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Lab 6 Various “Protista”. Dictyosteliomycota Common name: Cellular slime molds Synonyms: Acrasiomycota (in part) Mode of nutrition: Heterotrophic: ingestive.

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Presentation on theme: "Lab 6 Various “Protista”. Dictyosteliomycota Common name: Cellular slime molds Synonyms: Acrasiomycota (in part) Mode of nutrition: Heterotrophic: ingestive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lab 6 Various “Protista”

2 Dictyosteliomycota Common name: Cellular slime molds Synonyms: Acrasiomycota (in part) Mode of nutrition: Heterotrophic: ingestive Habitat: Terrestrial: moist decaying vegetation Growth habit: Unicellular myxamoebae (ingestive cells), multicellular dispersal structure Cell wall: None in myxamoebae, cellulose in sporangium

3 Dictyosteliomycota Undulipodia (“flagella”): None Food storage: Glycogen Clonal reproduction: Mitosis of myxamoebae; production of aplanospores for dispersal Sexual reproduction: Rare and poorly known Representative genera: Dictyostelium Recognized by: “slugs”, individual (not grouped) stalked sporangia

4 Dictyostelium

5 Myxomycota Common name: Plasmodial slime molds Synonyms: Mycetozoa Mode of nutrition: Heterotrophic: ingestive Habitat: Terrestrial: moist decaying vegetation Growth habit: Multinucleate single-cell plasmodium Cell wall: None Undulipodia (“flagella”): One or two whiplash on aquatic haploid uninucleate cells; otherwise none

6 Myxomycota Food storage: Glycogen Clonal reproduction: None Sexual reproduction: Diploid phase resembles diploid dominant; haploid phase resembles unicellular Representative genera: Arcyria, Dictydium, Physarum, Stemonitis Recognized by: Plasmodium; meiosporangia often clustered.

7  Physarum plasmodium Myxomycota

8  Stemonitis Myxomycota

9  Stemonitis Myxomycota

10  Arcyria Myxomycota

11  Arcyria Myxomycota

12  Dictydium Myxomycota

13  Dictydium Myxomycota

14  Lamproderma Myxomycota

15  Lamproderma Myxomycota

16  Physarum Myxomycota

17  Lycogala Myxomycota

18 Euglenophyta Common name: Euglenas Synonyms: None Mode of nutrition: Autotrophic; green chloroplasts (secondary), or heterotrophic by ingestion Habitat: Freshwater Growth habit: Unicellular Cell wall: None (a proteinaceous pellicle beneath the plasma membrane provides stiffness)

19 Euglenophyta Undulipodia (“flagella”): Whiplash; one long for swimming, one short, confined to the vacuole Food storage: Paramylon Clonal reproduction: Mitosis by unicells Sexual reproduction: None known Representative genera: Euglena, Phacus Recognized by: Green but no cell wall, eyespot often prominent

20  Euglena Euglenophyta

21  Euglena Euglenophyta

22 Dinophyta Common name: Dinoflagellates Synonyms: Pyrrhophyta Mode of nutrition: Autotrophic; brown chloroplasts (secondary), or heterotrophic by ingestion Habitat: Marine, freshwater Growth habit: Unicellular Cell wall: Cellulose or none

23 Dinophyta Undulipodia (“flagella”): Ordinarily two whiplash, one in equatorial groove and one in longitudinal groove Food storage: Chrysolaminarin Clonal reproduction: Mitosis by unicells Sexual reproduction: Poorly known in many species, some with complex sexual cycles Representative genera: Ceratium, Gonyaulax, Noctiluca, Peridinium, Pfiesteria Recognized by: Grooves for flagella

24  Peridinium Dinophyta

25  Noctiluca Dinophyta

26  Ceratium Dinophyta

27 Rhodophyta Common name: Red algae Synonyms: None Mode of nutrition: Autotrophic; red chloroplasts Habitat: Marine, freshwater Growth habit: Multicellular; filamentous or plectenchyma; multicellular crusts and films, rarely unicellular. Cell wall: Cellulose, galactans such as agar and carrageenan

28 Rhodophyta Undulipodia (“flagella”): None (no basal bodies) Food storage: Floridean starch Clonal reproduction: aplanospores Sexual reproduction: Isomorphic alternation of generations with interpolated carposporophyte phase, oogamous Representative genera: Chondrus, Corallina, Polysiphonia, Porphyra Recognized by: Red plants; no flagella; cystocarps; tetraspores

29  Polysiphonia tetrasporophyte Rhodophyta

30  Polysiphonia male gametophyte Rhodophyta

31  Polysiphonia cystocarp Rhodophyta

32  Polysiphonia Rhodophyta

33  Various red algae Rhodophyta

34  carrageenan Rhodophyta

35  agar Rhodophyta

36  nori Rhodophyta

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