36x25 Drop-Down Steel Barn
36x25 Drop-Down Steel Barn
36x25 Drop-Down Steel Barn
36x25 Drop-Down Steel Barn
36x25 Drop-Down Steel Barn
36x25 Drop-Down Steel Barn

ITEM : VRDDMB3625128

Starting At: $15,597.00
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Price may vary based on local wind/snow loads or other factors. Connect with a building specialist today for the most current pricing in your area.
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Pictured above is one of our unique 36’W x 25’L x 12’H drop-down steel barns. The 12’W x 25’L center section includes a vertical roof, two 26′ long panels, and two gabled ends. Both 12’W x 25’L lean-tos are also installed with a vertical style roof and closed sides. Roof overhang extends 6″ off both ends. Due to such a versatile design, this steel barn can be used a variety of applications, including a shelter for your agricultural equipment, RV, camper, or other vehicle. It can also be used as a shelter for your animals, hay bales, and riding necessities.

If you would like more information about this steel barn, feel free to call us today at (980) 321-9898 to speak with one of our knowledgeable building representatives. You can also find additional information on our website.

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