdiction 1 s building. codes when minor deficien- cies identified .bebw are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. T.he check l:i,st transmitted herewith is the j"urisdiction 's copy for your information. The pl-ans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected plans are s.ubtnitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to return. to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sefit to: Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person tha~ plan check has been co~pleted. Esgil staff did advise appli.cant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Bo.cry Mg.ryk,e..ll,· Cms:s:saje) Date contacted.: '2ls/2'1o Telephone #_ i::ISS-58 'l 4 REMARKS: Q.) C.ha,~e$ :b?. :si':t:<-p/eth i;znd fr:, ·ex.-1:en'eJr e.LeV4ti'tPm shoule/ be. r-e111'ewecl. by PL4tlllt'nj /«,At'nj)' t;:l) On 4, one,_ :se-+ af :she..e.+s M-:3 , M--: ':i a Y\d M-5 · q;r-c, f-r;g.M m ,·mc1, .. hew• u 11\- BY: kv..r+ G.lve.r--. -ENCL: ESG!L CORPORATION -------- 5/2't . ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR., SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (619) 5(j()-14(>8 DATE: Apri \ 31 I 9S{p /i.--A-P.P.J:rICA~ JURISDtcTION JURISDICTION: C,ry af Gcfobad O.PLAN CHECKER QFILE COPY QUPS _ QDESIGNER PLAN ·cHECK NO: S,5-to5 l?!;,y/./ PROJECT ADDRESS: -Lnpe;;;;;;;:a,.;_..~L~e ........ D-~~-i'-v_e<-------- ~ROJECT NAME: B,1,hh'<:. 5s.-&.ty a.¢ Serv(cg,_ Center D -11 -'·-o . . . The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor defici~n:.. cies identified on, +h~ ~±+a.~ lk's± · · are resolved and checked by building department staff.- . . The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies· identified on the enclosed check list and shou+d·Qe corrected ~ and resubmitted for a c~mplete rechec_k • . . -· ._-.... -The check li~t. 1:·ra:nsmi tted ·iierewi ~h _· is th~-. ju~isd.{d~~-ioi{ Is D copy for your information. The plans ~re being· held at_ Esgil Corp. until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. II D II D The applicant's copy of the check iist is enclosed for the j-urisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed. Esgil staff did advise applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Date contacted: _______ Telephone# ________ _ REMARKS: ~v~':sian:5 +o_ plavi:s. Add/f1oml flqn dtec/::. &e:s due. Please. fucward C-afY of et:>CCl¼:D??tl //ef -k M, f3o:?Pk..S1 BY: &cf Culver ESGIL CORPORATION . 3/Z'-f ENCL: ----------- ~ .: : . . JURIS~ICTION: Ca.rl::a bqcL DA'l'B L//3Uf;fp Enclosures: _________ _ Date plans received by jurisdiction ---Date plans received by plan checker.3/244:lw Date initial plan check c0111pleted"1/~/M by l<uct FORWARD: PLEASE READ Plan check is limited to technical requirements ·-. ·contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform · : Plumbing Code~ Uniform Mechanical Code, Hati~nal · El~ctrical Code and state laws regulating energy-· -conservation, noise attenuation and access for the }:landicapped. 'l'he plan check is based on · regulations enforced by the Building Inspection Department. You may have other corrections .based on l~ws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments. ·The items circled below need clarification, modification or change. All circled items have to be satisfied before the plans will be in · conformance with the cited codes and regulations. The approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. A.· PLANS 0 Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets of prints, and any original plan sets that may have been returned to you by the jurisdiction, to: .Bld9, I>p±· To facilitate rechecking, please identify, next to each circled item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this check sheet with the revised plans. .3. '-l. . ·. . PLAN CHECK NO: S5:;w5 KEVi D APPLICANT COPY D JURISDICTION COPY D PLAN CHECKER COPY D FILE COPY P,o-,-,c.o clo..ri'C, ,fh .. ,.,.,. ±bL ,f,,_J:g;J_ on .... i.. ... +-S ~-..=i_ 'aor,fi"'""'--.. 't"-!--,.... t:.P.<. .-1 .. +-.,'I 8/A-1"' I h +-tJ.i,,.... l ·-: ,.,.;, ~ u.dt d e...+.t ' . /. Sh.e.~-hs SR.-9 sR.-Jo "'-'>-l f C:..l.?·1.::7 a.V"id s~-r~ ·rr1 'c.+-h<. ~ ,.,, .,,,;,,i ~k +it l" [ 1'c.ert<...J ~l'li'Un .......... ~ r..-~.J . . \.J -, . X-E ,,,.,, l,,nLJe.. n,,...,, ,;-1,..,_c;,h;,.., ..... .,. __ ~-1-..c-t- kw·+-Cu.Iv~ ... a.+1 h1q) 15/,,CJ.:.JJ.lf,,,p,, . .. --.. . ---- 41784 Jurisdiction C4r-l:5h4d Dates 4/3/e<e _Prepared bys Kud:t»l11ec VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE a Bldg. Dept. 0 Esgil PLAN CHECK NO. ,,5:w5 @Y':i BUILDING ADDRESS __ r.-....,.m~p~aul~.......at>.~-·------------------ . APPLICANT/CONTACT __________ PHONE NO. ______ _ BUILDING OCCUPANCY DESIGNER PHONE ------. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 'CONTRACTOR PHON~ ----- BUILDING PORTION BUILDING AREA -VALUATION VALUE MULTIPLIER t? ,_ 0 \ ~\. .... ~~lA 4 ~ ~ '"' "'· I i::::-,.., i I ~eP -t l,,,,u_., (9 ·*5'-1 .. 1,-4 i:;i..( /7 -J ' --... -.. -: --· -, , -·· --·- - -· Air Conditionine:- Commercial @ .. Residential @ -,. Res. or Comm. Fire Sprinklers @ Total Value Fee Adjusted To Reflect· D Energy Regulations (Fee x 1.1) OHandicapped Regulations (Fee x 1.065) - ----- - - -. -· Building Permit Fee $---------------..:..-:-------"'-------- Plan Check Fee $ 54.l-Z 'f09 f,-. $ (p 7. J, . CO H HEN TS._•---------------------------- 8/4/82 -J. ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR .• SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (619) 5()0• J 4-(i8 DATE: t='e,bnuv:y d(p, /q&;(e I QAPPLICANT • JURISDICTION 0 PLAN CHECKER D FILE COPY QUPS JURISDICTION: C, 'fy o-E Cac!shad PLAN CHECK NO: 3S -Gz s f?.eY 1· PROJECT ADDRESS: ~~=~a~a~l=a ......... D ......... c _____________ _ D DESIGNER PROJECT NAME: Pub Uc. $a.--fu.:f:y a:.nd Sen.u'ce. Cender D D D II D II D II The plans transrni tted herewith ha-ve been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will.substantially comply with the jurisdiction·'s building codes when minor deficien- cies identified-----------,-----are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plaris transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is the jurisdiction's copy for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected pla-ns are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of.the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: !5uboa.u !YlcGa,dn Ruhnq,& 5751 Ela/mer lUg,y Ca.rlshqd ,· ?A 1o?G?8 cc~ fad:.bad E:~ineed':] ¥ /Jn,'cbae.J Brwk,:;. JG?co Elm Ave. G.d-sbo4; c8 '1:il:o8 Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed. Esgil staff did advise applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Barry Ma.ca k.e.JI,' Date contacted: ~-;?&,-64 Telephone #-1.'11 of£,'c.g REMARKS: &,v/slon::s to elans. fl-dd1t1'e,nal IJ/an ch~k., fees du~. v · 1 BY: k+d-Cul11er ESGIL CORPORATION z-7 ENCL: -------- r-·-.,,. .... JURISDICTION: (,ac\sW_ DATE.;?/.;Udfl,(p Enclosures: _________ _ PROJECT ADDRESS : 5"' -Fdy § :Ser-v 1ce.... Cc,t,-1-er TO:. Rk':hn54Mcb::l.v1'0, Ru.hnar.A.- . Date plans received .by jurisdiction. __ _ Date plans received by plan checker z/7/$/s, ~ Oat~ initial plan. checjt completed z/21pfe<eby Ku.cl: *" C,4-t-a.pproved ~+ r-ece111etA, 2./zlfS(,,. . FORWARD: PLEASE READ Plan check is limited to technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uni.form Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the handicapped. The plan check is based on regulations enforced by the Building Inspection Department. You may have other corrections. based on l~ws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments. The items circled below need clarification, modification or change. All circled items have to be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. The approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, c~unty or city law. A. Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets of prints, and any origin~l plan sets that may have been returned to you by the jurisdiction, to: E'..:~,; \ Corr, To facilitate ~echecking, please identify, next· to each circled item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and retu~n this check sheet with the revis~d plans. r PLAN CHECK NO: 8,5-(o.S f<E.. V 0 APPLICANT COPY 0 JURISDICTION COPY 0 PLAN CHECKER COPY D FILE COPY 41784 Date 1 ~-:?k::B!e Prepared bys Jsµ.d: G.t.lt1er- Jurisdiction lctrh/;:;;,d VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE PLAN CHECK NO. 85::(po l2£§V CJ Bldg. Dept. El Esgil BUI~ING ADDRESS -~ ........ --r-f4 ........ le-......__D ... c ........ ______ P_u .... b .... l ... ,c,._Sg......_£dy ........ -r---Cea/ec~. -------------- APPLICANT/CONTACT &cry Mac4 /::et// PHONE NO. '{3~-5$19 BUILDING OCCUPANCY _______ DESIGNER PHON·E ___ ._~, _____ _ TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR PHONE ------------- BUILDING PORTION .. Air Conditionih~ -Commercial Residential Res. or Comm. Fire Snrinklers Total Value Fee Adjusted To Reflect BUILDING AREA VALUATION VALUE MULTIPLIER @ ' (cl @ 0 Energy Regulations (F~e x 1.1) OHandicapped Regulations (Fee x 1.065) 8 uildin g Perm it Fee $ ______________ __,__.__ _____ ,_ ______ _ Plan Check f"ee $ /DS,34..;-0.5-::. $ ,~s. '13 co MME N TS: 5;.vt;s,'on:;;, 13? p {q.n.;s. G'"j ,· I fee -=. ..fwo ~) bou,C§ @. =le 54. 17 / hour= it> !PS, aLf - 8/4/82 ·• To Project Ptoject I Re Date Enclosed: RUHNAU McGAVIN RUHNAUIASSOCIATES Ruhnau·McGavin Ruhnau/Associates · 5751 Palmer Way, Ste. C Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attention: David Ruhnau, AIA City of Carlsbad -Safety 2-12-01 Revisions To Drawings September 19, 1985 One copy of the Revisions Transmittal ( 2,.. 3775 Tenth Street Riverside, CA 92501·3669 7141684-4664 . _ __,___ _ ___,.'----1 Comments: . Copies To: Herman o. Ruhnau, FAIA -~----'---c-o-y--dLam6et . ---. SentBL __ Ralph Pacini ... ' ... I I' r ,, . ... ,. .... ~ ._, . I ' . I I CITY OF CARLSBAD PUBLIC SAFETY & SERVICE CENTER REVISIONS TO DRAWINGS SEPTEMBER 16, 1985 ACTION C = CLARIFICATION SHEET NO. DESCRIPTION R = REVISION AC -1 TRASH ENCLOSURE DETAIL 1DtNTIFIED C 11 & 12/A-22 AC -1 YARD WALL DETAIL IDENTIFIED AT C POLICE & FIRE PARKING l/A-2 AC -2 PLANTER ALONG DRIVE NORTH OF C FACILITY ADJACENT TO STREET AND REFERE,NCE DETAll 8/AC-2 AC -2 . PLANTERS IN PATIO AND· REFERENCE R DETAILS 8/AC-2 & 14/AC-2 AC -2 BUILDING/PAVING JOINT DETAILS 17 R & 18/AC-2 AC -2 AT ENTRY WALK/RAMP-ALT. TO CONC. R BLOCK 22/AC:..3 AC -3 REVISE REGLET IN RETAINrNG WALL C DETAIL 2/AC-3 AC -3 ADD ALT. RETAINING WALL DETAIL R {MASONRY) 22/AC-3 AC -3 REMOVE METAL TRELLIS OVER XFMR R SOUTH, NORTH, ANO WEST ELEVS • . AC -3 NOTE TYPICAL PARAPET CAP ON NORTH C ELEV. ., AC -3 ADD 4" CONC4 EMERG. GEN. PAD IN M&E R EQUIPMENT ENCLOSURE. AC -3 ADD REINFORCING TO CONC. APRON OF R M&E EQUIPMENT ENCLOSURE ' A -1 ADD DETAIL 1/A-l TO CLARIFY wii:.L ·;:-· C CORNER CONDITION A -1 NOTE FOR ONE HOUR CONSTRUCTION ABOVE C MAS. IN CORRIDOR 140 A -1 EMBED TRACK FOR_ STORAGE SYSTEM RM.168 R & RM 149 REF. DE~_30/A~8 & l/S-2 \ CITY OF CARLSBAD REVISIONS TO DRAWINGS PAGE 2 SHEET NO. A -1 A -1 A -1 A -1 A -1 A -1 A -1 A -1 A -2 A -2 A -2 A -3 A -3 A -4 A -4 A -4 A -4 A -4 A -4 A -5 A -5 ACTION C .= CLARIFICATION DESCRIPTION R = REVISION STUD CHANGE ON EAST WALL OF VEST R 131 TO COVER STRUCTURE. DIM. CHANGES AT RM 135 C ENTRY MAT SYSTEM CALL OUTS C WINDOW WALL DIMS. AT. ATRiUM 105 C FURRING IN RM 108 C -DIM. CHANGES RM 1o·a & 107 C DIM. CHANGES AT ELEV. #1 C DIM. CHANGES -AT RECPT.-102 C RETAINING WALL DETAIL l/A-2 C TRASH ENCLOSURE DETAILS 11/A-2 & C 12/A-2 -ONE HOUR NOTE ON SHAFT DETAIL 10/A-2 C STUD CHANGE ON EAST WALL VEST. 234 TO C COVER STRUCTURE. REVISE DIMENSIONS ELEV. #1 C ADD.CEILING HATCHES IN SALLY PORT & R OETAI.L 7/ A-.4 ADD CEILING ACCESS HATCH IN PROPERTY R AND EVIDENCE. REFERENCE DETAIL 7/A-4 NOTE SURFACE MTD LTS & IN RMS 148, 149 R & 150 COORDINATE CLG PLAN WITH. FLR ~LAN C RM 121· ADD CEILING DETAIL ON NORTH WALL OF 149 C SHOW LIGHTS ON .CANOPY OVER MAIN C ENTRANCE NOT-E FLUTE FILLERS ON 3/A-5 & 4/A-5 C NOTE WALL/ROOF CONNECTION ON 7/A~S C CITY OF CARLSBAD REVISIONS TO DRAWINGS PAGE 3 SHEET NO. A -5 A -6 A -7 A -7 A -7 A -7 A -7 A -7 A -7 A -8 A -8 A -8 DESCRIPTION NOTE BRACING ON 8/A-5 SKYLIGHTS OVER ATRIUM j QUARRY TILE DESIGNATED OVER SALLY PORT. REFERENCE· ,DETAIL 6/ A-7 GUARDRAIL AND QUARRY TILE DETAIL ADDED 6/A-7 DETAIL CALL OUTS ADDED TO MAIN ENTRANCE CANOPY. REFERENCE DETAIL . 4/A-7 & 5/A-7 . SKYLIGHTS SHOWN ON ROOF PLAN-/ DETAILS 4/ A-7, 5/A-7, & 6/ A-7 ADDED TO SHEET ROOF EXTENSION OVER MEETING ROOM REVISED REFERENCE DETAIL 8/A-15 PARAPET AT WEST WALL OF MEETING ROOM REVISED. REFERENCE DETAIL 1/A-7 CANOPY SUNSCREENS REVISED ON SECTIONS I AA, B~, & CC GUARDRAIL AROUND ATRIUM REVISED AT SECTIONS AA, BB, & ELEVS. 25/A-8. REFERENCE DETAIL 27/A-16 CLERESTORIES CHANGED TO SKYLIGHTS OVER j ATRIUM ON SECTIONS AA & BB DETAIL 30/A-8 ADDED (.RECESSED TRACK) ACTION C = CLARIFICATION R = REVISION C R C C C R C R R R R , R A -8 A -9 ALL SUNSCREENS CHANGED ON WEST & / NORTH ELEVATI,ONS REFERENCE DETAIL 19/A-22 R R A -9 A -9 CLARIFICATION OF GLASS TYPES NOTED ON WEST AND NORTH-ELEVATION AT PARTIAL SOUTH ELEV. l/A-9 LOUVER MOY.ED . CANOPY CHANGED OVER DOOR# 17 C R R CITY OF CARLSBAD REVISlONS TO DRAWINGS PAGE 4 SHEET NO. A -9 A -9 A -9 A -9 A -10 A -10 A -10 A-:-10 · A -10 A -10 A -11 A -11 A -11 A -11 A -ti A --·12 ACTION C = CLARIFICATION DESCRIPTION R = REVISION ELEV. 2/ A-9 ADDED TO SHOW FRAMING FOR C GLASS BLOCK REF. DETAILS 29/A-9 & 30/A-9 DETAILS 26/A-9, 27/A-9, & 28/A-9 ADDED C TO CLARiFY WINDOWS OVER MAIN ENTRY, WEST ELEV. NORTH ELEV. OF MtETING ROOM HIGH WALL R WAS CHANGED FROM.METAL "PANELS TO PRECAST CONC. DETAILS 29/A-9 & 30/A-9 (GLASS BLOCK C FRAMING) ALL SUNSCREENS -CHANGED ON EAST AND R SOUTH ELEVATIONS CLARIFICATION ON.GLASS TYPES NOTED C EAST ANO SOUTH ELEVATIONS CANOPY CHANGED OVER DOOR #160 C ELEV. 30/A-10 ADDED TO SHOW FRAMING FOR C GLASS BLOCK. -REFERENCE DETAILS 29/A-10 & 30/A-10 . - DETAIL CALLOUT REVISED FOR GLASS BLOCK C EAST ELEV. AT VEST #131. REF. DETA1L 3/A-23 SOUTH ELEV_. MEETING ROOM WALL CHANGED TO j BE ALL PRECAST SUNSC~T[NS REVISED ON SECTIONS 1 & 3 / WALL FLOOR JOINi REVI,SED. ON SECTIONS 1 & -2 CANOPY SUPPORT DETAILS OMITTED 1/A-11 & j 2/A-11 · CANOPY ROOF DIM. ADDED TO SECTION 3/A-11/ CLG. HT. CHANGED IN PROPERTY & EVIDENCE 149. REFERENCE SECTION l/A-12. DELETE GYP BD·CLG IN DETENTION AREA & FINISH METAL DECK :WITH PAINT. SECTION 3/A-12 R R R R C R R ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD REVISIONS TO DRAWINGS PAGE 5 SHEET NO. A -12 A -12 A -12 A -13 DESCRIPTION. WALL FLOOR JOINT REVISED ON SECTION 3/A-12 CANOPIES REVISED ON SECTION 4/A-12 GUARDRAIL REVISED ON SECTION 4/A-12 WALL FLLOR JOINT REVISED SECTIONS 1, 2, 3, & 4/A-13 ACTION C = CLARIFICATION R = REVISION R .. R R R A -13 A -14 CANOPIES REVISED ON SECTIONS 1 & 2/A-13 j R R A -14 A -14 A -14 · A -14 A -15 A -15 A -15 A -15· . A -15 A -15 A -15 A -16 A -16 DETAILS 4/A-14 & 10/A-14 & 6/A-14 DELETED WALL FLOOR JOINT REVISED ON SECTIONS 2, 3, & 4/A-14 RECESSED MTL FASCIA REP~ACElf WITH PRECAST CONC. ON SECTION 2/A-14 & 4/A-14 METAL CANOPY REVISED ON SECTION 3/A-14 DETAIL 5/A-14 REVISED TO REFLECT FASCIA CHANGE IN SECTIONS. l/A-15 & 2/A:-15 REPLACE CLERESTORY WITH SKYLIGHT. REFERENCE DETAILS 5/A-35, 6/A-15 & 7/A-15 DETAILS 6/A-15 & Z/A-15 ADDED CHANGE GUARDRAIL ON SECTIONS l/A~15 & 2/A-15 ' DELETE S~CTION 4/A-lS SECTION 8/A-15 ADOED·. REPLACES CURVED SECTION OVER MEETING ROOM' NOTE GUARDRAIL:.REVISION ON 4/A-15 NOTE H.M. FRAME ON SKYLIGHT AT ATRIUM ON SECTION 3/A-lS REVISE GUARDRAIL ANO ELEVATOR SHAFT ON SECTION C/A-16 CHANGE sruo SIZE ON ELEVATOR/STAIR 2 PLAN EAST WALL TO COVER STRUCTURE. R . R R R R R R R R R C R & C C CITY OF CARLSBAD REV·ISIONS TO DRAWINGS PAGE 6 SHEET NO. A -16 A -16, A -16 A -16 A -16 A -19 A -20 A -21 A -21 A -23. A -23 A -23 A -23 A -51 A -53 A -54 A -55 A -55 ACTION C = CLARIFICATION DESCRIPTION R = REVISION NOTE DETAIL REFERENCE ON GLASS BLOCK C WALL ADJACENT TO ELEV. #2 FIRST FLOOR. REF~RENCE DETAIL 3/A-23 REVISE GUARDRAIL DETAIL 27/A-16 R ADD GUARDRAIL CAP DETAIL 3/A-16 R REVISE ELEVATOR #1 PLAN & SECTION R TO ACCOr+tODATE FIREPROOFING OF STRUCTURE AND ELEVATOR CLEARANCE ADD PIT LADDER TO EL~VATOR #1 · R ADO OPTION FOR WALL BRACING ON C 9/A-19 AND REFERENCE DETAIL 7/A-5 DOOR 138A TO INCLUDE A 611 X 611 R BULLET RESISTANT VISION PANEL NOTE GYP BO ON INTERIOR DETAIL l/A-21 C NOTE ALUM CLADDING ON STEEL SUPPORT C D~TAILS 7 & 13/A-21 DETAIL 3/A-23.ADDED. REFERENCE GLASS C BLOCK WALL AT EAST WALL VEST 131 DETAIL 7/A-23 ADDED. GUARDRAIL ALTERNATE R AT ATRIUM. AT DETENTION AREA SECTION, GYP BO CEILING· R- WAS OMlTTED. MTL DECK TO ·sE FINISHED BY PAINTING DIMENSION REVISED IN PROPERTY AND· C EVIDENCE.RM 149 NOTE: REFERENCING REINFORCING OF CONC. C APRONS AROUND PUBLIC SERVICE CENTER DETAIL 5/A-53 REVISED TO ADD GYP BD AT SAFETY CENTER CONDITION SUNSCREEN CANOPIES OMITTED FROM SECTIO~s/ B & D GLASS TYPE NOTED ON WEST & SOUTH EL(VS. TYPICAL MASONRY FINISH NOTED ON SOUTH ELEVATION R - R C C CITY OF CARLSBAD REVlSIONS TO DRAWINGS PAGE 7 ACTION C = CLARIFICATION SHEET NO. DESCRI PTlON . R = REVISION A -55 TYPICAL PARAPET DETAIL NOTED ON C SOUTH ELEV~ REFERENCE DETAIL 6/A-Sj A -56 CANOPY REMOVED ON SECTION 2/A-56 . J R • A -60A REINFORCING NOTED FOR FUEL ISLAND C PAVING A -60A REINtORCING NOTED FOR APRONS AT C VEHICLE WASH BUILDING A -60A TYPICAL MASONRY FINISH NOTED ON SOUTH C ELEV. OF WASH BUlLDING s -z REVISION IN WALL SUPPORT AT SALLY R PORT WALLS S -3 REVISE DIMENSIONS AROUND ELEV. AND C STAIR ill . S -3 REVY:SE BEAM B.ETWEEN GRID 10 & 12, j · R AND GRID D & F S -3 REVISE FRAMING AT SALLY PORT WALLS R S -4 OMIT ATRIUM ROOF FRAMING PLAN../ R S -4 ADD FRAMING FOR SKYLIGHTS / R S -4 REVISE DIMENS.IONS AROUND ELEVATOR #1 C S -5 REVISE R06F FRAMING OVER MEETINq AREA/ R BETWEEN GRID 11 & 16, AND GRID K & J S -5 REVISE OETAIL 4/S-5 OMITTING CURVED R SECTION S -5· ADD WELDlNG SYMBOLS TO DETAIL 5/S-5 C . S -6 REVISE STEE~ ON MOMENT FRAME DETAIL/ R l/S-6 and 8/5-6 l . S -7 REVISE WALL CONN.ECTION AT DETAIL 11/S-7 AND 12/S-7 R ,.. S -7 REVISE CONNECTION AT· DETAIL 13/S-7 R S ... 7 REVISE CONNECTION AT DETAIL 14/S-7 R CITY OF CARLSBAD REVISIONS TO DRAWINGS PAGE 8 ACTION SHEET NO. .DESCRIPTION C = CLARIFICATION R = REVISION S -7 S -7 S -7 · REVISE BM. CALL OUT ON DETAILS 15/S-7 AND 16/S-7 REVISE CONNECTION AT DETAILS 17/S-7 AND 18/S-7 OMIT MEMBRANE & REVISE FOOTING AT DETAILS 20/S-7 AND 21/S-7 5 -8 REVISE BM CONNECTION AT DETAILS 10, 11, ·AND 12/S S -8 REVISE COLUMN LOCATION ON DETAIL 16/S-8 S -. 8 OMIT DETAIL 15/S-8 S -8 S -9 S -9 S -lOA S -11A S -i2A S -13A S -14A S -16 S -16 M -1 M -1 REVISE .FTG CONNECTIONS ON DETAILS 25 AND 26/S-8 OMIT CANOPY DETAILS _7, 8, 9, · 13, & 14/S-.9 REVISE O.H. DOOR SUPPORT DETAIL 23/S-9 , , SHEET S-lOA REPLACES SHEET S-10. - CHANGES DETAILS FROM TILT-UP TO MASONRY _j CONSTRUCTION SHEET S-llA REPLACES SHEET S-11. CHANGES j Tll T-UP TO MASONRY CONSTRUCTION SHEET S-12A REPLACES SHEET S-12. CHANGES/ TILT-UP TO MASONRY CONSTRUCTION. SHEET S-13A REPLACES SHETT 5-13. CHANGES/ TILT-UP JO MASONRY CONSTRUCTION THIS SHEET IS ADD.ED 10 THE SET. CHANGES/ TILT-UP TO MASONRY CONSlRUCTION REVISE CANOPY SECTION 14/S-16 REVISE TOE SPACE IN CONC. WALL ON RADIANT HEATER, SPECIAL NOTE: CHANGE BASE TYPE ON AIR CONDITIONER SCHEDULE REVISE AC-2, AC-3, AND AC-4 C R R R R R R. R R R R R C R C R CITY OF CARLSBAD REVISIONS TO DRAWINGS PAGE 9 SHEET NO. M -1 M -2 M -3 M -3 M -3 M -3 M -3 M -3 M -3 M -4 M -4 M -4 M -4 M -4 M -4 M--4 M -4 M -4 p· ... 1 p -5 p -6 ACTION. C = CLARIFICATION DESCRIPTION· R :; REVIS-ION ON AIR HANDLER SCHEDULE REVISE AH~3 R ON TERMINAL BOX SCHEDULE REVISE VBH~3, R 6, 13~ 16, 19, 39, 42, 43, 44, 33, 37, 38, 32, 46, 47, 50, & 51 AT RM 159 REVISE SUPPLY AIR DIFFUSER R AT RM 161 REVISE LINEAR DIFFUSER R . AT RM 164. REVISE LINEAR DIFFUSER R AT RM 168 REVISE LINEAR DIFFUSER R AT RM 171 REVlSE LINEAR DIFFUSER R AT RM 107 REVISE LINEAR DIFFUSER & VBH R ADD GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTE 17 R AT SECTION THROUGH .MEETING RM REVISE R DIFFUSERS AT RMS 258, 261., 260, 263, & 264 REVISE R LOC. OF VBH'S ADD FI'RE DAMPERS AT RM 262 REVlSE LINEAR DIFFUSER R AT RM. 265 REVISE LINEAR DIFFUSER R AT RMS 203, 204, 207, 208, & 209, R REVISE LIN;AR DIFFUSERS AT RMS 212, 217, & 219 .REVISE LINEAR R DIFFUSERS AND VBH~S AT RM -224 REVlSE DIFFUSER & RETURN AIR R GRILL AT RM 225 R£VISE LINEAR DIFFUStR & VBH R AT RM 235 ADD NOTE REVISE WATER METERS-. REVlSE WASTE CLARIFIER/SAMPLE CHAMBER ADD FLOOR DRAIN AT VEHICLE WASH BUILDING R R R R ' CITY OF CARLSBAD REVISIONS TO DRAWINGS PAGE 10 ACTION . C = CLARIFICATION SHEET NO. p .. 6 E -1 E -1 E -2 E -3 E -3 E -4 E -4 E -4 E -: 6 E -9 E -10 E -10 E -10 E -10 E -10 E -10 DESCRIPiION ADD FLOOR DRAIN AT VEHICLE WASH BUILDING IN EMERGENCY POWER UNIT SCHEDULE, REVISE EPUZ UNIT IN SYMBOL LiST CHANGE ·lNTERCOM NOTE AND RADIO MONITORING CONTROL NOTE · PROVIDE POWER TO PLANTER ATP. & F; HEADQUARTERS IN FEEDER SCHEDULE.REVISE f-El & F-E2 AT SfNGLE LINE DIAGRAM REVISE BREAKERS ON ELEVATOR CIRCUITS REVISE FIXTURE DESIGNATION IN RM 127 IN RM 119 REVISE FIXTURE DESIGNATION lN RMS 139 & 147.REVISE FI.XTURE DESIGNA- TlON REVISE FIXTURES & LOCATIONS iN RMS 252, 214 & ATR11JM ADD DUPLEX OUTLET IN RM 223 DELETE RADIO MONITOR SYSTEM, CONDUIT THROUGHOUT . , REDUCE THE NUMBER OF PAGING SYSTEM/ RADlO MONITOR SPEAKERS ADD CONDUIT BETWEEN· EACH VOL. CONTROL/ RADIO MONITOR WALL STATION AND ASSOCIATED SPEAKER ADD PAGING SPEAKERS AT RMS 102, 118, 140 161, AND 161A ADD INTERCOM WALL STATIONS AT ~MS 166 & 110 ADD RADIO REMOTE WALL OUTLETS AT RMS 156, 157, AND 163 R = REVISION R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R ... CITY OF CARLSBAD REVISIONS TO DRAWINGS PAGE 11 ACTION C = CLARIFICATION . SHEET NO. DESCRIPTION R = REVISION E -10 ADD COMPUTER OUTLET FOR C.A.D. SYSTEM R AT RM 163 E -10 ADD ANTENNA OUTLET AT RM 163 R E -10 CHANGE NOTES 10, 14, 46·, & 51 R E -10 ADD NOTE 56 R E -11 ADD VOL. CONTROL/RADIO MONITOR WAl:L. R UNITS AT RMS 183 & 184 . E -11 ADD PAGING SYSTEM SPEAKERS AT RMS 186, R 182, 171, 184, &183 - E -11 DELETE ALL RADIO MONiiOR SYSTEM CONDUIT R THROUGHOUT E -11 REDUCE THE NUMBER OF PAGING SYSTEM R SPEAKERS THROUGHOUT. E -11 CHANGE NOTES 1 & 42 R E -11 ADD NOTE 44 R E -12 REDUCE THE NUMBER -OF PAGING SYSTEM R SPEAKERS THROUGHOUT E -12 DELETE ALL RADIO MONITOR SYSTEM CONDUIT R THROUGHOUT E -12 ADD CONDUIT BETWEEN VOLUME CONTROL/RADIO R MONITOR WALL STATIONS AND ASSOCIATED SPEAKERS E -12 ADD VOLUME CONTROL/RADIO MONITOR WALL R UNITS AT RMS ~10, 204, 262, 244, 244A & 2448 E -12 ADD PAGING SYSTEM SPEAKERS AT RMS 239 & R 245 \ E -12 ADD INTERCOM WALL STATIONS AT RMS 258, R 256, & 224 CITY OF CARLSBAD REVISIONS TO DRAWINGS PAGE 12 SHEET NO. DESCRIPTION E -12. ADD COMPUTER SYSTEM OUTLETS C.A.D. AT RM 213 . E -12 ADD COMPUTER SYSTEM DATA OUTLET AT RMS 248, 249, 250, 259, & 265 E -12 RELOCATE TEL. TERMI~AL CABINET T2A TO ELECT. RM· 233 E -12 ADD TWO TELEPHONE OUTLETS AT RM 224 E -12 ADD RADIO. REMOTE OUT~ET ~T RM 213 E -12 ADD ANTENNA SYSTEM OUTLET AT RM 213 E -12 CHANGE NOTES 13, 22 £ -12 ADD.NOTES 27, 28, & 29 E -13 REVISE MANUFACTURERS 'FOR. LIGHT FIX- TURES A, Al, A2, A3, 8'., & Bl E -13 AT LIGHT FIXTURE El, NOiE SURFACE MTD FIXTURES AT RMS 148, 149, & 150 ACTION C =· CLARIFICATION R = REVISION R R R R R R R R R R . i ,., CARLSBAD SAFETY AND SERVICE CENTER SPEC CHANGES • ~., U: .. , f 'tb13 · • SPEC SECTION 04230-2, ITEM 2.1.1 PART.2 REVISED SPEC SECTION 05990-4, ITEM 2.2.6 REVISED . ' ' • SPEC SECTION 05990-3, ITEM 2. l.10 REVISED • SPEC SECTION 08110-3, ITEM 2.2.5 ADDED • SPEC SECTION 09207-2, ITEM 2.1.5 ADDEO • SPEC SECTION 09250-2, ITEM 2. l.6 ADDED • SPEC SECTION 10700-1, ITEM 2.2.1 REVISED • SPEC SECTION 10700-2, ITEM 2.3.2 REVISED • SPEC SECTION 10990-2,. ITEM 2.5 ADDED • SPEC SECTION 14241-3, ITEM 2.2.14 REVISED • SPEC SECTION 15140-lOA & 108, ADDED 2.-07 • SPEC SECTION 15400-20, ITEM 2.23.5 REVISED • SPEC SECTION 15500-6, ITEM 2.2.1 REVISED • SPEC SECTION 15800-38-39, ITEM 2.52.7 REVISED INSET Drawn By Checkea By Date Comm1.ss1on No l •I. -.·' ~-. • ·. __ _.,, i i ,-11 I~ I ··--- /~ FUTURE FUTIJRE ( I <e,S ARC,· F/NIJH (.i.RADC CM/£ t, .dJ .SJ,./OWAI \ / / I I 1/ / / / / / ' o;w_;; J_CMPOfi.AHY ~-,1t 6f'2M-- PCI" G-~ PARKING / 'PARKING r<gr .. r ----·----~---------------- ' / -24J J -I I · I --250 . J I I -,~--26 0 -1 I -I i -210---_J . I I -280 --' -----------I ! ------ _k290-----__ J --300 e·· I \ /,/ ,, / >"' r.i, ...-·· y--·/ / ),J/ NO scA~E _ 340- ,' I ___ / aw5r,;:ucr lYPf ,,-__ / \ • cvn r wrrEl<' ;:r-R G i ;-, 1 I ', •. ·, ' ' I• ' (;fugt_;v>-/cfl~.;:_ i • I \ ,.,sl ',, . \ I I I I 1 I I I I ! I ' I I I I ' , I !I / !1 I' ~=~-~~-=-~--~-j_ ~ / I WASH ,.-."~~----'8.~_,l' 0 ' STORAGE ~1~1S1--iED FLOORQffiQ) C / >I ' -~' . . -, I ',, \-../ JJ 0 / I / 1 / I KCJ~ FUTURE ___ ' \ BLDG/ I ·.~# ~:,y/ ' Ir::-.::'.:":"~-.!._ C .II. TYl"E l'. Cl/REI I CT PEii' D •2.1 _E l/,/tfT-OPE-N1/liG I rAtl. .21B #~ I •1sa I I _.,..,. L __ / 1-- ' _____ J --· -----~ CITY 25¾ ~ ···rt-- ( VEHICLE C'ONSili'OCT ~ ~4.lN .S. f Tl/ 11.f • lti " /?Cf> "' "T '.N."_,',.,11~~;;.•"_?c~-~,r~n,{'t 6-r (" ," P£R D-8. I W:ni G-4 GR,>,TO P~KfNG '-. 07Na,n;f:;:;t : /·----· FUTURE BLDG 1S.· ,89 \lo ,,fa .. T/lJS 4REA - r/lJiS/.1 GRJJJC OJ./1..'I -'\ •1.l" .J/.fO'rlr/.J 220 l .156 • ,,·' .,·,If, 'FUTURE/ BLDG's/ . ""-~-------1----/ I / 93 • 105 ·• ' ------- •90 .112 42 • I I I I --~ ·,, ,, __ oP< .~#./ 61 ,,:;;.,' / ,. __:::::, ,------ Revrsions ', ,, ,' 4-c-85 R€MOVE OFF--ENGINEER SITE GRAD(l.JG OF BARRY C. BENDER WORK ' > ' , .. 74 R.C.E. 28448 '- DATE DRAWN BY') DESIGNED BY j CHECKED BY j AP•RCVEJ a-, LEGEND GEOCON INCORPORATED , ________ APPROX. LOCATION OF IN-PLACE DENSITY TEST [!,."(j!!'iD·HS AND GEOLOGIST~• ro:-.sli\-1 ~'"/TS l~THE .\l'PU[DEAR 1 fl SC\E'.';CES i { I / I i ~ ---------------_/ "i ----.__/// ONCQ_N T_ROL--b-ED------F ILL 81 ~ ROCKS BURIED \ · (1 SHEE! GRADED ) 5 cAL€ I 353.o ' 40 , -I'';: 349.5 "J:l: 10 q, CITY OF CARLSBAD 61 30 (:/'SEIVER LATERAL W/ /g //~00 tt'RQ (/,f'.f'/GAl?ON 15' -,,/rR. €SMT SEE NOTE€ .D ?t)' Qcf _______ COMPACTED FILL Quc _______ uNDERCUT AREA Kgr _____ ...:.GRANITIC ROCK -- N 3 .5 10·- 14' J/r/j' 4' ~ t c)i-1• -"I 2c,__+'-'0""0=<:...sSccTc_. '=Le,! G}l:>£!.cTc. ,., PUBLIC SAFETY & SERVICE CENTER .. ' / • ' ' \' \ \ ' I \ \\ \\ ·. __ \ ; f 2 ) ,.J \ ' -------- I \ ' \ ;\ ----- ' // ' ' / \ I I ' 95]0 DOWD'!' IJRlYE • SA'i DIEGO. CAL!FOR~li\ 921ltr • FHO:-.'f 1~:'11 M.~.~~rn \ I L----- FILE NO. D-2751-J0,3 // ---j 1.l-1 I I I IIJ1 il ~ __ 11 _________ ;.I "' ' I I' I j~ ) I I I I I ' I I. \ I J ") r I ./ I I I /, ' ' ' ' ' ,, ;/ ! I , / \ 63 • I ' r u ~-- I I \ \ ' \ \ \ I -___, >-r- "" '1J :s r1-c,ca1H/i l() (1) r<) 0 .r-- I -~ ,I ~ j'-,- I _j___ ( ~--- -~ ·-I- D / :-!;· ' ' FIG. I DATE 6-17-1985 ' I () ~ . I I i \ ·\ \ I I ' ' ' I I ; I I Snee/ / Number RICK ENGINEERING COMPANY I 'JfJUUPtOf'l':;l:'['P," ~-::AR,.~n-·,rJ.C.:..eclc!COn {C,~-'.)J7,,9-4~D7 ::;,-:;-:, ':c:Ju,., 1 l'lAN::• ·~ c,::..~~ rt.. rr. J~l'JA .J ,,. 111 ;.. ''l! 1 c:l"-1'11/.AR'"'UG. ,·.1, 9dll,,~~ (Elli';] 7 4•1 --'18G'J CIVIL ENGINEERS • SURVEYORS • PLANNING CONSULTANTS o, 5 Sheers ' JOB-NO. 9223 ... .. ~L---I . \-\ >• . }. I .• . .-: ""?t ,,·-,.~-./ . ., ··-·---·. ---··-·-·---'.·, =-~~:::-l' 1.•. ~ N3 .. ··.· ·--.• -. · .• _ -r-~n·· .. ll}'p----.::.,,....: ............. ·_· ·,......· ~......,_._..,.·:;....-···-· -· .. '"'"'"1· '! ~--"~·-. :.-;· ,,(~ ~ . 11 . .. 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I I I L I · l ,' . : . . . -___ -)< ___ - h I --/•--, \ . -,+--.-----.:....,..r' --, _,__ ---------·---. --------~ . l ,,,· }:,, .. ..-': .'·-: '"· re '.G ·. ~1'-., __ City of Carlsbad __ _ _ . __ _ Public Safety & Service Center Carlsbad, California -·, -_,; · -,·. -. ., . . .. ·· RUHt::\U McGAVIN AUHNAUIASSOCIATES /.' , .. __ ·-_ . ., ·: ~ ' _,, J7 75 1r"'1! S~N1 , R,w,so:n. Cl g;sor -~, . ,,,. 6!4·4fM , 4:,C00; ' ' /, rev s on ob no. "2.1 Z:OI 11 o t C"" A _,.,,. C111sN<t Cl 91008·1"5 e19,1,i;.r14-. . ,- --.;:-__ -~--··--- sen e_ _ _ t{zfbft:? dn te p; ., .-A-.-R· ~ .a oc/ ----• -I . , .l-L ,., A..:.-~_-1' ~f\ ;_.. 7 -/• '--' --~ , .. -'' __ , ,. ,_-.~-·-- ---.-..(:;.---. ./. ., -,-1 ... ----~-------- -·11:...?_,._(,,-z_ ·1-:--;;.,. -._· .. ~ -~a-·~ ·-· ... -,:-.. , -r~~. -~,'---: --' ----j _, ______ - -_ • ' -• ,· f . · -iB1(6a&G ~a-\\o: .. esJ '1/o1 ~-----------------· •------··---• t~. . . -~ ---. ,·, . . . .. . -. fh~11hv ff;Ar\~ ·~-1 g -~~~ · ,,·.~ I \ C -I JI,.. 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