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Azealia Banks

Azealia Banks calls flight attendant a ‘fucking f****t’

‘I've been a victim of domestic abuse before and I have a flight or fight reaction whenever men get in my face’

Azealia Banks has caused controversy once again by being caught on camera calling a flight attendant a “fucking faggot”.

The incident happened in the early hours of Tuesday morning, while the outspoken singer was trying to exit a Delta flight from New York to LA. According to a video shown on TMZ, Banks used the homophobic slur after getting into a fracas with another passenger, directing it at the flight attendant after he refused to hand over her bags. 

“Ok so I get hit in the face by a man and no one cares. The only hear what I called the man who was blocking my exit,” she wrote on Twitter immediately after the incident. “I don’t care. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I don’t tolerate bitchassness and I don’t tolerate men putting their hands on me.”

The tweets have since been deleted and replaced with new ones to defend her actions, which you can read below:

Banks has used the word several times before on social media, and even previously made attempts to reclaim the insult – claiming that she means it in a “feminist” way.

“When I use the word 'faggot,' it comes from a feminist point of view,” she told Sirius XM’s Xorje Olivares back in February. “The word 'faggot' came to me from my mother. And it was never a thing about a guy being gay. It was always just a man who hates women. You can be gay or straight. You can be a straight faggot… Faggots are men who want to bring women down, fuck with their heads, control them.”

“You called me a bitch, I'll call you a faggot. What's the difference?”

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