Solidarity and the City

CSC 33963

Solidarity and the City explores the principle and practice of solidarity in the context of U.S. cities. Students will examine the root causes of poverty and injustice in urban areas, will work on individual and group assignments that apply that learning to specific issues of justice, and will participate in a Spring Break immersion to a city to learn/work alongside partners engaging issues of particular importance in context.

Class Dates: Wednesdays 6:00–7:30 p.m. This course includes required travel over spring break.
Instructor: Dave Lassen
Application Process: During the community component of the course, Solidarity and the City teams are led by two undergraduate team leaders. If you are interested in this role, please contact

Credits: 1
Associated Term: Spring 2024

Crosslisted with: THEO 33963, ILS 33806, CST 33963