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The families of mushrooms and toadstools represented in Britain and Ireland

L. Watson and M.J. Dallwitz


‘Curtain Fungi’, ‘Web-veil Fungi’, ‘Fan Fungi’.

Including Crepidotaceae

Morphology. The fruit-bodies producing basidia and basidiospores; ephemeral; solitary (mostly), or clustered (rather infrequently); differentiated into a stipe and pileus with the hymenium underneath the latter (mainly), or discoid, cup- or funnel-shaped with the hymenium on top (e.g., the cyphelloid Chromocyphella), or fan-shaped (and the family worldwide now even including a few gastroid forms); small to large; (0.5–)1–12 cm across. The mature pileus convex to parasol-shaped, or more or less flat or somewhat depressed. The fruit-bodies brightly pigmented, or not brightly pigmented. The top of the pileus conspicuously patterned with scales, or not patterned with scales; white or whitish, or buff, or straw-coloured, or honey-coloured, or yellowish-brown, or reddish-brown, or light brown, or dark brown, or olive, or yellow, or lilac, or red, or grey. The fruit-bodies with an earthy, “spermatic” smell (in Inocybe species), or with a goat-like aroma (notably in Cortinarius traganus), or with no particular odour other than an ordinary fungoid one. The stipe bearing a ring but no volva, or with neither ring nor volva. The hymenium when agaricoid (i.e., mainly) borne on gills (the lamellae thin); not thickening. The hymenophore adnexed to decurrent. The hymenophoral trama not bilateral. The basidia ‘unmodified’. The basidiospores ballistosporic (mainly), or statismosporic (when gasteroid); yellow-brown (Crepidotaceae), or rusty brown to brown (Cortinariaceae s. str.); smooth, or ornamented (often); without a germ pore.

The hyphal walls lamellate, with a thin, electron-dense outer layer and a relatively thick, electron-transparent inner layer. The hyphae monomitic. The generative hyphae inflated.

Ecology. Parasitic, or saprophytic and mycorrhizal; sometimes on mosses (e.g., Chromocyphella muscicola). The fruit-bodies borne on the ground (mostly), or on dead wood (e.g., Galerina praticola). Found in grassy places, in heathland, in coniferous woodland, in broad-leaved woodland, and in mixed woodland.

Representation in Britain and Ireland. Astrosporina, Chromocyphella, Cortinarius, Crepidotus, Dermocybe, Episphaeria, Flammulaster, Galera, Galerina, Gymnopilus, Hebelomina, Inocybe, Leucocortinarius, Locellina, Melanomphalia, Pellidiscus, Phaeocollybia, Phaeogalera, Phaeomarasmius, Phaeosolenia, Pleurotellus, Rozites, Simocybe, Stagnicola, Tubaria.

World representation. About 1500 species; genera 29. Widespread, especially north temperate.

Classification. Basidiomycota; Basidiomycetes; Agaricomycetidae; Agaricales.

Comments. Pileipellis never epithelial.

Illustrations. • Cortinarius anomalus, caninus, bolaris, cinnabarinus, cinnamomens, pholideus, semisanguineus (LH). CORTINARIACEAE. 1,Cortinarius bolaris; 2, Cortinarius caninus; 3, Cortinarius pholideus; 4, Cortinarius anomalus; 5, Cortinarius semisanguineus; 6, Cortinarius cinnabarinus; 7, Cortinarius cinnamomeus. J.E. Lange, in Lange & Hora (1965). • Cortinarius armillatus, brunneus, flexipes, hinnuleus, lucorum (LH). CORRTINARIACEAE. 1, Cortinarius armillatus; 2, Cortinarius brunneus var. glandicolor; 3, Cortinarius flexipes; 4, Cortinarius lucorum; 5, Cortinarius hinnuleus. J.E. Lange, in Lange & Hora (1965). • Cortinarius collinitus, C. livido-ochraceus, and C. trivialis (LH). CORTINARIACEAE. 1, Cortinarius livido-ochraceus; 2, Cortinarius trivialis; 3, Cortinarius collinitus. J.E. Lange, in Lange & Hora (1965). • Cortinarius albo-violaceus, delibutus, elegantissimus, fulgens, mairei (LH). CORTINARIACEAE. 1, Cortinarius delibutus; 2, Cortinarius albo-violaceus; 3, Cortinarius elegantissimus; 4, Cortinarius fulgens; 5, Cortinarius mairei. From Lange & Hora (1965). • Cortinarius bubulus, decipiens, obtusus, saniosus, saturatus, saturninus (LH). CORTINARIACEAE. 1, Cortinarius saturatus; 2, Cortinarius bibulus; 3, Cortinarius saturninus; 4, Cortinarius decipiens; 6, Cortinarius saniosus; 7, Cortinarius obtusus. J.E. Lange, in Lange & Hora (1965). • Cortinarius tabularis, C. talus, C. triumphans, C. varius (LH). CORTINARIACEAE. 1, Cortinarius triumphans; 2, Cortinarius varius; 3, Cortinarius talus; 4, Cortinarius tabularis. J.E. Lange, in Lange & Hora (1965). • Leucocortinarius, Flammulaster, Phaeomarasmius, Ripartites, Tubaria (LH). CORTINARIACEAE. 1, Leucocortinarius bulbiger. 2, Ripartites tricholoma. 3, Tubaria furfuracea. 4, Flammulaster carpophyllus. 5, Phaeomarasmius erinaceus. J.E. Lange, in Lange & Hora (1965). • Gymnopilus penetrans, G. junonius, and 5 Galerina species (LH). CORTINARIACEAE. 1, Gymnopilus penetrans; 2, Gymnopilus junonius. 3, Phaeocollybia christinae (not recorded in Britain?). 4, Galerina hypnorum; 5, Galerina marginata or G. practicale (?); 6, Galerina paludosa; 7, Galerina pumila; 8, Galerina vittiformis. J.E. Lange, in Lange & Hora (1965). • Inocybe adaequata, asterospora, erubescens, leptophila, maculata, napipes (LH). CORTINARIACEAE. 1, Inocybe erubescens; 2, Inocybe maculata; 3, Inocybe napipes; 4, Inocybe asterospora; 5, Inocybe adaequata; 6, Inocybe leptophila. J.E. Lange, in Lange & Hora (1965). • Inocybe corydalina, flocculosa, geophylla, griseolilacina, lacera, whitei (LH). CORTINARIACEAE. 1, Inocybe corydalina; 2, Inocybe flocculosa; 3, Inocybe whitei; 4, Inocybe lacera; 5, Inocybe griseolilacina; 6, Inocybe geophylla. J.E. Lange, in Lange & Hora (1965). • Inocybe bongardii, cookei, dulcamara, langei, praetervisa, rimosa, squamata (LH). CORTINARIACEAE. 1, Inocybe praetervisa; 2, Inocybe squamata; 3, Inocybe bongardii; 4, Inocybe dulcamara; 5, Inocybe rimosa; 6, Inocybe cookei; 7, Inocybe langei. From Lange & Hora (1965). • Inocybe rimosa and I. trechispora, with Bolbitiaceae and Strophiariaceae (Berkeley). CORTINARIACEAE. 4, (Berkeley's Agaricus fastigiatus Fr.), cf. Inocybe rimosa (Bull.) P. Kumm.; 5, Inocybe rimosa (Bull.) P. Kumm.; 6, Inocybe trechispora (Berk.) P. Karst. BOLBITIACEAE. 1, Agrocybe praecox (Pers.) Fayod. STROPHARIACEAE. 2, Pholiota jahnii (Tjall.) Beuk. & Bas; 3, Kuehneromyces mutabilis (Schaeff.) Singer and A.H. Sm. From Berkeley (1860). • Galerina mniophila, Crepidotus mollis and Simocybe haustellaris, with Bolbitiaceae (Berkeley). CORTINARIACEAE. 3, Galerina mniophila (Lasch) Kühner; 6, Crepidotus mollis (Schaeff.) Staude; 7, Simocybe haustellaris (Fr.) Watling. BOLBITIACEAE. 1, Hebeloma crustuliforme (Bull.) Quél.; 2, Hebeloma longicaudum (Pers.) P. Kumm.; 4, Agrocybe pediades (Fr.) Fayod. IDENTITY UNCERTAIN: 5, Berkeley's Agaricus (Galera) reticulatus P. (binomial not located in modern lists). From Berkeley (1860). All about 1.5 X life size, save for some more enlarged sections. • Crepidotus variabilis, with Agaricaceae and Stropharia (Berkeley). CORTINARIACEAE. 1, Crepidotus variabilis (Pers.) P. Kumm. AGARICACEAE. 2 and 3, forms of Agaricus campestris L. (Field Mushroom); 4, Agaricus arvensis Schaeff. (Horse Mushroom); 5, Leucocoprinus cretaceus (Bull.) Locq. STROPHARIACEAE. 6, Stropharia squamosa (Pers.) Quél. From Berkeley (1860). • Cortinarius anomalus and C. calochrous (Berkeley). CORTINARIACEAE. 3, Cortinarius calochrous var. calochrous (Pers.) Gray; 4, Cortinarius anomalus (Fr.) Fr. BOLBITIACEAE. 2, Conocybe albipes (G.H. Otth) Hauskn. COPRINACEAE. 1, Coprinus atramentarius (Bull.) Fr. (Emetic Ink Cap). PAXILLACEAE. 5, Paxillus involutus (Batsch) Pers. 6, Tapinella panuoides (Fr.) E. -J. Gilbert. GOMPHIDIACEAE. Gomphidius gracilis Berk. From Berkeley (1860). • Cortinarius bolaris (Berkeley). CORTINARIACEAE. 1, Cortinarius bolaris (Pers.) Fr. TRICHOLOMATACEAE. 2, Asterophora parasitica (Bull.) Singer. MARASMIACEAE. 3, Marasmius wynnei Berk. & Broome. AURISCALPIACEAE. 4, Lentinellus cochleatus (Pers.) P. Karst. FOMITOPSIDACEAE. 5, Daedalea quercina (L.) Pers. CANTHERELLACEAE. 6, Craterellus cornucopioides (L.) Pers. From Berkeley (1860). • Chromocyphella muscicola (Price). CORTINARIACEAE. 45. Cf. Chromocyphella muscicola Fr. From Price (1864, who erroneously labelled it Cyphella muscigena (i.e., instead of Cyphella muscicola?).

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Cite this publication as: ‘Watson, L., and Dallwitz, M.J. 2008 onwards. The families of mushrooms and toadstools represented in Britain and Ireland. Version: 5th August 2019.’.
