YOUTH, PUBLIC AND POLITICAL: YOUNG PEOPLE AS (IR)RELEVANT ACTORS IN THE REALM OF CITIZENSHIP The journal Social Studies is announcing a call for papers for a monothematic issue with a working title Youth, Public and Political: Young People as (Ir)Relevant Actors in the Realm of Citizenship. The editors of the issue are Jakub Macek, Alena Macková & Jan Šerek (Masaryk University). We invite empirical, theoretical and methodological papers and meta-studies addressing the topic of contemporary young people as political and public actors. The existing knowledge on the topic produced within a variety of disciplines is fragmented by their wide range of topical and conceptual focuses, methodologies and normative assumptions. As such, the aim of this issue is to provide an integrated, interdisciplinary platform for reconciling these disciplinary emphases and findings. In doing so, we seek submissions addressing the topic from the perspectives found in the fields of sociology, political science, media studies, developmental and social psychology and related disciplines. Abstracts of no more than 300 words should be sent to the journal address ( More detailed information on the issue is available on request ( The deadline for abstract submission is 30th June 2017, full papers are expected by 15th November 2017. Social studies / Sociální studia (print ISSN 1214-813X, online ISSN 1803-6104) is a fully open-access journal, indexed in SCOPUS and ERIH PLUS. The journal has been published since 2004 at the Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University, both electronically and in print. For authors, the publication is free of charge. For more information, see our website: