Fig 4 - uploaded by Martina Réblová
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Cacumisporium spp. on MLA. A-G. Cacumisporium acutatum (CBS 101315, ex-type culture). A-E. Conidiophores. F, G. Phialides. H-M. Cacumisporium capitulatum (CBS 142445; arrows indicate minute annellations along the phialide). H, I. Phialides. J-M. Conidiophores. Scale bars: A-E, J-M = 20 μm; F-I = 10 μm.

Cacumisporium spp. on MLA. A-G. Cacumisporium acutatum (CBS 101315, ex-type culture). A-E. Conidiophores. F, G. Phialides. H-M. Cacumisporium capitulatum (CBS 142445; arrows indicate minute annellations along the phialide). H, I. Phialides. J-M. Conidiophores. Scale bars: A-E, J-M = 20 μm; F-I = 10 μm.

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In this study, we investigated the morphological and genetic variability of selected species belonging to the genus Chloridium sensu lato , some also referred to as chloridium-like asexual morphs and other undescribed morphologically similar fungi. These species do not conform to the revised generic concept and thus necessitate a re-evaluation in t...

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Context 1
... C. capitulatum, the generic type, produces monophialidic conidiogenous cells with a tip protruding above the shallow collarette. Both the phialide and the conidiogenous tip elongate percurrently, and as a result, the tip bears minute, densely aggregated annellations with multiple growing points, on which arise conidia in a sympodial succession (Fig. 4H-M). The unique conidiogenesis of C. capitulatum was first described by Goos (1969). A similar anatomy of the conidiogenous cell, the so-called sympodulo-phialide, has also been documented for members of Chloridium s. str. (Hammill 1972, Sivasithamparam 1975, Gams & Holubová-Jechová 1976, Onofri et al. 1994, Réblová et al. 2022) but is ...


... The family Chaetosphaeriaceae, on the other hand, comprises an array of morphologically diverse anamorphs, mostly phialidic but also ellisembia-like hyphomycetes ( Fourn., also with an ellisembia-like anamorph. They recommended using the name Ellisembia for species placed in this clade until the systematic position of E. coronata is revealed, an approach that has been followed by some authors (Wu and Diao 2022; Yang et al. 2023) but not others (Réblová and Nekvindová 2023). Hyde et al. (2019) also suggested that members of this clade are congeneric and could be accommodated into the morphologically similar Pyrigemmula once the distant position of the type species of Ellisembia is con rmed. ...
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The generic limits of the large and polyphyletic genus Ellisembia are redefined in a strict sense based on a recent collection of its type species, E. coronata , on the original host at the type locality in Germany. Multigene phylogenetic analyses revealed that the fungus belongs to Sporidesmiaceae ( Sordariomycetes ) where it groups together with other morphologically similar ellisembia-like taxa in a distinct monophyletic lineage distant from Sporidesmium . Ellisembia is therefore restricted to those members of this novel group having distoseptate conidia and producing none or a few percurrent extensions. Its previous synonymy under Sporidesmium is rejected and four novel combinations are proposed including E. pseudobambusae comb. nov., recently collected on a dead branch of Arundinaria sp. ( Poaceae ) in Texas, USA. To further stabilize the application of this generic name, Ellisembia is lectotypified with an authentic specimen of S. coronatum , the basionym of E. coronata , preserved at G. Additionally, the genus Lomaantha , typified by L. pooga , is expanded and emended to include E. brachypus and related ellisembia-like taxa grouping together in a distinct lineage within Chaetosphaeriaceae ( Sordariomycetes ) distant from Sporidesmiaceae . A reassessed taxonomy for members of this monophyletic clade is proposed including six new combinations. The presence of distinct pores in the conidial distosepta was assessed for this group of species and their developmental processes are described for L. brachypus and L. folliculata based on fresh and herbarium specimens. Sporidesmiella angustobasilaris , which typifies the genus Anasporidesmiella , is reduced to synonymy of L. folliculata upon examination of its type material.
... In order to resolve the relationships between the three strains of the new hyphomycete and other species within the Chaetosphaeriaceae we performed analyses of combined ITS, 28S and TEF1 sequences. The species included in the phylogenetic analyses comprised Achrochaeta and various members of morphologically similar genera such as Dictyochaeta, Brachydictyochaeta, and other closely related chloridium-like genera, as per the study conducted by Réblová et al. (2023). The outgroup was selected from members of Chloridium, based on the known close relationship between the major clades of the family, as indicated by the findings of Réblová et al. (2023). ...
... The species included in the phylogenetic analyses comprised Achrochaeta and various members of morphologically similar genera such as Dictyochaeta, Brachydictyochaeta, and other closely related chloridium-like genera, as per the study conducted by Réblová et al. (2023). The outgroup was selected from members of Chloridium, based on the known close relationship between the major clades of the family, as indicated by the findings of Réblová et al. (2023). The gene sequences, including those newly generated in this study and those of members of the Chaetosphaeriaceae retrieved from GenBank, underwent alignment using MAFFT v. 7.487 (Katoh and Standley 2013), a tool implemented within the CIPRES Science Gateway v. 3.3 (Miller et al. 2010). ...
... Achrochaeta forms a sister clade to Papillospora (Fig. 2), which is a monotypic genus (Réblová and Nekvindová 2023). While they exhibit similarities in both teleomorphic and anamorphic traits, they can be readily distinguished. ...
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While conducting a survey of freshwater fungi in the temperate region of southern Australia, we came across two previously undiscovered anamorphic Ascomycota, a phoma-like coelomycete and a dictyochaeta-like hyphomycete. The coelomycetous fungus was classified in the family Morosphaeriaceae (Pleosporales) as a new genus, primarily supported by molecular data. We hereby introduce Minivolcanus unicellularis, the new genus and species, accompanied by both morphological and molecular evidence. Additionally, the dictyochaeta-like hyphomycete was placed in the genus Achrochaeta in the Chaetosphaeriaceae (Chaetosphaeriales) based on a combination of morphological characteristics and phylogenetic analyses utilising ITS, 28S, and TEF1 sequences. This newly identified species is proposed as Achrochaeta rivulata, the second species described within this genus. These findings expand our knowledge of fungal diversity in the region.