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Insects of Britain and Ireland: the families of Diptera

L. Watson and M.J. Dallwitz



Adult insects. Slender-bodied; stilt-legged. The legs not readily shed. Antennae 8–16 segmented; ‘simple’. Ocelli absent. The maxillary palps 3–5 segmented; drooping. Thorax with the dorsal suture continuous across the middle. The dorsal suture deeply U-shaped (characteristically, by contrast with the V-shape in Tipulidae). Wing veins reaching the margin 10, or 11. Wing vein 7 reaching the margin. Wings without a discal cell; without a sub-apical cell; without a closed anal cell. The costa extending around the entire wing. Sub-costa apparent; reaching the costa independently of vein 1. The leading edge veins not noticeably stronger than the rest. Wing vein 3 distally forked. Wing vein 6 present; reaching the wing margin. Wing vein 7 absent. Wings with the lower calypter much reduced or absent; patterned (spotted). Tibiae spurred (apically).

Larvae and pupae. The larvae aquatic (usually in muddy water, breathing via a long tail tube); saprophagous (on decaying plant material); eucephalic. The pupae without a puparium.

Comments. Generally shining black insects, with yellow or brown markings on the legs.

Classification. Suborder Nematocera; Division Ptychopteromorpha; Superfamily Ptychopteroidea.

British representation. 7 species in Britain. Genera 1; Ptychoptera.

Illustrations. • Ptychoptera contaminata (from Walker). Ptychoptera contaminata, male, with details of its head (6) and antenna (7a). From Walker (1856, Plates XXVIII and XXX), with 2mm scale added.

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Cite this publication as: ‘Watson, L., and Dallwitz, M.J. 2003 onwards. Insects of Britain and Ireland: the families of Diptera. Version: 14th April 2022.’.
