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Hea sally cha gil egg Dagyl Call g SAD laa gph Glad pay CLAN Ge aja ola! —1 tedlies eb telly hoped pou! cally sill dy silly 4Sb ity Law! AD Ga LLY! eel Gn ells 3 eal 48) Galle HS POLY! Gil plasied 3G ns “7 Ash ye yal ts seal a5. nae ye dyna Summary Of Thesis Title: The Intellectual Dimensions Of Islamic Thought. Objective Of study: - Revealing the extent of the existence of thought, which can be existing behind the Islamic art. - Identification of the nature of thought in Islamic art, and the extent of its relation with Islamic belief. - Study of the interrelation ship between Islamic art and other arts. Approach of study: The Researcher has adopted the descriptive analysis approach: Studding inquiries: - Is there aerial existence of thought on which Islamic art relies. What is this thought and what are its dimensions? - What is the extent of relationship between Islamic art and Islamic belief! - What is the mutual effect which interrelate between Islamic art and other arts of civilization? Most Significant Findings: - The Islamic art appear as a result of a closed reaction between Islamic thought and conscious contemplation in nature. - Islamic art agree inmost of its achievement with Islamic belief. - Islamic art could contain Islamic thought, which include a belief aspects and material aspects. - Islamic art influences initially by the other arts of civilization, later it had an effect in an artistic western symbols, and schools and artistic techniques which reach the modem art . Most Recommendations and suggestions: - Conduct an extra researches and studies in intellectual area of the Islamic thought. - More interest with the artistic education and Islamic art specify showing Islamic values and its principles thereof. - Activation of the idea of using the Islamic art as an international language to call for ALLAH and approximation among people. Researcher Mojib Othman Alzahrani 6 Aimed 2 Bagrg lolly getaghell ll golly ryelt lf ibigl dalaly La tlt clye gill -ailal atialll gif gat qllall oll Mpa lh yea ull ang ya ga gale cy bll acilgl ga gatslal JZ ll s Hal yall aia lf ciley sdngaday gyhll bal yall aid gg sa gf Gamy dla ga dd wll alse ala yay AMAL atte sll ada ap sal silsss Leyan s2ly ody 4ahit pteleg Ss owe JA 39 sill aly Garls Sol at dal All alle sl ans gph Gd Lyaaln Guill gibsaly godsbal dat lad velgell ghee 1a J glisal Jay sal [yg tls ao se gold sys ayes /spidolt alle ll ada gle a9 saall JK ya gomgal L lea ade sry 323 gills silage ss ald da gal ayaa asaza [yidull roel gil sdaly qallalll yall dale gy ace ysrsbe hal yall ada dha cla yt yo yon al gl Gall gil sasll at eld gi Il gilbaall sao Kbit 9 GML gynelly gVl daly aia clyal aes gis dc sall alll deal sa JA css aldtall jaa bon dal yall Kal daly goal g@uslh ald QUI ghaull Ste Stall 2al ud sedis ald gs cl gn lle sll aba soak wo yon al GIA ga Jay ibdliall galsall 955 yo daaloall gl a ygrall odypall gelell gram llgl JA! Sahl Cle gicagh! w pg + he gagt! waned ‘datuall 0d) Epica! Opadllgatgi! 2d) dual Y Aathe © yr Aull) aiSte e ry Aud all GY 3G @ ‘ Auloall Glal t As all dual @ ‘ Aud pall ayaa ‘ Aut pall dangle © ° Aut pall Gag © ° Jul pall Gilallos © Aad gat) lal flit ail A WLI aL VIO \y wok LY! Lb © Agha 1G Maat 28) Goal ye PwY! Jd all © v WY! yshs Beall Be a DLN A gall aang DAY LEG ge DhaN) all 1 A Canal YY ALY! vill lar YN ALY! call 5 gall Anal) lad) n asad) geal call - YA cgaball ggll - va bij! will - YY bail call - ‘Aauall 03) fgnagett dnsiige'ndt | vr cD! Gill Glew © ee Dey! call gd Ullal all rdlaall Apedlaty) 6 Bail) sl) coal oA syd © ‘ a A duall © 44 Aull ,§ Steal yo Cpsbuall ele ic Jlaall © ably) G2 Gill ql) Gaull ay calls Gale aM Saelly QOL! call « ay PLY! (A vill Lipa o 40 PLAY GA wall alsa! ° a4 OLY vil a ola oat oe fgg Dba Gill SSA Cygp peel] Caneel eo Ly! Sal yee ALN) Sal a gall aledl yea ALY! 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US ol she dla) 4S pally ) shal. pOL:Y vill ce LS 8 (*) ao dss DAY! gill Deel gu by 4S fale Gotliad dlls Leghall gale . 53865 cele el sh JS — OLY call ley Ged All Qe Faull oo alls GJSal) ale HSS (gl) Ca jet cy el aS ys 98 eel sid Ge et po Gla dae gS LS cLaalsiely Guslell Glo Gyr lsleell any 28 ob 2) tay il aay LN 5534 ease Bead LEE Wakely OLY) UL DS! pe at alates sb Fakes col yall pea Gd Cesall Goal dag] op chi Y ay HLA CO gue all Gala gpa cle sl unity ame A OA raasilly el All -¥ (eal g faa atlas of Yo jeu gill LOLAY! call Gl jade LES Ge pb Ib cata pie Bay pf gS SU) Anal) LL» Leal 52S ¢ sill | dis Naa Gyo syael) Jad ah DAT Gilat sgutle Gb -OLY cull ol Thahsy OLY! gall Cun SY Hees jul Sy Osi Ge ans Gat le path els Hall clgeals (ll VL Uhh all peal pall dalle Calla fb cis aanilly ol BM) Gye ll ole AN) 5 jae ans aseill Jen Les GuLAA alli Cie gy Cased ye plovall yl (Fay Ka) Olay! kl AL Gf Lah ¢ DLAY! cll Go Fae 5 jae ld wo all § cel) Lana le yal) Lal alg Ga Sig GI SEY! gal jie lle 0 5 We GLb gad teal banal le Lal God costa Ge MA pall dal oad ol (ha) iy losed aitny alos Cf gil stall cL! WEY ga \AGe EV 6 aad Jo ta «play a5) LOUGH Gal gall clea (1) £Y ye eGlad ga pelt le (1) Joga NAAY VEY ud JEW Ja cS an he sl ash gala BE (1) rn (") Aa dss v sal gil Janll Jala sells OLY) call gai vbeall OLY al ge stall aS : rv sepia Si callelly plaiay) -¥ Soa apes 8 Se eels SE StF gall GOL call el dy stlaalls 5 yyS0) gall plledl! gle Mlb puss Vy iy Ga SR OLY] GS) Lag GAD GAM, aS 5 peel Qa) hl oe als Jats ala lil gf apd lect Glleall CLAVE OLY! Gill jack LS «(£85 eds of dalSily patti Vlas! Lye Jess aS yobs aell 45h CLualll gs Sorel gle db a5 QOLY vill gb gay pale Gls jb dal) chal OM GSH a ghey Cilale ills Lancy Cle pciall 3 odgs LS Chall y psbial y cegigl Spall -€ S p& 5 caletlly juctiy alle 4 Ay 8 Yh POLY call 8 UL Lge day Laden Gohl Sly Leakl (3 Mite LI gl pacing of plaall gil Atlee Yes ol pasty Ly it GN) laste LOWY! gill Gf ol) Gd oy el heal y el peal Gh IN ie Sayains Clabes Gaile (oll 38S Ayal y Maia, etl pga Ay Laks igh He gene Ga plu Gliill gi! ay ae LAY Gill Slee! gle Gill Ga Cucigall (Sey gill JAIL OLY SOLS Gl dues S Jlaull lhe (8 YN oil of LS wg WI ats es gl "gael GL! ean Le Gall lll DS Ge Mga ye Anh 4 yal) 8 Agee seul WLS!" DL Ge i Gilly dh jane LdLY (I Aga yt) ALG Uyatt G1SY! ye lil aloe deal Lee dy Atl (Wha Mi) Alone Mike Gl} GLE as alah AYE ga Sib fo Stes gual Gupll se gill IS geld D asd (1) Gas 168 ya dle Qo Al qd of (1) AT ge Ghd aod (1) YA (¢) do ose Agia filly AdLeall Gal sally La A,OuAYI sDlayl gill baa. Ce gored oat ol sod. Guta ale v4 Aig gSHDg ASL GLesatlo Ap olay! aailly woledl BLE) -1 opis ALY) A gall Lt ge call gs POLLY! call Li No TBD ES fb sgl Gb POLY yall By Od ae OLY C58 Je Cader Gt ZOLA! Cel nals aiblay ag ye Alen Lee py Sl Gig SLY 5 jlenall AGS dege gle oT eh of OLY gla al ay 5S «RN a Ygdle Cassa) th gl il asf LOLA call WIS ys he gene gh OLY toaladly pal OLY! Ab wall LLG! cant by + leeal ey Anill al gl aga!) auth Jslay Y Ale st 2Y OSU) wale Gey SI dal ali Jylag Y OLY! all 8 YALU BS Lele Gap Gell Gila ge LEN! doles al | al alle GA lll ple Ge ley hy sey oll Calla, JUL Mule pall Cell gf US Be pa iy Olt) Wy snc gil aye.sll Jf Able atlaa oy aly Balad) SLA i Lalas Sal pally Aplayl SAN any deal OLY! sags Lal ge JS cualaual el ach Sly «LDLL) La a el cabal of alld ine Lee alll pail Ve Ghd cl ply lel) Cle ae) a Ss del! (age -Jgzalls apuadll of skal Sg gs alas Log bile Li] pel arent Ge ZOLA call Gp Oy ea! Ga le GUL! Ud Gna Aine 2 wis bey SS ce Legh cil Le dS gd YT ly Habel pasall Ge ons BOL! Gy sill Seyyd Nasr. Op. cit. pT (1) Yo Ga Ge gaye elit ost (1) AL pall Gye A Gaal! gay Cutt) andl ge Gina! Chagas Y UY «duel clio Gaal) sas GAT osilll os 4 Unis Jal Gee Ce Gos St, GNIS os SY GBS ehh MN G85 cgi alka gill Gall Ih ois Log ob Lda Gd coal G85 G6 Gan Lagi Cue gel es seus ll GIB Sines Ge SiR ATM gay Ley IG G85 Gol) Be Og gS tygebl -1 ce DLN, Daily gg all ppl Ge 50 ie le LY! cll Ble shy Y lass leg! — tebe case dg LS — Ais aay SE Jy ai oS cL Ge ple ke tole yy of cil a GS Ss Algal le GG pill SB) 8 ate) al Legally pill Leta GRY ag od del fb eee BSL al gh Gites spaue (od agee lb sel AI gens Sey GIS Deal aul ney gdb phe galall oil) dy PSI SHOT JGbI Ge ea sine Wg genes Si Le Le gs Gea! Aga aed Coe OLY ll Gla Sly gill yal Syseill yghaill Jats LS spel diay gle teal pd) sped! gd QOL! pill Alls 4B os ell ay Gb Cay A) ap laall Ube (Say Afanill GDL el Ua dtal, aay hall clit Gaui gd Coy All aplaall: dysall Auadll Gb JOLY! Geld A A gelaally gol) < oy oll G8 «ela ill SA a hs oa et ly LAY! call jac Lael Lasse Ag Sh gagme clad Gb sobs de be eget DEY Gull ay 5I dine Gi Ag Sy EAS, eee as aN cals slay) dad SS cle AG Lad sagt palie cilbo Id] y ASL Bee AS etl qpegll Gants Les Lge g pense Cally Cus: AGI jolie Ge de. (e Bye) al 8 yet A gata J Al LOL call Gn 9! (1) Gps VY go She ease geld asd (1) Vrua.)A0A geal GSD Jo alll gale gill Lan al gb el A ae Daal (7) y Agel gl Aig ally CLAN! — ad Suns acl gl Aig pally Lycaiall CHL tba Se LOLLY! gill jad itl of Loy LAY Lelso Gl gall G4 Lala) Qual Qual Ge ASI Asi ce alld aa dal ge glLeally Gad pall uae Le ol 3 ag S LOLLY! wo lel yas Jealls Sell! dal ges DAY! Lela a es Lgl ay QOL! call G yall gl) ode call gd USaty fi dass gh Gant y 6b alga cys allel le Latdie OLY! gall ols al [gill gal a Gay of ell Guns by oy gol Gaul Y 4 CY Lad 4a gh DIR Ge Glasmall s ALANS Ze yd als LS A US ce Apes) Gye Le Lede Daas JS LNT dell G2 S80 Ll ty Goal al les gi Lal dag LAE qu all La) -« oe JT 5 Y DULY! gle Lush Gal gsi aes! LOLLY! cal Oot LLY I yee allall od Jobl ad LS Loa) As sell 4 Ja Gl C8 Gb al sie ahs, (gael JM) GOLD GL gall By i nal L(g ope AX Y) ote Qtully te Cult Sop Lag etd a OLY slat) Ga ebe GOLAY willl gf a easly RET 5 joe Cut ll pall IL a aS oe GE CE wha Ns GSA! Gate Le Legs oo nk All Clad) Ge ated GOLA! call 9S elldsy JS gb Clea alls ele Sy gis Sill a gals Glets Le Leda y Zl cal yall 4 lal sis (jee GLY) call ened Guay als 2s ge sShe caus getistl osl (1) foal. OLY! cull Ce gDL pte ea Osi Salad pan. ene Ge oe MOLY GIS Ble DE Ge LOL! cll shh eats (9) af USE AEDU 5 pond co Lalas 2 geal Gall Balla att ALS ta) poli Gu dag I ofS All Aa Ailes Allen) ll act Lede a5 a olla! poh daily alla Catia Looks Delis Lain chy Legis ALS — gy ill Gye AU,Sacl) AlN paaliall aa gh Ge ab hy spall ell DEE agesy GAT! Ge Gb ISI | jyee Seald Js Alea pall of YY] ~apadll col SLAY! gall ale pgs Gl 5 UMN LAY ocd al GOLLY! Aulleall pal pail ob Ugh (SADLY al dah le eldialy 255 dal yall ye Ae sane Ig OLY yall Alle pall jyele a 4 jal al pall gal Ge dels ap! gill CMa Cle esly USEC 3) AY as sil sade 5528 JS Glib ie SLY Gsill 4ee craazly vob Gill -OLY! sill ol LS de yas gle pila OLY Sill eo Gil gy IS ALY! Aalbeall all GS etl a3 sy gee Cal ll AO tsaludly Asal lS Ge age! call Nas od Cg diline dad glee RS y OAM Gt vadd Bae d pOWY cull Alea aul sats pall a Caalll shiny EI ills ASally CYL Cty Saasls Sy cosh bss Gat bolsel Wy ala gill ZOLY! GUL, Won quad dlel Al | pgs (gill JS clo J Ast eliell it A il pel) ad LBS iy Ley Mauna Gala y hel sillyy reas WD Gul y past Ua sin asm Casi ols ll Imes dal Ge guatiall 3s gd Soe Aides csi gf NSA gualeat Lge as A Gal pal ce 31 aes Gest) jotted Uist al (yf gtd Gans Cas "Gapaall day gle be & ay ayytia ol ,sSs We hay fais aly Cosa pel Ow I jESe ad JS JU Gan ae (1) ATU ga AVA 5 pl osha al tt Ga Gola uals cone hye in gh Ba sasall el Sail gee Bilge Gall OM aa atl) 4 Bl slae ULeS Led 9S of ys alld GSD gael) aS jl DIS Ge UST Ce pbk Lew G3) inns BLS siy cL Ge MBLs Liane bls hee got eel of Ce ay Lise (55) 55 cfd Agepglll patball Ge 98S gh LS clall Gog shame Quakes Lge Lilly [Blinnane yagfly) ALS go ld Gg ots Gla dl ag OG sign chs JL ga Lad Lensily ee Rahal gig Audi Balla Seal) of SY! ald plea! gl as a5 (Sal IS Jag Lee «lly Sai le Tall POLY! Gaal Quay alld y cal ya he lath pat gb g sit Maine Que dah ob Joe Gl dont gushed) agi) gb Bull DLAY! lol agay sal Labels Lalane BalSe Wal Lua y Daall gies sSey faye ail Cue Ge — SLAY Af cdl silly oy SULA alla of Gia tle yy tle allah tea Ss oe BS DE Ge Ullal Gs sla syle ye Aig jb Jy you LSS ralld dom ile Valls Jd JA Sal BY gay aS Tall Gf Genel Alia dake ed GAAS alls! SV ye VO Gi she GS BAN, Lal Gals Can yy Cem ha Ua ll Ge ee 5 S3 ely US a pb JD5 yo 10 Cagally shall ciablis lls y baal Magis USD YE ai yall godly LAY dle Cans gill 31s) co 3) gl all ASI alld gay DANY G Sarg gd ay! jesially Asal SG) le slave GS oI Shine gil eels JS GI sill Hel je Cele LOWY! Gill les Ge 2S) Bilas 48 Sy gill aall 458.5) Slee G4 Ol BY) Abad Se GE (Yee) SAL alge daly yt yb aga Wey Lal 8 dy wl UGS pat ane (1) NYA ge A AM pall ye (1) Ly Ang (AVETE/E/V4 Cal) AAN aed) ght Hina "gl al 8 all Jae ale valle (7) £0 FS (Ky dE) ct Sha) Glas te 6 8 gle Gaeall + UI ALS Lin ape A Sell tae 5 gf Abaadhe Say 8 lanl) lee GP LS ALS aad Jae il Qi) sll Gly JS ame Gigk og cil! atte EN yall ugh Case Leah pela uly diay Jalall Ge smell sly GS Gh pad Gala Sle Gall ilall 48 GS JS All Jos Aabat) 4 DLAYN esata cya Sey gl ually AI baal Ay paul sss Leh gf pealiall Ain GlLE jyne sf Abdi aga y le 45S al) aces Sots (Veby SSA) Aa apc J alge a8 Leb la pb Lal US als pe es Gal le pany ol uate SAM gb seat Sp gedall Ie peed Lb Se GE AE LST Cues ola fd dl at clad] type Ue Ble ceo Ls A agi aba) ald, lly als y 5 Sy only ISA Ue Babe ce Gala Gl asl 50 cantly aga Leted ists ¥ [bal # ye q Jia OY GSA oka 5S 50 sot gil Ada gf Case call Leash a Amada sabe os 28 438A eg SSI es Degy SSE AS yall gle aed 8 JS ALAN Sal J LS AAD A Spal Sis gil sll Ue Aatle Ainen g 58 GL Ss ly ij Sys La lel: Gam tll Joe syst allo JS La y0 Jom a5 val glia LS 4 eed cA cseats oath Cyakieall Aguile Apel Ae yao ay Deus AS gh Slsel ley Lan! Gl phil 13S y« SS Al desl ol val co Se gf caf Gat ald GaN) db Spc) Als che ull lb AS gS Logs lf aall) S50 ge Se of OB Als call Ga Je 5S 5 Sys LS oI UDE eu) daladl Sul gyall JUS ces ge SI Sal gyal) galall jaSpall oll pce Gam. “A Ay fll a ales all Galt wdolae dd (1) yee 2 NAVA dl VPA clin TVS geil tne Yo dy pA HS ga ot ab yllcne () Yue (3) a use + OLY! cil Late as Al all pal oe Gs weal. OLY! call oe Abdi dts Gf cen 45 ee Stan AS yal gle LOL! ual lac! On 3S 9s + Leg apxy puatinll te GbE Jeall bars 8 - ADL Y! cll bay Ce ts Gb tA ce Aipte Sas i I POLY! ll a IS pal 5 ls GSels Opes apd el cle Gedudl Gui gd SLAY) LS all UY ce ash Ss coals US Gal jing Sanly All pie A Osea LS ail ss only aly GES il gs be od CN jatall ott Lat pyeaty Iyald Lente of lal igheay Gl las slls GS s Say! J Saille Las yy Ss GLa allay SIS le ZOLA call Glee Oe AS ingens lag Glog) glad Rises Gs Lees. tale] y cla JS aby Mine Sans Agente ode Gini g gUbtad OLY! call GIy eget all Jleall i IUSs Gp Dal Gay Gg AA laa GB Lali y hac y 8 jee dlls Lele JS Vi jyan AyD) gh CH jae Lge G8 at Ste Sel Sp Stl Lyte habiss Gatley sae IS2l ole QOL! vill B JUS GSLaiall Lp SH) san ge GAB Gey Gd Ban CIS Sales oy ll gas ce tks le 5G Aaslete plan gd HA Sj) Glan gl syle ay aka) J Sy «pSLede a gb Lad ll oly aces cl} By EAT gh Soaks clay ysled Gd cuits Bh A 5 Cans ell fully aladiel a5 Om gat fatal Leah Sat) ye gill 1s gay es se pLSD cpa Kaul « yoga Ley. "Lag ily oI) cal gp gna tems hel (1) ATGe acy ceed at Gas dayane aluall al) all daa GI LAN cals ee ld GNU gall Cals GY deg ali sles el ad LS col galls Glu! Ayala Gls Ag) atheel LD Gye jets Gullul Sin alan Les Sealy i jylate leh (bee Wade Ledlage of Unb al) Glelay) Gee Ge JS (Rebs SA) J SL cy si Ff AGM y lal ts glans athe DUA gys plea lesa) (a Gatliesll os lye gs ae JUS of Cielig Wa yy alls Wa Sal ll Co slly Sal dlasly blas ele ally CAG YI alls 8 BL ge jyetie Calida Sits Borage gh Lindy squeal BAYS atid Ow ASD DEIN a tan! eset caal SLAY gas Lal pa Gye Alles aed & gly Abe ei gill Leal! Ge coill Daal! tansy stand gil angel Gye) Oy slgbleld Deal 10) "oan gp GSD oaiy Y Cm ill Deal (Us Say ally Lave rice sing SA lal cule Gd LOLLY! call 4 sans Uist G3 Joes oda 3 bg She a5 tee ROLY! Aull LL, clas ee ST alas LSS LF Gayl gd gd dee Lele ll Glau! NI Gn gg dia GS Cus asl gl gall dea ala saa. a Sal Laas dees GOLLY call A dec gf Lady san gl Jed! paalie Ge eal 43S paliall lb Gb le silly GIDEA) 25 pale Gy Lal «gill cs Get) aS ll ad CaS CG Lalgall cys Ae gape alia of at y eB jg og) Legh tbe) tan of ge LOLAY Sal Jie tan {pti asl ally Capalacall JS ol GS) eS GTLill Aadll sans cf LS. uid \ Lol a Ag Sal) Ca jad le daa y eseF aay Sal 8 Ly ALLY! ULB JS (8 phe LY Og oils gaye ya al Hg sme ase (1) sa O & ALY oi 4 JUS Bans OF ged a aga cil june lag Lah any db AL Fx Co Bhs AOL Gaal Jee sant oh tle still pS Ley Haase SLA le Lenka 8 cual Le alld Lec ull ey Gc 8 5b Cl Gl Leakey le, Cas Lely Lela gb Ca AS Saas SB ygeed UCL y Uagall Rpssigll NAY! Gee rE 5i—ie ate g 9Sll of US «gill Gaal 45 Sa) jeattnll Alb gill asad ys st ca Bg silly Anal Dac DIA Ge Antti stall Gy GLA (4 onc aisha 8g 5 el Jy ye salah all daall Jala 550 399 SLY aay of eUatul aladl quill Sly daaly onal Ge Les (al) daha assy Lis pat cin J Ledlaal J Letetey jet DIS Ge uly le 95 UtSa8 alld Mele 42h sane SSI 1S, Cond Cie g sill Hla 2 459 Al DIS QOL oil ool Jus LS By ARDLAYD Syl CH joel) 3 Say pall Ol AA plaid les ol i ASA abu gla) pra Cape sal ll gill Jeall dls & sill gt 9 oh shu Es itlly gill daa sla Legis Le git ay Lae ABLaiall SSAY! cle Aaa clad CI GA Sag ge yay al ds Lets (pis hey Y GOLLY call easy Y Sty San gll ag ye 5 jue Thy ALS. Alle Allan Legs Sig Cum SLAs Cale Shyu eed ds ee 85H Uke otal cla aol ype oe eeu call jae tl Galo pludl al js gill ap ll ye legs OLY! call Gi g sill Thy Sy LES sp ncyl dye Sapa gy GN Ag tll Gl} cab a SI) GI alld eas Sed oy Ny gels gS oll ancl gf Say gall al oy sauaill s gst jac Ally pluall gual Ge @ 85 A All dee! le igliyle gb AISA paoliell paid y Lencaiall gall OLA call J LAY! they pod pS UgiSly CH peal ines Milne Als abcd 5 LEY gill deal feel) Gusts AgLeg!) gall anf pA YN oe LS Ayjles Byer Sal lea Paylis Lalyh J Lites Slllee gle Jal JS ab Goss Jb ays allay IS Noa Gh OSs ¢ J sels ¢ pail 4 pS patsy allel 38 das Gall WSUS AD pa) AS al USI Ja geal USS (ll 4 atl) 4S jal) seh jet Lisa, politi 1S ON, 5 guen HBSS hall julie Eas CaS pal GS a ge Lis 2 je OLY call of ELBY! ints ee 8 all yan plas ageigy Ulan Yl posed Y dStey ADS Ge os sal gs gd lac 4S LS cJaall Sa peal Gam ILS US Lal Jog ep ealiall AL Cay pleas anal age US dae OSL Gb poli Coitlly Cll) CL jaa Alga Ley chan GB 9 Sie USy sal ia EARN cf ls cps aha Gf US Leth) ead Glas) pup dale i Gibb YIS Qualls ayy (cl Aghia y Allie [phe de pole aes lel) gy GLY! dom salaall gill Lyatty (ll Ah due! le & gi Aspatie Gye ty Gegilll Ja jualic: Uyfaot ll SUEBY! yee 4S jal) dict jog Ape ecae CN) BLE y (all Leal SS Ga 1ys9 Ga A ld 2K pall 55 gall MB Yk A YL jis ZOU! call gf Sal Jip gabe stall Unogan Lad Ganlly pS jah Apesigll 4458.51) Jee Lali g 95 GIGAL AS jal Lpsd ESS Ay all L gba! allis Asha G15 Lee FY) glans Go pauls Madly IBA: o gael! ale Lele cally Oy Ayal Glee) Gane gaa SI) sy Sally hall AS all ga 4a) SLAY) OSes pall ayy yacht GPP pind La) oan 0ly GEDUL Go st ally LOWY! audi ial cok oly dust) gb JUGAL Qt dans elt do cs aL silly LLY Gl -Sally pally AUST GL DUL Lud Lib 45 pally yd Lice Gite ja} Sle IY gal daghll Gills LS, «sll ulally VV a edhe go pe Aaya US Clin wo pad ene (1) or 8b Laas cpp) cya aay Saad ga Ap Lung placa sly igus Ls Ob hash cpg aL US Gd all ALDU cLuaill GUI a Willais gis 38 abs le (4 eBy SSE) alae Laban i jal gh plana as oJ Ihe ols Elite cash g pie Aedes Sy al Y ccugilll Gans ga Lucals Lys gi Gab Gel Halsall plies ea: abaall Glill gis! Gua «plu! cil 3 oS US halal Lac Cuaes Bing ofall Vins Abe dees Y dSts Ladle Jatity JIS Sues base Gy ty dibs pled quill of as 1a ce 8 Led os tl Spey El pall any pl thay ccgill Leall Sal) alate [jad Y bie ce SLE) ha Le A alas All Gl patel el go ue hls (* Ge Ela aga pte Aaa Ob piel — costly Call Gans Ie Sy eS Le ah ga go EL all Os Gadlls g Sil ol OLY! cal lap ey coe Y Gil OLY! LS ge ab OLY! gill J Se dase eu ald eal) Gyo Led Gb (ll Gilead) ali 3 (cin splaadll sla (f gill Bl ll an gy Y Gal shally GS ADLAY! 5 dal Ge Shad egamalyy lS wey Sty Sel Le Ha Cal ang at gly Lad) 2 hs JS es IS Gl cegabe Qily cll NSAI aly (salpall ull Lan 8 g Uta gill GOLLY wall Gle Lagi. le GOLLY) Sal y Sauiall pads Ge} Augie Y eb fits leg py a QOL! vil I eae Ges DE Ges Loxals gee dae JS Gib pall ab of Y 6s AY Osi eo eee Ky hy Gailey Ball ob Gel ly Maks. OLY! culll 5 jye ALUM Gael HDL geld) oe GES AV = AN Ga Ga cae 32 alll pd oly Lan f ily DU stl dele (1) 1 aa jS3y Gul Cad Je dia GY GE ELD aes To gl Gels asd (1) eal silsyee (1) of a { uw yD 1 ssid pol bo. DE Uns leis! iSsall uy will ita Ga cates Ags J Ahaha 1 lll ce «gay viel °° sla jay (gil gal) Slee) leh fle ji GLB Ogle laa util deal OLY! ull oe Ai 85 oN SIGH Cost! Sac dye Sha 3 at caged Yoh GVM Ga dla) sgh Adal) cob Lagi gypaluaal) plale aie Jlagll sla) rbagel gb SLU ls JSty Cele hae HOLY! seal Ch call gs ela tle LgNlae JS 4p Cran Leals I jd Le dee Lees BO, by cay DAY) Gaye Sy desl sl alu sla Gleepad J ucla gal I) sie! oR): a JLB Ae siey sane SAG lad Gadd gb jpail s EI) le ONG gala Lala sR) ANI dS 89. Gobzal 9G lil aya sal dal ot prada) + cl Jy poole Ge GES, pA! Cand LOLLY petal oo oI UL Ys sage ecgalee Ge WU s pSV! CH jLaeall gf pslial Glad all, sls Ag yy Glad ail Leng I dal! DULY le SB sabe gle LAL pst Atlee Gl ge US ged placa Leal) gan Lele Uns DL Dall Ale aS! Lay cll il Aces! (Al) ADU ULSall ol} Jaa Qual poy Sounds Ube ¢ yb SF Gee Al aghals SLY! cl Syall Ges 4) Aga) DLA) Apecitll CaS ALL y ALNSis Ae gliie Gare Ae ihe slgLind)s « Luil aay « Le) be SS; Gsid 3 Leal dae 31s Cols dog GS dala Ga yb Gl dpe pally Gz ob Gyo Lines of Aasialls Leg UT can iay Gye nna GES ghey gprat gle Yale part ens) QOL! cE pHs gyal pall ull gala Glan! se Apa Le ee taal of cogs gp al Is iy eas Sal Jlell gf cask! stirs cha Ga clay GOLY! ¢ 5a) Una ys) All Alea ¢ plaill «SWAN! Gok (does Le sab 4.01 5 jLeall eal 58 OLY! 3 pla DE ge Leal ge Gaal deal shy Sebel) ay ebay! cull Lede atts cl Ua tial Oe ll Ala 5S pal chaos gh Le ae Gauci Vea Stam (1) oA GS Ligled ALS OLY ay Gay Uleall Gal dl ppc phe J age DLsYN coll) Aah SI Aalall gl Lae NI lalbuall Gave Leal ov} cg Ded LLL | ais of soe ppd day ule SLU alte Yh of Lay BILAN US cb ickall lea Sl AM jail ons aga SS Jeeall Leas gle Cilae Riuc Cyaline GaSe Uh p90) Gilly padll eS Ge @ AS Gl oS Veils § dy GokS dial) AG Ye Cl figally Lal gall Go de pane ANY a5 "Jaca ie Dpal ge Cin dual Gola be Leth: ail sa asl OT eh cn hong Sn 8 A vlads Ct GBs pla etl apa le oyna dla OS I Ue ped! ces SB y eS DEY! gf Cue Lege OLY! SSI) gary lead GOLA 5 al Voge LS Up Noalss J lala es YAR Gb galls yg sieall Ow cm JY GLa, ued Ag Apples Glee gle eis cpl gf Andy cle Well LAY ST 5ls GA Alpatll al Bob Ge LES) dA) CY phe Ge all Seite OLA OB ages ay Le Hag EMT US Go WaSns Lnle Gas spllall ys Qae 4: Gil Uke diay of ghia! sae BOE: yy yall ge aN lead A DLY! a5 pI ilesy Aisle aie 5 + LLYN A plea aseiall ails Sj Se GDL Ge deal pleat! oS gal Syl gd Gay: UA oll elegll 5 yglaa ygull Aaa) Sls ga Gay ttl yal sloglly Mikael) Gyeabeall cy dally pLdall Gane el] gd Gey: GBI yall (Sing gily al pal g 8 Cf ADU qu gall ul Ltslie sey Dejall Gay Mie! le 6 GOLY! call ¢ page Ut Gd qt les Go dha WDE Hill Lule esis a Ane YI oe Lie ojo C8 of Lal ge gill att Gl oh8 Ay GLEE cglll g pula gall 8 9 Ge GISBY! Gb pany Lee ally «LH! Aut all + ag ySll Gill B Jara (panty al dp ued Le Ley Glu! the Gd gS Jill dig ¥ GI A dead pally Ly Sea gel Qpalnd GUDLe pis Lyysa Iy star GoSal ald « bolil UgilaDLia! Lyd Deane cyyelecall Gust JSl2 Gaull s yell! Iya Bay CL, AI GI jaaall eel Go ay GLAD oF sled! Ges Teal jee! Reeing ¢ Ast Slay 5 jae) all Copia y Dally Deal) le LL) JS We ele eaS sil sill oelis GJ Cus Aigeraey ASS fa SI! SVEN Van all cyan gate cy sibs spall Jew Lee Cail) ald 4 pha) 4 gall FAN Sox dois 5 se Gy ag al NS Go ost pe ely etl al gill anol coe Vg ple 4i)y din Le plan ily 3 DUbI ale Gy BDI 4 Gf" pS ON gigh ae i Gly Gated Ahead gy tle co} Gags 8 ypkall Gy aul Ge pale) Sell lB GS oF gall Gas cells DUI aed (ll 5 Dall all OY py 9) Gall yg sll gS ll USA sOgeaal Uh! gi Jas of Se Y Lake tl 58 Cals ILA gM Slay Ad 5s a AST aj gully GUY! pete of alla Gad Gye GS pally USI aye I CLA Ga aS oa gle Jat lel Gas Ld gets dpa geal dob iaalddel dell petal aay ol sil de) OGebill oh Sg Lae Gaal GIS le Goad qullll faally Je jall Sy gs lls ES Yrinte cle sill cg sill Atlin alt Js ou IS CLalb esl! les Aba Gg) Gales aS as Cig old Gh Gall Ley yeh ul ABU Saal My ad gueenlial Gt abate ob ile aly Van dang als GT ill of gay Lala Ay aga agile! say cl Go asedals cloil 4 say) sl Wl ay Leall lS J 5 oi Ca gusy ey Sal INT o Sal ay Gal sel ce able al 8 sjleaal ole y cod uses Guat Al) Malis Gi jail qty} ADI Ge ob il Ayu! 2) al) gh Slant! Bul GS ayy 4) oat aS Gla (tility Jleall bull ge Cou) ate y Lele Gad gl GY glaaly Lead oy call qucl yall ull ets Can phy Gye 2 GDL cgllegll Jats ale pss sill Sill pail pee JSUS 1b Caghey Glad gle (gs ail JB gs 3 ypu ood Usa dd as aly Jed wetlpal Latah pLal ly Ls his en Lo pats amma We Lyelas } ONG soto be Me sloaeell phaaich pLaS shou dy Ja) glad Ss 3 ypu oat Ge AT Cae ty ONG gloat pall 9B ail Leer Bs Quay sh al gee Jud jun Ll OG tag Lye yume Ds GlLed il Ds @ lel By me hy La Babe elie Le ge als): ded ail Usb de jall Bye dy (te ML Laggiss Le sally “sigausll Lita Leg ) = ALS ail Js) peal Bye ats OC Jucolh gael isola ill delall sly sally sabe holy Lgl Lad) + les ail dds jal Base ody VG shaag Lat Largs Lael gullet gaiysg Lanall shall yuass whe 4 yaayes (0) reahtadiige (4) ny piaes Leal Iq al yia ll Lal L,> sds ail Usb tysull ONS ds Ligiger ras inne ye Bele Lol Lea Dy uci sh Lid re By csille 93 pall OG hyn Lala sBodsuts Batic’ nina Lagat Lal Lgala plaid,» : Meds ALS ad Jal Bog gt ul OG gy dy gst se LL Lagat Lay sp Lats Leng ailing qcslse ob Sell) Sey LUI 2y SI CLS Ayblesll 6 pli DS Ges Bice Jc ela Gus | ples Lp) paall: 45 pbs Cad VI c sdyanll juall gine Sym 8S Oe) pei 2s By ged ae ce de oss tb ese Y gill dell jue) canlye JB Wh oe lay en Upwy die db le gl ge ole OF a rad ig SEY jue lb dees peat By pell IS us (AT) AN a Ula) bd 48 255 gill lol dus deny oe Maly ae) aaa Gye (VA) AaLall ASD gh ayy Lal Ld tebe «Spas juvall Lad (gill haul ceinall o just Dy al gill giles) ttl pads UVa clea By pu Ge Lael 91 G8 “use! UUs Glee lis whos Gi Gqcall GMGEY! gf Y) Chass Byes GE Osh ys 239 gall Id seals elsdy hase dil Ly Gh al) DA) daze gh" Dee Ine onal! La 441 espa 5 ype Ge Bc) AMT LN * eal” Gully Lb eel ally Lee Gos al eM lalee dl odes led Chalk Badl? 10 5238 pling ale ail ghe ddgany dil gels”: 8S cal si alld jad Jos GN gh Maes Lae tune cy GSI Ge dad oleh Abed Le le gall Ong ate Y Uaaiiem (1) no aj ail (x) AVY Gant 1668 geod SBD ela! Jo Sisal SL ut BS Gr dled (1) EA get cubed aad (4) yy Sd a le es "al bee ce calls Aad 24 Jus 3 gill E pasa! cle J bck By Y ded) | th WES! Jani Led 2 dls fl Jp Gs cle Va gb atLLE Aa jany tay ol pally LE] A Sis pep Gall pisali " o yaad gb gch Al Sst decoll ateall gasal > AO) Ga Nye hel y sane by apie jbo ol Dose Loe poets Least ja) yg Ge Ce Ay Seuilly Gay pels AUB GEA Le axel Ll ye le ey es Gd DUR OS Ob cutegally Joel a Gaba shally slay ce a2 sty LOU! 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Gay 5 Al Ll Jy lest) Aas (4 alll ey ead gs Jagd DIAN Gs ginal Jalal Jpn DAT yoy tena a il OF gan) egida pana aS $3: peta passe a (1) ON) ge Tee il ease iS cs Dele (1) Y sal Cilall Ibay scl ce puilly dueall paclls decal! Gitally dueall sual Vas dyeal a5 Loe aS GTall G8 ay) gl glleall ¢ bl Ua) 8 SY jul silat! Lgl pay eel quad Ged dye a5 ld SY oll Ll cL ele Lag LS cLig: DE ce Tall «ih gM) gala!) AS yg Les 9h Ga Le Sy GT all Gh Leal) Ge ayy Le dS Gal Ihe Gf gobs gilts ash J Lats) ploy) Jaalll Gly heall ge Gla 48 taSl) O1sall Gd Jlaall clbalja Sgt But Cele Lgl asi Ghai) a 525) sll Leal! Glial yal git te Qe pall Gee CaS Gaile] Leste ssleall Sy y Guan Ah Ue Sonate Gleary Cl all (gb Adlide gun ge Gb Ca yy iy I ASS 6 Led Ae jaa rolled JS A gall Ua Gave Cust LS LE GYI AUVs Gale Lele Ge ONG get ot Leal se pBnend pallet eal ol > US IG papas Lag anak say le abl Lit ald pl Leena 2 thd ALS, cag gt Lely oct ech Ge ual lla] Gu ole} tea Coys Led sesegglally GALMS aaila J) deel s dS Ge Ale} gh ALLL) Sy ntiay ty B29p4 pking psLeadd a ponents Liga Jip: Ms Oe OG Nags ype Lal pgs J lathes Seelall dul) Me 8 Ld "gal! acta) dy 3th AILS Nba Uggs pal) ttles dil DBs °C aasenes Leisall cbeall Ligy eaily ) + tle OE agp se Bl Log Bing LB binay Za sgt alas gu O) (ry) (") (£) (*) ME Boas eal ge ES y5 eS Cla A Abs of tail lea} Ser GS i aay seth 5 Ly) lc qeatll Bef agent Lele le OSI eS base CU) Ga yay Aephlly ie Calg gd GUI At Gf Cus all ea Ny CI gould 4438 Au stl eens DIS Ge Saul Je Gol} Sige Bye Osny Ady Le ls Crys ad Lily Gea! Lis Ui ae Joy ISA) yeliall sic Cat pl soaeie SAL Lyalleay ilalastial Cole ai) DLE 6 Aili Gye LS Gast GI Vengo dlls DEY Gilye bid ce LN bs Spas AS aa yg hy NG lL paca al Syla) 2 hs CI qusal acl dil Ged Bie Ge Ciclad GLI) las gf tila ne ail 6s De BT es a le Guall 4a plastid (4 1586 elt of LS eyo as alta lg litte LaLa yuna gaol fa dil > 2 tle i) sb led 5 ML eB 2 fea Lain gl pitigliy aBmrgla sali os oy unity syball mage MOG cal ya al Led Ml Les ag cliny yo ay ens plea wall Zalt auual spac Jpill symeins pital): thei abl Isis LOE Lh ost oR Lally all papal ye jlaigLolac Le gual gmc [tus ytall Qabl } sll ail Sais CG sounegy Lgilde Stall jeneall encg isall shoal ga cel ons ns ga ALD GLAM! Gd le eal Vis Sanna les Gua gd JAS A) DEY, LA, JANI Gas ons Ally JAM A OLY! Lal gol pall Ipal dB Oe SLE Lay Hata Assy sebaally Qual! Lays cbt alla cf LS phaldar gio tall): Mei Ns paps puck ga sla Laks wail) 2 thd Le) Gays LS oe (1) Wl pie (1) VA pS igee (1) oie $A]odtiae (2) Zs fag A): Mees gy I playpen galt playpens lis claslly LL a saul Qoiges -p Lala Led spur 2 el gly abel se sibs teas sh ily mney so clall LOG Lay ts JZ ode al Lag cele 5 taal) A AYall 25 SALA GUY Go Qual ch Abad Sars cL) Cle Atal) ALASM 5p peal. clash) 8 ype gb etal gill heal eg aL Lgl Clin ail « glad 4 Sail ele A) gulsss sans) ISI Gees Eta Sage ge Lede Glas! ail GIS A 5 ypeall alls of doe SLM, slant] daly padall (ISH) guanll sallas Gaur LS les blll lad oll cel gyal alld g aU 8 ll Lt, ell sacl Ge ge Ib SIs A desta DR ga lage Ge py Le ete Sally dS GY) « ail Gala «day Je GIAI gb paltiall gla) sae dead ope al Jans deny Quest Ads 4yb Creal Ul le pags alla of LS Lp ida gail fla yin LoL page pois Leal) + tL J AGL Le eBoy se pba ZalQl Loge Lynas gurls Lie yod sudspll pb Lyael tall IG byes tL WE ual Shy yg edly Sibbe Caan gi" to suai gd ES oo dE Van cag OP Sica lay a Wed ee Ge Cal Lys Gl Lys * tall Laks SAN Gaile A Lis usa! sass hey SN GAY dee gall gels SLAY! DLS AnLN AT oaS gs Le Hey Clas! Ja Ke" gill Aasiiel 2 ll tba! J AM, GUM f Siss SI salad J Jey By RABY) glSe oline (ob ASL, lial y 6 AA LWT G8 Lege UVa lial) al + Sul Ve gated ene iS or dele (4) “ Adal Qual! hd Ug pasted (A sang 5 pall a ols of «gill Leal x S Lalla) Spy Les" all" lacy! clBY le JAM po EU jay Slag Ade] dass DIS Go Sil Sy Gus Lens Si) US cep eal) Abii pascal SLaall of all vals ch AB cao yg hy cpa y Aig ay “llegl” ciel I ole Ay all All J Gaal JLically « DSS SF sina! Clap tLe cate A lest! BEN alt le 0S ty UL da ee GL ll US dls GOS + Gilead all Bol cL» pee gee yph ila il gf Gull] aed acl oll Ayan] 85 Len gel ge Ree J Gd pA Ree (gle Ailenll A015) Abally Dlally Sell Ale at dial y ce) et DL alle Gey all "reall snal!” Sibel! 40685 Salle dill Gola s.Ligliie Lia Lae CDhaay Canta Gangs oof Ciba S Led BN LL (30) 5p gull GIS Ge Mi ealigs gh Al dane Gle AY Seal DIS) Gaal) gle SE Gd Abell GI play tale il le Alon aay daha Les ecuedally ells datl gl lil) call Case Angell 5 ate} y Leal 8 DY aed Igy alate! Lnalie dice asals | job sg JSSY) Slaall age.5 ie Aslall fag vl Gh baaly 8 ps lap) Lally 355 S88 g jabba! JJ Jleall ASA) cola ui ce Loghged Lead oSe cally gd Ale USA) hey LSU) « aS Cla ay lly Ba pall Legg oy Cus Cay lly Gy pill Len 9 Se lee span lel A legs te ple! lace ay ques gill Jleall alld 2} ol yall and « aad / OEY) als Lies) Gp Sazy ¢ Ain lh AS Ugh Slap lds jo GI il gd Gays LS cyan gh day Lyin Joey GAS) Lah ta lb} i 45 BAS Caylee Gill Quel gall Ep Nis a8) Lad "pellecl clbttl el cats" dB Ge Hal ests le Ae veg yal hal Gis Lis GEES Shall i ape lea! Ge w Vag ASM Gf gang Lead Subs Aube yy Lgatty A yas Habel heal Ge Dsl eS ALY US Leste Seal) hil as! (gi pall Gas SS taal aon Dye gy TAI Gh ayy Al Mele Mang) GLAS Cael oJ dull Sq a Gaal ISD Gg ginal eal gl Gf cde AlM2 ghny Les Ul 5 Sdell sind sell Gall gb Sal ail Glas Glo LOS Lae Gill Leis Ga jo) Jy pee Calas [elite 451) As dus Ugsbdaadul 8 Adsl) obs Cals ay cg all J SAM ied Ge pl Ul den ye CSLSIy a spilly CLUS dell Qualys gle JS 8 AISa a" gall" JS) cde Aa Goal Galye gd Gas a Anlll dyall Uy dhe ll Slee Gd ol jpenall Ihe US Uy ¢ Lilly GIS GLY! JS Oe el Gla gael agaly Lily og pti! saa gill Gly GIS! gd Aust Ss + ead ais aay JS Gl Layee gop Sl 45 Cp ishy losiedy Aged AS Sty ayy a aslliies “uenll” clans ul sath A gal sll f lie Gposall llane Lely cle Guay Calas Gary USe a} Gall woes ele AYA cpaal) LAS cas yy By cg seall Oymninalls ¢ ge isl! SAI Lay «Gls Glial Lalas ¢ gash) JS eet tals AI ayy Sy" ll” Qisaall J) qital JSall le cabs LS PY) ELAN ye cle given y Sually 3 lanl! Spa Uiabe {89 LS Glad oe Ady Cole gil AU dled) A OS 8 "Veal dye B51 UNI ge Aull AB leit Gusall lS Led Garys Al ANT Cola By ginal lad a5 © CLE y BUSY y SLAY 5 STAM Ge CIE Quel ye Bae sm Gallell Ih ay aS ch Dp G Se Bez SMT 2S syst! Sab cll lens my cag ppt Gla is Halide Qu yo gb Guay Tipjlly leat! cllds ine gh Gest CulS Hagin J AUG abe gle UYall Glallwoal ills last GUY alt Lgialle al AYLI del 8 yal J) JS Alpaill + Aygaidl Raul 2 Slat! Lah AI Ge Leal Cus Ga Ant) As pall fd aya Aad) sls Ap DLA! dna yall de ghaie GL! JSlo go pill Apeplasl Figg) had ge SI LOY SY GSH ll ch Sell gas LS gill goles!) jail ye 525i! te Bh gle ld ll 4 8) 43) 5S ye al «Ugh Abed 53 55 31g Sls Geis Ons OLY! SES te GJ al psa Lacks Vlad | yy3 yeh! Ay ull Aull Coued By yk pg Bs Ubed Uh) Cally Qual gal Ge 58S GB Cals Lesh Js 6 seal Gaal s SI all Go dea sll Ja ogo a) Leaks gall 8 sa) ASM) Ge SSSI) aps alld Lio ayy 88 Lge Aaa) cab Ley Gana eld Gad Ug) philly haat CLS jal dasa (ol) Babel gyda e Ledges Guy) sha Gale Leities Lute vbuall shy) dial Gal pla! Ga LS js BEY Sl GB ge Led JS 5 Byglaall Sagal Rall GALLS IT Quel gall Ge Shaally eal ayy 28g, SLi gh SS ps SI) OTA gd Gays pill AB Gs Mente dganue Gy dilase Cupse Lele Spal sil ye Bape Qual ys gd Aa salll abby 5h dle al A IS ce Rial JS V" te al plaey ule ail che gall ce Syne g JL Blins aby he a8 oS of Gee dell J dey dibs oe aay Ga pay p Silent Giny chan alll qt pDlully SDLeall aul lass oly ”)." Gull Aig sa Y's di play tle dl he dou ol ssl bs ee OS I eae 4) al dey by day Uli 9S Ge Aan Bie all gd Gpalala gu WDle $3 Se clatl Sd5 lane Ghd Slots Less alas Sse EO Lead) Cony uae dil gf Clapil alld Sait Sgn b alld SII ar gal gad ga he (1) Paka gta tauede anes pl Sadia Gy sel (1) xa Js SSA gue a fall Gaal GS Gof late! dye 38} Gas iy PY Qua desl Guan osha lane edad 1): bay dude dil che Ja wil galally J) 5a oly ” ead ll egal! asl alas dle wil gle Jou ji Cle! od ods peel cf dre aptly Leal Gan gay ¢ Aagull Guill Upp gc Apecl 3 bd Sisal) eye S8h at ee Guest spb alls yp iy HS ol puny ule ail cle sles Leal) Gas ails dee ald il ob of oe 4 SIs a) hs Jy yl Lela (A GIG 0a Ge Gat any Y al ast GA) lina Gye ine a} gle ashy « ily 4a il al ue heal play ale CBs Atlan GML Gf Leste Slag guage seul) La Gt Land Lee Aa AS Le pels gaat ps ML = jell ES gh il Ds wd GUlaall Seal duald le Sy Gu Aya ye Mba play ale il he Dow Gu GN odbwall Gis ge GM heal) os Gb a Sas « Leal Um cLilll gb ays Les ES BB) lice dpe Gf dy DAY! at g sil Hay — Gull le halls 5 ll I pB3 ces ane Esl A Ge pa Se All gd Ge of le Sp play Ale Vang « Les Chessy dil tgs Sayan Aine atl (8 Shey cpill Glee!) Gary — Liall ea gle 4b Cin gill A pling le il ghia Jy Cuae Gd Used che A Dp Ge pS Cysall Nhe Ga eds patl Guin dell gue dey Geity Le gay Leal aul ath quttl GSI agae Gant Lyed alary le a ai MS te oh LS "Leal Gas aes ail” Gf Cue Alyy Sg! Gusell ae hia aba pe Ly eetie Gal yl ll obs Ge bell ou gal LSS Gp aetl Cla gdall JS 4 LalS ple y LaLd JLeg ga Ley « gal 1g Ny Cl gual! yobs Oi) Lal Lyaalie JS Ash abe) daa £Y Gade aed genegtiel ce (1) Yoshie (1) ety A aps Ray dell Que yyy Lo} Cue bla sel jal ae y cA gal gl a alls BUN, BIE ges Joell A QS of sy 5 ual ADE Mey — ar yall — Gyles pall iss ll — al] — eget) Sha pall Lele ely ee of ue Ledel J aya JS ge glad qd GUS Maal lt as oI Wylie ase Ug af gl SSI ALI as Sey a Lge pall dukes sles cell Cualal Gye de jane ullis ans ¢ gta gall Le ce AY! Gb By als Grd Jel» ial Gack Joey Sal aluy Ade dil gle lool Lee ge Lashes das ol gt POLY! LG Gee A dal ADI al jbl AAMAS Ray _wall yp Ss Le Gil Uy Corl Led) dee GLA) Gale sl «SM Cats gV) tla Apapcitll y OSI) Leal 4a": ply aude il glee ps SI Jee ll sty SB Ale 58 phy lee Gash Gal Di Ge" hall y Dhaai dale shes SLs of Las (2) 6) dla ail LS Leal gs db ameh— gol ce ail Up sy by Stl cells hey of plary Ale ail gle ail Joey ce tase BN he l Jguy Al Jian gle Gla, alsonal of cal gly dlaal Gal le Cay Lad) ¢ Nanas agaty Nase Glad of Gand of dake Lag" t elas LSS Guiles ald Ur ty ply Ashe al hia ail guy Gill ele Bay ol ssl Gs dy aL bc oleh o les sill ste aby Las Shep cS sl jal nal gt al Jes) Or Sp fle 8 a hell 259 gy 58 Ey olesd AABN olch SB « olga Ast Letles Joey 8) Gah apg da pl Gala ode dL, Gall ie Laas Wiss Jaa ally gay « ally teal Cus Ge ISI) jal ghll goed VAT ge ged enya le (1) TEA genkge SB Jot igang ol Ginaads ah (1) AY Gad Gdn anti ge (7) THE Gatge EVE Alea defo? Sync oo ou ch oll mame che cetme () vy et tly jal Logan Bins gill gS Gull Gee Jay IS Gh Laan Jas que lame ceall ley Coal At tall le Lie « HOLY! BLE wasbtial cele * eS Lap) 4a" ply dude il che Jpn yil Cus ped OSes ost coll Glaiall GBs leat! agasll ge Vee eduall gh: ltl saall + Gd) Eyaall Leh g ale pb gay Leal G8 Gal Ls Ge of atl Gest) by Gf Cue ApaUall aalo Gye Geel lass Si Leal! yf apie Adsl da il oss Ja cual Guill GIS Glo pay lage LOT Gis aie e Je i sl Ln Jleall e Giles guage gh Cand WIS A Lg SI OLY! cole (8 ails ASS Lal Ge ask, heal! cf Abads (Sa) Cuaall Ie Gis cele Shed aly SacNty aa Guba Sah gp ginal! Leal! of Y 0) sg sine ats jel Veg Ayal aS 8 ye Gal Slap Afb ASA Leal! tlt sail A) ll el all al oS Gal sll lee gh Ds yotall dleall sas 43 ail ose SLs! Sy Casall 1s Gg] wale” Gg sinally ASA" GiLeall 13) eg pla te gy aed gp DLS Us ual AE Ltt gad LOWY! cece Ces gh) yt Sal Van 085) Le dds « Sa gle DEY; VAL gf Gullll Slag. hls gaa sl Slag. ce td ply tle Al gle Jul 83 lay of ut Casall dy at fat of Lente Ley” 925i Spe al Sli asay c nas Leal BIA Gules ald gle Clay Lal lagen i pcig lpes “pad Glee cleat) gf LES ¢ ABLAY) Gal gall eutal y apenad Cyaal Ie 8 Sag Can ail 483 dat gf Gua USI jalliall le Aysinall pall asad will hy aS — 2 Jacs ch ay al US = ASA glaall cS yei8 — geod gD ADs thee ot gla St ele gst ead (1) vy Bags ane sly Ub] gh Aagieny LSE cosa Quay ule ay — Lasieal pichag Typed Aad) USL ag DLlly Dall le pal dee bee San ye Lal ade pa jl aby ly ANA gall cle Lal | jee LOIS) Ail A_atlall dy gieall all ls ality abe yy ad dp Gund olan! alld ate Dhulls +BY) Quiles le Nog Ssh ad ye Gla) Gobi Old 8 jee ad os) capall Ul ecb appt pny Ade ail hea Up M Gl) cle dal ci Gam Lazale belly Ses she pA Sl dul olsiab Y Ugh Y} dlag G13 al ed oe el sil Leds e sue sy bbal o pata Joell ll cb ab al any Las Ga ssl oslo Leglleg Dheade sl yal ellis GI SVS Le st ule Gad Lt all pe OS oy Molen RUE 5 yal hy © CaS ye cles Dull dae Lae « oli Glad cle ely Gala Gus Casall Lda Gig" aghsll ayaall os 58" A le Lede pall vg DSA Gala gle" ALS)" 3 hill Gal ya Ge cee yy Capa Lae Geb 2 USN y Aland SS gill gl gl calle Nhe so) ys Gy ¢ MiLad Sula 4b CD aiill tule Ge gill G a} ols Ag yg pall gj Aalall dqlatly Lis 4 ginal! celal Ge play Aue ail lua yell patios Sly ole gill Jelly eye CDE Jou) le 050 fh oaSip Le Naty laa Gf Gt yes dens IS 4h pve As Late ye alah ce cle Gill Glyall cu OG ol Bye dS Gs by asl 5 yall gb oles leg GUS) gle Aalall 42 il alls aly dle ail oh Lees) GY 6 BLS Lge. y gg phil lg 8 9 ¢ still ld ll Gee Mase all gl Atle Sly ¢ Lass p2ttll alls aaSay 5 tae og pall IS) sap gh eltf da alls Yue ny of las ea all Gay 6 Syste ee AG Abs Slag Sg hy egal) alld 8 alsy Ae I che Uy tl Aad ila i ail Ria Jules gf Ci Gilead Cle le pale aula ea oI Leslie 4 vr Ge baka!) ¢ 59 pa GM OLY gelill Galgll fb taude oe AIS) axe A +g AUall Mlagl j pcaall gay Aaal if doles le cB beat of eet Mayall Ayal Casle) Go Ga Le dS DES Gs LES Uganay ail Uys Cheats A CM a a) 2 eb ast yey apes odd a3 Fades aad yl cl ge gblity of Le Sly plans dle il hee (gull alld (le oi yp A) LAG he ga hills 3 pgp Leal Gd Apne sf cls gine Aled! Aglayl J gl Fa Ed ways od aes IY Syste) Gay Steal! of L 3a) all el YI ga Guid el Yl ebay cheall le pat 26M) 554 go Du! US 5) Ow ceal ll alaus! Made oSa Cue dheall Use aS ULil ee et Sally LAN Lan y esl Aa pall Saal y al ol all Ge age vi + pola! ju pSAtlg sbalall ke Sleaze! Shell of ll BLAYI g pz gall Gb Ugh dd Gaal Gls peal os oh S) AL LDU, yy Shall y pL aie Jitus g pun gcS oagny Catlioy ol Ma 8 ye og ILS Leal! Ge pasta ele dee Gol Ihe pal ia op bl gue (is tay 09S ay « Slept dhe GIS OS SB quale Ges aig Coal fd AS Gye pb tly — ead col eli Sal 13) Y] — de tall 38 Lica! Jy s As jal yey Anja!) Cas, ol M1 ol bats ce ob yg Goel clad Gury Leis ALF JS bey aD Gs Sy I tge phe col SI alls Gs sells GUGM pany Akadl GI all ABedall Seal BOL! cele Leg laa 8S (gan Ad yee Aglae O20 Lge Ges Mem cs bn Cl fall IS Hell ag) SLA ag of call alls of Lele LOL! val ale (gi Canal) Jans 9 p92) Hoag AAD y G5 Saally oldall I Lead ile cl Bos pall 45 yo gl Gold) Gh 8 Ls La os bale nb GI billy ol 8 4a Sal yshally Spel 4 Ban) gle Whe Aue ils ¢ 5 8I) dal Ge Vial pl oh fall Ju ga Gal Ail cs Lally geililly Lela yy 4 shally MAEVERAN YS ga sil Oba gle cE hg Sad LA) le a stall Oy seme Ga le” CM taslially Aut gall y GURY) aillge pal Ge €V ale led ela) ge Gully cle od UL" ail Tleall obs sf Goes AO" dill aie J glia elode Sg) ges oy obs cal of Ssll Sap aad Ha DI Ge Ag Alea) ge Cust Gf aby lig Lanes Liat | pey Cetll Guahall An aye SY V4 Gel glee Hae yaa Del gil (1) gana gua glipeil yWise (Y) yal) AES 3B aealy cul saat Lae Ral pally p YL gae. sl oka ol (T) Be oY ge paca tes Gill Jo ci ie ee oS a a os ell Gand aos A A ol S18 Ge ald Gall 1 of aby Guna Sal d Jleall cl ce Shea IS Caled ll gage abs of cl Abad Sey LS «gael hye) GI} Lele ela gill Gal Bay oy yd Galas ll ANI Als sl Ay wel al ya Lal) dea of Ge tall Go (ll Gal yall bss aotls Sts qed gay" UST AUS le Lait Gaal of Se ab alles as FG pall ha Gf Dal GS aad YY Gaile Nba (8 es Ga All : LG G8 ASA Leg ALLY, Solel) Ayalell Cl al DIS Gave Ge Ke cg ging US « el jal Oe Galil Cle deny figs Gle GA 2 ad « Bgall AY gall ie aes A Guill) iil 8 Te : dle dal lobe ol ces Y ANT adel yatheall 2 peal) Jie A ees ge puta ge (lls dla" wget Vy sake gb Caldas Slag ged ISaly « Allnall 5 pall Gol sal LS ystte cha yt cad eh Waly ¢ Golsalls ll ee gale dlens OM ag yl) Sablly Lelaall ally Clot ay gelae) ail © MLS® GLa Jlicg ge 2 NS he sl ayy: canal oda dy cle cg shay slay Adadall 4all) 13ade Guraiill Go g sis" gala" Grell Jens wt Glad! Slag" 3 Us Siciall i pall SGI) Laney gala) Slag Ilhall Jleall Ga IS hat A Gy ll HE OSes sgh Les Lage yee Lea ys) Se Ley pall Dial Y} 451g oy Y lal Shea of aged Gal gall gall Ad neg ASI paktall Gals ty tle ye Cu Shap Atball SLaall of — BAe gust Ald dines Gd ele LS gall deal! Li. ls Jee ail gha sf sBoaekal) GI gad qals adja ly VA Gea EY) AAS Jot Cage gD Lagi sel vv ees Yul dale al cent atlas dy SLeall Jom obs ol tok Le DE Uy Hh cl SB cays DISA Leg 3 all 8h (Sey same Ub} deal Aale scalall ka ye (g Jlegl ody S dts Chal Gos Mele 1S Y dle Ge Ged Gay ve al LS ed SE Slang GIGI Slag, Ub} Ge CH OID gb cA Vs Ae AA y GTA coe JS ged Lnaal 2 dy 9s OLY! gl al matee YAN aula aja cule TAY plc aly gull pj ce gee Gp deal Oe gle tee i Leet Go CES Gye aed Gall Iyelty | Sing Lead CIS Sab g Les 0194 (0 ay AVS ated ple gigidaleall Gyles « aid f clea bw TE ole ate doy — Leal Wad gull je or cud a) Jp hy GIL YT Aa 6 CIS yall Gaby « Guill) AA) 8 Dal” OF gual Gaal eV GSAS 8 leg Us 5) pes pe col ot ol deal sell o OS gly ¢ AAAM y balls HEN) Ga Ces EDK: lent) heey 4 Cum ecg oll gS Ley Gis Mal ull le allt 5 yy pe ey Lil le vad US 5 ¢ AbIL; AS pally LAB 5 EL Gal) Gland Gods yay BD Al yall GM dees of Sag Y alld IS gf Y) « AIL GALLEY I elas oiliall lls JS Cage, ll 5p gual! oll ail Sp ois od Le jms Gl Una, DES He Be cule on coy dhl d wa ele od of Sal Bes 6g Lal) SSA Gyacns Ble ASS Cle « Aflagll Aically ¢ 5 All Leal jul cle aa gd peat ty go yell by MS all gh Tic Sole ales Gg gall Go lags All sy pally Glee duel spall db Uae sapanapaneh Gong By saad Han gD Mad IS (1) Prt GaN AAT €) ged EY AM well Ja: 5 alll Slat oul, Gane ae (1) hye Ad w 5g2 ge Cael LALLY Salil ga doll g pease dts dale ain col J US 1 alld Sgn shy ened I Spel 4 heal AL) agli sig © Gua og US als Aiea Gul of” chet lst cya Lind Lael yy Cogs Ghd 48 cts Lge I NY ed Les 55-25 oJ ill Bh ys Vad eel yy Sed ol ls + 48 I) Ayaall Cisne y Og) gual J Lies egg SS A Silke Upee i Bkae culs he Gul Jem od cus oo 4d ll Bagg alas US "ysl! J Asli eadball Aealay Gum ge coll al Le ak Lina Tangy yal Noe tcates Sah lag of Led fe pa Cai 13) Les ygeally Glee Yl gd deal ron gala deal lcci) IS cl ya. Asal) Gyula} abs Gpanll JLeall BN gle Jpu sl Cass cats pe col gly cy Uhlg) alls of Goll es AY Gist Lye SU Leg Catlll Upto ld Ld Sains apie CIs" alass Ade Epes Gh bas le spl y Cysall alls GYY2 Gib Islay Ue se Leg gig pualiall justi Uylae Ge 36a Gd pasting cle gy Ally lea! pall lS ag gay gill gall eo pe Dy Le: Lisle A060 £86 call FAN sala gl alayle Lad ANI dagle ab ate ple gh Aly Mel dane Gy tans! 6 Nay US Gb Gu pal ply GbU Ge ase Ge TE pate lle gle cope ald A cj Yy pail Gl] Ls tle (3 UIs! Cl ji ys ody AN Sieh 5p 8 Ga Gaal ade ela} GUS Call neo gle jolt A As (had gua y YY etd jul Lae Cy mabead Golo gal ee o (1) VYVA Gatgudile ase ged (1) EVE ga AA) Gall Jas Cig Thal Ged. pu) All ae (7) VA gealye Abell ILS Gall udadl ede gas Ge Ajill ale gl oy J) ap Bie ES og SE ay) Ge AalS Le Mian gb OS al Ly Alpe Ge Soca Jest ge aise Jo le Lely « Uiikee £ pin ycS Lal) sls Gas! Cilbe eB la Ge Lala 3 ale Wa ye led wd 4 Oe Geely Gee Sol aslo olis!’ ouetll ailgs Gd de JS: 2 yaad ll aul dleall oI gall on RALU 5 yy eal Jes « Gol sll oes 4S psall 3 all 6p peall hen” © heals yp eal 4S yay SSN Shea « Bypeall ghy Call Guts AS jal Lalla Y) a Y coe pes Vy Cos GLI 4S\ obs Gatidy tll lea Ul, OY Lat) stall Ga Leall hl doe : LMI Asal cost je cle (All jill Algie Ss! 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Layee slash Se) pil) » yguatd oF gill all ald Go Gan aul) ginal agi) gall Dleall das gil gyaUlall USall 4 peat JsV quill NYS off oIS Uy « Gaill G18! spaully SI) OSes DL ad gb Lisl cg ginal leall gai a pay ll jell lb tt all UI ve AGM gle y Leleally coy Mall ty coe A jall gh Alita! he Gall Ge pM e Jalls ALS Gf Cans e daly lel a be gat ley de ol lle phe LS ols! jal G35 6 all 4 dad Gaal dl sy) Ge GI J SLs saul 1A¢l Ba geal Ae jul gl jall pening GS) ilo pial lly 45 sN) alls pads Lens Sk les Buds athe i les 5s all cba aL) dle ol Al OS ill 4] jas ape (gi Lely Lal Legh Up oped) BLS Ay peies JI Aggies (SG al Aa pall ole jill lt, Tall gall lead) ceasth Lew Neg ¢ GI pall aI Gb galls JS 5 plttle Calls cg ete Gl AD jall 5 68 Gd Lealtsly jal) ob al) clalgall 8 le Ste gels ill ISI Vslae GA gucll llth UALS (i quel pall J Conall y wade 1 Ugat dy All lag ang gd alld AbadLe Sey Gee Yad By Ley Cla pually SLE Gane 8 Ga gemall of del” LB pals Lbs Nay 6 csi) Gung SSA y AHS Cult Y] Slealls Qual ~yalall oj shite Gis Lee THVT Ge cade aed ada gl (1) A Magd cece SSAMAM Cal ley juan!) GIS pa le Ly pads Gel Gull Ob ag Saall 4; GUI AILS nas ol dies AYA HV And cy) DLA) Gude Hs Ally ple Ge a La) le Ay all adlall ue op eal" dp ll Sills SS Cag « Cj yLa Cyyabuual 5 Sieg elele Ge rey Guna ht La elde Leg: gl) Alley ue pk lage ad os) J] call Ys Deal Gill A WV oe pecey 8 VYA Sie Sandll od Gye Cy pal coat! ALD GAs UG) ue A Stunts Ald yey Lal ety aay o(gll 988" ahs See taal Gals 5 Saad Ca alae ge Ss ob es alle eS US Guia! alan 85 ¢ 4) dil deme ce pele slly Gay all coe GLAU gil Landy Slept) Gans dee le GL es MAS y «5 pall 5 gucll gay GURU gill Slag! Cees Lees a bbed 6 os sail Gull gill Jleall Gas a5 dels abel 5 st eae) Cans Lee plied ISI (gill Slag) Gang 6 that ull gill dla A gia gal i) lice Jy eel Case Ge hal acne gle a Gees Land Os Tay Cty enh i "Ula Gn doen ail" ol pully play Ae cySia HY Shan of sng GIS Slang GIS lant nen Al Uleall pubs Cy Slag GU Sad dees Gul oa yF Gal as sll gl say « ess clays alll Ge ens huluill alls; Leal) gf dee Ail pty Hale da ge ob ot Gl « LaDU All clad) go ded of Gas « lll alld al dias 4G DL whos gh gxegy clleall Deal cs sill Lisa sae cues oyu clad! of | Ve cade ge ected ad Gy V ga AAT Si Jo: Seunpnad GA eiguill le odes of Sayles (1) ge pal VT Gaytll Ja: gab Di gaslal ily) Slated ia dead ual ll oly as od (7) yuo see (1) MM lied) LG A BS Gabe las Les le Leg) che EDU AL Sal shsash Co) 2a5) Guus dleall Gil ys lel A US edu ap eekal of gong «2 aUlll yall Gey ald GLAU gill lanl Ul Beatay dy lass Le gh Glad Go lall USA y jeladl des cs) te Spall oo pat 5 (Samal y Gulls » psdaciy die SALE) GLa) GSe Le US ¢ GAL gM Gall dle Gye abel shill laa Gay ail of Ans od woes Lene pact SIAM Gil leat Gaus" dal g sega I dye 4S dey a Cys as Apes Gye 9ST Qe ge cod alld le ating" GLAU gill Jeol cons Sy aed V5 Some cal) sla Y il Gl" selkey tule ail che Up! 0 Steels Saslh gd she Jen dyesy LS 3) ASI leat) Uttlid deny Globee 4s a ve A Cees Scale g sill Ide GA aay sLa2Y dine pany ul als Gl = pila — leat oe JST gal of Gl als St ae gl GS Se he ashi Jaa gl gh ky sy Apt aM old Ys 4 Gal Y gill coals SKI gp Daa ao ail any gl gay — ala — i gl Vents Jap GIS 15h" ALS AA) DA Gs Ahmet Daler iS 8 gst] Le ig al Ge pe Gani gw Lage J eta Goal a8 Le poe Be Gy ty eds dds phy LEN Slee A UNS Ee al) Jlesll We ga8 Ste JS Cans Y atlas Stl) Jest ow eb Gauls gh ob Seat col sb Gesell Ie ds deel ~§lLe asi d ait gos JLB gf GL dle la ke Gs pee dle gf GIS heal! of yb Read oo gf Usd: Sarcasm! Cap esel ag lS aly pall te lll OSly « Lent alld SQ) LS ee «abel A VT Ged goal Vet ged aad (1) AY gh kal fal aly gill GLE len ald le Whe ayes ep eey dp Aleal ba gene gt Le Aghall pall allh Gy Gals! of etka lane GI dS oe "LS IY ical Co git y i Leste ld Gye andl ol Aad Gt nhs Ge bea ok GBS Le Gye EN le gO)" 4 alt Le pad Lee ee eh GM opis ADU onl Ly Nay Cosel Ges of YY geudll capil La GIA ply Seni a die pal go Le dhs gh lame lS IY Shea oS 2 aGilSs Slag) gle Css Lad ll Sls Gun aT Glas Gan Sy 4d oe aes ool aw 1a as 2 J allah J Gis J) isl sal Go Gans ot Le deal as lS hens Lag Lapin apis Le anksall gu 92 Leh 2) 2 ls aL 2S LS Velen ay Spay pl a Ls Lyayis ay sal te Quel lly ES Seal) Gye dil Gl) Gal ga be oi alld ole 9G gales Mle afl ge 8g ead! Shea gins 35850 Sad ode Cony Lee etl ans ee ALS a Le IS ¢ Steal Gye ld A Lay Aten GIS SS A Qlegld gill Gall de Leal Gh small dl jy Gliatall "Sg BP ayes Gye ity all Y} g gua gall ld 8 IS Gly Le Lad ols il ay Lea laa) alld Ge ail Le Gankny Gy Atlas al of) Ulead wail y Gases SSM) ae Gy Y dad cal Gal g Aill JLaall of LS Lega) SLY) Gus Ghaaae Ga Sy geall le Gp Le tele Gow Gill Small scsi Lezil of ep LS eo yplie iy GLEN Slap 3a alls quit GERI Slag es IA lag. Le! Vergata and ()) vr aj aed (x) 2118 ga abe Ge pall Gly Seas od (1) ay AVEY 149 Aaj gall ad ale cys aad A ety ple Can gb Dy Gated 9S gl cy tems il ae ss! Bp he Cas Bad de Wy Aged Got LAY! aad y le Lal 214) gle 6 piglet) Le F ULS gsi Ge SF Gall Ldle Guid GIS «4 LES ily UM ginny AVON gle Cen ga Ge Ca play ILD Gauedll AW AS Vig ad ge cy Lesa (2) Cita CIS Gye Aj sall aad of Glbaes aay Glo gall Gb gle |e ye Quill ad asl a Gye IY alld Gb One BT DS cs kn ad gy HE Abas Sys « Aligh 6 pil te Dey «5b Sty Slat g page 1 lls Dos Ssh Glas als Ged Gl Ula ad Gl eed: ge RLM Jee e bly als Quand ll pulp Jleall ob lel" Lisa Ving ¢ Aclgutlly Aéally agally dials pba lan ay ¢ <1) Gyemal UO" aise ga gay oe Ge dil at Jae ge GbU ial y plally Glee ach gy Case sual GUM Shan Glos ad Gal dybty thas ee A Gallell gay tole ans abl din gil g sll ay Dy peSid Slag GIS GS al oly 3 pAUlall By pall cay GLI Lal! Lhe y "Leal BLN yi Kong Cea) Li eB Dhaly Algal y leall Ge Le AM sical coe al de Adal) Cleat) ye bl Sle J al) G5sall ad ot oe La ab oil of ABAD: CSeg 6 dlell @dL La ale Gd dead Y ail sy pall Rice WLSY a SU) GT al Wyatt) (a) ASN) IS Gay" Gye" Aad pani es oe) IS AS A 68 od agg) Bye egg deal Ge Cad Htb a Yo - VE Go ued ead (1) 100 yadda gayd (1) Vee Gaghul aes (1) AL Cade GRU Slee" alg of MS Gl) La nal SLY) gay al Gui ose OM Seg Cad GSS al gy 3 paUlall 5 geal ge bbe 44.0 lok) ab duns die ad Gy! 5b 3 Jelly "AD all Jul ad LS" GhUll dell" ble a DAV all DE Legg ail Gad uj paUall JLagll * gf Line eeaiill Ge o8Slly" aUlall Jleall U9" GIS 555 Ge gas Gan Ce opal) Uae 6 Cag all doy LES 5p peal Jats psllall Jee of cle ad cs! Ses Silla ALN os yy pd ool Od ULM lan. alll Ulan Gu Ai fia sey Lise 5 Leads la jt Lend allall dla Gf de Sy ai) p25 GhLil Jisl alla leg sage cle (IL il aad alae! Ge GhLll dle of LS" bts Yee slo) ath ay ol gt 9 $5 Ole LSE Gag oe ule Lal and A allay. le Lengii'y Slant) gas osulal gljles dlls of eae Gu E2ES cas J cs Gp Lad etl] la yi) yedenall Gy SEally el Le el} c 6ST Lig pb Sis pte Shem al) eats obs gl Aas Gis lea ssa) Slee gf ity ASE len y Less y al pl ley ISS Slap gle gi dleall of pje Gt Go bel ens Cyd Gl} SLell aud) 48 jal) ade gf Ld elglally Gleb g se lesen gl Kagel yy ga lll Guay Led g alll JS I ASB slo y Aalaaly Dials BAB de i le hell GY ks Ll Ga G OLY! Gob yy Ud ey LS 5 alli by pealls Gletny GIS Slory silly Glatyy abelly Ghd Seta y abel GAA bea hel aly GubI S cle 4a jsall pall of Leal) au) 8 yelp Gleiall lea) hel Led GhLl DLeall eu] DI - aU Y2e yah avd (1) 100 Yacht aod (1) Norges ed (1) al pl Choma Aw HA gall scaly Gul © Badal s play! oll © splay cd Gill Ll pa © splay) od will alsal © eee Dba) Gal) gle GI all sit © ply ise! ALU aishad) gS ADA Gay glusyl Aye y 53s gall 5S pal ys cal cps lly silly Gall) By pS LLG las) yy ne ce See Gall cell od cals gab shall G85 Lally al ge Nagas ual Gilaal gas Gls) sae VAUD Lad Gat) Lal les Va GS Lage agi ages J Ny call Gal gay Ath Ae Ji call Ul Lease gb Aplsyl Guill Gh yy pe Ge Mabe yy 2 willl J Ld Gs MM gs Layall SI ges tana) GLa Sf ga lacy DU Cu asl 85 Lee cally cally at ost vas GLAS) Gb pals lS! al a Les pian) Call Gay dtp Gal 2 9] Ls GES Gad! call f se Mle ge Glas Le Gill Ge gsi el las gly A Blind 5) Gay Ho La od Sab J dy lap Gite DE cay Shell cle gpa DIA Geo blals line ype SB Gaya gap flat) da jlaay Oil Ge leg Led Ge US ol La) aS Gl yal lial ia i pall ysl Gans cals St eek pall gna call gil Aull fe ne ll § Ub Gey lid sal Gay Gaal GS EME pyc dials f UeDU ll AN pil gue GUlll yee Gard Gos G+ Cle sas’ Gs Gala J oll J hd Gus ob ee ye ieu OB sakes Abe JES cts Yl walls Ot pall fe hy tl a EES Gye Sal gle Sell al gb oe Sel ey! LOLA y Gon) Gaal) Slag Jang (le cece Las Ligases (§ Stall olin gd Cals DUY! dé Gall dus Ly ay LEY Rolie gh ct epee ads cull cya le gh My Lee cdl BS a no all gill gina GUY! S gay a Y} pall ald abe cals ALS Sle aa ye gladly gil Dele od Je (1) NER YEA a a VERE GSS ple alll LSD cal Jd oil agen (1) Av poe Sas Gall Lak Gb call Libby Lathan yy W bal od Genel LI cyl fgg gly Sita ps Cag AS FAS CaS Mies BY OLE pee DUS Ge ee 8 US Led A se call dae Les eo el: ecinall that) de Gly JL) a) pall alls @ yh gy Lal 6 A sléally Goals Gpllity GALS Glin Qe GA CUS (ISA go Ala Aa Gt gabll cpl) yy Cul Ble Ta gf aps Ud GA cD AS Gd gameall cull es pe Sg coLeailly ALi Lga gt ADE yall obs Jal gS Oe Oy calls pegs gates Gf AIS By ain Gd Cathy Coole ll Apa seal Shall Dis Baad pty Hand Gua Mine AHF 1 gSSst DLN tale geass cell eo LS cl ayy By acyl Ga Lalas Li ge S85 Sage ep Les aS clall A B55 Gye clad) gi Las cle 8ypee Vy digas VES a Guat YT La chy DB gh A) ee BY) Cast Gye elall (gb Ley eCand De aN daly Se Lage Coad Lf Sygate Leis 5 U5 lee Ge Le GI ce Ot guass GV Aas call Lenalis Liye cay Zana All lala Gans gus ell tgaloal co) All Ayal CoA las cand & Le US Ge Gh Higere AS js" Ayslall Gf eed seme 12 op Gaal Nba hs -catlls DEY; py AN Seale Gall a oS al dasall ssueaally call Ge ad SS lhe Lee aed Lt Ub GI] Lee Cal cyl! cl ead say Ste gil BY Ge CDN Gl) Gapall gd Laken Go ill Leas Gagne CI G8 DIS Gallly Gill gle AuyiSl) dia le (gl g yell Sail Ae SL aL) es A Gaal call Le i al ADL daub Ly ali dae Les SB paledls Byaall dy 3!) Asal Ye eV scgadal SI) Jo 53 alll coy pal clase ag 8 pie has (¥) ye ga ogee al Kal cil ati Wy Uelne Ga) ua ae (1) AK ally pu Bl gy Cae US cds ge Gilly OLY! Cuall Ga: Auslied Mle Las | coil oaeay LAY Cus plell lene y Ghasills MDa) acd al LS da galls Hal LAY) aa dal Gab call Gs Lal yy Vases Lye DLA! Gy Cam poctlly Ls sal ye ll eaghice paws Leth ) say Qld al of Gua nS JS col 25 FGM coll AIS Gyo Le jl Lge LAY! Cady A dee Ge Call ed ae dB pe SE Cass SEM Gye DSA gly ala! sages DEY! Vy Had Js Lydd Galas Ls Gl: Gad Gee AS Gey day Je ail UE Os yaad ld gl AS AS 4 gall y Sy) hye i dy alle Ga ks SLAY! Jig ly ae Ln led Lesa! Sig Y Sty 5 Sy Lill ous eel gall yd Ae 3d a DLA inal ley cyalaall le GSAS Lael gall ull Jag Les 80 Qed I Adsl) ADL al Gay ele OLY! cal Gf Ladually agers ee LY Legg etl Al) La OSs patty JA gp alae Lae DLAY! sats Lage Lad oS) 4 LS clay Lise Le LOLLY! Gall OG aly «aie! HES Wea py GOLLY! cll cay QOLAY Guall Guy Zaeal WDle Gall ells, Gea al LOL! Quall gh sled cle Llane lel § Al pally Ball Ge 45) dp ALIS 5 leas Lyle psi al) ALY! tealuall dans af Lal call cla Cah) ill dulled Aga gil ali age gy al al LS ore CLs ho yghey dead ghey 4g] pe peetl dea shal GSI is 980) osiill Gas Baal aS Gal GALT GLY) 52 Ledley «DAY cual) gd Lg) Galall sagiall hs AS Jeli haa G65 Cass «pagal Yeah) 6S Lea cplasall AAA dasa ig (1) LO4OT Yo els Qo ye ag JEM Gane (1) AN Bacbally Glad Gla gle aulal 3 inal) aS shaly Slat phils «cs Sal Syskall Spall A 52) gl Glebedll ye de pene fd ane il datliall s Late Ally Gia DIS lady abuull bade 9S sty ae ly Siege taats oaks obey vant LAS Al oS aly dy cb pally cL! cle jal ai) ES) CLAY EDLY Gal y lines cht AS le asad) ga gl GTilly oaeslly easly JL AIS iced ale Mes abl fy co phy od alle Lally cAlen ys ail lanl Lats Cageal) ey Salley «ST pl Lash cpeldy of DS alla poling osle OY Jal g Aint» Lull y ol jallly clad 8 hs atl op ols! tg ylabl aba! oops} Le bagiell Jats LS AM DL gay cals GaN Ball cL OLS Gh aes Ha Gad ob Gey Cau oe BS aly ab al caae ay coal asly ail le a copes OS (8 Gli axel ga LS gly tle (3 Glial aden gt ail Fis og SU) aa) any GLOW! oe deat Leth Cuil (4 Sauéell {5 celina CML, Cabell ills Aas lly Gall Ge pelea ity 4a IY CO ally 2 galls GAL cys Dla shally Go sSIly Clas Ow eats MS Susy ADL sadells Le Sty bs) AY alts te LOLLY! willy poy Lat) 2 MLas A Ske etka gd Us) opel ol als oh LLY ee ces cllatig ails dil gf ae) Call py alle dll sal yo dl nae CBs Se Glad GS > ylaey Cellll JAI ally ily Olay capleee Jars Ay DLs Sasha WGigesy VE“ VY ge ge Rina pad gla yal) Joke CLS aI fall alse (1) NO (ya sa She plas ap Hela Hl dal sae ag abd saw ol (1) Spey YT IVY Go ya dap J3 ye SLAY cll eee a ewe (7) NARA eae (4) hic = La that cl Y Gls gt Cus Ge aged! bs!" deep Goeeall ya OS by DAT! ally ails GLa! gay Basia sa op Lily gibed ojJyb J spell tobe aut of al J ss Ge byt obs ola Glaatie Gf Qo Lb DE adel ee had Gs Gay VAY! cfs Ce aly ole Gay A Ball A GAs US Gey Aadbtiins Lhaltie y Tulle Casa ok J Ly Sb a i BS of AY al Sy OLY) L433 ety ole gall as) squad iogyy QOL! saad) Calls 13Say laa Ny gall Gl) Lei OS ahaall daa sled ce the Ls all os of pos mall Ge Gal bd see Les, peed ts Lat dey Ide IS cy cletlan yy Leila ney Sata!) jolie Sapa 8 patel) Oy qe cbaly wom cum call gle gd Lal ll Suey hey aL LS (gd Migeall sail dia J) yy Gude) DIS Oe thal GS jp clgielals ths Led Ghd Sl dal) Gesiill DE Ge ope sa ats GS Lg aad SG HSy UGS gles einey COS y cEasially Qu sil 8h «(Malad obs gb eye Us Glut) Sy etna IS cys Ledlye ee bee ee Gl = Gli) pele USS OLY! cal Lidl Gan ot Soak alc gliill dee Le lbs y ApOLAY) sasiell she — OLY! ected) cans gS les gS gl) Gl) all Gay Sie glaaly Ae IS gael! sled clad jaca QB AD peal Ge Ys sill antl gull bye US (il dle) vcgteall ail Aas) Ji attige aisles GF plas sll gle GIS! rulld ye Gone one dt cl ee oj ils ode Ja hss sill clea Ga pul ll gy ppacll SH FAA Ga eee gaye ele call je (1) 1V0 = VVE age Gh gee hh eae (1) ay pL pel) Gane Lec genes Cite y lly cal yall gh play gli Lee cant O08 gill asl al Al aL al el yy etl dp mally gilall go GOLLY sell of pk DES Ge Mies Sylen C5) Ce gay UI alu CuSs Cus Ae sal Ligde Spee Gall sy yiall Coal alall IBY! agan 4 4 uly cyill Cus gle CLAY) ygeled GLYN Ala pall Se aul SE dpe sh Aas GL gi dagle UG pl bane jules QOL ot any By SAN Ys cpanel Gegdi d Lebeal y OLY! lial sagie Gl) ates anne SLE ALS Ge pl Gle — ROLY) Ayal lay) Se Gib & LbLal as 5p Sb Que SF DLY! GY alld ALM GI jlaaall go JE ude Al) U8) AS jatey al ocall she Gle Wel cles > Aine Cyeludl Sees css +3daxkall LB Cpcbeaell og Gees cals 38 Ge A DLA! sual Cals LA fd GUS gS Labsls clemes glad US Gist le I she Ny Hedy) Gygally any Led CHE GG ty ashy ol Auli) ple 4. Uf ysiill ode) ad ol AL Uda yo J) cls cH Ban yo 5 jaca Lge sill og) Saupe BOLe Gj ny Gala Ma GSS Gye ge Bogie Lee Gy silll oka Class c guile! coll Gnell yo OLY! Le cy aly Allee Joel cle Goal Gobind Gb dae ca Sy pol aS Ala pall obey 4 DLAY) saubells POLY! Sa DS cai gal Alsi 539 0 US Lee] de casi ods abt dal je eats atl quays Sane Sybase SI ell cae ce Orga HE AD eM ye Abilis dale i VY) Go eile gous gone one (1) Anse dial ga ug ame we (Y) YAH ITV ga ga NAKA (Yaad Ulla Baal GOL) Ane ld HOLY hye dene (1) ay ot) Gs ee cel Aaa) DAMN, LLY US oh ghill Se Ys AyD) sail of eal Gs OSs eqgatlie: lake Go call BLY! oS Ge Mand cyl agian les ae Gaal Yl) Gilel gpd {4s pale cals [Si led pay lie DE Ga Ce Sb sal (all jails duel ab Sosts gall las Gd ROLY) OI joka lel Ubi 52 ey Allee neat al easy A Jp Gaskell go Gabe Y gl Guill CNS le ppadly Leal Leh LN pall Ud GIS ally Al sada es DIS Ge oS ALL 5 psa sage! cliy ZOLY! call 6 5s Adhd gb pall taal pa Sd May silage ail of dp etdle Canay peal Geall le ants OLY! ONG sg iabally aby utyy pLalee all peut Lpbacl J85):I8 Cus aS) AUS 8 GaN tesla Li ge had 4 pss Gill dal os I Ua Saal ces pe Sid) ye Ci IS juts Lalas) Stee 9 Lol uilly euald USts Laie Baste Sk LY) ce cA Gis sla Go base gely ol a segs Lap OD gh Lh gh coal gl) Aybar as gull laa! Sey agile Vg je 5 GS JS ADL! Shall go BB Se call OS I~ a talall Ge eget gl Gye J dy J aL 58 oY bY Ge ctype gh day Je Gal anti gl 4d os ¥ cl cae LS al agit Gg Mall Magee Sade Coll ole ahead gd OLY! NY aye ce SEL A sal IB Ge Gal Ul OS eye Glo eos oN Lge uae of Leal Qi jall oled chau Len QOL! Shall dees Lees ecilainall Ginny (gb dahl asibll Lple gi Ales 658) sei call 2)s0 4 ashy () ay mosh ee gail Jaa) Belay Gale be (dlejle OLY! des vlads Se Ble sla ates Lele jo Ga all GUL uslal Copy By cll ail GIS soled djl ol cil Bo Y Jn Yossi cal Y els gine Ss Gel kajlas yo gel ofall hall gle Gandy AVG sbi lye ai) ay Gas! Gly GB pA Gy all Aadlee ll gage gill JS Nags ce oS Les ely JSS Calla 189) (Sue LOLA call GIS By tas Sky) peal OU gd Laks Slyally clay pad Gas Ce BAN Anca y Yo glans Lee pts JSS) Leal ally al af velell Leal! gd ,OLY! SU J opal agp ey Fas gb garde gla) Ge all oS J - Bye dey pte oe Waal Ging Y Gly lgeans ALG sf OLY! she VW Gay ad LS Asclee | cals Gila Hae ge Shs Aasals Ad oT at ae 8 saul fs Ga Lab Ya clay alll Ce OLY! 450 ths oY ot - Last gyda (S16 ol call yaw Yl py Cue Well Zobnall falcs Sab Aide dake Wad ol) abs woe Y ols yee J be ol Abe lel Ase Ge yall Wa Lak, telly ail tale ge Sie) eld Gd OS Y d- Hoel gee abwall uae} cil Fas flee gb GY ot IM clas LES wo Slay (pill Daall ell el ya! hls Glotall oe Uh deg ob alld y cegilale Lu jlo ell ucla! call alls Jute Y oJ 85 Usb Y glue Sal Mate Rall Lgleny J&ty plcall gb Gebead alal 5 ual easdls eal) ell aed Yad Gandle ge ng une we (1) at + Adal Ball ali SI Clay 8 Gl) AB Jacky dead 99 G pea gl eB Garsdll Se Lesa 4 bash aly ALanes Gill J litt al Augiall oI YI oY 44; GES plSal Qe aualsal ¢ 8 JS cle gS add jLB Lal « gl sil US Glo Ait (Se Ul eo fe pall LS Lig cos pall Gyeall le Leal od gis gil Lola ASaN) Syl jesty gue Gatlall Ido Gay» Lohans Gall Shall, aie Casall y Aud pall obs CNL Ad yall ADL, ina lapsed yp pall le Agiill ek is tags Sa slag) Se YTV] Gaecill ys wand Nb Ge ot thy ad Gilt gle Wks py peel) S55 Laated « gy itll GS Gyo sal sll ¢ Soll Ub} Sep etl) DLS gg Les Cis Malis Ll fal of api Uiiuey pire e je + Adaa 5 Ake 5 LLG CNL aM any ob and skal gil Jala is a) dp Gand alld Gal SS she Soll alld Lyle akg al de pall Si Ang Agel oes LSS td pe A C4 egeailly soeall Gill! alld Use Seidl) ol Y) Ga sey ee hey Sealy Shales hf) Cabs QOL! ol VI JS ey of oll datall 2 L8y vAcnadiey ALAN) cd sz quaill alsal Ugh apes od Gl peal Lye ole 8S) G tcl Se actel FT caine peeled Ly jase cll Levy 5) 4 ual le apes claw Weige gill He pl) ASU Wey Cha chsh apa Nuh Bice tg 6 dager: Cyally Chay! yypat quill Ite lib) 4 Uda Ai) hice dpa ge Caplal allie Gf Gus 6 peaitll Ge Sl ole Wl ss LES Cita Ve gaa yg ll pallet) Gants deadly ga peel Calg play te VY) Lge igs gay Spel Clee Gla! GS fF Golan Gildy alle GJ Castel ge ab tl g pagal las Use ol SY! sad oe les cas) all auiseyl « elgiil J JS ye Aygall Gor peall alls Iisbis asd ot Dp dM! gill LE 5 S IS 6 Aue yt Alay Cl YY) chy Gish pat Sl Sag ROLY! Sa) Gils sles J VISE! deat Os ot J satel) opal! (88) DUD AGL aad Uae Gal je peal 4alh alls gle i ls Gil cl oy Me ol os Sag cata of S85 epee gd sll Dll I LO ls 2 gpl) ght YAM Agneta LAB 5 y peal COS 13) chy YT sd amet Sl) UM Aad elgid Dh hy + bail) Ae Lahey JS AOS Yd pall lal s 2 AID git) ASL) y Loita Gadis yay” JSS Gl cl Ghd ema pret 2B yg peal lle YM" cLibell ygeen dads AbUally ALY! Gx colt Leth as Easel) Dom Aeldll oI YI Gal wil ates ce J eas cade Ay dS Gh Syall gay. Sagal ARLE Lose eatll el AAD pd gal jail dal alld gle dsb 4aLY) 5 ds gle da «Mell OSI Se dae ol ae Vdd as gl st gi Ul sleds Cyslaly cy slay cleill old Legaall J pact) Aine Lobe Y Spe ULE: dl Fath Gl ye MA yy 43 Ce ae OF we alg eo) ab pe JE. ype 4d Uy GAS Y ESDL gf" play Ale che Se gh sf Meals Gals IY C1 SY SNS gamed yotga aE gba Ja: Gab Bgl Lyles Sa lll cle (1) Wot gas Gh gad. Mill gle (1) D0 ya TE ge Gale aoe pla Guna + ale (1) an GAN pS cil apd cab ES ype Ab Al He ola ay SAN ax spall ge 2) Wake all aly dle ail che gill o53 Bee cay 20 8 a LS) YE Cue Anand all ail ane UES UY! pes plang Ae) cla ail py pad" Cul Ugie oil a) Atle Gey “TY alias ile ail chia oly Lab « GALS 4h ol fy I ye She By Se GM: gal, cuill dil aie Like ull ath Atle Us MBs deny ost Mage Gite.” Gyfsluy sf Soles Ais Ulead oliebid lls . sil OLS) plik Shs 4g fa Ll gS": cule ye BI ae Lttle yey -1 cle ples Mile il glee dil yee gh Ul « abit) Ja 13) lal Igsle J US ahd GUS, cu. Lull G83 ald lbs LAS od I ple * Lge USE pa pal OB chs) G1 Ja pead aad Manel 48 Gy Gill este) cal th Ul 1 Ugiay pealSal flee sting il ee Le cl oy Jk dt dl & oe JB 4055 gl ce -) pee BN DE: Dy alasy ale il ghee il Syn Cem t lid pashat Hoge [il J) 53 1 IR ASS WS Gls Gad Ge alll Gey t Us LOM 5 yet | lsd J Nop db ad play del he Juul uey “7 (Or eal La Ngan t pal Db Lala ae Ossdes Yop GIS 44 yp ASL GAS" ply Mole ail ghee al Igy dy 1 (yn 5 Bygee Vane Ga Te. Glad gas ( TAY Ge NEN) Go pl daaage Syed aby gael LISS ad ( WW gas VE gs Gilt gas chan gine ple Ye ye Sg Gee geal ( Vie ga 8 es Glad add ga ( av ) ‘) (‘) °) dale il gle ail Soucy pai” Gl Le Lie il gay Kite es -t ania) ld CAM 8 S512 al le Cie By phe Oe pln OM aie 58 a pal Ld by lad day oth YF Guile cal ake GS" SME aan Op aes Ges “P cyglnaill oba geal gly gar Lee Ge ieee Le ole) gl ole aogle ill Gina dil Uguy Ga Craw LY} disal Ys nbe od Si ol Les Gls Ge Aes al AB Syne ome Cet Usb Anas clay lay: i deny shady Sek dye do Ls lal Led il Oly IO egy AB Ga eget US 6 paul Wage cba eat of] Sol Rapp 8 gy tary UN okey sling ve neaill erat gly cael elaiils jg) DLA ue oL gM Ls pad Ses « Enea Loe V1 18 Cae SaaS DAY GES pa sala yeh Lele y BLA y a yeely Uns pall Spall oh gp Sy Le dS All i]s « Aa th Say bal ele al Ge Ga lle woIS gatas ghey SSE gh Aa ally de 4) She Ch A chsh ee ened Lat cs hgally otal 92 Clay La be dS chy 8 lsd ay bebsy GBR Ge DEY Gay Regbal Lyggst al Gabel cibtalls 4ilia dl otal go path Gf ee epee aaa elalill Go al Ui aly «ells hams all gel) Vigg che "2 aad UE Gl Gale Cal Css. Gl) Guntine Lh pea Mall gh pk pep es Lal cle Lekll gag a I)" oy 48 Gal epg dS ue 8 Aillke cs ale cl YI BgOLAY ee pt SoM gw LLL) alla of Jill USe alld Ges jos (ISAM) ye Dey dS ye Gala sland J jaa j] Ons cull Mabel VW Ga Te dhe ge ae cle (1) WH Gas eg dean gael (1) YT ye Oe Glug ged (T) aA lena gh DUS Gye AIS Abas Kagy Ap OLAY! Aall Cl jeiall go 2 phe JS B ylaally Ladlly A858. 5N) hee gd Aealdy chy H oye Yall Aa Oi joa Jothall ye Saad cy Mi Glgh ype a Aull Lg Glad adh ba ADL) day pill ala Yes alldy ol gall gb Glas jyad all CG gaiall y + goal Gall 2 La SS Me OLY) dyecatll JS fb SLA GU Sal aol aS Gi all ae Gages gi Alles iS Lie Ay alain) GIS -cuabaall op alslaty Ajo Qlay Lal p ghia ses aM Ga} te AST ill Ge AM cypebuall isi ale By TAY Gaga yen LAI Aylacall ys Be gage dlls of LS -Leauisty Sx LS) jig Y US rgb Cas GL ill pealaial ge Yaad anf Gass slg Les Jandy Lew Jay Uglains chy Cyan le 9 SI) CT al ea gd BAN git gl ge cats ol Se Yo TA SS cys OLY! SJE Ge SN peal ct wes sty SN ld ols co} Ahly esd ces ¢ cba! iS Gs Get Se GLa! she ie + algal alah Le aS) Tall qe gl Gaabaa Bd 8G lal gal soy of Gall Ses CH ald Gull yo al aatly ob Ut AI Sy ¢ Sanh Jud olall d . © Gaskell Ga git Loaldas Gu sdill gb Lela Leds 4 dep Loe CALAN alliua y al filly cyyedesall Gay Dually DLall ule Spurl asay © le Sy ¢ senall JS ley GV Ugall US 5 gab Ate dew Tall alsal y As GL S" GUE pull BR ge He aN pan Litle Otago] 2M Sia yeage goons sal ely ake (1) aa gH ollacl Lee Cuile J&L: Qteall Dla Saal Jee Ge aan GLa ol © spss gels OLD guaslidl Gae gh aa « oAlih 3 ails eae Les aul] ee 2 US col 0 BY hey ga al Nye jy A pL ALAS ag) hey Ya Se Gg Say Lente nil blll Cy pee 1 jal Scag) GLA Cog SIS 8 Lay aul Say DS Gf gL GTi of . Py AS AB ihe SLM, Clie Qa Nyele Colll Gack! Gu Cal ali soak ial Ga Ld pal Gb Ge bt alias Gal jel ld) Gt Sst gals Gp pad agh Cus gly cual LS Yo Gabally slall land ¢ cel ab bose Tall Ssh ll oan peilny OLY! Ui aetle coy quill » Les dual Cols gd Sisis LS US Gud! le glall 52 of Jail Ses pS pb 5 NN peli 2d A gap lly Wl ghally Silly Sandell Late AS le the CL Colyall ul ye USI IS Sy. Ctiae GY Apel Yo line oe AIS Sy ele GUA at Gf alall Gils qe 4d LI Bang Ga Es gle Bléall ge yall alle 8 Gadd leas yy of db omade ~ Ast Glu! eda ay Sly Rk Glo gall a 3 aS Cla ol ot aly GE a Alan gl al pl Glad LS cuclanall 4 Sal gal gi cells Cla) gd Gays A ABA) Ga Sell Ga ery QOL! cll LS Ways She Hee Ghee Uipy GS A led oe bd os dl Se ee oS) all J cle ast ge. Migs pt Sd SI yet \, velgdl Gall Ulan, 48 ype 23 ly ls ye SSI 2 SMI dal gilgli labde ~yLyai ay Layala che clawll yo jul dll ts fh > ee al 8 Lill yg wig at —ptilytg Lill gp tabs jong poy meen d JLo say OE alg ghd plaslls lonalll Aas Das DSL, patie gs aaelh ce SI LY! oble la 8 2 SN) gle Gals 48 Gales Y US g sill San. Oe Can LE Lane ees (BY cf Desde Sieg Ca pal) one ant de hay Bangs Ud ly de alls aos cushy Ade) ALS 8 dea Bas pe gall" Call” Qazagall 1d Gd SY ol SLE a ol ly oath Leal act a cual" JSS Lely HL eal ly 3 ypeall Ge Gstall o Sal sak (a DY qui dl gill Sachs oaks gil gael eall oa Let) as of LS. sptal alld 4 lla) 59 cd Le 8G gl all Gesell Gas Ons cag 8 GLY gl gl Ota Sosy go AN e jell oa ool 2H Sal le 5 ppl ull 3S 0 Ud © AN) old Gad LES Aabicall alla jas pol Leginyy wllall ae ils ca ay nettle 8 52 sl) leat dmetay od LS yoy Leben ss Os! ab Sissy sual Glee LI 5 ist GN) cya MLSs He pape Spall Aaa Bil didiny gual ya baad Sit Oye SI) GAY) Oss gis" las Asay GLB 8 es penal Gog sill ag 6 Os) s ley BIS le Aa al LEU g sthey uly JL! Leg MV Gf US ¢ Byale JSty OLY! pa LTS ye qual gs HOE Gd Clall Ae SG SU Als Gale 1S) oS yt al ge sl adyal’ ai gh Gises Lil gi its." badly all + papal ld A YA= TW uf. O) YM oe ee ae eS al ele ab ame () + gilt) Jubal! dig pa tps Lisl pa ape Lids Qa a Qa aL gi) + NLS abl IE OVC Bg eaday pl eayasal Leal pany gf Lene lll sla itty cy pills ¢ gles oStL 4 pide Aled) Clad joped UY oka Gd clay Adina) Allad GI lV) paseill alld (8 Coeanl Hb agtll alld ge Guat cei GL SUL 5 yee tL al Gf Cue aI ale Gy Le als jyoill Cab Saya Cys alall asl Le Vay chod Led ce clad oshei Gilly sal ell a) gl Ge JAN Leas gles aa ge lg Ge GSE Clbaalls lad ol + chal es saee col} se DG J Gl} Gaall aj LS dip lal 3c gual cd lad LS AB BS US jal Gee i ail sy DULY alld Sb AN, © Agee Clie cys Nad AAAN Gye SLS po gag gle S55 Lal ds DULY ally 8S Ys "Ga! ce et Sy Ou Ads Hye Gael Lees ghey ol clei) ch Ss pel fb add oe lo data o gi gh Gp gill lal! cel Lec ase ald Laaey A oy oy of GY Lalla) ull (8 ill Gast 3 lly La Mh pall gall gall ge Dead SUA as of Sa 3 Bygeall lle) GaLeull Leas i of Sey Maple!) aabts G3 DUB Glad ye dangle 5 I Lyd danzy SUsSlly cual! LaDy At] deh dads. Sy gene UT J ty) ("SUA g da yan call 2 aX) lal) apes LegutilLe tale ayy i Jie pally aslgaull oi dll: ths i) J Laisa th se Se Glide tabs tabs; pa alana His O) AIT a ble Cae DY! ull pele bh ae (1) TYR Ge Sle gee aN all wate abbas (1) se aypil IL Qa yi Qe got Es dat ol oy efins Ls al ALS gael Ball Wad 35 Ablall OUal) 5p ynal Able #5 po ‘eal Leg cles gee ype Cell canills all aly glial eo Glas sQeatill yell ye de glite ofS AU ge lanl Gab ysl pe Oe de game ens « lyat Sats Ga Nig Ci geull 59) ail 413 Ge gs ails ail jay al USLML" yall palie " glataly © Soars Clas Lye shy Glu panes eas oMYLegg Logi gt Aad aio @ 98d Nad seal che ail oop eal easy Lgl j 4b Lalas Gg pad SIS y Bal } jy pel lb La asics els SLA Ged of gs lds pee NG Ca) Ge By glad Lee . yadll ail, “abs toghidl gt bl Ge osll ay Cat Cait BY) gf Abad Say AS pie OK gly 88 Gb egen opten al 4 Claas ol) Atl tal iS ol Sell Ge US aE aldl sail st Ge ash alls ae 5d gt gle og" Ag Alas ail Aady gill GAY! alld Jey elas! elas} «Uedjals Lei bl US ge poll Cats Uleally deg le Gt ype JAS" palin y Gee Ge SAS Lyd est pepecll le cl all U* aud ab ely iily sae Calg. al LA USS) ob by. Bil St Giele lly SUS eel! Ay odie gl tales Sans J MN Sha Go LS prolially sill gt | ETE y G8 GalBall Ga JS gd patie aad go" ail” lls” aul’ Lice 92S SLi gd cals ee Ld GLY! allt ie J Gall ses agenall gle ale aa ls OLY! cal ats fb Cage oS Lah altel aw «Lead Ae gary ASAI apeall (gle USIy i gS real. osaam (1) NVA ile Oa 4 gD cal gla bb awe (1) ver aa lball Cireid ebb ily Sa sept SG © vce Dbat) Sil) (gb 5 jigall pala © vqDlas) Sit) Gatluad © vg! Gilly SGN O vA! Gall 8 4 ail © + «ge Sha Yl Sadat ety ah BS GOL dysell SSS Ge Lage Be GODLY! Sa Sy Be gene le al 8 Lat OLY) ual ge Gill glial) jaial sO Ge oy asl all salud! BOL) gall ad ee ail gd Cuclhy gush rage 9S LOLLY! Silly Ys guy Sal USD Gash ll aaadll gf Y) -Aalide Cagaty Gil pleas [gSlSial y Leal a) aati LYN US ge gk (osa chad a) Ql) poled hs Lgl US G8 4G Aisa SS gl eau Lee hilall dG pl soe JY GeDedl Gila) ell — gS el ed open Isis - oly DUAL el V1 A5ell alld oS OLY! hg eee gl egy Fall CI pact jute 1 SE LOLLY Sill hey areal Geng Ally Anda! lee els Gb pay dlen Les caball Galle OS 3 op lel IS Ally «Sal ls Lge Gas) gi Gatlndlly paledl dies vo ygliig ADUat y 4 9s 2 cgASMa Rl SAN! 23 pith abel! rolls plasl BE GY) POLY! Sal 4 Gh A liad qua Se Adal) Ayedbuty) jalaall -1 DLL Sa Lee 6 A jas al Qype) ally QS oT all dhe Ray AD ie pods Ailes al lias 9S Lal 4,gal al all DY Leg Gas oly Das Ge ged OLY! SGI cw SS Gd LAT neal! aS olall aes Gey hy pee OS Ad A cB yep sally «Gaal Go 98ST yeaa al FLD Age cay ome ly Gels cle ell gale So pt A uate Las cegS Noe Ail) Seed Le US gb AE Genes SG le Qyelesall SI) GI all Gas saglys Ge galall Lunally caguitl alld Ga Ly JLo sesl Laity Qualys Lp Lory ail na Rants By) tle pot LZ trys oh sLgall Lull pte voy La dea Lal pAhg in ig Lang ay Caled Al Lota y yin IL) 2 gles SC sgy Laity Lia Dibew Mal Ln 8 ab Le Lig pails leeuill 5 gui sp Laity OG LIL line ety AF cas cals Ghul JSG) Gle Ce Gil of Head Sars ce bbe SiS ES Uguaall J Leann GLasQ (Sey AS pas elatl Gl ala USAy as sae 09 Sil IS eal 388 Gucbudl co) Ls hy cates ll ail sth Jans od A Cyl og gine C8) Ga Lledo JIS Gall oJ Deutsch » 8 ely l cypeteeall @8y ST a Qilany 2-6) Lasky eal Lalo Go asserts Lally a_Lalal yale y ccuiflall pple Igals Adpedly clall Iyaady AsSall PLS ce Lae col pall cle GBM tlle cone coal of eld! cy lilly G65 LAS eISBN ge SEY Gf Lp toy Hedy Chaat) Auda Lagi) gl} hei AGL yg ad Cabs all o gll (La! SG gS gf dled Ul GS sell Aaya) Aad) gfe DEY, LagNl He acine lu} JG abe) le Uysal Giall Ghee Sy peed ya) ASL Lynam aces eal Gl POLST SL Gis Lee cells est oT hays Ls gall hail! ap sl Miguee ye dle ADL Gs SSE 8 Case eal pale Ge Aide oy By ADL AUpall ol gf oe odes (sy gaily GT all Lgaked 26 CT all ula Gay BBA gary Lil @ 8 4 wale Daye (1) ya) Sige tae () ONAN cig Kg A gt al Han fo Ely lie DL SY MMSharif (¥ ) Toe DoF ya tg ef Lae spe sal AU! aw se op eel (4) eb eB Ae ye gil Sil) Uadhe (Say Guan Ibe Gf GSS ey STA Nyala tah SUE GT Gyula lane Gl) Laie: set ccualeal oes baa 1 Bly I paled halSy oly Lely costing) Tall 15) Bl el ib als sels BLS, a) AN 5 Alba) al AVMs gi ast daly gat Ls WAY dis ce J pas uate ce JEM gladly ala! DUS Gyo Sill Aya gle Cans ll A il aalaY) cod by Goal le Gy als Sal ya MLL JY BI UB Ga ped doy cle Meal dal abs Gi Bb a5 eke Ok) SE Uli asa Ally Tall peed alts Aagke 4,014 sjlas elt AN) okay) yal) od cg (Al Adley Guill - 1 spay Oly A pul Bay ae Geebeall Guaes Cup aL! 8) call Sexy platy) alls GLE gga dla Ald LOWY! LSA 1) US) aylacall Chass aeolie Cy Gide SIE dada! ge 4 ws! Bye pels all Y) ones od politic Uke Qgitl Laake lan 3h5 Guede) yyy GUDGSY » GOLLY! LgSly ell cal oe gle gal ll AMMAN age f SUDAN Gs cial y sapolic Bh coy gh lei ye Lye Gad Lal 4G ala Sab Gly gyal ods Gf yh) 488 God la) GL ccyee GS ola By oad GS A @ all Ee gl gle Gals MA yaa joel Ss Lents Qpally He pals glial) gl) Gall Ge pill OLY! Sa sus ad Uy JAY GODLY! ol DIS al hilly Gall ull JS cud fad Gay oy Cae LS Hes WD Ln lee J p00 i did ules Us cull Jl, agill LAI o> cece Ls GY! HB pass ob Ls Sy Apsally Sal al Gap pata OS Su Gy Wd cut Sy UY gat g Slee galome (1) cle ally Atie AL, Anaya Ge cleat) Gay dle as OUST ole Sila) ode jury Aid Jal Cabal alde ge Gilat gb Gal patall Aestell OY raga ll ga byl sAydlay) Algal) qa GlSs Gall Gigedll CULE Gay 1 hs Ba, Agl) Gi jlas Wb ois coal J atbla d SLY! dao FUE Gi gs Ope A Lapel Alay yt Jal eal Ye Obed! GSE Cals Gye! glo QA) glaldl oll of Lays A. dLAY) Asal als ue cf Cele! pails 6 juctall ALDLAY) Ayla tae Glee Ud Llae ples Spal Ally glaldl AE ABT Gey il gills Glad Go ASI Sa eal) Ugly Upingla Losey Ap DLAY! de giall Gane SA ol 8) gh ogo DLA) gf b> cy All claldl alls elif Ge ESI OS Sy Gas Can jaill Goyall JSG saial gee b25)y OS dl ples bee GOL Ay) 6 Lec cl) ise ily giles My gall Sad GUY Ge Se pp ed LA yyy Alans Cu Feel ell Ujla pL JS SE A HS lala) 3 Sp eatally Kasei) SAME) Gales pl LOLY! acinall of Bedtall Ue og Si May Dalal LOLS geiall oe Gerke Y af Lalla Sa) tiles Gf poe A bale QOL! Sa oly BgeN 5 Gaia! US ala) dale Ga ill linn un pLoLals LL plall bgal LY shes SE LAY! ease gil alas) ls A Beg By (OC Labi al nase pLaaal sb Lyi best Libs gat aLalaas gual, “asi YI) gsel Vs ue oe Boy" LS cepa play SLM Co jl) Coy) ye gaanall ald Gaba all Ge ce J salidh B Gpaene (ylang PLY! Ls ob Gl jLaall ols al os ob caletal atAY) Ald (28 Ley DU als Gd gale! ass Al aja DS AYE ga BN EY ky ell AED 2S pee lt? osket ()) Joba ae (1) spall OLY! goles eld Lead Vyenle guilly cagiila le 1g cull! Ligde gyeiL al Labgly lj etal) LG chee aby LY) ge Gunlis al Vge pk a A ei) Gilasnall ee Galt ly} Si JSS J Lala wlgids gual Gle Gay OLY! 1 aba! all yallead Lab) Agiaage OS 5 de all lly las SI glans gle OLY! SI Si» Losi ¢ SS) le Gal GDS ge gt als OLY) See ety Ling AlN MRSA Jp Gull ye IES GEES CS (ply Ailaall 4y Sa vagaue Gob GY paedl Ghe J ally le ugh) Giléalle BAS opel Lee ges Go AY! Aaa Ge bay” LOLY! iS of Masa ga gay LEIS 5 allt y 2 pe US Gi asasll Ia ee ee Asai) gly Ala Gus @ Jalle isles aay a sn Leal gly Ua gus jer QOL! Sal andl 1Say pal alle Gd dig Aj) geal hy VS) OLS! gb ist Gan yale LES clgle ass Sal Sales a LOL) Sal Gd Un Se ype A gol Ty Bl Sh Sy Ley Guba y Lganal Sap Rael Habe Cag ld dans al Len Lasik pLesigla) stick JS 3 ES Cl ge gb gall sll sal Has le CG asbake gl sll > rods JEG wescaly oF Aa gy Hil LS? OLY! AS SLI Gacy BLAS pe Ls Cass ye Aang Ghaally ae a aad Si Ge le AY ye be gee Day! oil pele abba (1) cay (gl ppenctlld cola) gail sll SVL, ciiuudl agp sll GIS Le pz gall Sst 8 galt) Gstaad LG OY lg Gl Gay 4 shal Ly nag + Jalsa GLY! ella Go Jo yeh GS, Gaeaty LAYS ete dae S Ge dens POLLY! Slo LalSitly Leaf aiat! all Sill gd Gs EA Gl ce alll Lead Se Y Saas cal Sey AV) dlp ope A SVL) US Gu cep la) Me ella J ie: AN gills AA, old SS aly call ce asl ead (Sy Dd ¢ -DLAY 3S cass cen: VS! aly Gl al Hb eas Gil Ld deepal gad and Gl 5 Sipe age cll ad Leal oes gil Ga Lace LOLA! Sal MENA Ges gd Halide StL, aul} ogezy Sal alld die Gb Ope cs als i A Gb AVL pa pats Gy] ge 9G LOLA! Sa Si ge ds Late nh 8 Ga af US leas Lola LS od sed lel 8 aS cpt alas) Lao ges 288 Gg OBI Ge Gly ol esta O 3h asl ge ant Sy gills 48 Lt gil aL ae Gilsie OLY SA Ayal wall ely geal Jules Y lad Syed GN patty OLA! SA gly Sap) Jyeetll Di Ge Lila oun Salad Gilaal 8 Se 8 de OSs aly dls A Gal tase Gelayl sll Get Sal LS GY a) LS SL cat gS Gye be Cinna ally Leos A CYL! Gel 96 sd LD YI gop Dae GL) OLN 6 pd the ene (1) NE ge cast (ANAT) +) (EY Ga AV EA Syed fa aye AB OLY pel Clase Gb ge (1) Ve sh athe] By co sleoj) oper 4d sl Gp ol Gall ata (OLY! Ayeldll ods SLY! A aille Sp eagh Uglaey ay yatll gle ackey POLY! Sl Ge ya ole dlls aLical 3 Lay! Gal of de cla ale we Gal sl 952 sl Gbly ol go) POLY Sal Aalall Lead) fall ke Uy ay aid? a ail le aces coli aos gi) GulsS Elid Lal gay ylaall pal Gb dud gins OWN aap AOU abel) nally acs type Sa) Ligh deny 88 GB ye By cy pates Binks 9G OLY Sal ol ey gal ad os cl J SIM le USTs DU! ol LY SL eel Sk ALAN BELLY Age 8 play Np LAS 4 Spay easly cel lal agatha ci glial! Gully pad Sal Ihe elad dikes! cogp.gll 355) GAD Gest) GA Gl) Alsnes Geel Got! ose sll Go oe CO geal) lady eal que gi db Jail Ike GIS ds sgt Shah Sally pS ots ad US yy Cl jal) SADE Ge jolt Mel 1S ja Sail oes df gee gg Sass a LL ally ASI eal yl a LAL Le Cy Blase OSs of glial ald JSG cle OLY! Sally es al ge yp Bs es al bal gall gal) | jlaal) Gye Ae game Ow Alle ails LIS Ale} 8 leelys GE A esl sal ogy QOL! calls ledge Le JS gs Jeli Getbsa Ja ase Cts gall GALA pelall She cls hs Gl jes etn gl AAN gly ABD Joy gpl Sl fly Hp Lead Jyh age dT SE (1) Woo Ghd go pall apnee di SLE (7) Wy Josey hb IS 8 ge pall JU! y Je sill 4 i Wlbel oj) fey oe USE OLY! «all 4a) Ug Ge AS fest 13 SuLi 1S OLY! Sy) at pane Ash La Gyan y SA NB 528 Gh pee aly euly lay Jp sel yes 28 Ge ROLY) Dud clad quae Ge eles asad cyeladll 9 Cpe Glelen OLY! Gat cI OLY! will Gols sal LS OLY! cil of Lacs Woy ey aoe sill cf iS. head call Gane JSG wy USNS Add OLY Om dba Sa 20h dU gt cca Lede lb il Allen Losi, Guadll (Se Vy (OLY) Sal GLSe ah ga OLY! call ol GN call a Lal ots Ley ASI ge Be ae Lele IS I hel le SH) Le dae pty a ate JS agp gd Aa Y) Gilad! gb sens oll SS oki aay cg dS 3 td g SA ls pls Cine lie cual Lal Geol OLY! A yall aid ake Ugly 8 Cilays sill Gosh LOWY! Sl ele) ua flee Ls yy base 18 cad OLY! sill tle eld gill Salo} ee LS OL SG a bese ee sl BS ay et Js ex Biss) alk Lan olbac! Len AIS g A385 le Cibee Ay slau pills orhe a pees aby Aoual sl dLulsl asi oy gill LOWY! cil! Ll bose Lense) GES cil Maal DLAI Goole Ub) ce Aa tall AL) cla ete ll Aas LBLall Gane aye gd ale Lee i bocld Lge dead Y Ghul OLY) day ll Ge ll POLY! LS eo Chl ceil Lele glnalls Gaal os uaa NY DY! Silly Gill Gy Dealt! le UYe DY geal pt le 1S OLY! Cll a gill Jena Aisle call cp 98S) Ide gaged SLE 3S) By .ABLAD ulls is aay sash palen Lee WNe ga Vee) ple Vly Maal fo HB fo Me ges hie (1) vy AS Gunna! Gam gal gle cold S QOL! call ol 68 St jpall Og DY) global ga gall les i | plac cps gyal pall WY he ge Anil 9 6 BLA A gf ale Lybae Hay AEN py ally Ge De Ga Lane GIS Uaball cos oly Hols Lad oat Aso s Allen aT a pt) petal JBL tt is aga.y Gane Lead OS Sy sling ue ph) gan peaill Ghsl 9S ge gil I Lee pall ALL Oaee das go peed a JALAL oy fll gy pally yet) bli glace) ADE ye cla Ml GLb ob A LT YY OLY col A sa qilall all he Cals fs Sl le AN Kall Of Ue Ley OLY cll juey Suet Sy Y bas Gn ce TS aga Ley ently le USE QOL ISH ao AL al OLY a6 linus cele Ul VY] Ga jlaally Gill elias 4458 5lly Gaal! balls gil alls sgn Sal anil 52 5 BS pty Lapeaey QOL! cally Sal ol sil 4d eats Vlas alle Gf LS ata eal) pel ieall Uda by LN! cull gb Apenills Sel As eas Salud AE US Lpecly pauls ail Lea y Cl ull gb cats y sha Tally (ype Land cob asbl nl olla a8 8 be osaits pele Les ae LMT gb Lespaacing oly My Sell GIS Asad aad OI gle gsi C4 sols anes GY oS al eal ede bl al sad of Yay DLS a Lydd ba 8) oS pla chal glad Jy OLY! oll Baad ejslas gh Adasd Uylas Y Lyne Leena Le tll ool gels pote] WS (gd G 5A Auaaill 5 Syl GAN ot Ge Gyyaludl yaleial Bs wall 3 ‘ 3 La ga heed gy GSS aD aly Sia a pl Apne y Dhl all gaa SLE (1) wr Ges Lead Gall aye gill — Lalla LOL USUI oy gill gieall Ga ccna) pOLY! Silly call Guy ll gals Galas cL NI Hilly ual cass eer gall gs OLY! Sill go! Gold! ny ea Vy Leigh A CML lel gb gull Gel je ADE Ge call qual SY penal) GY culled! oda Ce deny of glbsal Le bys | si alla of ll Sy OLY) calll Vy hh yale olale ayay oo] td Y Ay Kel y Aull Bly ahead) Gall aleay GIS gi POLY LSI G) CHB Oy «lies gale Lea tle St OLY! Guill Las yo GIS gull Lee I cli] ADA Ue Dabs Ap gall Ue Led oS Cally call alls Ge @ 8d All Slee dee vale Ble eebaSy (2S LAY a Mill pe Cea Ls hk ol aoa Gans Ge Ue unl! uit Cite Udy Oh OL Sl oo Gay Aly QOL! Guill gd a cle 2 gta I Gall hy yal copes gt Gosh gle UYAS a yall LS le ga pall GIs) SS gins (tne aad appl LS Gy gil laa Fg oat! calall nal als Cases gle Gy Siac hula) apa.y ce ab stl Case apa Sah Gy sggay etl hab 15 pl Wee any cgill SOLAN! cll Lge AD gis CaS Leahy [jbice peal y Aine Gules Ialel POLY! call gd rlgde Sly DY! Ll ssl ads ISI dee Leah epeay Leal Ilene I aa Aibfas ey LOLA call Gf ce placa!) Gil) 3851 Cyn lla ogi cy AY GaSe in,t aaa 3 jut Sas 5 By JS, a lal) a bbe DIS Ge ¢ gh Anes gar ail Gh Feet ye yes Law eae GaglAl) od Gf LS AL OLAY! (galual 5 Sade es Aa FRO Gaile Qa NY! Gal BJ asin lad ect se (1) Ve LL LSS) SAD pall 2 Fe genes ile] fee Gy Gis SE cll LOLLY! Ge See Y geill plisll 4548 Ge Lae & je oe Led Conall LAY! DE Ge alge JLab! agin salads JS lleall atige Gl POLY! a pail!” rane I SS dt Sy ytleal) ue Chl Alle oi} chaysally Glas! eli) le 8 p8Led! ¢ hl OY sale acti aasie cur deny AY apa ol gag Y Gil atl yo les LOLLY! call vail say cca ASSN al pl GMS Lad Gail) Dylans 8 hay Lay eB thal § pals GLY pea y adil Geel (4 Ulalo Gilets ae Gut a) la leks Lee esl Uae lags sapently Mle ue 5 ASSN of le Stal peal! Gas ge LS ls hae al of Cas OLY! call Gg pa alll hl o ott Ug Hd 58 1p ALR «ss Lala Bly Gand ae allah Gay” Hegel Ca AW ab ote Yale Gull ach aa JE LS (5 yet led J nay GS galas EN yo gh J abl GIS sles Uslae of agi of plu!) chill sus BAS yal Lad al sla Gd ayy gil psi ce leg ow JES vie pt ALS gs Gebel pe Qe Ad Jy ADL. ce nn SS wall Giga aig had! call lie 4 obit lal 5 waa SLANT Gye Gap Lee shidall Us yyansy lenil y degell Os og ad die Y cq_luall Gull Glecl 8 Sey gill cll) clea! at Apulie Abas gu yeill EBs Slane go degall Jad ail le GOLLY call sa ig casigl Slag pail gl pe J ans al Anal ci ll Aged Lal ll NY ga eng e ahaa ud Spel ape Sh 82 (1) wR ga dhe Gee Bua nee gle (1) SEW ya.) 5 Keane pte ab LAD Bas cana Gay gyal eS ool (1) yye cB Ay BSI SL lal) y Walrad solidly lial) Le ats all LOWY! els 8 OL AY! pill Case Lys ghd Ally hall glsl ats Asi Oath eats GB elt ok OS a all oy LA Late lal Gall Angle CS y oakinn Gigs uj) hy llesll yuri Jyle Lely Sa) J Yue] Se Y 5 Ss dy pes bys al Bh 4 es lh Beat 155) Boy OSs cpllanll 9 pach gb Lyne Lele dee Lee eked Lea yaya 2 ele JAN Ginny Gi gs ED Ge pala EBS ye pad Glial) ach) Bd hay GIS A sul) ge Gute cop Sig Lge asl, cLaly Lipa Suis AUN th daggal aakte SIAN 558 ged patg ed Alle!) andl pol ally dl thy SIU gle tyme) cs Gil 5 eal Jia Gal of eau Gy laa gey 2285 Gl baal, elt! alee glill GES ob «oS ausgy Gagged puolic: J sly GIS ecb) ayes lal opty US ALE Sa ee 5 tate clin gd Ue Leelee DSN a LAS AST ol gus Lys alld SG woah Ha pie Leel Gad les Vist GSd Gesell Lacan ge Alt (all pen Bye july AA ype Aisha GS 3M 8) Aehlls 3 tlie Ae : eaarigl y Ld SS (A tesa) Gans USes La se ly OLY! call 4 sail ol Ce CM Legh Anguall gl) alasdd lull (9) Sy cplicall Guid Gf oto pee ul jay ald aladll gliill gf a dale SE Say Ley .{galgall oll atl le glee Ne a JT CusSal 1B Led ang By clgliSah Gaey agli all deglall Acts Ch jae Gye AIS Lad tly pete Ad IS LU Led n'y LS | OLY al 1() ei ISA) Sane Ah VV8gge 1996 SSD ple i ALD AS od pl a apeme (1) Vy tsa Sega DI lg fal tne ha (¥) van / ())) ao cse ADS Ge Ls gil Sal Gee Ge Uy JOLY! call fb poy pill ot flea. GOLAN gall ge ou le Oo Se vw cae Ht ee A a3 aye) le gia Gilly allay GS aly Gs BS i Gially vil we et tes yp iat AS np Uh Dll absald AS GY Habeas Lael yy Lag GUS Ga: Lad 29 lane aa GY On 88 Y Agla GOLY! 4 ill pbk Lee yey lined gli ¢ Ustad all Ayah! cl Sh US gas JS abl a LOLLY oval cal ob d& ose Y 4) YY gave hs Sp GS Lely scala LIS Apel poll aes al J stl vg DL aye lee A pee ale] pes did Gals Sap tgalege Ga Sey 4S Aaglall US aly Y POLLY! gall” teat see Sah Lege Gig Sl Sang Kenge es Legal) Let ll dal alls «(1 OLY! pace LS Jane ANY} ay paill elas is a OLA! call cl Cua. iby Lia) jl tall ¢ htt 3 Aaa GobIL Lie all Sal Gs ual tgalys Ge gall le 3 alll 5 aS) SULGY ay palo dah GS gh -auyl Ge AN Aaa Sal ey pais CllSs ES all Ge ad US Quy! cal Quel Gel 8 ¢ pay Liles USS eal A tbealls alll tgsleall go GEE pec ctl Gua Grob Bee Fe 8S ce sabe Ge Ge DL! cg geal y SLitly pilalls Gla ve SN) ilies Alea) a5 > datas tyne Gulty Y Qudeadll lb ye Gill jal old galley SgLuulil tyke) GY al dee Sean Gla gaye Ulead yy ge Se Ale litte Ge aa pluadll Ghall 4u5 SSE (I) Alea Leng gS Kala yp BJS LS DLA Adal sla Ua ye LY 0 goa ecbdad gaye stan Jal (1) SEYYD NASR. Islamic Art and spirituality, New York: State University of New York (¥) Press, Y8AY, P. A. \VA wil JS LLY gsi Shans teal pA USA Gat Oe Amat cect Sa aay leg plenall gli 45) SH Gul 5 sla SAD er agp GSS Kail alec! eh ol Gay Aloe On OLA cgi) yertally lle ls Gs Leb tale 525 a ia gl es eS oe GY spall ILS Gye Lad AY plied! SUS GG (AI) Ay ginall GIB) pall Gh Cue OLY! eB cel Sy 5S 6 1 an Le bog sles Bb Ged ems bee peel Fille $y pea alia Gu fi iy apludll 3 a peill padtuld Solel) osud whe ia cab JN} add yee ad gas atl LAN! ) plu! Gli 4. old astths GLa a gs oh yo oladl digs gia) a) SSS OS Oj jel Usa agege US of Cus SU) lial) gb gest Fane cl) apy oat ga cll Blais ay S ghill JS Go GAM ull ys pets ail GIR Ge GIS gs LAY! yh NSS Legals pe Cans Gill aan ye ban any o ygty elldy ell LSI Ags CuLANI ge actly thee SSty Sagially Jeeta Caled! ld qlaadll gli ey LAY gall ee Ge gk Y Aa he ylll Gayla ae peill sa dally ee Le pha lull of” 48 Job LL) ola Hae dys gall clbe ay) algal alld 8 I OS eget sy al 5) Gyo WDURL gent a gate Ss A Mjlne gs gs 5 Sal cf alll cl] Alanal 4s gist pal lest allay sfgleall ues sh Allan ail Gl) Jel clay A gegedally gull sh ayaill el) Gb of 3Y gil Gil gt” aals Gb dls aves Y) glee Y gl congelalls quell ye VY) auadll US5 Miia I ay tt OSS US tl ool gap J Ge aN AS ola ye sap dite apg ae J ye De Ga a6 Bohl ol all od V6 (a sie aa ye seme Jal (1) Yet Go be gee ghSly Ail LLY cal GT Gla (1) ya ce eg J lle Gh spell clity gly! cl Gu pally GLOY! 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