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Insects of Britain and Ireland: the families of Diptera

L. Watson and M.J. Dallwitz


Xylomyiidae, Solvidae. ~Stratiomyidae


Adult insects. Antennae 2–6 segmented; ‘modified’; having the terminal segment annulated. The maxillary palps 1 segmented, or 2 segmented; porrect. Wings with a discal cell; without a sub-apical cell; with a closed anal cell. The anal cell relatively long. Wings with the fourth posterior cell closed. The costa extending around the entire wing. Wing vein 3 distally forked. The fork of wing vein 3 narrow, its lower branch reaching the wing margin near the apex. Feet with a triple pad beneath the tarsal claws.

Larvae and pupae. The larvae terrestrial; hemicephalic. The pupae without a puparium.

Comments. Thorax and abdomen yellow and black, legs yellowish. Hind tarsi spurred.

Classification. Suborder Brachycera; Division Tabanomorpha; Superfamily Stratiomyoidea.

British representation. 3 species in Britain. Genera 2; Solva, Xylomya.

Illustrations. • Xylomya and Solva (from Walker). 11, Xylomya maculata: side view of head (11a), showing clavate palp, and antenna (11b: 12-jointed, the second very short, the 11th minute, the 12th very slender). From Walker (1851, Plate I). • Xylomya maculata: as Subula(?) maculata, Stephens 1846.

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Cite this publication as: ‘Watson, L., and Dallwitz, M.J. 2003 onwards. Insects of Britain and Ireland: the families of Diptera. Version: 14th April 2022.’.
