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Missionaries serving around
the world

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Daniel & Kathy Petersen
Dan and Kathy have served as a chaplain and counselor in Francophone Africa and now live in Illinois. Kathy continues to work in missionary...
John and Barbara Heins
Africa, Americas
John and Barb worked for over fifteen years in Mozambique. During that time they trained a team of Sena speakers who have since completed the...
Daniel & Melinda Moury
Dan and Melinda have been ministering out of the Wycliffe USA headquarters in Orlando, FL since 2011. Dan serves as the senior videographer and...
Dave and Sunny Barnum
Dave & Sunny Barnum have been using their talents to serve the Bible translation movement for 10 years. Dave is serving in the Technology...
Daniel & Arlene Bauman
Dan and Arlene served in Papua New Guinea (PNG) since 1990 and now work remotely from the US. Dan provides IT support, readies scripture recordings...
Daniel & Rachel Lewis
Welcome to Dan, Rachel, Timothy, and Kara's journey with Wycliffe! Their journey began in 2016 when God revealed to them that they could use...
Brian and Shirley Migliazza
Brian and Shirley have served with Wycliffe since 1987. They were based in Thailand for fifteen years, working in various roles advancing Bible...
Stan and Patty Gibson
Stan and Patty are serving as translators with the Bwaidoka people of Papua New Guinea. They are very happy to be partnering with God in...
Jonathan and Jenny Fix
The Fixes’ desire and call is to eradicate the Bible-less community. To work toward this goal, Jonathan and Jenny joined Wycliffe in 2013. They...
Southeast woman wearing a purple shirt
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