

What's Mycelium? The Unbelievable Story of Fungi's Underground

What's Mycelium? The Unbelievable Story of Fungi's Underground

You’ve heard of mushrooms but have you heard of mycelium? Just below the mushroom's surface is a vast network of thin, root-like threads called mycelium. The coolest part about mycelium is that there’s evidence of actual communication through the mycelial network.
MUD/WTR’s Senior R&D Manager specializing in food science, Matt Held, talks about mycelium and the powerful communication capabilities of the mycelial network

Mycelium - The Future is Fungi — The Conscious Club

Mycelium - Wikipedia

Mycelium: Exploring the hidden dimension of fungi

Graeme Hall Nature Sanctuary on X: The hidden underground world of mushrooms 🍄🔍 The underground portion of mushrooms you can't see (called the mycelium) can live for years. It is the reason

Mycelium 101: What is mycelium — Ecovative

What is Mycelium and What Does it Have to Do with Mushrooms? - PlainJane

Underground Networking: The Amazing Connections Beneath Your Feet - National Forest Foundation

Fantastic Fungi' And How To Film Them

The secret, underground lives of mushrooms

Underground fungi absorb up to a third of our fossil fuel emissions