Figure 3 - uploaded by Rodrigo Caires
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Fish species of the orders Clupeiformes, Siluriformes, Aulopiformes, Batrachoidiformes, Lophiiformes, Atheriniformes, Beloniformes, Beryciformes, Syngnathiformes, Scorpaeniformes, and Perciformes, from the Bertioga Channel.  

Fish species of the orders Clupeiformes, Siluriformes, Aulopiformes, Batrachoidiformes, Lophiiformes, Atheriniformes, Beloniformes, Beryciformes, Syngnathiformes, Scorpaeniformes, and Perciformes, from the Bertioga Channel.  

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The Bertioga Channel, on the coast of the São Paulo state, is delimited by the continental shore and the island of Santo Amaro, and represents a secondary connection of the Santos-São Vicente estuarine complex to the ocean and adjoins the municipalities of Santos, Guarujá and Bertioga. In the present study collections were made between December 200...

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The Paraiba River estuary is the largest and most important estuary of Paraiba state, northeastern Brazil. It is under intense environmental degradation by the surrounding human population, and possibly several fish species are at risk in this habitat. Scientific sampling of the ichthyofauna started in the late 1970’s and proceeded until recently....


... The dominant species of the intertidal SAA (A. brasiliensis, E. argenteus, H. clupeola, M. curema) also ranked among the top five species of costal marginal habitats in Ubatuba (Sazima 1986;Carvalho et al. 2007), Santos Bay (Santos et al. 2015), and Paranaguá Bay (Contente et al. 2011;Passos et al. 2013). The three most abundant taxa in the inner sublittoral SAA (D. rhombeus, E. argenteus, H. corvinaeformis) also were dominant in the sublittoral assemblage in Ubatuba (Rocha et al. 2010), Sepetiba Bay (Araújo et al. 2002;Coast et al. 2012), Santos Bay (Elliff et al. 2013;Barbanti et al. 2013), and Paranaguá Bay (Queiroz et al. 2006). The outer sublittoral assemblage is similar to the demersal fish assemblage in Ubatuba shelf and São Sebastião Channel, mainly due to the high C. gracilicirrhus abundance (Rocha et al. 2010;Muto et al. 2000). ...
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The use of multiple sampling gears is indispensible to obtain robust characterizations of fish assemblage structure in species-rich subtropical ecosystems. In this study, such a dependence was demonstrated by characterizing the structure of the high-tide fish assemblage in a subtropical tidal flat ecosystem (the Araçá Bay, southeastern Brazil) using eight different gears along five seasonal surveys and estimating the bay’s fish species richness, combining these data with those from local tide pool fish surveys. The high-tide fish assemblage was spatially structured, contained five threatened species, and was dominated by persistent and large populations of Eucinostomus argenteus and of the fisheries species Mugil curema and Diapterus rhombeus that intensively use the bay throughout their life cycles. Large, small-bodied fish populations supported a regular use of the bay by piscivores. The autumn–winter peak in abundance of juvenile fishes caused a subsequent increase in piscivore abundance, and both events explained the bulk of the seasonal variability of the fish assemblage. The estimated richness revealed that the combination of sampling methods was enough for sampling the bulk of the local richness, and the bay may hold a surprisingly high richness compared to other costal ecosystem of the region. This faunal characterization, only viable using multiple gears, will be critical to support the implementation of a future study to monitor the impacts on local fish biodiversity of an imminent port expansion over the tidal flat.
... An ichthyofauna inventory of the Bertioga Channel was recently published, presenting 78 species, 67 genera and 39 families, caught by 10 different fishing techniques (BARBANTI et al., 2013). To the same area, ROCHA and DIAS (2015), using only otter-trawling samples, added fifteen species to the inventory of BARBANTI et al., (2013). ...
... An ichthyofauna inventory of the Bertioga Channel was recently published, presenting 78 species, 67 genera and 39 families, caught by 10 different fishing techniques (BARBANTI et al., 2013). To the same area, ROCHA and DIAS (2015), using only otter-trawling samples, added fifteen species to the inventory of BARBANTI et al., (2013). On the other hand, PORCARO et al. (2014) described the distribution of the sciaenid larvae in the estuarine system and adjacent continental shelf off Santos, highlighting the region as a Sciaenidae spawning area. ...
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The aim of this study was to investigate the ichthyofauna structure in the region of the north outfall of the Bertioga Channel (São Paulo, Brazil) and the possible effects of the environmental quality loss. The samples were collected in a monthly basis, from September to December 2005, at two oceanographic stations with an otter-trawl. The fish fauna structure was evaluated by ecological indicators and the environmental quality evaluated by the ABC analysis and the Estuarine Fish Communities Index (EFCI). A total of 1553 individuals from 50 species were sampled. Ariidae and Sciaenidae amounted to 60 % and Cathorops spixii represented 36 % of all specimens collected. The highest richness and ecological diversity were recorded in December, while the highest numerical abundance was found in October. The majority of the species were represented by juveniles. The cluster analysis and canonical correspondence analysis showed a consistent and clear difference between the sampling stations, and the abiotic factors analyzed (temperature, depth and salinity) do not seem to have influence on the community structure. The ABC analysis suggested a moderate disturbed environment and the EFCI allowed classifying the area as "poor", due to the 12 metrics analyzed, concerning the reduction of the species diversity, composition and abundance, and modifications in the nursery function and trophic integrity of the area. Future studies should focus on jointly analyze chemical indicators of water and sediment with the biological indicators, to confirm the ichthyofaunal condition of the north outfall of the Bertioga Channel.
... Yet, until now, there have been only a few scattered records of occurrence of E. marginatus near, or within, estuarine areas (e.g. Barbanti et al. 2013, M. V. Condini unpubl. data), and no prior information on consistent use of estuaries or permanence in brackish waters. ...
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A better understanding of population dynamics including the identification of reproductive areas and their contribution to the maintenance of fish stocks is essential for population conservation. Dusky grouper, Epinephelus marginatus, is a broadly distributed fish species, usually found in marine rocky bottoms. It is currently listed as “endangered” by the IUCN Red List. The available information on its population in southern Brazil suggests that the neritic habitat of Carpinteiro Bank - CB is the main growth and spawning ground in the region. We investigated if the dusky groupers caught in the rocky-jetties of Rio Grande city (a littoral artificial habitat with no spawning activity) originated from the CB. We sampled 28 individuals from the littoral rocky-jetties aged between 2 and 12 years, and 44 individuals from the neritic CB aged between 2 and 40 years. Individuals from both areas had their otolith sections analyzed with LA-ICPMS (core-to-edge profiles) for 86Sr:43Ca, 138Ba:43Ca ratios. The otolith core (natal origin) and edge (time shortly before capture) from individuals of the same age class showed no difference between the two sites. Individual profiles of 138Ba:43Ca ratios of fish from the littoral zone indicated, for the first time, that some juveniles of dusky grouper enter the Patos lagoon and remain within the estuarine environment between the first and second years of life. This interpretation of otolith chemical data is supported by the marked differences in salinity between the littoral and estuarine sites in these studies areas, and by the marked differences in otolith 138Ba:43Ca of other fish species analyzed along the salinity gradient in the Patos Lagoon estuary. The identification of differential juvenile habitat use patterns is crucial for the establishment and implementation of management and conservation strategies to safeguard this endangered species.
This chapter summarizes the composition of fish species found in estuaries, mangroves, and salt marshes along the Brazilian coast regarding species richness, latitudinal and environmental occurrence, and artisanal fisheries. Literature surveys and scientific records on 37 sites evidenced the presence of 604 fish species distributed in 123 families; 579 are teleosteans and 24 elasmobranchs. The results are presented in tables of species with the respective occurrences and 90 photos of the most abundant species.KeywordsMangrove fishesSalt marsh fishesTeleosteansElasmobranchs
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Eugerres brasilianus is an appreciated commercial species in the market of the northeastern region of Brazil. The purpose of this study was to analyze and determine the diet, reproductive period, and management of carapeba in recirculating aquaculture systems. The fishes were caught with a gillnet at two different places near the Sao Francisco River mouth. The stomach content was analyzed according to the frequency of occurrence method, using the index of relative importance, assessing the degsubjectedree of stomach repletion. The reproductive period was established by determining the gonadosomatic index and gonad maturation stages. The behavior and management of the fish were observed in captivity when subjected to artificial diets in cultivation tanks. The striped carapeba is best feed at dusk, mainly Crustacea Amphipoda, Insecta Chironomidae and Crustacea Tanaidacea. The species has parceled spawning, which occurs from February to March and from July to September. There are morphological differences between males and females, especially in the urogenital papilla, size and color. In captivity, the best fish density was between 7 and 8 fish m(-3), showing a good rates of centesimal composition, adapting well to the supplied diet.
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Otolith microchemistry (Sr:Ca, Ba:Ca) was used to evaluate habitat use patterns of the endangered dusky grouper Epinephelus marginatus in southern Brazil. Individual Sr:Ca profiles exhibited low variation, with an overall tendency to increase with age. Interestingly, individual Ba:Ca profiles presented 3 contrasting patterns: the first comprised most sampled indivi - duals (>80%), mostly indicative of the predominant use of marine waters throughout their life history; the second pattern (~10% of all individuals) indicated that dusky grouper may use or remain in or near estuarine waters for short time periods; finally, the third identified pattern (~5%) comprised individuals remaining in estuarine waters for long periods and provided the first evidence for this species of prolonged estuarine habitat use (over a year), in particular during juvenile life stages.