Tomato – Reisetomate seeds

Little Plantae

Wurundjeri Country, Rowville, Victoria, Australia


Tomato – Reisetomate
Known as the lumpy travelers tomato this unusual tomato forms clusters of joined tomato segments. Originating from Peru it was popular among travelers for its ability to be eaten by segment as required. Sweet acidic flavor with a thick skin. Great for chutney, salsa, salads and snacking.
Details: Sow in Spring in punnets and transfer to the garden when the weather heats up. Indeterminate variety. Plant in full sun, in fertile soil, amended with compost, mulch and provide even moisture. Plant deeper than they were growing in the containers as it makes a stronger roots system. Apply a light compost tea every few weeks. Do not apply excessive nitrogen, which can promote excessive foliage and poor fruit set. 30 Seeds
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