Whitney Thompson Dishes Out Fashion Tips to Plus Size Ladies

If you are an avid fan of the reality show, America Next Top Model (ANTM), you must have heard of Whitney Thompson, a plus size model who made her way to the end  and won.

Whitney, winner of Cycle 10, is an inspiration to other plus size ladies who are struggling with being comfortable in their own skin. For our Plus Size Series, we feel that it is important to interview someone who is an inspiration to others and know plus size ladies well.

Whitney joined ANTM because she felt that she had a message to share and she feels that this programme is a perfect medium to inform others it is okay to not be a size zero. Everyone need to realize that the images they see in the magazines are fake. Just take a look around you. Everyone is different and we should celebrate that we are different instead of trying to be someone else.

Credits: ST Photo

As a plus size model, there are times where the clothes are too small for the model. Likewise on ANTM, Whitney faced the same problem. The clothes never fit her at any shoot. However, as Whitney has prepared mentally about this issue, she does not see this as an obstacle and brace herself through all the photo shoots.

Talking about clothes, Whitney shares with us some tips when picking out an outfit:

Always bear in mind to wear your size. 

In order to hide their ‘flaws’, a lot of people think that wearing bigger clothes will be able to hide it. However, this will make you even bigger. If the clothes are showing your flaws, don’t buy it. Buy what fits you.

Recognize and accentuate your assets.

For example. if you have a large bust, you would look great in an empire waist compared to those who have large hips. It is all about choosing the outfit that will bring out your assets.

Credits: Halens

Whitney was in Singapore a few months ago and feels that since it can be quite warm in Singapore,  personally, she will stick to flirty and floral dresses, black and maxi. She added that as long you feel comfortable on what you are wearing and as long the fabric breathes, that matters.

Credits: Whitney Thompson

Other than clothes, shoes makes the outfit complete and thus, Whitney thinks that high heels is a must have in every girls’ wardrobe. Super high heels makes one sexy. It does not matter what time of the month it is or if you’ve put on some extra holiday weight, they always fit, you can rock them with all black and they make you feel sexy.

At the end of the day, Whitney said that you need to be comfortable and happy with whatever you are wearing. If you feel uncomfortable, it will show. Adding on, she advised that one should avoid alcohol and smoking as it will make you age faster. Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily will give you an enviable glow and flush out your entire system. No matter how busy you are, try to take the time to take care of yourself and listen to what your body is telling you.

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