The Saxophone was Invented in Dinant (+Photos)

The Saxophone was Invented in Dinant (+Photos)

If you are a regular listener of Radio Enciclopedia, you will certainly know and enjoy the excellent chords of the saxophone played by Italian Fausto Papetti, Spaniard Pedro Iturralde or the Cuban Javier Zalba, although there are many others.

The saxophone emits sweet and pleasant tones and its versatility allows the player to perform the most varied melodies. Do you know its history?

It was invented around 1840 by Antoine-Joseph Sax, better known as Adolphe Sax. The saxophone, which originated in the Belgian City of Dinant, where its maker was born and where he made musical instruments, was named after his surname.

In August 1841, Mr. Sax presented his first version to the public, known as the bass, and almost three years later he heard in person the first instrumental work with a saxophone: a transcription by the composer Héctor Berlioz of his Hymno Sacro, performed on February 3, 1844 in the Salle des Concerts Herz in Paris.

It was not until March 21, 1846 that the saxophone was finally patented in Paris, although it had already been used in French military bands the previous year.

To Berlioz, Sax’s contemporary and supporter, we owe phrases such as: «The sound of the saxophone is sweet as an angel.»

The saxophone belongs to the family of woodwind instruments, although it is made of metal, the reed that vibrates to produce the sound is made of wood. Nowadays, there are many different types of saxophone, whose sound is similar to that of the human voice.

The house in Dinant where Sax lived is now a museum dedicated to the saxophone and its creator, but all over the town there are decorations referring to this melodious instrument. Here are some photographs taken by Cuban Hortensia González González, who had the privilege of visiting it.

At the entrance to the Saxophone Museum is a statue of its inventor, Adolphe Sax. Sitting on his left is Hortensia González, the author of the photographs.
Details of the Saxophone Museum. Photos by courtesy of Hortensia González González.
View of the Belgian City of Dinant, birthplace of the saxophone. Photo by courtesy of Hortensia González González.


Gilberto González García