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Plastic Deformation of Quartz:
Undulatory Extinction, Deformation Bands, and Subgrains


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18. Undulatory extinction in quartz - Bands of undulatory extinction in quartz form a striking pattern in protomylonitic granodiorite of the Borrego Springs mylonite zone, southern California. Deformation was at middle greenschist facies. Quartz has formed elongate, ribbon-like grains, with long grain boundaries trending lower left to middle right on image. Feldspar (upper left of image) has deformed by brittle failure. The quartz lattice within each ribbon-grain has undergone deformation by dislocation glide, leading to the formation of undulatory extinction. Where there is little dislocation climb or other recovery mechanism operative, the distribution of dislocations causes a smooth and gradual change in extinction from one part of the grain to another (see also image #19). Where there has been some recovery, however, the change in extinction angle occurs more abruptly (for example at lower center of image; see also image #20). Abrupt changes in extinction across elongate zones within a single grain are termed 'deformation bands'. Unlike new grain boundaries, these extinction boundaries are not visible in plane light.

FOV 1.5 mm, Nicols Crossed.

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19. Ribbon-grains in quartz and biotite - Individual ribbon-like grains of quartz may have formed from original igneous quartz grains by a process analogous to kinking. These ribbon-like quartz grains occur in an adjacent sample to image #18, and show smooth undulatory extinction along their length. There is some grain boundary migration recrystallization of the quartz along ribbon-grain boundaries at the top and left of image. Biotite (lower left) has formed ribbon-like grains by kink-band migration (see also images #66 and #67).

FOV 3.2 mm, Nicols Crossed.



20.Subgrains in quartz- This example of deformed quartz in protomylonitic tonalite from the Borrego Springs mylonite zone, shows polygonal 'patches', the optical manifestation of subgrain formation. Deformation was at middle greenschist facies. As the lattice plastically deforms, dislocations sweep through it and produce undulatory extinction. If temperatures are sufficiently high, or strain rate is low enough, the lattice undergoes strain 'recovery', or organization of dislocations into ordered, lower energy structures that can be seen optically as discrete zones across which the extinction angle changes by a few degrees. If these zones are very elongate, the resulting structures are called deformation bands. If they are patchy and more or less equant, as in this example, they are 'subgrains', because they look almost like individual small grains except that their boundaries are not visible in plane light.

FOV 1.5 mm, Nicols Crossed.

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