Green Aventurine - Stone of Prosperity & Wealth

Sale price$14.00


Comfortable and adjustable memory wire bracelet.  Will fit anyone - coil and squeeze gently to make smaller - will adjust to larger wrists - can also be worn as an ankle bracelet. Comes in a pretty gift box.

It is believed that carrying or wearing GREEN AVENTURINE can:  Stabilize one's state of mind; help you to keep a positive outlook; heal emotional wounds; encourage tranquility, peace, and serenity; calm stress; protect against energy vampires; boost creativity; focus a wandering mind; stimulate perception; block any energetic stress from your computer or other electronics; attract  prosperity, wealth and abundance through opportunity - carry in your left pocket or wear left hand and be ready to accept the opportunity when it comes your way;  also keep in your wallet, cash box or drawers to attract money. A great gemstone for entrepreneurs and anyone who is self-employed to discern what paths might be most advantageous.

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