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Insects of Britain and Ireland: the families of Diptera

L. Watson and M.J. Dallwitz


~Empididae or Platypezidae

Adult insects. Antennae 3 segmented; ‘modified’; aristate, or not aristate (?); the arista if present, apical. Ptilinal suture absent or weakly defined. Eyes asymmetric, nearly or quite connected above the antennae, or rounded, well separated (?). The maxillary palps 1 segmented, or 2 segmented; porrect. Wings without a sub-apical cell. The costa not extending around the entire wing. Wings without a ‘vena spuria’. Feet without a triple pad. The hind tarsi normal.

Larvae and pupae. The larvae hemicephalic. The pupae without a puparium.

Comments. This description hopelessly inadequate.

Classification. Suborder Brachycera; Division Asilomorpha; Superfamily Empidoidea.

British representation. 2 species in Britain. Genera 2; Atelestus.

Illustrations. • Platycnema pulicarius (from Walker). Platycnema pulicarius, with details of antenna (5a), and extremity of tarsus in side view (5b). From Walker (1851, Plate VIII), with 2mm scale added.

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Cite this publication as: ‘Watson, L., and Dallwitz, M.J. 2003 onwards. Insects of Britain and Ireland: the families of Diptera. Version: 14th April 2022.’.
