


IPA guide

Other forms: bibs; bibbing; bibbed

A bib is a small piece of fabric that's tied under a baby's chin to keep food or milk from staining her clothes. If you feed a toddler without using a bib, you'll quickly learn how useful it can be.

A baby's bib is just one type — there is also the bib that makes up the top part of overalls or an apron, the section that covers the chest. Sometimes the corresponding part of a bird's body, a patch of color on the chest, is also called a bib. The word stems from the now-obsolete verb bibben, "to drink," which is thought to be imitative of the sound your lips make as they sip liquid.

Definitions of bib
  1. noun
    a napkin tied under the chin of a child while eating
    see moresee less
    type of:
    napkin, serviette, table napkin
    a small piece of table linen that is used to wipe the mouth and to cover the lap in order to protect clothing
  2. noun
    top part of an apron; covering the chest
    see moresee less
    type of:
    piece of cloth, piece of material
    a separate part consisting of fabric
  3. verb
    drink moderately but regularly
    synonyms: tipple
    see moresee less
    type of:
    booze, drink, fuddle
    consume alcohol




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