Speaker Profile
Daniel B. Vigneron

Daniel B. Vigneron PhD

San Francisco, California, United States of America

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Professor Daniel Vigneron focuses on developing novel Magnetic Resonance Imaging acquisition techniques for the study of prostate cancer, brain disorders, and pediatric brain development. He is also a core member of the UCB/UCSF Graduate Group in Bioengineering.

Dr. Vigneron's group of researchers focus on developing new metabolic Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) techniques for both basic research and clinical assessments of human diseases. This requires the development of new hardware/software and MR protocols to provide biochemical information in addition to the anatomic information provided by clinical MRI. With the acquisition of a 3 Tesla MR scanner and now a 7T MR system, the Vigneron lab group has been developing novel coil and software techniques for high field MRI, MR spectroscopy and MR diffusion imaging techniques.

The group has optimized these 3T MR methods for studies of brain tumors, traumatic brain injury, and prostate cancer at the Center for Molecular and Functional Imaging at China Basin. At the Mission Bay campus, they are developing improved acquisition techniques and hardware for multinuclear MR spectroscopy including hyperpolarized carbon-13 metabolic imaging in the Surbeck Laboratory for Advanced Imaging. The group has a particular focus on the development of novel 3T and 7T MR methods and Dr. Vigneron is the Associate Director managing the technical operations of the Surbeck Laboratory. Dr. Vigneron is the director of the NIH-funded Hyperpolarized MRI Technology Resource Center (HMRC) and the project leader for the development of specialized dissolution Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP) methodology & HP 13C MR acquisition techniques.
EVENTS & ACTIVITIES (Speaking, Spoken, and Authored)