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Omega Blue: NAD+ with a broad spectrum Methylene Blue Nasal Spray

Omega Blue: NAD+ with a broad spectrum Methylene Blue Nasal Spray

Regular price $140.00 USD
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A holistic approach to health, focusing on cellular energy, structural integrity, cognitive function, and immune support

Together NAD+ and a broad spectrum Methylene Blue is a powerful duo for your body and cells. NAD+ keeps the energy flowing and helps fix damaged parts, while the broad spectrum Methylene Blue acts like a shield, protecting cells from damage and wear.

The synergy between these components and their encapsulation in liposomes offer improved delivery and action of Methylene Blue, enhancing its therapeutic properties against a wide range of conditions​.

Approx NAD+ 18mg per spray

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NAD+ Nasal Sprays Boosts Energy, Focus, and Mood in No Time

NAD+ is crucial for energy metabolism, influencing both physical and cognitive health. Methylene Blue is thought to optimize mitochondrial efficiency, thereby enhancing energy production.

Unfortunately, NAD+ levels decline with age and contribute to various age-related health concerns like fatigue, cognitive decline, & reduced metabolic function.

  • Feel more energetic and less fatigued

    By boosting mitochondrial function, this spray may help alleviate feelings of fatigue and increase energy.

  • Better concentration, memory, and mental sharpness

    Enhanced cognitive function improved memory, focus, and overall cognitive performance.

  • Live Youthful Vitality, Every Day

    Rejuvenates your cells from within, using powerful antioxidant and cellular repair properties to slow aging at the cellular level, enhancing overall well-being.

Scientific Composition

Combining these compounds could amplify their individual benefits, particularly in (1) enhancing mitochondrial function, (2) reducing oxidative stress, and (3) supporting brain health.

Scientific Composition


Found naturally in every cell of our bodies. It's crucial for energy production and supporting cellular health. As we age, the levels of NAD+ in our bodies decrease.

Scientific Composition

Rodeferin (Methylene Blue)

For athletes and fitness enthusiasts aiming for peak physical and cognitive performance and improving mitochondrial function (the bodies energy factories).

Patented Formulation
This innovative approach uses a liposomal delivery system with added colloidal particles like Silver, Gold, and Silica. Which uses tiny bubbles (liposomes) to carry the ingredients better in the body.


New Broad Spectrum Methylene Blue

Together providing a comprehensive approach to support overall health

Phosphatidylcholine supports cellular structures and fat metabolism, while Silica contributes to structural integrity and detoxification processes. Silver offers antimicrobial effects, and Gold is utilized for its anti-inflammatory properties.

Scientific Composition

Improved Delivery & Absorption:

Offering direct access to the bloodstream and potentially the brain, bypassing the digestive system and improving bioavailability. A direct and efficient way to keep your brain sharp, your energy up, and your cells young, by working directly where they're most needed.

Advanced nasal spray formulation

NAD+ nasal spray is a convenient, effective, and discrete form of NAD+ supplementation, bypassing the digestive system and ensuring optimal absorption and bioavailability.

  • Rapid Absorption

    Absorbed directly into the bloodstream through the nasal passages, bypassing the digestive system.

  • High Bioavailability

    Nasal sprays can deliver higher doses to the bloodstream than oral supplements.

  • Targeted Delivery

    Nasal sprays can deliver directly to the brain, where they may be most beneficial, passing the blood brain barrier.

  • Intravenous (IV)

    Bioavailability: 100%

    Fast and accurate delivery

  • Nasal Spray

    Bioavailability: 50-70%
    10-30 minutes

    Non-invasive and convenient

  • Tablets & Pills

    Bioavailability: 5-15%
    30-90 minutes

    Lowest bioavailability and slowest onset of action

Your cart
Variant Variant total Quantity Price Variant total
NAD+ 150 mg / Methylene Blue 5% /mL_ / 15mL vial_NSP-OMGBLU-15
NAD+ 150 mg / Methylene Blue 5% /mL_ / 15mL vial_NSP-OMGBLU-15
$140.00/ea $0.00

Push past limits with NAD+ Nasal Spray

Cellular Powerhouse: This vital coenzyme fuels your mitochondria, the powerhouses of your cells, for unmatched energy production.

Rapid Delivery: Our nasal spray bypasses the digestive system, delivering NAD+ directly to your cells for immediate impact.

Convenient & Portable: Stay on top of your game anywhere. Take a quick and discreet spray before competition, or recovery.