Number of Current Board & Advisor Roles 1
CB Rank (Person) 899,932

Guy Quaden was born on 5 August 1945. Besides serving as the governor of the National Bank of Belgium since March 1st 1999 he is a noted a Belgian economist. Along with his duties in Belgium he is a member of the Council of governing board and of the general Council of the European Central Bank. As of 2003 he has been the President of the King

Baudouin Foundation.

Quaden graduated from the Université de Liège in 1967 with a degree in economics. After that he received a degree from the Ecole pratique des hautes études of the Sorbonne (Paris, France), in economic and social sciences in 1972. The following year in 1973 he acquired his PhD in fashion-economics at the Université de Liège.

Prior to his role with the National Bank of Belgium he served as the President of the Central Council for Businesses, Director of the National Bank of Belgium, President of the intervention fund for the companies registered on the stock exchange and was Commissioner-general for the Euro of the Belgian government.

Number of Current Board & Advisor Roles 1
Guy Quaden is the Director at Byblos Bank.
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