Zyra – League of Legends [Review]

in #gaming6 years ago


Hello Steemians, I have returned to classes and I am full again, but I have always received the attributes of the characters in different games, this time it is a combination of characters taken from a comic book like Ivy Poison and Kerrigan from one of my favorite videogames StarCraft created by Blizzard. This time League of Legends has removed all the sensuality of this champion to turn it into a killing weapon or a support for adc. I hope you like my review on Zyra!

What is League Of Legends.png

League of Legends is one of the most famous video games in the last decade in the community of players and seen by millions of fans in eSports on platforms like Twitch, mainly in countries like South Korea where there are more active players. characterized by being a free video game.
Source Wiki


LoL a MOBA type game developed by Riot Games. In this game the players will face each other splitting into two teams of three or five players each depending on the game mode. Before each game, the player will choose a champion with which they will play the full game, this champion will be able to raise their level during the game and their statistics can be improved by means of items. The game begins when all the players of each team appear in their base called Nexus, with the objective of the game being to destroy the opposite Nexus.

Each champion has a specific role and an exit lane and they are; Tank | Wrestler - Top, Jungle - Jg, Wizard | Assassin - Mid and Shooter | Support - Adc / Sup the champions must focus on killing the AI ​​controlled subjects to obtain gold and experience.

The League of Legends World Championship has become an annual elite tournament where the best players worldwide compete since 2011, playing in countries like Sweden, the United States, South Korea, Germany with an even more impressive prize of $ 1,000,000 and reaching audience record of 60 million people. In addition to the 100 million active players according to 2006 figures.

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Desiring to take control of their destiny, the ancient and dying Zyra plant transferred their consciousness to a human body with the goal of having a second chance. Centuries ago, their race had dominated the Kumungu forest, using thorns and vines to consume every animal that entered its territory. The years passed and the animal population was dying little by little. The food was getting scarce, and Zyra could not do anything but watch her species wither. She thought that she would perish alone, until the appearance of an unwitting sorceress presented her with an opportunity for salvation.


It was the first time in years that Zyra felt so close to a creature. Hunger took her to the sorceress, but another, deeper, different instinct determined her movements. He wrapped the woman in thorns with great ease, but as he savored this last meal, unknown memories invaded his mind. He saw great jungles of stone and metal in which humans and animals proliferated. A very powerful magic flowed through its vines and saw an elegant, but risky plan to survive. With the woman's memories, Zyra poured the new magic she had discovered into the creation of a human-shaped vessel. I did not know what kind of world was waiting for her, but I had nothing to lose.


When Zyra opened her eyes, she was overwhelmed by the great power that flowed through her fingers. However, he was not aware of his vulnerability until he became aware of the withered remains of the plant he once was. If this body died, there would be no network of vines to retreat from, no roots to grow back ... But it felt really alive. For the first time, I was seeing the world as animals did. A grim smile appeared on his lips. He had come back to life, but this time, there were many more things at his disposal.






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Zyra has a great repertoire of skills, whether to give the field vision, to root the enemy, to attack in the short and long range. She is an excellent champion to harass the enemy, it is not easy to use and requires precision when using her skills. It is advisable not to fail in the use of the seeds since the damage will be reduced. And when using Zyra they must take care of the ganks since she is a champion that does not have a way to escape.

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The passive ability plant a seed for every 8 seconds which lasts 30 seconds in a radius of 900 meters that grant vision of the battlefield, however, enemies can destroy the seeds by stepping on them. Zyra can have a maximum of 8 seeds planted and can cast spells near the seeds to grow plants that additionally attack the same enemy.

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The first skill activated with the "Q" key consists of sprouting a line of thorns on the ground that when exploding inflicts magical damage of 70 to 210 points to all enemies hit and if it is placed where was a seed sprouts a spittlebug that attacks the enemies from afar. This ability has a reuse of 7 to 5 seconds depending on the level of Zyra.

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Activated with the "W" key plants a seed that gives vision for 60 seconds and if you use one of your skills near the seeds, a silver will sprout that fought for Zyra for 10 seconds hitting targets and inflicting 50% less damage. You can store up to 2 seeds and its recharge time is from 16 to 11 seconds.

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The third ability Zyra activated with the "E" key throws straight line roots that immobilize the enemy to almost 2 seconds and cause magic damage of 60 to 200 points. If this ability passes over a seed it becomes a spanking that attacks the enemies automatically for 10 seconds. This ability has a reuse of 12 seconds.


The special ability is to invoke a twisted bush in a position that when expanded inflicts magic damage of 180 to 350 points to all enemies within the radius and after 2 seconds closes and lifts enemies through the air for 1 second. Also if there are seeds within the radius of the special ability they become enraged by activating and receiving 50% of life and launching bursts of attacks in 200% of total damage. This ability has a reuse of 130 to 110 seconds depending on the level of Zyra.


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Zyra can play 2 positions one in mid fighting against magician or assassins of the other team or the easiest playing support to the adc, I must say that I love more its facet of support since it is of great help to the adc, for its high cc or his damage can harass enemies constantly with his Q + W ability and auto attack.

As support it stands out since its passive and seed ability can give a better view of the whole battlefield to avoid ganks of the enemy team, however, Zyra is a champion with a slow moving speed and no way to escape which fight against support as Blitzcrank on the support side or a LeBlanc whose movement is very fast and make it very difficult.

I do not like Zyra's new passive ability since he suffered a rework however as you use it you adapt to his new game form to support you with the seeds that come out to go harassing the enemy with either his "Q" for long range or its "E" for short range. Some of their seeds are placed in places where they are not very useful and others in places where they provide a view of the battlefield to prevent ganks.

I like the low cost of their skills and everything that the mana yields, but their life is lower than that of other champions so it is difficult to approach the enemies. As for the team battles it has a lot of advantage thanks to its mass damage. Several seeds and the use of their special ability can hurt or even kill the enemy team.


  • High damage.
  • High cc and AOE damage.
  • Good combination with adc like; Ashe, Vayne, Caitlyn and Ezreal.
  • Low mana cost.
  • Strong against champions like; Mordekaiser, Braum, Leona, Ryze, Karthus and Thresh.


  • Bad passive ability.
  • Slow movement speed.
  • Difficult to manage and if you waste your seeds you lose.
  • Weak against champions like; Fizz, Katarina, Talon, Diana, LeBlanc and Kassadin.


  • Initially, it was thought that Zyra would have a stealthy ability (both the game and the stealthy repetition of the game came out at the same time)
  • Bradford 'CertainlyT' Wenban hinted to Zyra that he had three hidden liabilities that later revealed they were:
  • If Zyra kills any Karthus or Sion (or if one of them kills her), the killer receives 2 extra gold (references Plants vs. Zombies)
  • Maokai gets +1 movement speed if Zyra is on his team.
  • Sunlight Sunlight causes Zyra to grow in size for a short time.
  • Zyra's dance refers to Cha-cha-cha.
  • Zyra is the fourth champion who has a dedicated Remember Remember / Teleport Animation of teleportation.
  • Rise of the thorns Rise of the Thorns (the first inborn of Zyra) and Strangle The Stranglers have a cyan tone in their 'Champion Spotlight'.
  • Unbridled growth Rampant Growth could be referring to the letter of the same name from Magic: The Gathering.
  • Enemies hit by Grabbing Roots Grasping Roots applies the cosmetic disadvantage 'Rooted, literally' for the duration.
  • Deadly thorns The information on tools from Deadly Spines that describes Sporn spitters as 'pellet shots of low cordiality' refers to Undertale.
  • The river Zyras in Thrace, possibly root PIE * gʷer- "burn"> "shine".
  • The place name Zyra, based on Pre-Greek Syros Σύρος, an island of the Cyclades in the Aegean Sea.
  • "THIS EARTH IS MINE" could be referring to Sarah Kerrigan of StarCraft ("This world is mine").
  • Zyra wants to explore the world she envisioned by consuming the sorceress, as well as adapting to her new form, whose fragility makes basic survival even more important.
  • Zyra (the predatory plant that enjoys its new form) looks down Maokai (the spirit of the guardian nature that laments its own) and, however, could be the only ones capable of showing each other the merits of their newly discovered bodies .
  • Zyra might show some interest in Ahri considers the common in his acquisition of a humanoid form, but otherwise, the Fox is nothing more than a sandwich of many tails.

The bonus was obtained from these pages:

Bonus Zyra

Zyra Wiki

LoL Zyra

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Author – eksrey

Author – raikoart

Author – rossdraws

Author – PuddingzZ

Author – alexnegrea

Author – ar-rie

To conclude, I have read many forums where they complain about Zyra saying that he received a lot of nephrium and that it is useless for absolutely nothing. I have always had the thought that no champion is bad however in many times the balance between characters is wrong or that many players They do not understand their skills or how to use them. Every character requires a degree of practice some more than others. I hope you liked my review about Zyra!

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Good post and info, one of my favorites!

after read this post, i get interested to play league of legends..

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